Why is it dangerous to develop thrush during pregnancy? Dangerous diseases during pregnancy. What can not be pregnant? Everything listed below

Pregnancy is not only the happiest time for a future mother, but also an extremely responsible event, which not every woman can go through with honor, avoiding all temptations. On the way to the birth of a healthy and strong baby Every day, hundreds of dangers, temptations and superstitions lie in wait for each of us, which can only slightly harm us and our beloved fetus, or they can take us to the hospital to save the baby, or even provoke premature birth and other extremely unpleasant annoyances.

So let's figure out what should be avoided by pregnant women. I will not dwell on the well-known truths that smoking cigarettes, hookah, tobacco, drinking alcohol, i.e. vodka, other strong alcoholic drinks, as well as beer, wine and similar tinctures - is also highly discouraged, because then it will inevitably affect the health of the offspring not in better side(up to dementia, frequent illnesses and even miscarriage).

I am silent about can't use drugs This, in my personal opinion, goes without saying.

Let's talk about less obvious, but no less burning topics about the dangers and benefits of this or that behavior, the use of certain products on our body during this wonderful nine-month period. prenatal development our baby.

First of all, I want to say that the widely publicized benefits of Kegel vaginal muscle exercises often lead expectant mothers to the hospital ahead of time, they are put in storage, because they did these exercises 3-5 times a day for 5-10 with the persistence of fanatics. and more minutes, thinking that in this way they will help themselves during childbirth.

Therefore, dear ladies, Don't Overdo Kegel Exercises! They are effective and harmless only when performed for no more than 10 minutes a day! Otherwise, you may end up in the gynecological department much earlier than planned and with completely disappointing fears about the future.

Secondly, physical exercise, this is also, of course, a class, but in moderation. Modern doctors do not see much difference between the birth of a woman who led an active lifestyle, and a passive lady. But the former are more likely to be saved, again due to excessive fanaticism and increased diligence.

10-15 minutes for the whole day will be enough to wave your arms slightly, move your legs, twist your neck to disperse blood through your body.

Stick to the golden mean and be sure to listen to your inner biological voice.

Thirdly, the benefits breathing exercises during delivery, of course, is large, but not so much as to rehearse them more often than 5 times a day before, and so that in total the number of these rehearsals again exceeds 10 minutes a day.

After all, before a woman calmly gave birth to children without any respiratory contortions, and everything was fine.

Therefore, it is much more important recent months pregnancy to be like a school of motherhood and learn to listen to your body in order to become an ally with it, rather than indiscriminately apply those methods that may be completely ineffective for you.

Also undesirable to experience negative emotions . If the doctor observing you upsets you, change him, and possibly even change the maternity hospital to another one with a more “friendly interface” - fortunately, now there are such institutions, and not just casemate maternity hospitals.

Involve dad in communicating with the baby - let him stroke your tummy, give you a massage, because everything he does for you, he now does more for his child.

Avoid these harmful products during pregnancy like tea (black, green, herbal), coffee in large doses. Drink them no more than 1-2 times a week, even if you really want to.

Eliminate from your diet chips and crackers in bags - they have too many carcinogens.

Also, carefully read the labels on the packaging of goods in stores and try to use as little as possible those in which there are a lot of E-additives, in which there are GMOs, or which are unlikely to be natural for such money.

By the way, most of the dairy products (I would even say - 99%) in stores are simply oversaturated with chemistry, so I recommend buying more healthy and definitely natural products grandmothers in the markets, who bring them from the villages.

If possible, take your husband under your armpit and let him take you to the nearest village, and buy milk, cottage cheese, sour cream there, which are extremely useful for the development of your baby. It’s also better to buy chicken, pork, beef, fish there - they have less growth hormones than those sold in supermarkets and chicken boutiques.

Even non-alcoholic beer is definitely harmful, it contains a certain percentage of alcohol. Although, if there is a desire to give birth to a future alcoholic ... This is your own business.

Kvass is useful, but if it is natural. Therefore, it is better to buy kvass from barrels, which are brought and made at bakeries; in bottles, kvass is usually oversaturated with various preservatives and flavorings.

