Do-it-yourself foot mask from cracks. Home care for heels: a short way from cracks to pink heels

You will need

  • - pumice
  • - pedicure brush
  • - foot scrub
  • - olive oil
  • - moisturizing cream
  • - fresh onion
  • - potato starch
  • - kefir


Regularly cleanse the skin of the keratinized top layer after steaming the legs in the bath. Use a fine-grained pumice stone or a pedicure brush with hard bristles. Perform this procedure as often as possible, removing a small layer of dry skin. This will be much more effective than the occasional removal of large layers of skin.

Clean every week heels for legs. To do this, apply a small amount on a flat pumice stone and grind in a circular motion. heels for no more than 3 minutes, so as not to cause damage to the inner layers of the skin. After scrubbing, be sure to lubricate heels emollient and moisturizer.

A softening effect on the skin of the heels has a daily rubbing of the pulp of olives or a small amount of warmed olive oil in steamed after the bath. heels.

If the skin is severely damaged by exposure to sunlight, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer before sun exposure.

Severely rough skin can be softened with a fresh onion compress. Scald the onion several times in boiling water and cut in half. After a foot bath, attach onion halves to the heels and wrap with a film. Leave the onion overnight, and in the morning remove its remnants, then peel heels pumice stone and spread with cream. After 2-3 procedures heels become soft and smooth.

To soften the skin of the heels, make a starch bath to quickly remove dead cells, and then rub heels not a very hard brush.

Periodically do a strong massage using a greasy cream. To do this, preheat in a small amount of cream and knead heels massaging movements, this will help increase blood circulation in and improve well-being.

Massage heels with a dry, heated terry towel, rubbing it heels, fingers and feet.

To treat cracked skin, prepare a cream with essential oils. To a tablespoon of baby cream, add 5 drops of lavender and chamomile oil and mix. Rub in heels this cream 3 times a day. In addition to chamomile and lavender, oils and cypress, as well as lemon and pine, are suitable.

They are so tender, smooth, soft, pleasant to look at and feel - it's all about the heels. They deserve special attention and should look attractive not only in summer, when open shoes are worn, but also at any time of the year. After all, a real woman should have everything perfect. Make it so heels have always been soft, not at all difficult, especially since taking care of yourself is not only useful, but also pleasant.


To keep your heels soft, you need to take care of them regularly, and not from time to time, especially if you like to walk barefoot around the apartment. If possible, visit the salon, do a pedicure. If finances do not allow, take care of your heels yourself.

Do not forget about the rules of hygiene - wash your feet. Use foot cream in the morning and evening. Use a light cream or talcum cream in the morning, and apply a richer and more nourishing cream before bed.

Rubbing the cream into the skin of the feet, perform a light massage, paying special attention to the heels. Massage will help the cream to be absorbed faster, relieve fatigue from the legs, improve blood circulation, and simply give pleasure.

Apply masks once or several times a week. You can use special foot masks, or you can apply a thick layer of regular fat cream. To enhance the effect of any masks, wrap your feet in plastic wrap and wear socks. You can leave these masks overnight.

Do not cut the skin with scissors or a blade. The more often you treat your heels in this way, the faster the skin will grow. Instead, use a pumice stone regularly. Treat steamed heels with it or apply it dry. You can use special graters or a large nail file instead of pumice. But do not get carried away too much, so that, together with the stratum corneum, you do not remove the delicate skin located under it.

Get a foot massage - it won't replace a pumice stone, but it will do the job of removing small skin flakes. In addition, such products often have additional effects (nutrition, moisturizing, smoothing).

When taking foot baths, add emollients to them. If it is not possible to purchase special products, use the contents of the refrigerator. Add milk or vegetable (olive) oil to the water, and after water procedures, rub the skin with lemon.

Strange as it may seem, animal products will help to quickly bring the rough skin of the heels in order. Use the cream that treats the udder of cows, it perfectly softens the skin, helps to quickly get rid of cracks. The cream is sold in veterinary pharmacies.

