Beautiful words for parting with a guy loving. Examples of letters for different situations. Other outlooks on life

How to write a farewell letter to your beloved man? Farewell to a man. Farewell words to a man.

If you want to leave.... Maybe you don’t want to, but the circumstances have developed, and there are no other options .... However, about everything from the very beginning.

You met someone else, but the one you met a couple of years before him is not so easy to tell about everything. Unfortunately, it is impossible to break off relations, and at the same time not cause any pain to the person with whom you need to “make” separation.

Did you say goodbye to a man?- The situation is like this. Do you love him. But the parents of the beloved are against you. This is what confuses you the most, even though you understand that everyone cannot be liked. That is, it is possible, but not possible. You met another man. No matter how cruel it may sound, but you really want, with the help of a new comer, to forget your loved one. You just read the phrase somewhere: the best medicine from love - new love". And you hope that you can fall in love so blindly that you will no longer remember the man without whom, quite recently, your life seemed completely worthless.

It's hard for you. You would do anything to be with your loved one. But you don’t want to constantly know how the mother of your beloved treats her. And it is foolish to declare a hunger strike, it is foolish to ask God for indulgence, it is foolish to hope for a miracle .... It is necessary to dot all the points, but with minimal moral pain. And moral pain, by the way, hurts much more than physical pain.

How to write a farewell letter to your beloved man? Which parting words write to a man

In any case, it is much easier to write about separation than to talk about it, looking straight into the eyes. How to write?

Farewell letter, farewell words to a beloved man, beloved person.

IN from sample:

"With you I was the most happy woman in the world. I remember everything about you. I won't forget everything we've been through together. It so happened that we had to part. There is no need to think that something in you has ceased to suit me: you, as before, are perfect. Too perfect for me. You are beautiful. Your lips, your eyes your face your voice, your laugh... All this lives not only in the photograph, but also deep in the heart.

Now I am writing to you, and I cannot hold back my tears, even though I try. You will notice a blob on every period and comma, but ignore them. Watch what is hidden in the letter that I am writing to you with all my heart, the depths of which I recalled in the last paragraph.

I don't want to cry! Tears help me. Is it true. They treat me. So, forgive me my salty sea, which finally smeared my mascara. Do you remember how you gave it to me? I will keep the bottle from her, collecting all the memories of you in it.

I do not love you anymore. Too bad I never learned to lie. I love you, but I met someone else. And I am not writing about this at all in order to break your poor heart. I love his knock, his beating in silence ....

But we can't be together. Our paths decided to part. I calm myself only by saying that everything that is done is done for the better. Just have to wait for the best. Actually, my best thing is you. Thanks to fate, I waited for you. And I even was with you. I was happy with you...

Forgive me for the love, and for the fact that I decided to leave. I don't know how I did it myself. And do not swear because of me with your mother: she wants you to meet the most wonderful woman on the planet. You know it's not me. I'm far from the most wonderful.

Think about me…. But think all the bad things in order to be disappointed sooner. I don't want you to suffer. I don't deserve it. As, in general, and any other girl.

Darling, we're just unlucky. We can't be together. But they were together in the past. So let's try to protect him. I appreciate all the moments and minutes that we spent together. Do you appreciate them? Then forgive me and let go. But not to hate me. hate is too much strong feeling. Don't test it on me: I'm not worthy.

You'll be happy. Just be optimistic. And do not consider it a betrayal that I am not with you now. I did it on purpose so that you would learn to be disappointed in me. Please forgive me. But I can't be with you knowing how annoying your mother is. Unfortunately, parents are not chosen. Respect your mom. As before - Love her. She has spent her whole life with you. And I am your happy accident, which, by an unfortunate coincidence, did not please your mother. It happens. I do not wish you harm, I do not curse. I remember how you told me that in your life there are two women whom you really appreciate and love: me and your mother. It is foolish to compare love for a mother and love for the one and only. Yes, I do not want you to compare these two feelings. There is no point in comparison. I am leaving your life so that another one comes into it, one that your mother will really like, whom she can love like her own daughter.

Are you surprised by my such humanity? Nothing surprising. I just want, I dream that you are the happiest. If I am with you, happiness will move aside, because, always, between us and our love, there will be your mother. And you know it.".

