Why get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Who is at risk. Are hormonal contraceptives necessary?

Under the definition in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the termination prenatal development fetus up to 28 weeks. Most often, such a pathology is fixed almost at the beginning of pregnancy - at 12-13 weeks. There can be many reasons for this. However, despite this, the only way treatment for this disorder is to terminate the pregnancy by cleaning the uterine cavity. This procedure very traumatic and recovery period long after.

Sometimes, after the cleaning, women very often experience problems with conception, even after long time after operation. It was then that the question arises regarding how to get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy and do it quickly. Let's try to figure it out.

Is it easy to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy and why do many fail to conceive a child?

To begin with, it must be said that most gynecologists do not advise making attempts to conceive a child earlier than 6 months after the previous cleaning. The thing is that it takes so much time for the reproductive system to recover. However, this may happen earlier. But in such cases, there is a high probability that a woman may have similar problems again.

If we talk about what is the general probability of becoming pregnant after a missed pregnancy, then it is worth noting that about 85-90% of married couples become parents after 6-12 months. The remaining 10% includes those couples, which have various kinds of genetic disorders, leading to a fading of fetal development.

What should be done before getting pregnant again after a missed pregnancy?

Having figured out how soon you can get pregnant after a cleansing with a missed pregnancy, we will tell you what needs to be done in order for the desired conception to occur as soon as possible.

Only after, since the end of the treatment of the frozen pregnancy will pass 6 months, a woman can start planning for conception. In this case, it is imperative to prepare by passing the appropriate examination.

The main goal in this case is to identify the cause that led to the development of missed pregnancy in the past. So a woman is prescribed tests for the presence in the body and is also recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination and take a blood test for hormones.

In cases where these studies did not allow to determine the cause, a chromosomal analysis is prescribed to determine the karyotype. This allows doctors to make sure that parents do not pass on to the child any genetic disorders that lead to termination of pregnancy.

Thus, it must be said that before trying to get pregnant six months after a missed pregnancy, a woman needs to carefully prepare by undergoing a special medical examination.

When planning a new pregnancy after a missed pregnancy, you should take what happened with all seriousness. Phrases such as "I'm afraid of a missed pregnancy" and the rejection of the joy of motherhood because of this is not the right approach, it is possible to conceive and bear a child in most cases, but if you had a missed pregnancy, planning the next one is a must, this is the only way you can prevent similar second once.

After scraping, women are weakened, but menstruation after a frozen pregnancy often comes after 1-1.5 months, there is ovulation and conception is theoretically possible. The delay in menstruation after a missed pregnancy is most often due to experienced hormonal stress, since such an unexpected interruption of the life of the fetus injures the mother's body too, the body was set up for pregnancy, and suddenly everything stopped, this stress is no easier than an abortion.

Can a missed pregnancy happen again?

A repeated pregnancy after a missed pregnancy, which began thoughtlessly, without examination and preparation, can end in exactly the same way. That's why, if there was a frozen pregnancy, sex life requires careful contraception. It will be possible to get pregnant no earlier than 6, and preferably 12 months after the accident. Usually gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives.

Planning for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy begins with a visit to the gynecologist.

By performing curettage during an abortion, doctors send the resulting material to histological examination. Most often, the cause of death of an embryo is the presence of malformations in it that are incompatible with life, they can occur both as a result of an infectious disease, adverse effects of environmental factors, and due to genetic abnormalities. To become pregnant immediately after a frozen pregnancy, without curing the infection, if any, means exposing the second baby to the same danger. If genetics became the cause of the fetal fading, a geneticist can predict the likelihood of a recurrence of the pathology during a consultation, you will definitely be referred to him.

In the United States, a single fetal death is not an indication for an in-depth examination; two missed pregnancies serve as a reason for passing the appropriate tests. But why go through it twice? It is better to understand why it happened and prevent it from happening again.

Examination after a frozen pregnancy includes:

Gynecologist's consultation

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

genetics consultation

Urologist consultation and spermogram for husband

Screening for sexually transmitted infections

Screening for infections that are significant to the fetus, such as herpes, for example

Study of the hormonal background of a woman: sex hormones and hormones thyroid gland

Exclusion of antiphospholipid syndrome in a woman

Rh factor and blood type of parents

Preparing for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy is not only testing, but also strengthening the health of the expectant mother, treatment chronic diseases. With your gynecologist you choose best time when to become pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, and you will enter a new pregnancy after a frozen one completely healthy, if necessary - with medication support. With a deficiency of progesterone, duphaston, utrozhestan are prescribed, with AFLS hormones, this will help both prevent a missed pregnancy and provide the baby ideal conditions for development.

It is better to postpone conception after a frozen pregnancy in time for at least six months, and spend this time not only on examination, but also on vitamin prophylaxis (taking vitamin E, folic acid), healing the body with the help of good nutrition, sports, to strengthen immune system.

The recovery of the body after a frozen pregnancy is the more difficult, the longer the period during which the fetus froze occurred. It is clear that his death in the second trimester for the mother will be a more difficult test than in the first weeks of pregnancy. It happens that pregnancy does not occur after a frozen one and after six months, the hormonal system suffers so seriously and general state health.

