How to properly care for a newborn in the first month of life? A child in the first month of his life - important features of development and proper care

Caring for a newborn baby is very important, especially in the first days of his life, so parents must know how to swaddle, bathe and feed the baby.

There are some simple tips that will help every mother to properly care for her child, and these rules should be followed not only at home, but also within the walls of the maternity hospital. Basic care rules can be given by a pediatrician or health visitor, but there are some nuances that every mother should know.

Basic principles

When organizing care for a newborn child, you will have to follow some rules that are especially relevant in the first days of a baby's life.

This should include:

  • carrying out daily hygiene procedures;
  • cleaning the room where the baby is located, as well as using only clean toys;
  • in the child's room, wet cleaning should be carried out every day;
  • when parents walk with the baby, you should ventilate;
  • baby clothes should be changed several times a day, bed linen is changed every day;
  • children's things should be washed with a special baby powder that does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • after washing, things are rinsed well and ironed with steam;
  • in the child's room do not have things that can collect dust, such as soft toys or carpets;
  • if there are pets in the house, the contact of the child with them in the first few months of the baby's life should be excluded.

Daily morning care

In the first days of life, it is very important to take care of a newborn baby correctly, so we must not forget about the procedures that are performed in the morning. Even such a baby needs to be washed, for this a cotton pad is used, it is dipped in boiled warm water, and then slightly squeezed and wiped over the child's face.

Additional hygiene procedures should also be carried out, for this the same cotton pad and warm water are used:

  1. Eyes. When washing, special care should be taken in contact with the eyes of the child. Movements should be neat and soft. For washing each eye, use a separate cotton pad.
  2. Ears. It is very important to wipe the skin behind the ears well, as well as the auricles themselves.
  3. Neck. Milk can get on the skin of the neck during feeding, in addition, dirt and sweat accumulate in the folds of the skin, so the neck of the newborn should be carefully wiped with a damp cotton pad.

    Is a child life changing?

The skin of the baby is very delicate, so it is easily irritated. The mother should examine the skin of the child daily in order to pay attention to the developing rash in time.

If redness is found, then the child should stay outdoors more without diapers and clothes, and in addition, cosmetics are used.

Basic procedures

In the first days of life and later, caring for a newborn baby includes several main points:

  1. Washing. Soap for such a procedure is used only if the child went to the toilet for the most part. In other cases, it is better to refuse to use a hygiene product, as it dries the skin. When washing, the water temperature should not exceed 36 degrees. According to experts, it is better to use running water for washing, as sanitary napkins do not give a good cleansing result and can lead to.
  2. Wrinkle care. Baby's skin is very delicate, and diaper rash or redness can form in the folds if the baby is not properly cared for. For this reason, the folds in the area under the booty, as well as behind the ears and in the armpits, must be wiped with a cotton pad, which is moistened with warm water. Powders and creams are suitable for care if diaper rash or redness has already occurred.
  3. Nails. To care for the nails of a newborn, parents can take scissors for having rounded tips, a nail file is also suitable. The procedure is easier to carry out when the child is sleeping.
  4. Nose cleaning. In the first days of life, dry crusts may remain in the baby's nose, they do not allow breathing fully, which worries the child. To remove them, it is enough to moisten a cotton flagellum in Vaseline and clean the nasal passages of the baby.
  5. Ear cleaning. You can clean the ears in the same way as you clean the nasal passages of an infant. Deep cleaning should not be carried out; it is also not recommended to moisten the tourniquets with petroleum jelly or oil.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

It is easy to carry out such treatment, it is best to do it after bathing. Parents wash their hands and then soak a Q-tip in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Next, the wound is treated, and the peroxide residues are removed with a dry stick.

After that, you should take an antiseptic and lubricate the child's navel with a remedy.

Zelenka is usually used, but iodine solution can also be used. When processing, you should be more careful and not affect healthy areas of the skin.

Finally - it happened! My little treasure is sleeping quietly in his crib - we were discharged from the hospital today. I look at my daughter, and so I want to become the most ideal mother in the world for her. I want to babysit her, cherish her, pamper her.

But I am afraid that I still do not know everything about how to properly take care of a baby, what needs to be done for this. Lyudmila, tell me, please, what should be the care of a newborn in the first month of life? When and what procedures should be carried out?

Baby care - an unconventional approach

A small child, born, is going through the most difficult period - the neonatal period. After the strongest emotional and physical stress received during childbirth, he finds himself in completely different conditions for himself.

