Happy birthday dear girl. Beautiful congratulations to the girl. Very beautiful birthday wishes for a girl

Today, right now, you can wish a girl a happy birthday with great poems from our site or send her a great musical card directly to her phone. It will take time, all this is absolutely nothing - just choose the appropriate option and remember (most congratulatory verses are very easy to remember). If there is no time to remember or it is difficult - just choose an audio birthday greeting for a girl. In this case, indicate your favorite musical postcard and the number of the recipient. Your congratulations will be delivered directly to the phone of the birthday girl. Give beautiful congratulations to the girl, give her a little more joy, happiness and pleasure, because it's so simple, fast and convenient!
The best birthday wishes for a girl in verse are prepared on our website. And you can also send wonderful musical cards with congratulations for the girl to the phone of the birthday girl and all this on one site.

Congratulations to the girl on her birthday

With a gentle dawn, with awakening
I'm in a hurry on my birthday
To open up to you in congratulations,
And I silence the indecision.

My love will keep you warm
And happiness is all at your feet,
The soul in silence is sick,
And I swear by your name.

Be beautiful, stylish, fashionable,
Independent and proud
Smart, kind, modern
And happy for sure!

Beautiful congratulations to the girl

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happiness, mood,
Success, cheerfulness, good luck,
Good health in addition.
Live, bloom like a purple poppy,
Not knowing grief and need,
And bloom in the spring again
And cherish the caress of the sun!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love to you, faith, hope, goodness!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a girl

Sun, star, spark -
You are beautiful as a picture!
I just adore you
Happy birthday congratulations!
May Fortune be with you
Taking off the mask of mystery,
And always stay cute
Like a princess in a fairy tale!

On your holiday, forget all the sadness and sorrow,
Let the sun shine on you
Let roses be your life path
Lined up to face fate.

I'm ready to give all the flowers in the world,
Poems in the world all dedicate
The girl that you are
It cannot be otherwise.

Lush bow above the head,
Like a flower in bloom...
E! Yes, what's wrong with you?
Holiday Birthday?
Happiness sparks shine
In a rainbow of fun...
Be always among the guys
Spring flower!

Congratulations in verse for a girl

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With this bright and beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in your soul
Joy, fun full house!

Like today, always be beautiful!
Caress to you, tenderness, love!
So that in life, bright and happy,
All your dreams have come true!

You sing and the stars melt
Like kisses on the lips
Look, heaven is playing
In your divine eyes
You go - and all your movements,
Deeds all and all traits
So full of feelings and expressions
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you to me, dear,
And I don't know a better gift!

Happy birthday greetings to a girl in verse

Beautiful evening by candlelight
Flowers gifts congratulations,
And these eyes, under the rays,
Burning on your birthday!

Congratulations for a girl on her birthday from a friend

How many times in your ear
I complained, my friend
Or share your joy...
Know that I have not forgotten
All your participation in me
I wish you happiness
Joy, love, success,
Children's laughter in the apartment,
Strong as steel, health,
Intoxication with love.
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations I love!

Happy birthday, dear friend!
Be young and strong as always!
Be happy, beautiful and loved
And don't count the years gone by!
Let your charm notice
Only the one you've been waiting for!
So that you have a family and children,
I believe! Live your life happily!

Cool congratulations to the girl

Today in life for you
Have a nice moment
Let more forever
On a wonderful birthday!

So that all your hopes and dreams
Haven't lost faith
And all the happy lights
They lit up without dooming sulfur.

Love is alive, so beautiful
The only one for you
Fate and not at all dangerous,
All the charm of life catching ...

Happy birthday to a girl - beautiful congratulations in verse

Take a look at the sky Where the milky way
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget
What is your birthday today.
And I wish you happiness
Love and in the cold and in bad weather,
And to spite all the devils
You have always been lucky in everything!

Short congratulations to the girl

Let life carry you on a wave of good luck
Let everything be like in a fairy tale.
May the wind bring good luck in life
And the bright sun leads through life.
May the starry sky make your dreams come true.
And you will always be very happy!

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with tenderness...
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

Let your life be like honey
Not a step back, but only forward.
Let all the peaks conquer
And men bow before you

Walk on rose petals
Without pain, grief and tears
You can do everything - no doubt
Stay as beautiful as you are.

Happy birthday to a girl with beautiful and warm words

Your beauty and youth
So magically good!
Congratulations on your birthday
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
This is how to stay
Blossoming every day
Enjoy every moment
Dark night and day!

Happy birthday to your girlfriend

I want to give the whole world today
My beloved, beloved.
I want to talk to you quietly all night
How I feel good with my sweetheart.
Darling, honey, you are my whole world.
I completely dissolve in you.
You are joy, you are happiness, you are a bright sapphire!
Congratulations on your birth!

