Woman Satisfaction watch online. How to make a girl happy

What do women themselves think about this? What does "quality of sex" mean to them - is it just the duration?

What to hide - questions "how many times?" and how long?" in frank male conversations are often heard. While the ladies are chirping animatedly about handbags, sales and other cute little things about women, their husbands and boyfriends are discussing much more important questions. And the problems of frequency and duration of sexual intercourse are not the last on the list, especially if men are still young and do not plan to leave soon. great sex. Basically, of course, they try to “break records” not for the sake of boasting, but in order to give maximum pleasure to the woman they love. Did anyone ask the women themselves? How to satisfy a woman in bed? Maybe they do not need many hours of sexual intercourse?

Scientists have established...

Let's start with dry but objective data. it is not in vain that they eat their own bread - there is no need to reinvent the wheel, everything has long been calculated. So. At normal man sexual intercourse lasts two to three minutes. As for the orgasm itself, it lasts for a man five to ten seconds at most. Sexologist A. Kinsey states: "A man who reacts with rapid sexual discharge, being very far from any pathology whatsoever, is completely normal among other mammals and quite common among his own species."

That's it! Let's add some more time for the prelude (as without it!). It turns out that normal sexual intercourse lasts about ten minutes, and sexologists confirm this: "Prolonged sexual intercourse, lasting more than ten minutes, usually exhausts a man and a woman." What do sexologists say about the frequency intimacy? After all, it is known that many representatives of the strong half of humanity, who fear “male failure” more than anything in the world, are trying to reduce the number of sexual acts, believing that in this way they “protect” their “male strength”. No and no again! This is a delusion that can lead to the opposite, and very deplorable, effect. We quote: "The duration of sexual intercourse depends on the intervals between them, which is determined by the correlation coefficient between the duration of sexual intercourse (in seconds) and the duration of preliminary sexual abstinence (in days), equal to 0.73." In other words, be greedy, do not save on sex, because the shorter the period of abstinence, the longer the duration of sexual intercourse, and vice versa.

What do women desire

How to find out what duration of sexual intercourse is optimal for your partner, how to satisfy a woman in bed? Don't ask about it directly! And the point, of course, is not in false modesty - what is natural is not ashamed. One can hardly expect a frank answer to this question. And in general, is it possible to expect sincerity from the one who for the last five years, when asked about age, names the same figure, and imitates orgasm with such stormy moans that not only those neighbors behind the wall die of envy, but also those that live in the house opposite? Fortunately, there are Internet forums where the fair sex share their secrets. Let's see what they like about sex and how to ensure that they do not imitate, but actually experience an orgasm?

Here is the information we were able to obtain. “I don’t love for a long time, then all my feelings become dull .... Better more often and faster!” - admits a young lady (22 years old). And here is a very common sense approach: “I would like thirty minutes. Although more realistic, perhaps, ten - fifteen. But when everything is cool, and it seems that you begin to understand what the meaning of life is - who counts the minutes? All men should have such a reasonable partner! And here is confirmation that a woman is ready to adapt to her partner, to play along with him: “One human (a cute synonym for the word “man”, isn't it? - Auth.) Considered an act lasting forty minutes as a shame for himself. Therefore, any intimacy with us turned, as you understand, into a sex marathon. Good too!" The partner of this lady is really lucky: apparently, she is not only ready to accept the proposed rules of the game, but also has an enviable endurance. But basically, mind you, the ladies prefer not an endless act resembling a marathon, but several acts, even if not of record length: “I love three or four times ten to fifteen minutes. Together with the caresses, it takes a total of an hour and a half. Modestly and tastefully :). Really not bad, especially since it is in line with the advice of sexologists to have sex with sufficient frequency.

Main - the right approach

So what kind of sex do women want? Let's not forget that men and women are very different beings. And if it’s not an idle question for you “how to satisfy a woman in bed?”, You need to know some of the nuances female psychology which we will remind you of.

Rule one. For a woman, sex is a logical continuation of a relationship. If you offended her during the day, she is unlikely to want to make love to you in the evening. So postpone the showdown until the first half of the day, you see, by the evening you will have time to make peace.

Rule two, which, it seems, everyone knows, but at a crucial moment is often forgotten - a woman loves with her ears. Be affectionate with her, do not get tired of telling her how beautiful (beautiful, divine) she is.

Women love romance. And if you can't rent a yacht with scarlet sails, then at least buy a bouquet, choose for her plush toy or some other trinket you probably can do. You'll see - she will appreciate it.