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  • make heels soft at home

Tip 3: Making your heels smooth and soft: the basics of care

A well-groomed woman always remembers the details and knows the true value of beautiful skin. Therefore, she pays special attention even to those parts of her body that are easy to hide from prying eyes with the help of clothes or shoes. But, if we see a well-groomed woman on a warm summer day, then in the end our gaze will certainly touch her heels - in search of the end point of confirming the impeccability of the image.

An important condition, in addition to basic care, is its regularity. Care must be daily. By following this simple and tireless rule, you will achieve a permanent positive result and will not be afraid of the appearance of ugly cracks on your heels. The next step is nutritional analysis. It should be balanced and include all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, it is during their ripening that these gifts of nature are filled with nutrients to the maximum.

In addition to eating disorders and vitamin deficiencies, skin fungus, gastritis, kidney or endocrine system diseases can be the cause of cracked heels. If, with daily care and hygiene, the skin on the heels remains rough and continues to crack, consult a doctor. Perhaps the body thus signals a malfunction in the work of any organ.

The procedure for daily heel care should be something like this:

1. Prepare a footbath. The water temperature should be 36-38 C. You can add sea salt, herbal decoctions, foam or special foot bath products that have a relaxing effect on the feet, soften the skin, preparing it for the exfoliation process.

2. With a rough pumice stone, carefully remove the coarsened skin particles.

3. Use a foot scrub to remove smaller particles of rough skin. To complete the exfoliating effect, use a fine-textured pumice stone to even out the skin on your heels.

4. Rinse your feet with clean water.

5. Dry them well with a towel and apply a nourishing foot cream. After the procedure, you can put on special cotton socks to allow the skin to absorb the cream.

To make your heels look perfect in summer, you need to take care of them all year round. In winter, the skin becomes rough from the constant wearing of closed shoes, in the spring the body lacks vitamins, so the heels begin to crack. To care for them, a variety of home remedies are used: baths from herbal decoctions, compresses from oil mixtures, various masks for heels.

How to properly care for your heels?

The most important condition for proper heel care is to carefully remove rough skin. Some try to cut off the thickened areas with a razor, but this causes irreparable damage to your heels. At the cut site, the next layer begins to grow rapidly, which becomes thicker each time. In addition, such a procedure is fraught with other consequences: you can injure the lower layer of the skin and cause an infection.

Optimal heel care is regular application of masks.. You can use a variety of branded products, but the most effective are homemade heel masks made from fresh, natural ingredients. Such masks help to soften rough skin, heal small cracks, supply the skin with vitamins and microelements.

Before applying masks, the skin must be thoroughly steamed. To do this, use baths with herbal decoctions or mixtures of herbal decoctions and milk-soap solutions. Hold the heels in this composition for about forty minutes, then carefully remove the exfoliated layer with pumice, rinse and you can apply masks.

Vitamin masks for heels

The skin on the heels needs vitamins more than other parts of the body. This is especially felt in the spring, when we consume significantly less vitamin products. The lack of vitamins A, E, group B affects the skin. The heels become rougher, small cracks form. To avoid this, make special vitamin masks from fresh fruits or vegetables once a week:

  • Zucchini mask

Grate a young zucchini on a fine grater. Take two teaspoons of this gruel, add a teaspoon of olive or corn vegetable oil to it, and carefully place it on gauze swabs. Attach to the heels, wrap with thin polyethylene and wrap with a towel. Hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, apply a nourishing cream at night.

  • Apricot mask

Take 4-5 pcs. fresh berries, mash the pulp with a fork, add 5-6 drops of olive oil. Hold the finished mixture in a water bath so that it warms up slightly. Lay out on the squares of the bandage and apply to the heels. Hold for 15-20 minutes, remove, rinse the heels and lubricate with foot cream.

  • orange mask

Grind the pulp of one orange with a knife, add half a teaspoon of olive or corn oil, apply the mixture on the heels and wrap it with thin plastic and a towel. Hold for 15 minutes. You can also take the halves of an orange, remove some of the pulp from them and put such “caps” on your heels and tie them up. Keep for about 20 minutes.

