Unknown india ancient treatise on love. How did sexual culture develop? Ancient treatises on love. Pracheheda: movements of a young man

The only country where the so-called "carnal" love was put at the basis of philosophical and religious systems is Ancient India. It can be said in another way: the spiritual genius of the Indians deified sensual love. The god of love Kama occupied a place in the Indian pantheon at some stages of history, perhaps more honorable than other gods.

Myths, legends, religious and philosophical treatises are permeated with the idea of ​​a sexual combination of male and female principles. The most outspoken examples of Indian sculpture, often considered as illustrations for a separate teaching in kama, adorned the sanctuaries - Vishnu, Shiva, the sun god Surya, etc. Tantrism considers the Universe as a consequence of the divine fusion of Shiva and Shakti. Even ascetic, at first glance, Yoga offers as an object of meditation a naked girl as the embodiment of the Mother, Shakti. The creative power of Kundalini resides in a static state in the body of every person. The task of Yoga is to awaken the coiled snake Kundalini, sleeping, according to the teachings of Tantra, in the region of the coccyx, and to raise it through special exercises to the "thousand-petalled lotus" of the brain, where the throne of Shiva is located. Lal-dead (Lalla, a wandering Shaivite (XIV century) wrote:

"Lalla entered the jasmine garden of her soul,
There Shiva and Shakti joined at the jasmine trunk.
There I plunged into the pure waters of immortality,
There I will bury myself, I will become unattainable for being *.

Krishna is the eighth incarnation (avatar) of the god Vishnu. Young Krishna, a cowherd boy playing the pipe, and the cowherd boys who are in love with him. Seems like a decent enough storyline. In the Bhagavad Purana, cowherd boys are symbols of human souls striving for the god Krishna. Undoubtedly, Krishna is a god, and Radha is a soul participating in him. The love of Radha and Krishna is not just the desire of the soul for the deity, but a complex set of their relationships, which is made up of mutual attractions and even conflicts. Krishna and Radha act as if on an equal footing, both are endowed with divine nature, are the embodiment of divine spouses.

Vidyapati, court poet and adviser at the court of the rulers of Mithula, a small principality in Northern India (first half of the 15th century), is revered by Krishnaites as a prophet who managed to put mystical meaning into his rather frank verses:

* Clothes fell, unbearable shame was discarded,
My lover covered my nakedness,
I closed my eyes and turned off the lamp in the darkness.
The insatiable bee in the lotus tasted the honey*.

And here are the lines of the poet Kalidasa, the greatest poet of India, from the poem "The Birth of Kumara":

* Like a picture of marvelous art,
Like rays of heaven lotus,
Body in its dazzling splendor
Revealed by unsurpassed youth*...

The love lyrics of Ancient India were admired by Goethe, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Balmont, Bunin:

* The lamp of love almost plunged into nirvana,
But wondering what they'll do
These two, having reached the last line,
Stretched his neck to see
Soot expressed his embarrassment to them ... *

* I want to touch her lips with her lips -
She bows her face down
I want to hug a seductive body -
She breaks my hand ring.

He hurries to wrap his clothes tighter.
As if I suspected deceit
And from the most hidden passion,
Hips tremble, the body shudders ... *

* With a trembling hand removes
She is those fingers that are joking
Trying to untie her belt
And both hands clenched,
Protects from all touches
She's an untouched chest
Longitudinal eyes hid
In the shade of patterned eyelashes
Turned away from kisses

Beautiful young face
And in this gentle pretense
All the fullness of the delights of love ... *

The ancient Indian science of love or kama is reflected in a number of Indian treatises. Among them are "Ratirahasya" ("Secret of Love Passion"), "Anangaranga" ("Arena of the God of Love"), Kanyanamalla, Kokkoki, and, finally, "KAMA SUTRA". "KAMA SUTRA" was written by Vatyana Mallananga, a brahmin, an ascetic who observed celibacy, as researchers believed during the reign of the Gupnov dynasty, that is, in the 4th-6th centuries. The treatise "Three Branches of the Peach" ("Peach Branch") is attributed to Muhammad Ali Ibn Saah. The famous Indian poet Rabindrant Tagore, who wrote the collections "Gardener" and "Gitanjili", was translated at the beginning of the century by N. Pusheshnikov, edited by I. Bunin.

* Let the lips suffer - kiss
....................... without end,
In her reciprocal waves of love awakening,
How wonderful when passion flares up
Gradually, like a young moon in the sky *.

*When she walked past me
with quick steps, the edge of her clothes
touched me.

From the unknown island of the heart suddenly
breathed the warm breath of spring.

The thrill of a fleeting touch
ran over me and disappeared in an instant,
like a torn flower petal,
blown by the wind.

He entered my heart like her breath
body and the whisper of her heart*.
(R. Tagore)


Based on the materials of Indologists S. Serebryany, V. Shilo, A Syrkin. Ancient India.
The art of love. Literary and artistic association "Planet", 1990.

The Kamasutra is an ancient Indian love treatise written by the sage Mallanaga Vatsyayana, according to scientists, is one of the oldest in the world. It contains all the erotic concepts, as well as the wisdom and knowledge accumulated over many centuries. The Kama Sutra gives detailed advice on how a woman communicates with a man, and how he can win the favor of his chosen one. Surprisingly, in almost every situation, the main role is played by a love drink.

And today, like thousands of years ago, lovers indulge themselves in "drinks of passion": spicy tinctures, tart liqueurs, wines liberate the mind and body, giving sharpness to feelings. Moreover, recent studies show that it is not for nothing that these drinks are called the elixirs of the gods: almost all fruits and herbs that are part of tinctures and wines excite and give strength. And our ancient ancestors knew this very well.

Mentions of a wonderful drink that should be served to the chosen one in order to arouse love desire in him are in many Indian legends. One of them is the story of the seduction of King Dushyanta by a beauty named Shakuntala. The secret composition of the drink that the virgin prepared for the king has haunted researchers for many years. Indeed, according to one version, the legend is based on a real love story. And this means that the magical "elixir of passion" is not fiction.

Many Indian legends say that Indian gods and goddesses, apsaras are demigoddesses, and their assistants had unique knowledge about herbs, plants and spices. They collected them and mixed them. The proportions were known only to them.

According to one version, Shakuntala added cardamom to the intoxicating drink. Today, Indians use it to flavor sweet dishes, but if its seeds are dried in the sun, crushed and added to hot wine, the elixir can awaken love feelings.

