How not to get fat during pregnancy? Everything is under control, or how not to gain extra pounds during pregnancy

Doctors in the recommendations of the expectant mother often say that she should eat for two. However, this phrase can be extremely misunderstood, and after childbirth, a woman will begin to look for a way to remove overweight. How not to gain during pregnancy excess weight, without infringing on yourself in the food necessary for the baby and without suffering severe hunger?

Why is overweight during pregnancy

Some expectant mothers have no risk of getting better - toxicosis and preeclampsia cut off any thoughts about food, or their appetite simply disappears. However, there are few such women, because hormonal background, which varies greatly during pregnancy, tends to provoke cravings for constant absorption of food. They rarely control it, believing that everything goes to the development of the fetus, the body asks only for what is important to it. As a result, it’s easy to get better, but it’s almost impossible to lose what you’ve gained after giving birth.

It is easy to figure out how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy - you need to adjust your diet. However, there may be factors beyond your control that provoke a change in body weight:

  • genetic predisposition to completeness. A woman will get better during pregnancy, no matter what actions she takes.
  • large fruit. It affects only the weight and volume of the abdomen.
  • Accumulation of fluid in tissues. A woman can swell even on early term, although this situation often occurs closer to the day of delivery.
  • An increase in the volume of water in which the fetus is located, by recent weeks pregnancy.
  • Age affects the tendency to gain weight.

How Much Can You Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain occurs because the fetus grows and becomes heavier. Weight changes even in asthenic future mother. However, not all women understand which numbers for pregnancy are considered the norm, and which should make you wary and reconsider your diet. To control changes in the body, you need to know the following things:

  • The natural increase during pregnancy with one child is in the range of 8-14 kg. If you are expecting twins, the weight corridor shifts to 15-21 kg.
  • If you start to recover too quickly and more than normal, and this is not related to nutrition, you need to urgently see a doctor.

Weight changes occur very smoothly, especially towards the end of pregnancy, and are determined by the period:

  • The first trimester - a woman is able to recover by 0.5-2 kg.
  • For the second trimester of pregnancy, each week will bring an increase - 250 g.
  • The last trimester is characterized by a daily increase of 50 g.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy - nutrition rules

Classic scheme preservation of the beautiful harmonious figure consists of a healthy diet and physical activity. The allowable daily calorie intake increases: a future mother, even if she is afraid of gaining weight, needs to eat about 1800-2000 kcal. Any strict diets during pregnancy are immediately cut off: they can harm the baby due to vitamin deficiency. How not to get better during pregnancy? Observe these rules:

  • Have breakfast, even if you suffer from toxicosis / preeclampsia.
  • Monitor bowel function last trimester pregnancy.
  • Reduce the amount of salt in the diet - it can retain fluid, which will cause swelling.
  • Try to use "empty" carbohydrates less often - during pregnancy they are not necessary, and they will negatively affect the figure.
  • Take care of a balanced diet: if the products contain all needed by the body substances, cravings for unhealthy foods (fried potatoes and others) will disappear.

What can pregnant women eat - allowed and prohibited foods

There are no serious “no” from doctors for expectant mothers, except for alcohol, which is asked to be removed from the diet not for the sake of preserving the figure. Most of the food prohibitions are advisory in nature, but they can really help you understand how not to gain weight during pregnancy. The list looks like this:

Sample menu for a pregnant woman

Doctors say that if a person does not know how he will eat today, there is a high probability eating disorders. Think over your daily diet in advance. Special attention give snacks. If it is important for you to know how not to get overweight during pregnancy, try making a menu according to the following example:

How not to gain weight during pregnancy with exercise

Start a sports lifestyle if you have not previously made visits to Gym, undesirable. However, some share physical activity every expectant mother needs if her pregnancy is going well: it will not only save beautiful figure, but also facilitate the process of childbirth. For everyone who is interested in how not to gain weight unnecessarily during pregnancy, doctors advise:

  • Do exercises for the back muscles. The abdominal area should not be loaded, as this can provoke uterine hypertonicity. The lower back needs to be strengthened.
  • Walk. An hour and a half every day, and you will stop thinking about how not to get better during pregnancy, and toxicosis will pass.
  • Attend fitness, which keeps a woman in shape and prepares for childbirth.