Rule three is also known to everyone. Don't neglect foreplay, especially if your partner is just starting to discover sensual pleasures. How younger woman, the more important foreplay is for her, because for her the sensual side of love is more important than the physiological one. This, of course, does not mean that if your girlfriend is an experienced woman, then foreplay can be skipped.

Rule four. Do not stop looking for erogenous zones, the stimulation of which turns your partner on. experienced men know that one woman loves when they bite her earlobe, another - when they stroke her lower abdomen or run her hand along the spine. In the third, excitement comes from biting or stroking the nipples. Even if you fail to find the infamous G-spot, your efforts will not be in vain.

Rule five says: women at least, and sometimes even more often than men, do not tolerate monotony in sex. They are ready for experiments, for spontaneous sex, new positions and unexpected places. Keep this in mind and don't be afraid to invite your partner to realize your or her wildest fantasies.


Every young man wants to know how his sexual capabilities are expressed, whether he is able to satisfy his wife, how to reach heights in intimate life. This applies to duration and frequency, sexual intercourse, erection strength, penis size.

Some men have doubts about their usefulness in this regard. For most couples, the duration of sexual intercourse is 2-5 minutes. During this time, with skillful preparation, any man can satisfy any woman.

There are factors that lengthen and shorten intimacy. Repeated sexual intercourse lengthens intimacy (and the third or fourth, if a man produces it, may not even end in ejaculation), the use of condoms (condoms), physical fatigue, small doses of alcohol, special ointments and treatments for disorders. There are no men who are far superior in their capabilities to others. But there are men who, using certain techniques (close to auto-training), can prolong sexual intimacy for a few minutes, then another, as long as the woman needs it. Feeling the approach of ejaculation (and every man feels it), they stop friction and are distracted from their partner (someone begins to count to himself, someone remembers a quarrel with his boss, etc.). The erection at this time can weaken, then again amplifies. Having achieved a reset of sexual arousal, a man can continue sexual intercourse for some more time. All it takes is self-control and some effort. Every man can learn this art. But it should be remembered that the duration of sexual intercourse is not a criterion for its quality, and many women do not need it. Firstly, having experienced relaxation, many of them want to relax, and secondly, prolonged intimacy tires a woman faster men and thirdly, often during prolonged intercourse in a tired or unexcited woman, the secretion of vaginal mucus stops, and vaginal dryness leads to discomfort.

However, if a woman sometimes wants a longer intercourse (say, for some reason, arousal slowly grows), then a man should apply his art and meet her halfway. I remind you that it is better to achieve sufficient excitation of a woman in the preliminary period, then the problems of the duration of sexual intercourse and the woman's dissatisfaction will not arise. After the first orgasm, sometimes a woman wants to continue, and it must follow. At the end of intimacy, the erection persists for some time, and you can take advantage of this by delivering a few pleasant moments to your wife.

Sexual intercourse can be shortened objective reasons. Prolonged abstinence, psycho-emotional arousal, long foreplay that overexcites a man, active sexual behavior of a wife can significantly shorten intimacy. These are natural states, and there is no need to be afraid of this. The stability of sexual intercourse is promoted by regular sex life in favorable conditions.

With regard to the frequency of sexual intercourse, in Honeymoon sexual life is stormy with excesses (repetitions) for a short time. Then a certain rhythm is established (after 3-6 months), which meets the needs of the spouses and makes up 2-3 intimacy per week for most couples. But there are couples who live every day, and there are couples who have intercourse 1-2 times a month - and this is their norm, they like and satisfy. So you need to focus on your needs, and most importantly, that sexual life is pleasant and does not lead to fatigue.

A young husband, due to his male passion and sexuality, usually wants intimacy more often than his wife. How to be? Of course, the wife must sometimes go towards him, but the main way to overcome this disharmony is to develop the sexuality of the wife in every possible way, to give her maximum opportunities to create an erotic mood. Then sex life will become much more attractive for her.

If the wife wants intimacy more often, then the husband should, without exhausting himself, follow the path of quality implementation of each intercourse, preferably with an orgasm. For any woman would prefer one sexual act that brought her satisfaction to ten indifferent ones.

The quality of sexual intercourse depends conditionally on the erection of a man. It suffers only when the erection is significantly weakened, which makes the sexual intercourse itself difficult. A good erection is considered to be sufficient for the trouble-free insertion of the penis into the vagina. And what it is at this moment - a little weaker or a little stronger - does not play a special role. Often during intercourse, when the penis is in the vagina, the erection intensifies, the man may feel a feeling of fullness of the penis. With a deep immersion of an erect penis, a woman may feel soreness. The buffer is the head of the penis, which is softer than his body and prevents trauma to the vagina.

