Tips for girls: how to leave a guy without offending him? How to quit beautifully: the art of parting

IN modern world the concept of "Value" is understood quite differently than it was thirty or fifty years ago. Our mothers, grandmothers, tried to choose a mate not for a year, but for life. Of course, not everyone succeeded, many lived according to the principle: fall in love, endure, and there were practically no divorces. The wives turned a blind eye to the antics of their husbands, were silent, thinking: “Maybe it will get better ...”. Although there were those who left their unlucky husbands and looked for happiness on the side. People said about such people: “Walking” or “Wind in the field”, condemning their “search for love”.

Nowadays, things are quite different. Even from school, teenagers begin to make friends, look for a soul mate, hoping to love and be loved. They hope they have found what they have been looking for for so long! But suddenly, on the horizon appears new item adoration, and "the same half" fades into the background, or even goes to the black list, under the pretext "We will not succeed." This is how this "whirlpool" of relations rotates. Guys change girls and girls change boys, and now it has become quite normal. Of course, there are the same exceptions as always. It happens that the guys are friends from school, then meet at the university, and then they get married and live happily all their lives. But this is very rare to find these days.

But what to do if your relationship has come to a standstill, there are no positive emotions, everything has changed, the world does not play with such bright colors as before ... All sorts of thoughts appear, including the thought of parting. The first step leading to a breakup is usually taken first by the girls. The weaker sex is something that constantly needs affection, care, attention, and when the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity stop receiving all this from their boyfriend, things turn the other way. The girl asks herself the question: “Is it worth continuing this relationship if that spark has died out and there is no longer any interest between us? There is nothing that was before?

This is where a lot of questions come in:

  • How do I tell a guy we're breaking up?
  • How to make a guy leave you?

So, we will try to answer these and other questions in our article.

How do I tell a guy we're breaking up?

First what a girl should do is to tell her chosen one about decision part, so as not to offend him. After all, if there is still a feeling of love left in him, it will be painful for him to hear such a revelation.

Secondly, try not to hurry with the conversation, first think over your entire conversation. You need to be as precise as possible about what you feel. Maybe you should take a break in your relationship, maybe you shouldn't rush, chop everything off your shoulder. Perhaps, after some time, you yourself will understand that you do not want to lose your soul mate, and you will start dating again, and everything will become as it was before. In any case, you need to talk, decide together what to do next.

Third, in no case should you blame your partner for what he did not do, you should not insult him, say that he is “somehow not the way you want it”. It hurts and leaves a big scar on the heart.

Fourth, lying and shielding yourself is not the best option for events. It is very important to choose the right words. Perhaps even choose a place for a conversation where no one can hear and distract you.

Many people find it difficult to talk about a breakup in person, so most stick to the easiest way, write a message on a social network. But before writing a message, you need to be sure that you really want it, since there may not be a way back. You need to write in such a way that the interlocutor does not ask a bunch of questions (that is, your message should be exhaustive, not requiring any additions and clarifications).

Of course, when you don't see your partner's emotions, it's much easier. He can't keep you. Write a long message, even if it is very long, but try to write in it everything that does not suit you, excites and worries. All your thoughts and emotions. In particular, it is worth writing that you are suffering and want to end this suffering, both for yourself and for your partner. At the end, be sure to apologize, writing that it was not his fault. So it will be right, it will help to avoid resentment.

There is another way. You can make a smart maneuver. Of course, many are not capable of this, but sometimes, if you do not want to leave your boyfriend first, you can do the following: ask your girlfriend (whom he does not know personally) to write to your boyfriend. Your girlfriend needs to be a pretty, confident girl so she can get your boyfriend's attention. A week before your breakup, just spend less time with your chosen one. Meet less, refer to urgent matters. Let your girlfriend go for a walk a couple of times with your boyfriend. You can even play a little, arranging scenes of reproaches, become the most bad girl so that the guy himself decides to leave you. This the best option. After such a game for the “public”, you will definitely win. Then, when the breakup did happen, your girlfriend can also stop communicating with your ex-boyfriend, if she so desires. Gradually, she can reduce communication with him to zero. That's all! The plan worked!

