Cosmetic masks for solving facial skin problems. Cosmetic face masks: skin, composition, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle

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Face masks in beauty salons

A face mask is one of the most common and affordable procedures offered by beauty salons in the complex of cosmetic procedures for facial skin care. As a manipulation, the mask is the application of a mixture of components of a certain composition on the previously cleansed facial skin for a certain period of time in order to achieve the desired effect.

The content of the article:

Mask for the face is one of the most common and affordable procedures offered by beauty salons in the complex of cosmetic procedures for facial skin care.

As a manipulation, the mask is the application of a mixture of components of a certain composition on the previously cleansed facial skin for a certain period of time in order to achieve the desired effect.

A little historical background

It is believed that the first cosmetic masks were invented by the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, the greatest expert of antiquity in all kinds of medical and decorative cosmetics.

Whitening clay and nourishing honey-milk masks evened out and refreshed the complexion, making the skin velvety and radiant. However, in those days, more importance was attached to decorative cosmetics, which often had ritual significance, while masks required long-term use to obtain the expected result.

Mask classification

Face masks are classified according to many criteria. First of all, they come in professional and home use masks.

Beauty salons use professional face masks. They often have a very complex composition, including many ingredients. Professional masks consist of a base and active ingredients. Active components are introduced into them depending on the effect expected from the use of a particular mask. An example is masks with ceramides, liposomal microemulsions, hyaluronic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, etc.

Types of masks for skin types

1. for oily skin
2. for normal skin
3. for dry skin
4. for combination skin
5. for sensitive, allergenic skin
6. for problem skin
7. for skin with couperosis and rosacea
8. for skin with pigmentation

Types of masks by shape

Powdered- their components are in a dry form, and for the preparation of the mask they must be diluted. As a diluent, water, hydrogen peroxide or other special preparations are most often used.

Paste masks include mineral fillers, usually clay or therapeutic mud. They are usually ready to use.

Cream masks have a more delicate texture, are divided into drying and non-drying. Used as moisturizers and nourishers.

Gel masks are based on aloe extract, alcohol, essential oils and are used for oily and problem skin to narrow pores, dry and relieve inflammation.

collagen sheets- a special type of masks that are made on the basis of collagen; are available in different sizes depending on the application. The main effect is lifting, so they have a good effect on aging skin of the face and neck.

Plasticizing masks (alginate masks) create a good lifting and decongestant effect, are more often used for age-related skin types. Ingredients: alginic acid salts (allow the masks to harden into dense rubber), resins, paraffin, gelling agents. Various additional components give additional effects. Under the mask, you can apply fatty creams or serums to enhance the effect.

Film masks solidify into a thin film. The main component is polyvinyl alcohol or vegetable glue. Thanks to these components, the mask adheres tightly to horny cells, sebaceous plugs and vellus hair. Not done for people with abundant facial hair.

Types of masks by composition

1. clay
2. algae
3. paraffin
4. animal origin (placenta, collagen)
5. vegetable origin.

Types of masks for drying

drying out
- non-drying

Types of masks by readiness

in tube
prepared immediately before application.

Types of masks by action and problem to be solved

1. Moisturizers
2. Nutrients
3. Lifting (skin tightening)
4. Anti-inflammatory and soothing
5. Whitening (fight pigmentation)
6. Absorbent (shrink pores)
7. Cleansers
8. Tonic and refreshing
9. Thermal masks (warming)
10. Masks for skin with rosacea (vascular strengthening)
11. Anti-aging or anti-aging
12. Masks for problem skin (fight acne)

Alginate masks

Alginate masks are a cosmetic product based on alginates - extracts from brown seaweed. The healing properties of alginates are used not only in cosmetology, but also for the production of medicines that heal wounds and burns.

Alginate masks are made in the form of a powder, which is diluted with water before application in 3 minutes, thoroughly mixed and quickly applied to the skin of the face. The patient should receive the procedure lying down, in a calm and relaxed state. After five minutes, the mask hardens, slightly shrinks and resembles rubber. This feature of it enhances blood circulation and improves the outflow of lymph in the face. Exposure time 15-20 minutes. The alginate mask is applied with a spatula along the massage lines, or from bottom to top on the face and neck, avoiding the thyroid gland. Can be applied to lips and eyes if the person is not claustrophobic.

In addition, a number of effects make them a unique tool for the prevention of skin aging:

Cooling and refreshing facial skin
Narrowing of enlarged pores
Anti-inflammatory effect
Resolving effect in the area of ​​stagnant spots after acne
Moisturizing dry skin and drying oily; nutrition for combination skin
Strengthening the ability of skin cells to absorb oxygen for normal life
Smoothing of small wrinkles due to increased collagen production, and, as a result, tightening of facial contours - lifting effect
Decongestant effect
Noticeable improvement in complexion

Moisturizing masks

The skin of the face is constantly exposed to external factors, since it is always open, not protected by clothing, as on other parts of the body. Therefore, it quickly loses water, which leads to a decrease in turgor and elasticity, the early appearance of wrinkles and folds, and aging in general.