According to another version, it was a honey-based drink with the addition of turmeric powder, an unusual plant very common in India. Turmeric root ignites very easily when fire is brought to it. If it comes into contact with skin or clothing, turmeric leaves traces. However, she leaves exactly the same indelible mark on the soul of a man when he tries a properly prepared dish with this seasoning. According to legend, turmeric is not only a magical plant, but also a powerful aphrodisiac.

Shakuntala went down in history as a powerful sorceress. Legend has it that she inherited the ancient secrets from her mother, the demigoddess Menaki. Myths tell that she once descended to Earth to seduce a meditating sage for many years. The gods feared that the sage would gain strength similar to the celestials. It was not easy to seduce an ascetic who consciously renounced earthly goods. But legends say that Menaka had access to such methods with which she could seduce even the devil himself.

According to an ancient text, the sage broke off his meditation and for several years indulged in love with a beautiful apsara.

The ancient Hindus really owned unique recipes for drinks and dishes that were able not only to instantly arouse love desire, but also to prolong it as long as the lovers themselves wanted.

Moreover, only in the Kama Sutra there are several dozen recipes that a man needs to try so that his passion is an unquenchable flame of fire.

Studying the ancient treatise of love, historians have noticed that it is replete with recipes that are designed to awaken love energy. But many of the names of the plants that make up their composition are not known to biologists today. It is likely that they grew on the planet in the distant past, when the climate was completely different or these herbs were never terrestrial plants, and the gods themselves gave them to people. Historians hope to find answers to these questions in ancient Indian manuscripts, which they have yet to decipher: many of them are written in Sanskrit, the most perfect ancient language.

The Kama Sutra says that love is nothing but the path to God. Indeed, according to ancient legends, it was the gods who taught people to love. They taught men to appreciate female beauty and give pleasure to a woman, and gave women the secrets of seduction. Among them, several ways stand out that help women become goddesses of love: looking a partner directly in the eyes, touching, smelling, etc. A woman must connect all five senses, as well as consciousness.

It is believed that the Kama Sutra was created by the monk Vatsyayana, who kept a vow of silence for many years, but his thoughts turned out to be more eloquent than any words. In one of the chapters of the Kama Sutra, its creator notes that the love preferences of women directly depend on the place where they were born, in addition, he advises how to behave with a woman at the first meeting, what herbs can help with this, etc. But this is simply amazing: how a monk who took a holy vow of celibacy and hardly ever tasted the love of a woman, so skillfully, with truly scrupulous accuracy, describes women's passions. It turns out that Vatsyayana was a sage rishi and possessed secret knowledge, therefore, according to scientists, he presented all the material from a scientific point of view.

To the question: where did the sage get this knowledge from, some experts say that with the help of meditation he could gain access to higher powers, from which he acquired all this sacred knowledge. This is the only way to explain all the secrets that the monk reveals in the Book of Love. After all, the Kama Sutra is not a book for leisure. Rather, it is a textbook, with the help of which a person touches those secrets that are inaccessible to mere mortals.

An ancient text tells that once a beautiful maiden sat in a prostration in a flowering garden, her eyes were closed, and her body was motionless. Soon a handsome man in white robes leaned over her. It was Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. He, straightening the virgin's marvelous curls and stroking her fragile shoulders, conjured over her. God ran his hand over the eyes of the beauty, and at the same moment she shuddered, as if awakened from a dream. So, according to legend, the Hindu creator god created his beloved, the goddess Saraswati. Brahma endowed her with sacred knowledge about the art of love, told how loving hearts can achieve the highest spiritual and bodily pleasure. All these secrets, of which there were sixty-four, Saraswati recorded in a book. This is how the “Bible of Love” was created, which the goddess, at the request of Brahma, bestowed on people.

According to an ancient Hindu legend, the Earth was once inhabited by people with divine genes - demigods born from the love unions of earthly women with celestials. They possessed unique knowledge, incredible power and could work real miracles. Wise men, victorious warriors, royal persons - all of them were divine descendants and could, at will, contact the celestials in order to receive secret knowledge from them. And, perhaps, the monk Vatsyayana was one of them - a demigod who was supposed to reveal to mere mortals the secrets of the art of love.

Love stories of gods and earthly women are found not only in Indian mythology. According to ancient Greek myths, the Olympian gods also fell in love with earthly women and took them as wives. The ancient Slavic gods also could not resist the beauty of the dugouts. Or maybe the gods needed earthly maidens to leave their offspring on Earth - a new race of demigods, half-humans, heroes and warriors, sages and great philosophers, each of whom would contribute to the development of mankind.

Prajapati, Shiva, Brahma - all these gods descended to Earth to enter into an alliance with earthly beauties. Stories about this are described in the ancient books of Ramayana and Mahabharata. However, historians are still arguing about whether the ancient history of the Mahabharata is a myth or is it one of the pages of history. They have yet to figure it out.

Unique love traditions existed in all ancient cultures. And almost everywhere, their essence was that a woman, becoming a priestess, initiated a man into the mystery of love and bodily pleasures.

Egypt, India, Greece, Arabia, China, Tibet - everywhere a woman was considered the embodiment of sensuality, as she possessed the gift of creation. After all, it is the woman who bears and nourishes every human being that comes into this world, she is the embodiment of sensual beauty and eroticism.

Moreover, the Kama Sutra says that the leading role in the love game between a man and a woman always belongs to a woman. And today, like centuries ago, a woman helps a man reach the highest pleasure of the soul, body and mind. After all, the ancients knew for sure that a man, although he is the master of a woman, is nevertheless a slave to her love.

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There is no better advice in business than to be moderate.

To be moderate is to anticipate.

To anticipate means to be prepared and strong.

To be prepared and strong is to be always successful.

To be always successful is to have endless possibilities.

Tao-te-jin, chapter 59

Two thousand years ago, if not earlier, ancient Taoist healers wrote frank, clear books about love and sex. The Taoists were not lustful or shy, for they regarded lovemaking as essential to the physical and mental health and well-being of men and women. Adhering to this philosophy, the ancients paid great attention to the mastery of sex. Everything was done for the future love courage of a person. Literature and art created illustrations on the technique of sex. A husband who knew how to enjoy frequent and prolonged sexual intercourse was valued much more than one who was simply young and attractive.

Taoist doctors viewed lovemaking as part of the natural order of things. Sex was not only enjoyed and savored, it was considered beneficial and prolonging life. In order to preserve people's art of making love, many methods have been formulated, and erotic paintings have been used to both study and excite men and women. In their book Erotic Art, Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen quote a poem written by Chang Ren at the end of the 1st century, which describes how a bride uses an erotic book to make her wedding night memorable:

Let's lock the golden door with a golden lock,

Let's light a lamp to fill the room

Her diamond light.

