Early termination of pregnancy with early toxicosis is indicated. Nutrition, diet for early toxicosis of pregnant women. What it is

Pregnancy does not always proceed flawlessly, manifesting itself in some mothers with early toxicosis and other delights of such a condition. Pregnant women are tormented, looking for ways to alleviate toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, because some ladies similar condition begins even before they know the news about future motherhood.

So, what is this condition - toxicosis? Early toxicosis of pregnant women is characterized by a specific condition in which a woman is worried about a pronounced nausea-vomiting syndrome. A similar feeling appears due to the toxic effects of substances formed during fetal development. Toxicosis can occur with varying degrees of severity, which affects both its duration and the severity of symptoms.

Toxicosis during pregnancy in the early stages are complications of preeclampsia, i.e., they arise as a result of the emergence and development of a new life in female body. A similar condition, according to statistics, is observed in half of pregnant women, so its signs are attributed to symptomatic manifestations interesting position. Although carrying a baby without nausea and vomiting symptoms is an absolutely natural state, since pregnancy is not a pathology, therefore, it should not harm a woman’s well-being.


Toxicosis or gestosis are late, or occur at an early stage, which is why they are called so. Early toxicosis during pregnancy is typical for the first half of the gestation period, and gestosis (i.e., late toxicosis) occurs after the 20-week gestation period. About early toxic signs will be discussed below, but preeclampsia is characterized by the occurrence of hyperedema, various nephropathic degrees, eclampsia or preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is called preeclampsia, accompanied by a pronounced clinic of cerebrovascular disorders such as midges or fog in the eyes, headaches and nausea, epigastric discomfort, etc. Eclampsia develops after preeclampsia and is the presence of all of the above symptoms, complemented by a critical increase in blood pressure, which is a threat to life pregnant woman and fetus.

Also, toxicosis can be classified into types like staphylococcal, evening and before delay. The staphylococcal form occurs under the influence of an enterotoxigenic strain, which during reproduction emits a heat-resistant exotoxin. Evening toxicosis, as a rule, manifests itself in the evening. At the end of the working day, when a woman is mentally tired after work, the body becomes vulnerable to attacks of toxicosis, which disrupts sleep and does not allow you to fully relax. In a similar situation, when toxicosis begins during pregnancy, calm the body and improve well-being will help evening walks, the use of sour berry juice.

Nausea may appear immediately after conception, although there has not yet been a delay, as such. But this is not a sign of pregnancy. In fact, the toxic syndrome can begin only a week and a half after the maturation of the fetal egg, and nausea will not necessarily be present at the same time, some mothers begin to wake up with a terrible appetite.

The onset of toxic syndrome and its symptoms

Early toxicosis, as a rule, is activated during the period of 1-3 months of gestation, and there are cases of toxicosis in the first week of pregnancy. Which defines its name. Such a condition is characterized by the presence of such signs as:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • nauseating urge, increased salivation and vomiting reactions. Similar symptoms can disturb a pregnant woman during a 20-week period. Vomiting can disturb up to 5 times a day, which indicates a mild toxic syndrome, or exceed 25 times a day, when talking about severe toxicosis;
  • Reduced pressure indicators;
  • Osteomalacia, which is characterized by softening of bone tissue, threatening frequent pathological fractures;
  • Abnormal reaction to certain odors;
  • Tetany - accompanied by convulsive contractions in the muscle tissues of the arms, and sometimes on the face and legs;
  • Dermatous rashes are considered the most unpleasant toxic symptom, which manifests itself in the form of diffuse skin itching and can even affect the genitals. As a result, the pregnant woman becomes irritable, sleeps poorly, is constantly nervous, etc.

Although the picture of the symptoms of toxicosis in the early stages is very unremarkable, such a condition cannot be called pathological, because it occurs reflexively in response to the emergence of a new life in the body. The early toxic form proceeds in several stages. At grade 1, vomit occurs 4-5 times a day, especially manifesting itself in the morning and after meals. As a result, the pregnant woman suffers from lack of appetite and mood swings, which causes weight loss. In such situations, outpatient therapy for toxicosis is necessary.

If the toxic state reaches medium degree severity, then vomiting occurs up to 10 times a day, the weight of the mother decreases sharply, the heartbeat becomes frequent, hyperthermia is often present. During pregnancy, the treatment of such toxic degree appointed in individually. Toxicosis is also manifested in severe severity, in which the patient's vomiting is indomitable, disturbing the woman several times per hour. In this case, serious material exchange disorders occur with a constant deterioration in the condition of the pregnant woman. This is a rather dangerous condition that requires urgent hospitalization of the patient.

Why toxicosis worries at the beginning of pregnancy

It is difficult for physicians to specify the causes of toxicosis at such an early date. There are several well-explained assumptions. One group of doctors believes that such conditions are due to the peculiarities of the nervous system activity of a woman. When conception occurs, it dramatically restructures its activity, affecting the structures of the gastrointestinal tract. This explains such signs of toxicosis as nausea and vomiting and changes in taste preferences, excessive salivation and altered sense of smell. The hormone typical for pregnant women, chorionic gonadotropin, provokes the occurrence of toxicosis. It is he who is considered the main factor provoking morning sickness and evening toxicosis.

In addition, gestation is accompanied by the activity of the hormone lactogen, which has a pronounced effect on material exchange processes, so the supply of amino acid components increases, heading for the formation of fetal tissues. In a woman, in response to this, a nausea-vomiting reaction begins. Even heredity and age after 30 can affect the presence of early toxicosis.

Another group of specialists is inclined to believe that toxicosis of pregnant women is explained by nervous experiences, poor nutrition and the presence of chronic pathologies in the anamnesis of a pregnant woman, etc. There are those who attribute toxicosis to exclusively defensive reactions organism that occurs in response to the development of a foreign body in the uterus. In response to these assumptions, psychologists express their theory, according to which a pregnant woman not only is in joyful anticipation and expectation of a baby, but also periodically seriously doubts about the future, which is often associated with the presence of some problems. When a woman solves all these problems for herself, the manifestation of a toxic reaction will begin to pass.

