Education of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren. Education of a healthy lifestyle of students

Lydia Vikarenko
Education of healthy lifestyle skills in children of senior preschool age

primary goal preschool education– the development of the child while maintaining health. Health determines the degree of vitality, the resistance of the organism to the appropriate environment, the ability to realize their biological and social functions. That's why educating children to motivate a healthy lifestyle it is necessary to form it from childhood, then taking care of one's own health, as a core value, will become a natural form of behavior.

According to existing statistics 60% children students entering the school have functional impairments, and 45% are not ready to study and master the school program. That is why, at present, there is a need,. Solution to this problem it is advisable to start from preschool age when the foundations of attitude to the world around and its values ​​are laid. At this stage of development vital installations are not yet strong enough, and the nervous system is particularly plastic.

Problems of formation healthy lifestyle devoted to a large number of different - aspect research:

There is an understanding healthy lifestyle, as a special form vital activity, determined by both biological and social factors, among which a significant place is occupied by the family and preschool educational institutions;

The necessity of integrating different approaches to health and the problem of formation healthy lifestyle in preschool children, etc.. d.

However, the system education of healthy lifestyle skills not been the subject of special studies, but exactly:

In programs for preschool educational institutions, implementation is largely traced educational function, and the potential education reduced and limited methodically;

Ways to include the child in the process are not sufficiently disclosed. education of healthy lifestyle skills;

due way the potential of interaction between teachers and parents is not used, on which the education of healthy lifestyle habits in children.

Therefore, I consider it very important educate children about healthy lifestyle habits.

Speaking of health, we use the definition offered by the World Health Organization - "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease ...".

The importance of this problem lies in the fact that at present, numerous external and internal factors have a greater negative impact on the health of our children.

Before starting work, I studied the literature on physical and valeological preschool education; tasks, means, ways of solving the problem of strengthening health of preschool children. She also determined the goals and objectives of her further work in this direction:

To form the correct posture and develop all muscle groups, strengthen the respiratory muscles;

Promote the prevention of flat feet;

Create a psycho-emotional climate in the group;

- cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle through fiction, conversations and classes;

Develop cultural and hygienic skills;

Invite parents to educating healthy lifestyle habits in children through various forms of work.

work, by education of healthy lifestyle habits, started with the education of parents, since the family is the basis of a child's development. I used these forms How: conversations, consultations, consultations - workshops, physical activities, joint games children and parents, and also designed folders - shifters with useful information (see Attachment).

Developed a long-term plan of classes, conversations, consultations for parents, physical education activities for education of healthy lifestyle habits in children and strengthening their health. Compiled complexes of morning exercises, gymnastics after sleep and tempering activities (see Attachment).

It was these forms of work that I decided to apply to achieve the goal and objectives.

The work I started was not without difficulties. Some children refused to do morning exercises. In such cases, I did not force them, but offered to see how other children were doing, how fun and interesting it was. If morning exercises were carried out on the street, then she attracted parents to do several exercises, after which the child began to study with them. Best of all, morning exercises took place on outdoors and in a well-ventilated group.

Artyom Samvelyan had the most difficulties in doing the exercises, due to the fact that he is a big boy and a little agile. Kritari Dima, Privalov Vsevolod, Porozova Eva and Pashinskaya Nastya often refused to do the exercises, saying that “I can’t do it, I can’t, I don’t want to do it ...”. I worked with these children individually. The next time, these children performed all the exercises correctly and it became more interesting and more fun for them to do it. They enjoyed doing all the exercises. In these cases, an individual approach helped to achieve the results that suited me and made me happy. children.

individual work tried to be carried out in a playful way, with the use of physical culture equipment and without it. Much attention was paid to individual work on a walk. Great preference was given to mobile games with small subgroups children. Such games in the air contributed to the training of nasal breathing, the improvement of different parts of the lungs, the deepening of exhalation and the improvement of breathing in general. Used games for different motor activities children: high, medium and low mobility (see the application, as well as games that treat.

As a result of medical outdoor games, not only strengthened children's health but also contributed to a comprehensive, harmonious physical and mental development; formed the necessary skills, coordination of movement, physical qualities (dexterity, endurance, accuracy, etc.) (see Attachment). Outdoor games harden the body and strengthen the immune system children.

During the games, unexpected funny situations often arose. This caused genuine laughter from children. Relaxed fun atmosphere "increased" joint communication children in joy, care and friendship.

When organizing physical education classes, she widely used general developmental exercises that activated different muscle groups and improved blood circulation. internal organs.

She gave a special role to exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the respiratory muscles and the musculoskeletal system. To train proper breathing, the children were offered the most accessible natural movements - walking and running.

Breathing exercises were carried out after sleep in combination with other exercises. (see Attachment). To perform such breathing exercises, the starting position was of great importance. hands: hands on the belt - contributed to the creation of favorable conditions for ventilation of the lungs; the position or movement of the hands at the level of the head and above - contributed to the activation of the respiratory function of the muscles of the lower part of the chest and diaphragm.

Gymnastics after sleep included game exercises ( "bike", "crocodile", "boat", "cat-dog" and etc.). Children really like to perform gymnastics in poetic form.

At the end of the gymnastics after sleep, the children walk along the paths health in order to prevent flat feet in children. These tracks were made with the help of parents (they sewed buttons on the traces, brought caps, chestnuts, etc.).

An effective way to strengthen children's health, reducing morbidity, increasing the level of working capacity and education of healthy lifestyle skills- there was hardening.