The first tip from the pros is to record weight fluctuations. Do this daily so that after a month you can see clear dynamics. You will be able to keep a figure and notice possible pathologies at the beginning of pregnancy. If the risk of getting better comes from an emotional or hormonal increase in appetite, the following recommendations may help:

  1. Find yourself an exciting activity.
  2. Include sources of phosphorus and magnesium in your diet - pregnancy leads to a lack of these substances.
  3. Avoid depression: they provoke emotional hunger.

Video: how not to get fat during pregnancy and after childbirth

Being overweight and pregnant puts a lot of strain on cardiovascular system and the spine, so many women who are expecting a baby have hernias, heart problems, varicose veins and other problems. In addition, if a woman gets fat, not only her weight increases, but also the baby’s body weight, and giving birth big baby much more difficult. What does a future mother need to eat in order to control her weight and not get better? Is it possible to play sports and how safe is it?

Why do women get fat during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, all women gain weight. It increases naturally due to the preparation of the breast for feeding the baby, an increase in the amount of fluid in the body, an increase in the placenta and uterus, and the deposition of fat reserves. The amount of excess weight depends on the characteristics of the body, behavior and habits. The risk group is tall women, as well as those who previously faced the problem of edema formation.

In addition, pregnant women can get better for the following reasons:

  • the use of high-calorie foods;
  • increased appetite, night snacks;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • violations of the regime of the day and sleep.
  • fetal weight (3-4 kg);
  • amniotic fluid (up to 1 kg);
  • placenta (0.4–0.8 kg);
  • uterus (0.9 kg);
  • increase in blood volume (1.2 kg);
  • water in tissue cells (2.5 kg);
  • mammary glands (0.5 kg);
  • adipose tissue (2.7–4 kg).

All values ​​shown are approximate. As for fat reserves, they are created by the body to protect the child in case of malnutrition of the mother.

How not to gain excess weight during pregnancy?

It is impossible to avoid weight gain during pregnancy, but you can follow a number of rules so as not to gain excess:

Nutrition rules

Pregnancy is not a time for diets, but you should not relax too much by eating everything in a row. Get fat at malnutrition can be done in a couple of months, and it can be very difficult to cope with excess body weight after childbirth.

In order not to gain kilograms above the norm, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • Don't eat for two. Neither the child nor the pregnant woman needs extra calories - proteins and vitamins are important. Calories will be needed in the last 3 months, but even during this period they should be consumed only 200 more than normal.
  • Taking apples or drinking yogurt with you on the road - the appetite of the expectant mother is unpredictable.
  • Do not eat with a feeling of slight hunger that appears shortly after eating - it is better to drink a glass of compote, water or juice.
  • Replace harmful products useful. For example, instead of fried pork, cook stewed rabbit, instead of sweets, use dried or fresh fruits.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, which will prevent hunger.
  • Do simple meals boiled, stewed, and steamed. Fat secreted by meat, fish and added during frying increases the calorie content of food.

A properly designed menu allows you to eat a variety of foods rich in vitamins and count calories. Diet for different terms pregnancy will be slightly different.

Menu in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman should consume a lot of protein (the norm is 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight), which reduces the risk of developing pathologies, as well as foods containing calcium, fluorine, magnesium and vitamins. The menu should contain meat, eggs, watermelons, sauerkraut, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fish in limited quantity. Menu options for pregnancy in the first trimester are presented in the table:

mealMenu options
BreakfastOatmeal with milk, seasoned with butter
Milk jelly, sandwich with cheese
Protein omelet, cocoa
Cottage cheese casserole
Kefir and pancakes with oatmeal
SnackFresh apple and pumpkin salad
Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream
Beet puree or salad
Cheesecakes with sour cream
Kefir with a slice of bread
Dinnerspinach soup
Goulash and carrot salad
Soup with chicken or beef broth, salad with beans
Braised chicken liver, chicken broth with dumplings
Soup with fish meatballs
afternoon teaBiscuits and 200 ml of kefir
handful of dried fruit
Baked apples
Cottage cheese with sour cream
Berry mousse
DinnerRice with quail or chicken, cabbage salad
Stewed meat with barley porridge, tomato salad
Fish goulash with sauerkraut
Steamed chicken meatballs, tomato and celery salad
Braised rabbit and carrot casserole

With an average height and weight of up to 55 kg, the daily ration should deliver no more than 2300 kcal. In order not to gain weight, dinner should be no later than 6-7 pm.

