Preparation before childbirth. Standard birth procedures

For nine months, a woman is preparing for one of the main events of her life - the birth of a child. Although childbirth is a relatively short process, it takes a lot of time and effort to complete it. This is a very important and difficult stage for a woman, after which her life changes radically. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, it is necessary to prepare for it. The prenatal or prenatal period is considered to be last month pregnancy. At this time, the woman's body is already tuned in to childbirth, and the fetus is already fully formed and almost ready to leave the "house". Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman changes in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Way of life before childbirth

For a good physical condition of a woman, so that the muscles are in, throughout the pregnancy it is necessary to do, which are included in the gymnastic complexes designed for women "in position". Exercises in the pool have a very beneficial effect on the physical condition.

Of course, we really hope that if you smoked before pregnancy, then, having learned about the baby, you immediately gave up this nasty habit. If (and sometimes this happens!) No, then find strength in yourself. This is for both you and your baby. You must understand that smoking, like smoking, is incompatible with the birth of a healthy child.

Relax, walk in the fresh air, do gymnastics for pregnant women, read good books, - all this will provide you not only good pregnancy but also easy childbirth.

Health status before childbirth

It's no secret that a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Before giving birth, check your health again. It does not hurt to visit a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a neuropathologist. Do not forget to go to the dentist, because bad teeth can become and cause complications in postpartum period. If you have a very pronounced one, go to a vascular surgeon. The doctor will determine if the condition has worsened and if a caesarean section is needed. A month before the birth, doctors recommend undergoing a complete sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to clean them from pathogenic microflora. This is especially true if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.). Such procedures are necessary in order to protect the baby during his passage through the birth canal. Sanitation will also help protect the woman in labor from cracks in the vaginal mucosa, the occurrence of which is possible due to inflammation.

As for the gynecologist, starting from the 36th week, a woman in without fail should visit once a week. At the appointment, the doctor measures the size of the uterus, listens to the fetal heartbeat, determines its position.

Nutrition before childbirth

If a pregnant woman needs to monitor the quantity and quality of what she eats for all nine months, then on the eve of childbirth, special attention should be paid to this issue in general.

A month before childbirth, nutrition does not change in favor of meat: its amount should be limited, and two to three weeks should be completely eliminated. It is also recommended to remove from the diet and others containing animal protein (fish, eggs, butter, milk). At the same time very helpful. dairy products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas.

A week before the expected birth, cereals, bread, sour-milk products, salt should be excluded. The diet should be only plant foods. It is very important that at this time the body of a pregnant woman receives vegetable oil. Vitamin E contained in it helps to make both blood vessels and tissues of the birth canal more elastic. Besides, it's lovely.

On the day of childbirth, it is better not to eat anything at all, however, if contractions have begun, then it is unlikely that you will have an appetite. Moreover, during contractions, many experience nausea or vomiting, so an empty stomach, in this case, is very good.

Weight before childbirth

The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is from 9 to 13 kg. This figure includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus, placenta, breast. Of course, everything is very individual, and an increase of 15 kg is not at all a problem. But you should be wary if the weight has increased by 20 or more kg. In this case, the doctor prescribes a diet for the woman. After all, a large increase in weight can significantly complicate the birth process.

An interesting fact: as a rule, before childbirth, approximately in the last two weeks, women experience a weight loss (on average, by 2 kg). Experts attribute this to the loss a large number liquids.

Sleep before childbirth

The closer the moment of childbirth, the more the pregnant woman tends to sleep. Thus, the body tries to sleep off and gain strength before hard physical work. That is why a full sleep in the process of preparing for childbirth is very important. great importance. At this time, you need to sleep as much as you want, but not less than 8-10 hours. Pregnant women should sleep in a well-ventilated room. It is possible even with an open window. It is important that a woman feels that she has rested and slept, because very soon she will hardly be able to soak up an extra couple of hours in bed.

Fear of childbirth

Fear occurs in a pregnant woman for all nine months. But than closer birth the stronger the fear of them. A woman, especially a primipara, asks a number of questions: How will the birth go? Will it hurt? Will the child get hurt? How to avoid complications? These and many other questions do not allow a woman to sleep peacefully. The situation is significantly aggravated by the stories of "well-wishers" about the difficulties, complex personal experiences, labor pains, negative postpartum consequences, childbirth with a fatal outcome. Believe me, this is not at all the information that a pregnant woman should be interested in when preparing to become a mother. If you haven't taken a pregnancy class yet, do so now. Many maternity schools offer prenatal crash courses. In these classes, a woman is explained a lot: the mechanism of childbirth, ways to relieve pain, teach breathing techniques. All this knowledge is very helpful during childbirth. Moreover, it is quite natural that more woman knows, the less afraid. If attending courses is not possible, special literature will come to the rescue, as well as Internet pages.