You, (girl's name), are eighteen,
A big door opened up.
How difficult it is to part with childhood,
But don't bring it back now.
May all the good things from childhood
You will inherit.
Let the heart beat with excitement
And sings songs of youth!

I wish you to be happy!
Blooming more magnificently than any roses!
The road of happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I want to live a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

We hope you easily picked up the right verse to wish your girlfriend a happy birthday with beautiful words. If something stopped you, try using similar thematic greetings on other pages of our site. Links to these pages are given in the block "Similar greetings". In any case, we recommend that you pay attention to the wonderful musical audio cards that you can use to wish a girl a happy birthday directly to her cell phone. All voice musical greetings are very beautifully recorded, the words are carefully selected and tested. It remains only to choose and order. It is not expensive and not difficult, but it will bring great pleasure. Yes, and such a congratulation on the phone will be a very pleasant, unexpected and memorable surprise for the hero of the occasion. Please a beautiful girl with an original and memorable holiday gift! Give the birthday girl a little more joy and happiness. Order a cool voice greeting on your phone!

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you all
What do you need
For you to be loved.
For you to be good
To be full of soul
Light, joy, kindness,
To make your home comfortable.
To admire you
So that your dreams come true.

I wish you on your birthday
Always be cheerful
Hold luck in your hands
Lie down on the southern beach.

I want a lot of attention
After all, you are a charm.
Be beautiful and dear to everyone,
You can't be different...

I wish you bright moments
Pleasant more compliments
Good luck creative ideas
And become wiser.

I want everyone to be loved
And for someone - the cutest.
And never lose heart
Don't forget happy days!

Darling, happy birthday to you. May your life be filled with happy moments, incredible meetings, unique emotions. On the path of life, let them be accompanied by relatives who give hope and support in everything, and reliable friends who are ready to help at any moment. Let life be like a fairy tale. Happy holiday, dear.

May happiness be in your eyes
Close people are always there
So that everything works out for you
Good things happen often.

Always be beautiful, cheerful,
Cheerful, successful, healthy.
May life only give you joy
And generously bestow good luck.

I wish not to know grief.
More good times
Prosperity, love and luck
I wish you a birthday.

Happy birthday dear.
Let spring sing in your soul.
Let from edge to edge
Life will be full of happiness.

understanding, compliments
And without a reason for flowers,
Dazzling moments
Sincere and kind words.

To come true without a trace
Hurry up your dreams
Warmth, kindness, prosperity,
Laughter, joy, love!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I only wish you well.
To always be loved
Kind, gentle, sweetest.

So that everyone admires you
All things to succeed.
Were true friends
Strong, friendly family.

To always be beautiful
For a loved one - a godsend.
So that your dreams come true
And the problems were resolved.

Happy birthday pretty!
Always be the most beautiful
This world is woven from happiness -
Great success awaits you.

Smile more often
Let joy live in the heart
Make every day brighter
And in everything you are lucky!

I wish you flowers, entertainment, smiles,
To be able to avoid all the mistakes in the world,
Always be beautiful, cheerful, loved,
Mysterious, affectionate, unique.

Eyes to shine with love and light,
So that in feelings there is always a hot summer,
Relatives always to understand you
Men fulfilled your whims.

I wish to be easy, in vain not to be angry
And a lot of work in life to achieve,
Never, never know defeat.
Health and happiness to you! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness, joy.
Caress, tenderness, warmth
And of course magic.

Jewels, flowers,
Let dreams come true!
Be loved, always beautiful -
And every day is unique!

Happy Birthday to You,
Let the dream come true
Sun, sky, and goodness,
Boundless warmth!

For the sun to warm
So that the soul would sing
To make the heart beat loudly
And sang loudly from happiness!

Be healthy and successful
And beloved, so, of course,
So that there is prosperity in everything,
Be happier every day!

Tender, beautiful, so young,
Happy birthday, dear, I congratulate you!
Be always desired, smart, happy,
Stylish, successful and cheerful!

May all dreams come true, without exception,
Do not confuse your life with various doubts.
Always believe in the good, it just so happens
The one who believes in the best wins.

May boundless love give a lot of joy,
Wonderful, amazing and alluring sweetness.
Smile, dominating men's views,
Let your life fill your happiness with starfalls.