If you think that this is too mean, and such a game is not in your rules, then you can simply make an appointment with a guy, under the pretext serious conversation. When you meet, tell him that your feelings have cooled down, and there is no point in being together anymore, these feelings cannot be returned. Everything that was between you was wonderful and will forever remain in your heart, however, everything in this life has its beginning and its end. You need to part with dignity and beauty, saving face and good memories of each other.

You can also say that you have decided to build a career, and do not want to continue the relationship, as they interfere with you, distract you from important matters. Here the choice is yours, your imagination. In no case should you shout, speak emotionally. Be brief but convincing, speak calmly, measuredly. It is important that there are no claims left between you, so that he does not harbor a grudge against you. No need, again, to blame him for anything. It's just that your circumstances are now, period. Even if your partner is very tired of you, try to keep your emotions to yourself. It is important not to lose face. Stay confident and calm.

And in conclusion, I would like to say. Don't rush into a relationship. Get to know the person better. Be friends, look at your partner. Is it worth it to give him a chance for a further relationship, or maybe only friendship can do.

As is known, from friendly relations grows the most real love. Such couples marry for life, because at first it was good for them to spend time together as friends, they were connected by some common interests, perhaps common affairs. Then a spark appeared and a fire flared up from it. And only then it became clear to them that they could no longer live without each other.

So, our dear young ladies, do not rush things!

At first glance, the question of how to leave the guy you love seems ridiculous. Why part with someone you love? But even if such a decision is made, is it really so difficult to leave, quit, break off relations? And yet u have enough a large number young girls There are situations when such a question arises. What's the right way to dump a guy? How to break up with someone you love?

To start, dear girls, sit alone and delve into your soul, in feelings. Try to understand, do you really want to part with your beloved guy? Or are you just not satisfied with your relationship with him and would like to change it? It's easy enough to understand. Answer the question: how do you see your future after breaking up with a guy? If pictures are drawn where he asks you to come back again and again, rolls at his feet and cries, then you do not want to part with the guy. For you, the idea of ​​breaking up is a way of manipulation, a way to change the relationship between you. To make sure of this even more precisely, ask yourself what the guy needs to do so that you do not leave him? If your brain immediately gives out a list of his desired actions, then this means that you do not want to part with him, you again want to change your relationship. Or his attitude towards you. And you consider parting as a way to influence a guy. There may be another reason for your desire to part with the guy you love: you are unsure of his feelings, in his constancy, and you have a fear of being abandoned. And of course, it's better to quit on your own than to be abandoned. But then again, in that case, you don't want to break up with him for real. Only if you yourself can admit that no matter how he behaves differently, no matter how different he becomes for you, but you still want to leave him according to the available serious reasons, then you really want this parting. If you are ready to be abandoned yourself, just to stop communicating with a guy, then you are really ready to part. What can you have real reasons leave the guy you love? Well, firstly, you can be fully aware that this guy is not suitable for you as a husband, for example, for health reasons. You want to have children, but he is not capable. Yes, you love him, but you really want children. Secondly, he has bad habits, unacceptable for you: he seriously drinks or is connected with drugs. Thirdly, social inequality, although this reason largely depends on your upbringing and social circle. For example, he is from orphanage, he is poor and has no education, he is unacceptable in your family nation or creed. Just remember that love is social problems sometimes works wonders! Of course, there are many more really reasoned reasons to leave the guy you love, but they are more situational (pregnant from another, so that he does not have to choose between a girl and a friend or parents, is terminally ill and does not want to spoil the guy's life, etc.)

In any case, if you decide to leave, you should part smartly, correctly.

You should have one last conversation. And let it really be a conversation, not a quarrel. Take courage and tell the guy how you feel and what you think about your relationship, about the reasons for your breakup. Do not shower him with reproaches. Be consistent and reasoned.