I won't continue writing.: continue it yourself, if, nevertheless, you decide to write it. Maybe you will do otherwise: you will rent an apartment and live with your loved one, no matter what. But then you will have to never think about his mother, who is so against your true and warm love.

No one looked into the soul of the mother of your beloved man. It is quite possible that she is very afraid for her son and for his future, since, to put it mildly, he was very unlucky with the opposite sex.

Do you think that no farewell letters are needed for a man? Do not write. It will become easier for you also from the fact that you leave your thoughts in poetry or in a diary, or simply on forums, on the Internet. Maybe you should speak up close friend. And it helps. Just don't think about how things could have been different. Don't blame yourself for anything. And don't blame him. Fate has decreed that you are not on your way. So, it is necessary. And not only to you, but to someone in heaven.

Letters should be written from the heart, and not on the advice or experience of friends. Maybe you don't need to write them. In general, when you write about painful and intimate things, it becomes easier for both the soul and the body. The problem is that not everyone knows how to write letters (both in terms of content and in terms of grammatical and spelling errors).

write, if the soul asks for it!


Parting is the beginning of a new life
Let it be passed and lived a lot,
But experience has been gained, and good luck,
Let's spread our wings and drive away the sadness!

I wish you love, good for you,
And the best person in fate,
And life is bright, unusual,
Strength and success, an excellent career!

I can't say goodbye to you
I am holding your hand.
I'm afraid to let you go
Will I be able to see again?

Cold sweat breaks through me
Separation breaks the heart.
Love screams: "Don't leave,
Please take me with you!”

Bitter separation came to visit us,
And tear apart our tender hearts.
And mercilessly hits our feelings,
She cannot be defeated, she is strong for us!

How can I live without you - I can not imagine!
Separation to survive, where can I get the strength?
These thoughts hurt me a lot.
Please help me find the answer!

It's over, you know it's over
Our romance has come to an end
And there's no going back,
And now I don't love you.

Forgive me for causing pain
Forgive me for leaving
You and I are too different people
I just can't be with you.

Sorry, goodbye, it's over, it happens
I do not love you anymore,
As time goes by, all feelings fade
And I'm leaving forever.

You might hate
Maybe you can forgive
You will meet your destiny,
You will arrange your life.

Sorry, goodbye, we're breaking up
My love is over
We won't get along with you anymore
We won't be with you again.

It hurts so much to let you go
I know you'll be back soon
But this time will be without you
You write when you get there.

And in general, write to me more often,
I will be sad, I will miss
Climb into your suitcase
You remember that I love and will not forget.

Holding hands
each other for so many years.
And now we know
That there is no more love.

Now we're breaking up
Mutually, trouble resentment.
We swear to others in love,
We want to be with others.

Where do feelings go?
How were they overlooked?
let each other down
Separated not for a moment.

Maybe we'll regret
Until then, let's go
With others holding hands
Not regretting anything.

Again roads, again separation,
I will have to leave again.
Breaking up again is such a pain
I will only think of you.

You only remember that the day will come
And we will meet with you.
And she will drive away sorrows,
And I will see your native look.

We part with you forever
The whole soul is torn to pieces!
Pain pierces the heart, a cry breaks,
So tell me, how can I survive this moment?

I cannot be separated from you.
I can't live without you from now on!
I beg you, help me soon
Save me from the burning separation!

No autumn, tricky flour,
To dot all the i,
To recognize the inevitability of separation
And dispel your doubts.

Unusual habit to lose
To be together and not see the face,
Well, life after a wave rolls a wave,
Turning inevitability into a ring.

Don't look at me so sadly
Let the dream live on in the past.
Everything was there, but somewhere
We part ... And that's it ... Vanity ...

Do not be afraid of parting, I ask
Soon I will come to you again
I hug you tightly, gently
And summer will come again in the soul!

Wait and don't be sad
Time will fly by so fast
Only more often, please, write to me,
Very soon, I will come to you!