Heel softening masks

If you notice that the skin on the heels has become rough, elasticity has disappeared, immediately start making homemade masks and apply on your feet to soften it. Otherwise, the heels will begin to crack, and then simple cosmetic procedures are no longer enough. The following masks will help soften the skin on your heels:

  • Onion mask with honey

Boil the onion, mash it with a fork and add one teaspoon of flower honey. Apply to the heels, wrap with a layer of polyethylene and wrap with a towel. Such a mask can be kept for up to 40 minutes, then carefully removed, rinsed with warm water and greased with a rich nourishing cream.

  • Lemon Olive Oil Mask

Take three partial teaspoons of lemon juice or 4 teaspoons of lime juice, add 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil, rub thoroughly and lubricate the heels. Wash off after 20 minutes.

  • Masks for cracked heels

Cracked heels are a big problem. They cause pain when walking, they become infected, and infection can occur. Therefore, at the first sign of cracks, immediately apply one of these masks:

  • Mask of calendula petals with butter

Melt 100 grams of butter, add petals of 20 fresh calendula flowers to it, heat well in a water bath. Then put this mixture on gauze and apply to the heels. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water

  • flaxseed mask

Boil two tablespoons of flaxseed purchased at the pharmacy to a thick jelly. Add a teaspoon of honey. Lubricate the heels and soak for 20-25 minutes. After that, rinse your feet with warm water and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

  • Potato mask

Grate raw potatoes (take one) on a fine hand grater, add half a teaspoon of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply to heels and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply foot cream.

By alternating such masks, making baths from herbal decoctions and regularly monitoring the cleanliness of your feet and shoes, you will ensure that your heels will always be in perfect condition, you can say that your heels are like those of a baby. You will be happy to flaunt in open sandals, showing everyone your well-groomed satin heels.

Any woman wants to remain tender and feminine at any time of the year. However, unpleasant to the touch, rough heels can spoil all the contentment with yourself! And many women strive by any means to make the legs smooth and tender. In our article, we will consider the most effective ways.

To keep the skin on the heels soft.

  1. Use a pumice stone or a foot file (it's sold almost everywhere and costs a little) regularly after a hot shower.
  2. Remember to rub a moisturizing oily cream into the skin of your heels before going to bed. You can make such creams yourself, on a natural basis.
  3. Before going to bed, do not be lazy to spend 10 minutes on a pleasant leg care procedure.

There are several types of procedures that make the skin of the heels tender - these are foot baths and masks. You can easily find the ingredients for them at home.

Baths for the skin of the heels

After a hard day at work, our legs need a soothing bath that will relieve fatigue and soften the skin. Below are the most effective masks.

Attention! The water temperature for baths should vary from 30 to 40 degrees.

Soap and soda. Grind half a glass of soap on a grater to shavings and mix with the same amount of baking soda and 3 liters of hot water. Solid soap can be replaced with liquid soap.

Dairy whey. The procedure also whitens the skin. Serum must be heated and poured into a bowl. Soak the legs in water for 20 minutes, and then lubricate with a mixture of castor oil and glycerin. Put socks on top.

Hydrogen peroxide and salt. Add these ingredients to water in a 2:1 ratio. After 10 minutes, rinse your feet with warm water and apply the cream on your feet.

Herbal bath. Great for helping with pimples. You need to pour 200 g of marshmallow root or linden flowers with boiling water, leave for half an hour and mix with water.

White wine. Boil 300 ml of wine and throw in some linden flowers, boiling them in wine for several minutes.

Take half a glass of baby soap and warm cow's milk. Do a bath until the liquid has completely cooled.

Attention! If during the bath you roll small balls of hard material with your feet - this will also be a wonderful acupressure, which will enhance the effect.

Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 50 g of salt (you can use sea salt) and stir in water.

Foot masks

Masks are made from natural ingredients - fruits, vegetables and other products that have cosmetic properties. For the mask to work, apply the mixture on the heels, fix with polyethylene and warm with socks. Lack of air exchange allows nutrients to be completely absorbed into the skin. After the mask, the legs are recommended to be lubricated with cream.

Apricot. Grind apricot pulp, mix with olive oil and heat slightly.

Corn oil. Lubricate your heels with oil, put on your socks, and in the morning take a bath and clean your feet with a pumice stone.

Olive oil. Applying it according to the above technique several times a week (you can ignore the item with the morning bath), you will get an excellent result.