The sun, air and water are the factors, the systematic influence of which increases the body's resistance to environmental influences. Hardening is not only wiping or pouring, but also everyday routine procedures that do not require special organization and additional time: finding children indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, washing with cool water, sleeping with an open window, a window (with the permission of parents, active physical education on the site.

A good reinforcement children's health became quenched with water. In the summer wellness The children enjoyed swimming in the pool. We enjoyed playing water games. In the group, children soaked their feet in water with sea pebbles (walking along the path - health) . Every day on the site they ran in panties, barefoot (hardening by sun and air). From this period, the drinking regime was also observed.

She spoke about various types of hardening, methods and techniques, about the systematic and continuous use of them at consultations for parents.

important in working with children education of healthy lifestyle skills had classes, conversations, didactic games, productive activities, reading fiction about the body, the rules for caring for it, about vitamins, health, proper nutrition.

The children studied their bodies and tried to do everything to be healthy and strong. But the main role in educating healthy lifestyle habits given to parents.

Also in education of healthy lifestyle skills in children was brought up by involving parents in various sports and recreational activities that were carried out with children.

About Days health, sports holidays and entertainment, she informed parents in advance, informed not only about the date of the event, but also about its content, about how to prepare the child for this day.

By participating in such events, parents had the opportunity to observe their child in a group of peers, to compare his physical fitness, physical qualities with how other children are developed.

Cheerful healthy the atmosphere of these holidays was transmitted to adults, contributed to the awakening of their interest in communicating with their children, in increasing attention to child health.

During this experiment, from my observations it can be seen that What:

- diversity forms of work with parents have a positive effect on the development of children healthy lifestyle skills;

All forms, methods, techniques of working with children made it possible to learn more about their health, ways to protect it from diseases, strengthen and increase the level of physical activity;

Through games, exercises and physical education - wellness events created a positive psycho-emotional climate in the group;

They contributed to the formation of correct posture, developed all muscle groups and correct respiratory activity.

I believe that this experiment education of healthy lifestyle habits in children must be applied in work with children of all ages.

Maria Lazareva
Education of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers

Education of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

Today, no one doubts the benefits health. Even in his time, the outstanding teacher Ya. A. Comenius: . Unfortunately, the results of modern research and statistics show that children and young people have not yet formed an internal readiness to strengthen health, compliance with hygiene standards, systematic physical education.

The first ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle are formed at preschool age. If we take into account that this period is fundamental in the formation of a person's personality, then the relevance of the formation of preschoolers, at least elementary ideas about healthy lifestyle.

Children do not yet have a conscious need to preserve and strengthen their health. parents are healthy, preschool, society, and all together we are trying to instill in the child our idea of health. However, unlike an adult, a child "behind health» won't run. Therefore, in preschool educational programs institutions, there are more and more sections devoted to the study of the human body, ensuring the safety of its life. I think the main thing is to help kids develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, to teach to evaluate their physical capabilities, to see the prospects for their development, to be aware of responsibility for their health. It is necessary to immerse the child in a specially organized living environment forming habits healthy lifestyle.

The future generation will be healthier and more developed if we teach children from an early age to take care of, appreciate and, of course, strengthen their health, we will demonstrate by our own example a healthy Lifestyle. Eat proverb: "IN healthy body - healthy mind» . But the one who says that a healthy mind creates a healthy body.

Formation healthy generations is one of the main challenges. This is regulated and provided by a number of legal and regulatory documents: Laws of the Russian Federation "About education» , "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", Decree of the President of Russia "On urgent measures to ensure public health in Russia», "Convention on the Rights of the Child" etc.

The possibilities of the human body are enormous. Implementing them is the main task. The most accessible means of improvement health is physical culture, an increase in physical activity.

The child, according to academician N. M. Amosov,


DOEs need new approaches to health improvement of children. They should be based on the analysis of external actions, monitoring the state health of every child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, creating certain conditions, as well as motivation an active relationship with health.


For physical education wellness work with children in our garden created the following conditions:

In groups there are sports corners where the necessary material for the physical development of the child is located;

There is a sports ground with "obstacle course", gymnastic walls.

Corrective exercises for the prevention of scoliosis, postural disorders, and flat feet are included in morning exercises and physical education classes. In the classroom and between classes, motor- wellness moments: exercises and tasks for the development of fine motor skills, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.

In our kindergarten there is a big wellness and preventive Job:

Prevention of ARVI and influenza diseases

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova


- health run.

Activities are carried out during the period of influenza and ORZ:

Organization of the air regime of the premises,

Compliance with the regime of walks at any time of the year.

Related publications:

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers“Health care is impossible without constant communication with the family” V. A. Sukhomlinsky To solve the main problem of preschool education of conservation.

Ways to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers Consultation for educators "Ways to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers" A healthy lifestyle is an active activity.

Pedagogical run "Educating a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers" Pedagogical run "Educating a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers" Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of teachers on educating children correctly.

Slide 1) Pedagogical project "Formation of a healthy lifestyle through the valeological education of older preschoolers." Project participants.

Workshop "Forming a healthy lifestyle in preschool children and increasing motivation to maintain health" Purpose: creation of conditions for professional self-improvement of teachers, formation of elementary ideas about health-saving.


Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. Health is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve the main life tasks, and overcome difficulties. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

The deterioration in the health of school-age children in Russia has become not only a medical problem, but also a serious pedagogical problem.

