My pelvis hurts when I get up pregnant. What is the danger of hip joint pain in pregnant women - how to determine the cause of the disease and get rid of it

When the pelvic bones begin to hurt during pregnancy, this is a sign that the child is already ready to be born. But such pains are considered normal only at 30 weeks and later. Otherwise, such a symptom indicates various pathologies, including the appearance of adhesions in the pelvis while expecting a baby.

Pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy - is this normal?

Many women perceive pain in the area hip joint as an extremely negative phenomenon. They are afraid that such a manifestation will become a sign premature birth or impending miscarriage. And in some respects they are indeed right.

When the pelvis hurts during pregnancy later dates, it's quite normal. The body is preparing for upcoming birth. The bones expand and soften a little to make it easier for a woman to release a child. Because of this, pulling pains appear.

But when the pelvis hurts - and from behind - and the lower back, you should worry. There are many diseases in which such pains act alarm signal. As soon as the discomfort becomes acute and severe, consult a doctor.

First of all, adhesions in the small pelvis are dangerous for a woman. Under this concept lies the fusion of connective tissues with each other, sometimes leading to obstruction. It is better to find out about this in advance in order to take appropriate measures in time.

There is also a disease called "symphysitis". This is the pathology of the pubic bone, its mobility and intense softening. It is also better to detect it even before the onset of labor.

By itself, symphysitis does not harm the child in any way, but it can cause irreparable harm mother herself. The divergence of the pubic joint is a complex and painful injury that requires a long recovery.

Definitely tell if the pain is normal pelvic bones, impossible. Answer the question of why it appears, too. All this can only be done by an experienced doctor.

Do not rely on the stories of the comrades - it is better to go to the hospital in a timely manner. Soreness can be caused both by a sharp increase in weight (which is unpleasant, but not fatal) or dangerous disease, for example, a hernia.

What happens to the hip joint of pregnant women, find out from this video:

Types and nature of pain

The nature of the pain varies depending on the cause of their occurrence. Thus, you can diagnose the disease and understand whether it is worth contacting a doctor as soon as possible, or you can wait.

Discomfort falls into two broad categories:

  • spicy;
  • Not spicy.

The first requires prompt treatment. When the pelvis begins to whine terribly, and the muscles constantly ache, there is a risk of premature birth. In this way, the body signals danger and urges the woman to be more careful.

With a lack of calcium pain aching, not too strong. Small vitamin complex fixes the problem immediately. Prior to this, constant fatigue is felt in the legs.

When such pains are normal and are caused by the separation of the bones, they are not too severe. In addition to the symptom itself, there is a change in gait. The woman moves in a waddle, slightly bending her back back (the so-called "duck gait").

Symphysitis is characterized sharp pains in the region of the pubis and sacrum. With him, the pregnant woman cannot even lift her leg up. Discomfort sometimes disappears, especially when lying down.

Pain is also distinguished by the time of occurrence, namely:

  • mechanical;
  • starting;
  • night.

The first occur during walking, sitting, or any other load on the limb. They disappear at rest. They may reappear even if the woman just lay on the couch for most of the day.

Starters disturb from the very morning, as when they appear physical activity, and without it. They may appear when you wake up, take your first steps, or get out of bed. Over time, they subside or disappear altogether.

In pregnant women, discomfort may occur during sleep. Sometimes it occurs when you turn to the other side. By morning, the pains evaporate, as if they were not there.

In practice, combinations are often encountered. Legs can hurt in the morning and during heavy exertion.

Which doctor to contact

Usually, when a person has a leg pain, he turns to a traumatologist or surgeon. But such a decision is not relevant at 7 or 9 months of pregnancy. Doctors of this profile will not be able to solve the problem, because they do not have the necessary information.

Moreover: treatment by non-specialist doctors can harm both your health and the health of the child. A lot of medicines and ointments are unacceptable for women in position. Non-specialist doctors do not always have such information.