At the moment, his main task is to go through the process of adaptation as quickly as possible and successfully adapt to the environment. Your task, as mothers, is to help your baby in this matter.

It is to “help”, providing all the needs of the newborn. You should not think that a child is an absolutely helpless creature that needs every minute care. This assumption is not entirely correct.

but, unlike many animals that are able to eat and move around on their own during the first few hours after birth, a newborn child is one of the most helpless living creatures on earth.

Yes, there are protective mechanisms, but most of the needs of a newborn are met only at the expense of an adult, a mother.

  1. In the first month, the baby must “make friends” with bacteria, so the number of leukocytes in his blood is increased, which destroy harmful microorganisms (when the baby has grown a little, this task is already transferred to the parents. Check out our Healthy Baby >>> course;
  2. The baby has an increased heart rate and breathing, body temperature may fluctuate;
  3. An increased number of red blood cells and increased hemoglobin, which contributes to intensive oxygen saturation;
  4. All the main unconditioned reflexes are clearly expressed;
  5. There is a rapid increase in muscle mass, etc. Read about how a baby develops in the first year of life in the article Child development by months up to a year >>>

You might think that a newborn baby can grow and develop on its own, receiving only food and minimal care from its parents. This is wrong. The need for security, affection, attention, communication - is present in a child from the first days of life.

Being deprived of this, the child experiences great stress and this is reflected in his behavior: he suckles longer, falls asleep with difficulty, cries when trying to let him off his hands, sleeps very sensitively.

Modern environmental conditions also do not allow the baby to relax, creating new difficulties:

  • he breathes dusty air;
  • his skin becomes dry and sensitive;
  • we often wrap it up, constantly wear diapers and sliders, which can cause increased sweating, skin irritation;
  • running water is full of harmful microbes;
  • baby cosmetics may contain allergens.

Therefore, in the first month of a newborn's life, a necessary condition for his health and development is your daily parental care and care. It is important to do this skillfully and carefully, without interfering with natural natural mechanisms.

Daily baby care during the newborn period

So, every day you will need to do up to ten different procedures. For greater convenience, in order not to forget or confuse anything, I recommend developing a specific schedule for yourself in the first month and constantly stick to it.

morning routine

The first hygiene procedures should be done in the morning after the baby wakes up. Start by changing diapers or diapers.

  1. washing;
  • After the first feeding, you can wash the face of the newborn. It is recommended to do this with wet cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water;
  • First you must wipe the eyes, using a separate disk for each. Movement should start from the corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Details on how and with what to wash the eyes of a newborn >>>. After that, wipe the rest of the face in a similar way: cheeks, forehead, chin;
  • Much attention should be paid to the ears. Take a good look at the skin behind the ear. After wiping it with a damp disk, if necessary, lubricate this area with a moisturizer or sterilized vegetable oil;
  • Next, start cleaning your ears. The ear passages of a newborn are very short, so we don’t go deep. Remove only wax that is at the entrance to the ear canal. An important article on how to clean the ears of a newborn >>>;
  • The same rule must be observed when cleaning the nose. If the child breathes well, there are no dry crusts that interfere with breathing, then we leave the nose alone. No need to unnecessarily climb into it with cotton flagella - this is a very unpleasant procedure for the baby. Read the current article: How to clean the nose of a newborn? >>>;

Attention! Don't try to clean out all the mucus! So you deprive the newborn of a natural defense mechanism, because the mucus in the nose prevents harmful microbes from entering through the nostrils.

  • The mouth of a newborn does not need any hygienic care at all. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is very thin and delicate, it can be easily damaged. Just in the first month, try to ensure that all items that fall into the baby's mouth are sterilized or disinfected.
  1. Navel treatment.
  • One of the most important tasks for a mother in the first month of a newborn's life is the treatment of his umbilical wound. This is a very important matter - it is necessary to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and promote its rapid healing;
  • It is important to remember here that it is impossible to tear off the resulting dry crusts (they need to be soaked and only those that separate themselves should be removed);
  • It is also not recommended to lubricate the wound with colored disinfectant solutions that will not allow time to see the emerging redness. Such products should generally not be used more than twice a day, as this can cause a burn.

current care

Hygienic care for a child 1 month is necessary and during the day. Make sure your newborn is always dry.