The modern education system, along with positive experience, traditions and existing pedagogical potential, contains contradictions that do not ensure its compliance with the growing demands of society and the needs of each of its members. This directly affects the results of the country's social and economic development. The results of the research show the imperfection of the current practice in the scientific, methodological, organizational, managerial, pedagogical functioning of various parts of the education system in terms of maintaining and developing the health of children and adolescents. According to the Russian Ministry of Education, the number of children with a lack of development and poor health among newborns is 85%. Among children entering the first grade, over 60% are at risk of school, somatic and psychophysical maladaptation. Of the 6 million schoolchildren aged 15-17 who underwent preventive examinations, 94.5% have various diseases, and the presence of diseases that limit the choice of profession has reached 30%. Among 15-year-old boys, the number of those lagging behind in psychophysiological indicators from their passport age by 1-2 years is 30-36%. Almost a third of young men are not fit to serve in the Armed Forces for medical reasons. Among the complex of factors contributing to a decrease in the level of schoolchildren's health, on the one hand, non-compliance with physiological and hygienic requirements for learning conditions is singled out, on the other hand, a large amount of teaching load.

The current situation in the modern general education school requires new, non-standard approaches to solving the problem of maintaining the health of children in the learning process:

    development and implementation of new comprehensive health-improving and preventive programs aimed at the valueologization of the educational environment;

    formation of a holistic adaptation and rehabilitation space at all stages of the educational process.

But no matter what methods of preserving and strengthening the health of students are used at school, the expected effect will not be, if the students themselves do not form the needs and habits in a conscious and reasonable attitude towards their own health, do not develop the skills and abilities to improve their physical and mental health.

Meanwhile, observations and surveys of students show that many adolescents do not monitor their health.

That is why at present the actual problem of modern society is the formation of a healthy lifestyle for people, which, in turn, is not only the basis of a person's well-being, but also the way to the improvement of the nation. In doing so, it must be taken into account that healthy lifestyle A person's life does not develop on its own depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life.

A healthy lifestyle is a system of individual manifestations of a person (moral, spiritual, physical) in the areas of various activities (educational, household, social, communicative), reflecting the attitude towards oneself, the social environment, the environment from the standpoint of the value of health and contributing to the preservation of age-appropriate body stability, maximum activity of the individual in everyday life and activities.

Unfortunately, observations and examinations of students show that a healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we teach children from a very early age to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually. but also physically.

A healthy lifestyle is formed both in the family and at school. Under the general control should be the study load, daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, hardening procedures, nervous stress, the psychological climate at home, at school and in the classroom, the relationship between parents and children, students and teachers, types and forms of leisure, entertainment and interests.

As you can see, the joint educational work of the school and the family is carried out in all areas: moral, labor, environmental, legal, economic, etc.

I would like to pay special attention to such an area of ​​joint work of the school and the family as physical education.

Physical education of children comes to the fore today. No one doubts anymore - the priority of health cannot be replaced by any other. Physical education in the family is based on a healthy lifestyle and includes the correct organization of the daily routine, nutrition, sports, hardening of the body, etc. The task of the teacher is to support what the parents started with joint educational activities, actively help, guide, and advise. Proper physical education largely contributes to the full mental development of the child and the improvement of his motor functions. Systematic physical education classes have a positive effect on the development of students at school and in the family, encourage them to adhere to the correct regimen and hygiene requirements.

Taking care of the health of students is the most important duty of parents, schools, individual teachers, the entire teaching staff and the child himself. The child must realize that being healthy is his duty to himself, to those close to him. Schoolchildren with health problems find it more difficult to study. Teachers and parents should help them cope with these difficulties.

What is physical education, and what tasks does it solve?

Physical education is a purposeful work to improve the health of students, the development of motor skills and physical qualities of the individual (dexterity, speed, endurance).

In the process of physical education, the following tasks should be solved:

1) promoting the health and physical development of students;

2) formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

3) promotion of the development of motor qualities;

4) education of moral and volitional qualities;

5) formation of hygienic knowledge, skills;

6) promotion of a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

As practice has shown, most parents show a keen interest in the school life of their children, but at the same time, not everyone still attaches due importance to the correct regimen of children, proper nutrition, their stay in the fresh air and physical exercises.

The correct orientation of parents in matters of physical education of schoolchildren in the family is the task of a physical education teacher. To this end, he can use such forms of propaganda as regular individual conversations, showing open physical education lessons, speaking at parent meetings, and thematic debates. The topics of the meetings can be, for example, "The motor mode of a schoolchild", "The role of the family in shaping the personality of a child", Creating conditions in the family to improve the health of adolescents", "Raising a teenager: how to form a desire for a healthy lifestyle", "Healthy lifestyle in the example of parents", "Healthy family: moral aspects", "Health is the privilege of the wise", "Homework in physical education", etc. Speaking to parents, the teacher should first of all aim them at physical exercises, try to form in them the right attitude towards such activities.

It is quite obvious that the best method of education for physical exercises is the personal example of the student's parents and other family members. Joint physical education and sports between parents and children contributes to the spiritual rapprochement of older and younger family members, which is the basis for mutual understanding between them. An example is hiking trips, where each family member performs certain duties, which everyone feels as a useful and equal member of a friendly team. During family trips, parents and students participate in joint games: playing football, dodgeball, fun relay races, tug of war and much more. Parents should be clearly aware that physical culture is not inferior to other disciplines.