What problems usually torment mommy, causing such an unpleasant state?

Toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy is quite possible to survive calmly, depending on how long the toxicosis lasts. Usually, by the 12-13 week period, all clinical manifestations toxic syndrome disappear. If the health of the mother is assessed by specialists as severe, then drug therapy is prescribed.

How to diagnose early toxicosis

Diagnosing the disorder is quite simple, because it manifests itself quite clearly. The presence of a toxic syndrome is established when considering the patient's complaints, and laboratory tests such as urine tests, as well as biochemistry and clinical blood tests are prescribed to assess its severity and the correct therapeutic approach. If toxicosis is mild, then the results will be normal.

With a moderately pronounced toxic syndrome in the blood, a slight excess of hematocrit, leukocytes, and hemoglobin values ​​\u200b\u200bis found due to dehydration caused by frequent vomiting. Disturbed water-electrolyte balance provokes hyponatremia and hyperkalemia, and the presence of acetone and an increase in its density are determined in urine.

Severe toxic forms will be clearly manifested by the results laboratory research because they cause in them serious deviations from accepted standards. A blood test shows a strong increase in leukocytes and hemoglobin, a decrease in the concentration of protein, ESR and glucose, an increase in the level of urea, AST, ALT and creatinine. Studies show the presence of acetone, protein and ketone bodies in the urine.

What to do if early toxicosis occurs

Specialists have an arsenal of tools that can solve such a problem as getting rid of toxicosis in the early stages. Mild forms suggest outpatient therapy, while moderate and severe ones require hospitalization of the pregnant woman in the clinic. The main thing is not to guess what to do with toxicosis in the early stages, and at the first signs of the syndrome, be sure to consult a specialist.

No need to despair, feeling exhausted by nausea, an unhappy woman. You need to learn how to relax, because toxicosis is just a temporary stage of gestation, which will end very soon. The easier it is to treat such a condition, the sooner and easier it will pass.

Medical treatment

Specialists can treat early toxicosis with the help of medications. In general, therapy is complex.

  • In severe conditions, the patient is recommended to take No-shpu, an infusion infusion of trace elements and vitamin components.
  • Valerian extract and Cerucal are also prescribed, and if necessary, Hofitol.
  • Quite common in the treatment of toxicosis and immunocytotherapy, which involves the introduction of pregnant lymphocyte cells of the father of the expected baby. Already the next day there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.
  • Homeopathic preparations are also used in therapy, which are absolutely safe for pregnant women. For example, Viburkol suppositories and special decoctions herbal preparations. Good help to get rid of toxic manifestations and herbs such as mint or chamomile. Put a couple of drops of peppermint oil on cotton pad and put next to the bed, then in the morning the usual ailments can be avoided.
  • With profuse salivation, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a decoction of oak bark. And with sudden nausea, ginger oil helps a lot, you need to drop it on your hands, rub it and take a deep breath.

Any mom with similar ailments is recommended to use physiotherapy. Particularly useful are procedures such as cerebral galvanization, endonasal electrophoresis, etc. Non-traditional methods such as acupuncture or Chinese acupressure are also used in antitoxic therapy.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Toxic syndrome can begin in different ways and with different symptoms, but if medical recommendations are followed, any ailment is easily eliminated or does not occur at all. special attention deserves a pregnancy nutrition program. It is recommended that women in position eat a little, but often, up to 5-6 times. You should also avoid eating too hot or too cold food, warm dishes are considered the best option.

At the time of the toxic syndrome, it is necessary to abandon fried, sour or spicy foods, sodas, which only provoke nausea and vomiting. Especially often this is observed in mothers with chronic digestive pathologies. With persistent toxicosis, it is better to keep a dry diet with boiled eggs and sandwiches with butter, baked potatoes, etc. It is better to focus on boiled lean meat and fish, fresh fruits, vegetable salads etc.

Useful as an effective anti-nausea mineral water, which is recommended to drink in small sips throughout the day. Get rid of nausea and rye crackers, which need to be absorbed in the mouth for a long time. In addition to the diet, there are also obligatory evening walks, an 8-hour night's rest, the exclusion of stressful situations and psycho-emotional unrest.

Dangerous Complications

Symptoms of early toxicosis can begin in any mother, but such a condition should not be ignored. If not treated properly, early toxicosis can provoke dangerous complications, which include late preeclampsia and multiple organ failure. Late preeclampsia is also toxicosis, only it occurs already in the second half of pregnancy. Severe preeclampsia is dangerous placental abruption.

It leads to untreated toxic syndrome and to multiple organ failure - the most dangerous condition that, with a belated termination of pregnancy, can cause death. But, fortunately, such cases in obstetric practice are rare.

Prevention measures

In order not to look for ways to reduce toxicosis in early pregnancy, you should take measures to prevent it in advance. The prevention of toxicosis is ensured through the timely treatment of pathologies and disorders that can provoke a similar condition. Also, a woman should follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle and refuse abortions. No less important is the psychophysical preparation for the planned bearing of the baby.

And remember that all toxic manifestations are temporary. It's just that the body adapts to new circumstances, because it is entrusted with a responsible task - bearing a healthy baby.

Early toxicosis during pregnancy is a woman's health disorder associated with the adaptation of her body to bearing a fetus.

Toxicosis in the early stages is experienced by 6 out of 10 women, but gynecologists do not always consider this condition to be a disease that necessarily requires treatment. Early toxicosis of pregnant women still does not have a clear established causes and there is no way to prevent it. The absence of early toxicosis also does not indicate any pathology, some women do not experience it at all.