  1. Change of diaper;
  • It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the diaper and change it in a timely manner. Since urine and feces irritate the baby's skin, after removing dirty clothes, be sure to wash the baby;
  • It is important to remember that when washing a child, hand movements must be made from front to back Topical article: How to wash a newborn girl and boy ?>>>;
  • It is not necessary to wash the genitals of a newborn every time. You can (if the skin around is clean) wipe the baby with special sanitary napkins (for information on which wipes to choose and whether to use them, read the article Wet wipes for newborns >>>);
  • It would be nice to arrange air baths for the baby after removing the diaper. So the skin will breathe, and primary hardening will begin.

Important! I want to draw attention to the fact that you should not keep the baby in a diaper all day. Dress him in sliders or panties, use gauze diapers.

  1. Fold processing;
  • Throughout the day, you need to carefully examine the skin around the genitals, anus and in all folds. It should be dry and without irritation! This procedure will serve as a good prevention of the appearance of diaper rash. An important article will help you: Diaper rash in newborns >>>;
  • If you find redness, these sensitive areas should be treated with powder or baby cream (vegetable oil). You only need to use one!

Evening care

Evening hygiene care is to prepare the newborn for bed.

  1. Bathing;
  • The main procedure of the evening is bathing. Usually it is carried out before the last feeding. Bathe your baby every day. In the first month it is recommended to use only boiled water;
  • From time to time, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the water. Once a week, you can use baby detergents. For information on which herbs can be used for babies, see the article Herbs for bathing a newborn >>>;
  • Sometimes, if the child behaves too restlessly or is ill, then bathing can be skipped.
  1. Evening procedures;
  • In the first month of a newborn's life, while bathing him, you should try to remove the yellow crusts that are hidden under the baby's hair. Article

While expecting a baby, every woman studies information about the first days in the hospital. Although the process of childbirth and the entire time spent in the maternity hospital are frightening, nevertheless, during this period, the young mother will be under the supervision of the medical staff. Difficulties can arise after discharge, so it is worth knowing in advance how to care for a newborn baby.

Who will teach care?

The issues of caring for newborn peanuts are discussed in courses for expectant mothers, so if a pregnant woman attends such classes, she will be theoretically prepared for the upcoming care of the baby. Also, information about caring for a baby, a future mother can get from special magazines and books.

Before giving birth, get things that are needed when caring for the baby

To teach in practice how to care for a baby and explain its basic principles should also be in the maternity hospital. The pediatric nurse and pediatrician will tell and show the woman in labor all the actions that she will need to take care of the baby. The first toilet of the baby is carried out by a nurse, and then, having received step-by-step instructions, the young mother, under the supervision of a nurse, performs basic hygiene procedures on her own.

In addition, immediately after discharge, a mother with a newborn baby should be visited by a local pediatrician together with a nursing nurse. They can be asked any questions regarding the care of the baby and the health of the crumbs. In advance

Care in the maternity hospital

Immediately after birth, the baby's umbilical cord is bandaged with special sterile clamps placed on it. Having wrapped the baby in a diaper, the baby is transferred to a heated table for the first hygiene procedures. The midwife takes a sterile napkin, dips it in sterile oil, and then partially wipes the newborn from the original lubricant. Next, the peanut is weighed and measured.

When a mother with a baby is transferred to the ward, a nurse or pediatrician visits them, showing the woman how to handle the umbilical cord, as well as how to wash the baby under running water. Every morning, a newborn in the maternity hospital spends a morning toilet, including washing the face and eyes, as well as processing the remainder of the umbilical cord. The nose and ears are washed when necessary.

At the hospital, you should be shown how to take care of your baby.

Daily morning care

After discharge, every morning of a newborn baby should begin with washing. To do this, a cotton pad is dipped in boiled warm water and squeezed, after which it is wiped with a wet disk:

  • Little face.
  • Little eyes. Movement should be from the outer corners towards the spout. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye.
  • Baby ears. You need to wipe the skin behind the ears and the curls of the shell.
  • Baby's neck.

In addition, the mother should examine the entire skin of the baby daily and detect reddening of the folds in time. When diaper rash appears, the baby is shown air baths and special cosmetics.

The rules of the morning toilet are described in detail in the video of the "Caring Mom" ​​channel on Youtube.

Navel treatment

A newborn's navel usually heals within the first two weeks of a baby's life. Treatment of the navel should be carried out until complete healing.