Salo and honey. Mix in a ratio of 2: 1, heat with a water bath.

Blue clay. Dilute blue or white clay in warm water and apply the gruel on your feet.

Apple. Finely chop the apple along with the seeds. It can be mixed with vegetable oil or rye flour.

Banana and honey. Crush one banana with a fork, mix with honey. Honey is generally considered a universal ingredient. Based on it, they do the same

Egg yolk. The yolk in combination with vegetable oil is an excellent nutrient.

Give heels softness - an emergency option

If you urgently need to correct a distressed situation, use the following recipe.

Use a depilatory cream - applications from it are aged for 15 minutes, and then the keratinized layer of cells is removed with a pumice stone.

wax cream recipe

Put a water bath and heat 100 ml of oil on it (it is better to take olive oil) to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Dip 15 g of hard beeswax into the oil, and after a few minutes add a spoonful of glycerin and sea buckthorn oil. This ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for 6 months.

Application with vinegar essence

Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and combine it with vinegar essence, adding the latter in such an amount that the bottle of glycerin is full. Shake the product and every night lubricate the heels with an ear stick. Warm your heels with cellophane and socks. The procedure lasts half an hour. As well as your legs, you should also take care of your hands. And so we offer you an interesting article on the topic.

Actually, this is just the case when you can safely say: size does not matter. Absolutely. Be it like Cinderella or like the giantess Fiona from the sensational cartoon about the good-natured cannibal troll Shrek. But! Women's legs of any size should be well-groomed. In particular, a man should just want to smack his lips into the very middle, soft and smooth, like a baby's bottom, with a rounded and pink lady's heel. Well, or at least throw half the kingdom under these heels, a fur coat from a chic beast and a white horse of the Mercedes brand. Dreaming? .. Then get down to business!

If you have already rushed to the salon for a pedicure, we will not slow you down: come back - read how to make your heels smooth and soft at home. The matter is simple, it does not require special costs, and there are a lot of pleasures. You are trying for yourself! By the way, knowledgeable grandmothers say that caring for herself, a woman does not waste energy, but collects it in herself, as in a fantastic vessel. It will come in handy later, when, for example, all the forces will be needed to charm a horse ... that is, a prince.

To keep the heels always well-groomed, you only need one, two, three:

  • never - well, just never! - do not cut off rough skin from the heels with sharp objects (blades, knives, daggers ...), but use pumice stone, special graters and files;
  • in the morning and in the evening, apply special moisturizers and emollients for the feet;
  • regularly carry out special care for the heels - do baths, lotions, scrubbing, masks, massages.

Baths for soft heels

The most effective remedy for instantly softening the skin on the heels is warm and hot baths with herbs, salt, soap chips, or even milk.

Milk bath for soft heels

Pour 0.5 liters of milk into a bowl of hot water and pour a tablespoon of soap chips made from baby soap. "Soak" the heels in the milk solution until the liquid cools down. Nuance: if you pour glass balls on the bottom of the pelvis, then you can also do a massage along the way, rolling the balls with your feet back and forth.

After a milk-soap bath, apply a scrub on wet heels and gently, without any extra effort, rub with a special pumice stone file for feet. Rinse your feet with cool, clean water and immediately apply a moisturizer or plain olive oil. If the procedure was done for the coming sleep, then you can go to bed in socks - in the morning the heels will be silky and smooth to the touch.

Salt bath for soft heels

This procedure, as they say, is two in one: it simultaneously strengthens toenails and softens the skin on the heels. Preparing is simple: hot water plus half a glass of sea salt plus the same amount of soap shavings. After the bath - traditionally scrub and nourishing cream.

Masks for soft heels

In the same way that you take care of the skin of your face and hands, you can pamper your heels with such care. These procedures will take a little time, and you will surely like the result.

Smooth, silky heels at any time of the year are a woman's dream. Rough heels can be turned into an ideal thanks to our efforts.

At the end of the article, you will find a folk, effective recipe for getting rid of hard and rough heels (tested from my own experience) ...

Causes of rough heels:

There are many reasons why our feet become rough:

Dry skin

Long time on your feet and in the sun

Open shoes in summer

Synthetic things

Insufficient care: softening and exfoliation.