Hello. I see removed Family status. So many words
has already been said and written to you, but everything
pointless because you don't need it anymore. I don't
needed. I so wanted us to succeed.

to have
we were fine. but you began to show the opposite.
Maybe it's true I'm not what you want, not yours
ideal, but you know, I so wanted you to love me
the way I am, with my stupid thoughts, bad
character. such a small, naive girl. which
True, I believed in love! With each of our quarrels, I
I tried not to think about the bad, I thought everything
hoped. I told myself .. he loves me, I believe him, I
I need to completely immerse myself in you. I can not any more
Imagine your life without someone like you.
look what's going on? what a pain, insults, quarrels. I
I experience every insult for me as the end of the world, you
I just didn't realize what was happening to me! Understand. You
expecting some kind of serious, smart deeds. but I still
in general, a child might be worth finding an adult
girl who will obey, make conscious
deeds!. I myself am not better, I know what my character is,
what am I. And I agree it's hard for you! If it's so hard for you
with me, maybe you just want to stay
friends? Or completely stop everything. Just please don't
fool your feelings!

help me write a letter to a guy, I can’t do everything
to formulate, I don’t want to offend him, he is dear to me, but
all the time his friends get into our lives. That's why
I want to leave, he constantly listens to them and not to me.
even though he says he loves me

(Name), when you have time, read to the end)). I never
I did not think that the hour would come when I would be forced
write you these words. So many words have already been said
and written to you, but everything is meaningless, because you
it is not necessary. I'm not needed .. And also in our relationship
there was always a lie, your lie. no, of course, first you
loved me, but then apparently feelings faded away breake down
not enough courage, maybe you're used to me and you like that
comfortable. And you started lying that you are busy at work, that you have
business, and absolutely no time. At first I closed
eyes, I thought everything would be fine .. ((I can’t do this anymore.
.So strange, at the first meeting you were completely to me
indifferent, who would have thought that very soon you
you will become the meaning of my life .. mmdaa. for all the pain that you
caused me, for every tear that I shed because of
you .. yet, I love you (Name)? don’t torture me like that .. but
Now it hurts me terribly, it hurts to say goodbye to you,
it hurts to lose a person who has already become for me
relatives .. bye (Name). hehe, I'll miss you

Leshenka, my dear lover! So many words already
was said and written to you, but everything
pointless because you don't need it. I'm not needed.
Pain tears apart from the realization of loss and impossibility
to change anything. It's a pity that it's all over
managed to start. We spent an amazing summer together and I
thank you for every moment. I was
happy as never before with anyone. I don't know if I can
ever forget you. you know, I don't
I want to. maybe I'm a masochist, but I don't want to love anyone
something else. So strange, when we first met you were me
completely indifferent, who would have thought that at all
soon you will become the meaning of my life, that man, from
which I want a bunch of kids. alas, we will not have
Nothing. happiness was .. but too little. No matter how
it was, I will always remember you, it is impossible to forget
a man who left a scar on his heart..I don't blame
you, because you can’t command the heart. you live in my
heart, in my memories. Love you. be
my boy is happy. You deserve the finest
this life. And remember that there is a person who is not
thinking about sacrificing himself for you .. always
count on me. Farewell, beloved.

In the rainy noisy bustle
You accidentally smiled at me
And the light shed in the darkness
And everything in me turned upside down
I stood there feeling downcast
And life seemed like a mistake to me
But suddenly, as if struck by thunder
Your gentle smile
A single moment - and I'm all yours,
In love, in painful languor
Suddenly became the most expensive
You are for me in an instant
But losing your love
I stand dejected again.

My dear boy, you were in my life and I want to say
thank you for this. I am grateful for every minute
happiness that you gave me. and I hate you for all that
the pain that you caused me, for every tear that I
spilled because of you. You are just a boy, because you are not
played enough of my favorite games: cars, motorcycles, booze
with friends. And in our relationship there has always been
lies, your lies. no, of course, at first you loved me, but
then, apparently, the feelings faded, but it’s not enough to leave
courage, or maybe you're used to me and you're so comfortable. AND
you began to lie that you are busy at work, that you have business, that
you have problems and absolutely no time to
meet. At first I closed my eyes, I thought everything
get better, you walk up. You know, I don’t
I can, why are you so naive every time you think that I'm not
I learn about your next lie. I'm tired, I don't see
future. Without trust, there can be no relationship. And I
I deserve to be by my side
the person who will make me happy, with whom I
I will feel that I am loved. I sincerely wish you
all the brightest, find your love, your
half. but just don’t torment me, don’t come back to
me, do not ask for forgiveness. leave me, get out of my
life forever