I'll take off my clothes and wash off the paint and powder,

I will consider a picture decorating a pillow.

"Pure Maiden" will be my teacher,

We will be able to try all the different poses.

What a normal husband has, but rarely sees.

How Thion-lao taught the Yellow Emperor.

There is no joy comparable to enjoyment. They will not be forgotten, no matter how old we become. The Kronhausens go on to describe how erotic art was used in ancient China. Let us turn to the erotic literature of China to assess how albums of drawings were used. In one of the best erotic works of the Ming Dynasty, "Mou Cu Tuan", we find, in particular, a description of the amorous adventures of the young and gifted student Bei Yangshen. He married a gifted and beautiful girl, Yu-Xiang (Jade Flavor), whose only flaw was that she was too shy: she only agreed to have sexual intercourse in complete darkness and rejected any sex technique that was different from the usual one. To her dismay, the maid also noticed that Jade Fragrance had never reached orgasm during marital love. To improve the situation, the young husband decided to buy an expensive album of erotic drawings, with the help of which he hoped to educate his wife and change her attitude towards sex. Jade Flavor, as expected, initially refused to even look at the drawings. However, when she finally agreed to study them under the guidance of her husband, under their influence her passion increased sharply and gradually she turned into an affectionate, sensual and sympathetic woman, corresponding to her name.

The modern attitude of the West to erotic pictures or to so-called pornography did not take place in ancient China. The characteristic approach of the ancient Chinese to love and sex was noted by the eminent scholar and diplomat R. H. van Gulik. In Sex Life in Ancient China, he wrote; "Probably it was this mental attitude, which considered sexual intercourse as part of the order in nature, never associated with a sense of sin or violation of morality, together with the almost complete absence of punishments, led to the fact that the sexual life of ancient China was generally healthy, remarkably free from pathological abnormalities and disturbances found in so many ancient cultures."

But not only the attitude of ancient China to sex surprised and interested van Gulik; it was also the concept of lovemaking and ancient Taoism. This concept, which we call "The Tao of Love", has not been spelled out in detail for the Western reader, so it turns out to be a completely different practice than almost all of the accepted Western views on sex and lovemaking. It is easy to deny it, just as the West has long denied acupuncture, now recognized as an important healing agent. Today, centuries later, Western doctors marvel at its perfection and try to understand its mysteries. The Tao of love must reveal its secrets to the West. This is how van Gulik describes it: "The theory of the Tao of love has shaped the principles of Chinese sexual relations for centuries, so it is interesting to note that for more than two thousand years the Tao of love has been widely practiced in China without any harm to the heredity or the state of the general health of the nation. ".

Van Gulik is obviously softening his language. He had to agree that the Chinese were a strong and long-lived nation thanks to their seemingly revolutionary sexual principles.

Even today, the Tao of love seems revolutionary, but with each new discovery by Western sexologists and scientists, its recipes become more acceptable. The basic tenets of this Tao - the control of ejaculation, the meaning of female satisfaction, and the understanding that male orgasm and ejaculation are not the same - became important points in the women's liberation movement, as well as in the scientific research of Keepsey, Masters, Johnson, and others. while their theories have gained acceptance in the West, the concepts of love and sex developed in China so long ago have taken their place again. When van Gulik wrote his book, he was amazed at how modern science began to confirm what the teachers of the Tao of Love used to say: in "I Ching Fang" (a 5th-century medical book containing extracts from several hundred Chinese works from the Tang period and earlier), is fully consistent with the data of A. S. Kinsei's book "Female Sexual Behavior" (section "Psychology of Sexual Response and Orgasm") This speaks in favor of the sexologists of ancient China."

The "Five Signs" of female satisfaction mentioned by van Gulik appeared 2,000 years ago in a dialogue between Emperor Zhuang Li and Su Niu.

Zhang Li: How does a man observe a woman's satisfaction?

Su Nu A: There are 5 signs, 5 wishes and 10 directions. A man should observe these signs and react accordingly. These signs are:

1. Her face turns red, her ears are hot. This means that thoughts of lovemaking have taken over her mind. At this point, the man should begin intercourse moderately in a teasing manner, insert very shallowly, and wait, watching for a subsequent reaction.

2. Her nose is sweaty and her nipples are swollen. This means that the fire of her passion has risen somewhat. The jade peak can now go into the depth of the trough proper, (5 inches), but not deeper than this. A man must wait for the intensification of passion before introducing further.

3. When her voice drops and dry and hoarse sounds escape from her throat, her passion intensifies. Her eyes are closed, her tongue sticks out, she breathes quickly and noticeably. At this time, the male jade stem is free to enter and exit. Sexual intercourse gradually reaches ecstasy.

4. Her red ball (external organs) is richly lubricated and the fire of passion is close to the top, and each push causes the lubrication to flow out. Its jade peak touches lightly the valley of the water chestnut teeth (2 inches deep). Now he can use this method: one push to the left, one to the right, one slow and one fast, or any method depending on the desire.

5. When her golden lotus (legs) rises as if she wants to embrace a man with them, her fire and passion have reached the top. She wraps her legs around his waist and puts her hands on his shoulder and back. The tongue remains protruding. With these signs, the male may enter deep into the deep chamber valley (5 inches). Such deep thrusts allow her to achieve ecstasy with her whole body.

Although the ancient Chinese writings are written in more flowery and poetic than clinical language, this does not mean that their authors did not take the issues of love and sex very seriously. In fact, they understood that good health (mental and physical) and longevity were closely related to sexuality, so love and sex were seen as an important branch of medicine. Its usefulness does not detract from pleasure, on the contrary, the essential idea of ​​the Tao of love is that love and sex are only useful when they lead to complete satisfaction.


A huge tree grows from a tiny shoot

A nine-story tower is born from a heap of earth,

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Tao-de-jing, chapter 64

To understand the ancient Taoist path of love, we must first have some understanding of the Tao, the fountain from which the Tao of love flows. It is a philosophy that faithfully served the Chinese and strengthened their inner potencies through recipes for prudence and precise timing. In the old days they said that if "Confucianism is the outerwear of the Chinese, then Taoism is its soul." This civilization obviously owes its longevity to its teachings, which in poetic form preached patience and harmony.

Stretch (bow) to the greatest,

And you want to stop.