A computer and a laptop are not harmful to pregnant women if they take at least one break per hour for 5 minutes, and do not sit without a break from the monitor all day. Get up, go to the toilet, take a shower, have a snack, look out the window, stretch (but carefully!), in general, diversify your sitting with some kind of movement.

Ultrasound for pregnant women is not harmful, but not useful, especially often. More than 3 times in 9 months to do an ultrasound usually does not make sense. Ultrasound is a delicate thing, and it will not harm one million children, but the first million can be very sensitive.

So do not tempt fate and just wait until the last months, do not rush to find out who you have - a boy or a girl.

But before giving birth, I highly recommend an ultrasound scan to make sure that the baby is developing well, and to take (necessarily!) His photo with the genitals, so that after the birth, in which case you won’t be told that you had a boy, if there was girl.

Solarium for pregnant women is harmful. It is already harmful: in the UK, many middle-aged women (30-40 years old) die from it from oncological diseases. for poor English ladies, it is not a luxury, but a means of leisure, which often ends in the grave.

But sunbathing in the gentle sun from morning to 11 and after 17 hours in the afternoon is just right. But if not for a long time, because everything that is too much is too much.

Of the harmful work, I would single out the carrying of weights - they must be excluded: on early dates this can lead to miscarriage, in the later - to premature birth and difficult birth.

It is also desirable to exclude nervous work: no money can compensate you for your health, it will be more expensive for you and your baby to be treated later.

self tanning, decorative cosmetics, sprays and antiperspirants, as well as other chemicals, perfumes, it is advisable to completely and completely exclude from your makeup. By the way, quite recently, scientists suddenly discovered that antiperspirants provoke cancer. Surprised! I've always been sick of their smell, even before pregnancy.

In general, you need to listen to yourself, and in case of doubt, give up what you doubt.

Of course, scientists do not yet have scientific evidence that dyeing hair negatively affects the health of the child, but this does not mean that this is really the case. Therefore, rather than risk it, it’s better to look unpainted - you still have time to be beautiful later.

Household chemicals also harmful to pregnant women, so try not to contact her. If it’s impossible to get your husband to clean the toilet with a toilet duck, at least do it with rubber gloves and get out into the air more often.

Masturbation and sex during pregnancy are good, not bad. But not for everyone. For those women who have special contraindications, they can be harmful, provoke premature birth, especially in the last two months.

But for most ladies and their future children, both masturbation and sex with a beloved man are good.

But it is harmful to stimulate the nipples in last trimester- so you can artificially, prematurely stimulate childbirth ahead of time. The same goes for washing floors in a pose, excuse me, cancer, and lifting weights.

cry pregnant possible, but not very often. Those. we, women, can be fed with hysteria like bread, and for pregnant women, a periodic outburst of emotions is the norm. But do not revel in your suffering, remember that it is not only meaningless, but in your case also destructive - in this way you lay a whiny character and a defeatist attitude in your baby. So be strong, be strong for the sake of his happiness.

I think everyone will agree that the expectant mother should carefully take care of herself and her baby. Any negative factor, be it food, environment or a person with negative energy, can cause terrible irreversible consequences for the fetus. To avoid this, please read the following list: what not to pregnant.

What can not be pregnant? Everything listed below!

1. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to take drugs of any kind and degree of exposure. They cross the placenta and the child also becomes a drug addict. In addition to the withdrawal syndrome, which will torment the newborn for the first few days after birth, the baby may also have various serious deviations: physical deformity, psychomotor disorders, dementia, breathing problems and much more. Mothers who used drugs while carrying a fetus, as a rule, go to the doctors with the child all their lives.

It is worth noting that addicted drug addicts with experience cannot get pregnant at all. Why deliberately destroy the life of a child. In addition, such mothers themselves are not able to take care of their children.

2. Pregnant women should also not smoke. The harm from nicotine, which the fetus also receives, is simply enormous. Cigarette smoke disrupts blood circulation in the placenta. And this, in turn, leads to . In addition, children of smoking mothers are often born premature, handicapped, mentally retarded. Since childhood, the baby may have breathing problems, including the risk of bronchial asthma and allergies. Difficulties with learning and common development organism. Directly, childbirth in women who smoked during pregnancy often occurs with complications.