Moisturizing masks are designed to saturate the skin with moisture and improve its appearance. Used to care for all types of skin, especially in warm weather. Good for dry, dehydrated and combination skin. Lipophilic components are introduced into the composition of such masks, which strengthen the stratum corneum of the epidermis and thus prevent the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin of the face. The second main component of moisturizing masks is hydrophilic, i.e. attracting moisture from the surrounding air.

The composition usually includes: the main components of water and oils, vegetable collagen, algae, vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, fruit acids, plant extracts. These are usually cream or gel masks, usually non-drying, with the exception of kaolin (white clay).

It should be warned against the common misconception that a quality moisturizing mask can be made at home using folk remedies. Only an experienced cosmetologist is able to objectively assess the degree of facial skin dehydration and select the optimal combination of active components of a professional moisturizing mask.

Nourishing masks

Nourishing mask is an element of facial skin care from 25-30 years old according to indications. To select such a mask, the beautician is guided by the client's skin type. The composition of professional nourishing masks, as a rule, includes special conductor substances that ensure the delivery of nutrients through the intercellular space deep into the skin.

Nourishing masks most often have a creamy texture, their composition is much richer than moisturizing ones. Main components: biologically active substances (BAS), which saturate the skin with fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, substances of plant and animal origin (collagen, hyaluronic acid, placental extracts).

The Internet is literally “littered” with all sorts of folk recipes for nourishing masks intended for home use. However, the effect of such procedures is purely theoretical. Proteins of egg yolk or milk have too high a molecular weight, while the skin is able to pass only very small particles into itself.

Therefore, salon facials nourish the skin much more effectively than spreading mayonnaise or sour cream on the face.

The frequency of application of nourishing masks is approximately twice a week for 2-3 months. The course is held twice a year; certainly - in the spring, when the skin of the face is exhausted by the stressful effects of the winter wind and frost, and in the fall - in order to safely survive the winter.

Anti-aging masks

Skin aging in general and facial skin in particular is an inevitable and irreversible process. Moreover, it is still not well understood. Therefore, do not be deceived by advertising statements about wonderful creams that literally smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a peach velvety literally in a matter of days.

Prevention of aging, which will allow you to maintain youthful facial skin for many years without resorting to plastic surgery, is one of the most important tasks of professional cosmetology. And for its implementation, she has a powerful tool - rejuvenating masks.

Collagen and placental-collagen masks among professional skin care products are the undisputed leaders. Collagen is a protein substance of animal origin. Under the epidermis, it forms a framework that maintains the elasticity and tone of the skin. With age, collagen synthesis decreases, and the skin on the face begins to “sag”.

Collagen is extracted from the skin of animals and fish. Special processing gives it special properties, including antioxidant. They allow collagen molecules to penetrate into the underlying layers of the skin, enhancing its turgor and smoothing wrinkles and wrinkles. Marine collagen resembles human collagen, but can cause allergies.

There is also plant collagen from wheat proteins, it is very well absorbed by the skin and promotes the production of its own collagen.

Thanks to the course of rejuvenating masks, the oval of the face is more clearly outlined, and the skin acquires tenderness and freshness. Thanks to collagen, a kind of protective layer is formed on its surface that retains moisture. In addition, collagen masks have a moisturizing, regenerating effect, increase the synthesis of fibroblasts. Masks can be used at any age, more often after chemical peels and mesotherapy for sensitive skin. However, special compositions of "instant beauty" collagen masks have also been developed, they are indispensable when you urgently need to "fix your face": before some important event or going out.

collagen leaf one type of collagen mask consists of a thin fibrous sheet containing a high percentage of plant or animal collagen soaked in an aqueous solution. Apply to the skin of the face and neck for 20-30 minutes.

Anti-aging masks also include nourishing masks with biologically active substances: amniotic fluid (fetal bladder of cattle), placenta extracts (bovine and human), semen of cattle, collagenase (from crab liver), as well as bee products.

Anti-inflammatory masks

The nature of the inflammatory phenomena on the skin can be correctly assessed by a specialist cosmetologist. In accordance with the type of skin and its characteristics, he will select the optimal composition of the anti-inflammatory mask. The therapeutic effect of such a mask will be noticeable after two or three procedures: inflammatory infiltrates turn pale, blood circulation in the capillary network improves and the outflow of inflammation products into the lymphatic network accelerates. The secretion of sebum is regulated, the work of the sweat glands is normalized.

The basis of anti-inflammatory masks is often blue clay - along with powerful detoxifying properties, it has the ability to relieve inflammation. It disinfects well, narrows pores, reduces the number and severity of acne, tones and whitens the skin. To enhance the action, various biologically active components are added to the clay. More suitable for oily skin.

Red clay masks have a good anti-inflammatory effect. They are suitable for sensitive, allergy-prone skin. This mask is indicated for iron deficiency in the body. And also a mask with gray-black or dark brown clay has a good anti-inflammatory effect.

Lifting masks

"Lifting" is translated as "tightening". Masks with a lifting effect can be one of the varieties of anti-aging masks.