Some of the prescribed drugs are useless. Pain at 36, 39 or 40 weeks of pregnancy is specific. A considerable part of the ointments will not help, since the focus is located deep inside the body.

It is best to report the symptom to your doctor. If you are supervised by a certain gynecologist, make an appointment with him. If the pain is sharp and sharp, try to get there as early as possible, perhaps out of turn.

If you do not have your own doctor, contact the antenatal clinic where you are attached. They will assign you a specialist who will conduct several examinations and make their verdict.

In the case of mild discomfort, which manifests itself only occasionally, you should not panic. Tell us about it at one of the scheduled inspections. It is not necessary to visit a doctor outside the plan.

Usually after such a complaint should be appointed biochemical analysis blood. simple and safe method diagnostics will reveal the root cause of the disease. In accordance with the results obtained, treatment is prescribed. If necessary, third-party specialists are involved. In some cases it is required surgical intervention. So, running symphysitis is best treated by a surgeon.

On early dates in case of urgent need, you can contact a non-core doctor and be sure to mention pregnancy.

Pain between the legs should not become unbearable. If such a symptom occurs at rest, during sleep, or in other similar situations- do not hesitate to contact a specialist. Delay can cost the child life and health!

If the diagnosis is made, your variant is recognized as the norm, take preventive measures. Even symphysitis can be treated conservatively if done correctly. First of all, physical education will help you.

Don't work too hard, but don't let yourself get lazy either. If any exercise is unpleasant, stop doing it.

Do the complexes in accordance with the deadline - at 9 months you should not burden yourself:

  1. Sit on the floor, if necessary, press your lower back against a warm wall. Take the so-called "yoga" pose - the legs are bent at the knees parallel to the floor, the feet touch each other. Relax, sit like this for 10 minutes, do breathing exercises.
  2. Stand on hard surface, tilt your body forward. Try to keep the back, neck and pelvis in one parallel line. Arch your back and lower your head, repeat the same thing, only in reverse.
  3. Squat down, leaning back against something if desired. Extend your knees as far as possible. Stay in this position for a few minutes. It is not recommended to do it at a later date - after 34 weeks.

If you experience pain while sleeping, try to change your position. You can find more comfortable position and then the pain will stop. Try not to lie on your back, doctors do not recommend this position in the later stages.

These methods can relieve even severe discomfort. If necessary, a complex of medications is prescribed, but they try to avoid such a decision. Only some drugs have been fully tested on pregnant women, so the reaction of the body is unpredictable.

Prevention of painful symptoms

In order for the pain between the legs on the right, on the left, in the small pelvis and in the lower back not only to stop, but also not to start, it is necessary to observe preventive measures.

They are not too difficult, do not require special efforts and can save you from discomfort:

  • Start taking vitamin complexes. Modern man rarely eats properly and fully, so it is easy to find a small beriberi in his body. During pregnancy, it becomes critical.
  • Don't overwork yourself. No need to carry weights or walk outside for too long. You can’t sit at home all the time either, so it’s important to find a balance between the two extremes. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Change your daily menu. Eliminate salty and fatty foods from there. Instead, add foods rich in calcium and magnesium to your diet. Then the bones will no longer be fragile.
  • Don't eat too much. Control body weight, limit diet if necessary. Overweight threatens not only with a load on the joints, but also with difficult childbirth.
  • Always wear a special bandage. If there is no urgent need for it, do not forget about tights and stockings. They also do a great job in their supportive role.
  • Wear only comfortable clothes and shoes. Forget about heels - their maximum height should not exceed a couple of centimeters. And no pointed boats!
  • Use an orthopedic mattress and pillow. Sleep only on them. No featherbeds that are too soft or too hard should be allowed.

Pain in the hip joint after childbirth

Sometimes the discomfort does not disappear even after the birth of the child, constantly tormenting the young mother. According to doctors, this is quite normal. Pregnancy exhausts the body, as a result of which various diseases begin to appear in it.

