How to pick up a girl for quick sex at a club or home party. How to pick up a girl? Where and how to do it right

The question of dating girls is interesting for many. I often see how all sorts of pick-up forums become popular, how books are published, even courses exist where they teach this skill. I don’t know how effective these courses are, I can briefly talk about my method - I have been using it for more than 25 years and it has proven its effectiveness.

I call it "extreme snoring" It works. Everything else - pheromones, NLP and other nonsense - no. Let's face it - most men don't know how to pick up girls! This is what I want to talk about.

The first mistake that you need to say goodbye to on the spot is compliments. Forget the phrase "girl, you are so pretty, I can get to know you" for the rest of my life. The more compliments you give a girl, the more you move away from your goal!.

How to get acquainted? Here it is my duty to tell you about how to get acquainted so that the girl is guaranteed not to send you within the first minute. Forget about all the jokes, humor, jokes - listen here - this method works flawlessly in 99% of cases. For example, you are on a bus and there is a beautiful girl in front of you. How to start a conversation with her? Before you open your mouth, think: 10-30 people cling to her a day, she has a reaction on the machine, she will send you without even looking.

So, let's use my method: go up to her and ask about something feminine. Women love it when a man tries to find out a purely feminine look at anything - and they are happy to talk about this topic! So, here's a magic phrase for you, with which you can meet any girl - there are practically no failures. “Excuse me, could you help me? It is very important for me. I need to know the opinion of a woman, but how to choose the right lipstick?

A woman always answers such questions. Another variant:
“You know, I'm a writer, I'm writing a romance novel and I need to know, is it true that when girls put on lipstick they close their eyes? I need to know the woman's opinion on this matter.

In general, ask anything - as long as it is a question of a "purely female opinion" - take my word for it - in 95 cases out of a hundred, a girl will always proudly enlighten a stranger on how to properly paint her lips, what eyeshadow is better and so on. This is a very weak point for women - their desire to express a purely feminine point of view on everything around! Take advantage of this.

So you started a conversation, I beg you - listen to the girl's explanations very carefully! Don't interrupt, let him speak. Ask additional questions. So, you got talking. Now, for God's sake, try to avoid the basic mistake that most men make - never give her your phone number! In no case - if a girl says leave the phone and call - she's just trying to get rid of you.

How to pick up the phone?

After you've talked about lipstick to your heart's content, say something like this:
- You know, it is very important for me to know this for my novel. You told me everything so interestingly and so well, let me call you when I need to find out some detail about women. Take out your phone and hand her the keypad - a very large number of girls will just automatically enter their phone number there!

It works. If she starts to say that she has a jealous boyfriend or husband, just ignore it, do not react to it in any way. Women often use this technique to test how persistent you are. Old battered female thing! Just ignore it and carry on as if nothing had happened!

Once you have received the girl's phone, disappear immediately! No need to strain the girl right away - she can break off from perseverance! Talk about yourself as little as possible - they took the phone and quickly dumped it. This is very correct from a psychological point of view.

I remind you again: in no case do not compliment a girl about her appearance! This will kill you all!

Here are some more typical mistakes that men make when meeting:

They give flowers. Giving flowers to a girl is completely unacceptable.
- Trying to buy drinks at a bar
- They invite you to a restaurant and pay for everything.
- Make gifts.

How not to make a first date:

Let's go sit at the bar tonight
- Come to my house, I have a party planned.
- Let's hang out and so on.
This is complete nonsense and rubbish!

It is right to make such an invitation, which the girl has never heard in her whole life and will never hear. Such an offer that will simply stun her - this is the "snapping" itself.

Girl, you know, I need to clean the kitchen, could you come to my place tonight and help?
- Hello, this is your new acquaintance, but a writer. Tell me, girl, could you come to my house tonight to help peel the potatoes? In the meantime, you will clean, I'll read you a couple of chapters from the novel. If it's easy, take a bottle of wine with you, I don't have time to get to the store.

And say it in a completely everyday tone, as if you do it every day - get to know the girls so that they come to you to wash the floors. The girl will hear such an offer to spend the evening from an unfamiliar man for the first time. From your impudence, at first she will get a lump in her throat, she will not even be able to quickly find what to answer - and then ... from surprise, agree. If she initially liked you, she will come, she will not go anywhere. And if she just wanted to drink, take a walk at your expense, then she will break off - in this way you will weed out all the lovers of freebies, of which there are plenty among the female sex.

Here is a short list of first date suggestions:
- wash the floors, clean the apartment, cook dinner, go to the store and so on.

When you start dating a girl, you should make sure that the girl pays for something herself, even if it is a trifle, but when you go on a date with her, try to make her spend the money. From a psychological point of view, this is very correct - if a girl spends even five dollars on you, then you are valuable to her. That is, you teach her to give, first she will give you advice, then attention, then she will give you money, and then everything else!

The amount of value does not play - let it be a mere trifle! But the very fact that she bought movie tickets or paid at a restaurant is very important! Thus, you test the seriousness of her intentions and cut off all lovers of food and drink at your expense. This is extreme snoring. Pikaperstvo is everything else.

Hello friends! My name is Vitakha Okhrimenko , and today I decided to prepare high-quality works for all men who are still (or already) interested in the question of how to pick up a girl in a club.

If desired, you can or even. But this is somewhat more difficult, because such places are not entirely intended for dating. Whether it's nightclubs, where almost every girl is simply predisposed to meeting a guy with all the ensuing consequences. And she has a lot of time, in fact, and the scenery is suitable.

However, do not rush to immediately roll your lip on the most appetizing beauty of the club. Below I will classify the girls in the club based on their goals. Read on and the next time you visit a place of alcohol, dancing and debauchery, you will definitely know who to hit on effectively and who not. Although in any, even a hopeless case, there is no need to rush to despair, because the very atmosphere of an idle life, with dimmed lights, dancing and alcohol, can induce any girl to obscenities.

To begin with, I want you to remember one phrase that is especially relevant when picking up a girl in a club:

Do not pursue the one who avoids, just as avoid the one who pursues

Set to positive

When it comes to how to shoot a girl in a club, first of all, you need to talk about the correct installation. If you go to a club with the sole purpose of picking up some beauty at the bar, and initially you are set to quickly eat and leave this fascinating place as soon as possible, then you may not even go into it. No need to think about how to meet a girl in a club, you first need to think about how to have a good time there.

I beg your pardon for the platitudes, but it’s unlikely that you will succeed if with all your appearance you show how much you want to rent a girlfriend for the night in this club. The guys who spray their eyes between all the girls of the establishment, constantly undress the beauties on the dance floor with their eyes, buy cocktails for all the beauties in the hope that at least one of the ten will be generous and give, they usually go home alone and in full confidence that the stars who agreed "not So". Even before entering the club, you should be in a positive mood (again, I am sorry for the banality).