There are many women who are told not to smoke while pregnant. And they, in turn, begin to prove that quitting smoking during pregnancy is dangerous. These are just excuses. Everyone is able to overcome their habit if they want to, including pregnant women. Every adequate woman who wants to have healthy child, and not a disabled person, quits smoking as soon as she learns about her situation.

It is impossible to quit smoking only if the expectant mother is an avid smoker who is in the last months of pregnancy and whose body condition deteriorates sharply and severely when trying to quit smoking. In this case, such a woman just needs to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day to a minimum! This is for everyone!

3. What else is impossible for a future mother? Alcohol! In any quantities! And such unbearable excuses: “Doctors say that a little red wine is even healthy” or “if you really want it, you can” - it doesn’t fit into any framework. The fact that for you a small pile of alcohol seems like a drop, for your unborn child it will be a huge dose of a poisonous substance.

Children with Down syndrome and mental retardation physical development are often born precisely to women who drank alcohol during pregnancy. And in alcoholic mothers, in general, children from birth are unhealthy, handicapped, often have characteristic appearance: convex forehead, flattened nose and underdeveloped chin.

Even just one glass of wine drunk by a woman during her entire pregnancy can cause serious violations in fetal development.

4. We continue to discuss the question: what is not allowed for pregnant women. Never vaccinate with live attenuated germs. These are, for example, vaccinations against smallpox, polio, yellow fever, measles, etc. Since there are big risk the fact that live viruses get to the fetus and thereby cause serious violations or even lead to miscarriage or miscarriage.

Another important note! Small children can be carriers of toxoplasmosis. Therefore, pregnant women need to ensure that the saliva of the child does not get into their mouth.

In order to detect this disease in time, pregnant women are recommended to conduct serodiagnosis regularly (once a month). This is a special analysis to detect infections.

6. Expectant mothers are forbidden to engage in sports that shake Bottom part belly. These are, for example, equestrian sports, light and weightlifting, tennis, skating, long cycling, mountain climbing, surfing, skateboarding, volleyball, basketball, football, etc. There is an opinion of experts that pregnant women should not even walk for a long time. In all these cases, there is a risk of miscarriage.

Must be replaced active species sports for calm and useful for pregnant women: swimming, gymnastics for pregnant women, a short walk on fresh air, ideally in a forest or park.

7. It is also dangerous for pregnant women to lift weights. A heavy load is considered to be from 5 kilograms, lifted by a pregnant woman at a time. And when carrying things over a distance, this figure drops to 3 kilograms. Lifting heavy things by the expectant mother leads to an increase in pressure in abdominal cavity. And this, in turn, can cause placental abruption and miscarriage.

8. It is impossible for pregnant women to take x-rays of any parts of the body, especially the abdominal cavity, pelvis and spine. This exposure causes abnormalities in the chromosomes of the fetus. As a result, a child may be born with genetic abnormalities, tumors different parts body, malformations.

The most dangerous period for x-rays is the first two months of pregnancy. A miscarriage may occur or the child will be born with severe developmental disabilities.

9. What is impossible for pregnant women is to inhale vapors of household and industrial chemicals. In addition to the fact that chemicals can make the pregnant woman feel worse, they also have a very strong effect on the fetus. Chemical vapors pass through the mother's body to the child, and they can cause serious disturbances in its development, in particular intrauterine growth retardation. Moreover, the baby after birth has a high risk of allergies.

Therefore, women in position should not be engaged in repairs, be in rooms with a toxic smell, use household chemicals at home. But if you cannot do without chemistry, and if there is no way to replace it safe means(soda, lemon, laundry soap, vinegar), then the following conditions must be observed: when using household cleaning agents, you must always open all vents, windows, doors; wear rubber gloves and protective mask; at the end of cleaning, hide the chemicals so that they do not spread vapors and thoroughly wash your hands and face, and preferably the whole body.

10. During pregnancy, it is dangerous to sleep on your stomach, especially if the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. This sleeping position causes additional pressure on the uterus and poor blood flow. This is fraught with the fact that the fetus will not receive enough nutrition, including oxygen. And as a result, developmental disorders and fetal hypoxia.

However, it should be noted that in the first trimester of pregnancy, you can sleep on your stomach without any consequences.