If the appeal to the attending physician did not reveal anything dangerous, continue to follow the preventive measures. Try not to carry heavy things. The child needs to be held less.

Get a full examination. You may be prescribed tablets, ointments, or patches to treat your joints.


When such pains appear at 37, 38 or even 34 or 33 weeks of pregnancy, you should not worry. But if you have 24-28, or even 6-20 weeks, you should worry. See your doctor for advice on treatment.

Let's chat here:

A pregnant woman has to experience a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes even painful sensations for all three periods of pregnancy. Pain in the pelvic bones often appears on last trimester and is the most common among women on this period. There are many reasons for this, and that is why, having noticed pain in the pelvis, it is necessary to tell the gynecologist leading the pregnancy about it.

Causes of pain in the pelvic bones:

1. Change hormonal background. The ligaments on which the uterus is fixed to the pelvis relax, creating discomfort and sometimes pain in the pelvic bones. Since the ligaments are attached to the pelvis on the sides, pain due to the ligaments occurs from the left or right side and is acute. What distinguishes this pain is that with changes in position, it practically disappears. The uterus does not tense with such pains, therefore it does not create a threat to the child. Usually on recent weeks a woman is already getting used to such pain and does not notice it. After childbirth, pain in the pelvis due to ligaments disappears.

2. Growth of the uterus. The main support of the uterus is the pelvic bones. The shift in the center of gravity creates a huge load on the pelvic bones and causes pain of a aching nature. Multiple pregnancy is very often accompanied by pain in the pelvis for this reason.

3. Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Lack of calcium can cause symphysitis, which is very dangerous for the mother. But it is worth noting that excessive intake of calcium can lead to too dense bones of the skull and little fontanel The child has.

4. Increased weight. Pain usually appears when a woman's weight jumps, so it is very important to control weight throughout pregnancy.

5. Osteomalacia. Very serious illness bones, which makes them brittle and brittle. The pelvis in this disease is deformed and does not recover after deformation. The pain is localized not only in the pelvic bones, but also in the spine. With advanced osteomalacia, it is prescribed C-section or even termination of pregnancy if the disease occurred in the early stages.

6. Symphysite. Ligament relaxation normal phenomenon in a pregnant woman, but if because of this the pelvic bones diverge too much, pain appears. The divergence usually occurs in the symphysis so that it is easy for the child to pass through the birth canal. Pain with symphysitis is concentrated in the middle and delivers very severe pain. The gait, with such a strong divergence of the pelvic bone, is similar to the "duck".

7. Diseases of the bones. Arthrosis, arthritis and other bone diseases are very dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus. Diagnosis of these diseases should be carried out by a doctor.

8. Spikes. Usually occur with previous inflammatory diseases of the genital organs or peritonitis. The tension of the pelvic adhesions due to the growth of the uterus will create discomfort.

Pain prevention:

1. Taking a complex of vitamins prescribed by a gynecologist, without exceeding the dose prescribed by him.

2. Weight monitoring and control.

3. Small walks.

4. Complete nutrition and eating foods that contain calcium.

6. Wearing a bandage will reduce the load on the pelvic bones.

Treatment depends on the cause of the pain. Most often, calcium and vitamin D preparations are prescribed, a gel or cream can be prescribed. In case of severe pain, treatment in a hospital is mandatory. Prevention should be carried out by all pregnant women in order to recent months the pain didn't show up.

Material prepared specifically for the site

During gestation metabolic processes undergo significant changes in the body to ensure healthy intrauterine development of the child and prepare for childbirth. But often these changes can lead to negative symptoms and unnecessary discomfort. A typical situation is when there are pains in the pelvis during pregnancy. The problem is quite common - about half of women experience pain. ABOUT possible reasons, mechanisms of development, as well as methods of therapeutic and prophylactic effects on the pelvic structures, this article will tell.