It happens, and vice versa, pregnancy is possible a month after the frozen one and even earlier. This happens in cases of fetal death in the very first weeks of pregnancy and the absence of prudent contraceptive measures. For the unborn child, this is dangerous, since the reasons for which the misfortune happened to the first baby have not been eliminated, repeated miscarriage in such conditions is not uncommon. And if you have 2, 3 missed pregnancies in a row, doctors will already talk about such a formidable pathology as habitual miscarriage pregnancy, which is difficult to treat. A repeated missed pregnancy forms a peculiar mechanism in a woman’s body, say, a “plan” for pregnancy, and even if all the reasons for miscarriage are eliminated, you can lose a child again and again. Pregnancy after two deaths pregnancies will be terminated at the usual time, because the mother's body is already set up for this, and it will be very difficult to convince her own hormonal system of the need to carry the fetus further, even medicines help poorly in such cases.

When planning a pregnancy after a frozen one, you need to decide with your doctor and with his approval. If nothing is found during the examination with your husband and an accidental death of the embryo is ascertained, you should still pay attention to whether you lead the right lifestyle. Quitting alcohol, smoking, preparing for next conception will help you get pregnant after a frozen one, and it will be a successful pregnancy. childbirth healthy child within the period established by nature are quite possible, the main thing is to take the next pregnancy seriously. There are a lot of those who gave birth after a frozen pregnancy, do not despair and everything will be fine.

Frozen pregnancy, symptoms
cord entanglement

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Most often, to establish the exact cause that led to the development this disease difficult (each case is studied and considered individually), although doctors name a few of the most common points. Among them:

  • uncontrolled intake of various medicines, which include both dietary supplements and vitamins consumed by expectant mothers without consulting a specialist;
  • viral diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • taking illegal drugs, etc.

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It often happens that women cannot become pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Why is this happening and what should be done in such a situation? A frozen pregnancy is a phenomenon during which the development of the fetus completely stops.

And in order to determine whether a normal pregnancy is possible after a frozen one, it is necessary to find out the root causes that affect the development of the fetus and lead to its further death. Only in case correct definition it is possible to talk about the possibility of a normal pregnancy. Therefore, before answering the question of how the normal pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to establish the causes of this pathogenic process.

Causes of missed pregnancy

Even a pre-planned pregnancy can end in an unfavorable outcome. The reasons for stopping the development of the fetus are of concern not only to women, but also to many specialists from all over the world. But, unfortunately, today medicine is not able to answer this question. Only general conclusions can be made, which are the most common risk factors. Thus, the causes of missed pregnancy may be:

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation. All of the above reasons are general character, since in each case of a frozen cause there are individual causes.

The physiological characteristics of the female body allow you to get pregnant immediately after a frozen pregnancy. This is due to the fact that against the background of fetal death, there is a decrease in the number hCG hormone, which is a kind of signal for the maturation of a new egg.

But this does not mean that the woman's body is ready for new pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage. Usually, after the fetus stops developing and dies, its remains are removed by scraping. The endometrium of the uterus (the outer layer of the mucous membrane) should recover after the procedure.

The hormonal background and the immune system of a woman must also recover and prepare for the next pregnancy. Main point in preparation for normal pregnancy is the study of all possible factors that caused a missed pregnancy and their exclusion (Rhesus conflict, the presence of diseases, Not correct image life and so on).

Usually, doctors advise to postpone all attempts to get pregnant for a period of six months to a year after a missed pregnancy. The longer the gestation period was, the longer the time period should be, since this was a strong physiological and emotional test for a woman. Although there are cases when the intervals between pregnancies were 3 months, which did not adversely affect the health of the mother and fetus. However, planning future pregnancy after a frozen one, it should take into account all the features that may be the causes of a repeated frozen pregnancy.

The risk of recurrence increases markedly if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a missed pregnancy or within three months after it.

Significantly increases the likelihood of various pathological conditions maternal organism (hormonal failures, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and so on), which ultimately can adversely affect the health and immunity of the child. Rarely, there are cases when pregnancy proceeds normally even after a short period of time after a frozen pregnancy.

In most cases, the fading of pregnancy is directly related to the occurrence genetic anomaly fetus, which arose due to a violation of the genetic code in the egg or sperm. This may be an ordinary accident, but it may also be the result of the influence of various endogenous and exogenous factors.

As a rule, after careful planning of pregnancy, it is possible to avoid repeated failures and mistakes, so a repeated pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby.

The key to a favorable course of pregnancy after a missed pregnancy is proper preparation potential parents during its planning. It includes the identification and removal of the factor that could cause the miscarriage.


It is quite possible to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy. Only in rare cases, this fails, when it is impossible to eliminate the negative factor affecting the health and development of the fetus. In other cases, pregnancy can be quite calm if you eliminate the risk factors, lead the right lifestyle and adhere to all the conditions and recommendations given by the gynecologist. And one thing should be remembered: if there is a desire to give birth to a healthy and full-fledged child, then it will definitely come true, the main thing is to try and not give up.