Don't end a relationship with the phrase "let's be friends." Indeed, for most people in love, this phrase leaves the hope that there is still a chance that not everything is over.

Often girls, having decided to leave the guy they love, feel sorry for him. Especially if the guy shows violent emotions when breaking up, gets upset or starts talking about suicide. In fact, all this is a kind of manipulation of you, a game on your pity. You shouldn't give in to her.

You can also advise other ways to leave your beloved guy, how to run away, disappear or make him leave you. However, disappearing, changing your life by 100%, is not so easy. This method is used in special occasions. And in order to make him leave you, you need to be a subtle enough psychologist so that he leaves you, but you parted in an amicable way. Such an option, how to change him and make him find out, will not lead to good. You will only hurt the person you love.

To part with the guy you love, you must not be afraid of parting, not be afraid of possible condemnation. Take responsibility for yourself, because breaking up is your decision!

Often the relationship between a guy and a girl comes to a standstill. And having tried all the possibilities to fix life together, in the end, before you becomes the task of how to leave a guy without offending him.

All over the world people meet and part with each other. Not everyone we once met along the way remains in our lives forever.

Some come only to, for example, teach a certain lesson, some to punish for a bad deed, and others to help. gain life experience.

It mainly happens in young age when we are just learning to live, and, therefore, sometimes we make mistakes. It happens that we lose friends or loved ones, but most often we part with those whom we once loved, but love, for some reason, has passed. Sometimes you stop loving, and sometimes you.

Let's talk about how to dump a guy without hurting him. I think you know the situation when you for a long time I dated someone and was deeply in love with him. However, over time, feelings began to slowly fade away and soon disappeared altogether. You realize that you no longer want to see this person in your life, that his company becomes a burden for you, and communication is an undesirable duty.

Before breaking up with a guy, you should think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons.

Firstly, imagine your life without him. If you can’t do this, and at the mere thought of this, a lump rolls up in your throat, and tears well up in your eyes, then you are not ready for parting and still love him deep down. Perhaps the reason for the alienation was your or his unseemly act.

Secondly, remember the time you spent together. How happy you two were! Do you really want to lose it all at once? So don't take it easy if you know for sure you'll regret it later.

If you represent well later life without your boyfriend, and from this thought you even feel some relief, then it would really be best to part with him. You just need to leave the guy without offending him.

After all, often when love leaves, a person does not think about the fact that parting can hurt another.

It's an unforgivable mistake so don't do it.

Remember that all our deeds will ever return back to us, so don't be arrogant and selfish, even if your boyfriend doesn't mean anything to you anymore. To begin with, think over in detail the entire “scheme” of parting.

  • Maximum distance. If a guy loves you, then he will definitely feel your coldness and alienation. Perhaps at first he will not understand the reason for everything that is happening, because the male representatives completely lack intuition, so they always need to say everything directly on the forehead. However, if you decide to leave a guy without offending him, first try to show him your desire with some actions that speak for themselves. Go on dates less often, keep your meetings to a minimum, be thoughtful and distracted.

If you live with him, then do not make scandals and "debriefing", because the poor fellow is not to blame that your love has passed. Don't slam doors, don't break dishes, don't insult or humiliate him. Be tactful but dry, polite but cold. Try to spend as little time together as possible. Get out of the house to meet up with friends, and sometimes spend the night with your parents. In the end, your boyfriend, for sure, will want to talk to himself in order to sort out the relationship. It will be even better.

However, it is also possible another variant: he will do the same. And this is not good. Try to talk to him as soon as possible, until he "broken firewood."