Heels can become rough, hard, dry with cracks and calluses, sharp raised up like sandpaper, "areas of skin. This gives a huge amount of discomfort when putting on tights, socks or walking.

Turning the skin of the legs into soft and silky will take time and effort, nothing will change the first time. But this is not a reason not to start the procedures, this is a reason to tune in to a thorough regular work that will bring the desired result - smooth, soft, beautiful pink heels.

Rules for soft and tender feet

- before sunbathing, lubricate the feet with moisturizers

- periodically do active with a nourishing fat cream, to enhance blood circulation

- take care of the skin of the legs (heels, and feet in general) as regularly as possible.

How to take care of your heels

The necessary care consists of:

1) baths,

2) cleansing,

3) masks and nutrition with fatty creams.

Foot baths

  • With apple cider vinegar - for rough skin

- 2 tablespoons of vinegar

Add vinegar to warm water, hold your feet for 10-15 minutes. Massage the soles with a soft brush. Rub the coarsened areas with a pumice stone or a stiff brush. Dip your feet in a container of cold water for 15 seconds and pour over your feet. Dry, after 1/2 hour spread with cream.

- 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda

- 1 liter of water

- 1 tbsp liquid soap

Dissolve baking soda and soap in warm water. Beat the foam. Hold your feet and brush with a pumice stone or pedicure brush.

  • With white clay - to soften the skin

- White clay

Dissolve a little white clay in warm water, do a bath for 15-20 minutes.

  • Starchy - for slightly rough skin of the feet

- 2 tbsp potato starch

- 1 liter of water

Dissolve starch in cold water in a glass, mix in a bowl with warm water. Take 20 minutes. Lightly dry with a towel, rub the heels with a not very stiff brush or washcloth.

Heel mask

- 1/2 teaspoon potato starch

Apply the mixture on the heels, after, and wait for it to dry to a dense peel. Rinse with warm water, lubricate with cream.

Folk remedy for rough heels

The recipe was gleaned from the newspaper ZOZH (Healthy Lifestyle) and tested on our own experience. I started using this recipe about 1.5 years ago, and since then I have not parted with it.

I had a period at that time when the heels turned (feel) into fine sandpaper. What I just didn’t do with them - almost every day I scraped them with a pedicure brush, generously smeared them with a nourishing cream. All to no avail. The next day, no pantyhose to wear, it seems to me that I even felt like I was clinging to the carpet with my heels)) ... Now it’s funny, but then it terribly annoyed and upset me.

And my mother, looking at my torment, advised a remedy that she subtracted from the magazine "Healthy Lifestyle". With this mixture, she successfully put her feet in order during the summer summer period (she and her dad are avid gardeners). What summer residents have heels, only summer residents will understand))

I can say that the action of this remedy replaced my many weeks of suffering, which gave an effect at best for a couple of days.

I applied it 2 times in a row (at night), and finally achieved smooth, soft, tender heels. Now I try to use regular cleaning and cream. When I forget or the skin dries up and the heels begin to roughen, I periodically use this remedy to bring the feet in order. It takes 1 time.

Recipe for rough heels

with glycerin and vinegar essence

- a vial of glycerin (sold in pharmacies)

- a little vinegar essence

Feet must first be scraped with a pedicure brush and dried with a towel.

In a vial of glycerin (it is initially incomplete), add vinegar essence to the neck. Everything, the ideal remedy for soft heels is ready!))

Shake the mixture in a vial, smear with a cotton swab or cotton swab - heels, and all the roughness on the feet.

Put plastic bags on the legs, tie in a knot at the ankles. Wear socks on top.

Now you won’t be able to sneak up or pass through - when walking, you will make a quiet rustle with bags on your feet)))

Do the procedure at night (preferably) or during the day for 30-40 minutes, the mixture is quickly absorbed.

After the procedure, you can lightly treat the heels with the small side of the brush for the first few days to remove softened particles (for advanced cases). But this procedure is rather symbolic, and takes a few seconds.

Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream.

Use several times in a row until the condition improves, and then every 7-14 days, after, to keep your heels soft and smooth.

Enjoy your beautiful, smooth and tender heels!

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