A man can carry out several sexual acts per night or per day at certain intervals of sexual excitability. During the honeymoon it common occurrence. But then the need of the body is regulated in accordance with the activity of the nervous and reproductive systems, and only special reasons encourage a man to re-coitus. A man can perform 2-3, sometimes with a certain tension and with the help of a partner 4-5, rarely more sexual acts, which may no longer be enjoyable and not end in ejaculation.

A man's desire for repeated intercourse may be due to his temporarily increased eroticism, psycho-emotional arousal, long abstinence, unusual non-everyday attractiveness, or the tenderness of his wife, but often he does this out of prestigious considerations (which women feel subtly) or provoked by a partner. Not a single man can practice excesses for a long time, because he will have a temporary suppression of sexual desire and the desire for sexual life disappears for a while. But occasionally excesses in married life almost all men practice, however, not striving for numerical victories and limiting themselves to 2-3 full-fledged intercourse.

A big concern is the question of the size of the penis. There are men with rather large genitals, which involuntarily makes you compare yourself with them. I will say right away that the size of the penis can play a significant role only for a woman with a very capacious and deep vagina and with injured muscles of the entrance to the vagina. For all other women, this does not really matter, because the female vagina is a muscular tube that can stretch and contract, clasping any penis and creating close contact with it, sufficient for adequate stimulation. In addition, for many women, the most excitable zone is the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina (60 percent of women experience orgasm mainly due to clitoral stimulation, 40 percent - due to vaginal stimulation, often mixed), and here the man with the most ordinary and even a small penis. We should not forget about the positions that shorten the vagina and the ability of the woman herself to compress the muscles of the entrance.

For both men and women important aspect is to enjoy intimate life. But, many girls complain about the lack of orgasm, not satisfaction. Exists a large number of theories and opinions about how to satisfy a girl in bed. Not every young person, applying them in practice, achieves desired result. And all because each representative of the weaker sex is individual. Some start up almost immediately, and do not experience problems in bed. Others require a special approach.

Why does a girl need to have an orgasm?

To learn how to satisfy your wife, the girl in bed, you need to know the nature of orgasm. Why does a girl need him at all? Everything is clear with the male orgasm - it is required for procreation, successful conception offspring. Once upon a time, scientists argued that in the process of pleasure, a woman produces specific hormones that provoke ovulation.

Today it has been proven that orgasm and ovulation are in no way connected. But, the production of the hormone was preserved. Yes, in female body there is a surge in the hormones prolactin, oxytocin, endorphin. They are necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background, prepare the body for the future bearing of the fetus.

So, in terms of evolution, female orgasm does not provide any benefit. But, from the point of view of psychology, complete satisfaction in bed is the key to a stable psyche, mutual understanding between partners. We can distinguish the following goals of female pleasure:

  • Mood enhancement;
  • Elimination of stress;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Elimination of headache;
  • Increasing work capacity;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Restoring the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to satisfy a woman: general provisions

To please your beloved, to give her pleasure, do not neglect the foreplay. This is especially true for those couples who are already long years married. Like it or not, but passion, animal instinct is fading. You can warm up the relationship with the help of such preludes:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Bath in aromatic oils;
  • Romantic dinner with a glass of champagne;
  • Watching a romantic, erotic film.

These initial actions will help a woman relax, tune in the right way. This greatly increases the chances of a man that his beloved will be satisfied. Further, the transition to the bedroom can be accompanied by light, relaxing music. It is better to give preference to romantic songs performed by men.

After this attitude, you can get down to business. It all starts with kisses. Explore female body. Only in this way you can find those zones and points that will bring maximum pleasure to your passion. A woman should feel desired, loved. After all, the right emotional and mental attitude- recipe for success.

In order to increase blood flow, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital organs of both women and men, you can grab a couple of glasses of red wine or champagne in the bedroom. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately proceed to close proximity. If a woman is not at the peak of arousal, she will not be able to enjoy after penetration. If you know the desires and whims of your wife, you will have no problems in bed.

Since the foreplay involves kissing, we'll start with them. You need to start from top to bottom. Most women have obvious erogenous points are the earlobes and the neck. Next, move on to the shoulders, chest, and belly. Such a sequence will relax the representative of the weaker sex. The main thing is not to rush, to do everything systematically, gradually. If the couple does not have stiffness and prejudice, you can resort to oral sex. This guarantees the desired result.