11. Pregnant women should not be in contact with insect and rodent repellents for a long time. This includes all kinds of substances: sprays, creams, adhesives, etc. This is fraught with the fact that the child may be born a freak, with Down syndrome and other mental and physical abnormalities.

12. Danger of overheating. In the first three months of pregnancy, when the laying of the main important organs occurs, including nervous system, it is extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman to overheat. Therefore, she cannot visit various baths, saunas and jacuzzis during this period. In just 10 minutes of being in such rooms, mom's body temperature rises up to 39 degrees Celsius. Because of this, a miscarriage may occur or a child will be born with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, or physical defects.

As for the second and third trimester of pregnancy, you can only visit baths for a few minutes.

13. Caffeine is very harmful. That is, pregnant women should not drink coffee, strong tea and other caffeinated products. This substance quickly enters the child through the placenta and lingers there for a long time, causing disruption of the baby's heart and nervous system.

Often, mothers who are fond of coffee or strong tea during pregnancy give birth to small children with heart problems. It is also possible that the newborn will be delayed mental development and other deviations.

14. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. That is about sunburn on open sun and in the solarium you need to forget until the very birth. Ultraviolet rays cause increased work of such endocrine glands as the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. As a result, there is an additional production of male hormones that suppress female ones.

And what is the result? Complicated pregnancy or even its premature completion (miscarriage, miscarriage).

If you really want to sunbathe, then only on the street until 11 am and after 4 pm, no more than 0.5-1 hour and in the shade!

15. And finally, a few words about drugs. And that pregnant women should not take any medications, with the exception of those allowed for expectant mothers. All these drugs are fraught with a strong threat of various abnormalities, ranging from intrauterine growth retardation to genetic abnormalities with life incompatibility.

So, dear future mothers, please take note of what we have just talked about. This is a guarantee of health for both you and yours. little miracle!

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You can often find the statements of expectant mothers that, they say, my friend during pregnancy ate what she wanted, and drank champagne for the holidays, and in women's consultation went irregularly, but everything went well for her - endured and gave birth healthy baby. Surely, many expectant mothers have doubts about the appropriateness of certain “no” during pregnancy. However, it is important to understand that the consequences of many prohibitions during pregnancy can manifest themselves much later, when, for example, your child is already several years old or even older. And they can affect even during pregnancy, on its course, the formation of your crumbs, and even in childbirth. Let's deal with the main "no" during pregnancy.

Alcohol during pregnancy: acts at the cellular level

Alcohol during pregnancy can lead to pregnancy failure or miscarriage or provoke premature birth. Through the mother's blood, alcohol enters the blood of the unborn baby and disrupts cell division. First of all, the cells of the brain and spinal cord suffer, and this leads to a delay in the physical and mental development future child. also considered one of the culprits birth defects vision, hearing, heart and genitourinary system.

Often the children of mothers who drank alcohol during pregnancy are born with a smaller height and weight. They may differ in specific facial features, such as having a small head and a flat face. These disorders may not become noticeable immediately, sometimes only a few years after birth, but they will accompany your child all his life. Alcohol during pregnancy can also affect your baby's behavior and learning ability.

Unjustified risk
Scientists still do not know what dose of alcoholic beverages is considered dangerous - for each expectant mother, this amount will be different depending on her state of health and individual alcohol tolerance. Therefore, in any case, risking the health of your unborn baby, allowing even slight weaknesses in relation to alcohol, is still not worth it.

Smoking during pregnancy: instead of vitamins - oxygen starvation of the fetus

Another addiction of a woman, dangerous both for her and for her unborn baby, is smoking during pregnancy. A smoking mother is more likely to have problems with the placenta, it is thinner, more at risk of abruption or heart attack. (A placental infarction means the death of part of its tissue due to a cessation or insufficiency of blood supply, as a result of which it is more difficult for a woman to bear a child.)

As in the case of alcohol consumption, children of smoking mothers often lag behind in development, physical, intellectual and emotional. Nicotine addiction can affect the laying and formation of most of their body systems. With each cigarette, the fetus receives on average 10 times more carbon monoxide in the blood than the mother herself. This leads to oxygen starvation of the unborn baby, which negatively affects its growth and development and can cause diseases of its respiratory system.