Hello again, you know Dima, you are very heavy.
man, you start judging people are still not at all
knowing you don't want to accept this world as it is
there is, you see only the bad in everything, there is deceit everywhere, everything
bad, everyone just wants you bad, you don't want
accept neither help nor moral support. I
understood you perfectly, tried to help somehow,
support, but now your insides have come out of you
the devil that's been in you all this time. How many
have you broken your fate? I still can't figure out why
you are like that, every person dreams of what would be his
loved, admired, appreciated and respected, even the same
Sergey, your friend in his heart dreams about it, but what am I
I say every person already in his youth begins
to dream that someday in his life there will be one
the one and only, perfect and beloved
the person in the world who will love you madly
all life. Yes, and I dreamed about it, and when I met you, in
my heart sank so hard that I realized it was the one
man, this is the prince whose knight I have been waiting for all
life to which I gave my heart, my soul, my
dreams for which I am ready to throw myself into the fire and
burn alive, that person whom I appreciate, whom
I respect, whom I love, whom I cherish. Yes Dima, it's you
the man who for a year gave me
hope that even after a year we wake up
together that even in old age we wake up happy and I
believed you, trusted, opened up, let you in
own life. And now it hurts me terribly, it hurts
to say goodbye to love, it hurts to lose a person who
has already become family to me. And you know what hurts the most
what do you understand, you lose a person out of stupidity only

All this is pointless and stupid.

I hope that the day will come when you and I are somewhere
meet by chance. Let's look into each other's eyes, and
there is still the same brilliance, all the same feelings, nothing
has changed. Only in the soul there will be light sadness, and
we will part as usual, but this time I will try
hold back tears, I will not cry, but just smile.
I will smile for you so that you do not have sadness in your soul,
so that you don't get upset. No matter how much it hurts, I
I never cease to thank fate that she gave me
you. I wish you only happiness. I want you to have everything
It was good, and I will be calmer from this. I want to
you finally met your one true love and was with
her happy. I want you to never experience that
the pain that I experienced. Remember you are forever in my
heart. I feel you. I love you.

the one that was rejected

I know that I will definitely be happy, with you or
without you ... Of course, I try not to think about you, but also
I don't want to forget at all. At night when
fatigue and constant insomnia undermine
self-defense, I'm afraid the memories are being erased.
Suddenly my memory is really a sieve, and in one
beautiful day I can't remember the shade of your
eyes, the velvety smoothness of the skin, the timbre of the voice...
You can’t think about it, but you need to remember .. I always
I ask myself why, why can't I be with
loved one, why am I such a punishment, such
pain, I don't deserve it. I'm a man too, I'm a girl
the girl who fell in love for the first time with all her heart,
who once confessed her love, received a knife in
back. As each time the pain grew stronger and
stronger, and the traces of it are deeper and deeper in the soul.
Ildar. I don't make sense of my life without you. You are my
meaning, my goal, my addiction. Still in my heart
the fire that you kindled in me burns. I never
I can't forget you. I won't even try. Let
better for everyone else, I will become heartless. Because
that they will never have a place in my heart. You
was the first and only one I allowed to enter
your heart, but you didn't believe me, I saw it in your
in your eyes, in your smile, in your every gesture. I
felt it. I don't want to be unnecessary, annoying,
be imposed. But I understand that it is.

You will never understand how much you broke me and with
how hard, now, I'm trying to glue myself on
pieces from day to day, through all the insults, all the pain and
tears. I won't write, call, search anymore
meetings, I will not nervously run up to the phone when
music will play, why?

