"I'm in a hurry to go home, where Nastya is waiting for me with dinner." Dmitry Tarasov gave the first interview after the divorce from Buzova and spoke about new love. Dmitry Tarasov told about the divorce and the future wedding Tarasov told the truth about the divorce

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov have been one of the most discussed couples in the media for more than six months. For a long time, the spouses did not make people aware of what was happening in the house, and the fans hoped to the last that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve relations, but the miracle did not happen.

Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova: Divorce of a well-known couple shocked

In January 2014, Dmitry Tarasov got a tattoo on his wrist, forming the initials of his name and the name of Olga Buzova, and the date of their wedding was filled below. Such a gift touched the host of "House-2" to the core.

At that moment, Buzova published a photograph showing her husband's hand with a secret drawing, and signed it like this: “My husband's act yesterday moved me to tears. Not a single person dedicated a tattoo to me! I really appreciate it ... I love you, dear. Together forever". For a long time, the TV presenter created the image of an exemplary family on social networks, although in reality everything turned out to be not so romantic and, after a while, fans of the famous spouses noticed that the lovers stopped having joint photos. Later, Dmitry did not come to support his wife at the presentation of the award for the best "instagram", having gone at that time with friends to one of the capital's bars. The last straw in the overflowing cup was the athlete's act: once again in the hospital ward, Tarasov thanked his mother for support, and not at all his wife, who had always been his main support.

And already on November 29, the host of Doma-2 put an end to it and filed for divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. The family idyll of the famous TV presenter failed. As it became known, Olga Buzova and her husband Dmitry Tarasov divorced after four years of family life. The separation of the spouses was accompanied by a mass of scandalous details.

According to the friends of the couple, the footballer initially did not want to marry Olga, because the day before he had undergone a divorce process. The main reason why Tarasov nevertheless inclined to marry was the condition by which Buzova would give birth to children for him. However, the TV star did not give her husband the promised offspring.

Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova: Assumptions of disagreement in a couple

In the course of discussions on the Internet, several versions were put forward. They said that Tarasov was cheating on Buzova, and her patience finally snapped. Others claimed that Dmitry dreamed of a family, but Olga did not want to give birth to a child, but was exclusively engaged in a career. And here the patience of the football player has already burst.

Someone whispered to reporters that the host of the infamous reality show Dom-2 had health problems, which is why she failed to give birth. Olga herself indirectly confirmed the information about ill health. Some are sure that Olga Buzova is simply promoting her marriage, like Ksenia Borodina, who forgave her husband after publicly admitting his betrayals.

And after a while, new interesting details from the personal lives of the stars were revealed. It turns out that the TV presenter and the athlete had a marriage contract, according to which each, in the event of a break, remains, as they say, with his own.

However, Tarasov himself insists that the reason for the divorce was - exposing the relationship to the public and ... money! As it turned out, all property acquired in marriage will be divided in half. “There is a marriage contract. She gets half of our property ... The car was my gift for her ... ”Dmitry said in an interview.

The athlete is disappointed by the inevitable circumstance that he will have to share with Olga a country house, the construction of which they have been hard at work lately: “The result of my work, all sorts of training ... And she needs to return half. For what? I do not understand such moments, such people. Money is the main reason for our disagreements!” In addition, Tarasov also said that his former lover has completely different views on life.

Fans of the ex-couple watched Olga Buzova sob and hysteria because of the breakup, and came to the conclusion that Dmitry Tarasov is currently completely satisfied with life, but the football player says the opposite, arguing that he simply does not consider it necessary to advertise his real emotions.

Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova: The main reason for the separation of the "tarabuziki"

As previously reported by the media, the high-profile divorce of the Moscow Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova provoked many reasons, but the main one was the betrayal of his wife. From the correspondence, which became public, we can conclude that Buzova, being married to a football player, cheated on him with showman Dmitry Nagiyev.

This is evidenced not only by messages of a provocative nature, but also by a video of a naked TV presenter that she sent to a colleague. Buzova herself considers the hacker trick a cruel and vile act towards her. But Tarasov said that he was shocked by the news of his wife's betrayal, although he had long anticipated this. Tarasov also says that he noticed the indecent and immoral behavior of his wife a long time ago, but then no one believed him, since his words looked like an excuse against the background of Buzova's statements. Now the athlete has finally declared that he can officially be considered a free man.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko. Photo: @kostenko.94

Dmitry Tarasov spoke about the divorce and the future wedding

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko gave a joint interview. The football player spoke about his marriage to Olga Buzova and that he was going to build a new family with an attractive model who “does everything” for him.

Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova filed for divorce at the end of December 2016. Rumors were actively circulating on the Web that the footballer had an affair with model Anastasia Kostenko when he was still married, but the athlete denied this statement. “In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I first saw each other in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December, ”said Tarasov.

The athlete admitted that he did not experience a divorce, because he decided everything for himself. “I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think for a long time, but if I explode, then irrevocably. Love has passed, the tomatoes withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. Either way, both are to blame. It doesn’t happen that there is only one, ”concluded the player.

Nevertheless, Dmitry admitted that it was hard for him. “I tried not to discuss the topic of past relationships with Nastya at all. Some moments, of course, crawled out, you can’t throw six years out of your life. It was really hard for me: two marriages, divorces, a child ... I even had thoughts: “Why continue all this? Maybe it’s better for yourself to live, take a walk? But Nastya made me look at relationships, love differently. I took a chance and trusted her…” – said Dmitry.