In recent months due to big belly it will be difficult for you to do elementary things anyway: get up from the couch, put on shoes, etc. And imagine how you will do it with extra pounds! It will be much more difficult for you to keep yourself in good physical form. Excess weight also responsible for increasing blood pressure and maternal metabolic disorder. Overeating will also make it harder for you to get back in shape after giving birth.

Excessive physical activity during pregnancy leads to fetal hypoxia

The better physical training women, the easier it will be for her to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. But during the bearing of the baby, it is important to choose right kind sports and the amount allowed in your specific case loads. If you did not go to the gym before pregnancy, it is better to give preference to swimming, yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, etc. If you are not used to it, your trainer will help you adjust the program for your condition, but you should also discuss the issue of acceptable loads with your doctor, watching your pregnancy.

excessive physical exercise during pregnancy can lead to energy wastage, lack of oxygen and increased pressure, which will negatively affect the child and may threaten with hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) fetus. Excessive loads are dangerous for bleeding or placental abruption, they increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Do not overwork and do household chores. Also, the expectant mother should not carry heavy bags and lift other weights of more than 5 kg.

A sedentary lifestyle impairs blood circulation

The other side of the coin is a sedentary lifestyle. Refusing activity and physical exercises, the expectant mother risks harming the circulatory process. This is fraught with venous stasis and development chronic diseases veins - varicose veins and hemorrhoids, which can accompany a woman after childbirth. In addition, physical inactivity can cause back pain and problems with joints, which experience increased stress during pregnancy.

Lack of movement also contributes to excessive weight gain with all its negative consequences, which were mentioned above. So it’s clearly not worth it for a future mother to lead a sedentary lifestyle. If you do not like sports and have never done anything, then try to go for a walk at least every day.

X-ray during pregnancy: effects at the genetic level

Any of these procedures involves irradiation of the body. Rays penetrate less dense fabrics, damaging cells that are in the process of dividing. The fetus is highly sensitive to radiation because most of its cells are actively dividing. The radiation destroys DNA chains and makes some cells non-viable or mutant.

X-rays during pregnancy are of particular danger in the first trimester, when the main body systems of the unborn baby are laid. The anomalies that develop as a result of exposure to such procedures depend on the week in which the fetus received a dose of radiation and which organs were laid down at that time. For example, an x-ray at the 4–8th week leads to valvular defects of the heart or heart muscle, at the 5–6th week - to the underdevelopment of the adrenal glands, at the 11–12th week – to the development of leukemia or anemia.

After 16 weeks, the danger of fluorography and x-rays during pregnancy decreases, but they can lead to pathologies of the circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract child. Therefore, these procedures are carried out only in special occasions by doctor's prescription.

It happens that the expectant mother believes that better than a doctor knows how to behave during pregnancy. For example, the doctor forbade you intimate life in the first trimester of pregnancy. This prohibition may be justified different reasons: increased tone uterus or other factors that, in the opinion of the obstetrician-gynecologist, may be dangerous in combination with sex. Neglect of this recommendation often leads to serious problems. So, with the result of its contractions during orgasm, pregnancy can be terminated. Therefore, it is very important to listen to the advice of the doctor leading your pregnancy, and try to fulfill all his appointments.

Flow colds during pregnancy, it manifests itself in the form of cough, runny nose, sneezing, nome congestion, sore throat, malaise, headaches, possibly elevated temperature body. Like everyone else, with the exception that the immunity of a pregnant woman is initially weakened. Therefore, the manifestation of all symptoms is likely to be more pronounced.

Expectant mothers are interested in whether a cold is dangerous during pregnancy, how to protect yourself from a cold, how and what to treat, what measures to take to get well soon what not to do, is it possible to take medications And which ones, so as not to harm the baby. You will learn the answers to these questions from the material of the article.

Colds are the same acute respiratory diseases or acute respiratory infections. Often a cold occurs due to a virus, the name of this condition is an acute respiratory viral infection or SARS.

It is dangerous, since a cold can cause complications that are dangerous for both mother and baby. The most dangerous are viral infections(SARS), especially influenza.