Causes of early toxicosis

The causes of early toxicosis during pregnancy have not yet been fully studied, they are trying to explain it with several theories, but all researchers agree on only one thing, it is the presence of a fetus in the uterus that causes pregnancy symptoms in the early stages. Removal of the fetal egg leads to an instant cessation of complaints.

Most likely, the causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women are due to neuro-reflex shifts at the level of the diencephalic region of the brain, the discoordination of the processes of excitation and inhibition in which occurs due to a violation of neuro-reflex impulses due to the embryo developing in the uterus and rapidly progressive ingrowth of chorionic villi into the endometrium.

It is known that after the end of the formation of the placenta by 11-13 weeks, the unpleasant first symptoms during pregnancy subside, and the condition of the pregnant woman returns to normal.

Signs of early toxicosis

Toxicosis in early pregnancy, the treatment of which requires medical intervention must pose a threat to the woman's health.

Signs of pregnancy in the early stages due to gastroenterological discomfort must be distinguished from the present early toxicosis of pregnancy, which is a serious functional disorder nervous system that occurs in response to the presence of a fertilized egg.

How does early toxicosis manifest itself?

Early toxicosis of pregnant women can have a wide variety of symptoms, but nausea, heartburn are the leading manifestations in the vast majority of women. In the early stages, vomiting, dizziness and nausea during pregnancy are the most common forms of toxicosis, salivation is quite common, other, rare signs of early toxicosis, for example, dermatosis, are much less common. pruritus, osteomalacia or bronchial asthma.

Pregnancy vomiting occurs in 6 out of 10 women, but only 10% of them are treated. Heartburn and nausea are considered by doctors only as natural symptoms during pregnancy, and pregnant women are given only recommendations on the regimen and nutrition.

Vomiting is graded according to severity, there are three of them in total. The timing is important when nausea appears during pregnancy, vomiting, and other signs of early toxicosis, the earlier, the more severe the vomiting takes.

1 severity
Vomiting and nausea occur after meals, up to 5 times a day, a pregnant woman can lose up to 3 kg of body weight. Despite the general disturbance of health, loss of appetite, her condition remains relatively satisfactory. The skin remains moist, pulse and blood pressure are within normal limits. How to deal with early toxicosis during pregnancy with such manifestations - of course, without drugs. Obstetricians do not treat this, you need to try to survive the troubles of the first trimester, using only folk remedies for early toxicosis.

2 severity
Severe nausea during pregnancy occurs already in the first days and quickly develops into vomiting, which occurs regardless of food intake, up to 10 times a day. May be slight temperature, acetone is found in the urine of half of the pregnant women, the pressure decreases, the pulse accelerates to 100 per minute, general state women are severely disturbed, many have thoughts of terminating a pregnancy, it is so hard to bear. Starting from the second degree of severity, toxicosis on early stage pregnancy is subject to medical treatment.

3 severity
This is already a life-threatening condition for a pregnant woman, excessive vomiting. It repeats up to 25 times a day, and can be triggered even by movement. The pregnant woman does not want to move, lies all the time, cannot sleep, food and water are not retained, vomiting immediately occurs, and a loss of up to 10 kg of body weight is possible. The skin and tongue become dry, the temperature rises, the pulse rises to 120 per minute, and the blood pressure is low. Acetone is found in the urine in all women, there is often protein, hemoglobin is increased, there are changes in biochemical analysis blood.

When does early toxicosis begin and end?

Early toxicosis begins in most cases already from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, some are not particularly happy women may feel the first symptoms even before the delay of menstruation. This earliest toxicosis is associated with a woman's high sensitivity to pregnancy hormones and proceeds very hard in the future.

The timing when early toxicosis ends depends on the severity of its course and what kind of pregnancy you have, singleton or multiple. With a singleton pregnancy, early toxicosis lasts up to 11-12 weeks, and with a multiple pregnancy, it disappears by the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

Treatment of early toxicosis

At mild degree nausea and vomiting treatment of early toxicosis of pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis, with an average and even more severe degree, hospitalization may be required. It often happens that the very fact of excluding a pregnant woman from a stressful situation at home and at work already leads to an improvement in her condition.

Nutrition in the treatment of early toxemia of pregnant women is of great importance, the correct use of food in itself can reduce nausea during pregnancy. You need to eat in small portions, every 2 hours, lying down, food should be chilled, mineral water is shown, alkaline and not carbonated.

Toxicosis in the early stages, treatment

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the fetus is vulnerable, and many drugs can adversely affect its development, this limits the range of drugs used. Of course, you can’t prescribe anything yourself without consulting a doctor, how to alleviate early toxicosis should be decided only with his help.

The most commonly prescribed drugs:

Cerucal (metoclopromide)
refers to anemetics, it is prescribed in extreme cases, with indomitable vomiting of pregnant women due to the ability to increase the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke miscarriages. In general, this drug is prohibited in the first trimester, and only in exceptional cases can you be prescribed it.

Torekan, has a similar effect to cerucal and is also prescribed for health reasons.

Hofitol, this herbal remedy, which is an artichoke extract. The drug has an antioxidant effect and improves liver function, which can significantly remove nausea during pregnancy.

B vitamins. During pregnancy, the need for B vitamins increases by 40%, they are an active participant in many metabolic processes in the mother's body and needed developing fetus. With their shortage, nausea in early pregnancy is more pronounced, and their appointment reduces the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. However, the use of injectable forms increases the risk of developing an allergy to these drugs.

Droperidol, a drug that acts directly on the nervous system of the mother, can be used only when absolutely necessary. Although no teratogenic effect on the fetus has been identified, this medicine is still considered to be prescribed only when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risks to the fetus.