Bearing a baby means a major restructuring of vital functions for the body. And these changes primarily concern reproductive system. The uterus changes to a greater extent. Some authors of medical aids compare the uterus before conception to a medium-sized apple, and when the pregnancy is 39 weeks, it is comparable in size to a large watermelon. An enlarged uterus is a huge burden for the entire musculoskeletal system. This is one of the reasons why the pelvis hurts during pregnancy, and it can already hurt in the early stages, starting at about 16 weeks, reaching the maximum intensity of pain at 39 weeks of gestation.

Often women feel that the pelvic bones hurt on the left side or on the right side due to sprain of the uterine ligaments. In fact, a ligament is a tendon of connective tissue. An increase in the uterus stretches it, but the connective tissue elements are difficult to succumb to this process, which is why it hurts. A pregnant woman begins to feel similar sensations already in the early stages, but the most severe pain caused by this cause are observed when pregnancy occurs at 37 weeks.

The origin of pelvic pain explained hormonal changes. In the body of a pregnant woman, the ovaries and placenta begin to secrete a special hormone - relaxin. Its biological role is to act on the birth canal, preparing them for the upcoming birth of a baby. Relaxin acts on connective tissue structures, softening them, pubic symphysis and others. The amount of the hormone gradually increases, starting from the moment of conception, reaching a peak at 37 weeks, and in some at 39 weeks of gestation.

Relaxin sometimes causes serious problems with health. Softening of the pubic joint is fraught with the appearance there inflammatory process, the disease is called "symphysitis". The woman not only experiences pain, she begins to limp, her gait is often compared to the movements of a duck, it is difficult for her to lift her legs up, there are difficulties in moving up the stairs.

Bone pain indicates a lack of structural elements necessary for embryonic development

For growth and normal development baby needs a lot nutrients that the fetus receives from the mother's body. When the baby begins to form its own skeletal system, a lot of calcium is required for synthetic needs. With a discrepancy between the indicators of microelements coming from the external environment and those that are needed for development, the pregnant woman begins to have problems with bones and teeth, since they are the source of calcium for the fetus. Pelvic pain during pregnancy is one of the consequences of a lack of structural elements necessary for healthy embryonic development.

Pain in the pelvic area can result from so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions. These are not real contractions, but only mild uterine cramps. An experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to distinguish them, because they are characterized by prematurity (come about a month before delivery), as well as a shorter duration and intensity of pain than with real contractions. At the 39th week of pregnancy, you should carefully pay attention to such phenomena, because long bouts of pain and uterine contractions can indicate an upcoming birth.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that the pelvis can hurt for the following reasons:

  • Increased load on the musculoskeletal system with increased weight.
  • Stretching of the round ligaments of the uterus.
  • Negative effects of relaxin.
  • Lack of calcium.
  • False contractions.

It should be noted that every woman can get sick on different reasons or as a result complex impact multiple factors at the same time. Difficulties are encountered more often than others by those women who suffered from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system even before conception. We are talking about diseases such as osteomyelitis or osteochondrosis, trauma or fractures of the pelvic bones on the left or right.

How to get rid and prevent

When the pelvic bones hurt in a pregnant woman, this significantly worsens the quality of life. A negative psycho-emotional background is created, which negatively affects the development of the fetus. Therefore, all causes and factors that serve as sources of pain should be controlled as far as possible.

With pain in the pelvic bone, women begin psycho-emotional problems

Pain relief is excluded, as drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have an analgesic effect, cross the placenta. In order not to put the child at risk, all medicines should be prescribed and taken only under the supervision of doctors. Any treatment started independently is fraught with serious consequences.

So that the pelvic bones do not hurt or in order to get rid of the unpleasant sensations that have already arisen, you need to observe several simple rules. First of all, limit as much as possible long-term physical exercise, do not walk or stand for a long time. Especially in the later stages, at 39 weeks of gestation, when the stomach reaches large sizes. Those who had problems before conception overweight, under control medical specialists it is necessary to control body weight, which will significantly reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system and reduce pain.