Often a cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the form that if a woman was a carrier of this virus before pregnancy, then the baby will be protected by the mother's antibodies. If a woman first became infected during pregnancy, then there may be various consequences.

However, it should be remembered that the capabilities of our body are high, do not immediately panic. Sometimes a strong flu can pass without serious consequences. According to statistics, 80% of women suffer from a cold, most at the beginning of pregnancy, and despite this, healthy babies are born.

Danger for the baby

The most dangerous cold is considered to be in the first trimester, or rather, the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After all, this is precisely the period when a fertilized egg is born and formed little man. If you get sick in the first trimester, then a cold will either affect the baby or bypass it. In the first case, it is likely that miscarriage, since the child may develop malformations incompatible with life. If, after a cold, the pregnancy proceeds well, no pathologies were detected on the ultrasound, then you should not worry.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a cold is not so dangerous, although its occurrence can lead to feto-placental insufficiency, which can be harmful developing baby due to the disruption of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it ...

In the 3rd trimester, a cold can cause fetal growth retardation syndrome, intrauterine hypoxia fetus (lack of oxygen, which can cause brain damage to the baby) and lead to premature birth.

Danger for the expectant mother

A cold for a pregnant woman can be extremely backfire such as polyhydramnios, the risk of miscarriage, as well as premature birth, large blood loss during childbirth, complication postpartum period, outpouring amniotic fluid ahead of schedule.

Cold prevention

Much easier to follow simple rules to strengthen the immune system than to fight a cold.

In order not to catch a cold, you should take preventive measures aimed at strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother should follow the following recommendations:

  • Walk outdoors for at least three hours a day
  • Eat properly.
  • Take vitamins. Drink vitamin teas, such as rosehip teas (rosehip contains vitamin C to boost the body's immunity)
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Do not get wet in rainy weather
  • Possible when visiting public places lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment
  • If someone in your house is sick, you can chop the onion and garlic and put it in the room
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room daily
  • You can use aromatic oils tea tree, lavender, orange, eucalyptus).
  • Washing the nose, rinsing the mouth after visiting public places
  • Dress for the weather

If you still get sick, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • Reduce your physical activity try to sleep. During pregnancy, you can not endure a cold on your feet!
  • Do not take antibiotics, especially Levomycetin and Tetracycline! Antibiotics cannot help with SARS, as they do not act on viruses. Antibiotics should be considered only in extremely severe cases, with the development of severe complications that cannot be dealt with using alternative methods.
  • Drink plentifully, best of all tea with lemon, tea with raspberries, milk with honey, infusion of leaves and sprigs of raspberries. It is necessary to control the amount of fluid taken, as excess fluid can lead to swelling.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as salt contributes to swelling and, as a result, increased nasal congestion.
  • Reduce the intake of fatty and heavy foods, as the body spends a lot of effort and energy on its absorption, which are better spent on recovery.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

Be sure to consult your doctor. After all, the choice of treatment should be approached very carefully and deliberately. After all, colds and flu are not the same thing. Influenza cannot be treated on its own, it can lead to severe complications. If the cough does not decrease within a week, you should definitely see a doctor so as not to lead to pneumonia.

Mostly, the treatment of colds during pregnancy should be carried out using folk remedies and methods.


You need to gargle more often, preferably every hour. Choose the option that suits you best.

  • Rinse with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, sea salt
  • Rinse with water with the addition of salt, soda and iodine. In a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda, a few drops of iodine.
  • Rinse with water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture of propolis.


  • Warm milk + internal goose fat or warm milk + butter + honey can be used to alleviate a cough.
  • Raspberry, honey
  • Inhalations with essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, wild rose, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort are suitable for such inhalations. Inhalation is carried out as follows: a few drops of the selected essential oil(you should like the smell) you need to add to a pot of boiling water. Next, you should inhale the healing steam, leaning over the pan and covering your head with a towel. Immediately after inhalation, you should go to bed.
  • It is also useful to breathe in pairs of boiled potatoes in their skins + 1 tablespoon chamomile or sage or eucalyptus or blackcurrant leaves.
  • Mix honey and water in a ratio of 1:5 at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is necessary to inhale vapors from one nostril, then the second nostril, then through the mouth.