The girl will be able to be satisfied if the spouse stimulates the clitoris during foreplay. A man will understand that the passion is already at the peak of excitement. Only now it is possible to start penetration. Also, you can engage in clitoral stimulation during direct intercourse. It is enough to choose the poses that are comfortable for this.

In a fit of passion, you can lightly bite the girl's nipples, her lips or neck. It is worth experimenting to understand what brings her pleasure. Also, whisper in your ear tender words, to say that she is desired here and now. Do not forget the classic, missionary pose. In this case, the woman will have the opportunity to kiss you, look into your eyes, which will certainly turn you on.

All women like light touches. A man can lightly run his hand over inside hips. This zone has a large number of nerve endings, which will allow you to have a wife. There are a number of effective poses that bring maximum pleasure, as the G-spot is stimulated:

  • Dogi style;
  • Jockey;
  • Armchair;
  • Soldier;
  • Scorpion;
  • Dawn;
  • Acrobat;
  • Hostage;
  • Picnic.

How to bring pleasure to a woman if a weak erection?

Sooner or later, all men begin to experience problems in bed. This physiological features can't be avoided. In addition, a decrease in potency occurs in healthy, young people. This is due to banal overwork, stress, fatigue. But what if the girl wants to spend unforgettable night, and the erection failed?

Don't focus on the problem. If a man is not confident in his abilities, a woman will not be able to relax and get better. You need to make eye contact. While caressing, look your partner in the eyes, kiss on the lips. Arm yourself with all the tricks of foreplay, and invent new ones along the way.

Also, during the prelude, it is necessary to install and tactile contact, namely touching:

  • chest;
  • head;
  • stomach;
  • Hips;
  • footsteps.

This can be done both with the help of hands and with the help of the tongue. It is worth noting that oral sex can give a woman much more pleasure than direct penetration. And when correct execution technique, the partner will receive a full-fledged orgasm. Therefore, during good sex not only the penis is involved.

To ensure your partner never forgets the night with you, use some useful tips. For a girl, details are important, and not the whole image as a whole. If you have a first intimacy with this passion, do everything on highest level. It's about the bed. Bed sheets it is better to use silk. Believe me, the lady will appreciate this gesture.

Flavors are also important. Experts have proven that some smells can increase the level of libido, excite. So, in the bedroom, the smells of strawberries and cucumbers should prevail. A woman will also receive satisfaction when you skillfully increase and decrease the rate of frictions. Increase the pace until the moment of practical orgasm, and immediately reduce.

There are many books, videos, free online tutorials that detail how to perform various postures. These manuals can be studied both by yourself and together with a partner. Girls also like such moments:

  • dry, rough kisses On the lips;
  • Active search on her body;
  • Slow, gradual entry of the penis;
  • When the partner carries her in his arms to the bed;
  • Clean male hair;
  • Straight talk about how sexy she is;
  • Light pulls on the hair.

And no fast sex without foreplay. Having mastered the basic knowledge of female physiology, it will not be difficult for a man to give her maximum pleasure and pleasure.

Oh, that female orgasm that is talked about so much! So desirable and so elusive. So close and so far away. Heroines of modern romance novels or films never seem to ask how a woman can have an orgasm: they easily achieve it at the behest of the author or at the command of the director. At the same time in real life so many women admit that they just simulate an orgasm during sex, but in fact they have never experienced it. They cannot tell their man about this, as they are either embarrassed or afraid that he will consider them sexually flawed or frigid. In fact, the reasons for the lack of orgasm are not at all in this.

Orgasm is a delicate matter

Amazingly, just a generation ago, the female orgasm was considered something unimportant and optional, since its presence or absence does not in any way affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. Moreover, there was an opinion that most women are generally not able to experience pleasure during intimacy. Fortunately, attitudes towards this issue have changed in our days. It is now known that, unlike the male orgasm, which is an automatic response of the body to sexual arousal, female can come only under favorable conditions.

Failure to listen own body and relax - these are the two main enemies of the female orgasm. The first reason is the result of puritanical upbringing and bashful reticence about such a side of life as intimate relationships. Not surprisingly, some women never consider their body as a source of sexual pleasure, let alone purposefully seek orgasm. But what more woman knows how her body reacts to sexual arousal, the easier it is for her to quickly reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

The second reason is a whole combination of factors that prevent a woman from "turning off her brain." At the same time, it does not matter to a woman how serious her anxieties are from an objective point of view. This is a completely “killer” cocktail of worries about a failed work project and an unsuccessful haircut, a quarrel with best friend and loss of an umbrella.