Help reduce pain and wearing discomfort proper clothes. It should be comfortable and not squeezing.

Wearing shoes on high heels excluded. From the gestational age of 30 weeks, a woman can wear a special bandage. This is such a special belt or bandage that is worn on the stomach and helps to evenly distribute its weight. So the mechanical pressure on the pelvic bones decreases along with pain.

Every woman is obliged to replenish calcium reserves - both for the purpose of preventing pain and for treatment. The doctor may prescribe special vitamin preparations. But you can replenish the amount of trace elements in the body by including the following foods in the diet:

  • Kefir.
  • Milk.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Yogurt.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Raisin.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Almonds etc.

As you know, the metabolic processes in the body associated with calcium, go with the participation of vitamin D, which is formed in the skin under the action of sunlight. So a pregnant woman will benefit from small walks on sunny days. When the synthesis of vitamin D increases, calcium metabolism also normalizes. In addition, gymnastics is welcome, which will strengthen the pelvic muscles and reduce pain. But special exercises should be performed not only for pregnant women. Women who are preparing to conceive should do gymnastics and keep their pelvic muscles in good shape.

A woman should always maintain the level of calcium in the body


When it hurts in the pelvis - this is a very common problem. Those women who have this second and subsequent pregnancies are especially affected. But all the causes of pain are well studied and some of them are successfully controlled. The main thing is to follow all the above rules and follow the recommendations of doctors. The main tactic that all women who are carrying a baby should adhere to is the rejection of pharmacological drugs that cross the placenta. Any treatment, including pain relief, can have serious consequences for the fetus.

It is worth noting that it can also be ill for reasons not related to pregnancy. In particular, pain occurs in diseases of the intestines, urinary system, etc. Any negative symptom is serious reason Seek professional advice or help. Take care of your health and your children!

Women have various changes in the body associated with the physiological course of pregnancy. This is the time you want to spend in a good mood, feeling the joy of waiting for the birth of a child.

But this is not always possible, because the accompanying unpleasant manifestations interfere, which often overshadow all the happy moments. This situation, of course, causes a woman's increased concern about her health and the condition of the fetus.

Pregnancy and the skeletal system

Quite often, doctors have to hear complaints that bones hurt during pregnancy. Basically, such a symptom is observed from the pelvic region and lower extremities, which is quite understandable in women in the later stages.

In most cases, this is entirely due to the normal course of pregnancy, but there are exceptions. When doubts arise about the physiological nature of such changes, it is necessary to consider each case in detail in order to find out the reason for such a phenomenon.

Bone pain can occur not only on the eve of childbirth. It is necessary to carefully consider such a symptom, since various diseases can be hidden behind it.


When bones hurt during pregnancy, you need to consider all the factors that can lead to the appearance of such complaints. And if physiological causes cannot fully explain the occurrence of this symptom, attention should be paid to pathological conditions. Most often pain syndrome becomes a sign of such conditions:

  • Physiological changes.
  • Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D.
  • Symphysiopathy.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the pelvis.

Thus, pain may indicate not only normal flow pregnancy, but also become a serious problem that requires a timely solution. You can not rely entirely on the transience of such a phenomenon.

Although in most cases the pain disappears some time after childbirth, they should still be considered as a signal that a specialist needs to intervene.

It is worth trying to minimize the impact of these factors on the body of a pregnant woman. Then the pain will become much less disturbing.


When talking about pain in the pelvis or thigh, they often pay attention to only one of the symptoms. But you should always take into account other signs that may bother a woman in connection with a change in her condition. Most often, this phenomenon makes you experience:

  • Difficulty trying to get into a comfortable position.
  • Restriction of movements.
  • Gait disturbance.
  • Increased pain on exertion.

All this provokes a deterioration in the general psychological state women, prevents her from performing daily work and, as a result, reduces the quality of life during the period of bearing a child.

If we consider in more detail the causes of pain, then we can notice other symptoms that cannot be left without due attention.