After bathing, the wound that remains after the umbilical cord falls off should be treated as follows:

  • For processing, you need to prepare an antiseptic, cotton swabs and a peroxide solution.
  • Mom needs to wash her hands.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with peroxide, after which the wound is treated so that it is cleaned of discharge.
  • Remove the remaining peroxide with a dry stick.
  • Soak another cotton swab in an antiseptic and treat the navel. Zelenka is most often used, but it can also be chlorophyllipt, iodine solution or calendula tincture.
  • Try not to touch the skin during processing.

Washing and diapers

After each stool, a newborn baby should be washed. If there was no stool, washing is carried out every 2-3 hours. This procedure is performed under running water, as washing in a bath or basin may cause a urinary tract infection. Remember to make sure that the water that flows from the tap is at a temperature that is comfortable for the baby. When washing a newborn girl, you should move from front to back.

How to bathe a newborn baby, see the following video.

When washing is complete, place the baby on a changing table or sofa, then blot water off the skin with a clean diaper. Next, treat the folds with a cotton ball lubricated with vegetable oil. You can also use baby cream to treat wrinkles.

Diapers for a newborn can be both disposable and reusable. The baby should not stay in a disposable diaper for more than 4 hours. Put a diaper on the newborn baby so that the navel remains open. This will help the wound heal faster. During the day, the child should spend some time without a diaper.

For the rules of daily care for a newborn, see the following video.

Weekly care

Such care includes procedures that are not carried out every day, but are performed as needed.

Nose care

Newborn babies have tiny nasal passages, so even with a slight blockage, the baby’s breathing becomes difficult. To clean the baby's nose, flagella are used, which are twisted from cotton wool. They are moistened in vegetable or vaseline oil, after which they are introduced with a rotational movement a maximum of 1 cm inside the spout. You can also wet a cotton flagellum with ordinary boiled water or breast milk.

A separate flagellum is used for each nasal passage. Never use cotton swabs to clean a newborn's nose.

How to do it right, see the video.

Ear care

Earwax is excreted normally and to remove its excess, special sticks with cotton tips should be used. Since the ears of newborns are very small, such sticks must be with a stopper so that the stick does not penetrate too deep and cause irritation of the eardrum.

Instead of a stick, you can use a cotton flagellum, but you can’t insert it into the ear canal. Also, don't rub your ears too hard. To make the sulfur easier to remove, the cotton wool can be slightly moistened with boiled water, but the water should not drip from the cotton wool.

Nail care

In many newborns, the length of the nails immediately after birth is such that they need to be trimmed at the hospital. Baby nails grow very quickly, but they are very thin, so they often bend or break.

Nails are cut weekly with special tweezers or nail scissors, being careful not to cut too much so as not to hurt the skin on the fingers. On the handles of the baby, the edges of the nail should be slightly rounded, and on the legs, the nail should be cut evenly. It is convenient for newborns to cut their nails during sleep, then the procedure will not disturb the baby.

Scissors should be blunt-edged so that the chance of injuring the baby is reduced to zero.

For information on how to handle the nails of newborns, see the next video by Olga Vasilievna Parshikova.


For the first time, it is allowed to bathe a newborn on the same day when the baby and mother were discharged from the hospital.

Features of the procedure should be explained by the patronage nurse:

  • It is most convenient to bathe the baby before feeding, which will be the penultimate one.
  • The newborn should be bathed in a separate bath until the navel is completely healed.
  • The average duration of the procedure is three to seven minutes.
  • Until the moment when the umbilical wound is completely healed, bathing the crumbs should be carried out in boiled water.
  • The optimal parameters of the air temperature in the room where bathing is carried out are called + 24 + 26 ° С.
  • During bathing, there should be no draft in the room.
  • Before the procedure, the bath should be washed with soap and scalded with boiling water.
  • Before you fill the bath with water, prepare everything you need for bathing. You need to put boiled water, baby soap, a soft flannel mitten, a water thermometer, a jug for dousing, a towel, oil or cream for treatment after bathing, clean clothes next to the bath.
  • The hands of a person bathing an infant should be washed with soap and with cut nails. Rings and watches should be removed before the procedure.
  • It is advised to put a diaper on the bottom of the bath, and then pour water, the temperature of which should be about + 37 ° C.
  • Water is poured to a level of 10-15 cm, so that after immersion in it, the head and upper chest of the baby remain above the water.
  • You need to lower the baby slowly, starting from the feet. The head is held on the elbow bend, and the crumbs are soaped with the other hand. At the same time, you should not rub the baby, so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  • After washing off the soap, the baby is turned upside down to pour boiled clean water from a jug, the temperature of which should be one degree lower than the temperature of the bathing water.
  • Wrapping the baby in a towel (it is not advised to rub the skin), the folds are treated with oil or cream, then the baby is dressed in clean clothes, given a little rest and fed.
  • After the navel has healed, you can start bathing your baby in a regular bath using tap water. Bathing time begins to increase to 30-40 minutes.