Diphenhydramine, pipolfen. These drugs are usually prescribed for allergic reactions however, due to their sedative, calming effect and normalization of the immune system, they help when nausea occurs during pregnancy. It must be warned that these drugs should also not be prescribed to everyone in a row, and are indicated in the first trimester only with an obvious benefit to the mother that outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Herbal teas and herbal infusions. Herbs at early toxicosis help to safely relieve nausea during pregnancy, and can be used independently by the expectant mother, even if she is just worried about nausea and heartburn during pregnancy. However, what to do with early toxicosis specifically, which herbs to drink, also needs to be agreed with the doctor, since many of them are dangerous during pregnancy, we wrote about this.

Splenin, is a drug that is made from the spleens of cattle. Nausea during pregnancy in the treatment of splenin is reduced by normalizing nitrogen metabolism and improving liver function.

Polyphepan, it is an adsorbent that collects toxins in the stomach and intestines. Everything would be fine, but at the same time, the necessary, useful substances are also removed.

As you can see, any drug treatment, all pills for nausea during pregnancy, injections have a negative side and carry a certain risk. So, you need to try to do without them. Only herbs are relatively safe and help fight early toxicosis without risk.

Often, all treatment in a hospital is limited to infusions of glucose and ascorbic acid, and this is correct, although it does not allow you to completely get rid of early toxicosis.

And most importantly, do not forget that early nausea during pregnancy is more likely an indicator that everything is fine with you and is going according to plan. Your pregnancy is progressing and soon you will become a mother. Already by 11-13 weeks you will enjoy your condition, and what is happening now, you just need to try to survive.

Early toxicosis overtakes most women almost simultaneously with the news of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptoms of toxicosis even serve as the first signals that a woman is in position. More than a half modern women, especially those who live in cities, fully feel all its unpleasant manifestations. In fact, toxicosis is not a sign of pregnancy, but a manifestation, albeit very frequent, of some disturbances in the normal course of pregnancy.

Signs of toxicosis

Toxicosis is a whole complex of pathological, essentially abnormal reactions of a woman's body to the development of pregnancy. There are toxicoses according to the severity and time of development. At the beginning of pregnancy, the so-called early toxicosis of pregnant women may develop, the most common manifestations of which are nausea and vomiting. This is very frequent occurrence, and in most cases passes without medical intervention and does not cause significant harm to either the health of the woman or the development of the child. And in the third trimester of pregnancy, such a formidable complication as late toxicosis or gestosis can occur. It is characterized by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, mainly the kidneys, and is manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and protein in urine. Gestosis, unlike early toxicosis, requires mandatory medical supervision and, often, the stay of a pregnant woman in hospital. And the consequences of them can be much more severe, and sometimes even fatal, if medical assistance is not provided on time.

Toxicosis in early pregnancy has several common forms. A pregnant woman may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and excessive salivation. Nausea can be only in the morning on an empty stomach and disappear after eating. In other cases, nausea persists after eating, leading to loss of appetite. It can also be observed as a single, and regular, daily vomiting.

How much to suffer

Usually, the delay in menstruation and the establishment of the fact of pregnancy coincide in time with the moment when early toxicosis begins in the expectant mother. This happens around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, hormonal changes in the body are in full swing. And power over all processes passes to progesterone. It is this hormone that is responsible for the safety of pregnancy. Throughout the first trimester, a woman's body is rebuilt. In the same period, the formation of all the main organs and systems in the unborn baby takes place. That is why the first trimester is considered the most important. After all, the baby will only grow further.

All the women who small terms pregnancy is concerned about nausea and vomiting, the question of when does early toxicosis end? Normally, all unpleasant manifestations should disappear by the 14th week of pregnancy. But it is not uncommon for nausea to persist until the 20th week. In any case, the persistence of manifestations of toxicosis after the 15th week of pregnancy requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor, especially if the general condition of the pregnant woman is disturbed, there is a breakdown and weight loss, there are signs of dehydration.

Causes of toxicosis

Doctors still do not agree on the nature of toxicosis, and what is its main cause.

The development of toxicosis, of course, is influenced by many factors. This is the state of health of a woman before pregnancy, and lifestyle, the presence or absence of physical and emotional overload, chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as the emotional perception of the state of pregnancy.

Since a complete restructuring of the body occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, brain signals in a specific way stimulate the activity of the digestive system. In addition, the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for normal course pregnancy, has a relaxing effect on the uterus to avoid the threat of interruption. Its action also extends to the stomach and intestines. Thus, the work of the digestive system slows down, and this causes unpleasant symptoms.

The "hormonal" theory of the development of this pathology also speaks of the impact on the digestive system chorionic gonadotropin- yes, yes, the very one by the presence of which they determine interesting position at a woman. However, it is not entirely clear which adverse effect. But the timing of the maximum increase in this hormone and the vivid manifestations of malaise in women coincide.

Significantly aggravated toxicosis during pregnancy, if there is a history of a violation of the stomach, intestines, as well as problems with gallbladder. Besides, malnutrition and lack of normal physical activity fresh air contribute to the development of the disease.

There is a version of the occurrence of toxicosis due to the very strong immune system of the mother, which reacts to own child as "foreign object". In fact, this is true ... But only half ... Half of the child's genetic code is the legacy of his father.

Well, okay with these reasons and versions, this is not the main thing for expectant mothers. For most pregnant women, the question is much more acute - how to deal with early toxicosis with non-drug means.

In most cases, the answer is simple: listen to the signals of your own body. After all, nature itself tells you which products are harmful and which are necessary for the expectant mother and baby. It is very good to consume as many foods containing fiber as possible. Fresh vegetables and fruits will stimulate the stomach and increase intestinal motility, this will gradually smooth out unpleasant manifestations. In addition, it is important to establish a comfortable diet. Helps in most cases fractional nutrition in small portions, so as not to experience nausea, either from overeating or from hunger.