You know, time has passed, but it hasn't changed me, I'm still like that
I believe that you are about to write me such a tender and
native word for me, my love, that you will call and
say I love you, dear. These are only mine
dreams. I know that you have another, I know that you love her. stupid
believe that we will be together sometime, but you
know me. I am stubborn, I will believe in this miracle. A
you know, my good looking out the window, I always wish you
good night and good morning. You never know what
with me. It's already winter. Snow is flying, so beautiful. Here
a small park, I always dream looking at it that we are with
you will walk there. First we are with you, then with
our son or daughter. And then so sharply a call to
the door and dreams have gone into the abyss, only
reality. Do you know who came? It's him!
the one I'm trying to replace you with. I think many
understand how it is to kiss one when in the heart
another! So in 5 years, maybe I'll get married, it will
child. I hope that there will be a son, I will call him yours
name, I promise. I know if you see when
then, by chance, this letter you recognize this handwriting, my
words and you will understand that I wrote it to you. to you beloved and
so dear. Hands tremble when I write
it's scary. It's scary to understand that you will never
I will hear your voice. I can not anymore. I'm sorry. I love
you, my good. I don't cry anymore when I watch your
photo ... I don’t clutch the phone frantically anymore, I don’t wait for your
call because I know you won't call. Life
slowly returning to the old track, I become
by herself. The one that was before you, which is also
loves life. Learning to enjoy every little thing again
gradually expel you from my heart. Let it
It's not easy, but I'm trying very hard. I

the one that was rejected

you. Of course, at first I tried to close it.
eyes. But then I realized that you can close your eyes to something
what you see, but not what you feel! Thanks for the days
that we spent together. Thanks for the minutes
seconds, in moments. My endless "thank you"
has no boundaries. I can always thank you
because you deserve all the words of gratitude,
that exist in all languages ​​of the world.. You took me away from
loneliness. You saved me from depression and longing. You -
the one I've always been looking for. Funny: I was looking for you, and you
found me myself. Life so replayed everything that it forced
insanely surprised. I remember the first sight... I was drowning in
him, forgetting about the whole wide world. I love you. Just
I love. The way you are. That others are flawed
consider it a plus for me, and huge pluses. You are.
I don't really need more than that. I knew that I love
you are stronger. Thought you didn't have me at all
loved, but tried not to notice it, so that
keep feeling happy. I don't like anyone
loved…. I'm crazy about my love.... Do you see this.
You see a lot. I would give anything to go on
pretend not to notice your game. But no more
it turns out.

I swallow the breath of love. Love is dying. I dream of saving
her. But love is all I need. You are just a shadow.
The shadow of my dreams, my desires, my hopes.... I speak
to our mutual friends that everything is cool and perfect with us. They
believe. They believe and do not get upset. It's good that they don't know
how my tormented and deceived soul is tormented. Be
happy, darling. Goodbye and sorry. I never
I will send you this letter. You know, time has passed, but it

I don’t even know where to start”The lines are trembling, the letters
sparkle…. I'm afraid that I will write something wrong (or wrong).
But I write because my soul asks for it. very sorry.
I remember the day we met. His
impossible to forget, because he laid the foundation for our
relationship with you. Even if they don't last long.
This day is unforgettable, because it is unusual. To me
had a dream horrible dream which woke me up.
Glancing, out of habit, at the mobile screen, I saw
envelope. I realized that someone texted me. This was
You. SMS from the person who became everything to me. Answering
on SMS, I knew that a love story had begun. Even
they didn't last long, but they were amazing
for me. 'Cause I was the one happy girl on
light, and even despite the fact that we quarreled,
cursed, offended at each other because of all sorts of petty
trivia. It was my best in my life I remember
how I fell in love with you. This was our second meeting. AND
for this short meeting, I realized that she would not
last. I took my breath away, my heart stopped
and in the chest it became somehow unnaturally warm. I even
I couldn't imagine what it felt like. When I
I was driving home, there were a lot of different thoughts in my head and
I couldn't concentrate at all. I didn't believe that
all this is happening to me. But, only at home, I started
realize that I'm in love with you. in love with your
smile, in your beautiful eyes, in your voice, in you
the way you are. Became at the same time
scary and good. But in those moments when I saw you,
I was filled with happiness, joy, warmth, giving
hope for something more.

I have to admit, I have never loved anyone as much as


Prepare the ground for the breakup ahead of time. Start meeting less often, talking less, let him know that a split has occurred in the relationship. If the breakup occurs unexpectedly, it will be difficult for him to believe and accept it. And if he remembers that there was a split in the relationship, it will be easier for him to accept the fact of separation.