Menu in the second trimester

Properly selected nutrition in the 2nd trimester will not allow a pregnant woman to gain weight. A woman needs to eat foods containing vitamin C and polyunsaturated fatty acids. During this period, the child needs a large amount of iron, calcium and beta-carotene. Menu options table:

BreakfastCarrot fritters with sour cream
Boiled rice with pumpkin
Curd with carrots
Barley porridge
2 boiled eggs and a tomato
Snackapple, kefir
Cottage cheese casserole
Cottage cheese seasoned with kefir
Biscuits with yogurt
Cheesecakes, yogurt
DinnerChicken soup
Soup in fish broth with rice, sauerkraut
Chicken with rice
Sorrel borscht, scrambled eggs
Ukha and stewed vegetable stew
afternoon teaDried fruits and rosehip decoction
Curd with orange slices
Biscuits and kefir
Carrot and apple salad
Compote and croutons
DinnerPiece of boiled beef, pumpkin fritters
Zucchini stuffed with chicken meat
Broccoli soup, baked fish fillet with beans
Zucchini pancakes, a piece of boiled chicken fillet
Rabbit meatballs, carrot salad

Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, a woman should limit her intake of cheese, offal and sweets. The daily energy requirement is about 3000 kcal.

3rd trimester

On recent months pregnant women need a diet to improve well-being. At this time, it is better for a woman not to eat foods rich in calcium and saturated with proteins. Approximate diet presented in the table:

BreakfastCheesecakes with a spoonful of sour cream
banana mousse
Cottage cheese with prunes
Omelette, kefir
Curd and apple
SnackPear puree, cheesecakes
Kefir and puff
Pancakes with oatmeal, kefir
Curd with dried fruits
Dinnercabbage, fish soufflé
Milk soup with dumplings
Soup with beans, vegetable stew
Potato casserole, beetroot
Vegetable broth, boiled beef
afternoon teaKissel with biscuits
Pancakes with sour cream
Oatmeal cookies, berry mousse
Dried fruits, rosehip tea
Biscuits, compote
DinnerBraised rabbit, rice
Sauerkraut, fish meatballs
Beef goulash, sauerkraut
Braised chicken
Pilaf with rabbit, cucumber and tomato salad

The daily volume of fluid consumed (together with soups and broths) should be no more than 1.5 liters. The amount of salt in food should be reduced to avoid the appearance of edema.

Physical activity

A pregnant woman at any time can afford long daily walks - fresh air is good, and physical activity helps to burn calories.

If the expectant mother preferred a certain sport before pregnancy, she can continue to practice it, eliminating extreme loads. Sports will not only keep the figure, but also facilitate the process of childbirth. It is allowed for expectant mothers who do not have any pregnancy complications. A woman can do:

  • swimming;
  • yoga;
  • sports walking;
  • cycling (up to 3 trimesters and only on flat park paths);
  • gymnastics on fitball at home.

During pregnancy, exercises and sports are prohibited, accompanied by concussions, falls, weight lifting, stretching of muscles and ligaments. By 8 months, any load should be stopped.

Pregnancy is a unique time for a woman. Ability female body bear, grow and feed little man inside can be considered a real miracle. From the very first weeks desired pregnancy a woman tries to protect her baby from external negative factors, monitors her health, passes all the required tests. But at the same time, a woman relaxes, can afford any gastronomic delights, justifying herself by the fact that these are the wishes of the baby in the womb. Unfortunately, a few months after giving birth, the young mother comes to her senses and realizes with annoyance that the accumulated kilograms need to be somehow shed. Being overweight is not only cosmetic problem. Excess pounds during pregnancy create real problems for its flow. In this article, we will talk about excess weight during pregnancy - is it acceptable, how to deal with it with proper nutrition and sparing sports.