Temper the sharpest sword,

But its edge will quickly become dull,

Tao-te-jing, chapter 9

Tao itself is the wisdom of nature, born many thousands of years ago. However, no one knows exactly when. In the VI century BC. Lao Tzu collected its basic rules in a book that he called "Tao-te-jin". It consists of just over 5000 words, which makes it probably the shortest of the world's books of wisdom. It has been translated into many languages ​​- more than 30 editions have been published in English alone. Each translator understood and interpreted the words of Lao Tzu in his own way, but the basis of Taoist philosophy is the belief that energy and momentum are the sources of all life. In the universal system of things, we humans are tiny, insignificant, and easily vulnerable beings.

If we are not in harmony with this source - the infinite force of nature - we cannot hope for a long life. This is the most important principle of the Tao Te Ching. The infinite power of nature is the Tao.

The philosophy of Tao is patience, to follow it you need to relax and become natural in order to join your infinite power. The Tao of love evolved from this natural philosophy of foresight, conservation of energy and flexibility.

Taoism has always been of interest to Western philosophers, but scientists and physicians have shown interest in it relatively recently. In 1939, psychiatrist C. G. Jung wrote an introduction to a book on Taoism and included an essay on Tao in his collection of works. “Since the objects of the inner world influence us more strongly because of their unconsciousness, it is necessary for everyone who is trying to develop an internal culture to objectify the influence from the “anima”, try to understand what is hidden behind these influences,” he wrote. "He adapts and defends himself against the invisible. No adjustment is possible without concessions to both worlds."

What is possible and necessary follows from consideration of the demands of the inner and outer worlds, more precisely, from the conflict between them. Unfortunately, our Western mind, having no culture in this regard, has not developed not only a concept, but even a name for "the union of opposites through the middle path" - the most important concept of inner experience, which can be compared with a certain caution with the Chinese concept of "dao" .


As I have already pointed out, the ancient Chinese scholars and physicians studied and discussed questions of sex and sexual practice in much the same way that Masters, Johnson and Kinsek do now. Many of the conclusions of the ancient Chinese have been re-confirmed by modern science. For example, Masters and Johnson were the first modern sex researchers to endorse repeated interruptions in intercourse to prolong intercourse, to give the woman the opportunity for complete satisfaction, and for the man to gradually acquire the ability to control ejaculation. This is almost entirely consistent with the ancient Chinese texts on the Tao of Love, which teach this way of controlling ejaculation.

In their report, Masters and Johnson recommend a technique they call the squeeze technique to help a man suffering from premature ejaculation. This is a rather complicated technique: the woman must be on top and as soon as he tells her that he has reached a dangerous level, she must quickly squeeze the head of the penis for 3 or 4 seconds. This will make him lose the urge to ejaculate.

The ancient Chinese "extrusion technique" is remarkably similar to Masters and Johnson's, but much easier to perform. It can be used in almost all positions, as the man uses the pressure himself. The same Masters and Johnson sanctioned an indefinite delay in a man's ejaculation: "Many men are able to limit or delay ejaculation until the partner is satiated. Satiation on the part of a woman can represent several complete cycles of sexual responses with a constant demand for an erection of the penis for a long time, so that the first stage of involution of the penis, usually very rapid, can be extended for a long time, and the second stage of involution is successively delayed. No psychological explanation can be given to this clinical observation at the present time."

Their open-minded thinking differs from the Tao of love only in degree. The Tao also encourages all men to develop ejaculatory control and considers it as the most important statement from their second book, Human Gender Inequalities. He says that if an older person takes this advice to heart, "he will become a potentially very effective sexual partner."

The Tao of love is in full agreement with this statement and actually develops it even further. The 7th century physician Li Tong Xian, head of the medical school in Zhai-An, the capital of the empire, wrote in his book Tong Xian Tzu: “A man must develop the ability to delay ejaculation until his partner is completely satisfied ... A man must discover and develop his own ideal frequency of ejaculation, and it should not exceed 2-3 times in 10 intercourse.


Another doctor of the 7th century. Sun Xiu-Mo lowered the age limit to 40 instead of 50. After that age, he said, a man should be very careful about ejaculation. Accordingly, the Taoists of antiquity taught that the male orgasm and ejaculation are not the same thing. A decrease in the number of ejaculations does not mean that a man is sexually weaker or experiences less sexual satisfaction. Calling ejaculation "the pinnacle of satisfaction" has simply become a custom - and a harmful custom. In this matter, a dialogue between one of Emperor Zhang Li's Tao of Love advisers and a teacher of the Tao of Love from an old book called "Yu fan shi chui" (or "Secrets of the Jade Chamber") may prove useful.

Pai Niu (one of Emperor Zhang Li's 3 Tao advisers) says, "Normally, a man is supposed to get great pleasure from ejaculation, but as he learns the Tao, he will emit less and less; won't his satisfaction also decrease?"

Peng Zu (Zhang Li's top adviser in Tao) said: "Far from it. After ejaculation, a man feels tired, his ears are buzzing, his eyes are closed and he wants to sleep. He feels thirsty, and his limbs become sluggish and stiff. In the process ejaculation he has a second of arousal, but then long hours of fatigue follow, of course, this is not complete satisfaction.On the other hand, if a man reduces and regulates his ejaculation to an absolute minimum, his body is strengthened, his mind is clear, and his hearing and vision Although sometimes it seems that a man forbids himself to experience the intense arousal associated with ejaculation, his love for a woman increases greatly, as if he will never get enough from her, isn't this a real pleasure?

People often ask me what kind of pleasure I experience if I only deflate 1 time in 100 copulations. My usual response is: "I most definitely do not trade my joy for your type of pleasure." I used your method of ejaculation for 12 years - and what a long and empty those 12 years were! If a man is interested, he cannot doubt my experience because I look so peaceful, happy and so addicted to lovemaking. If a woman who is uncomfortable with me at the very beginning of our relationship is interested, then my enthusiasm for a love relationship with her very soon drives away all doubts that I am fully enjoying it. If intercourse continues for several hours, then she discovers that she has comprehended a completely new way of love and is likely to be convinced that she has never experienced such pleasure before. In fact, many women were so satisfied that they told me that they never knew that making love could be so pleasurable.

I was born in one of the most romantic provinces in China and its capital, Han Zhou, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in China. Marco Polo described it as one of the most beautiful cities in the world (in his book this city was called Kingoy). This is a great praise, especially from the lips of a resident of magnificent Venice! This city was once the capital of one of the most artistic southern Song dynasties. Even today, a significant proportion of Chinese writers and poets come from here. In April and May, the whole city, especially near the lake, is in the atmosphere of a euphoric dream. The lake is named after Shi, probably the most beautiful woman in Chinese history, who was born on a river flowing through the city several centuries before Christ. And one of the hills surrounding the lake is named after the famous Taoist Guo Hong, whom we will recall from time to time in this book. Many years of childhood passed in this city and near this beautiful lake.