The most important thing that you must understand is that the fear of childbirth negatively affects the course of childbirth itself, holding down, squeezing the muscles, causing the tissues to lose their elasticity. All this leads to pain, cracks,. It turns out that the more a woman is afraid, the more she feels pain. Pain breeds fear - and so on in a circle. To escape from it, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to relax long before the birth, and when the time comes, calmly apply the acquired knowledge.

Psychological attitude before childbirth

The mood must be fighting. Of course, in best sense this word. We do not mean an aggressive pregnant woman, but one that is firmly convinced of a favorable outcome for both the baby and herself. A woman must understand that childbirth is a step towards her own little man, who from now on will become for her the greatest treasure of the world. A pregnant woman must be sure that the birth will go well, because she loves her baby very much and is ready to do everything possible to help him be born healthy.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur. For example, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach, as the child sinks down. At the same time, it becomes a little more difficult to sit and walk. Before childbirth, urination also becomes more frequent (pressure on the bladder) and defecation (hormones of childbirth affect the intestines). There are pains in the lower back. The woman has an unexpected change of mood and state: she is either tired and passive, or energetic and “subversive”. Many can no longer wait for "it" to happen. 2-3 weeks before giving birth, the instinct of "nesting" is manifested in pregnant women. It is called so because a woman equips a “nest” - it is now very important for her to make it cozy own house. She is ready to spend hours cleaning, washing, cleaning, tinkering. All this, of course, is good. Only in moderation. Remember that it is contraindicated for you to overexert yourself now.

Naturally, one of the most obvious signs that labor is near is irregular uterine contractions. Thus, while exercising, the body prepares up to the “X” hour. One or two weeks, or even a few days before the birth, the woman leaves the mucous plug, which closes the cervical canal throughout the pregnancy. may be yellowish or slightly pinkish, or may be completely colorless. Sometimes a woman clearly sees that her cork has come off, and in some cases this happens imperceptibly. A woman who is expecting childbirth from day to day should know that her amniotic fluid can leave at any moment. This - clear sign that labor activity has begun. In this case, there is no time to waste. Urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital by car (naturally, as a passenger and not driving at all).

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

In the last days before childbirth, you can be both already in the hospital and at home. It largely depends on how the pregnancy went, and on the planned method of delivery.

If you are to C-section, then you are probably now in the maternity hospital, as well as in the case of a prolonged pregnancy and the planned stimulation of childbirth.

The child himself chooses the day to be born, the only exception is cases when it is known for sure that you will have an operation.

Psychologically, women perceive these last days before the birth of a child differently, and the same woman may not perceive her different births in the same way. We can only say one thing, with repeated births there is more joy and peace, and with the first there is more anxiety and impatience.

Whatever the case, you are now anxious and waiting because time is running out and your life is about to change completely. Some multiparous mothers devote their last days to communicating with the baby and enjoying peace, because they know that very soon the baby will become the subject of everyone's attention, and his mother will turn into a dairy factory and attendants. This abrupt change You will feel the relationship of others even in the maternity hospital, both from the side of the staff and from the side of relatives. It hurts sometimes, but just think, yes, you will accomplish this feat by having a baby. But the baby himself will have to work hard in childbirth no less than you. After giving birth, he will definitely need more attention and care than you, an adult and healthy woman(that for us stitches after childbirth, so, combat wounds).

In the last days before labor, many pregnant women suffer from nesting syndrome if they are at home. Rearranging furniture and even repairs, active shopping is not needed, you need to be strong and well rested by the time of childbirth, believe me, this test will require all your strength. So, we try to sleep more, do not exhaust ourselves physically.

Physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother can significantly change her physical state. Harbingers can intensify so much that they begin to interfere with your rest, sleep, and food. If contractions with precursors are painful, but the birth itself does not begin in any way, this is called a pathological preliminary period. Frequent painful contractions not only exhaust you, they can cause fetal hypoxia, so in such cases it is often better to induce labor artificially than to wait until they begin on their own. However, it is up to the doctor to decide.