Risk of being overweight during pregnancy

Of course, during the period of bearing a child, all women gain excess weight, and not always it is only the mass of the child. On average, if you add up the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, increased amount of blood, allowable fat layer, about 10 kg comes out. That is, a woman’s weight is normally allowed to increase by no more than 10-15 kilograms from the initial weight that you had before pregnancy. If your weight exceeds the allowable values, then this is fraught with dangerous complications.

Excess weight plus pregnancy is a colossal burden on the cardiovascular system of a woman. That is why during the period of bearing a baby, such patients may appear varicose veins veins and heart failure.

Pregnancy burdened overweight, is a serious load on the spine. As a result, a woman may experience hernias, disc displacements, etc.

Excess weight creates a risk of developing preeclampsia, diabetes, hypertension.

If a woman gains weight during pregnancy, not only her weight increases, but also the weight of the baby in the womb. Give birth to big baby more difficult, it is fraught with ruptures of the birth canal.

An overweight woman is always at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. But on later dates On the contrary, being overweight is fraught with overbearing the baby.

Postpartum rehabilitation in obese patients is longer and more difficult.

At big weight there is a risk of premature discharge of water.

Excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the baby. A sharp change in body weight often leads to disproportion of the head and torso of the child. A large number of fatty deposits leads to hypoxia of the baby. A well-fed baby is more difficult to examine after birth, the assessment of the condition may be biased.

In addition, gaining excess weight, even before the birth of the baby, you program his tendency to extra pounds. Why do you need it? Especially if there is a girl in the womb. Do you want her to diet all her life and suffer from endless complexes? If you want your child to be happy and healthy life, you need to monitor his nutrition today. In addition, you will not interfere with taking care of your own figure.

The opinion that with the onset of pregnancy you should start eating for two is very dangerous and insidious. If you double your diet, your weight will short time will increase to dangerous values. Yes, the diet should change, that's for sure. But the quality must change, not the quantity. Here are a few useful tips to help you develop a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy.

Women during pregnancy are often overtaken by a crazy feeling of hunger, when the expectant mother is ready to demolish everything in her path. It's hormones, there's nothing you can do about it. So the body protects the baby from starvation. To avoid such impulses, you need to follow a diet. You need to eat every 3 hours, even if you do not feel like it. However, the serving size should be minimal - no more than the volume of one glass. This will protect you from overeating.

It is necessary to abandon harmful fast carbohydrates. If you cannot refuse cakes and sweets, at least limit their consumption - no more than one candy per day, cakes only on weekends.

When choosing between healthy and unhealthy snacks, give preference to healthy foods, they can also be delicious. Yogurt, curd cheese with different fillings, good cheese, fruits, vegetables - how can it be tasteless? IN Lately in departments diet food various useful and delicious food. Why are apple chips alone worth it - they are so crispy and appetizing, and absolutely safe. In addition, you can snack on a variety of whole grain bars - they are high in fiber, which will protect you from constipation. You can treat yourself and jelly home cooking- based on berry and fruit juices. The calorie content of such a product is negligible.

Surround yourself with benefits. Keep apples, bananas, nuts and dried fruits in a vase on the kitchen table, not sweets.

Try not to eat at night, at least do not eat to satiety.

If you are tormented by an acute desire to eat something, know when to stop! Chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, eggs, strawberries - all this is acceptable during pregnancy, but in small quantities. If you eat more than normal, you will harm your child, he can get allergies for life.

Be sure to include lean meat, fish, and poultry in your diet. This will give the body nutritional value and lots of protein.

If you feel that you have gained too much excess weight, then make yourself a fasting day on buckwheat or kefir. In this case, you need to drink plenty of water or green tea. During pregnancy, a fasting day can be done no more than once a week. Psychologically, it is easier for a woman to withstand the restriction for 24 hours than to diet all the time.

Be sure to add to meals. different types greens - vegetation is very useful during pregnancy.
If your doctor does not limit you in the amount of fluid you drink, try to drink as much as possible. This will help cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. Drink compotes, fruit drinks, teas, freshly squeezed juices in a diluted form. For now, herbal decoctions should be abandoned - some of them can cause uterine tone.

There should be a lot of vegetables in the diet - they are very useful, do not cause allergies and absolutely do not harm the body. In the morning, try to eat cereals - oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful. Lunch - vegetable and meat soups, salads. Dinner is best done with protein - meat, fish, poultry with vegetable salad. Snacks can be in the form of dairy products, fruits, cookies, nuts, etc.