Closer contact between the parents of schoolchildren is achieved in individual conversations. A very effective form of joint work of the school with parents is the holding of open events "Mom, dad and I are a friendly family", "Dad can" - a holiday dedicated to February 23, a sports and dance marathon "Dance while you are young", "The coolest sports hour" etc. The advantages of this form of work are that parents get the opportunity to observe their children directly in the process of physical exercise and by personal example instill in children a love for regular physical education and sports.

Of great importance in the life of a student is the "Home Stadium" - a specially equipped place in an apartment with sports equipment (dumbbells, shock absorbers, jump ropes, a disk, etc.) for regular physical exercises. In order for the control over independent studies by parents to be effective, the physical education teacher must familiarize parents with the methods of monitoring the state of the body of schoolchildren, indicators of the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, external signs of fatigue, etc. The formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle should be carried out in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the participants in the educational process.

The correct use of psychological and pedagogical technologies, taking into account the components of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, allows not only to solve the problem of a responsible attitude to one's health, but also solves the problems of protecting the health of schoolchildren, both in psychological and physiological aspects.

Diagnosis of the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle allows you to determine the ways of working to prevent and improve the health of students.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in such an important matter as the physical education of the younger generation, there are no and cannot be trifles. It is important to remember that only the complex implementation of all forms of physical education can fully solve the tasks!


1. Ananyeva, N.A., Yampolskaya, Yu.A. Health and development of modern schoolchildren / 2.N.A. Ananyeva, Yu.A. Yampolskaya // School of Health. - 1994. 2. Amonashvili Sh.A. Personal and humane basis of the pedagogical process.-M: University, 1990
3. Antsybur, M.M., Golovanova N.F. Features of the organization of the pedagogical process in the primary grades in the extended day group // Primary school. -2001. - No. 5. - 45p.
4. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons - M .: "Enlightenment", 2004.- 93s.
5. Under the editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education M.M. Bezrukikh and V.D. Sonkina organization and evaluation of health-saving activities of educational institutions. - M .: Moscow City Fund for Support of School Book Publishing, 2004.

6. Zaitsev, G.K. Your first health lessons / G.K. Zaitsev. – 1995.
7. Zaitsev, G.K. Aibolit's lessons. Grow up healthy / G.K. Zaitsev. – 1995.
8.Health-saving technologies in elementary school. Methodological guide. M: Globus Publishing House, 2010
9. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies: a schoolboy and a computer.-M: "VAKO", 2007.
10. Korostel N. B. From A to Z. - M., "Physical culture and sport", 1995
11. L.A. Obukhova, N.A. Lemyaskin School of Doctors of Nature or 135 health lessons: grades 1-4 .- M .: VAKO, 2004.
12. G.K. Selevko "Encyclopedia of Pedagogical Technologies"
13. Fokin G.Yu. Physical education lessons in elementary school: grades 1-4 .: A manual for a physical education teacher .- M .: School Press, 2003
14. Edited by Shlemin A.M. Physical culture and health work at school: a guide for the teacher. - M .: "Prosveshchenie", 1988

In order for a child to be smart and quick-witted, he must, first of all, be healthy. This is one of the basic principles on which the education of a culture of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren is based. It is the state of a child's health that is an important indicator, an asset, a great value and an indispensable condition for full development. Unfortunately, the statistics in recent years are not comforting and indicate that insufficient attention is paid to the healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren. As a result, diseases and deviations in both mental and physical development manifest themselves from an early age. Needless to say, that by the age of 25-30, whole “bouquets” of various diseases make themselves felt.

Who should be involved in the education of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the primary role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is played by the parents of students. Only at first glance it may seem that a child in a family only learns to walk, talk, and perform elementary actions. In fact, from the first months of his life, he has formed his own lifestyle, and mom and dad are an example in this.

During the school years, teachers join in the education of a healthy lifestyle. Many parents at this stage will breathe a sigh of relief and be glad that now a professional teacher will be engaged in raising their children, and, if possible, also various circles and sections. All these are only additional assistants, and it is impossible to shift the function of educating a healthy lifestyle to a schoolchild. Firstly, children notice the apathy of parents and their detachment immediately.

And secondly, after that they subconsciously think that education is over, and no teachers "have the right to impose their own rules on life." All this leads to sad consequences.

A healthy lifestyle is a set of components and a whole set of interrelated factors. Its formation depends on the heredity and biological characteristics of the organism, environmental and social conditions, the functioning of health authorities and the mode of work and rest.

Basic principles for the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture

Balanced diet. Pay attention to what is customary to eat in the family, which dishes are welcome and which are strictly taboo, whether breakfast, lunch and dinner are served according to the regimen. Do not show by your example that you can eat convenience foods and fast food products.

Physical development. The most elementary minimum is exercise, morning and evening. As additional developmental activities - classes in fitness centers and in sports sections. And again, do not forget to show everything by your own example.

hardening procedures. Not all parents accustom the child to hardening. It is better to start with a contrast shower, and not with a sudden dousing with cold water. Gradually, the student's body will get used to both temperature changes and exposure to cold water, and it greatly strengthens the immune system. This means that colds and viral infections will bypass the child.

Organization of rest and sleep. If at primary school age there is still no problem of late falling asleep, then in high school it is the most common. The tendency of many adolescents to a nocturnal lifestyle leads to a weakening of the body and disruption of important functions in its life. If the interests of the student are reduced only to spending time on the Internet, then by the evening he will not feel any fatigue. If during the day he is engaged in sections or spends time on the street with his peers, then by the evening the body will naturally require rest. So, going to bed will happen on time.