  • Preparing for a conversation. Don't start a conversation spontaneously. Tell the guy you want to have a serious talk and give him time to think. He will probably guess the topic of the conversation and will also prepare for it.
  • Talk. Don't raise your voice, yell, or reproach your former lover. Try to calmly explain that your feelings have passed. Do not go into details, painting everything in bright colors, and do not arrange a cheap performance with fake tears, this will offend him. Say you don't know why love leaves, but your good attitude towards him will remain forever, and if he does not mind, you would not want to lose such a wonderful person. Offer to remain friends, but leave the last word behind the guy. Perhaps, after parting, it will be difficult for him to meet and communicate with you. Don't be offended if he refuses your friendship.
  • No hugs. No need to console the guy with hugs and kisses, because if they no longer mean anything to you, then think about him. So try to protect him from your caress, which is on this moment already inappropriate, and most importantly, painful for him.
  • Don't pull the rubber. After the end of the conversation, do not waste time and try to quickly end your meeting. He is unlikely to be able to do it himself. Be polite but persistent. Although the guy is not a girl, so you are unlikely to get violent emotions and tears from him. If he is a normal and adequate person, then you will part quietly and peacefully. However, a natural “goat” can wake up in it, the existence of which you did not even suspect. Threats can rain down, such as, “I will kill your new boyfriend” or “you will still remember me.” In this case, do not waste time listening to such nonsense, but simply turn around and leave without any regret.
  • Help a friend. You can resort to the help of your girlfriend's boyfriend. Adjust so that your former lover saw you with someone else. However, it is unlikely that in this case you will be able to leave the guy without offending him. Such a spectacle can only be cranked out in the very last resort when talking didn't help.

How to dump a guy on the phone?

If you doubt that you can leave a guy without offending him, or that he is adequate, then you can also break up by phone. Don't procrastinate the conversation. When you dial the number and hear a familiar voice on the phone, don't be as cheerful and carefree as ever.

Let your boyfriend know what you're up to right now serious conversation.

No need for extra words, for example, about what he is good man etc. For him, it will be just an empty phrase. Speak clearly and concisely, giving reasons and arguments. Be sincere and honest, and do not break a comedy.

If you hear silence on the phone, then shut up and you. Perhaps this will be the best for you in this situation. Give your boyfriend time to "digest" the information received and accept everything as it is. If threats and reproaches rain down on you, just silently hang up.

Perhaps he will call back again to continue to utter everything that he thinks of you.

Don't pick up the phone let the storm subside a bit.

After all, you don't have to make excuses because you didn't do anything wrong.

Throw a guy on the Internet!

The simplest and most modern versionbreak up on the Internet. To do this, just write a message to your boyfriend in one of the social networks. However, even here there are pitfalls. Your ex can not only respond rudely, but do some nasty things. For example, the simplest thing will remove you from friends (God be with him), and maybe write “obscene language” on your “wall”. If this happens and does not stop for a long time, then you will either have to talk to the guy in real life, or even block your account.

Although farewell on the Internet seems at first glance very beautiful and in a simple way, but the consequences may not be pleasant.

In general, any separation - it's stress especially if one partner still loves the other. There are situations when people in love have to say goodbye, sometimes forever.

Don't forget that your boyfriend is the person you once loved and even if only for this reason does not deserve a bad attitude.

Do not neglect the conversation with him, do not push away without explanation. Perhaps this person will not leave your life, but will become real and true friend ready to help anytime, anywhere.

Although they say that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, I do not believe in it. Of course, this is not an easy relationship, especially if earlier people were connected by something more than friendship. However, such relationships can be very useful in the future, for example, to receive advice or male opinion in a situation with another partner.

According to statistics, girls often perform. How to leave a guy if there is no longer love for him or the relationship itself brings only pain and disappointment, although there are still feelings, but there is an understanding of the futility of such a union? There are many ways, both ethical and harsh.

How do you know it's time to break up with a guy?