Excess weight is a consequence of two main factors - overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. And if we have already figured out nutrition, we need to decide how to play sports during pregnancy, because intense exercise can be dangerous for the fetus. Indeed, activities such as running, weightlifting, playing and contact sports should be banned. But you can find an alternative that will allow you to warm up without risking your health. During pregnancy, swimming is very useful - in the water, the load on the spine is significantly reduced, the woman moves much more freely. Swimming stretches all the muscles of the body, water soothes mom and baby. Be careful when visiting public pools during pregnancy - use a tampon to protect the vagina from infection. In addition, be sure to wear special corrugated slippers so as not to slip on the wet paths of the pool.

In the fitness centers you can choose the best sport for you. As a rule, yoga, Pilates, bodyflex are recommended for pregnant women, special gymnastics for pregnant. All exercises in these sports are aimed at stretching the muscles - no strength training. Stretching makes the muscles more elastic and supple, which perfectly prepares the body for childbirth. If you work during pregnancy, and you absolutely do not have the strength and time to go to workouts, then just walk. Hiking has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman, the body is saturated with oxygen, you get rid of excess calories. It will be much more useful if you walk in nature - in a grove, forest, near a reservoir, etc.

Pregnancy - beautiful time for any woman, so why overshadow it with dangling folds and health problems against the background of obesity? In order not to gain excess weight, you need to carefully monitor it. Be sure to buy a scale and note how it changes every week. Get enough sleep - this will protect you from overeating, emotional outbursts and negativity.

Sometimes a woman gains weight very much, even if she watches her diet and does not overeat. Be sure to talk about your experiences with your doctor. A sharp weight gain may indicate preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, and even multiple pregnancy. Proper and balanced nutrition, good doctors And positive attitude will help you bear the baby without excess weight gain. Remember, food is not the only pleasure in life, try to please yourself with something else.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

During pregnancy

It is believed that in 9 months you need to gain from 8 to 10 kilograms (no more). Otherwise, you are threatened with unkind rebukes from doctors, edema, a salt-free diet, fasting days(which is quite difficult to endure) and even pills and hospitalization. On the other hand, weight gain is an individual thing and there are no average norms here and even cannot be. Some women even lose weight in the first and second trimester and begin to recover only closer to childbirth. However, there are few of them. As a rule, having learned about pregnancy, we begin to eat for two (or even three), pulling ourselves to the fullest.

Pregnancy is not a time for restrictions and diets. However, no one is stopping you from following the rules. healthy eating and think about the future (it can be quite difficult to lose extra pounds after childbirth).

1) Don't Forget Breakfast

Many women, due to toxicosis or out of habit from pre-pregnancy life, refuse to eat in the morning. This is fundamentally wrong. You (and by the way, your child) have already been 8-9 hours without food (during sleep), and therefore you just need to make up for the missing calories. Otherwise, by lunchtime you will have a wolfish appetite and you will eat much more than you could.

2) Make a menu

Do you know what exactly you will be eating today for breakfast or afternoon tea? If not, then you are much more likely to snack on a chocolate bar, a hamburger, or a sausage roll. The appetite of a pregnant woman is unpredictable, and therefore if you suddenly want to eat something right on the street or in the subway, you should be ready for it. Plan your menu for the day ahead of time and don't forget to bring an apple, crispbread and drinkable yogurt with you.

3) Avoid Catering

Unfortunately, restaurants, cafes and canteens cannot boast of preparing exceptionally healthy and “healthy” dishes. The abundance of oil, flavorings, fatty sauces ... - do not have a very favorable effect on the figure. However, this does not mean that you should not leave the house and eat only steam cutlets. The main thing to focus on - common sense and a sense of proportion. Going to a restaurant, order checked, well-prepared and most “healthy” dishes. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, you will have to give up uncooked steaks, carpaccio of meat and fish, soft cheeses (like brie), sushi, raw fish, tuna in large quantities and unpasteurized dairy products. Also, do not get too carried away with coffee (limit to 2 cups a day), strong tea - be it black or green (it washes away the much-needed folic acid), as well as carbonated drinks (bloating - not best friend pregnant woman, believe me).