Anastasia noted that at first she was “afraid to contact him,” because she did not know what this relationship would lead to. And when she nevertheless took a chance, a tub of slops poured out on her. At first, the model reacted emotionally to insults, but gradually learned to ignore the haters.

In March, Kostenko and Tarasov began to live together. Anastasia noted that she had never lived with a man before, so she was uncomfortable with the fear that the ease of the relationship could end, but this did not happen. But the life of Nastya did not frighten: she cooks with pleasure and takes care of the chosen one.

Dmitry is also happy with everything. The football player admitted that he loves cinnamon rolls performed by his beloved. “Usually the baby does everything I ask - the first, second, third ... Soup should be a must. I'm in a hurry to go home from training, because Nastenka is waiting for me there with a delicious lunch. I am a happy person,” said Tarasov.

And recently, the lovers moved into a country house bought by a football player. Dmitry noted that they have serious intentions - they are planning a wedding. “We discussed this topic, but we need to thoroughly prepare. In the future, we want a big family, ”the athlete admitted. Kostenko said that she sees Tarasov as the father of her children. “Perhaps I will give birth earlier than I planned, but not in the next year,” StarHit quotes Anastasia Kostenko.


House-2". While Olga complained that Tarasov began to live with a new chosen one - 23-year-old model Anastasia Kostenko. The other day they gave the first joint interview about their relationship, where they said that they live happily and are already planning a wedding and children.

According to Dmitry, he almost did not worry after a divorce from Olga Buzova, because "I decided everything for myself."

I am a very reserved person. I can endure, weigh, think for a long time, but if I explode, then irrevocably. Love has passed, the tomatoes withered. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it does not happen that only one. In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I first saw each other in a circle of mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. We didn't talk much, we crossed eyes a couple of times. I found out from my friends who this girl was.


Anastasia admitted that she was not aware of Dmitry's relationship. He wrote to her on Instagram, and they began to chat. The second meeting took place on January 1 - Tarasov called her to karaoke. “We sang, we rested,” after which Tarasov escorted the model home and left.

I immediately warned that you can’t buy me with gifts. The most valuable thing is attention. Dima knows how to look after: he gives flowers, takes him to restaurants and cinema. My aunt lives in Moscow, who always warned: “Be careful. In the capital, men are spoiled.” I avoided communication with the representatives of the stronger sex, I lived with my sister. But Dima turned out to be different - caring and homely. And when I saw his reverent attitude towards children, I realized - this is my man!


According to Anastasia, nevertheless she several times tried to end the relationship with Dmitry. The girl was worried about his past: two divorces, a child from his first marriage. However, the athlete still managed to win the trust of Kostenko. When the relationship of the couple ceased to be a secret, a flurry of criticism fell upon Anastasia. Many called the model a homemaker. “They accused me of getting into the pants of a married man,” she says. But after a while, Anastasia calmed down and gave Tarasov a promise that she would no longer visit anti-fan sites, read comments and react emotionally.


The couple moved in three months after they met. Dmitry says that it was “hard to lure Anastasia into an apartment” and she explains this by the fact that she never lived with men on the same territory and was afraid that their relationship would be eaten by everyday life. Now everything is fine with the couple: Nastya is waiting for her beloved from training, cooks for him and brings comfort to the house. The football player admits: every time he hurries home.

- One of the last favorite dishes from Nastya is called Cinnabon. These are very tasty and soft cinnamon buns. I love them. Usually the baby does everything I ask - the first, second, third ... Soup should be a must. I'm in a hurry to go home from training, because Nastenka is waiting for me there with a delicious lunch. I am a happy man.


The couple is already thinking about getting married and wants to have many children. Anastasia admits that she plans to give birth, but not in the next year for sure. A month ago, Tarasov bought his own house, where they moved with Kostenko. Like Nastya and Dmitry's mother. “She somehow immediately liked her,” he admits, “for my mother, the main thing is that I be happy, fed, smile and not go to restaurants.”

On New Year's Eve 2017, Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova filed for divorce in one of the capital's registry offices. The former "gibberish" preferred not to meet within the walls of the institution, so they came separately. Numerous fans of the couple hoped to the last that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve relations, but the miracle did not happen.


It is difficult to imagine, however, the development of relations between Tarasov and Buzova, especially in recent months, was followed by a huge number of people, and not only representatives of the press, but Dmitry himself gained additional fame.

However, the athlete himself does not see anything surprising in this. “I was married to a famous person. Olga is a popular girl with a large social circle, so such an interest in our separation is easily explained. Nobody knows how I really feel about this, let it stay with me,” said Tarasov .

According to Dmitry, he did not read and, moreover, did not react in any way to all the messages that the media actively wrote in connection with problems in his personal life with Olga. Tarasov admitted that at first the journalists even followed him. "It's funny. But I'm completely calm now. Time takes everything away," the football player is sure.

Numerous fans of Buzova regularly scold Tarasov on his social media pages. "Their right. I learned myself and teach my close people to react correctly to all this. There is no time for those who write nasty things. I haven't read anything for a long time. I don't want to answer and prove something to someone. And in general, how many people hates, loves so much. I have never done anything bad to anyone in my life. I will calmly move on, "Sport-Express quotes Dmitry Tarasov.