Of course, it is better to report a breakup in person to show your respect for your partner. But if it is difficult or inconvenient for you to tell such news in your eyes, use the letter. But not an SMS message, because it fits a small amount. It is better to write a letter by hand or, in last resort, in private messages of social networks.

Think about the reasons that led to your breakup. If there is nothing offensive for the guy in them, you can indicate them in the letter. But only if it does not concern his appearance, material wealth or other personal problems. You can talk about your incompatibility, for example, if you want to have children, but he is not ready for them.

Do not sort things out and do not blame him for something. The last letter must leave about you good impression, and you should not raise old grievances, scandals and remember his mistakes.

Don't give up hope. The letter should make it clear that everything is over between you. If he has faith in your future, the young man will not be able to go further. So write that you have thought about the situation and weighed everything well. You firmly believe that you have no future, and it would be best to leave now.

Wish good luck and happy personal life. Write what you sincerely wish him to receive mutual love with another girl who will appreciate him and they will be happy. Remind them not to despair and shut themselves up.

Don't try to hurt young man. No need to add “I never loved you” or “You are terrible in bed” to the letter. Sometimes there is a desire to express everything accumulated for long years, but most often then comes regret about the act. It is better to write two versions of the letter: in one, express all your thoughts, and in the other, remove insults and barbs. Send the second option, and burn or tear the first one.

If you have not used social networks but by letter, put it in an envelope. You can type the letter on your computer, print it out, and manually write your name at the bottom. You need to leave the message in a conspicuous place to be sure of delivery. It will be embarrassing if you are sure of your breakup, and he still does not receive your message. Throw it in the mailbox, in his coat pocket, or leave it on the table in his apartment.

Parting is always painful and insulting, so in order to somehow alleviate your condition, you can try to express all your feelings in a letter to your ex-lover.

Where to text an ex after a breakup

If you decide to write about your feelings to a former young man, you should not use mobile phone. An SMS message, most likely, will remain unanswered, and you will not be able to convey all your thoughts and feelings through it.

It would be very romantic to use for writing old way: write it on a piece of paper by hand. However, in Lately young boys and girls try to use email or social networks.

What to write to an ex

To make it easier for you, you should write a sincere letter to your ex, in which you put your whole soul.

Start writing from the moment you meet. Say that you still remember the first time you saw him, that word for word you remember your first conversation. How beautiful and interesting he seemed to you once. Say that when everything was just beginning for you, you hoped that you met true love that would last a lifetime.

Remind him how much you loved dreaming together. Surely your plans included a family, children and a small cozy house. Perhaps you always wanted to go on a trip together, but all your dreams remained unfulfilled.

Try to speculate in a letter about why it happened, why, it would seem, ideal relationship led to this outcome. Analyze your and his behavior, find mistakes in it and think about how together you could solve them and fix everything.

Don't blame the young man for everything. Be smarter and take most of the blame. Say that only now you understand that somewhere you behaved incorrectly, maybe you were often jealous, paid little attention, or provoked your loved one to jealousy. He must understand that you have begun to realize everything and are ready to change for the better.

give thanks former lover for the time you spent together. Say that you felt very good next to him, that you can hardly ever love someone as much as him, but you hope that in his life he will definitely meet a person whom he will treat better, than to you, whom he will love more, appreciate more. You must let him know that you still have feelings for him, but you will let him go with a clear conscience and will no longer make any attempts and steps towards. Let him be happy, but only without you.

I really don't want to talk good man something unpleasant. When it comes to breaking up with a guy, girls unnecessarily drag out the relationship that has become a ballast just because they can’t decide to say “We’re breaking up” to his face. And they don’t want to see bewilderment, bitterness, resentment on his face. New technologies help to bypass this moment, now it is enough to write a farewell sms the guy at parting and everything, both are free. The main thing is that he does not enter into correspondence, trying to defend his place next to you. Therefore, writing a farewell sms, be careful.