Go to the club with friends and expect bright, indescribable emotions from this evening. Hang out, have fun, socialize and enjoy every minute of your stay in the place of dirty dancing and vice. The end in itself is a good time, it's fun, it's emotions, and getting to know all the consequences is rather a circumstance that follows from the goal, but not vice versa. It is best to go to the club with friends. In this case, you have time to look at the situation, the girls, and it is unlikely that you will have a lonely, bored look.

But if you came to the club yourself, then act directly from the entrance. Start getting to know each other after the first glass of gin, don't shelve your goals. Otherwise, the girls will notice your doom and it is unlikely that someone will fall for you. But I repeat: it’s better not to go to the club alone, at least the first time. Over time, you will begin to feel confident in the usual place and lonely trips will be quite acceptable, at the very first stages it is better to stick to a friendly company (together with a good friend is ideal).

Girls love easy-going, nice guys with a good sense of humor. Be cheerful, be sociable. Do not swear and do not get into a fight, this is not the place to bully and show "your masculinity", at least if you are interested in how to pick up a girl in a nightclub.

club seduction loves action

The club needs to act. The walls are supported by losers who do not shine. You need to be confident and at the same time relaxed. If you're too tense, you won't succeed. Kent, sipping a lonely glass of booze at the bar and looking at the beauties on the dance floor with a dreary (or animal) look, is doomed to failure. You need to act confident, not show how much you want to shoot someone.

In general, do what you want. Do not put any barriers in front of you, everything is allowed to you. And the only person who can stop you from doing something is yourself. If you want to suck a girl, take it and suck it. You want to take her with you until the morning, so what are you waiting for? You are a macho, you are a womanizer, today you are a walking emotion, the soul of any company of which any girl in this institution should be glad.

How to look like to pick up a girl in a club

Any night club is, first of all, a pretentious place where each (!) member of the visitor is evaluated by his appearance and behavior. We'll talk about behavior a little later, but it's time to talk about appearance. Before you understand how to seduce a girl in a club, you need to understand how you should look for this. And no matter what your status in this world and how much money you can spend today, the requirements for appearance remain unchanged: a sleek look, stylish clothes, an appropriate hairstyle and a pleasant smell.

sleek look

I understand that you are a man, and hanging around the mirror for hours is not a man's business. However, I assure you: forget about prejudices, take an hour before going out to your appearance and thereby you will increase your chances of success. Well-groomed hands, neatly trimmed nails, neat clothes, polished shoes (preferably not very worn) - all these moments are MANDATORY!

How to dress for the club?

Your appearance must match the environment. Clothing should not be conservative, this is a club, not a board of directors. In general, cool advice: wear the newest and most favorite clothes. Just keep in mind that the main purpose of clothing is to hide figure flaws, and vice versa - to show dignity. For example, a tight-fitting T-shirt is not a very good piece of clothing for both very thin and overweight guys.

A shirt in the club is welcome, but it is highly desirable that it is not classic, like all clothing. It goes without saying that clothing should be clean, neat and true to size. It would be nice if one of the elements of the attire is of variegated colors. Only without extremes, okay, you don’t have to pretend to be a rainbow or a Christmas tree according to the color palette. Without fanaticism in short.

I advise brunettes to pay attention to red and green tones, blue in all shades is best for blondes. White and black tones are universal, but I would still advise keeping dark clothes for work or funerals (God forbid). It is beneficial to look bright in the club!


I assure you, the girls will not take you for an “edarast” (or “peduard”, I don’t remember how to correctly) if you squirt half a load of hair foam from your sister and muddy your hippie style hairstyle. Just do not try to mow under the pioneer. It is good that the hairstyle is controlled-chaotic, styled - tousled hair.

Pleasant aroma

Girls are the beautiful half of humanity, which means they notice everything beautiful without fail. A friend of mine used to say: “A man should smell of blood, sweat and fumes.” Of course, if we talk about gladiators, or about those men who preferred war to a peaceful life, then yes, then that's right. However, if we are talking about how to properly meet a girl in a club, then our stereotype should change slightly: “perfume, fumes and sex.” In short, don't forget to sprinkle a bit of your favorite eau de toilette on a clean shirt before going out. And the more expensive it is, the better.

What exactly should not be done

Do not try to start with banal questions. In clubs, this is the most non-working technique. I'm talking about questions like: "hello, I'm such and such, let's get acquainted?"; “Girl, can I meet you?”; "Do you mind if I sit down?"; "And what do you work for?" and other boring stuff. The club is a place of separation, the tackle should be unobtrusive, communication is easy.

You can start with something that will provoke her to question. For example: "the DJ here sucks, in my club the music is much more interesting." She will be interested in what kind of “my club” we are talking about, and after a couple of leading questions you will answer what the club meant in your area (near your house). Well, or something like that. The main task is to play on the main female vice - on her curiosity!

Don't offer to buy her a drink before the introduction itself. Keep at ease and do not show with all your appearance how much you want to fuck her off. Demonstrate your interest, but at the same time act as if you practically do not care how the further acquaintance will go. But you should not get acquainted with the purpose of acquaintance. Pretend that you are getting acquainted with the purpose of communication, this technique is much more appreciated by girls.

Never wonder if a girl has a boyfriend or a husband. All you need to know is if he's here. If he is not here, then the girl is free today. Except when her boyfriend's friends might be in the club. In this case, you will inevitably wait for a lapel-turn without explanation.

Dancing in a club is a powerful weapon of seduction. But if you are 100% sure that you can't dance, it's better not to do it. Funny dancing guy looks funny (oops, pun turned out). Girls like funny guys, not laughingstock.

Is it easy to pick up a girl in a club?

As a matter of fact, I have already answered this question a little higher. But in order to increase your chances of success you need:

  1. To determine by external signs how much the chosen girl is predisposed to intimate acquaintance (and to acquaintance in general). To choose, again by external signs, whose girls it will be best / easiest to shoot.
  2. Get to know her right. The very first thing I will advise you is to enjoy the game. Remember, your trip to the club is a game where all the actors are. As I said, focusing on results can deprive you of this result. Tusi, walk, enjoy the process. The result is really not so important, a real thrill in the game of seduction. The pleasure begins not when you leave the club in an embrace with a girl, but when you are all so well-groomed and self-confident, you cross the threshold of this haunted place.

Classifications of girls in the club

I propose to conditionally divide all the party girls who will meet you in the evening - X, into several groups.