Runny nose

  • Inhalation of the smell of chopped onion and garlic 2 times a day for 10 minutes
  • The use of soda-tannin drops. Preparation: brew 1 teaspoon of tea in a glass of boiling water, evaporate it over low heat for 15 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution is instilled into the nose, 1-2 pipettes in each nostril 2-3 times a day, after instillation, immediately blow your nose well.
  • During sleep, take an elevated position to reduce blood flow to the nasal mucosa.
  • You can instill herbal solutions from freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice
  • Steam your hands under a hot water faucet
  • Washing with soda solution, saline solution
  • Drip us with aloe juice


If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, it is not necessary to bring it down.

  • Wet wraps are used. To do this, wrap yourself in a wet sheet from natural fabric and covered with warm blankets. IN this case profuse sweating occurs and the temperature drops.
  • Rubdown vinegar solution with water (2:1), vodka
  • Drink more diaphoretic tea, linden infusion
  • Drink cranberry juice


  • Apply a leaf of white cabbage to the temples and forehead

Horseradish is an excellent immunostimulant. Horseradish root should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of sugar, leave the mixture for 12 hours in a warm place, strain. In the acute period of a cold, take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Pregnant women are forbidden with a cold:

  • You can't soar your legs, you can't take a hot bath
  • You cannot use individual medicinal plants Be sure to read the instruction leaflet.
  • Immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures, antipyretics, drugs that increase blood pressure and pulse are not allowed.
  • You should not take vitamin C tablets, as it contributes to blood thinning in large quantities and this can cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
  • Can't take antibiotics
  • You can not Aspirin and preparations containing it (Coldrex, Efferalgan)
  • You can not go to the bath, sauna

However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to do without medical preparations. It is important to weigh every decision, every step, so as not to harm.

What medicines can be taken during pregnancy?

  • Paracetamol, drugs containing paracetamol (Panadol) - to reduce fever, to reduce headaches
  • Pharyngosept - to reduce sore throat. It is used if redness and sore throat do not go away for a long time. Used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Furacilin - for gargling
  • Bioparox - topical antibiotic in the form of a throat spray
  • Mukaltin, iodinol - to get rid of cough, if you can not do without medicine.
  • Aqua Maris, Pinosol, Grippferon, Aqualor - nose drops
  • Dr. Mom, Gedelix - cough syrup
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Naphthyzin) can be used for 2-3 days 1-2 times a day if you cannot breathe at all.

Colds are better avoided by using preventive measures than by treating them. If you still get sick, you need to properly organize your day, use folk methods, consult a doctor. If you need to take medications, carefully read the instructions, take those drugs that are allowed during pregnancy.

Have you been sick while in interesting position? What were the treatment?

Those things that are somewhat dangerous for ordinary people, can be especially dangerous for a pregnant woman. The more modern we become, and the faster our civilization develops, the more all sorts of dangers surround us. They hide in new forms of infections, in new drugs, causing allergies. Even seemingly harmless detergent can provoke a disease that is dangerous for the mother and the unborn baby.

What can be dangerous during pregnancy?

All household items, which we use daily, have their impact. Sometimes it is not entirely positive, and sometimes it can threaten the health of a woman during pregnancy. The first in this list is household chemicals. These products will not harm the unborn child if you avoid using especially toxic powders and liquids.

Household chemicals are also used in repairs. But repairs during pregnancy should not be started, especially on later dates. Paint is more dangerous due to persistent odor and toxicity. Avoid lead paints and mercury latex paints. Instead, use paint on water based, having carefully studied its composition for the content harmful substances.

Insecticides are the most dangerous. These are pesticides. One-time contact with the drug will not harm future mother or baby. A repetitive action chemical substances through certain period very bad for two. This gives rise to some birth defects. If insects, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches appear in the house, avoid using sprayers, resort to a non-chemical method. In addition, there is a good choice Not hazardous products.

From what is dangerous during pregnancy, pets can also be noted. Some outdoor cats can carry a rare infection called toxoplasmosis. She hits the female reproductive system may cause fetal death or premature birth. During pregnancy, you can give the cat to relatives.