Lifting is deep - "slow", and fast - superficial. The purpose of deep lifting is to increase the production of your own collagen. An example of masks for deep lifting is collagen and placental-collagen.

Rapid lifting involves the formation of the thinnest transparent film on the skin of the face, which allows air to pass through and tightens the contour of the face, like a bandage. Such masks are often called "instant" because they literally transform the skin after application. Unfortunately, their effect lasts until the film is washed off.

Paraffin masks

Paraffin masks can be used at any age. The action is accompanied by reddening of the skin, a feeling of increasing heat, there may be tingling.

Contraindications to paraffin masks

1. Couperose
2. Telangiectasias
3. Pustular skin diseases
4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
5. Herpes virus.

The effect of paraffin masks

1. Skin nutrition
2. Moisturizing the skin
3. Oxygenation
4. Lymphatic drainage effect (decongestant)
5. Muscle relaxation
6. Resorption of congestion and bruising
7. Lifting effect

Paraffin masks provide deep tissue heating, retain moisture, and give an analgesic effect. A nourishing oily cream is necessarily applied under the paraffin mask. On the eyes should be put compresses with tonic. The paraffin mask is applied with a brush in several layers on a bandage or gauze. Exposure time 15-20 minutes.

They are made from brown, red or blue-green algae.

Used in the form of crushed powder, diluted immediately before application. Composition: mineral salts, enzymes, phytohormones, trace elements, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, alginic acid salts or alginic acids. Alginate mask is one of the varieties of algae masks.

General action of algae

1. Regenerating
2. Moisturizing
3. Nutritious
4. Antioxidant
5. Whitening
6. Lipolytic
7. Remove excess fluid and toxins
8. Stimulate metabolism.

Suitable for all skin types especially oily. Ingredients: natural clay, starch, zinc, bran, camphor, yeast, mineral salts. Can be applied locally to problem areas.

The effect of cleansing masks
1. deep cleansing
2. anti-inflammatory
3. antiseptic
4. keratolytic
5. brightening
6. pore-constricting.

What skin problems can be solved with masks?

As a rule, facial skin problems occur depending on the type of skin - oily, dry, sensitive, aging, etc.

Oily skin more prone to acne, it has enlarged pores, greasy shine, black dots (comedones). The mask for oily skin performs several functions - it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and their blockage, has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

Dry skin often peels off, does not tolerate water for washing - after that there is a feeling of tightness and irritation. Signs of aging on dry skin appear much earlier, because it lacks moisture, which gives freshness and elasticity.
Dry skin problems can be solved with moisturizing and nourishing masks.

Facial skin sometimes shows hypersensitivity to external irritating factors - strong wind, cold, ultraviolet radiation. Often, facial skin irritation occurs in people prone to allergic reactions.
Here, without the help of a professional - an experienced cosmetologist - it is difficult to do.

Masks for sensitive skin are most often made on the basis of natural high-quality oils, or have a delicate creamy structure. Before applying the mask, such skin is not additionally cleaned with scrubs, but clean water, slightly warmed to body temperature, is used for rinsing. The face is gently blotted with a napkin (not using a towel), and a hypoallergenic cream for sensitive skin is applied.

The procedure for applying the mask

It is important to remember that a cosmetic mask is not just a facial skin care procedure. This is a whole ritual action, in which there are no trifles and insignificant moments. It involves a calm atmosphere, quiet relaxing music, warm and soft hands of the beautician, his calm, unhurried manner of communicating with the client.

If a relaxing effect is not achieved during the procedure, if after it the client does not feel rested and freed from daily stress and tension, you should not count on the desired cosmetic result of the mask.

Equally important is a thorough diagnosis of the skin condition and a professional approach to choosing the composition of the mask. This once again indicates that you need to trust your face to professionals.

A good cosmetologist will certainly conduct an allergy test before applying a mask to a client's face. Usually, it is enough to apply a small amount of the composition to the extensor surface of the forearm. If after 5-10 minutes there is no redness, burning or itching at the test site, the mask can be applied to the face.

Sometimes there are complications of a psychological nature in persons suffering from claustrophobia. Some types of masks, when solidified, compress the soft tissues of the face (lifting, paraffin, alginate). This can create a feeling of confinement, cause the client to panic and reduce the benefit of the procedure to zero. Therefore, the beautician must clarify this point before applying the mask.

Before applying the mask, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed. Vaporization is sometimes used - treatment of the skin with a jet of steam mixed with ozone, or a hot compress. Both of these procedures contribute to the opening of skin pores, and during vaporization, a bactericidal treatment of the skin also occurs.

Moisturize the skin only in cases where it is stipulated by the instructions for using the mask. Not all mask formulations can be applied to the eyelids and the area above the upper lip. In this case, special tampons moistened with lotion or chamomile decoction are placed on the eye area, they prevent the composition from getting into the eyes. It is also unacceptable to hit the mask in the nose.

The mask is applied from the bottom up along the massage lines: from the chin to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the middle of the auricle, from the nose to the temples, then from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

To apply the mask, spatulas are used, special brushes that resemble makeup brushes, but are harder, flatter and wider. Sometimes the mask is applied by hand. In any case, from a jar with a finished mask, it is collected with a sterile spatula, setting aside the required amount. If the ingredients of the mask are mixed immediately before use, the beautician determines their desired volume in advance. Containers, spatulas, sponges for rinsing, as a rule, should be single-use and disposed of after each client.