This is the type of lady who gets high off the guys. They dress provocatively, look damn appetizing and make a notch on their purse every time they send off some loser who mistakenly decided that it was possible to get to know her in general. These are the queens of the evening who look impregnable and desirable, who hold themselves arrogantly, but at the same time they like to feel the devouring male gazes on themselves. These girls tend to always remain in sight. And the higher you will be able to amuse her pride, the more viewers your shame will have.

On the one hand, it is appropriate to recall the saying: steal like a million, kiss like a queen”, and on the other hand, it’s better to save your self-esteem and stay away from dynamos. If such girls allow themselves to be seduced, then only by choosing a victim on their own.

If you are lucky and this snow queen decided to put a notch on the opposite side of the handbag today, then you will understand this very quickly. Languid glances in your direction, sexual poses and movements under your gaze. In general, you are not filming, you are being filmed. If you are sure that this is exactly what is happening now, do not get lost and boldly roll up, most likely it will turn out to be good luck.

By external signs, dynamos can be distinguished due to their arrogant look. They hang out, have fun (often, by the way, they hardly drink), they always look expensive. Dynamos are run for money, and if your high status and thick wallet allows you to stand out among the "common people", then they themselves will notice you and give signs that they are interested in you.

By the way, dynamos in 80% of cases are local.


It's about those girls for whom club life is the norm.. Who hang out in this club all weekend. Among other visitors, they stand out for their confidence. Of course they are beautifully dressed, of course they are appetizing. They always have a lot of acquaintances in the club (including bartenders and security guards), they feel at ease and they really have fun. However, if we exclude 50% of pretentious bitches among the locals (they are dynamo machines), then these girls usually evaluate each male representative already at the time of his entrance to the club.

Most of these girls in clubs. They hang out there every Friday and Saturday, and therefore feel almost at home. They huddle, shuffle in groups, dance near mirrors or on stage (usually in the most prominent places), and look like mistresses of the situation. The risk of failure when we talk about locals is about 55-65 percent.

True, it is appropriate to note that local guys have long become boring to local girls (besides, everyone has already slept with everyone), but incoming new faces can bring new interesting acquaintances for them. Most of them do not have a permanent boyfriend, and if they do, then he is most likely here and very soon you will understand if this is so. And even if, by a monstrous coincidence, he is not here, then his friends are definitely there. And no matter how much she likes you with them, you have no chance (unless you just get a chance to get in the nose).

However, it’s not worth it to roll your lip hard on the locals, these girls are terribly tired of all these standard tackles. Local desirable objects for acquaintance and seduction, but here's how not to get on the dynamo, of which there are a good half among the locals. And you can hook such a baby in one of two ways: either you will really surprise her with something, or she will give you unambiguous signals that can be regarded as a call to action (as is the case with dynamos).


It's about all the girls who are rare nightclub guests, which means they will not be able to read the question in your eyes: “who would you like to shoot today in this club”. Often these are gray mice that accidentally wandered into the club. Most likely they are somewhere in a large company, although not necessarily. They can celebrate her birthday together with their best friend. In any case, they are guests here, their goal is to have fun.

Strayers can be divided into two types: those who will shy away from the guys, and those who want to break away to the fullest.

Gray strays

On the one hand, such girls will avoid guys, almost shy away. Well, on the other hand, they are not spoiled by all these standard “gluings” in clubs, which means it’s not so difficult to approach them. Yes, and the chance is quite large: with a successful approach, the probability of success is 60-80 percent. But there are not so many chances to spend this night with her immediately after meeting, because such girls are wary of spontaneous, non-committal sex.

True, the "gray strays" often do not notice themselves how they are recruited. And a drunk girl, as you know, is "weak in the front." But whether it will be possible to be proud of such a victory is a big question.

You can identify them by gray clothes, constrained movements and frightened eyes.

Stray at breakaway

The rarest, and at the same time the most sought-after type of girls in the club. A girl whose goals are the same as yours. Today she is as much a hunter as you are. Like you, she will scan the hall, choose an interesting man for herself and begin to process it. She's having fun, she's having fun. It's not often that she's in the club to lose some opportunity. She wants to be filmed, with her whole appearance she shows a desire to be filmed.

It is difficult to identify her by her clothes, because she can be dressed both as a dynamo and as a gray stray. But by the quality of the breakaway, by the alcohol consumed and by these hungry eyes that scan every man who enters the club, it is not difficult to calculate the stray on the breakaway. If she likes you, she will quickly make you pay attention to her. If you paid attention, but still hesitate and do not go into an active phase, you can be calm: there will be another who will take her home today.

Such girls are just a gift for pick-up artists in the club. One caveat: there are really few of them, and they “diverge” very quickly. Immediately I want to draw your attention to one factor: look at whether the girl drinks or not. Of all the types described above, dynamos are the most sober. They value their reputation too much, for them the club is a familiar, almost everyday place. So they don't need to drink. So we remember the old Ukrainian proverb: “If a person doesn’t drink, they’ll either get sick, or a bastard” (if a person doesn’t drink, they are either sick or a bastard).

Mini training

Before you get acquainted, it will be useful to prepare the ground. There are several options: a long, confident look at the girl you like; some ambiguous compliment with deletion; a wink or "choking in the distance". An exchange of a few phrases at the bar counter is cool. Better some ambiguity with an opaque hint.

For example: “I wonder what you can put in such a small handbag. Even my phone won't fit. Except maybe money and condoms.”

Then smile and give up. You have left an impression!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub in a dance

Dancing with a girl, which in the old days was also called slow dancing, thanks to club culture, has changed a lot and provides many opportunities for more intimate hugs, which greatly excites both partners. Do not be afraid to squeeze it, so you will achieve your goal faster. You don't have to be the star of the dance floor to dance with a girl. When dancing with her, do not try to satisfy her, the main thing is that you feel comfortable from this.

Non-verbal plays a key role on the dance floor. The words in the noisy atmosphere of the dance are rather an occasion for closer communication. So don't give too much importance to the words, more to the look and touch. Touch her not only on the dance floor, touch her a lot and often. If she smiles back and responds by touching you, then victory is already in your pocket. Very soon it will be time to call a taxi and take her to your box (or where are you going to take her there?). You should not delay this, because you can lose her interest in yourself.

There are really a lot of ways and methods of getting to know a girl in a club. For example, you squeeze along the dance floor towards the girl whom you previously noticed and approved. It is better to move towards, face to face. Before you get close, you let yourself be noticed, and of course you smile with a Hollywood smile (remember Bruce in Die Hard). If the dance floor is quite crowded (it would be better if it was), then you kind of accidentally cuddle as close as possible to the girl you like at the moment of passage. And it seems like for the convenience of passing you hug her and slowly during the movement you run your hand over her body (it’s too early to hold on to the bust, but it’s the very thing to hold on the ass or stomach).