Compliance with personal hygiene. This is an integral part of the process of accustoming to a healthy lifestyle. Brushing your teeth and washing your hands after the street and public places are the basic rules for maintaining personal hygiene. If parents correctly explain the need for these actions and teach them to perform them regularly, health problems will arise much less.

Inadmissibility of bad habits. Parents are completely wrong to think that if they smoke and drink in front of their child on weekends, he will not want to repeat it. The likelihood that a child will want to try what adults do is extremely high. And then it will be much more difficult to explain why you can’t do this than not to show bad habits from the very beginning.

To a healthy lifestyle is not as easy to accustom as it might seem at first glance. Schoolchildren, first of all, pay attention to how their parents and closest adult acquaintances behave. You need to think about this from the very first years of a child’s life, so that later you don’t try to convince him of what he sees with his own eyes.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Lecture 1.21 Topic: Education of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.


1. Physical education as the basis of personality development.

2. Purpose and main tasks of physical education.

3. Basic means of physical education.

4. Forms and methods of organizing physical education.

5. Valeological education (essence, ways, functions, criteria).


1. Likhachev, B. T. Pedagogy / B. T. Likhachev. M, 1999. S. 296-303.

2. Pedagogy / [ed. Yu. K. Babansky]. M., 1983. S. 468-481.

3. Stepanenkov, N. K . Pedagogy / N. K. Stepanenkov. Mn., 1998. S. 313-330.

4. Kharlamov, I. F. Pedagogy / I. V. Kharlamov. Mn., 2000. S. 445-454.

5. The concept of continuous education of children and young people in the Republic of Belarus.

6. Pedagogy: Textbook. allowance for students ped. textbook head / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev and others - M .: School Press. - 2002. - 512 p.

1. Physical education as a basis for personal development

Physical education historically, it is one of the most ancient forms of purposeful influence on the younger generation. It is based on the idea developed over many centuries about the unity of the physical and spiritual in man.

To reveal the essence of physical education, consider the concepts of "physical development" and "physical culture".

Physical development includes those qualitative changes that occur in strengthening and improving the physical strength of a person and his health under the influence of a favorable natural environment and specially organized education. In this sense, it acts only as one of the results of physical education. Physical education itself covers the area of ​​stimulating the individual to physical education and sports.

Physical Culture- the level of formation of the correct attitude of a person to his health and physical condition, due to the way of life, the system of maintaining health and physical culture and sports activities, knowledge of the unity of harmony of the body and spirit, the development of spiritual and physical forces. The essence of the physical culture of the individual lies in the value attitude to a healthy lifestyle, knowledge of the means of maintaining and improving the physical form, everyday physical self-improvement. It is necessary to understand the essence of physical culture, its vital necessity as a natural basis for mental, labor, moral, aesthetic development.

In this meaning physical education is a multifaceted process of organizing and stimulating the physical culture and health-improving activities of students, aimed at creating the need for physical education and sports, understanding their psychophysiological foundations, developing physical strength and strengthening health, as well as developing sanitary and hygienic skills, habits and a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle.

Functions physical education:

Physical development creates the prerequisites for a full-fledged mental activity of a person;

A physically healthy person performs better in a productive
work, overcomes higher loads, gets tired less, maintains a cheerful mood;

Physical education, participation in mass sports events contribute to the formation of moral culture, camaraderie, self-demanding, as well as the strengthening of volitional properties.

Physical education is associated with other types of education, thereby contributing to the formation of the personality as a whole.

First of all, physical education creates the prerequisites for a fruitful mental education, since memory, attention, perseverance largely depend on the general state of health and physical strength, without which successful educational results are impossible.

A healthy, physically developed person endures mental stress much easier in the face of an increase in the volume and intensity of educational and cognitive activity, he has more prerequisites for job satisfaction, physical and spiritual comfort. It is well known that the student's intellectual activity will be more effective if it alternates with physical exercises and sports. In addition, such an organization of intellectual work makes it possible to avoid overwork and associated mental disorders.

In respect of labor training physical education makes it easier for the individual to perform labor operations and processes, as it accustoms him to greater accuracy and direction of movements, proportionality of strength with the goal, helps to find more economical and rational methods.

Physical exercises and movements actively contribute to teaching schoolchildren labor skills and abilities, improving their motor capabilities, forming such strong-willed qualities as endurance, perseverance, dexterity, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, thereby ensuring the formation of a full-fledged worker who is able to fully realize himself in chosen profession, to achieve the highest possible results in work.

Physical exercises performed in the conditions of collective interaction of students equip them with experience moral relations, which form the basis for the formation of the corresponding moral and volitional qualities: collectivism, comradeship, honesty, justice, exactingness towards oneself and others, responsibility, discipline.

Physical education plays an extremely important role in Estoniaticbecoming schoolchildren. Performing physical exercises reveals the beauty and expressiveness of movements, gives them harmony, clarity, rigor and expediency, forms good posture, smartness, free control of the body, external culture, dexterity, speed of motor reactions, and also develops the ability for aesthetic experiences, perception of the beauty of a harmoniously developed slender human body, skillful, dexterous, plastically expressive movements.

Physical education is closely and directly related to valeological education, designed to promote the formation of valeological thinking of students, which is based on a conscious need for health and a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is manifested in the attitude towards one's own health and the health of others as a value and awareness of one's responsibility not only for one's own health, but also for the health of future generations; the ability to resist forms of behavior that are destructive to health; formation of personal hygiene skills; availability of skills and abilities to maintain and improve health.