Everyone knows that a girl needs to be congratulated in the best possible way. Especially if it's her birthday. Portal Pozdravunchik.ru, as always, is in a hurry to help in such a difficult matter. The pages of the site offer the best birthday wishes for a girl. It doesn't matter who your birthday girl is. There is a wide variety of congratulations to choose from. You can choose the text that is perfect for congratulating a friend, or the girl closest to you. Write the text of congratulations you have chosen in a postcard or say it personally - this gesture will certainly be appreciated and remembered. Give your loved ones smiles and warmth. You can also say congratulations in the form of a toast, or just send in SMS. The site offers a choice of any of the variations. Birthday is a special holiday for every person. Young girls often expect something special from their relatives and friends on such a day. Thanks to the Pozdravunchik.ru website, you can congratulate the birthday girl in an original and sunny way.

I want to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not despair
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.
May this day be a sea of ​​bouquets
Friends will give you
Sorrow will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!
Shine like a ray of sunshine
Be gentle, always kind.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!!!

I wish you happiness, adventure,
So that all days are filled with them,
Wonderful, fabulous moments
So that they remain in memory,
And let in harmony beautiful
Your days and nights pass
And let luck not forget
Bring whatever you want!

I so want to wish something special on this festive day for all of us, but there are no words. However, I will try. It seems to me that you have everything you need for happiness: beauty, intelligence, fantasy, wisdom, self-confidence, purposefulness, activity, knowledge, understanding of life. Therefore, I just want health and good luck to be added to all this, which will accompany you throughout a long and beautiful life! Love and be loved! Happy birthday!

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.
May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings love and happiness every day!

On your birthday I wish you many flowers, gifts, good and sincere wishes! Continue to combine fragility and great strength, kindness and firmness of character, refinement and the ability to cook deliciously, elegance and a sense of humor, external defenselessness and wisdom! I wish you new achievements in true love and a pleasant aftertaste from the upcoming holiday! Hooray!

May you be happy every day
Every moment is beautiful
Success, joy, kindness,
love, good luck,

I wish you life like in the picture -
Love, happiness and laughter,
Money, health, success in addition,
Handsome hand for good luck!
Always be cheerful, give smiles,
Know how to relax and live happily!

We wish you a lot of happiness
We want young people in life
The road you took
Did not become a narrow path.
We wish you more love
Huge, clean as a tear
And to smile more often
Your happy eyes!

Wishing you countless sunny days
Love, laughter, health, fun,
Luck, high spirits.
Smiles, wealth, great love.
Catch the wonderful moments of life!
Today let dreams come true
And happiness will settle where you are!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days
Let this congratulations
It will also be your joy.
On this day I wish you happiness
The longest, most interesting years,
May you not have bad weather
Only joy, only sunshine!
May love come to you big
Not for a year - for eternity, forever,
And may your life be, dear,
Light as spring water!

With all my heart without verbosity
Wish You happiness and health.
Be nice and beautiful
And, of course, happy!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
So that the gloom does not creep up,
To keep the smile
So that there is a lot of happiness
So that the heart never aches
To make life more beautiful -
These are our wishes!

Today is your birthday
And how many knocked - it does not matter.
So be forever young
After all, life is given to us only once!
We won't worry about it
That birthdays add years to us,
After all, the main thing is to be able to live them like that,
There was no room for regret.
We wish you a life full to the brim,
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
In short, without further ado,
Great human happiness!

I want to live and not grieve,
To endure misfortune and grief.
And be as kind, sweet,
To love and be loved!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
So that old age does not creep up,
To keep youth
So that there is happiness in the house,
To make the heart ache less
To make life more beautiful -
These are my wishes!

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, desirable, kind, cheerful, appetizing girl! Your beauty conquers the hearts of men, your mind makes you respect, your wisdom delights, and fortitude causes respect! You are a rare diamond, so I wish you to find your exclusive cut and unite in harmony, love, so that another (and maybe more) beautiful diamond will appear on the planet!

A few years ago, God decided to make one day special and he succeeded! An amazing baby girl is born! She is the embodiment of an ideal woman, fragile but strong, beautiful but smart, she changes the boundaries of conventional thinking! Dear, Happy Birthday! We are happy to have you in our life! Let the days be full of new, good events, vivid impressions and magic that will make you truly happy!

You are like summer in the middle of winter!
An asterisk in the realm of darkness!
You are beautiful like spring
Beautiful, fun, kind!
And you, such a cool
I wish you joy and happiness
Meeting with the one who is the best
And everywhere one success!

I wish you all the best, as pure and sincere as you yourself! I wish that dreams come true and all today's wishes turn into reality! May fate love and pamper you, give good and devoted people around! Thanks for being you!!! Happy birthday!

Another year will pass. No problem!
Life is the secret
Always stay young
Even if the year is added!

I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
For that road to be long
Where did you go in life?
For people to respect you
And everything was brighter around
And to stay by your side
At least one, but your reliable friend.

I wish you joy and happiness
The mood of the most cheerful,
Never be sad at all
And the best in life!
The main thing - do not be discouraged,
Live easy and enjoy
And start your days with a smile
Like this birthday!