When to sound the alarm

But sometimes without medication and in general medical care not enough. Early toxicosis requires treatment when nausea and vomiting affect the general condition of the pregnant woman. If there is a complete loss of appetite, weight loss of more than 3 kg and heart rhythm disturbance, urination becomes rare, and acetone is detected in the urine test, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed. Vomiting more than 3 times a day, combined with loss of appetite, can lead to dehydration and salt imbalance in the body. This is especially dangerous, since at this moment the basic vital functions of the child are being laid. Urinary retention and its total volume of less than half a liter per day is a formidable signal of dehydration and an urgent reason for hospitalization.

In some cases, antiemetic drugs such as Cerucal may be prescribed.

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a concept that unites a group of gestational complications associated with the development of the fetal egg and disappearing after childbirth or termination of pregnancy. Doctors associate the development of toxicosis of pregnant women with a violation of adaptive processes in a woman's body for pregnancy. Toxicosis is expressed by impaired functioning various systems and organs.

In medicine, early toxicosis, late toxicosis (gestosis) and rare forms considered complications.

Table of contents:

Early toxicosis of pregnant women

This concept refers to gestational complications that develop in the first trimester (up to 12-13 weeks). It is early toxicosis that is most often diagnosed in pregnant women, but, as a rule, all uncomfortable / unpleasant sensations with such a complication disappear without a trace and do not pose a threat to the fetus or the woman herself.

Reasons for the development of early toxicosis

In the course of studies of the complication under consideration, it was concluded that several factors can become the reasons for its development:

All these factors can be in every pregnant woman, and which of them will play a major role does not matter. Doctors noted that early toxicosis is severe in women with aggravated somatic status, that is, they have a history of nephritis, and / duodenal ulcer. With almost 100% certainty, doctors predict the appearance of early toxicosis in pregnant women who have had abortions, have a history of chronic diseases of the female reproductive system (,).

Symptoms of early toxicosis of pregnant women

The most characteristic signs of early toxicosis, which appear at 5-6 weeks of gestation, are considered to be a sudden change in taste and olfactory perceptions, drowsiness, lethargy and loss of appetite. The doctor can objectively determine weight loss, lowering blood pressure, an increase in azotemia in the blood, the appearance of acetone in the urine and electrolyte disturbances. . Depending on how pronounced vomiting is, doctors distinguish several degrees of early toxicosis:

Note:a severe degree of early toxicosis leads to hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, increased heart rate up to 120 beats per minute, and hypotension, the general condition of the pregnant woman worsens. In this case, the gynecologist will insist on hospitalization of the pregnant woman.

Diagnosis of early toxicosis of pregnant women

The considered type of gestational complication of pregnant women is revealed by analyzing the woman's complaints, based on objective data and the results of additional examinations. A gynecologist examines a woman on a chair and conducts, which helps to make sure that there is a fetal egg in the uterus, determine the gestational age and make sure normal development fetus.

If a pregnant woman makes complaints characteristic of early toxicosis, then she must be carried out, and.

Treatment of early toxicosis of pregnant women

A mild degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women does not require hospitalization, but some methods for improving a woman's well-being still need to be applied. Usually everything is limited to taking (or motherwort infusion), vitamins and antiemetics (cerucal). If the type of gestational complication under consideration is accompanied by profuse salivation, then the doctor may recommend rinsing oral cavity infusions of chamomile, and (these plants have tanning properties). To reduce the intensity of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to correct the nutrition of a pregnant woman - it should be fractional, food should be easily digestible, and food should be taken in small portions.

Note: any drugs and infusions of sedative herbs are prescribed to a pregnant woman only by a gynecologist. An independent choice of treatment for early toxicosis is fraught with complications of pregnancy.

At moderate degree early toxicosis, the treatment of a pregnant woman is carried out in a hospital, where she is prescribed infusion therapy - intravenous administration of Disol / Acesol / Trisol (saline solutions), glucose, hepatoprotectors, vitamins and protein preparations. To stop attacks of vomiting, a woman is shown the use of neuroleptic drugs, an excellent effect is also observed during physiotherapy - for example, electrophoresis, electrosleep, acupuncture.

A severe degree of early toxicosis of pregnant women is a critical condition, therefore, the treatment of such patients is carried out in intensive care units under constant monitoring of hemodynamic and laboratory parameters. Treatment is reduced to infusions of solutions in a volume of at least three liters, the introduction of neuroleptics, hepatoprotectors, antiemetics.

Note:a severe degree of early toxicosis can result in a coma and death of a woman, therefore, most often in this case, doctors carry out artificial termination of pregnancy by medical indicators. Often happens and spontaneous interruption pregnancy.

Early toxicosis, in most cases, is considered normal if it proceeds in mild to moderate severity. Most often, the unpleasant symptoms of the phenomenon in question disappear after 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, and if this does not happen, then the gynecologist will conduct a full examination of the patient in order to exclude hepatitis, pancreatitis, hepatosis and cystic drift.

Late toxicosis of pregnant women (gestosis)

Late toxicosis, or gestosis, of pregnant women is a complication of pregnancy in the third trimester, which is characterized by the development of deep disorders in vital organs and systems. Late toxicosis begins its development after 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, but it is diagnosed only at 26-28 weeks of pregnancy.

Causes of late toxicosis

Modern gynecology has several theories about the causes of the development of this type of gestational complication of pregnancy, so this condition is often called the “disease of theories”. Let's highlight the most popular opinions:

  1. Hormonal disorders. There is a violation of the regulation of vital functions, which leads to an immunological conflict between the fetus and the mother.
  2. Corticovisceral theory. During pregnancy, failures in the relationship between the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain can occur, and this provokes reflex changes in the vessels and the circulatory system.
  3. Generalized vasospasm. This leads to disruption of the blood supply to organs and tissues, increases blood pressure, decreases the total volume of blood that circulates in the vascular bed.
  4. Damage to the inner lining of blood vessels. This violation leads to oxygen starvation brain, kidney and liver cells.