How can you get an orgasm?

So, "who is to blame" we found out. Now it remains to answer another age-old question: "What to do?". You can seek help from a psychologist or a sexologist, but for this you need to have a fair amount of courage and self-confidence (as well as a certain amount of money on a bank card). You can wave your hand and continue to pretend, imitating an orgasm in bed. And you can put into practice the tips that we have selected for you in our article.

Make friends with your clit

The female orgasm can be vaginal or clitoral. The first is more intense and extensive, but, according to statistics, only every third woman experiences it more often than the clitoral one. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to stimulate the clitoris. You may have heard this more than once, but if you yourself cannot bring yourself to orgasm, then what do you require from a partner? It's like sending him on a treasure hunt and not giving him a map.

So get comfortable and... start masturbating. Sex in the "solo" version is not only shortest way to pleasure, but also the opportunity to pay attention only to oneself, without being distracted by the satisfaction of the desires, requests or requirements of another person. By concentrating on your feelings, you will quickly understand what gives you pleasure, learn to trust your body and experience various ways achieving orgasm.

Just remember: it’s not enough just to get an orgasm, you need to remember the path to it, so that later you can explain in detail to your man how best to get from point A to point B. “Lower, higher, right, left” is not enough. It is necessary to clearly explain where, how and in what position, and only then his caresses will really excite you. Alternatively, you can caress yourself while the man is inside you.

Find your treasured points

Sexual arousal increases when erogenous zones are stimulated, on which there are many nerve endings. Stimulation of such points causes the production of the hormone of joy - oxytocin, which is also called the "hormone of love." The rush of oxytocin increases the intensity and duration of orgasm.

Traditionally, the honorary title of one of the main erogenous zones carries female breast. At the same time, it does not matter at all what size it is - the owner magnificent forms and zero-size bras respond equally positively to breast caresses. Ask a man to stroke your breasts, gently massage your nipples with your fingers or tongue. Another highly sensitive area on a woman's body is the neck and especially the back of the head. Massage, kissing - that's the best tactic to stimulate these areas. Inner surface hips and buttocks are also very responsive to gentle male caresses.

Every woman has her own treasured points, which are distinguished by unexpected sensitivity: the area of ​​​​the back between the shoulder blades (the so-called “cat zone”), fingers or toes, ears, etc. Women's erogenous zones are located much more individually than men's, which are concentrated mainly in the genital area. What gives pleasure to one woman may be unpleasant to another. Find your individual erogenous zones on your own or with a partner.

Choose a pose and rhythm

Achieving orgasm also depends on the chosen position. Some women are more easily and quickly aroused in the cowgirl position, others with tightly clenched legs. In some positions, the clitoris is stimulated, in others - the walls of the vagina. Some positions involve deep penetration of the penis, others only superficial.

Making love in various poses, you can try different types orgasm. Look for your own sexual position and don't forget to involve your man in this search. Experiment and fantasize with him. The search may take some time, but it's worth it! A certain rhythm of movements can also affect how soon you experience an orgasm. Slow and smooth or fast and abrupt? Try it and you will definitely find your perfect rhythm.

Train your vaginal muscles

Most women do not even think about strengthening the muscles of the vagina. And absolutely in vain. If your vaginal muscles are sufficiently developed, you can control them by tightening your grip on your man's penis. This will please both of you, and your orgasm will be more powerful and brighter.

Training the muscles of the vagina comes down to making them contract. Alternate periods of tension and relaxation: tense these muscles for ten seconds as if you were trying to hold on to urination, then relax. Training does not require any special preparations or conditions. They can be done anytime and anywhere. Doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is also necessary because they improve blood flow in the pelvic organs and serve as an excellent prevention of genitourinary diseases.

Breathe right

Proper breathing is also very important. In the dry language of science, an orgasm is a series of muscle contractions. The more oxygen enters the body, the stronger the muscles contract and the stronger and longer the pleasure. No, no, don't be afraid, you don't have to inhale and exhale according to a complicated mathematical formula. You already know how to breathe. Just do it a little more intensively. Breathe in a little faster, breathe in a little deeper, breathe out a little longer. Do not hold your breath in anticipation of the climax, too much tension can ruin everything. Breathe with pleasure.

Learn to relax

Relaxation is the key to success. Women are wired differently than men, who can orgasm anywhere, anytime. So, you need to understand what works on you relaxing. Perhaps it will be vanilla-scented candles, a hot bath, a glass of wine, or something else. You need to find something that will help you "turn off" your internal monologue - a continuous stream of thoughts about everything in the world. Listen better to your instincts.