The mask is applied in a layer slightly thicker than a regular nourishing cream. Exposure time - from 10 to 40 minutes, according to the abstract. The client must observe mimic peace, and it is also impossible to talk during the procedure.

Applying collagen masks: a hole for the nose is cut out in the collagen sheet, the mask is moistened with the recommended solution and applied to the face. At the end of the exposure time, it is removed, after which a day cream is applied to the face in accordance with the type of skin.

The mask should be washed off easily, without shifting the skin. In this case, gels and foams for washing are not used, only cotton swabs or sponges moistened with cool water if the skin is oily, and warm if it is dry. If the mask dries out after the exposure time, it is gently soaked and carefully washed off, avoiding unnecessary trauma to the skin.

It is not recommended to apply make-up for two hours (at least!) after the procedure, only a light moisturizing cream can be applied.

What did we get as a result?

Saved the skin from the stressful effects of the environment
Enriched with moisture
Improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the face area
"Corrected" the appearance - tightened the oval of the face, gave the skin freshness and velvety, reduced pores
Enriched with nutrients
Regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands
Reduced irritation and inflammation
Raised mood and self-esteem

Homemade cosmetic face masks not only save time and money, but also guarantee the naturalness of the ingredients used.

For the successful use of home cosmetic masks, it is necessary to correctly determine your skin type and objectively assess the nature of the existing problems. Further, the matter is small - on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for any occasion. And if you know the properties of the main components, then you can select the composition of cosmetic masks yourself from improvised ingredients.

The nature of the action of a cosmetic face mask is determined by its composition. Depending on the problem being solved, the following types of cosmetic masks are distinguished:

  • Nourishing masks

Main Ingredients: vegetables, fruits, chicken egg, honey, natural vegetable oils, cosmetic clay.

Nourishing masks saturate the skin cells with substances necessary for its normal functioning. Such a mask is useful for everyone if its components are selected according to the type of skin. It is especially necessary for the area around the eyes to strengthen the subcutaneous layer and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Moisturizing masks

Main Ingredients: high-fat dairy products, egg yolk, cucumber, apricot, watermelon; to moisturize the skin in the eye area: vegetable oils, raw or boiled potatoes, cottage cheese.

Moisturizing masks are designed to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin cells. They delay the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

  • Face masks for oily skin

Main Ingredients: egg white, citrus fruits (pulp, juice, zest), low-fat fermented milk products, cosmetic clay.

Masks for oily skin are aimed at regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminating oily sheen, tightening enlarged pores and preventing the appearance of black spots, drying the skin and treating inflammation.

  • Anti-aging masks

Main Ingredients: honey, potatoes, grapes, agave juice, raw potatoes.

Regular use of anti-aging masks helps to smooth out, make the skin of the face more elastic, and reduce the severity of age spots.

  • Masks for problem skin

Main Ingredients: tomato, yeast, soda, decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs, cosmetic clay, aloe, tea tree oil.

Whitening masks help reduce the number and severity of freckles and age spots.

  • Purifying masks

Main Ingredients: oatmeal, black activated charcoal, walnut, legumes.

Cleansing masks contribute to the elimination, removal of dead cells of the epidermis, activation of intercellular biochemical reactions, and improvement of skin respiration.

The result of using homemade cosmetic masks depends not only on the choice of the recipe, but also on compliance with the basic rules for their use.

  1. For any type of skin, it is necessary to use cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  2. Anti-aging, tightening, anti-inflammatory and whitening masks are used only if there is a corresponding problem.
  3. When choosing a recipe for a cosmetic mask, the time of year should be taken into account. In winter, the skin is especially in need of hydration, nourishment and protection from frost. In the summer, you can not do without cleansing masks, and in the spring - tonic. Whitening the skin is recommended in autumn and winter.
  4. The mask should be prepared immediately before use and in the amount that will be used at a time. It is not recommended to store natural cosmetic masks.
  5. Preventive masks aimed at maintaining the skin in a healthy state should be applied every 7-10 days. Therapeutic masks used to eliminate existing problems need to be applied 2-3 times a week, in courses of 10-20 procedures.
  6. For the area around the eyes, there are cosmetic recipes for masks that are different from those used for the rest of the skin of the face.
  7. With combination skin, it is recommended to make multi-masks, that is, apply your own composition to each area. For example, a cleansing mask for the T-zone, moisturizing - for the cheeks, a mask for the eye area - in the corresponding zone.
  8. Cosmetic masks are applied only to cleansed (and ideally steamed) facial skin. The final step in cleansing the skin before applying the mask should be the use of a scrub, that is, exfoliation of dead skin cells, which is necessary for the best penetration of the active components of the mask into the deeper layers of the skin.
  9. The mask should be applied along the massage lines of the face.
  10. Every 2-3 months, it is advisable to change the recipe for a cosmetic mask.
  11. Before using the mask for the first time, it is necessary to test for the presence of an allergic reaction by applying a small amount of the mask to the inner surface of the elbow.
  12. Too liquid masks can be thickened with flour or powdered clay. Thick masks are diluted with water, herbal decoctions or olive oil.
  13. Wash off cosmetic masks with cool or slightly warm water.