Symptoms of preeclampsia (late toxicosis)

The very first manifestation of this type of gestational complication is dropsy, which is characterized by fluid retention in the body and the appearance of persistent edema. At first, they may be hidden and they can be detected only after studying the graph of an increase in the body weight of a pregnant woman, but after the swelling becomes obvious, pronounced, the doctor classifies the stages of dropsy:

  • 1 stage- edema applies only to the lower limbs, and specifically - covers the shins and feet;
  • 2 stage- edema is present both on the lower extremities and on the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen;
  • 3 stages of dropsy- edema is present on the lower and upper limbs, face and abdomen;
  • 4 herd ia - edema acquires a universal, generalized character.

Note:with dropsy, the general well-being of a pregnant woman, as a rule, is not disturbed. But if the edema is pronounced, then the patient will complain of increased fatigue, thirst and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

After a pregnant woman has developed, nephropathy may occur, which will be characterized by a combination of three symptoms - edema, hypertension and proteinuria (the appearance of protein in the urine). Even if only two of the listed symptoms are present, the doctor will make a diagnosis of pregnancy nephropathy. It is worth noting that in pregnant women in the third trimester it will not be stable, but undulating. To track these jumps, you need to compare the pressure indicators of the first months of pregnancy and the current period of bearing a child.

Note:the development of dangerous complications in gestosis (for example, premature detachment placenta, bleeding or fetal death) is often provoked not by high blood pressure, but by its fluctuations.

The prognosis of pregnancy with nephropathy is very variable. Combined forms significantly worsen the prognosis late toxicosis- for example, if a woman has developed nephropathy against the background of a previously diagnosed nephritis. A long course of nephropathy can go into the next stage of development of late toxicosis - preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia characterized by circulatory disorders of the central nervous system. Symptoms of preeclampsia will be not only manifestations of nephropathy, but also nausea and vomiting. There are memory impairments, lethargy, indifference to the outside world and close people, visual impairment, pain in the epigastric region.

There are a number of indicators that will indicate the development of preeclampsia of late toxicosis of pregnant women:

  • blood pressure - 160/110 and above;
  • diuresis - less than 400 ml;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the amount of protein in the urine - 5 grams or more per day;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • visual disturbances;
  • decrease in platelets in the blood;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • decrease in blood clotting.

The development of a seizure in eclampsia can be triggered by any external stimulus - for example, sharp pain, bright light, stress, or loud sound. The duration of an attack of convulsions is 1-2 minutes, it begins with twitching of the muscles of the eyelids, face, and then spreads to the muscles of the upper / lower extremities and the whole body. The gaze of a pregnant woman at the time of a convulsive seizure freezes, the pupils roll back, the corners of the mouth drop, and the fingers are clenched into fists.

After 30 seconds from the onset of an attack of eclamptic convulsions, a woman begins tonic convulsions - the pregnant woman's body tenses and stretches, the spine arches, the head throws back, the jaws are tightly compressed, the skin becomes bluish. Since the respiratory organs are involved during an attack, this activity is disturbed and consciousness is lost.

Note:just at the moment of loss of consciousness in a pregnant woman who is in a convulsive seizure against the background of eclampsia, hemorrhage in the brain and rapid death can occur.

10-20 seconds after tonic convulsions, clonic convulsions begin to develop - the woman literally convulses, continuously moving her arms and legs, as if bouncing in bed. Such convulsions last a maximum of one and a half minutes, and then hoarse breathing appears, with the release of foam from the mouth.

Important:after the seizure ends, the pregnant woman remembers nothing about it, feels severe weakness and headache. Any irritant, including injections medicines, can provoke the onset of a new attack.

Non-convulsive eclampsia is considered a very dangerous condition - a coma develops suddenly against the background of high blood pressure. A similar type of eclampsia is characterized by extensive hemorrhage in the brain and the death of a woman.

Diagnostic measures

When diagnosing the type of gestational complication under consideration, the gynecologist takes into account the complaints of the woman, draws attention to her appearance(it is just possible to identify edema) and is guided by the results of examinations. To determine the degree of late toxicosis, a pregnant woman is sent for blood and urine tests, she is also examined by an ophthalmologist.

If there are suspicions of the development of preeclampsia (late toxicosis), then ultrasound and dopplerography are mandatory - this will help assess the condition of the fetus and placental blood flow.

Treatment of late toxicosis (gestosis)

Treatment of gestosis in the conditions of outpatient management of a pregnant woman is allowed only with its mild course, in all other cases the woman is hospitalized in institutions where there is an intensive care unit and everything necessary for urgent delivery.

The goal of the treatment of preeclampsia is to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, stabilize metabolic processes, and normalize blood pressure indicators. The duration of therapy for late toxicosis depends only on the intensity of its manifestation.

Note: independent childbirth in case of severe toxicosis of pregnant women, they are allowed only if the condition of the woman in labor is satisfactory, the therapy has been effective, and there are no violations of intrauterine development of the fetus. Even a slight negative trend is an indication for operative delivery.

Rare toxicosis of pregnant women

If we talk about rare forms of toxicosis of pregnant women, then it is worth highlighting a few of the most pronounced.

Dermatoses of pregnant women

Arise in the background hormonal disorders, "failures" of metabolic processes and an imbalance between the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain. Similar toxicoses appear almost immediately after conception, disappear after childbirth.

Dermatoses of pregnant women are manifested by erythema, and herpetic eruptions. They do not pose any danger to the life of the mother and fetus, but treatment is necessary, as this will alleviate the condition of the woman.

As part of measures aimed at getting rid of this form of a rare gestational complication, a diet with restriction of proteins and fats is prescribed. Of the drugs, those that are able to normalize metabolism will be effective.