Bath and sauna are contraindicated during pregnancy. But only the first seven weeks. If during this period the temperature of a pregnant woman rises above 38.9 degrees for more than 10 minutes, she risks giving birth to a baby with defects in the nervous system.

Hypothermia is also dangerous. The child is unlikely to suffer from a cold, but a woman can get a cold or even pneumonia. And the treatment poses a risk to both.

Abdominal pain - dangerous phenomenon during pregnancy

If, during pregnancy, even minor pains in the lower back or abdomen bother you, or various kinds of discharge are suddenly observed, or swelling appears, then do not waste time and rush to the doctor. Remember that any disease that is found on early stage development, can be cured quickly and easily, while not creating a risk to your baby. Do not forget that at some moments the child is very vulnerable, and it is advisable to be extremely careful.

Dangerous time during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are certain stages during which the most important organs child or a high risk of miscarriage. A woman should be aware of this during pregnancy and take care of herself as much as possible.

Dangerous periods during pregnancy

The first danger lies in wait for the child in the first months of pregnancy, when a woman may still not be aware of her interesting situation. This period can take up to twelve weeks. During this period, your baby may be in danger, even due to bad habits mothers - smoking or alcohol. During this period, the mother can take strong drugs for treatment or to do heavy physical exercise. Swinging the press can have a particularly negative effect on the future baby.

The second danger falls on the second trimester of pregnancy. It runs from about 15 to 27 weeks. During this period, try not to catch a cold. Remember only one piece of advice, if you still managed to catch a cold, then hurry to the doctor immediately, do not get carried away with self-medication. It certainly won't lead to anything good. To date, most pills are prohibited for expectant mothers, so you should discuss any treatment directly with your doctor. Moreover, you may have your own contraindications for taking certain drugs. What is dangerous during pregnancy from drugs, only your doctor can tell you.

Next dangerous period- this is the stage of pregnancy from 18 to 22 weeks. At this time, the main cause of all problems is just infectious diseases, which can mainly be transmitted sexually. The causative agents of such diseases are herpes viruses, toxoplasma, chlamydia and many others. Just do not be very nervous if you still find some of the infectious diseases. There are special drugs that can be taken during pregnancy. Such drugs will not only cure the disease, but at the same time will not cause absolutely no harm to your fetus.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy

  • So, 2-3 weeks pregnant. At this time, the fertilized egg tries to penetrate the uterine lining for further growth and development of the embryo. This period is dangerous because the expectant mother still probably does not know about her pregnancy and, perhaps, greatly overloads her body. Scars on the uterus after operations can serve as an abortion at 2-3 weeks. The embryo may not be strengthened if it has chromosomal or genetic defects. At this time, a spontaneous miscarriage can become completely unknown to a woman, just another menstruation occurs.66 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. The embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, but is still highly vulnerable. In it dangerous time, researchers believe, fetal malformations may occur. So, at 2 weeks, a defect in the brain and limbs can develop, at 5-6 - cleft lip, 3-7 - heart defects.
  • Also, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy, corpus luteum practically ceases to produce the hormones progesterone and estrogen. These functions are taken over by the placenta. And the rate of development of the placenta can be exacerbated by inflammatory and infectious diseases. Then it can lead to a miscarriage or a missed pregnancy. At this time, it is very important to start hormone therapy as early as possible.
  • 8-12 weeks of pregnancy. These weeks spontaneous interruption Pregnancy can be triggered by a number of disorders: progesterone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, increased production of male hormones, and ovarian dysfunction. At week 8, a woman may face the problem of an Rhesus conflict when the mother and father of the unborn child different rhesus blood. In this case, the mother's body "blocks" the hematopoietic system of the embryo, which can lead to fetal death or jaundice.
  • 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. This is a dangerous time during pregnancy, as a miscarriage can be provoked by sexually infectious diseases, such as: chlamydia, ureplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, herpes and others.
  • 32-34 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, ultrasound diagnostics reveals the presentation of the fetus. Head presentation is considered normal if the child has a breech or breech presentation is a deviation from the norm. Correct position corrected with the help of certain exercises and fixed with a bandage.

Dangerous time during pregnancy can be more easily tolerated if you know in advance about possible problems and beware.