Every day, the baby is washed with soap only the buttocks and genitals. It is recommended to wash the whole body with soap no more than once or twice a week.

Until the navel is healed, the baby is bathed in boiled water, after that - in ordinary tap water.

After birth, the baby adapts to life in new conditions. Young parents strive to provide maximum comfort to the baby.

One of the most common questions is: “How to properly care for a newborn boy in the first month of life?” Learn the intricacies of bathing, treating the umbilical wound, especially cleaning the ears and eyes of the crumbs. Certainly, knowledge of how to cut a baby’s nails, how to wash a boy, how to massage and gymnastics will come in handy.

General rules

  • carry out mandatory hygiene measures daily: neglect of the rules often causes diaper rash, inflammation of the skin around the umbilical wound, in the genital area;
  • use suitable products for treating various parts of the body, bathing the baby, fighting colic. A properly assembled first aid kit for a newborn should contain everything you need to care for the baby;
  • do not rush to extremes: too frequent treatment of delicate skin, an abundance of creams, body care lotions will not do any good. Replace synthetic components with natural ones: add chamomile decoction, strings to the bath when bathing, use unflavored baby powder, use wet wipes less often instead of washing;
  • keep up to date with the latest in skin care, check with your pediatrician which products are outdated. Many popular formulations are now used less frequently: for example, when bathing, pediatricians recommend replacing potassium permanganate with a herbal decoction of string or chamomile.

Treatment of the umbilical wound

  • moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide (concentration no more than 3%), gently wipe the navel, apply brilliant green;
  • the optimal frequency of treatment is 1-2 times a day;
  • if redness appears, exudate is released from the navel, visit the pediatrician without delay.

How to take care of your skin

A newborn boy is in diapers or slips, there is still no strong contamination of the tiny body. Care includes bathing in the bath, washing after each bowel movement and urination. A newborn baby has several times during the day diapers (nappies) are wet and dirty at the same time.

Baby bath rules

  • after the umbilical wound has healed, bathe the baby daily, preferably in the evening, before feeding. Then the baby will eat, calm down and fall asleep easier;
  • use boiled water for the first month, especially if there have been problems in the navel area before;
  • always wash the bath before and after bathing with baby soap, wipe dry to prevent the development of fungus;
  • instead of potassium permanganate, add a weak decoction of chamomile or string to the water (1 tablespoon of dry raw materials is enough for 500 ml of boiling water);
  • the room should be no more than +26 degrees, below +24 is also undesirable. For the baby, both cold and heat are harmful;
  • optimal water temperature: + 36 ... + 37 degrees;
  • use baby soap when bathing no more than 1 time in 7 days: too active use will upset the pH balance, cause excessive dryness of the skin;
  • in the first month, give up synthetic compounds. Any chemistry, even from well-known manufacturers, always loses to a natural decoction of string or chamomile. Do not spare half an hour to prepare a healing decoction: you will protect delicate skin from irritation. Pediatricians note that after bathing in a herbal bath with a calming effect, children sleep better.

Please note other rules:

  • in the first month of a newborn boy's life, bathing lasts up to 15 minutes; as you grow older, increase the duration to 20–30 minutes;
  • before bathing, measure the temperature, prepare all children's things, a towel, a watering can with clean warm water near the bath;
  • fold the baby's underwear in the order in which you need things;
  • at first, many young parents are worried, often fussing, getting lost, afraid of damaging their tiny body. Order around the bath, neatly laid out things and devices will save you from unnecessary excitement, allow you to find everything you need for the procedure in a matter of seconds;
  • at the bottom of the bath, for the first time, be sure to put a flannelette diaper;
  • thoroughly wash the body, fingers, head (be sure to support it). Make sure that the water does not get into the eyes, ears, nose;
  • after bathing, pour clean water over the child from a jug or watering can. Be sure to check the temperature so that the liquid is not too cold or hot;
  • wrap the baby in a towel. Gently blot the body, stroke the back. Take the baby to the room, put it on a new, dry towel, remove any remaining moisture;
  • treat the umbilical wound, apply baby oil or cream to the skin. Armpits, folds in the groin, on the neck, lightly powder with baby powder;
  • put on a diaper or a gauze diaper, swaddle your baby or put on a slip (“man”). Be sure to cover your head with a hat or cap;
  • act carefully, but quickly, otherwise the newborn boy will freeze.