Jaundice in pregnancy

Most often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, but it can also accompany early toxicosis, which is difficult. When it appears in pregnant women, the doctor must necessarily conduct an examination of the woman in order to differentiate the condition under consideration from pathological lesions of the liver and / or biliary tract.

Treatment of jaundice in pregnancy consists in the appointment of a balanced diet and the use of certain medications - for example, cholestyramine or nerabol. It is allowed to use antihistamines and phenobarbital in the treatment of jaundice of pregnant women, and if the clinical manifestations of the considered form of gestational complication increase, and even are accompanied by severe course early or late toxicosis, then the woman will be shown an abortion.

Acute fatty liver of pregnancy

An extremely dangerous condition that develops at 33-40 weeks of gestation. It always begins acutely, in almost all cases it ends with the death of the fetus or the woman herself.

Treatment of acute fatty hepatosis of pregnant women involves immediate termination of pregnancy, detoxification therapy and the introduction of protein / lipotropic agents.

Chorea pregnant

This form is associated with a violation of calcium metabolism, which occurs due to hypofunction of the parathyroid glands. The chorea of ​​pregnant women is manifested by convulsive twitching of the muscles of the upper / lower extremities. Most often this form rare toxicosis occurs in women with a history of rheumatic fever.

Chorea of ​​pregnant women is treated in a hospital, a woman is prescribed sedative drugs and drugs that can normalize calcium metabolism (vitamins D, E and calcium gluconate).


This is an extremely rare form of toxicosis of pregnant women, due to its development by decalcification of bones and their softening. Most often, the pelvic bones and spine are affected, this process is accompanied by severe pain and deformity of the affected bones.

Treatment of osteomalacia in pregnant women consists in conducting therapy aimed at normalizing phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a violation in the body that is associated with the onset of conception. Doctors aim not only to alleviate the condition of a woman, but also to maintain a normal intrauterine development fetus. Regardless of what type of toxicosis develops in a pregnant woman and how severe it is, the woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist, and in most cases - in hospital treatment.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Toxicosis during early pregnancy: how to deal with it

The joy of a woman who has discovered that she will soon become a mother is often overshadowed by the deterioration in health that follows this news: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, intolerance to odors, hypersalivation (increased salivation). These symptoms do not appear in everyone, but most expectant mothers have to experience at least some of the "charms" of this frequent companion of pregnancy.

Toxicosis during early pregnancy is not necessarily manifested by nausea. He has many other "guises" - we will talk about them, as well as about the causes of toxicosis and ways to get rid of it.

  1. signs
  2. Why does toxicosis occur in the first trimester
  3. Causes of toxicosis in the early stages
  4. When does it start and end
  5. Absence of toxicosis during pregnancy
  6. Boy or girl: signs and medical point vision
  7. Is it possible to prevent the occurrence
  8. How to alleviate the condition and how to deal
  9. Severe toxicosis
  10. Health care
  11. Diet and nutrition

How toxicosis manifests itself in the early stages

Toxicosis of pregnant women is a complex of symptoms observed in women who are expecting a child, associated with the adaptation of the mother's body to the fetus that has "settled" in it.

Signs of toxicosis in early pregnancy:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • apathy;
  • intolerance to certain odors;
  • a perversion of taste preferences or simply a change in taste preferences (for example, a woman begins to eat pickles with ice cream, or a lover suddenly no longer tolerates it and greedily pounces on previously unloved bananas).

Symptoms of toxicosis are not always standard. Typical manifestations include morning toxicosis and evening (if a woman goes to bed on a full stomach). After vomiting, relief usually occurs.

At an early stage, toxicosis is normal in this way. Toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy has other signs.

  • dermatoses (skin rashes, itching);
  • ptyalism (increased salivation);
  • increased appetite.

In the latter case, a woman cannot endure a state of hunger either in the morning or in the evening. Many people think that their appetite simply increases due to the formation of the fetus, but in fact it looks like this. special form toxicosis. It is hunger that provokes a feeling of nausea, which disappears after eating (biscuits, crackers).

Ptyalism, which torments a woman at the beginning of the period of bearing a child and frequent vomiting(more than 8 times a day), dangerous dehydration in its extreme manifestations.

One of the severe forms is bronchial asthma. Fortunately, it is extremely rare.

Why toxicosis occurs in the first months of the coexistence of the mother and fetus, doctors still cannot say for sure.

Doctors divide the causes of early toxicosis of pregnant women into:

  • hormonal;
  • immunological;
  • neuro-psychological.

Another reason for early toxicosis of pregnant women is women: the body of the fetus is a foreign protein, because two people are involved in its conception: a man and a woman, so the “defenders” of the mother’s immune cells are trying to deal with the “stranger”. But nature is reasonable in the early stages the immune system undergoes changes, the overall immune response is reduced, but locally - at the site of implantation is activated. This occurs during pregnancy at the earliest stages, until the placenta is formed, and with it the fetoplacental barrier.

Toxicosis also occurs due to the "unaccustomed" concentration of hormones: and. An increase in their level affects the subcortical substance of the brain. At the beginning of pregnancy, the restructuring of the nervous system begins: it does not have time to adapt to powerful and cardinal hormonal changes that occur in the early stages.

First of all, the most vulnerable centers responsible for the gag reflex and salivation are affected. Therefore, toxicosis of pregnant women begins with these symptoms (vomiting, nausea, sometimes saliva flows in large quantities, well-being is disturbed).

But all these manifestations are transient and, in most cases, do not require treatment, they end on their own by m. At this time, the formation of the placenta ends, it takes over hormonal processes and the phenomenon of toxicosis stops. At future mother vivacity and good mood appear.

In addition, progesterone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus so that it does not contract and “throw out” the fetus. The smooth muscle apparatus of the intestine also relaxes, the contents linger in it. Gastrointestinal tract works slowly, poorly removes metabolic products. As a result, women develop toxicosis.