And what is the result of this? I started to be interested in pretty women already at the age of 7 years. As any sexologist will tell you, men begin their love affair with masturbation. I started doing it at the age of 12-13, but I was not completely satisfied with it. Apparently, I was spoiled by beautiful scenes of nature, literature, poetry.

I realized that masturbation is too mechanical and there is no poetry in it and that I must be one of the few men who masturbated no more than 10 times in their entire life. I sometimes wonder how many sexologists can call this boring monotonous act the joy of sex? And it is not surprising that no Taoist considers this subject even worth mentioning.

I did not have real intercourse with a woman until the age of 18, not because there were no opportunities, but simply the understanding of their usefulness came only with time. And my first intercourse disappointed me in the same way as a short-term passion for masturbation. As I mentioned a little above, I ejaculated - or vaginally masturbated (as I now call it) - for almost 12 years. I don't call it great pleasure for several reasons:

1) a man is constantly worried about his ejaculation;

2) a woman often fears pregnancy;

3) if she uses pills or a ring, she is always afraid of a side effect, and if she uses any other means, she must take care to use them in a timely manner. How can a man and a woman achieve poetic ecstasy with so many fears in their minds?

Compare now with a man who has studied the Tao.

First of all, he and his partners are free from all the fears we mentioned, and besides, they can make love whenever they want. They can make love so often and for so long that they have enough time to appreciate and feel the structure of each other's skin, its lines and personal seductive smells, etc. This is impossible if the mind is occupied with fears.

A person who does not use the methods of the Tao of Love is like a gourmet who would like to constantly eat his favorite dish, but unfortunately cannot, because his stomach does not allow it due to insufficient capacity. The Romans loved to eat so much that they used to induce vomiting in order to be able to repeat their dinner - from my point of view, this is not only unhealthy, but also uneconomical and unaesthetic. But a couple who owns the Tao can have their favorite dishes at any time.

I'm afraid none of this really answers the question: what is sex without ejaculation?

In a sense, this question is as unanswerable as the question "What is the color blue?" asked by the blind. I can only ask in response: "What is ejaculation?". Obviously, the answer to this question is: the release of tension in an explosive way - like a cry of rage or an explosion of a circuit, is also the release of energy.

If so, then I can say that sex without ejaculation is also a release of energy, but without an explosion. The pleasure of peace, not of violence, a mental and overwhelmingly satisfying transition into something greater and transcendent than ourselves. It is a sense of unity, not separation; an impulse of confluence and participation, but not exclusivity, particularity and loneliness. Above that, the words disappear.


It is necessary to pay special attention to the regulation of ejaculation in accordance with age and

I eat men's health; this is not a judgment made by the teachers of the tao of love, but a conclusion reached by thousands of years of careful observation that the seed of a man is one of the life essences and should not be squandered in an uncontrolled way. Sun Xiu-Mo, the most significant physician of the Tang era, wrote in his "Invaluable Remedy": "If a man squanders his seed, he will experience weakness, and if he carelessly exhausts his seed, he will stop." It is very important for a man to remember this.

If a man achieves the ability to regulate his ejaculation, he will not only retain his life essence, but will gain even more by doing so. First of all, his love partner will no longer experience dissatisfaction, because he will have more self-confidence and will be able to make love almost whenever he and his partner desire it, and since they will be able to love each other much more often and longer, partners will be able to receive much more from the essence of each other; he is from her yin essence, and she is from his yang essence. As a result of this, they will achieve a remarkable degree of calmness. This calmness, which comes from true warm and joyful love, was known by the ancient Chinese as the harmony of yin (feminine) and yang (male).

In this book we will try to show how to achieve this yin-yang harmony, which we call the tao of love (in ancient times it was called the dao of yin and yang, the dao of communication or yinyang communication).


About 30 years ago, René Spitz, professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado Medical School, discovered that more than 30% of children in orphanages do not survive the first year of an impersonal, bureaucratic life without love, despite good food, hygienic environment and perfect medical care. And in recent years, renowned child psychologist Jean Piaget has emphasized the vital importance of love (touch and communication) for the well-being and healthy development of children.

Such love (touch and communication) is no less important for spouses, and it was only recently popularized in the West by Master and Johnson in their third book, The Pleasure Bond. They believe that human happiness and well-being are almost impossible without regular love (touch) between spouses. It is no doubt similar to yin and yang, with the exception that the ancient Taoists emphasized the importance for a man to have the ability to regulate his emission.

The emphasis placed on the Tao of ejaculation control is to provide man and woman with sweat: an unlimited supply and opportunities to touch and love each other. It does not make sense to advise for this an act that most men find difficult to touch a woman lovingly when she is near or at rest. Almost any man will understand that if he is tired, he usually prefers that a woman does not touch him (if he does not already know the Tao, of course) for two reasons: he is afraid that he will not be able to satisfy her, or he simply wants to go to bed without any complications. . But if a man knows how to regulate his emission, he has no such fears and, even when he is about to sleep, he can enjoy touching and caresses before going to sleep. He may even make a little love (when you know the Tao, love is no longer stressful). In the same way, every experienced woman feels deep down that she rarely gets enough love (touch) from her man. respond very warmly to touch. Often women realize that they are referring to their gender only because the other woman may well feel the need for caresses. Of course, this is not always fair, because by nature a man's need for love (touch) is just as great. The problem is that the vast majority of men do not know and have no way of knowing how to behave in such a situation.

An interesting example of this is provided by Zoto, mentioned in this book.

When a person learns Tao, he will be able to make love (touch) infinitely more, since there is only a very narrow line between love-touch and actual love-making. But a person cannot fully understand this unless he knows the Tao. An adept of the Tao of love can not only enjoy more, but he and his partner benefit more from love. And we will explain it shortly.


Knowing how to reduce stress and be at peace at any moment, a Taoist usually enjoys his life very much. As a result, he has a more active, long and healthy life. It is not surprising that all the great Chinese physicians of antiquity had knowledge of the Tao; for the same reason there have been many Taoists for many thousands of years. It is not surprising that there are many different approaches to longevity. There are two different schools at the basis of this: a school that relied heavily on the external elixir, and a school that believed more in the internal elixir: (we say "largely" because the boundary between them is not clearly defined). The Taoists of the outer elixir were alchemists who were always on the lookout for purifying postures that could lead to immortality. Proponents of the inner elixir were more realistic and more prudent: they believed that searching within oneself was more reliable and sufficient to prolong life. A convincing example is the famous physician Sun Xiu-Mo, who lived for more than a century, from 581 to 682, and was a strict adherent of the internal elixir, who rejected any medical remedies, even if natural remedies did not help.