Physiological changes

During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, there is intensive growth fetus, a woman gains weight, which naturally increases the load on the osteoarticular apparatus. TO

In addition, there is an increased formation of the hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments, tendons, pubic articulation, and reduces the tone of muscle fibers.

All this is necessary in the context of preparing a woman's body for the upcoming birth. And if it is observed multiple pregnancy, large fruit or polyhydramnios, then the load on the body becomes even greater.

Women are often accompanied by pain not only in the pelvis or thigh, but also in the back. In connection with the redistribution of the load and the shift in the center of gravity, there is a tension in the muscles of the lower back. A pregnant woman cannot sit for a long time in the third trimester - her butt and back hurt.

When the pelvic bones hurt during pregnancy, you must first pay attention to the physiological nature of such changes. If normal manifestations do not justify the severity of symptoms, it is necessary to look for other causes.

Calcium and vitamin D deficiency

Often during pregnancy, a woman experiences a lack of vitamins and minerals. This problem is especially acute in relation to calcium metabolism.

Since this element is extremely important in the construction skeletal system developing fetus, then its lack in food or certain malabsorption can cause an outflow of calcium from the body of a woman.

Together with the changes that occur in the norm, a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D adversely affects not only the condition of the bones, but also the teeth, skin appendages of a pregnant woman. The carious process often intensifies, the hair becomes brittle, their natural shine decreases, nails may change.


To prepare for childbirth, there is a slight discrepancy pubic bones in their connection area. This is necessary for the insertion of the fetal head and its safe birth. But if such a discrepancy goes beyond the norm, exceeding 1 cm, then they talk about symphysiopathy. This may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The pain is localized in the pubic area, spreading to the groin, thigh, tailbone.
  • Increased discomfort when turning, especially during sleep - from one side to the other.
  • Specific gait - "duck".

Characteristic is the gradual increase in pain as the term of childbirth approaches. Symphysiopathy can be detected clinically: pain occurs when pressing on the pubis, a woman cannot raise her straight legs from a supine position.

If the pelvis hurts during pregnancy, this may be a sign of symphysiopathy. Depending on its expression general state women suffer up to the need to apply for disability after childbirth.


One of common causes pain becomes osteoarthritis of the hip joint. This disease is common among people young age, developing as a result of past injuries or overweight.

At the same time, pain in the thigh area is predominantly permanent, aggravated by exertion. In addition, the following features are characteristic:

  • The starting character of the pain is at the beginning of the movement.
  • Sensation of crunching and friction in the joint.
  • Restriction of mobility of various degrees.
  • Difficulty walking.

If inflammation of the joint capsule joins, then the pain becomes more acute, perhaps even infringement of the synovial membrane between the articular surfaces, which leads to a functional block.


Pathology of the lumbar spine is often accompanied by the spread of pain in the pelvic bones. At the same time, other symptoms associated with radicular, vascular and muscle changes appear:

  • Painful "lumbago" in the lower back.
  • Irradiation of pain along the way sciatic nerve- in leg.
  • Decreased muscle tone.
  • Weakening of tendon reflexes.
  • Back muscle tension.

An increase in the load on the lower back during pregnancy can provoke an infringement of the nerve roots.


After finding out why the bones hurt during pregnancy, it is necessary to begin adequate treatment. This will depend on the identified pathology and the condition of the woman.

If changes in the pelvic region are associated with physiological changes, then we can restrict general rules which will also have a preventive focus.

To minimize the impact of pregnancy on the musculoskeletal system of a woman, it is necessary to follow simple rules regarding lifestyle. This will strengthen the ligaments, normalize mineral metabolism, prepare the muscles for future childbirth. It is recommended to follow these rules:

  • Eat properly and fully, with the obligatory use of foods containing calcium: dairy products, hard cheeses.
  • Watch your weight, avoid overeating.
  • Wearing comfortable clothes and shoes.
  • Regular walks in nature.
  • If necessary, wear a prenatal bandage.
  • Ensure a comfortable position: the seating surface should be soft, put a cushion under your feet on the bed, and a pillow under the pelvis.
  • Perform gymnastics for pregnant women, swim in the pool.