Cosmetic masks at home are prepared easily and quickly.

  • Moisturizing face masks

With cucumber: Wash a medium-sized cucumber, peel, remove seeds and chop in a blender. Add 1 tsp. dry milk and ½ cup of kefir. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 15 minutes.

With aloe vera: Cut off the bottom leaf of aloe, wash it, grind it in a blender and squeeze out the juice. Add to juice 2 tsp. liquid honey, mix. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 20-30 minutes.

With avocado: One ripe or overripe avocado, peeled, pitted, mashed with a fork and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

  • Purifying face masks

With clay: 1 tbsp. dilute white or blue cosmetic clay in 50 ml of green tea and apply on the face, leaving to dry completely.

With activated carbon: 2 activated charcoal tablets, crushed, mixed with ½ tsp. green tea powder, ½ tsp bentonite clay and 2 tsp. water, apply on face and leave to dry completely. This mask effectively fights blackheads.

With honey : Mix equal amounts of nutmeg and cinnamon, dilute with honey and add 1/2 tsp. ground oatmeal, apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Before the first use, it is necessary to perform an allergy test.

  • Nourishing face masks

With sour cream: 2 tsp fat sour cream (20% or more) mixed with 1 tsp. coconut oil and apply a thick layer on the face for 15-20 minutes. The mask is good for dry skin.

With Vitamin E: Add a few drops of Vitamin E and a couple of drops of Shea butter to a small amount of natural yogurt and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

With cottage cheese: 2 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 tsp. buckwheat honey and apply on the face for 15 minutes. The mask is good for problem skin.

  • Lifting masks

With protein: Mix egg white in vitamins A and E squeezed out of capsules, 1 tsp. flax oil and apply on the skin of the face and décolleté for 20-30 minutes.

With peach: The pulp of one ripe peach, brought to a mushy state, mix with 1 tsp. cottage cheese and apply for 15 minutes on the skin of the face.

With gelatin: Warm up the swollen gelatin in a water bath and add the mashed banana half. Apply the warm mixture on your face for 20 minutes.

  • Express face masks with instant results

With cucumber: Peeled cucumber, cut into rings, put on pre-peeled and richly smeared with sour cream face skin. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with slightly warm water.

With kelp: Dissolve a spoonful of seaweed purchased at a pharmacy in hot water and wait for it to cool, add 1 tsp. honey and mix. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes.

With mint: crush 5 fresh mint leaves and 2 strawberries and mix with 1 tsp. sour cream. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes.

With yolk: Mix one chicken yolk with 1 tsp of olive, sea buckthorn, coconut, linseed or any other oil that forms the basis of a cosmetic mask. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Beauty masks are essential for quality skin care, as are daily creams and skin cleansers and makeup removers. However, many people neglect masks, not realizing how effective and useful they are. And up to 25 years, such neglect is quite forgivable. But older girls need to remember that inadequate care will manifest itself in early mimic wrinkles and deterioration of the skin condition.

The cosmetic industry offers a huge selection of masks designed for use in professional salons as well as for home use. However, face masks at home continue to enjoy stable popularity. The reason for such love for folk recipes is that a mask made by oneself from high-quality ingredients is obviously more natural and natural than a creamy mass bought at a pharmacy or store stuffed with preservatives. In addition, not everyone can afford professional care in salons.

What are face masks?

Most often, face masks at home are classified according to the effect they have.
There are the following types of masks:

  • designed for constant care and maintenance of the skin in perfect condition - nourishing, moisturizing, toning and cleansing;
  • struggling with obvious skin imperfections - anti-inflammatory, whitening, anti-couperose;
  • anti-aging - rejuvenating, lifting masks.

Skin type: how to determine

It must be remembered that the needs of different skin types are different, therefore, a face mask at home should be selected depending on what type of skin you are the owner of. In classical cosmetology, it is customary to distinguish between normal, dry, oily and combination skin types.

Usually, girls who are attentive to their appearance are well aware of the type of their own skin. However, it will not be superfluous to recall how to accurately and simply determine it at home. Wash your face with regular soap and do not apply cream. After about an hour and a half, firmly attach a large, well-absorbing paper towel to your face. Now the napkin should be carefully examined, and at the same time assess the degree of tightness of the skin. If a trace of sebum remains on the entire surface of the napkin, the skin is not tightened at all, then you are the owner of oily skin. If there are no traces left on the napkin and the skin is not tightened and does not peel off, then your skin type is normal. If there are no traces of secretions of the skin sebaceous glands on the napkin and there is a clear feeling of tightness, then your skin is dry. If in the center of the napkin your forehead, nose and chin left a greasy mark, and on the cheeks and temples the skin is normal or dry, then such an uneven distribution of fat content indicates a combined, in other words - mixed, skin type.