Not always the difficulties that have developed in a relationship should be taken as a signal for a break. You need to give yourself time, analyze, try to change the situation, but sometimes you don’t want to do this, work on relationships. Why is this happening. There are many reasons, and the most important of them is the disappearance of feelings and nothing can be done about it. But it is so difficult to be the initiator of a breakup, because the feeling of guilt will haunt you for a long time. How to understand that you need to break up with a guy:

  • No common interests and points of contact, a common vision of oneself as a couple in the future;
  • sex does not bring satisfaction, his kisses and touches have become unpleasant or simply cause indifference;
  • no trust - this could happen after his betrayal, and although a lot of time passed, the trust was never restored;
  • frequent quarrels;
  • - even if he did it once in a fit of anger, there is no guarantee that it will not happen again;
  • tendency to alcoholic beverages- over time, the dependence is aggravated, therefore, no matter how dear the guy is, it is worth breaking up with him.

How to break up with a guy?

This should be a deliberate and balanced decision, and you need to clearly understand that after a breakup, it will be difficult to return. It's rare that a guy forgives being dumped because his self-esteem is collapsing. How to tell a guy that "we are breaking up!"? This is a difficult dilemma. There are many ways, and each girl chooses based on her own motives: to break up and inflict pain on purpose, aggravating the gap, or to do it with a sense of gratitude and respect for the guy, letting him know that he is good, but you are not made for each other.

How to break up with the guy you love?

If the question is how to part with a guy beautifully, then parting can hardly be called a beautiful episode, this is a dramatic event for both and there should be the most compelling reasons why it is important to do this, then the process of breaking up will be justified, but the feeling of guilt will haunt for a long time . How to leave your boyfriend - recommendations:

  1. by the most important first step is to rethink the current relationship, for this you need to ask yourself a few questions: is there a development in these relationships, what energy accompanies feelings, if it is anxiety and discomfort already long time, it's time to put all the dots and end the relationship until they finally turn into alienation.
  2. Choose right time and a place for the upcoming conversation - it should be neutral territory for both and nothing should distract. A guy should not have important things to do, such as passing an exam or a job interview - everything should be conducive so that the guy has free time come to your senses. Responsibility for how relations develop lies with two, therefore, for our part, you need to do this as ethically as possible.
  3. Ask the guy to listen without interrupting and say that this is a serious decision and there is no going back. Explain your position without shouting and insults. Let me know it's all over.

How to leave a guy who loves you?

You can’t command the heart - the old Russian proverb says, it’s good when you are loved, some women are even flattered, but the absence mutual feelings makes relationships somehow one-sided, they don’t have, and often such relationships are doomed to failure. How beautiful it is to leave a guy and not be tormented by guilt:

  • once this cute guy was to his liking, but now it only causes irritation and disappointment - it looks like it was love and it's time to honestly admit to yourself that it has evaporated;
  • you need to stop misleading yourself and the guy that everything will work out and honestly admit that there is no more love.

Not very ethical ways, but the good thing is that the feeling of guilt will not haunt, and the guy himself will already become uncomfortable from such a relationship and he can retire himself. So, ways to dump a guy:

  • start making scandals to him;
  • control his every step;
  • in the company of friends, start mocking him and his habits;
  • arrange scenes of jealousy;
  • V intimate sphere start making fun of his dignity.

How to break up with a guy after a long relationship?

Long-term relationships form strong affection to each other, but there may not be love at the same time. Why break up after long relationship, here, too, there is no unequivocal answer, more often due to different views on life, betrayals and deceived expectations, unfulfilled hopes. How to break up with a guy who is used to the advice of psychologists:

  • choose a time for a conversation and calmly lay everything out to him, avoiding accusations and reproaches;
  • no need to remember and focus on the wonderful moments that were, but it’s worth thanking him for the great time;
  • if a guy offers to give time for reflection, he will say that this crisis can be overcome, gently but persistently make it clear that this is a balanced decision and it is irrevocable;
  • do not answer his calls, SMS, do not agree to meetings;
  • throw away or burn all the joint photos if they cause a feeling of nostalgia and a desire to return him, this can also be, none of the things should remind him of him.

How to break up with a guy without offending him?