Today is the birthday of an incredibly talented person! Dear, you are incredibly beautiful, kind, caring, attentive! You have a great family: a loving husband, lovely children, wonderful parents! You are building a career and I believe that in time you will become a big Boss! People follow you, they listen to you, sometimes they are afraid, they respect you! From the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never stop there, improve, but most importantly be HAPPY!!!

My wise friend, my critic, my adviser, my loved one, my best stylist, my personal psychologist and just my beautiful friend! From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday! I do not want to write many different words, just know that if you need help, I am there. If you need advice, I'm here. If you need to let off steam, I'm there 🙂 Be always as attractive, happy and mysterious! Happy Holidays!!!

Let your eyes sparkle with joy
The smile never leaves the lips.
Be able, when it is difficult, to laugh,
Smile to extinguish any ailment.
Know how to love and wait, and trust people,
No anger, no self-interest,
Know how to breathe freely, with full breasts,
And happiness, believe me, will not bypass you!

Happy birthday to you!
Be cheerful, always happy.
And with all my heart I wish
To never know problems
So that happiness, like the sun shines,
So that you bloom under it like spring,
So that you always go cheerful,
May you always be young!

happy birthday congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy!
So that health is strong
Yes, everything went well in business
And more often in life it's sweet
Everything happened like a dream!

I congratulate you and your mother on the birth of a wonderful daughter who pleases us all every day with her achievements, beauty, confidence, humor and fortitude! May all dreams come true, realize all ideas, may miracles happen to you throughout your life, may your life be like a beautiful legend! Congratulations!

Today is a normal day.
It was morning, it will be evening.
But this clear, bright day
Fate marked for you!
And many years have passed since then
As your cry soared above the earth,
And immediately informed everyone that
That a person was born.
And now, today, on your holiday
We heartily congratulate you
Good health to you
And we wish you personal happiness!

You are beautiful and fresh
The very breath of love.
Everything around is not in vain
Have been in love with you for a long time!
After all, you are sweet, full of charm,
Good, slim, smart!
I wish you a lot of happiness
And so that spring blossomed in the soul!

On the long awaited birthday
I hasten to congratulate you
Happiness, joy, fun
We wish you
So that worries and sorrows
You never knew
So that health and good luck
They were always there!

Happy birthday to our dear birthday girl! From all seven, we wish you good health, the care of loved ones, a successful career and material well-being, make all your dreams come true and have a great mood every day! Let there be spring in your soul, and let the sparkle not fade in your eyes!

Freedom-loving, independent, seductive, bright, passionate nature with a good sense of humor - it's all you! From the bottom of my heart, accept my congratulations on your birthday! I wish you not to lose your originality and zest! Happiness, love and health to you! Happy holidays and lots of flowers!

What do you wish? Don't know…
To be beautiful? No, I don't.
Happy to be? I guess it's yes:
Who is happy is always beautiful!

May this day be beautiful, clear,
May happiness never fail.
Let the mood be wonderful
May your wishes always come true!

May this day meet you with a smile
Do not grieve cruel fate
Let the one to whom your smile shines
You will love once and for all.

Everyone talks and wishes each other happiness. Of course, it's great to be happy, but no one knows what it is and more, I think that happiness is a moment and at this moment it is impossible to understand that you are happy. Much more important, it seems to me, is to have love that inspires, inspires and allows you to reveal all the facets of your talent. Dive into this ocean and swim in it all your life! Happy birthday!!!

Life as a coloring book can remain black and white, or you can take paint and paint it, turning it into a bright and colorful picture! I want you to always have a huge palette of colors at hand and you can use it at any time! Live and enjoy every day! Rejoice, have fun, laugh and enjoy all the pleasures of this planet! With day!

With all my heart I want to wish you a state of equilibrium, spiritual harmony, new pleasant meetings, family joys! Let the children delight, take care, let the parents be proud of their beautiful daughter, let the husband admire and love now, tomorrow and always! Today is a great day and may the whole next year be the same! Congratulations!

Close relationships always require the utmost effort of imagination and ingenuity, especially from a young person. A girl should feel like the one and only, this is a prerequisite for a successful relationship. Of course, she must constantly read love and admiration in your eyes, but there are other opportunities to prove your love and affection. Every person has a birthday once a year and this is your chance. Your birthday wishes for a girl should amaze her, with due diligence, they will surely touch her heart and strengthen your relationship. If you are a courageous young man with a lot of virtues, among which, unfortunately, there is no eloquence, then our site is very useful to you, which daily and hourly offers everyone original birthday greetings for every taste. You are sure to find words that will help express your feelings and will please your chosen one.