Important! Did the child have a chair before the bath? Did the baby urinate? Remove urine and loose stools before bathing the newborn. The rules for processing the genitals are described below.

How to wash a boy

Cleanliness of the penis is a prerequisite for the prevention of inflammatory diseases. Carry out daily hygiene measures, taking into account some features.

How to wash a newborn boy? Recommendations:

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • put the baby on your left hand: keep your head on a bent elbow, the back along the arm;
  • gently hold the leg by the thigh;
  • you will need running water with a temperature of + 36 ... + 37 degrees;
  • rinse the penis and scrotum thoroughly, do not pull back the foreskin;
  • wash the boy only from front to back;
  • blot the skin in the genital area with a towel, make sure that there are no droplets left;
  • spend air baths for 5-10 minutes, depending on the air temperature;
  • lubricate the genital area with baby cream or special hypoallergenic oil to prevent diaper rash. If the apartment is cool, after two or three minutes, swaddle a newborn boy or put on a slip;
  • if you use diapers, put this piece of clothing on a dry, clean body.

Ear cleaning

Helpful Hints:

  • for the first time after birth, pediatricians do not recommend using cotton swabs to clean the ear canal: it is easy to damage the delicate membrane;
  • moisten a cotton swab with a decoction of chamomile or boiled water, wipe the ear. Make sure that water does not run from the fleece: the ingress of liquid into the ear often provokes otitis media;
  • treat the area behind the ears with soft movements: light “crusts” often accumulate here. Blot the tender area, apply baby cream.

eye care

How to proceed:

  • wipe the tender areas twice a day (in the morning, after waking up and in the evening);
  • prepare a weak solution of furacilin or use a very weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • wipe the eyes from the outer edge to the inner;
  • in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, treat the eyes more often - after three hours. First, treat a healthy eye, then an inflamed one;
  • with conjunctivitis, be sure to show the newborn to the pediatrician.

How to cut nails

Often, mothers carry out this operation with caution, they are afraid to damage the delicate nail roller. But you still need to take care of this zone: after the birth, the baby already has tiny nails, while they are soft, but by the end of the fourth week the plate hardens. If you leave uneven, pointed edges, the child will accidentally scratch his face.

Subject to the rules, careful handling of tiny fingers, the risk of damage is minimal.

Learn how to help your child with an asthma attack.

Educational games at home for boys 2 years old are described on the page.

At the address, read the instructions for using Regidron powder for diarrhea in a child.

Helpful Hints:

  • buy special nail scissors with rounded ends;
  • pediatricians recommend trimming the nails after bathing: under the influence of warm water, the nail plate softens;
  • let someone close to distract the child, and you slowly cut your nails;
  • be sure to wipe the instrument with medical alcohol;
  • do not cut the nail plate too short;
  • on the hands, round the corners of the nails, on the legs - leave straight;
  • pediatricians advise to carry out the procedure every 7-10 days. You don't need to trim your nails too often.


  • walks are an indispensable element for the proper development of the crumbs;
  • walk with the newborn in the first days after returning home from the hospital. A prerequisite is good weather without dampness and strong winds;
  • in the heat, do not walk with the baby in the sun, put the stroller in the shade;
  • always wear a cotton cap;
  • the first walk - no more than 15 minutes, gradually increase the time spent in the air. In the stroller, the baby sleeps more calmly, after returning home, he eats better. In good weather, walk 2-3 times a day;
  • if the baby was born in the cold season, wait until he is 16-17 days old. For the first walk, the air temperature should be above -5 degrees;
  • take the baby outside for 10 minutes, be sure to dress warmly;
  • Is it windy or cold outside? Take a walk at home. Dress the baby, as for going outside, open the window, stay close so that the baby breathes fresh air.

Do not wrap your baby, avoid clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Overheating plus non-breathing surfaces provoke the development of diaper rash, allergic reactions.

Gymnastics and massage

Another useful element of newborn care. Start classes when the baby is a week old.