If you are still at home, check last time bags to the hospital, is everything collected. It is better to divide their contents into 3 parts, into what will be needed before childbirth, what will be needed after them, and what will be needed for discharge. Then you will not need to take everything to the hospital at once, as needed, relatives will simply bring you what you need now, at a specific period of time.

It is very important during this period to try not to get sick with SARS. Even if it is autumn or winter outside, and someone close to you gets sick, avoid contact and use literally all means of prevention (up to evicting the patient from the apartment to relatives) to avoid infection. If you get sick, it can cause complications in childbirth and separation from the baby after childbirth, of course, this will be bad for both of you.

What to do if you understand that childbirth has begun? Without even thinking, we call 03 or go to the hospital on our own. You can’t wait for something or someone, especially when repeated births. If you are in a maternity hospital, go to the midwife at the post in the department and describe your feelings.

Where does childbirth begin? How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? When does the "cork" leave? Why does my back hurt? Experienced sibmums share their observations, and Nelli Mikhailovna AGAMYAN, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician network of the MC "Ultrasound Studio" in Novosibirsk tells what symptoms can signal an impending birth at 37-40 weeks of gestation.

  • Abdominal prolapse on the eve of childbirth
  • Weight loss and bowel cleansing
  • Removal of the mucous plug before childbirth
  • Painful sensations
  • The nesting instinct
  • Change in mood
  • Is there a lack of forerunners?

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

If you look at your exchange card, you will see the numbers noted during visits to the doctor with the mark EFH (height of the fundus of the uterus). These measurements help the doctor to monitor the dynamics of the baby's development - during pregnancyas it grows, the uterus rises higher, reaches its highest point at about 37 weeks, and then begins to decline. This happens because the child goes to the "low start" and begins to move closer to the "exit". Its head (subject to head presentation) moves towards the cervix and is located in the pelvic area.

Symbum experience:


- My stomach dropped 2 days before the birth.


- At 24 weeks my baby was already low. At 37 weeks, the head was already inserted into the small pelvis. The doctors were all worried that I would sneeze, for example, and immediately give birth. Yeah, how! She gave birth at 39 weeks 3 days, and that had to be done, because the bubble was flat.

- 5 days before the birth, I felt an increase in heaviness in my stomach, I thought that the head had dropped after reading books. Something hard pressed. On examination the next day, head prolapse was confirmed.

Lowering of the abdomen before childbirth. Expert comment

The height of the fundus of the uterus during the entire pregnancy increases by about 1 cm per week. This figure reaches 37-40 cm by the 37th week of pregnancy, and a couple of weeks before the birth, the stomach drops by 2-3 cm. This can happen in just a few hours. The fact is that on the eve of childbirth, the lower segment of the uterus stretches and becomes softer. Because of this, the fetus sinks lower and presses against the base of the small pelvis.

37-40 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by the following sensations:

  • easier breathing (the uterus no longer squeezes the chest so much);
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, due to the fact that the uterus and fetus presses with all their weight on lower part abdominal cavity;
  • low physical activity baby - movements at 37-40 weeks of gestation, if the stomach has dropped, are not so noticeable: this is due to the fact that the child has already taken a stable position before childbirth and cannot turn around, but only move his legs and arms.

Weight loss and "cleansing" the intestines before childbirth

Many pregnant women are surprised to find that the weight last trimester, as you know, grows by leaps and bounds, after 37-39 weeks it unexpectedly decreases by 1-1.5 kg. Weight loss is especially noticeable if pronounced edema was observed during pregnancy. Do not be afraid - this is an absolutely natural process and another sign that a meeting with your baby is just around the corner.

Symbum experience:


- 2 days before the birth, I started to feel nauseous (with Polinka I even vomited, but with Leshka it was just sick) and (sorry for the detail) the stool was liquid 3-4 days before the very birth. The body was cleansed.

Mama and BABY M.

- I woke up at 4 am and realized that my stomach hurts. Well, the real indigestion. I went, sorry, to the toilet, strained ... And only when my stomach was relieved, I realized that something was not right. I recorded the time - contractions every 7 minutes go like clockwork.


- I didn’t feel the lowering of my stomach, but ... liquid stool 4-5 days before delivery! And the tummy ached a little, pulled somehow. And then the waters broke in the morning, and she gave birth in the evening.


- The first sign of the approaching birth was, sorry, diarrhea: about 4 hours before the birth. Then I was drained of water, and after a couple of hours I gave birth. All!