How to apply a face mask at home?

There are general rules for the use of home cosmetic masks:

Nourishing face masks at home

Nutritional masks are designed to fill the lack of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

For oily skin, you can recommend a mask made from two teaspoons of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of fat-free sour cream. Stir until the mixture is smooth and apply on the face. Keep from 20 minutes to half an hour. The mask will give your skin an even complexion and a healthy glow.

Dry skin will be nourished by a homemade face mask consisting of egg yolk, two teaspoons of milk and an incomplete tablespoon of small oatmeal. Pour oatmeal with very warm milk and let it soak a little. Whisk the egg yolk with a fork and stir into the cereal. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. This mixture will give dry skin tenderness and velvety, relieving peeling and feeling of tightness.

Normal facial skin also needs nutrition and saturation with vitamins. For these purposes, a grape mask is suitable. Crush 6-7 white grapes, and then, getting rid of the peel and seeds, combine with a tablespoon of sour cream. The mask applied to the face should be kept for 20-30 minutes.

Moisturizing masks at home

Moisturizing face masks at home allow you to maintain the water balance of the skin. Most often, moisturizing is required in spring and summer, when, under the influence of ambient temperature and ultraviolet radiation, part of the moisture from the surface layers of the skin is lost. This can lead to sagging, reduced skin elasticity.

The following recipe helps in moisturizing oily skin. Take the egg white and, after whisking, mix with 20 ml of liquid honey. Having obtained a homogeneous mass, add a tablespoon with a slide of crushed oatmeal. Wash off the applied mask after 20 minutes in two stages: first - warm water, then - rinsing with cold water.

Dry skin, like no other in need of constant hydration, responds perfectly to a curd mask. Mix about 30 g of normal fat cottage cheese and two tablespoons of milk heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

A grapefruit mask will help moisturize normal skin. Mix the crushed pulp of two grapefruit slices with egg yolk. The mask must be kept on the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm or slightly cool water.

Toning and cleansing face masks at home

Toning and cleansing masks have a general strengthening effect on the skin, solving two problems: they improve subcutaneous circulation and cleanse the pores of sebaceous secretions.

Oily skin will help a mask of kaolin (or white clay). To prepare a clay mask, mix two tablespoons of white clay with cold boiled water, add egg white, 5 ml of honey and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. The resulting mass should be homogeneous and resemble sour cream in consistency. Apply the mask on the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off the clay mask as soon as it dries completely.

The condition of dry skin is also noticeably improved under the influence of white clay. To prepare the mask, take a tablespoon of white clay, twice as much milk and 5 ml of honey. Blend until smooth and apply to skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask and do not forget to use a moisturizer.

Skin of normal type will instantly return the freshness and elasticity of the face mask at home from lemon peel. Mix 20 ml of low-fat sour cream with the yolk and finely grated zest of one lemon. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes.

Anti-inflammatory masks at home

Anti-inflammatory masks do a good job with unpleasant rashes and redness on the skin.

A brewer's yeast mask can solve the problems of inflamed skin. Add 10-12 drops of lemon juice to a tablespoon of dry brewer's yeast purchased at the pharmacy and bring the mixture to a thick, mushy consistency with warm water. Apply to the disturbing areas of the skin and wait for it to dry completely. Rinse off the yeast with slightly cool water and use a special cream for problem skin.

Dry problem skin will help honey-herbal mask. The honey taken for the preparation of this mask should be liquid, and the herbs should be fresh and ground into a pulp. Mix equal parts of honey and gruel from dandelion leaf (or mint, sage, chamomile) and apply on face for 10-15 minutes.

Do not miss the video recipe for a very effective anti-inflammatory mask.

Whitening home masks

To lighten the complexion, get rid of freckles at home, remove age spots, including age spots, whitening face masks at home at home help.

A cucumber whitening mask has a good effect. Finely grate a medium-sized cucumber on a grater and mix with your nourishing cream or sour cream. You can keep the mask on your face for up to 20 minutes. When rinsing, use warm water.

Another whitening face mask at home, widely used at home, has the following recipe. Mix liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts. The mask turns out to be quite liquid, gauze napkins are impregnated in it, which then must be placed on the face. After about 15 minutes, remove the wipes and gently rinse your face with water.

Anti-couperose masks

Couperosis - vascular manifestations on the skin. Couperose stars and redness on the face are especially unpleasant. Home treatment for rosacea consists of a light, non-traumatic facial massage, the inclusion of foods rich in vitamins C, P and K in the diet, and, of course, natural face masks at home.

A fairly simple mask will help relieve redness and strengthen the walls of the capillaries. Take a tablespoon of chopped dry chamomile and small oatmeal. Add any quality vegetable oil for a creamy consistency. Keep the resulting mass on the skin for 15 minutes. With obvious signs of rosacea, such a mask can be used daily.

The potato mask also reduces visible spider veins. Take two medium raw potatoes and finely grate. Use oatmeal to thicken the mixture. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off this mask with water with the addition of decoctions of chamomile or calendula.