We will not deal in detail with the outer elixir, which refers to the purification of mixtures and metals into golden tablets, but will undertake a careful study of the inner elixir, which is the most important part of the Tao of love.

The inner elixir is mostly related to the mind. We achieve control largely through the mind, and we learn correct breathing also largely through the mind. The adherent of the inner elixir tries to achieve the most perfect coordination of the body and soul. He achieves this through a system of exercises.

The second important part of the inner elixir is the preservation and preservation of many things that scientifically minded people might ridicule, but personally I can't. Over time, many seemingly ridiculous things become recognized. We will discuss sperm later, but another interesting example is sweat. Western physiologists have been advocating the effectiveness of exercising until they sweat for years, but anyone who has read L. E. Morehouse's popular book Universal Conformity may have a different opinion. Morehouse is perhaps the first of the Western physiologists who declared the need to preserve sweat. He believes that sweating is associated with overly strenuous exercise, and any Taoist might add that sweating profusely is a sure sign that the person is not able to remain calm enough. We won't dwell too long on the subject of the inner elixir and the outer, but if you want to go deeper into this, you can find the necessary reflections in Joseph Needham's Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

The Kama Sutra and the ancient Chinese treatises on the “art of the bedroom” (“Fang Zhong”) give detailed instructions on how to get the most erotic pleasure. “Of the myriad things created by Heaven, the most precious is Man, - says in one such Chinese treatise . - Of all the things that give a person prosperity, none can be compared with intimacy. In it, he follows the Sky and copies the Earth, arranges Yin and controls Yang. Those who comprehend its meaning will be able to nourish their nature and prolong their lives; those who miss its true meaning will harm themselves and die before their time.”

But no matter how sophisticated the erotic technique of ancient religions may be, it is always associated with common religious and philosophical values. In Vedic, Tantric and Hindu texts, sensuality is seen mainly as a means of spiritual self-discovery and liberation of man. S. Tsvelev explains about this: “During the practice of Meditation in tantric yoga, which focuses on sexual union as a way to achieve higher states of Consciousness, the “navel” center takes on paramount importance and is considered as the actual starting point or main organ of psychic warmth. In it, gross elements are transformed into psychic ones. When the obstacles of the lower centers are eliminated, Meditation acquires a reliable foundation and then one can proceed without hindrance to the main goal: the formation of spiritual unity.

Rather, rational considerations are emphasized in China: the satisfaction of love passion is good for health, obtaining healthy offspring, achieving peace of mind, and strengthening the family.

Lucid dream researcher P. Garfield also connects the awakening of sexuality with vitality, spiritual development, free circulation of energy in the body, and even with extrasensory abilities. In particular, she writes: “Yogi have been using sexual energy for mystical purposes for many centuries. They talk about "awakening" the energy of the sleeping snake, the kundalini, coiled at the base of the spine. Rising along the spine, the serpent force activates the psychic centers - from the perineum to the parietal. Followers of tantric yoga try to awaken the same power not in the usual way of solitary meditation, but through sexual intercourse. The doctrine of kundalini has much in common with the concept of "circling the inner light" of the Chinese Taoists; the latter also, as a stimulant, in some cases prefer abstinence from sexual relations and meditation, while in others, on the contrary, sexual intercourse with partners. Even Western magicians and mediums speak of an increase in sexuality as an early sign of spiritual development that has begun. Sexuality gives the initial impetus that provides a surge of psychic energy.

Love rites are performed both in groups and in separate couples, especially if their goal is to conceive healthy offspring. As a rule, these rituals are timed to coincide with the full moon, because. Special properties have long been attributed to the moon: promoting an increase in the birth rate, an increase in the number of crimes and mental disorders.

It should also be noted that the success of sexual magick is highly dependent on two things: harmony between lovers and sexual potency. Astrology, biorhythmology and magic can tell you how to achieve both.

To find out the degree of harmony with the person you are interested in, all kinds of love horoscopes, best combined, and graphs of personal biorhythms will help. For complete clarity, it is necessary to use individual horoscopes, however, it is necessary to know the time of your birth to the nearest minute. In the same matter, a highly developed intuition and the ability to distinguish the voice of one's heart from the voice of the physical mind subject to all sorts of complexes and prejudices (logical thinking) can help well.

Sexual acts are important components of various love rituals as they help to increase the energy potential. At the same time, both participants must feel inner respect, because the purpose of the ritual is to unite with their fundamental principle. As they awaken the Kuindalini (life energy) within themselves, they must visualize an energy wave unfolding like a snake at the base of their spines. The power of fantasy and imagination helps Kuindalini to become aroused, and this arousal is expressed in the form of heating and heaviness at the base of the spine.

From this point onwards, partners must forget their personal, human images, and be aware of themselves as the Supreme Couple. While stimulating each other to release waves of bliss, the couple should exchange energy and explore each step of the exalted state. To do this, you need to visualize how sexual energy rises up through their combined bodies and energy shells. Both a man and a woman, in order to avoid sexual vampirism, must receive and give vital energy, mentally circulating it through their bodies.

Any ritual sexual act can be practiced with a specific intent, such as healing or solving a problem. If there is a specific goal, then both partners need to keep it in mind, especially at the moment of approaching ecstasy. The awakened Kuindalini will contribute to the solution of this problem.

An important role is also played by mental protection from external negative influences and from energy leaks. Ways and methods of such protection have been known since ancient times. The mystical teachings of the East were especially successful in this. In Indian tantra, for example, great attention is paid to teaching a person to provide psychic protection not only for himself, but also for his love partner. Without mastering this technique, it is impossible to reach the heights of pleasure and perfection in sexual intercourse.

The ancients believed that the leakage of energy occurs through the nine openings of the body: mouth, nose, eyes, ears, crown, anus and genitals. And besides, through the pores of the skin, the tips of the fingers and toes, the navel area and the subtle (astral) body. To “seal” these holes, light touches of the hands on them are accompanied by a mental setting to prevent energy leaks. Each time you touch the body of a lover or beloved, it is recommended to say the mantra "OM" or "OM-BHUR-VHUVAH-SVA". As a rule, magicians also put psychic protection around the place where the act of love takes place.