How to proceed:

  • during swaddling, lightly stroke the legs, arms, tummy;
  • act gently, do not rub delicate skin;
  • movements “rise” from the foot to the thigh area, from the hand to the shoulder;
  • gymnastics for newborns are simple exercises to strengthen muscles;
  • conduct classes every day, starting from the 7-8th day of life;
  • first, in turn, gently bend and unbend the legs, then the handles;
  • then gently massage the feet, slightly bend and straighten them;
  • the next exercise is breeding arms and legs;
  • gymnastics at first takes no more than five minutes.

Now you know the features of caring for a newborn boy in the first month of life. Observe the daily routine, provide the crumbs with good nutrition, physical and psycho-emotional development. You have practical advice on how to properly bathe a baby, how to trim tiny nails, how to do gymnastics and massage. Use the recommendations of pediatricians in the daily care of your baby. Do not worry, more often listen to the advice of doctors and experienced parents. You will certainly succeed!

Video. Tips for parents on caring for a newborn boy:

Finally, what you have been waiting for 9 months has finally happened - a baby was born in your family. He is so tiny and fragile that it is scary to pick him up. It's scary to swaddle, and even more so to bathe. It seems to weigh almost nothing. To help the baby quickly adapt to a new life, become strong and strong, proper care for a newborn baby will help.

The first day, when the baby was taken from the hospital, is always a test for new parents. The little man at this time is especially vulnerable, he needs help and love. Mom and dad during this period require special care and attention to a helpless child. Organizing proper care for the baby and observing it is the main task of adults.

The importance of proper care in the early days is due to the weak immunity of the baby. From an almost sterile environment, the baby enters a world with many germs and infections. The baby is just forming the process of thermoregulation. The slightest breeze or overheating can make a child sick.

The baby has an open umbilical wound, which requires careful treatment. The navel is one of the main risk factors in the first days of life: with spontaneous movements of the arms, the baby can scratch and infect. The first days, until the baby's daily routine is established, mommy needs to spend as much time as possible with her baby.

Premature babies born underweight have a very weak immune system. Adults should carefully monitor all changes in the behavior of infants, and in case of illness, immediately call a doctor and not self-medicate.

Caring for a newborn child should be based on the desire to help the baby adapt to the outside world, create comfortable living conditions, and help get used to a new life. Start creating coziness by adjusting the lighting in the children's room. Bright lights, loud sounds - all this scares the baby, and are stress factors.

Another significant stress factor is the loss of a sense of security, the lack of clear boundaries. During uterine development, the baby all the time felt a dense, benevolent environment around him. Swaddling helps to cope with the feeling of such fear. It is important for a baby to feel touch with his whole body. Of course, mommy can try to carry the baby around the clock in her arms.

So, your baby is at home. You dimmed the light in his room and the baby fell asleep. While the child is sleeping, do not whisper, speak in a normal voice. The main thing is to avoid screams, scandals so that the baby is not scared. While your baby is sleeping, prepare to wake him up.

Basic principles

When organizing the care of newborn children, it is necessary to follow certain principles that will make life easier for the baby and adults:

  • Cleanliness of the baby's body and surrounding things.
  • Daily hygiene procedures.
  • Daily wet cleaning of the children's room or the room in which the baby is located.
  • During walks, be sure to ventilate the children's room.
  • Daily change of bed linen and baby clothes: undershirts, bonnets. Wash all children's things with a special baby powder or baby soap. Rinse thoroughly, iron with a hot iron on both sides.
  • In the room, the baby should not have things that accumulate dust, such as carpets or soft toys. If there are animals in the house, then for the first months it is necessary to isolate the crumbs from their close presence so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

The first days after discharge from the maternity hospital, you should not gather guests in your home. The baby is too weak and can easily catch an infection from lovers to hold him in his arms.

Care accessories

Even before discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to prepare for the meeting of a new family member. Purchase:

  • Crib. The cots are very comfortable, in which you can lower the side, then it can also be used as a changing table.
  • Changing table or agree in advance where you will swaddle the baby.
  • Children's first aid kit. What should be included in the first aid kit, check with your doctor. The main requirement is compliance with the expiration date. Place the first-aid kit in a conspicuous place so that you do not have to look for it for a long time.
  • Hygienic care products: cotton pads, wet wipes, ear sticks, etc.
  • Soothers and a few bottles. Even if the baby is breastfed, drinking baby water should always be at hand.
  • Disposable, reusable and waterproof diapers.
  • Disposable and reusable diapers. Diapers can be used with baby swaddling.
  • Baby bath and insert - bath for bathing.
  • Rattles.
  • Scissors with rounded tips.
  • Children's cosmetics. For children's cosmetics, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Abuse of creams, oils can cause allergies.