Anti-aging masks at home

Skin aging is inevitable. But the appearance of the first small wrinkles is not a reason to become discouraged. Regular use of anti-aging masks will allow you to push back the appearance of new age signs of the skin and get rid of existing ones.

To prepare an anti-aging aloe face mask at home, combine a tablespoon of the plant's juice with an equal volume of quality vegetable oil and a nourishing face cream. The mask should be applied slightly warm and kept on the skin for about 10 minutes.

In summer, it is good to make a mask from a fresh plantain leaf. Grind plantain leaves into gruel and mix in equal parts with honey. If the mixture is too thick, it can be slightly thinned with water. Keep the mask on your skin for at least 15 minutes. First, remove the gruel with a damp swab, then rinse your face with cool water.

A chic rejuvenating mask with a WOW effect! Let's watch the video.

Tightening masks (lifting effect) at home

With age, flabbiness of the skin may appear, the fight against which requires constant attention. Despite the abundance of ready-made creams and masks that promise to return the girlish oval of the face, one should not forget about time-tested remedies.

The composition of the vitamin homemade face mask includes pharmaceutical components, which does not make it less natural. Take a heaping tablespoon of pink clay, one ampoule of retinol acetate (vitamin A) and 30 ml of brewed green tea (unflavored). Carefully pour the tea into the dry clay and, stirring constantly, achieve a uniform texture. Add vitamin A and apply to skin. The exposure time of the mask is about 25 minutes. The use of this recipe will help restore skin elasticity.

Egg protein has natural lifting properties. Beat one protein into a strong foam and mix with two teaspoons of soaked oatmeal. The exposure time of the mask on the skin is 15 minutes. Rinse off this mask with plenty of cool water.

Cosmetic face masks are a popular product today. After all, every girl, in order to remain young and attractive, must first of all take care of the condition of her skin. This is especially true for the face. The skin on the face is constantly exposed to external factors: in winter - cold, and in summer - heat and direct sunlight. Cosmetics also have a bad effect on the skin. The best care will be nourishing masks. As ingredients, you can use fruits and vegetables, dairy products and honey. You can also make lotion and scrubs at home.

Benefits of homemade masks

A mask can be made from almost any product that is at hand. Looking through magazines, you can find a lot of recipes for all kinds of homemade masks. The face mask will enrich your skin with vitamins, cleanse and saturate it with nutrients. Means will help relieve inflammation, relieve acne and reduce rashes.

Has the following benefits:

  1. A healing mask made from natural ingredients will have a stronger effect compared to expensive facial skin care products.
  2. Availability of all components.
  3. Good savings, especially since the result will definitely be pronounced.

When buying a jar of scrub or mask in a store, we cannot be sure of the beneficial properties of the components. Most store-bought products contain synthetic substances that are harmful. They produce a temporary effect and are addictive. Skin treatment occurs only at the level of the dermis - the upper layer.

Using masks at home

It is important to consider the condition of the skin: how dry or oily it is, whether it is prone to acne or rashes. During beriberi, when there is a lack of vitamins, masks based on fruits and vegetables are recommended. In winter, masks with components such as yolk, cucumber, apricot, dairy products with a high percentage of fat will be useful for the skin. They will help restore your face firmness and elasticity. These components fight against the appearance of wrinkles.

For those who have oily skin, masks based on citrus fruits are suitable. Also, egg white will help to remove oily sheen. Return youth honey, banana, grapes and potatoes. Aloe, yeast, bread, tomatoes will relieve inflammation and normalize the sebaceous glands. It is better to fight age spots with parsley, dill, cucumber, walnut, oatmeal and lemon.

In order to know which mask and which components to prepare at home, you need:

  1. Determine what type of facial skin is.
  2. Pre-test the resulting mixture on any other area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

First you need to find out if there is an allergic reaction, and only then apply the composition to the face.

Before applying the mask, thoroughly clean the surface of the skin.

It is best to do this after taking a shower or a hot bath, when the pores are enlarged. At this point, they are best able to absorb nutrients. The mask should be applied evenly with massaging circular movements. Can be applied with a brush, sponge or sponge. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water and a moisturizer is applied. The procedure is allowed no more than 1-2 times a week.

How to make a face mask for oily skin at home

Preparing a cleansing mask is quite easy. It is made on the basis of soap suds, wax and clay. Dead cells adhere well to the reverse side and are then removed along with the mask. This allows you to improve blood circulation and give the skin a healthy color.

The procedure takes about an hour. Well, if you can relax or even take a nap. During this time, your skin will be saturated with all the necessary components.

Masks against oily skin are prepared as follows. Add 1 tsp to the protein of one egg. honey. Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin. Before applying the mask, the skin should be lubricated with cream. Wait 20 minutes and wash with water.

The tool can be done in another way. To do this, mix the egg yolk with 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Next, add a glass of milk. In advance, pour a glass of boiling water over the zest of 2 lemons. Let it brew for about 3 hours and strain. To the resulting mass add 1 tbsp. honey and lemon juice. Combine both mixtures and add a spoonful of camphor oil. Pour into a bottle and dilute with ½ cup of water.