Thus, we can conclude that physical education is in close and natural interrelations with all aspects of the education of students and that outside of physical education it is impossible to achieve the common goal of education - the formation of a harmoniously and comprehensively developed personality of a growing person.

2. Purpose and main tasks of physical education

The purpose of physical education - harmonious development of the forms and functions of the human body, comprehensive improvement of its physical abilities, strengthening and maintaining health and creative longevity.

Understanding the essence, goals of physical education allow us to formulate main goals.

1. Students' awareness of health as the most important social and personal value.

Awareness of the value of health is a stimulus for the formation of the need for health and its strengthening and preservation. The content of not only physical education, but also the entire multifaceted activity of an educational institution is aimed at the emergence and consolidation of this need. All subject teachers, within the framework of their subject, set and solve this problem, thereby helping to realize the value of health at the level of a formed belief and its entry into the student's personal system of value orientations.

2. Raising a sustainable interest and need for systematic physical education and sports, in strengthening one's physical strength and health.

Need and interest, as is known, are internal incentives, without which it is impossible to form a positive and active attitude of students to physical culture and sports, on the basis of which there is a constant internal readiness of the individual for physical self-improvement. The interest and pleasure received in the process of physical exercises gradually turn into a habit to systematically engage in them, which then turns into a stable need that persists in subsequent years.

3. Enriching students with a system of knowledge about the essence and personal,
social significance of physical culture and sports and their impact on health promotion, comprehensive development of the individual.

Equipping students with knowledge about personal hygiene, about the importance of physical culture and sports for health promotion, about the psychophysiological mechanisms of their influence on the formation of personality and the development of physical inclinations and abilities, about the hygienic rules for doing physical exercises, about the motor mode and natural hardening factors, about the basic techniques self-control, about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc., expands the intellectual horizons of students, improves their general culture, and contributes to the formation of a sustainable interest in systematic physical education and sports.

4. Development of students' motor skills and abilities. Vital motor skills and abilities develop in the process of performing certain movements. Among them are natural motor actions (walking, running, jumping, swimming, throwing, etc.) and motor actions that rarely or almost never occur in life, but are of great developmental and educational value (acrobatics, exercises on gymnastic apparatus, etc.). P.). The first and second, complementing each other, contribute to the acquisition of motor experience, which allows a person to confidently act in everyday labor and sports activities. In addition, the development of motor skills and abilities contributes to the formation of the most important physical qualities: strength, endurance, dexterity, speed, which are important not only in the physical education of students, but also in the spiritual development of the individual.

5. The development of students' physical inclinations, abilities, their involvement in various types of physical culture and sports.

The solution of this problem is closely and directly related to the implementation of all other tasks, which allows overcoming one of the contradictions of the physical education of students, which is manifested in the desire of individual teachers, trainers to use classes to the detriment of the health of students. Satisfying their ambitious claims, they often only care about achieving sports results at any cost. Sport becomes an end in itself, which contradicts its true purpose.

3. Basic means of physical education

Realization of the goal and solution of the problems of physical culture of students is connected with the use of the totality of means of physical education. These include natural(natural) factors: sun, air, water; hygiene factors: daily routine, nutrition, work and rest, hygiene of the home, clothes, shoes; physical exercise.

natural factors - the sun, air, water are not always recognized as the most important means of strengthening and physical development of a growing organism.

Acting in close and inextricable connection with physical exercises, they enhance the healing effect on students. Therefore, the sun's rays, clean air, water should, if possible, not only accompany all types of motor activity of students, but also be used as specially organized procedures: sun and air baths, wiping, pouring, showering or bathing.

hygiene factors are designed to provide hygienic conditions for the normal functioning of the body, the rational distribution of time for all types of activities during the day (daily routine, nutrition, work and rest), and also make it possible to perform physical exercises most productively based on compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements: wet cleaning of the premises , the presence of fresh air, comfortable furniture for work and sleep, sportswear for classes.

The listed hygienic factors not only create optimally favorable conditions for physical education, promote health, allow you to maintain a balance between expenditure and restoration of expended forces, but they also have a great educational value: they teach accuracy, discipline, accuracy, organization, stimulate a cheerful, cheerful mood , sense of time, self-control.

According to the famous physiologist IP Pavlov, there is nothing more powerful in the life of the human body than rhythm. If a person works and rests, eats on time and sleeps, then for each type of activity the body, as it were, prepares in advance, it is relatively easy to switch, it quickly enters, since the already fixed nerve connections, “triggering” mechanisms, are triggered. Rhythm balances the processes of excitation and inhibition, reduces the cost of energy released by the body for its normal and stable functioning.

Physical exercise- motor actions, specially selected and consciously performed to solve the problems of physical education.

The researchers found that healthy, properly developing junior schoolchildren should, on average, perform 12-16 thousand (girls) and 16-18 thousand (boys) locomotor movements (steps) daily. The maximum number of movements per minute is 227, 9000 per hour. If the child's life activity is organized in such a way that he makes the necessary number of movements every day, then this ensures the satisfaction of the body's natural need for movement. Such children develop a taste for movements, their overall physical development is fully under way. On the contrary, a decrease in the level of motor activity in the daily cycle of life of students, which is called hypodynamia, directly affects the deterioration of the main characteristics of physical development (weight, height, chest circumference), and the functional state of the body - cardiovascular activity, lung capacity, metabolism , muscle strength, etc.