It's hard to leave so that the other half does not take offense at you, but for the guys this is a big blow to pride. One unfortunate breakup with a girl can form a guy's persistent distrust of girls and serious relationship with them at all. How to leave a guy without hurting him or minimize psychological consequences parting for him:

  • he must learn about the breakup personally, and not from friends or acquaintances;
  • when talking, it is important to speak calmly, select words and phrases so that the guy sees that they do not want to offend and offend him;
  • you can’t show pity - this is worse than blaming a person that it is he who is to blame for the break;
  • gratitude and respect for the joint path traveled, but with an explanation that the time has come to part and someday he will understand that this was the best decision;
  • wish your ex boyfriend a wonderful life path, success and a meeting with the only one that is destined for him by fate.

How to leave a guy so that he comes back?

There are people among girls who like to lead a guy by the nose, leave him, then rush into a relationship with him again. The goals can be different, for example, to avenge betrayal or misbehavior, or play on feelings to appreciate more, so the question: how to leave your boyfriend is not permanently relevant for many girls. It's kind of a game. How to leave a guy so that he wants to return, tips:

  • it is important to note that this radical way like "playing with fire", weigh all the risks of such an approach;
  • explain to the guy that he is very dear to you, but putting up with his actions means pushing yourself into a corner with your values, and you cannot do that;
  • the guy must clearly understand that with his behavior he is losing you;
  • it is important to stick to the intended goal: for example, do not answer his calls immediately or after several attempts to get through to him;
  • to give him and yourself time to understand whether this relationship is necessary or not, it will be useful for the guy to see that you are doing just fine without him and it will great occasion try to get back and renew the relationship.

How to leave a guy so that he suffers?

Any girl wants her beloved to remember her, even if they broke up. Many people know that feeling when remembering old relationship you ask yourself the question “I wonder if he thinks about me, does he suffer that they broke up?”. Often a break occurs after his betrayal, and so you want the guy to suffer for a long time and worry that he has lost his true treasure - his love. How best to break up with a guy, providing him sleepless nights and longing:

  • take care of yourself and become happy so that he witnesses this triumph and bites his elbows;
  • provide yourself with a stunning look;
  • plunge into a new relationship with some handsome man;
  • social networks are a great opportunity for revenge, and a photo where a girl glows with happiness will make a guy think about what he has lost;
  • if it activates and starts ringing to remind you of past feelings and wanting to resurrect them boldly ignore, "the train has left."

How to break up with a guy by SMS?

All relationships are worth ending in person. direct participation, but sometimes there are exceptions, so how to leave a guy, for example, if this is a romance at a distance, or the guy is aggressive and it’s better not to appear in front of him with your farewell speeches. How to write a guy that "we are breaking up":

  1. Appeal by name, (no need to use diminutive nicknames of animals).
  2. Pick up basic phrases showing that this was a serious, balanced decision for you, and there is a reason for this, for example: “I thought for a very long time and decided to part with you, and to be honest, my feelings have cooled down”.
  3. Apology is an important part of the message: “I am very sorry that this happened and I did not find the courage to tell you this personally”.
  4. The final point is a request not to disturb anymore, it will be better that way.

How to leave a guy for no reason?

Relationships between two people should be built on trust and sincerity, so even a gap can be softened if you treat your ex-boyfriend with respect. But this is a purely individual choice and the question is how to tell a guy that we need to break up and at the same time, without going into explanations why? Sometimes it happens like that, but you need to understand that the guy will have the most negative memory about the girl who left him. No one wants to be treated like that and would not want to be in the place of someone abandoned for no reason, right?

How to break up with a guy who won't let go

Every person is free personality and it is important to remember this when the question arises: how to properly leave a guy if he does not let go, starts to pursue, storm messages, calls. In such cases, you need:

  • exclude all contacts, do not answer his calls;
  • if he is guarding near the entrance, you need to turn to friends for help or ask a friend whom he does not know to play the role of a new guy and take him home several times - this will cool the ardor of his former lover.