Or you dance around her, squeezing closer (again, it is very necessary that the dance floor be crowded, then it will be as relaxed as possible). Not necessarily talking about the dance floor, you can also at the bar. The main thing is that there should be a lot of people per square meter. He caught her hand, squeezed it in his, stopped and looked at the reaction. If they didn’t pull back their hand and look at you without bewilderment, then everything is in order. He pulled her hand towards him, for the sake of decency asked about the ability to dance and dragged her towards the dance floor.

Or another option: you dance somewhere near her, periodically glancing at the object of attention and smiling sincerely. When the girl shows interest, turn to her sideways (or even turn away) and dance so a little to your pleasure. Then turn to her and continue the game of staring. In the rhythm of the dance, you involuntarily approach her, brazenly take her hand with the words: “apparently, until we dance, you will not leave me behind,” you begin to circle her in the dance. Moreover, these words from the song “you have nowhere to go” will come in handy, because your behavior should be for her something like a tsunami, from which it is impossible (and you don’t want to) escape.

How to seduce a girl in a nightclub

Remember: the club is one of the best places to meet because of the loud music. Approaching the girl, you easily hug her waist and whisper (or shout) something in her ear. In the club it will be as easy as possible even with a completely unfamiliar young lady. It is very exciting when you at this time kind of accidentally touch her ear with your lips. By the way, the reverse technique: you say something confidently, but deliberately quietly, which provokes the girl to lean towards you. A very workable technique.

Banal conversations and questions are prohibited. At the same time, the look in the club plays a greater role than words. But this is only in the case of direct communication. There should be interest and warm emotions in your look. The eyes are a powerful tool of seduction. The look should be intriguing and at the same time “with a spark”. Just one look can turn a girl on. When you look at her, say to yourself: "today I will be on top, and you will scream." Mentally pronounce sexual attitudes, no matter how absurd it may sound, but it works.

No need to spend money on a girl from the first minutes. Guys often think that a girl will give after the first glass, but this is far from the case.

Save money for a martini you'll take with you and a taxi you'll take with her to "carry on with the night." However, be sure to treat her with a cocktail or something else if you see that everything is going in the right direction, the mean girls send off one or two even after a successful acquaintance.

Don't start the tackle with a compliment that's too bright, and even more so don't ask her if you can stick her together to get to know her. It’s better to start with some ambiguous phrase, like: “you dance interestingly” or “I didn’t think that you could dance like that in high heels.”

Carefully watch her, turn on the psychologist-observer and be able to draw the correct conclusions about her condition through her appearance. If she is comfortable, then you can act. If she is uncomfortable, then create conditions for comfort. If you see that the girl is not very comfortable, tell her something like: do not pay attention to my impudence, it's just difficult to remain adequate when talking with such a beauty.

What to do after meeting a girl in a club?

Play with her. Don't focus on just one girl. Chat with her, then leave, or smile at another. After some time, return to this girl. She will already have time to take offense at you, get angry, jealous and miss you. Connect the charm and it's in the bag. Once you've met a girl, don't get cold feet from her friends. Get to know them, while trying to please them (only you don’t have to climb out of your skin). But soon try to isolate her from her girlfriends. Take her to the bar or just take her on a tour of the club. Introduce her to all your friends (and even to the security guard with the waiter) as your girlfriend. This will help you get close to her as quickly as possible, and therefore improve your results in seducing a girl in a club.

Don't focus on one girl. If a girl shows too brazenly her unwillingness to communicate with you or behaves ugly at all, turn around, move ten meters away and meet another girl. Let a prick of jealousy prick her, and let her eyes drill through you - she had a chance.

Don't run after the girl you met at the club. It is more correct to show her with all your appearance that on occasion you can easily find a replacement for her.

Extreme but damn effective

Another cool assistant of yours is your impudence. You see a lonely girl on the dance floor, even a very beautiful girl who can be classified as a dynamo. You approach her from the front, hug her waist and start dancing. It is important that she be a little under the shofe. The girl does not immediately understand what is happening.

But know that only the overwhelming minority of us know how to overlap. Instead of asking what her name is, ask if she likes to have an orgasm. Most likely, the girl will immediately be confused and answer the truth (of course she loves, who doesn’t love). Then, with the next phrase, invite her to get the brightest orgasm of her life, and before she has time to come to her senses, take her by the hand and take her away from here.

I assure you, the method, although it seems absurd, but it is workable! And if it does not work out, then the problem is not so much in the girl, so much in your impudence. In order for it to work, you must be a lightning-fast and daring conqueror to resist the energy of which simply does not make sense. And of course you have to feel very, very confident. The method will not work for those guys who are the first time (or even the first 5 times) in this institution. For a real sense of confidence comes when you know all the nooks and crannies of club life. But everyone can try it, and if there is enough charm and audacity, then it's all in the bag!

By the way, before you use it, you must be fully equipped and clearly know what and where you will lead her. And be sure to have a bottle of whiskey / champagne / martini in stock ... in short, a delicious alcoholic drink that you will sip in between love.

All that I will require from you in return is to tell later in the comments about your results. Well, if you share the record with your friends, then you generally have no price!

Good luck, friend! See you on the FitKies pages.

With wishes for success, Vitakha Okhrimenko!

91 comments on ““How to pick up a girl in a club in an interesting and effective way””

    Yes, Vitaly, this is no longer an article - it's almost half a book, so you described everything in detail. I am sure that many young guys will have something to learn from it. Well, as always, I giggled merrily over the classification of club girls. Particularly smiled "stray on the separation"))

    In fact, I finished writing and sit in shock all over. I dream of learning how to write short articles, but the desire to take into account every detailed nuance and make the topic “complete” prevents me from doing this.

    You really cover the topic very fully, and I think that's a plus. Usually, you want to add something to the articles, like: but you did not take into account this reason or something like that. This does not happen to me with your articles.

    To be honest, I don’t like the expression “to remove a girl”, you can remove, let’s say, a priestess of love. And meet ordinary girls.

    Vitaly, maybe it makes sense to divide one article into two, because. long articles are a little tiring, and then, of course, you decide.

    This expression made me smile too. In fact, such strays on the separation very often come across.))

    Damn, something I did not start with. I forgot to say: girls are strictly prohibited from entering

    If you do that, they will generally flock here))

    Will not help. And I would like more respect for the female sex!

    Respect as much as you want.
    That's really problematic to write articles for men when you blog for everyone. Let's agree: I will write in the title: girls do not read, and you will not read
    I will also write something similar for men and they will not go there

    So I deliberately deprive visitors of the opportunity to add something. No, henceforth it is necessary to deliberately ignore at least a couple of points

    Yes, I already tried it. I think there is a sense ... although, on the other hand, it is stupid to somehow promote two pages for one request. Although it will probably be necessary to do so, it’s really possible to get tired until you finish reading

    Wow, they just don’t come up with, there are even special guides for picking up, and what if the girls read it.