To ensure physical activity of students, physical exercises are largely called upon. They are realized in gymnastics, games, tourism, sports. This is a classification of physical exercises, which is based on the historically established systems of educational means.

Gymnastics. From a pedagogical point of view, the value of gymnastics lies in the fact that it has the ability to selectively influence the body as a whole or the development of its individual systems and functions. There are basic, hygienic, sports, artistic, industrial, medical gymnastics. School students (in accordance with the physical education curriculum) are mainly engaged in basic gymnastics: building, general developmental exercises without objects and with objects (balls, ropes, etc.), climbing, balance, walking, running, jumping, throwing, elementary acrobatic exercises.

Games. In games, the physical strength of the child, his muscles develop, the body becomes more flexible, or rather the eye, personal qualities are formed: quick wits, resourcefulness, initiative, creativity. Games stimulate the collective experiences of students, the joy of joint efforts, help to strengthen friendship, camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

Tourism. These are organized short-term (one-day) or long-term (multi-day) walks, excursions, hikes, trips made to familiarize students with their native land, natural, historical and cultural monuments of our country, and expand the general horizons of students.

Tourism provides physical conditioning of students, improves their applied orientation and movement skills, forms the experience of collective life and activity, develops endurance, leadership and subordination skills, mutual exactingness, careful, responsible attitude to the natural environment.

Sport. Unlike physical culture, sport is always associated with achieving the highest possible results in certain types of physical exercises. For this purpose, competitions are held. They reveal the best results in individual sports, both team and individual. Under the conditions of the competitions, students develop a sense of responsibility for their results, students have to overcome significant physical and nervous stress, which contributes to the development of moral and volitional qualities.

However, it is important for the teacher to correctly use the participation of schoolchildren in various sports competitions, sports, preventing both physical overload of students and moral deviations in the formation of the student's personality.

4. Forms and methods of organizing physical education

Basic forms physical education organizations at school are physical education lessons, morning exercises, physical education sessions, organized change, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Physical education lessons conducted in strict accordance with the curriculum. As the main organizational form obligatory for all students, a physical education lesson provides the minimum of motor knowledge, skills and abilities, which forms the basis of the general physical fitness of students. The developing and healing effect of the lesson is achieved by careful selection of gymnastic and athletics exercises, outdoor and sports games, their skillful dosage, reasonable alternation, as well as compliance with hygienic conditions.

The structure of a physical culture lesson should correspond to both general didactic and specific requirements, the essence of which is that the increase in physical activity on the student's body is carried out gradually, reaching a maximum in the second half of the lesson, and then gradually decreasing to its original state. In accordance with this requirement, the most typical scheme of a physical education lesson is the following:

Introductory part of the lesson (10-15 minutes), the purpose of which is to prepare students for classes. To this end, the teacher uses gymnastic constructions and rebuildings, walking, running, general developmental exercises for attention, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, dexterity, etc.

IN the main part of the lesson the central pedagogical task is being solved, therefore, the physical load on students reaches its maximum at this stage due to learning and performing basic physical exercises that correspond to the school program in physical education.

The final part of the lesson provides for the removal of the natural excitation of students, bringing the student's body into a relatively calm state on the basis of performing rhythmic, breathing and other simple exercises.

When conducting physical education lessons, the age of students, the physiological characteristics of different sexes are taken into account.

For students with disabilities in the state of health and physical development, physical therapy classes are held, in which the selection of exercises and the total amount of physical activity are regulated by the relevant programs and recommendations of health authorities.

However, physical education lessons cannot solve the whole complex of problems of physical development of students. In this regard, the mode of the educational institution provides for measures of a health-improving and hygienic nature. These include: gymnastics before classes, physical education minutes and pauses, organized change.

Gymnastics before class contributes to an organized start of the school day, creates a cheerful and emotionally uplifted mood and is carried out for 10-15 minutes. It raises the level of excitability and functional mobility of the nervous and other systems of the body, prepares students for intense mental stress in the upcoming educational process, and helps to quickly enter a working state. It does not replace individual morning hygienic gymnastics (exercises), the meaning of which for health should be explained to students not only by the physical education teacher, but also by the class teacher and other teachers.

Exercise minutes and breaks in the classroom and during self-training are active recreation aimed at preventing students from overworking, maintaining their mental and physical performance in the classroom, providing a short break from hard work, maintaining good posture, removing negative effects from prolonged stress, and activating students' attention.

The complex of exercises includes exercises for the spinal column (pull-ups), torso tilts, rhythmic squeezing and unclenching the fingers, shaking the hands, exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities, etc. (4-5 exercises with a total duration of 1.5-2 minutes).

Physical education is practiced mainly in elementary school classes, although with the benefit of the health of students, they can be carried out for other age groups.

Organized Change are used as active recreation in order to reduce fatigue resulting from training activities. To this end, active recreation of students can be organized at a big break with the help of reasonable movements in the form of collective games, sports entertainment. Such events are held with children most often in the fresh air, and in classrooms at this time wet cleaning and ventilation are organized.

Out-of-class physical culture and health-improving and out-of-school educational work on the physical education of students. Out-of-class and out-of-school educational work is carried out in close and direct connection with physical culture lessons.

In the system of this work, a number of main directions.

1. Expansion and deepening of sanitary and hygienic education of students and the formation of relevant skills and abilities.