In order for pain in the pelvic bones to go less noticeably, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the possibility of their occurrence.

Physical exercise

To get rid of pain in the pelvis and lower back at various stages of pregnancy will help special physical exercise. They are distinguished by ease, lack of contraindications and a direct effect on desired groups muscles. For pregnant women, the following exercises can be recommended:

  • Kneeling and leaning on your palms, relax the muscles of the lower back. Then bend your back, tilting your head down.
  • From a supine position, move the feet to the buttocks, spreading the knees to the sides.
  • Lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, raise and lower the pelvis.

When a woman is diagnosed with symphysiopathy, it becomes necessary to wear a special fixing orthosis, which will reduce the degree of divergence of the pubic bones. In the elimination of muscle and bone pain, light massage and manual therapy also help.

Medical therapy

Identified diseases require optimal treatment, which is mainly carried out using medicines. But it is always necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the effect of medicines on the fetus.

Therefore, any drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor and are taken under his strict supervision. If a pregnant woman has a backache, the bones of the pelvis and hips hurt, the following groups of drugs can be recommended:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Vitamins (B, D).
  • Calcium preparations.

It is advisable to use drugs in the form of forms for local application- ointment, gel, balm. They do not have systemic side effects and have a direct effect on the pathological focus.

All medicines must comply with safety indicators for the pregnant woman and the fetus. They are prescribed according to generally accepted standards and clinical guidelines.

To eliminate or minimize bone pain during pregnancy, you must first determine what provoked them. Only then can advice be given. effective measures and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The joy of expecting a child in almost all expectant mothers is overshadowed by the appearance of discomfort and pain in various parts body. More than half of women are faced with a condition when the pelvis hurts during pregnancy.

Pelvic pain is a symptom that disappears after the baby is born, but as long as the pregnancy continues, it will not be possible to completely eliminate them. If a woman is worried given state, then she needs to know about the causes and prevention of malaise.

Often during pregnancy, women ask the doctor a question - why do the pelvic bones hurt? In most cases, experts consider this condition to be the norm, quite characteristic of late gestation.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus grows rapidly, and the woman gains weight, which leads to an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, the synthesis of relaxin, a hormone that softens the ligaments, tendons and pubic articulation, and also reduces the tone of the pelvic muscles, increases.

All these phenomena are physiological, they prepare female body to childbirth. And with factors such as, a large fetus and, the load becomes even stronger.

Unpleasant sensations can spread not only to the hip joints, but also to the lumbar region. This is due to the shift of the usual center of gravity and the redistribution of the total load, against which there are pains in the pelvis and lower back during pregnancy.

If a woman complains about this condition, the specialist pays attention to the physiological nature of the symptoms. In the case when the pelvis hurts and this cannot be explained by the natural state during pregnancy, you need to find out what caused the problem.


No matter how different women are, most of them face the appearance of pain in the pelvic bones during pregnancy.

This condition can be explained by several reasons. Consider the main ones:

  • Lack of calcium in the body. During prenatal development the fetus is forming a skeleton, so it needs calcium from the first weeks of pregnancy. If the body of the expectant mother lacks this trace element, the fetus “pulls” calcium from the teeth and bones. In this case, a woman may notice that her teeth are deteriorating and pain in the pelvic area appears. You can solve the problem additional reception calcium.
  • Twisting of ligaments. The uterus is located inside the pelvis, to which it is attached with the help of a ligamentous apparatus. Ligaments are not elastic and slightly extensible, they stretch with different parties to the uterus from the bones, and penetrate deeply into its walls. The growth of the uterus is uneven, so the ligaments twist into uneven spirals, against this background, the woman has a feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area.
  • Weight set. Every woman gains weight during pregnancy, as her body must provide enough resources for the development of the unborn child. But additional weight loads the lumbar spine, against the background of which pain occurs. Between the vertebrae are nerve endings that braid the organs of the small pelvis. If the vertebrae are compressed due to increased body weight and lead to pinching of nerve fibers, a woman has pain in the pelvis during pregnancy.
  • Hormone relaxin. In the later stages, the expectant mother synthesizes a large number of relaxin, which prepares the ligaments and bones of the pelvis for the birth of the baby, softening them. But in the blood, this hormone should be contained in the optimal concentration, so if there are severe pains in the pelvic area, it is better to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe a blood test that will determine the level of relaxin in the body. If it turns out to be elevated, most likely we are talking about symphysis.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders. This is another reason why the pelvis hurts during pregnancy. Diseases such as scoliosis, as well as a history of spinal injuries are usually accompanied by pain in Everyday life. During the bearing of the baby, the pain syndrome intensifies due to the increased load. It will help to minimize the pain in this case. proper nutrition and lifestyle, as well as appropriate treatment.

The nature of the pain

In most cases, the pains are symphysiopathic in nature, that is, unpleasant sensations appear in, pelvic bones and. At the same time, the woman notes increased weakness and fatigue. Sometimes there is a symptom such as "duck gait", in which case it is necessary to do an ultrasound to exclude a pronounced divergence of the bones in the pubic joint.

Severe pelvic pain in expectant mothers appears infrequently. Usually they are associated with a pathology such as symphysitis, which is characterized by increased mobility and inflammation of the pubic joint. This pain interferes motor activity and brings a lot of discomfort to a woman, the condition requires conservative treatment.

Pain can appear at any time, but it is most typical for the third trimester. To prevent complications, it is important to tell your doctor about your feelings.

If the pain is strong

If the expectant mother has severe pain in the pelvic bones during pregnancy, we can also talk about symphysitis. This, which arose against the background of its increased mobility. In this case, the pain is strong and constant, it increases during walking, changing the position of the body and other physical activity.

The exact causes of symphysitis are unknown, but doctors attribute this disease to an excess of relaxin and a lack of calcium in the body. Treatment is based on anti-inflammatory and painkillers, taking multivitamins, wearing a bandage and doing exercises for pregnant women. Childbirth is most often carried out by surgery.

Which doctor should I contact if a pregnant woman has a pelvic pain?

If the pain is constant, you need to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist in antenatal clinic. The doctor's task is to find out why the pelvic bones hurt, and help the woman eliminate the discomfort. Most often, the specialist prescribes expectant mother biochemical research blood, on the basis of which he draws conclusions about the state of her body.

If we are talking about a lack of calcium in the blood, a woman is prescribed vitamins enriched with this microelement. In addition to calcium, a doctor may advise a woman to review her diet to include more greens, meat, fish, and dairy products.

How to relieve pain?

If discomfort in the pelvic area appeared unexpectedly, the expectant mother needs to reduce physical activity and rest more.

It will help to normalize the state and special complex trace elements, as well as compliance with simple recommendations:

  • you can not stay in a sitting position for more than an hour;
  • you need to give up long walks and climbing stairs;
  • lying and sitting is important on soft surfaces;
  • weight should be evenly distributed on both legs - the asymmetric position of the body increases pain in the pelvis;
  • if the pain appeared at night, it is enough to change the position of the body;
  • if you need a long trip in a car, you must first drink a calcium preparation.

Special gymnastics will also help reduce pain:

  1. Get on your knees, put your hands on the floor. Relax your back, head and spine should be in line. Arch your back, lower your head, tighten the muscles of your hips and abdomen.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees so that the heels are as close to the buttocks as possible. Slowly open and close your knees.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly. Slowly raise the pelvis, and fix the body in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Each exercise is performed 3 to 6 times. If fatigue appears, the gymnastics is completed.