    As you can see from the comments, only girls read

    Young guys need to get the necessary skills somewhere. Let Vitaly's blog help them with this.

    I think that readers have already appreciated your desire, Vitaliy, to write full solid articles.

    When dividing one article into two, it is more likely that each will be more thoroughly read.

    And it is not surprising that there are all these categories of girls in the club - otherwise, why would they go there?

    But, Catherine, the meaning of this article is quite definite. And he is not about meeting girls, but just about picking up.

    And the forbidden fruit is known to be sweet. What can you think of so that girls do not read what they are not supposed to?

    Because girls learn a lot about themselves. What was not expected before.

    Ha ha, Vitaly! An interesting option, but unlikely to work. But it's worth trying.

    I think that some girls are even starting to change their behavior radically.

    I read it with interest, thanks! I had one moment of acquaintance in the club, I came to the club and took a glass of beer from the bar. After sitting for about ten minutes, I noticed that a young lady was looking at me. Then she comes up to me to invite me to dance, but in response I offered her to leave ... I agreed)))

    For me, the word "eat" is too brutal.

    Guys are learning really fast these days. The Internet helps almost always))

    Thanks for the story!
    Yes, it happens. I think it is not necessary to say what goals this young lady pursued that evening. No, maybe of course you just liked you very much, but most likely this girl was “on the hunt” and you introduced yourself to her as the most desired “victim”!

    It would be necessary to somehow password-protect, close, encode articles for men from women, and articles for women from men. The truth is how to come up with an identification based on gender ...

    The main thing for me is to shoot, but how and where does not matter.

    Women's curiosity is strongest, passwords will not help, they will find a loophole and read it.

    Club club strife. I visited the wrong clubs with face control and other attributes.

    Flying on the separation sounds beautiful. I have an association with horses and a carriage. With mares in general.

    Irina, then you need to go to clubs with your girlfriends more often and find an addition to the article.

    Ekaterina, there is nothing better than the practice of visiting the club. Everywhere has its own nuances.

    Usual teenage and male slang. Take off for me and meet for a long time and fuck once. The word has different meanings.

    Rented a girl, met, liked, married. Often happens.

    I don't feel comfortable in the club. Wild music, people can't push through, you can't see anyone beyond a few meters.

    And you, Evgeny, were probably in the same cap, as in the avatar? I would love to come too!…

    Will read and will be conducted on these divorces

    Why would Irina go there?
    Irina has a husband

    Vitah, and it will turn out.
    Where the girls will not be allowed, they will come in.
    And where are the men, they will look there.

    And what does face control have to do with picking up girls?
    Yarik, maybe it’s enough to wind up the comments quantitatively. In the announcement of the competition, I wrote about the need for "quality" comments. I'm afraid for such "things" you will be disappointed when the winners of the contest are announced

    Curiosity is a terrible vice of the human race.

    Yes, there is no escape from this “phenomenon”. Damn, at least don’t publish “same-sex” articles, otherwise I’ll really burn all our male chips

    ... only they will already know that this is a scam
    If a girl sets a goal to leave the club not alone and have a good time, then this allowance will only play into her hands, she will know how to behave accordingly

    But the atmosphere that reigns there in the club stimulates debauchery even among those guys and girls who initially did not set themselves this goal

    Hi Vitaly! I wanted to ask for a long time ... but how does your wife feel about your "outpourings"? I would have nailed mine a long time ago)))). And you are so detailed about filming, etc. you describe. Logically, you had to do all this yourself ... That is, there was a stormy personal life. So, a lot of girls "tried". My brain would have already boiled from ideas and fantasies (how it happened and with whom - I have a sooooo stormy fantasy). So how does your wife feel about all this?

    So it's great if the article has a positive impact on girls and they change their behavior for the better.

    No, I don't really like clubs. Even when not married, she almost never went to them. With my girlfriends, we like to go to theaters or cafes)) I generally have a theory that it is very unlikely to start a serious relationship with a guy after meeting him in a club. The guys in the club are not up to it. Here at work, at school, at some courses - a completely different matter. Although, of course, there are exceptions to all rules.

    The clubs themselves have created a frivolous reputation for dating, and because of the behavior of girls as well.

    Yes, and most of the guys going to the club are already in a frivolous mood right away. Tatyana, you must be very jealous. Both pipkin doctors

    Hah, what kind of “victim” will refuse to change the water for the fish in a 3-story penthouse

    No, actually the article is useful. Because girls are by nature more inquisitive and sociable, and they quickly learn and understand how to behave in a club. And more open and liberated. But it's harder for guys. And in terms of volume, the article is quite appropriate, it was comfortable for me to read. Thanks for the article and interesting thoughts. And in general, girls should still say thanks for such articles) there will be less cattle and bores in places of rest!)

Relatives need to be helped - you can’t argue with that. Although Olga, who moved to Moscow from Perm, has her own opinion on this matter. Her sympathy for the cousin's family led to neurosis, and now the girl herself rents an apartment, just not to see her sick relatives. And they live quietly in her apartment.

Olga came to study in Moscow in the early 2010s - she entered a pedagogical university. A year before, her cousin, Natalya, also came to the capital.

The first six months of her studies, Olga lived in a hostel, then got a job and began to rent housing. At first, they rented an apartment with classmates, and closer to graduation, the girl was already able to afford a separate rented “odnushka” (though in Solntsevo, where at that time there was no metro, and getting to work and study was a whole problem). They saw Natalya from time to time - she lived in the hostel of her university and was in no hurry to get a job.

“Since my arrival in Moscow, I have changed seven rented apartments - I have already learned how to get ready in half a day,” says Olga. - The reasons were different: either the owners will put up an apartment for sale, or they will increase the rent, or relations with neighbors will deteriorate. In general, it was not so easy, but I knew it was temporary. Even before admission, my parents told me that after graduation I would get an apartment, a “one-room flat” in South Butovo. They invested in a new building (they themselves stayed in Perm, they bought it for me), while I was studying, the house was completed.

And then there was the main “but”. Natalya, without finishing her studies, got married four years after moving to Moscow. The girl dropped out of college and plunged into household chores. By the time Olga finished her studies, her sister already had a child. The husband, a middle manager in one of the large retail chains, didn’t have enough stars from the sky, but he earned decently - and the family took out a mortgage loan for a “kopeck piece” in Tsaritsyno. But while the house was being built, it was hard for the family to pull out a mortgage, and rent, and raising a daughter. And Natalia came up with an idea...