To this end, conversations are held about the value of health and the personal responsibility of everyone for its preservation and strengthening, about the importance of a reasonable daily routine for maintaining efficiency and well-being, about a healthy lifestyle and harmful habits, about body hygiene, about ways to harden the body, etc. d.

The subject of sanitary and hygienic education also includes the promotion of physical culture and sports, the most important events in sports life.

Education of students is carried out in the form of ongoing conversations, reports, lectures, meetings, evenings of sports dynasties, press conferences with the participation of outstanding athletes, etc.

In this case, the method of persuasion (clarification), suggestion, as well as the method of a positive example are used.

2. Sports improvement of students, development of their abilities in various types of physical culture and sports.

In the system of this area of ​​work, sports sections and physical education clubs are organized. The main method in this case is physical exercise or physical training. The range of their application is quite wide: from accustoming to observing the daily regimen, hygiene requirements, to neatness, cleanliness, to developing the need for a healthy lifestyle, practicing various types of physical culture and sports, improving abilities in one of them.

3.Organization and holding of mass sports events at the school.
These include: sports holidays, school sports days, sportlands, competitions, evenings, health days, etc.

When carrying out these events, the pedagogically correct use of the approval method, which stimulates the sports activity of students, is important.

4.Using the natural forces of nature (sun, water, air) to improve the health of students.

For this, walks, excursions are widely held in schools, hiking trips, games on the ground, labor operations, etc. are organized.

Out-of-school educational work on physical education is carried out by ZhES, children's and youth sports schools, children's tourist stations, parks of culture and recreation, sports facilities (stadiums, skating rinks, swimming pools, etc.), voluntary sports societies, city and country camps of various types, Palaces of youth, etc.

5. Valeological education

The social and personal importance of ensuring a healthy generation has led to the active development in recent years of the science of improving the human body - valeology. "Valeo" (lat.) - means to be healthy, to be healthy. Under health not only the absence of disease or physical infirmity is understood, but also the preservation of the unity of the bodily, intellectual, moral-psychological and spiritual well-being of the human person.

Valeology- an integrated science of the spiritual and physical health of a person and the whole human society at a new stage of his spiritual and creative evolution in its inextricable relationship with the improvement of the surrounding nature.

In this regard, a new direction appeared in the educational activities of educational institutions - valeological upbringing. Physical education is the most important condition for maintaining, strengthening health and ensuring a healthy lifestyle.

Content educational work includes the assimilation by students of the essence of such concepts as "life", "health", their perception as universal values, the formation of the ability to distinguish between physical (bodily) and moral (spiritual) education; fostering a caring attitude towards one's own health and the health of others; formation of the ability to see the relationship and interdependence in such triads: life - health - environment; life - health - safety understanding the importance of physical and mental labor, physical culture, sports, tourism, communication with nature.

Valeology as a science of including a person in the formation of one's health is in its infancy. Continuing valeological education is a completely innovative and most effective approach at the present stage to the problem of shaping the health of each person and promoting a healthy society as a whole. Specific features of the education of a culture of a healthy image life are manifested in the following fundamental ideas and provisions:

Careful attitude to one's health is the main duty of every person;

Every citizen is responsible not only for his own health, but also for his health.
their children and grandchildren. His way of life determines the health of future generations;

Protecting the health of healthy people is a national task and the direct responsibility of those specialists for whom the object of their professional activity is a person;

In the conditions of ecological relations, success in life and matters of social well-being can be achieved, first of all, by mentally and physically healthy people.

Ways to implement valeological education of students

1. Organization of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for the improvement of students

- planning the study load of students during the day, week, quarter, etc. taking into account the biorhythms of a developing personality;

Creation of basic conditions for the full-fledged life of students during the school day (mode and balance of nutrition in the dining room, matching the size of furniture to the age of students, lighting, ventilation and cleanliness of classrooms, etc.)

2. Physical and moral and psychological improvement of students in the course of educational and extracurricular activities

1. creating a favorable psychological climate in the system "student-student", "student-teacher";

2. creation of curricula and programs to differentiate the education of schoolchildren;

3. organization of consultations and other types of assistance to students;

4. elimination of monotony and monotony of education;

5. physical development in the process of extracurricular activities (hiking, games, competitions, etc.)

The functions of the teacher in the process of valeological education

1.Diagnostic(observation of the health status of students, their physical and mental performance, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in school conditions; assistance in obtaining timely medical care for students if necessary).

2.Prophylactic(prevention of the negative consequences of schoolchildren's violation of the regime of study and rest, diet, careless handling of fire and explosives, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and behavior on the water, the impact on health of addictions, etc.).

3. Corrective(elimination of violations in the organization of sanitary and hygienic standards of life of students at school, the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about a healthy lifestyle - compliance with the study and rest regime, diet, personal hygiene rules, etc. through conversations, lectures, debates, watching films, reading literature, etc.).

4. Advisory(involvement in valeological propaganda among
students of psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, etc.).

Criteriaformation of a healthy lifestyle culture: attitude to one's health and the health of others as a value; availability of skills and abilities to maintain and promote health, safe and responsible behavior; formation of hygiene skills and habits; the presence of physical and mental activity; the ability to resist destructive behaviors.

Valeological education the younger generation is a task of great national importance. The teacher is required to educate not only educational functions, but also to form the body, psyche, mind, morals and spiritual sphere of students. The teacher should monitor the health of students, monitor the deviations of vision, hearing and the well-being of each individual.