The female orgasm is a unique phenomenon. When a woman experiences an orgasm, she instantly reduces the activity of those parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings of fear and anxiety. According to the observations of doctors, these reactions are so blunted that the woman quickly falls into a state similar to nirvana or trance. This causes complete relaxation both during intimacy and after it.

The setting also has importance to achieve orgasm. Try to figure out what really turns you on. Maybe music? Or a certain shade of lighting? Perhaps you would like to experience some love toy? Experiment, look for something that will breathe sensuality into the environment.

Take your time

Is your partner already aroused and you still don't feel anything? This does not mean that you are "behind" him. It's just that for most women, in order to experience an orgasm, a long love foreplay is required: up to forty-five minutes! Unfortunately, our sexual culture(including ideas about orgasm) is male-oriented and based on male reaction for excitement, main principle which: "Quickly! Even faster! Do not become a hostage to these stereotypes. The pursuit of the "perfect" orgasm will not lead to anything good. This is not a standard that must be met at all costs. Women's sexual energy grows and gains strength gradually. So stop counting the minutes and fully surrender to your feelings.

Trust your partner

Feel free to discuss with your man how you feel about sex. If you had a good time, be sure to tell him about it. Surely he will be pleased that you find him a desirable and skillful lover. Sincerely praise and thank him for the pleasant sensations that he brought to you. Do not be shy and during intimacy express your pleasure from the caresses of your man.

It is all the more necessary to talk to a man if you feel that you do not get any satisfaction from sex. The main thing here is not to stoop to petty nit-picking or accusations of sexual incompetence. Men are very sensitive to such things. Do not behave like a strict teacher with a negligent student: you do not need a partner who suffers from an inferiority complex. Explain what kind of caresses bring you the most pleasant sensations, what excites you, and what you are completely delighted with. During intimacy, you can help a man with your hand or words.

Talking to a man about his own sexual feelings can be difficult, for some it is simply painful to discuss such intimate things with him. But you need to do this: trusting relationship with your partner, knowing that he is ready to listen to your desires, whatever they may be, will help you relax and move closer to the desired orgasm.

Of course, our selection of tips is just basic tips on how to get an orgasm. To learn this is quite realistic and within the power of any woman. Someone will master this science quickly enough, someone will need more time. The main thing is to tune in to success, listen to your body, freely follow your instincts, do not replace feelings with thoughts and trust your beloved man.

Many men try to do everything possible to make their companions happy. In general, 4 basic rules can be distinguished on how to satisfy a woman: you must show respect for her, as well as appease, surprise and please.

Satisfaction does not only mean sexual contact, it also includes other signs that are aimed at her desires and dreams. Many women dream that they would be given flowers and gifts not only on holidays, to be loved and appreciated. It is worth remembering the expression, which is partly true - women love with their ears. compliments and nice words will never be too much.

In today's very dynamic world, many women complain that they have stopped receiving from intimate relationships pleasure that they are very tired and relax, just does not work. Men feel guilty that they do not know how to satisfy the woman they love. To cope with this situation, you need to know a few secrets and features of the female orgasm.

She comes first

A man should take the initiative in bed too. It is important to understand that women need more time to get turned on, which means that sex should begin with a long and diligent foreplay.

Some ladies may start to doubt similar situations which negatively affect her satisfaction. They start thinking about the possibility of getting pregnant and so on. In this case, the man must be patient and persistent, then the woman will calm down and begin to trust you.

You can excite a woman using long and passionate kisses, petting in intimate places And erogenous zones. To give pleasure to the chosen one, you need to know her body perfectly and study all of her sensitive places. You have to be an "explorer" so you know how to please a woman. intimate life in a pair has great importance Therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility.

What is the best way to satisfy a woman?

Many sexologists say that a real man gets real pleasure when he realizes that he was able to satisfy his soul mate. You should start with preliminary preparation, that is, you should come to a meeting with a woman well-groomed, in clean clothes, smelling good, with flowers or with some other little thing. Start with compliments, talk about her appearance, sexuality, etc. This will be perceived by a woman as a verbal caress, which will allow her to tune in to closer contact. Now you can move on to the next stage of the prelude.

Ways to satisfy and excite a woman:

It is worth remembering that each girl is individual and this must be taken into account in order to please her. To find out what you like and bring pleasure to a lady, have sex with her more often, as any experience comes after a long practice.