The path to replenishment in the family can sometimes be difficult and even tragic. According to statistics, about 15% of expectant mothers are faced with terrible diagnosis"fading pregnancy". Losing a child, even an unborn one, is a very difficult test for a woman.

Why did the pregnancy fade? Was it possible to prevent it? What will help to avoid a repetition of the tragedy?

According to scientific definition missed pregnancy is one of the types of miscarriage, in which the death of the embryo / fetus occurs, but clinical signs spontaneous miscarriage while not. This usually happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. Later fading of the fetus is less common.

Why does pregnancy freeze?

The fading of the fetus, according to scientists, is a kind of defense mechanism, which prevents the birth of unviable children with genetic abnormalities or other developmental pathologies. Violations that cause fetal death can be inherited from one of the parents, or appear in a healthy couple due to incompatibility of partners.

In addition, one of the causes of intrauterine fetal fading may be hormonal disruptions in a woman.

Infections also create a risk of miscarriage. Infections such as cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellez, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, syphilis, HIV infection, gonorrhea, bacterial urethritis, candidiasis increase the risk of pregnancy fading.

The cause of violations of the course of pregnancy may be a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. The risk of abortion increases if there is a lack of folic acid in the body, especially in combination with a lack of vitamins B 2 and B 6.

The trace element selenium also affects the course of pregnancy. Its deficiency in the mother's body can cause miscarriages and fetal fading. A study was conducted in which women with a history of miscarriage took selenium and magnesium supplements.

After restoring the level of these trace elements in the body, almost all women were able to become pregnant and safely bear children.

Vitamins E and C are also very important for the healthy development of the fetus in the womb. Studies have shown that taking vitamin C supplements reduces the risk of fetal freezing and helps to normalize the level of the hormone progesterone.

Often, fetal fading occurs due to unhealthy image life, strong emotional upheavals, severe physical activity etc.

When can I plan a pregnancy after a fetal death?

The process of recovery of the body can take place in different ways. But in almost all cases, pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 6 months after the fetus fades. This period is necessary for natural physiological processes to pass in the woman's body (the uterine cavity is cleaned and the endometrium is restored).

Before planning a second pregnancy, be sure to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to assess the condition reproductive system.

What examinations are necessary before re-pregnancy?

Immediately after the fading of pregnancy, a cyto genetic research fetus, which in some cases makes it possible to identify the cause of miscarriage.

woman planning repeated pregnancy After a frozen pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo the following examinations:

Depending on the state of health of the woman, the doctor may prescribe other examinations.

It is also desirable for the future father to take tests for hormones, a smear for sexually transmitted diseases, a TORCH complex and a spermogram.

How to plan a second pregnancy?

In order for a second pregnancy to proceed normally, you first need to find out the reasons why the previous one was interrupted, and eliminate them or correct the condition.

If the pregnancy is terminated due to hormonal disorders, then it is necessary to eliminate hormonal imbalance. If pregnancy fading occurred due to infections, both the woman and the man should undergo a course of treatment. If therapy is indicated antibacterial drugs, it is important to remember that it is possible to plan a second pregnancy only a few months after the end of antibiotics.

But if the examination did not establish obvious reasons for the fading of pregnancy, then standard training to conception, it is worth adding concern for the restoration of the genetic material of the mother and father.

It may seem strange, but in this situation, first of all, you should pay attention to the male reproductive system. The fact is that the genetic material of a man - spermatozoa - is updated every 72 days, and if a man was exposed to harmful factors during the maturation of spermatozoa, then the spermatozoa will be damaged.

Free radicals are especially harmful to the genetic material. They are formed in increased amount under the influence of electromagnetic radiation, smoking, inhalation of dirty air and car exhaust, contact with preservatives and pesticides... And although we do not feel an excess of free radicals, at the cellular level they cause significant damage to our body. Under the influence of free radicals, they break into fragments of the DNA chain (genetic material) that are in the head of the spermatozoon.

But this phenomenon has another side. If within 2-3 months (duration of spermatogenesis) protect male body from free radicals, then the number of spermatozoa with the correct genes increases dramatically. And, therefore, the likelihood of having a healthy child increases.

Antioxidants protect against free radicals. Especially for situations where a man and a woman need antioxidants in preparation for conception, it has been developed. As part of 6 powerful natural antioxidants that protect the cells of the reproductive system, both men and women.

Yes, a woman's reproductive system also needs protection from free radicals. Although the genetic material of women is laid down once in a lifetime, over time, the eggs are also damaged. That's why expectant mother should be taken in preparation for conception. By the way, it is also allowed during pregnancy. Red cell magnesium and glutathione peroxidase in infertile women–effects of oral supplementation with magnesium and selenium. Howard JM, Davies S, Hunnisett A. – Magnesium research: official organ of the International Society for the Development of Research on Magnesium. 1994 Mar;7(1):49-57.

Vitamin C Found to Increase Progesterone Levels and Correct Luteal Phase Defect. Richard J. Fehring - Reprint from Current Medical Research. Vol 15, No 1-2, Winter/Spring 2004