“Natasha is the daughter of my mother's brother Sergei. He raised her alone - his wife left him two years after the birth of the child. My mother took part in this family as best she could, sat with Natasha while her brother was at work, was her godmother, always made good gifts, I was even offended sometimes, says Olga. - Sergey died shortly after Natasha left for Moscow - he got into an accident. Natasha inherited his apartment - the house was sold and used as a down payment on a mortgage. But while the new house was being built, she decided to save money - she herself did not work, and her husband's salary, a little more than a hundred thousand, if you pay a mortgage and rent, remains so-so for life. And she called her mother - asked for help.

Olga's mother did not refuse her goddaughter - she allowed her to live in an apartment that she bought for her daughter.

“She just called me and said - daughter, you need to help Natasha. This is only for six months, until the house is completed, - says the girl. Of course, I wasn't happy. Maybe it’s not good to say that, especially with Natalya and her family, we always had a good relationship, but at first I was speechless. I even cried that day. But then I thought about it and decided that I would endure it.

As a result, Natalya and her family were the first to move to a new apartment (which was registered to Olga's mother). Olga put off the move for a couple of months, continuing to rent housing. But then she moved to her own apartment.

“The funny thing is, Natalya first mentioned that she and her husband could also live with his parents, in a “odnushka,” says Olga. - But I myself said, oh well, how will the five of you live there, also with two dogs (my husband's parents are dog lovers with experience). And then this topic somehow resolved itself ... Well, then, I was sure that I would have to endure for three months. Well, taking into account any force majeure, six months.

By the time Olga moved into the apartment, Natalya's family had already settled down, having established their own rules. And in the bathroom, and in the cabinets, and in the kitchen, almost all the space was occupied by other people's things, Olga had to re-conquer the space for herself. In addition, in the cousin's family, all three turned out to be opponents of drafts and constantly made sure that the windows were closed tightly. And Olga could not imagine life without a breath of fresh air.

“Naturally, there was no question of us all sleeping in the same room,” says the girl. - In the summer I slept on the balcony, and when the cold came, I moved to the kitchen. Both options are dubious pleasure. At first I had to go, excuse me, to the toilet through the room where these three sleep. And when I slept in the kitchen, someone always came to drink water at night, as if you couldn’t take a bottle into the room in the evening! Well, their daughter is a lark, she turns off at nine in the evening, and at six in the morning she already has breakfast - and of course, I woke up almost every time.

But all these were difficulties, so to speak, expected. A surprise for Olga was the fact that instead of six months, Natalya's family planned to live in a one and a half years - then, talking with her godmother, the girl concealed the fact that the house in which they bought an apartment was at the stage of excavation and it would take a long time to complete the construction.

“I never reproached them with a word,” says Olga. - And I didn’t ask at first why they didn’t leave, although all the deadlines had passed. Waiting for them to explain. Well, they explained - when they lived in the apartment for more than a year. Natalia said that in a month we will celebrate the receipt of the keys. Like, we're on holiday. I said I was very happy for them. And what else was there to do, after all, we had already lived like this for a year, not to make a fuss now?

At the same time, by the end of the year of marriage, the girl began to notice that she began to have health problems. “At first, insomnia, however, infrequently there were such nights, once every two or three weeks. Then it became more frequent, - says Olga. - And some panic attacks. I began to twitch all the time, afraid of everything - cars on the road, the elevator in the house, loud sounds, any sudden movements. This had never happened to me before, and I began to seriously think about whether to turn to a psychiatrist.

The last straw was a conversation accidentally overheard by Olga.

“When they noted the receipt of the keys, I decided - now I can breathe easy, soon this nightmare - and then life together became a real nightmare for me - will end. And then I heard how she and her husband were arguing at night. I woke up - and I listen, but what else remains? And I hear how she saws him - how many years they have been married, the child is growing, and they have never gone to the sea since the wedding! The husband says - then we will not have time to repair, we will have to postpone everything for another six months. But can you argue with her? As a result, they bought a ticket and drove off to Turkey for two weeks, and the move from September was postponed until the spring.”

Olga did not find the strength in herself to find out the relationship. “We never quarreled - it’s generally not customary in our family to show dissatisfaction with relatives, we always try to save face, or something. Olga says. - So I have not said a bad word to anyone for all this time. But I realized that I can't take it anymore. Maybe if the apartment had been registered for me, I would have had enough gunpowder, but she’s my mother’s! And Natalya asked her mother for permission and got it.

As a result, Olga moved from this one-room apartment to a rented one. “I'm tired of this passage yard,” the girl admits. - No guests to bring, no sleep well. I became like the hell out of someone: always not getting enough sleep, walking like a zombie, thinking badly. I rented an apartment for a short time - from a colleague at work, she puts it up for sale, but I hope that for half a year it will be possible not to move out, it is unlikely that it will sell out faster. I would like to believe that by this time they will have finally moved. In the end, they still quarreled with my mother - she is unhappy that I, as it were, neglect her gift. And how to live there, when everyone is on top of each other, and it is not clear when it will all end? I'll live a little, maybe I'll come to my senses. And if not, I’ll go for treatment, as if I had some kind of neurosis. ”



Many go to the club not only to dance, but also to shoot girls. How to pick up a cute chick in a club? A few sensible tips from one of the pick-up artists.

OZHP - female
SCP - the level of attractiveness for a pick-up artist
TFN is a typical frustrated loser

Before you go to a club, it would be nice to first decide which one. The more correctly the place is chosen, the more predictable will be the circumstances in which you find yourself.

In every fairly large city there are several dozen entertainment venues. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following types:

1. "insects". Premises for drinking deshman beer, eating fish, pistachios and other joys of the proletariat. The contingent is gopniks, fans, athletes. Attractiveness level for a pick-up artist (LAP) 0/10

2. Bars and pubs. Drinking establishments. The main audience is businessmen, expats, middle-aged men's companies. Women here most often come accompanied by men and most likely married to some of them. CPC: 2/10

3. Dance bars. The same as a simple bar or pub, but with the presence of a stage (a rare DJ console) and a dance floor, live music in the form of a mossy singer and a bloke behind a synthesizer (if you're lucky, there is a live ensemble). The contingent is the most diverse. From student companies to married couples over 45. Girls are most often in large companies and, as a rule, celebrate something - birthdays, promotions, bachelorette parties, and so on. The average level of quality of the GBP is 4.5. Rarely come across more interesting specimens, but thanks to dozens of blue in the trash, emboldened TFNs, ordering slow dances for them and declaring their love to the grave, they put on a reinforced concrete scourge shield, which not everyone will be able to break through. In such establishments, it is still better to drink or not visit at all. SCP 3/10.