Psychological reasons: a woman may be nervous (moreover, she may experience excitement at a subconscious level, this does not appear outwardly) about a change in her social position. She is anxious about the material side, fears for the health and well-being of the unborn child. All this gives rise to unpleasant symptoms toxicosis. In women who are calm for themselves and for their child, toxicosis passes faster and does not manifest itself so clearly. Practice shows that women who are active in the workplace, managers, entrepreneurs, on whose shoulders there is a burden of responsibility, toxicosis develops earlier and lasts longer.

When does toxicosis begin during early pregnancy

Early toxicosis of pregnant women begins when the fetal egg is firmly fixed in the wall of the uterus and begins to release the substances it produces into the blood of the mother's body. Usually it is the fifth or.

Sometimes women experience lightheadedness from the first days of delay. How long toxicosis lasts and when it ends - individually for each pregnant woman. But by the end of the first trimester, the situation should return to normal.

Ginger is also used in pure form- not necessarily as a component of the drink. To make it easier to survive the difficult period of the first trimester, have a piece of ginger root on hand: chew it in Hard time or just rub your tongue with it. A sharp attack of lightheadedness will help a piece of ice that you need to hold in your mouth. Make ice ahead of time.

The above measures will help eliminate toxicosis if it is mild, and alleviate its symptoms if the doctor has established an average degree of toxicosis.

Signs of an average degree:

  • persistent or frequent nausea;
  • vomiting up to 10 times a day;
  • weight loss up to 3 kg.

Toxicosis can become especially strong if a woman is forced to go to work, where she has to constantly be in suspense. Then stop manifestations pathological condition often it can only happen in a hospital. At home, you can only weaken the attacks, reduce the intensity of symptoms, but you will not be able to cope with severe toxicosis on your own. You can save yourself from terrible severe toxicosis and save the fetus only in the hospital.

Severe toxicosis in early pregnancy

The causes of severe toxicosis in the early stages are sharp jumps hormonal background, Availability chronic diseases in a pregnant woman. Although again it should be noted that no one can name the exact reasons yet.

Severe toxicosis in early pregnancy is expressed in:

  • vomiting up to 20 times a day;
  • apathetic state;
  • dehydration;
  • arrhythmias;
  • hypotension;
  • sudden weight loss.

The clinical parameters of the blood worsen: the level of leukocytes rises, due to dehydration, the level of creatinine and urea increases. Severe toxicosis during pregnancy requires urgent medical intervention. Terrible toxicosis on - threatens with a miscarriage, as well as a serious deterioration in the condition of the patient herself.

Treatment in a hospital helps to remove even the strongest toxicosis. In the future, the pregnant woman will have to be especially attentive to her condition, as there is a risk of late toxicosis during the third trimester.


Medical care for toxicosis in the early stages consists in prescribing special drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help eliminate toxins from the body.

The fight against toxicosis in early pregnancy begins with the placement of the patient in a hospital and examination.

One of the main drugs that quickly relieve vomiting is cerucal. If a woman does not have a temperature (and with an average degree there is subfebrile condition) and more or less normal performance blood, there is enough cerucal in tablets and an entersorbent (for example, enterosgel).

Quickly relieve the symptoms of intoxication and dehydration helps intravenous drip physiological saline, glucose, saline solutions: Ringer and others (you need to put droppers).

If rare forms of toxicosis are observed (for example, without vomiting, but with bright skin manifestations), treatment should be adjusted with the participation of narrow specialists (for example, a dermatologist and an allergist).

Often used for moderate and severe toxicosis such drugs:

  • hofitol;
  • polysorb;
  • cocculin;
  • zofran;
  • metoclopramide;
  • essentiale forte.

Hofitol protects the liver from damage. It well reduces the level of urea in the blood, improves the blood supply to the placenta. Acts as a mild diuretic and choleretic.

Polysorb, enterosgel, as well as filtrum and smectite are adsorbents that absorb metabolic products and gently remove them. Medicines are not absorbed into the blood and are absolutely safe for the fetus. The doctor prescribes the dosage.

No-shpa is a safe and indirectly helping drug for toxicosis. It relieves spasms of the digestive tract. Drink it should be on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

It is difficult to completely cure toxicosis of the first trimester. But you can remove many of the symptoms and thereby make your life easier. Over time, toxicosis should go away on its own. This happens in the second trimester.

The nutrition of pregnant women with toxicosis in the early stages has its own characteristics. You do not need to follow any special strict diet, but you should adjust your diet as best as possible.

During the first three months, in order to prevent attacks of severe toxicosis, it is necessary to facilitate the work of the intestines as much as possible, for which eat more fruits and vegetables, and reduce the volume of meat.

It is easier to survive toxicosis if you eat fractionally, that is, divide food into small portions and snack often and little by little, without waiting strong feeling hunger.

Food should contain all the substances necessary for the fetus. Lean on dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole. You can cook liquid semolina - for some reason, it helps some people to escape from lightheadedness and not lose weight.

No need to force yourself to eat - if there is no appetite, you have to wait, chew a piece of ginger, peel or lemon.

But you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, especially if you have vomiting. You can save yourself from morning toxicosis by freezing an ice cube with lemon juice and in the morning, swallowing it on an empty stomach. Only the cube should be very small.

Proper nutrition should help prevent the development of toxicosis. But there is no single recipe for everyone. Choose products, arrange them the way you like, even if they are strange and wild at first glance, find your own way to cope with negative manifestations. And remember: early toxicosis is normal. He does not talk about the danger of miscarriage and other pathologies. Just maternal and children's organisms adapt to each other. You have to be patient and everything will be fine. Only severe cases with a potential threat to life require a visit to a doctor. But, fortunately, they are rare.