4) Listen to your body, not other people

"Now you have to eat for two!" - Tells you mother-in-law? “Eat another cutlet?” Mom begs? "You need to eat a lot now!" does the husband say? Well, pregnant women really need a lot more kilocalories. So, if earlier you could limit your diet to 1000-1500 kcal, now (due to increased metabolic processes) you need 2500 kcal per day. However, not all calories are created equal. Try to eat right and don't overeat. You should not eat the second and third portion through force or for the company, justifying yourself by the fact that you are expecting a baby. Replace the supplement with an apple or yogurt and try to convince your family that you are trying to eat right and your diet (including its amount) is approved by a doctor. Listen to your body (most likely, it gives you a hint): if you want meat - eat it (perhaps you lack iron or protein), if on the contrary - you don’t even want to think about meat products - you shouldn’t force yourself ( useful material can be obtained from other dishes).

5) Be aware of prohibited foods

Smoked sausage, spicy cheeses, various pickles, soda, hamburgers, buns and cakes - all this is best excluded from the menu of a pregnant woman. Of course, this does not mean that you should limit yourself in everything, but these products should be consumed as little as possible. Remember: everything you eat affects your baby and his development. That is why it is best not to get carried away with sausages, canned food, pates and semi-finished products (who knows what they are made of?), it is better to focus on natural products(for example, boiled meat, chicken or fish). Try to fry less, use a double boiler, do not forget to eat fish and fresh vegetables and fruits. However, there is no need to get carried away with the exotic. Of course, you can eat pineapples, mangoes and oranges, but still not every day and in small quantities. Modern nutritionists recommend sticking to the "great-grandmother's diet" and eating only what our ancestors ate and what grows in our area. I must say, there is a rational grain in this.

Well, your task is not so difficult: you must provide yourself with the proper amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals, while consuming as few preservatives as possible and not useful products. In addition, pregnant women need to monitor the water balance in the body in a special way - doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day (if you do not have edema).

6) Don't Forget About Physical Activity

Pregnancy is not a disease. And therefore, if you do not have any complications, and the doctor does not object to your classes (this condition is mandatory!), feel free to go to the pool, to water aerobics for expectant mothers, to a fitball group and other entertainment for pregnant women. Also, do not forget about long walks in the fresh air and breaks at work (every half an hour, get up from the table and walk for 5-10 minutes in the corridor).

7) Don't eat at night

Pregnancy is not the state when you need to test your willpower. If you feel like eating at 12 o'clock at night, it's best not to argue with your body. However, it is better to replace fried potatoes with pork with a glass of warm milk, kefir, yogurt or fruits (for example, green apple).

8) Don't starve

Firstly, it is not good for the child, and secondly, the longer you will not eat (for example, skip lunch and afternoon tea), the more you will eat later (for dinner). You should work out your diet and eat at least 5-6 times a day. Breakfast, second breakfast at work, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and evening yogurt - this is the ideal meal schedule for a pregnant woman. When not at work, you should not rely only on the dining room - take food in containers, yogurts, kefir and, of course, fruits and nuts with you. Yes, you can get everything. the right vitamins and trace elements and recover only by the kilograms prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

Pregnancy is the most magic time in every girl's life. Is born under the heart new life, future baby grows up to “say hello” to mom with the first cry after 40 weeks. In the meantime, it develops in the tummy, pregnant girls sometimes abuse their position, motivating “I’ll get better anyway, so you can eat as much as you like.” But in vain ... We propose to discuss how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy and what needs to be done for this.

What causes weight gain during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are always wondering where extra pounds come from during pregnancy? Let's count together:

The result is an average weight gain of 12.5 kg. But since the pregnancy of each girl proceeds individually, then the weight indicators will be different. Some have more, some have less.

Overweight during pregnancy: stories on this topic

Where does excess weight come from during pregnancy? Most often, future mothers abuse baking, sweets, lead a “sofa” lifestyle, practically do not go out in the fresh air and walk a little. It is clear that during toxicosis the mood is not at all promenade. But succumb bad mood- it's like giving up.

We offer you several stories of young mothers that can become “reminders” of what should and, on the contrary, should not be done during pregnancy, so as not to get rid of excess weight later.