4. Bowling, karaoke clubs, billiards. Apogee of TFNstva. Holy of Holies. That's where they drag every second victim. Furiously roll balls and yell "strike!". Waste of resource. SCP 2/10

5. Strip bars, masturbation parlors, Thai massage parlors. Going to a strip bar with a girl is a good opportunity to turn her on. Sometimes I use. But looking for acquaintances there is rubbish. You will be dealt with exactly as long as there is cash in the wallet. Useless waste of resources. SCP 1/10

6. Public clubs. I wrote about them above. SCP 7/10. The level of OBD from 4 to 7-8 (rarely but it happens)

7. Elite private establishments with closed parties. Once in such a place, you automatically fall into the list of attractive personalities, even if you are a complete nerd. The girls there are removed easily and with joy. Especially if you are close to the owners. Ozhp beautiful, well-groomed. Whoever is there is not called. Fashion models, models, dancers, majors. Average HP is 7-9. Attractiveness for a pickup artist 9/10. However, the high attractiveness is offset by the low chances of mere mortals getting there.

Obviously, traditional clubs are the most effective. The ratio of the quality of ojp to the possibility of dating is very good.

Events such as presentations, fashion shows, exhibitions stand apart. That's where you can really meet a lot of high-quality OJPs who, apart from their appearance, have everything in order with their brains. In my opinion, this is the most attractive place for new acquaintances. Ozhp for the most part willingly make contact with all the consequences. Feel free to look in the section with information about upcoming events and visit. Firstly, it is interesting in itself, and secondly, there is a great chance to make good useful acquaintances and pump yourself up.

Every self-respecting institution has a section with photo reports and announcements. On the same geometry, you can find everything you need. Before you go anywhere, take the trouble to open it up and look at the pictures from the parties. Everything is immediately visible there - the average age, social status, the quality of the CBP, the format. In this case, you won’t accidentally snuggle up in a tuxedo for acid-trance minced meat.

Those institutions that do not have such a section, I would not advise visiting. You won't find anything interesting there. Although, to each his own.

I am TFN. I often stand against the wall drinking whiskey and smiling.

As for Mr. Mystery - very often it is a grenade in the hands of a monkey. Often I see a picture of such "set openers" randomly running from one company to another and after 2 hours they are frankly annoying everyone with their importunity.

In order to successfully shoot (actually shoot, because in my opinion it is extremely inefficient to look for love in clubs), you need to understand in general what a club is and who goes there.

Any club has approximately the same structure:

1. Regulars, owners and those close to them, their relatives, friends, acquaintances. Most often they sit in isolation in VIP areas. Access to mere mortals is prohibited there. To get there means to become closer to the "gods" of the party. Never on the dance floor. They never come to the bar.

2. Frequent visitors. Or "local". These are the ones who visit this place every weekend. Feel at home. Sometimes they have contact with regulars. They can behave in completely different ways. Quietly sit in a corner or make noise at maximum volume. They know personally bartenders, security, waitresses, residents, photographers. Most often they have a reserved table around which all the action takes place, with occasional forays to the dance floor. It is they who bring the lion's share of the club's profits. They are the desired prey of the next category.

3. "Cheese" girls. This contingent is invariably present in every club in search of sponsors. Preferences - frequent visitors. Be sure that they twist their ass for the exact table where the victims are sitting. And I must say, not without success. Very often they are taken there. Ordinary guys are of no interest to them.

4. Baboebs. These are groups of guys dreaming of giving "cheese" and having almost no chance of doing it. As a rule, they gather in groups, look at their asses appraisingly, play with their muscles, pose as such richly successful-daring strong people of this world. It is considered an honor to greet the "locals" in person. In fact - a maximum of middle managers.

4. Stray. These are those who came to the club for the first time or visit it infrequently. To them the closest attention of the "face", bartenders and other staff. They are being selected. How much did you spend at the bar? What did you order? How do they behave? Should I let them in again in the future? They are the ones who fill the dance floor.

Arriving at the club, you need to clearly understand which category of visitors you belong to. And, if the goal is to shoot someone - what category of visitors will be as a "target" audience.

As soon as a newcomer enters the club, a lot of evaluating glances immediately fall on him. Be sure you are being watched. What are you wearing, what did you order, how do you behave, who do you know and so on. That is, there is a reading of the initial data, on the basis of which a conclusion is made of your value both for the institution as a whole and for individuals.

Remain local and stray. Both of them can be female.

Strange as it may seem, but the strayers are the ones who get the most attention from the local girls. It is on them that their views and thoughts are directed. The locals all know each other and have fucked each other for a long time. And you are a new person. Mystery man. If you perform a certain set of actions in the correct sequence, you will be easily removed yourself. You don't even have to do anything. This is an easier option than trying to get through to the locals yourself. Without their own desire, this is almost impossible. The maximum you get is permission to sit down at the table and pay for a couple of bottles of champagne.

Remain vagrant. Here everyone is in equal weight categories, in equal conditions. You have to understand that girls sometimes really come to the club to DANCE and HAVE. These are harder to open. It is better to pay attention to those girls who came together and behave modestly. Often stand at the bar or dance with pauses to go to the bar. They are the easiest to deal with. The seduction of such girls is no different from the usual removal.

Arriving at the club, do not run headlong to "open" companies. You do not need to immediately begin to evaluate the CBP. Buy something at the bar. Do not be rude or rude to the bartender. The best variant would be whiskey with ice, cognac - long drinks, or just water with lime. Beer, complex cocktails, shots, and other crap are not worth taking. Stand near the bar area and strike up a conversation with someone. Don't sit at the table! Even if it's free and there are empty seats. If you're with a friend, just talk positively. It doesn't matter what. The main thing is that you do not stand silently like GNK employees staring at people. Even if you feel uncomfortable at first, try to at least create the illusion that you are in a great mood and do not feel embarrassed in a new place. During the conversation, look around:

Who sits where? Where are the companies? Who comes to the bar? What are they ordering? Who is sitting at the bar? Who's on the dance floor? Who is at the tables? What kind of girls are in a pair and so on. In general, just collect information and get used to it. (see 5 types of girls in the club)

When you define all the categories, relax a little and start to enjoy the atmosphere, you can begin to act. For example, without stopping a conversation with a friend, smile at some pretty girl who came with a friend. If you see a smile in response, you can approach. The club atmosphere is not conducive to complex verbal formulations. 90% is non-verbal. What matters is not what you say, but HOW. At the very beginning, I would advise this:

When you receive a smile in return, break eye contact with her, and repeat again after a couple of minutes. If the girl is looking at you again, it's time to approach her. With a light leisurely gait with a smile, come up and just say something like this: "Hi, I like you. My name is ...." That's it. Nothing else is needed. Everything that happens next has already been said 100 times - FAQs to help.