If the relationship brings more suffering than pleasure and peace of mind, then it is worth considering options for how a girl leaves a guy. The way the relationship ends is important, no matter who the initiator is or who still has feelings for the other half. It is necessary to prevent as much as possible Negative consequences, the emergence of unjustified hopes for a change in status back, and also try not to cause additional pain by the process itself and words.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the situation when the safety of life or health directly depends on the speed of parting. When a girl is looking for ways to end a relationship because there is violence, threats, gaslighting, humiliation and other negative aspects that affect the physical and mental health, then you should not think about the quality of the chosen words, but the speed of the end of the relationship and the availability of support.

How to tell a guy about a breakup

The right words will help not only to quickly leave a guy, but also to keep normal relationship in future. Therefore, it is so important, at least out of respect for the person, to choose the wording. No one requires a prepared speech, learned by heart, tk. this is stress not only for the one who is left, but also for the one who leaves the relationship, and accordingly there is every chance of forgetting to say the most important thing.

Do not build a clear scenario, but decide on the main theses that require voicing for a clear and favorable outcome. You are required to indicate your position without ambiguous meanings, as well as indicate the reason for your own decision. If you want to end the relationship because of the guy's behavior, his qualities or unworthy deeds, then you should say so about it. When the feelings have disappeared, and you don’t want to lie to the guy, it’s better to talk about it openly, otherwise the young man may decide that the situation can still be saved and will begin to eliminate his own shortcomings in every possible way.

Make sure that the whole process of parting fits into one conversation. Attempts to gradually move away, stretching for weeks, innuendo and coldness in interaction can only aggravate the situation and deliver unnecessary pain and showdown.

When it is not possible to see each other in person for a long time (a month or more), then talk on the phone or Skype - you should not give the person a false understanding of the situation. All these remarks refer to editing popular advice about choosing the right moment. In fact, the most appropriate moment for a conversation comes immediately after realizing the reluctance to continue communication.

Wait until the holidays are over moments of crisis not only is it useless, it’s also almost endless, since life consists of difficulties (where you don’t want to add problems) and joys (spoiling which is considered ugly for a person). All you have to do about timing is to arrange a conversation in your spare time, after which there will be no important business. Any evening is perfect or you can meet in the afternoon on one of the weekends.

How to leave a guy if you love him and he doesn't love you? There are moments of acceptance in life difficult decisions relating to breakups. And if the moment of ending a relationship with a person who no longer causes positive emotions is understandable, then the situation requiring the end of a relationship with someone you still love is a full-blown tragedy.
Some girls are able to endure such an attitude for a long time, but in the end everything ends in a breakup when the guy falls in love with another. suffering psychological and emotional condition the girl herself, life is getting worse, and the question becomes not so much about saving possible happiness, but life.

There is no big problem in how beautiful it is to leave a guy, the main thing is to decide on this step. Initially, it is worth taking a short pause, during which you should analyze your life, the amount of pain in it generated by this relationship, and also look at possible ways solutions. Many people cannot figure it out on their own, and the advice of their friends to run faster is perceived with reproach - then it makes sense to sign up for a consultation with a psychotherapist. It is the help of a professional that can be useful for understanding the reasons for being close to a person who does not have the appropriate feelings for you. It is not recommended to break such an interaction solely by an effort of will, because the pain of loss without awareness of the mechanisms that push into such a relationship can be stronger than the arguments of the mind and bring you back.

Having tuned in to the conversation, explain to the guy that you no longer want to maintain this format of relations, you can talk about your own feelings. You will have to make considerable efforts to say goodbye to those you love on your own initiative, but the main thing is to resist the offer to remain friends. This is possible for those for whom there are no more feelings, i.e. the guy may well agree and start being friends with you, but the presence of his own love will turn this friendship into pain. End the relationship completely, without the possibility of a return, otherwise you risk remaining a periodic lifesaver for boredom.

How to stay friends

It can be hard to end a relationship where you are deeply loved precisely because you don't want to injure or hurt the person who is so nice to you. For many, it becomes important how to leave a guy without offending him and remain friends, while his own feelings have dried up, but he is not.