Weight loss and bowel cleansing. Expert comment

Before childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to a slight weight loss. This happens in order to thicken the blood and, in the future, reduce its loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional liquid, which up to this point has been used for the production amniotic fluid, now it is no longer required and the body gets rid of it. Often this process can be accompanied not only by increased urination at 37 weeks of gestation, but also by nausea or diarrhea.

False (training) contractions

One of the most important features the fact that your uterus is preparing itself for the upcoming event - the appearance of "forerunner" contractions. They are usually not painful and feel more like intense muscle tension. The stomach at this moment seems to “harden” and shrinks, and then gradually relaxes. The main sign by which such contractions can be distinguished from true ones is their irregularity. They occur at random unequal intervals - sometimes the uterus contracts several times a day, then a couple of times a week. Most often, pregnant women note the appearance of such training fights in the mornings or evenings.

Symbum experience:


- 3 days before the birth in the morning there were false contractions - I even woke up from them. They were not strong, but rhythmic, at intervals of 10 minutes, lasted for 2 hours. Another interesting phenomenon - during the week before the birth, when driving a car, when jumping on bumps, I apparently had a strong feeling of pain in the cervix. It looks like the neck is open.


- I started training contractions for 2 weeks. The interval reached 10 minutes, and after 1-2 minutes they stopped. I started writing down every time. So it was on the day of childbirth: in the morning I woke up in pain, well, I think, training again ... I went to the shower ... And then I realized that after a shower it’s easier (and usually after a shower, training contractions go away) does not become, that I got caught five times while washing ...

- On the eve of the birth itself, everything was as usual, but a week before that I had false contractions.

False (training) contractions. Expert comment

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions are the most main feature upcoming birth. They differ from prenatal contractions by their irregularity and low intensity. These are the training tensions of the uterus, which can appear several times a week, and sometimes every day. Such contractions help the cervix to smooth out and make it softer, preparing for the upcoming pregnancy. labor activity

Removal of the mucous plug on the eve of childbirth

Another harbinger early delivery there may be a discharge of the mucous plug - a jelly-like mass that is secreted by the membranes of the cervix during pregnancy. This plug fills the cervix and protects the birth canal and fetus from ascending infection. On the eve of childbirth, the cervix begins to soften, open slightly, and as a result, the cork (in the form of colorless, yellowish, or slightly pinkish mucus) can move away before the onset of labor - sometimes this can happen in a week or even two. Important point: after the cork is removed, you should refrain from visiting the pool, swimming in ponds and even taking a bath, as this increases the risk of getting . Better to take a shower.

Symbum experience:

- On July 10, in the evening, the plug came off without any preliminary symptoms. 11 in the morning water began to leak, by lunchtime small contractions began, at the maternity hospital, at the direction of the midwife, she arrived at 7 pm, all this time she kept in touch with her by phone. She gave birth on July 12 at 12.20. The PDR was July 29th.


- The cork completely came off in 1 day (its first half came off in 2 weeks).

- My cork came out gradually, it looked like the result of a prolonged runny nose, with blood streaks.

Cork removal. Expert comment

Mucous discharge can signal the release of a cork that protects the uterus and fetus from external infections. During the period of preparation for childbirth, the cork liquefies and begins to flow out. It should be taken into account that this feature individual, for some, the cork leaves a week before childbirth, and for someone with the onset of labor. Sometimes these secretions can be confused with amniotic fluid. In this case, it is worth remembering that the latter leak constantly and intensify with a slight cough. If you still have doubts, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an amnio test.

Pain before childbirth

In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women begin to complain of pulling and aching pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. This is another sign that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic ligaments begin to soften and stretch, and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. The sensations are specific, a bit reminiscent of menstrual pain, but the realization that at this moment the “exit” for the baby is preparing to open makes it very easy to experience unpleasant sensations.

Experience sibmam


- On the eve of the birth, my back was pulled, my stomach “felt” and there was a feeling that my son’s head was already at the very exit. The next day in the delivery room, I was surprised for a long time that this is exactly what the first hours of contractions look like.

Nata k.

- My back hurt for about a week before giving birth. Sometimes there were false contractions, also for about a week. And, in general, everything was as always. I was driving until the last day. I went on Sunday and gave birth on Monday. But! Somewhere inside I felt that I was giving birth before the PDR, and it happened.

- My back hurt badly. He pulled his stomach. And most importantly - a relentless feeling of anxiety.

- And the day before my back hurt so much that I climbed the walls. The plug didn't come off.