In conclusion, a few short theses:

Don't dress too pretentiously. No acid t-shirts. Exactly like formal suits. Quality jeans, polo, lifestyle sneakers/sneakers are ideal. Neat hairstyle. No gels or varnishes! Don't try to show off your looks. You will still be outdone.

Positive. It must come from you. People come to the club to have fun, to get positive emotions. No need to build a gloomy thinker out of yourself. Take it up in the library.

Don't be too flashy. Don't do it. Otherwise, you'll be out of breath in an hour.

Do not act like Werther or Michael Jackson on the dance floor. Make a choice right away - either dancing or dating. Move a little to the beat of the music. Dance. It's enough. Over time, this will happen automatically.

Don't get drunk! If you are sailing - write wasted.

Don't run from one girl to another. If you are refused, calmly return to the starting position.

Do not stay in the club until the last.

Work on social proof. Politeness and a smile with visitors, bartenders, waiters, DJs and other public.

Don't stagnate. 1 hour is more than enough for the initial collection of information and target selection.

If dating doesn't work, strike up a conversation with a girl you don't like. Just chat with her. It is important that you are as rarely as possible alone for a long time.

Take it as an axiom that dating in a club is not a goal, but an additional pleasant bonus to a pleasant pastime. Do everything unobtrusively. You really came to rest!

As soon as contact with the target is established and you feel the return - take the phone number or offer to change the place. The so-called "bounce".

Personally, I never drag girls directly from the club. For several reasons. I just leave a good impression of myself and take a phone number. How you do it is up to you to decide.

Every man in his life tried, and more than once, to get acquainted with girls and tried to shoot them, perhaps he tried for this, to surprise the girl with something. For some, it turned out quite successfully, but for someone it was quite the opposite. For whom it took a very long time before he managed to interest the girl, and for someone even five minutes was enough. But in any case, everyone, at the end, made for himself the appropriate conclusions about what needs to be done, and what should not be done better. And according to the experience of the majority, the following tips have been made for new beginners in this matter.

Don't set yourself the goal of finding yourself a girlfriend when you go somewhere.
I think that everyone knows this, if you really want to find someone for yourself in advance and go to a party for this purpose, then you will definitely not succeed that day. If you think that this is just a sign, then you are very much mistaken. Because when this thought has settled in your head, your behavior automatically changes, your look becomes predatory, looking for its prey, and at the same time, not wanting to betray yourself, you tense up inside and start behaving unnaturally.
Just have fun - and when you see her ....

Choose the best time to meet.
In no case do not need to rush, wait for the best moment. Wait until the girl you like settles in the newly arrived place, sees all her acquaintances and friends and exchanges news with them. Wait until she gets bored and looks around. It was then that it would be possible to understand why she came and what she really wants. Study her, observe who she looks at, which men she pays special attention to. But too long to get involved, and you should not be enough and 15-20 minutes.

How to approach now at the right moment
And finally, after waiting for this very moment, you approach her and one of the best options for starting a conversation is some kind of joke. At the same time, everything should look natural and at ease, preferably under the situation - describing the girl, her behavior or the place where you are. If you liked your joke and the girl tuned in to listen to you, then go ahead. Do not try to immediately show how smart you are.
No need to be boring and bored at the very first minutes of communication, showing your mental abilities. They are absolutely not interesting to girls at this moment. On the contrary, you need to make a few compliments in particular regarding her figure. And then she will begin to feel much more comfortable next to you, and more relaxed - forgetting about her shortcomings, which may not exist, but which can interfere with a quick pickup, simply because she does not want to undress because of them, because she is afraid not to be liked.

Should not be imposed for too long.
After talking a little and getting to know each other, give her the opportunity to be alone with yourself for a while and think about everything that happens - let her get bored. In the meantime, she will think about you, do not waste time in vain. Make her a little jealous of you by showing her sociability with other girls, even with waitresses for example. If you notice displeasure on her face, then you can assume that luck is on your side.

Make it clear what you want.
If you have chosen a girl not for a long, but a fleeting relationship, then it is better not to pretend to be in love, so as not to alienate the lady. No need to deceive her and worry that she is not ready to sleep with you on the first night. Trust me, she can do it too. And the moment you start getting to know her, she will already be thinking about where you might want to take her. And would not mind spending the night with you. And you, for your part, also let her understand your intentions, but naturally not in a rude form, but delicately so that she understands you correctly and she feels comfortable, it is desirable that other people do not listen to your conversation with her. Perhaps at this moment she will break a little for the sake of appearance (you will need to live it, show your perseverance), and will ask you - “Where are we going?”, “Who do you have at home?”, “What are we going to do there? ” etc. - Answer these questions calmly, quickly and clearly - “Come to me, let's sit and talk”, “No one, I live alone”, “Let's sit and talk, drink beer (or other excuse)” - think for yourself what questions a girl can ask you, and try to prepare in advance to find answers to them quickly.

Try to arouse desires in her in advance.
Dancing will help you do this in the best way, especially if it is a slow dance. All your touches and hugs without words will express your desire. And you at this moment, try to understand who she wants to see you as. But you can do without dancing, with light kinesthetics, if kinesthetics is not possible (for example, in a cafe between you there is a table) - then you can do with a glance examining her breasts - the girl will understand everything.

Think well before you go somewhere.
Try to determine if everything is in order with your chosen one. Does she have critical days, and how lively she behaves. For example, if she pretends to be a “nun” or is like that, then you don’t need to waste time on her, she can go because of the complete conviction that at home you will really only watch movies, and when you try to start touching her there, she goes nuts and freeze. Also, do not deceive the girls with phrases like - “Let's go sit in one cool place” - as she may think that you will bring her to another cafe, and many dynamo girls are waiting for this, and when you bring her to your entrance, she'll freak out and just won't come to your house. The girl should be convinced that you are going to your house and take it normally.
If you notice that something is not quite right, then it’s better not to go anywhere with her, you risk simply ruining your evening and missing out on other girls.

How to take away.
With the number of attempts to take away, the ability to calibrate the girls also increases - for example, at the right moment you get the feeling that she agrees - you need to immediately take her by the hand and lead her to you, or just say “let's go”, turn around and start walking - and she will follow you. Perhaps if the girl is with her friends, they will interfere with you at that moment, so it’s better to either agree with everyone that you eat with the whole company, or stay alone with the girl and take her away alone.
Well, if it came to this, then the matter remained small. No need to delay with this and not let the girl cool down. If suddenly she begins to doubt, then you can continue your communication in another place, the main thing is to let her know that she will not regret if she goes with you.
Good luck and be brave, they love to be filmed.