Particularly important in the ritual act of love is the mutual relationship of sublimity and mystical expectation. Joint orgasm and prolonged sexual pleasure are the entrance to new space-time levels of reality and provide the key to awakening psychic abilities.

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peach branches


Camara Hasia Biaka
India 1911

Section I
The art of love

Love games for the simple satisfaction of desire differ from true love pleasure, like a poor man's breakfast from a princely meal.

Skilled in love and noble in heart follow the following rules: caresses must precede intercourse and be four times longer than the time of intercourse. Coition should be four times longer than it is necessary to satisfy desire. Caresses should be continued after intercourse and be equal to the time of intercourse or somewhat more.

The one who wants to live has three goals:
Knowledge, Love and the Acquisition of Wealth.
The first part of life is devoted to knowledge,
The second part of life is dedicated to love.
The third part is devoted to the acquisition of wealth.

Three sources have human drives:
Soul, Mind and Body. The attraction of the soul gives rise to friendship.
The attraction of the mind breeds respect.
The attraction of the body generates desire.
The combination of three attractions generates love.

What are the pleasures of love?
The two pleasures of the soul are infliction and patience.
The two pleasures of the mind are attraction and giving.
The three pleasures of the body are touch, friction and suction.
Three complementary pleasures - taste, smell and color.

What is the state that leads to love?
Tension and passion.
What is the state produced by love?
Relief and tenderness.

Pracheheda: the first weasel.

The first caress is to touch the girl's body with the hand.

If a boy puts his hand on a girl's head, this caress is called "awakening".

If a young man puts his hand on the shoulder of a girl who is closer to him, this caress is called "approaching".

If a young man puts his hand on the shoulder of a girl that is further away from him, this caress is called "declaration of love."

If a young man takes a girl by the hand above the elbow, this is a request to be with him.

If it only touches the hand, this is a request to be more friendly.

If a boy puts his hand on the girl's side, which is further from him, this caress is called the "language of intimacy."

Less modest caresses are called "disturbing movements":

If a young man runs his hand over the forehead of a girl, strokes her head and pats her cheek, this caress is called "patronage".

If a young man runs his hand along the back, arms and sides of the girl and inadvertently touches her breasts - this is "hope".

If a young man raises a girl's chin with his hand, this caress is "a meeting of glances."

If a young man runs his fingers along the girl's neck, this caress is called "approaching the game."

Pracheheda: standing hugs.

Hugs - caress, which consists in pressing the body, arms and legs. We will talk about standing hugs, and from them about those that are called "internal".

If a young man, taking the head of a girl with his hands, kisses her on the lips, this modest hug is called "enjoying the scent of flowers."

If the hands of a young man, passing under the arms of a girl, hug her behind her back or behind her camp, this hug is called "perfect."

If a young man hugs a girl by the shoulders, this is a "morning freshness" hug.

If the hands of a young man fall from the camp to the hips of a girl - this is a hug "midday heat."

If a young man presses a girl to himself, this is a "royal" hug.

If a young man, pressing a girl to himself, presses her palms, and the girl stands with her hands down, this hug is called "secret".

The embraces "pleasure of the fragrance of flowers" and "morning freshness" are tender, "perfect" and "midday heat" are filled with passion, "royal" - rudely and imperiously, but perfectly expresses frenzied passion, "secret" - causes dizziness, the young man's hands, seized passion, roam the girl's back.

The hands of a young man trying to seduce a girl move from top to bottom. Here is the technique used by the seducers: put forward the stomach, press the girl to her so that she feels the firmness and warmth of the young man's erect member.

The dangling hands of the girl express the relaxation of the will, trust. Hands placed on the shoulders of the young man - trust, placed on the chest - friendship, wrapped around the neck - express tenderness.

If the hands of both are placed on the shoulders - this hug is called "brother and sister",

If a girl hides her face on the chest of a young man, this hug is called "shameful".

If a girl pushes her breasts forward while snuggling and the young man feels the elastic softness of the girl's breasts and the pressing alternates with friction - this hug is called "drill work".

If a girl, clinging, puts her stomach forward, breathes it and rubs it so that he presses against the boy's stomach with movements of various strengths and tensions - this hug is called "exciting".

All the methods and techniques of the love game described below are available only to partners with a pure spirit and mind, with a healthy and clean body.

Stkhala- intercourse, mouth.

Pracheheda: Kiss the mouth.

"Nimga"(simple kiss of the mouth).

If a girl, blushing with shame, touches the lips of a young man with her clenched lips, this is a "chaste" kiss.

If, pressing her lips to the lips of a young man, the girl makes a slight movement with her lower lip, without moving the upper one, this is a "shameful" kiss.

If a young man gently sucks the lips of a girl with a tube of lips, this is an "even" kiss.

If the tube is collected not in the center, but on the side of the mouth - this is a "gentle kiss of the winner."

If a young man, sucking the girl's lips, firmly presses his mouth to her mouth - this is a "passionate" kiss.

If a young man rubs his lips against the lips of a girl during a kiss, this is an "exciting" kiss.

If a young man passionately and for a long time sucks the girl's lips, then pushing his face away, then clinging again, and the breath of the kissers mixes - this is a "burning" kiss.

If a young man connects a parted mouth with a parted mouth of a girl and the mouths of the kissers suck, rub and bite each other - this is a "fight of mouths".

If a young man excites a girlfriend with a light touch on her lips, then to the top, then to the bottom - this is a "playful" kiss.

If the kissers kiss each other's teeth with wide open mouths, this is the "kiss of the tigers."

"Samyana" (kiss using the tongue).

If a girl gently and shyly sucks the lips of a young man and suddenly for a moment pushes her tongue into his mouth, pretending that she herself was frightened of an unexpected act - this is a "stinging" kiss.

The kiss, which consists in licking the lips, is called "inflaming."

If the tongue is inserted into the mouth and rotates there - this is a "mill".

If the tongue touches the partner's tongue in the mouth - this is a "meeting of friends."

If the tongue is inserted into the mouth and there it touches the sky - this is a "refined" kiss.

If the tongue slides over the teeth and is inserted behind the cheek, this is a "royal" kiss.

"Avakumbana" (kiss with fingers).

A kiss with the use of fingers is a kiss of "subsiding passion."

The first kiss: the young man, pulling the girl’s lower or upper lip with his fingers, inserts his tongue into her cheek and freezes there for a few seconds. This kiss is called "petal".

Second kiss: the young man squeezes both lips of the girl with two fingers and kisses them like that. This kiss is called "bud delight".