The optimal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg for the entire period (with multiple pregnancies - more).

(gained 22 kg during pregnancy): “My pregnancy was not that difficult. But I didn't fly. From 5 to 12 weeks there was toxicosis. Stable nausea in the morning, sickened by the smell of cheese, sweat, meat, dumplings, sausages. I couldn't go to the shops, I immediately felt bad. I couldn’t open the refrigerator at home - I always have it washed, but I still smelled. She suffered when she cooked food for her husband - after all, she was made of meat. In general, I felt very bad. At work, I couldn't go to the canteen, everything smelled so good to me. The only thing she ate was buns. And the weight began to increase. When I got pregnant, I weighed 45 kg with a height of 167 cm. The doctor said that I was underweight. She knew that I could not eat meat, and scolded me: “The child needs this, try somehow.” But… no way. And from the buns my weight began to grow. Invisibly, but surely. He laid on his hips. The doctor threatened to put me on a diet. But I couldn’t even open the refrigerator to cook something healthy for myself. When I gave birth, my stomach became flat very quickly. But the “ears” on the hips are still there. And I can't get rid of them. Now I think that I should have eaten more dairy, nothing would have been deposited on my thighs. And I go in for sports - I drive "ears".

(gained 9 kg during pregnancy): “The fact that I was pregnant, almost no one knew. And when I went to give birth, the neighbors were surprised - my stomach is like at 5 months. My daughter was born full-term, weighed 3100. And my increase for the entire pregnancy was 9 kg. I was very worried about my little one. Ultrasound showed that she was developing well. And the doctor in the LC, who observed me, kept threatening to send me for preservation - due to the fact that I was losing a lot of weight. I didn't do it on purpose. There was just a lot of hassle: buying country house, repair, then relations with her husband deteriorated - due to different views for repairs. Now I understand that all this is stupid, but then I was very nervous. And did not go to save. And she ate very little, toxicosis plus hassle did their job. Now I want to warn girls who are expecting babies - eat right! Do not be nervous! All domestic issues are such a trifle compared to the miracle that grows in your tummies.

(gained 14 kg during pregnancy): “I really loved my pregnancy. And let me throw up in the first trimester. Suppose that in the seventh month she landed on preservation because of the tone. But the rest of the time I literally flew. Until she went on maternity leave, every time during the lunch break she went to the nearest park and dined there. I took food in a container with me, sat on a bench, looked at people, trees, birds, children and rested, breathed fresh air. My husband “walked” me, I myself called it that. We went to the forest, the benefit is near the house. The doctor told me that there are a couple of extra pounds, but I did not feel them. The only thing was that it was difficult when I landed on preservation, because of the constant lying down, I felt like a seal. But when the doctors let me go home, I started walking again and my condition improved. During pregnancy, she wore a maternity bandage to support her stomach. I put on a bandage and immediately after giving birth - my stomach began to go away before our eyes. And after 3 weeks I got into my pre-pregnant skinny jeans. For me it was an achievement. Therefore, I advise everyone who is now expecting a baby - walk more, eat right, do not eat buns. You will be very beautiful expectant mothers! Indeed, sometimes from the back it is not even clear that the tummy is ahead - such a slim girl, but she is wearing a baby. All easy pregnancy!

To determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low or normal for her height, doctors use a special indicator - body mass index (BMI). And here is the formula: body mass index \u003d body weight in kg? /? Height in meters, squared. Example for calculation: your height is 1.70 m, and your weight is 60 kg. We consider: BMI \u003d 60? /? 1.7 * 1.7 \u003d 20.7. If the index is less than 18.5 - the weight is considered below normal; index 18.5-25 is normal weight; 25-30 - overweight. And if the weight is more than 30 kg - this is already obesity.

What the experts say: how not to get better during pregnancy

Vitaly Pavlyuk, fitness club instructor "Gym Fitness", certified trainer of the College of Fitness and Bodybuilding. Ben Vader:"Lovely girls! There are no secrets here! Many people crave sweets during pregnancy. Therefore, my advice: instead of sweets and buns, start eating fruits. In this way, you can trick the body and not raise the level of sugar in the blood, which is the reason for gaining excess weight.