Essay plan

Choosing just this way of breaking off relations, be prepared in advance for the fact that you will not part with your friends. He will be offended. After all, SMS will not explain to him all your thoughts, hopes, plans, disappointments and moods. This is just a statement of fact with a brief explanation. Therefore, after parting, feel free to delete his number from notebook He definitely won't call again. Well, if only in a state of drunkenness, to quarrel a little.

The brevity of the text still obliges you to include certain points in the message. That is, "I'm sorry, we're breaking up!" obviously not suitable. Indeed, in this case, the question “Why?” will be natural for a young person, but this is what we want to avoid. So here optimal plan a short essay on the topic "Dislike":

  • recipient's name
  • parting theme
  • cause
  • apology
  • please do not disturb

How to break up with a guy without hurting him sms

When referring to a guy by name, do not use the diminutives "Prickle", "Danka",

“Lyosha”, especially do not use intimate names like “cat”, “baby”, “giraffe” and “sun”. This is a break in relations, you are no longer close people, do not pour extra salt on his wound.

I thought for a long time and decided - it's time for us to leave ...

I can no longer be with you, I'm leaving for good ...

Breaking up is always hard, but...

It's time for us to live our lives...

I can't say that when we meet. It's easier. We are breaking up...

Let's be honest. Everything has cooled down between us. It's time to part...

One of the simplest and most effective options: I'm not ready to continue our relationship.

Honesty is the best policy

It should be a good honest letter, so that he, imbued with your mood, understands that you have serious intentions and the solution is irreversible.

If you are in love, you need to report this too. It is clear that without names and surnames.

It is more difficult with the wording “we are too different”, “I felt good with you, but ...”, “we are not a couple to each other”, “I am not worthy of you” (or “you are me”), “I don’t love you anymore” . It is advisable not to use the last thesis at all. It’s very insulting for a person to hear this, it’s even easier to hear about another man. You can somehow mitigate, for example, plagiarize: " at love at our battery ran out." A little humor won't hurt, after all, the moment is difficult, it is necessary to defuse the situation.

Well full list it’s better not to list the boiling grievances, firstly, with each item, your now ex boyfriend there will be a desire to argue, and secondly, why spoil your nerves?

Polite refusal

Next, you need to apologize. Banal and pathetic "I'm sorry!" Not okay. Won't forgive. But “I’m sorry that I am causing you pain, grief, resentment” - this is already quite human. Another good option is “I feel deeply guilty in front of you.” You can also write "It was good time in our life. It's a pity we couldn't save the feeling." Coming up with your own version, imagine yourself in his place, think about what wording would not cause you additional suffering.

And be sure to ask at the end not to make contact again. "Don't write or call me anymore!" This is a badass classic. Come up with something original, but polite. For example, “My decision is final. Not subject to appeal. Don’t get in touch, it’s not worth it” or “You shouldn’t convince me. Try to painlessly remove the phone and address from memory.

Knight's move

When parting with a guy, SMS can be much shorter. Just a short one sms fact without explanation. After that, the SIM card is subject to disposal, and you start a new life with a new phone number. In a week or two, he will be able to recognize him, but, most likely, he will no longer want to. Here's what it might look like:

  • I left you. Do not search.
  • Went to another. Chao.
  • Getting married. Bye!
  • Started another life. Without you.
  • See you no more. Tired.

It is advisable to change the place of residence for the same 2 weeks. The best thing to do is get out of town. Friends-girlfriends will definitely tell him a lot of things about you, so he himself will not want to look for a meeting.


In total, we get the following construction:

Seryozha! I can't and don't want to be with you anymore. Sorry for not posting personally. I won’t name the reasons, you already understand everything - for some reason we became cold and bored together. I will look for warmth and joy elsewhere. Thanks for what it was. Try to be patient and not respond. So it will be easier.

This is a sample for beautiful parting you don't have to follow it exactly. The main thing is to comply with 3 conditions:

  • politeness
  • literacy
  • objectivity

Such an SMS with a breakup will not cause a deep insult to a guy.

Merciless SMS

And it happens that the guy has already given you a reason: offended, cheated, said that he did not intend to marry, spat in your soul or did not buy a chocolate bar. I mean, I've already taken the first step. Then, with the help of SMS, parting with a guy will not be so painful. You are simply responding to his actions. And here the text directly depends on the severity of the “crime”.