Third kiss: the young man spreads his fingers on the girl's lips and kisses her teeth. This kiss is called "Picking Rose Petals".

The fourth kiss: the young man presses the girl's lower lip to her teeth with his fingers and, stretching it, inserts his tongue into her mouth. This kiss is called "collecting nectar".

"Yudha" (kiss game).

The essence of the first game is to be the first to grab the lower lip of your partner.

The essence of the second game is to use your tongue to push your partner's tongue out of your mouth and take possession of his mouth yourself.

The essence of the third game is to be the first to suck your partner's lips.

The gentle observes the games of kisses, the passionate mixes them.

Pracheheda: body kiss.

"Passionate kiss" is the suction and pulling lips of the body. So they kiss the joints of the hips, arms, shoulders, nipples, arches of the breasts, buttocks.

A "gentle kiss" is a touch to the body with trembling lips. So they kiss the forehead, eyes, nipples of the breasts, elbows, popliteal cavities.

The “disturbing kiss” consists in rubbing the lips over the body - this is how they kiss the ears, nose, eyebrows, stomach, pubis, inner thighs, buttocks and big lips in a woman, and in a man everything is the same, and the trunk and head of the penis.

"Lick kiss" is touching the body with the tongue and licking it in different directions. So they kiss the nipples of the breasts, the large and small lips, the clitoris of a woman, and the head of the penis for a man, having previously pushed back the foreskin, if it is not circumcised or accustomed to be moved.

A special kind of "licking kiss" is the "fight of the gods", when a young man and a girl, opening their mouths wide and connecting them in a passionate kiss, lick each other's tongues, fighting for the vertical position of their tongue in the friend's mouth. Victory is to completely occupy your friend's mouth with your tongue, driving his tongue to the side, up or down.

Stkhala- intercourse in general.

Pracheheda: definitions.

Coition is the pinnacle and goal of love, uniting the pleasure of the soul, mind and body. Coition for a man consists of the introduction of a member, movement and relief from the eruption of the seed. Coition for a woman consists of taking a member and enveloping it in an outpouring. Coition is considered complete when there are all its parts for a man and a woman. Coition is good when it is long and not tiring. Coition is bad when it is too short or too long and tedious.

Coitus should always be prepared by foreplay and kissing games.

Those who enter into intercourse are divided according to the following criteria:

By size:
* if the rebellious member of a man is
up to 6 fingers - this is the "hare" mode,
up to 9 fingers - "bull",
up to 12 - "stallion",
more than 12 - "deer".
* if the woman's vagina
small is a "gazelle",
middle - "goat",
large - "mare",
very large - "elephant".

The combination of appropriate sizes is harmonious, large with small is good, although somewhat embarrassing, small with large is bad, since in these cases it is necessary to avoid positions that expand the entrance to the vagina and use only rigid postures that narrow the entrance.

By temperament: men and women are cold, even and hot. The combination of each species has its advantages, but it is more harmonious if both partners have the same temperament.

By time: men and women are divided into fast, normal and slow. And in terms of time, a combination of equals is best. Slow men are tiresome for women, and slow women cannot be satisfied with a fast man. Still, it is better if a man is slower than a woman, then she will never be left unsatisfied. Very bad vice versa.

According to the divisions, the execution of intercourse should not be the same. There are ways that narrow and widen the entrance, there are ways that inflame passion, delay the end of the game, prevent the danger of pregnancy if it is not wanted, and ensure pregnancy if it is wanted.

Pracheheda: movements of a young man.

In the direction of movement of the member, 4 receptions (strike) are distinguished.

If a young man strongly bends his stomach and makes a blow from the bottom up - this is a "boar blow".

If the young man does not strongly bend his stomach and beats along the body - this is a "spear" blow.

If the blow of the penis is not directed along the body, but from top to bottom - this is a "dart".

If the young man does not hit directly, but sideways - then to the right, then to the left - this is a "swimmer" strike.

For most women, the "boar blow" is more pleasant. The weakest blow is the "dart", it is used to inflame the girl or when the man is tired, as this is the easiest technique. "Spear" is a common strike, and "swimmer" is used only by amateurs. This is an exquisite hit.

The following combinations of strikes and movements are distinguished.

A regular kick, consisting of uniform movements back and forth, not fast and not slow, is called a "swing".

If a young man introduces a member into the vagina not immediately, but with several pushes - these are "steps".

If a young man deeply inserts a member, keeps it there, long and passionately making pushes at the very limit - this is a "ram".

If a young man, having entered the penis to the limit and firmly pressing against the girl's pubis, rotates the penis inside with the help of his hips, this is a "victorious" blow.

If, having entered the penis to half, with the help of the hips it shakes it from top to bottom - this is a "cock" blow.

If a young man firmly presses his penis against the side of the vagina for a long time, inserting it almost completely - this is the "male squeezing" technique.

If a young man, having entered a penis, hits it two or three times and pulls it out again, this is a "sparrow" blow.

If a young man extracts the entire penis each time, this is a "tournament".

Pracheheda: movements of a girl.

If a girl lies motionless during intercourse, her limbs relaxed, she is longer able to play, but her body does not receive sufficient relief, the pleasant ceases to be pleasant more quickly. The body is completely relieved if, during intercourse, she tenses up and helps the young man.

The first movement of the girl is a general sipping.

The second - the girl strains her stomach. This gives the impression that the vagina resists the entry of a penis into it.

The third movement is that the girl contracts the muscles of the vagina. The move is called the Goddess Squeeze. This is a gentle and exciting caress.

The fourth technique is to squeeze the thighs, enhancing mutual pleasure, but the squeezing of the thighs should not be very strong so as not to interfere with the movement of the penis.

If a girl during intercourse moves along the bed with her hips and buttocks to the right and left, this is the "boat rocking" technique.

If it moves in a circular motion, it is a "spindle".

If during intercourse she strongly stretches one or the other leg - this is a "swan movement".

If during intercourse a girl makes pushes with her stomach towards the stomach and a member of a young man - this is a "call for the finale."

If a girl makes pushes forward and a little to the side with her stomach and vagina, towards the young man's penis, this is a "call to fight."

The difficulty of these movements lies in the fact that they must be coordinated and combined with similar movements of the young man.

The simplest movement of the girl is to raise and lower the pelvis and back of the abdomen. It should be consistent with the movements of the young man and always be directed against his movement, towards the penis.

If, during intercourse, a girl, wriggling, rubs her body against the body of a young man, this is a “serpentine movement” or “dragon game”.