Better Behavior at parting for loving person- give him respect and honesty. Do not go into hints, avoidance and win back permanent employment, because a lover may not understand such hints, but rather try more and more for a relationship. Always arrange a personal meeting and explain the reasons for your departure without accusations and humiliation. Even if love suffocates, and romance puts you in a state of disgust, say this in terms of the fact that you are moving towards different goals and do not experience past or desired feelings for him.

Be prepared that with such a separation, they will try to keep you all possible ways- vows to change, requests for time, sometimes even threats and blackmail. When showing understanding, it is important to show the firmness of your position and confidence in your decision, for example, by constantly reminding you that this is your balanced, conscious choice, and you will not change it. Depending on the mental state guy, you can stay in communication further or completely stop it. Those. if it is possible for the two of you to communicate further calmly, then you will definitely thank him for all the good things and make it clear that you will always respond to his greeting, request or invitation. But be careful and do not do this with people who can somehow ruin your life with annoying calls or incorrect behavior - it’s better to immediately indicate that from now on your communication is reduced to a minimum.

Possible reaction of the guy

In order not to be shocked and adequately respond to the development of events, girls should know what possible reactions the guys are waiting for when they part. Despite the apparent male resistance to emotional manifestations, almost half of the guys, when parting, not on their initiative, begin to cry.
The severity of such emotions can range from a single tear to violent sobs and falling at the feet of your former passion - this is mainly determined by the person.

A hallmark of the male response to a breakup is gratitude for the shared experience, the relationship, and all that was in them. By comparison, girls can rarely thank guys for the good times, because in a breakup situation, they focus on the negative from the end of the relationship, resentment, or feelings of betrayal. Men tend to evaluate the situation as a whole and possible prospects, so if a girl speaks directly and honestly about the end of a relationship, openly explaining her position, most can appreciate such an act.

A guy can rarely accept an offer of friendship after a breakup, but at the same time, a fairly large percentage of men consider sex after a breakup acceptable. The same applies to periodic intimate relationships with a former partner, until no one has found a new passion, while the rest of the interaction will be minimized.

A guy can react and not always adequately, especially if the relationship was dependent. Screams, threats and blackmail can be used as an attempt to keep the girl by any means. Accusations and humiliation are a sign of being hurt and an attempt to somehow increase the level of self-esteem by elevating yourself in such a negative way. From hysterical reactions, removal is possible joint photo, notification of mutual friends and blocking girls in all in social networks- this is done both from the inability to cope normally with the pain of loss and from the insufficient level of development of adequate communication.

What not to do to a girl

Putting the last accents and ending the relationship, there is an unwritten set of rules that are not recommended to be violated. First of all, this concerns the general behavior of the girl and the choice of a way to build a dialogue. A haughty and condescending attitude will not only result in the loss of quality dialogue, but will also cast a shadow on her reputation. It is optimal to stay within the cultural framework designated by society as neutral behavior well-mannered person. Being rude, rude and calling a person names is not an option, even if the guy is to blame for everything and even if he committed unacceptable acts.

Stop evil wording, even when unpleasant words are flying at your address - now it hurts him and anger is one of the reactions to pain. You were more prepared for this conversation, which means you can own your emotions. Try not to escalate the situation. Do not provoke the guy to any emotional outbursts, since such a desire for triumph can be quite expensive with an affective outburst on his part. If the ex is aggressive in itself, then do not try to resolve the issue on your own and in a closed room - it is better to choose a crowded place and the closeness of friends.

Do not drag out the conversation and leave as quickly as possible - this will help to avoid awkward silence or discussing a lot of unpleasant little things. Your task is to discuss the main thing and not to stretch unpleasant situation. This also includes the attempt of many girls to feel sorry for the guy, hug him, talk about how they empathize with him. Such manifestations are not perceived as support in a new situation, but as a mockery they may well be regarded.