Cosmetic masks for dry skin

It is better to choose based on honey, cabbage or carrots. You can take 2 tbsp. honey, mix with grapefruit juice and apply on face.

To prepare the next option, you need to chop the cabbage and pour hot water. Leave for 2 minutes and then drain the water. Pour 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Keep on face for up to 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

Beautiful, clean and smooth facial skin can tell a lot about excellent health, proper nutrition and quality care provided by her mistress. The dream of every woman is perfectly even, elastic skin, but not everyone does everything possible to achieve this dream.

Homemade beauty face masks from natural products, which are full of your kitchen, will help you achieve what you want. With the regular use of these effective remedies, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin and lose a couple of years.

The usefulness of cosmetic face masks is in their naturalness. Buying a tube of cosmetics in the store, even from the most trusted and expensive brand, you can be sure that along with natural products, there are all kinds of synthetic components. All these dyes, fragrances and other substances with complex chemical formulas enhance only the apparent effectiveness of the product, while doing destructive work in cells and tissues. Being engaged in the preparation of a homemade mask with your own hands, you will be sure that it contains only the most natural products, which ensure its effectiveness:

  • nutritious masks are those that include fruits, vegetables, eggs;
  • moisturizing- egg yolk, cucumber, apricot, watermelon, high-fat dairy products;
  • for oily skin- protein, citrus fruits, low-fat dairy products;
  • rejuvenating- honey, banana, grapes, potatoes;
  • anti-inflammatory- aloe, yeast, bread, tomatoes;
  • cleansing- activated charcoal, oatmeal, beans, nuts;
  • bleaching- parsley, dill, cucumber, lemon.

And this is not all homemade cosmetics: face masks can be made from any product, in the freshness and safety of which you are absolutely sure. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for your skin type and be able to correctly and carefully use the selected mask.

Home cosmetic masks: rules for use

Any home cosmetic masks will be effective only if you take into account the tips for their use. Some of the products may contain too active substances, which, if not used correctly, can only worsen the condition of your skin.

  1. Determine your skin type and the problem you would like to solve with a mask. Look for those recipes that meet these criteria.
  2. Having prepared the mask, do not be alarmed if it turned out to be too liquid or too thick, although you did everything according to the recipe. Many products differ in their consistency. A thick mask can always be diluted with herbal decoction, olive oil or water. And liquid - wheat flour.
  3. Try the prepared mixture on your wrist, applying it for 20 minutes. If no stains, no itching, no burning appear within 2-3 hours, you can use the mask.
  4. Before the procedure, steam your face and clean it with a scrub.
  5. Apply the mask strictly along the massage lines, in an even layer.
  6. All masks are washed off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  7. After that, it would be good to put your daily cream on your face.
  8. Masks can be done 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to change masks every 2 months.

All cosmetic masks at home are equally simple in their preparation and equally equally effective. Their regular use will give your skin an unprecedented feeling of freshness, a beautiful, healthy color, purity and youth. You should not expect them to act quickly, like store-bought products, but they are guaranteed to be safe for your health. The most crucial moment here is, of course, the choice of mask.

The best recipes for homemade face masks

How many problems - so many masks. For problematic skin - against acne, for pigmented - whitening, for fading - rejuvenating, for dry - moisturizing. Do you think that your skin has no problems, it is of a normal type and it is too early for it to age? Then choose a regular nourishing mask - and your skin will bloom even more beautifully.

  • 1. For acne

Mix blue clay (2 tablespoons) with talc (a teaspoon), add alcohol and glycerin (5 g each), dilute with water. Anti-inflammatory cosmetic clay masks are indispensable for teenage skin.

  • 2. Anti-aging

Mix grapefruit pulp (2 tablespoons) with carrot juice (2 tablespoons), add sour cream and rice flour (one tablespoon each). Cosmetic masks for wrinkles almost always include citrus and dairy products.

  • 3. For the skin around the eyes

Soften white bread in warm milk, put a few drops of olive oil on the crumb. Home cosmetic eye masks of this type can get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes.

  • 4. For dry skin

Mix cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) with flaxseed oil, fish oil and orange pulp (a teaspoon each), black tea and chopped parsley (1 tablespoon each).

  • 5. For oily skin

Beat the egg white, chop the dried lemon zest, mix it (a tablespoon) with the protein, lemon juice (a teaspoon) and oatmeal (a tablespoon).

  • 6. Whitening

Mix cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) with yolk, add hydrogen peroxide (3-4 drops).

  • 7. Nutritious

Mix carrot puree (2 tablespoons) with an egg, add starch or milk powder (a teaspoon each).

  • 8. Purifying

Turn the boiled beans into puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice and olive oil (one tablespoon each).

  • 9. Refreshing

Mix cabbage juice (a tablespoon) with honey and yeast (1 teaspoon each), dilute with apple juice.

  • 10. Lifting

Protein mix with wheat flour to the consistency of a thick slurry.

Choose those cosmetic face masks that are distinguished by the availability of ingredients, the effectiveness of the results and the gentle effect on the skin. Take care of your skin in advance so that you don't get disappointed when you look in the mirror and count new wrinkles.