The list will expand as the baby grows. How exactly to care for a newborn baby, what additional accessories will be needed, a pediatrician can tell.

In modern pediatrics, many works are devoted to the process of caring for babies, where the importance and significance of proper care for babies from the first days of their life is proved from a scientific point of view.

Daily routines

  1. Umbilical wound care.

The navel heals in an average of 2 weeks. All morning hygiene procedures must begin with the treatment of the umbilical wound. In no case do not use cotton pads or cotton buds so that fibers do not get into the wound. The procedure itself goes as follows:

  • Lay a disposable diaper on the changing table, put another chintz or flannel diaper on top, depending on the weather.
  • Undress the baby and place the back on the surface.
  • From a round-ended pipette, drop 2 times hydrogen peroxide on the navel. Wait for the peroxide to dry.
  • Rinse the pipette. Put 2 drops of brilliant green on the wound. Wait for the greenery to dry.

Until the navel has healed, it is not recommended to bathe the child. You can carry out daily rubbing with warm water. The room should be warm, without drafts. If the navel does not heal, pus comes out from under the crust, you notice redness around the umbilical wound, call a doctor. Do not try to clean the navel yourself, so as not to bring an additional infection.

During the care of the umbilical wound, it is necessary to ensure free access of air to the navel. You can use diapers that have a special notch for the navel. Use loose swaddling during the day.

Start your morning routine by washing your face. Water should be boiled, room temperature. Wash the baby with a cotton pad: wet the pad and wring it out a little. Water should not flow over the child's face.

  1. We rub our eyes.

The mucous membranes of the baby can easily fester, so rubbing the eye should be done daily. A cotton pad soaked in boiled water is gently carried out from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. A separate disc is used for each eye. After rubbing, the eyes are dried in the same way.

  1. Nose care.

There are two opinions on how to care for the nose of a newborn baby. Some experts insist on daily cleansing. Others believe that it is necessary to clean the nose only in case of illness, for example, with a runny nose, so as not to injure the nasal mucosa. If the baby breathes freely, then do not once again climb into the spout.

For a cold:

  • Make a few flagella from cotton wool. Do not use cotton swabs. If the baby twitches, and in newborns there are frequent cases of spontaneous movements, then the nasal mucosa can be damaged.
  • Prepare hydrogen peroxide or saline solution.
  • Soak the flagellum in the prepared liquid. Screw the flagellum into the spout and quickly remove it. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times, each time changing the flagella.
  • If crusts have accumulated in the spout, lubricate them with sterile oil. Then with a flagellum quickly and carefully remove.

  1. We clean our ears.

As for the rules for cleaning the ears, the opinions of experts are also divided. Some suggest brushing daily. Others believe that it is enough to clean the ears once every 3 to 5 days.

  • The outer sides of the ears are wiped with cotton pads. Make sure that water does not get inside. To do this, be sure to press the disc.
  • Make a flagellum out of cotton wool and moisten lightly with hydrogen peroxide. Without sticking the flagellum deep, clean the ears. Instead of flagella, you can use cotton swabs with limiters that will not allow you to go deep.

We wash the child properly.

  1. To understand how to properly care for and wash a newborn baby, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of boys and girls. When washing a boy, it is not necessary to move the foreskin, this can lead to adhesions. It is necessary to wash the baby every day, and every time after physiological departures.

Since in girls the labia still poorly cover the entrance to the vagina, it should be washed towards the anus so that E. coli does not get on the genitals.

  • Place the child on one hand.
  • Rinse the baby with baby soap under warm running water.
  • Wipe dry with a towel.
  • Treat with talc.

In the summer, babies should be washed more often, as babies sweat, and sweat accumulates in the folds.

For skin care we use special baby oils and creams. Be sure to check with your pediatrician. In case of rashes, stop using baby cosmetics and check the child for an allergic reaction.


You can bathe the baby only after the umbilical wound has completely healed. So that the baby is not afraid of water, wrap the child in a thin diaper for the first procedures.

Before bathing with the baby, you can play or do light gymnastic exercises. After bathing, a light relaxing massage is useful. If the child is afraid of water, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Repeat only after a few days.

Compliance with the rules of procedures for caring for babies allows you to develop immunity in the crumbs, protect the baby from diseases.