Pain before childbirth. Expert comment

At 37-40 weeks of gestation, future mother may hurt your stomach. Cause pulling pains, as a rule, not only the prolapse of the abdomen. The fact is that closer to the beginning of childbirth, a pregnant woman stretches and softens the joints of the pelvis, so that the baby is born more freely. In addition, it can sip muscles and ligaments, this is also the preparation of the pelvis for labor.

Nesting instinct on the eve of childbirth

On the eve of childbirth, many women receive from nature one more “news” that the baby will be born very soon. There is an indomitable desire to prepare a cozy “nest” for him and the expectant mother with great pleasure chooses tiny socks and undershirts for her future son or daughter, embroiders diapers, knits a hat and a plaid, buys the softest and most beautiful bed sheets in a crib, a comfortable stroller, a warm envelope, a lace blanket, a set of bibs and that nice rattle over there! Another obligatory item of "nesting" often becomes spring-cleaning(and even repairs). Having arranged children's Corner, having bought things and “licked” the house, the woman breathes a sigh of relief: you can give birth. And ... it is at this moment that contractions often begin. - an incredibly happy time, because it reminds you that your dream of meeting your baby soon is about to become a reality!

Experience sibmam

- Two days before the birth, it became more active -both timesI started big cleanings in the whole apartment, for which I had no strength for a long time. I noticed because I read here on the forum that this happens - preparing a nest. And there were no more signs.


- At 39 weeks 5 days, I woke up with a terrible burst of energy and decided that it was simply vital to tear out all the floors in the house. Then I realized that it would start at night.

- I didn’t have any special feelings before giving birth, except that, like a field mouse, I dragged all the products from the store home, last days 10. Well, I could not pass by the store. I will dial full bag and dragging, then I understand that I won’t inform, it’s hard, so I catch a taxi. Twice I came home in a taxi with shopping bags ...

Change in well-being and mood

All changes in a woman's body on the eve of childbirth are associated with hormonal changes. At the beginning of pregnancy main task the body was to preserve and care for the safety of the baby. The “head” of this process was the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. By the end of the third trimester, the placenta begins to age and progesterone levels gradually decline. Now the first violin is played by the female sex hormones estrogens, the level of which is increasing as the placenta ages and the functional maturation of the baby. It is estrogens that are “responsible” for softening the cervix, stretching the ligaments and increasing the sensitivity of the uterus, contributing to its contraction. Such a hormonal storm can affect mood, causing sudden tears or bursts of joy. In addition, in the last weeks before childbirth, a woman is preparing for serious changes, she is afraid upcoming birth In a word, he leads a rich emotional life. Treat your mood swings with understanding, because such mood swings are also part of preparing for one of the most important meetings in life!

Experience sibmam

Cheshire Cat

- The mood before childbirth changes in the direction that you want to kill everyone who even hints at the topic« well, when» . And in books, by the way, they often write that one of the signs of an approaching birth is hormonal changes, accompanied by mood changes and a feeling of how tired everything is, no strength, fatigue from a sense of uncertainty, impatience - when is the birth, finally! Probably, there is something in this, you really expect childbirth, like a holiday. But when the fights begin, there are no more fears that previously tormented, and one thought - well, thank you, Lord - it has begun!

Changes in well-being and mood. Expert comment

A few days before the birth, there may be changes in the well-being and mood of the expectant mother. Some are worried about tearfulness, rapid mood swings, irritability, emotional upsurge. In addition, it may appear heavy sweating, chills, fever, dizziness. Such symptoms are due to hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth. It is important to understand that the harbingers of childbirth at 37-40 weeks are not yet the beginning of labor. However, if you feel such symptoms, you should not leave them unattended. Be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Has anyone started giving birth with a floundering bay?

- My first birth began in the hospital. Before that, the cork had come off in a few days - but, in my opinion, the doctor just picked it out. And then for several days there was silence, no sign of an approaching birth - until the first regular, slightly painful stretching in the tummy on the day of birth. It all started very smoothly, I had time to get used to the idea that today we are spending the night with my husband and the doctor in the maternity ward ...


- And I had no warning signs, no tummy tuck. It was just that the contractions started at 3 at night, in a dream I could not understand why my stomach hurts, as with menstruation. At 6 I woke up, realized, measured - the interval between contractions was 5-7 minutes.


- There were no special feelings. She ran, as usual, ate cherries well at night ... woke up in the morning from strong contractions.

- We were told in the courses that the primiparous most often does not really feel anything. Cork and water is by itself, and the onset of contractions and other precursors in the primiparous are most often mild. Although I understand that it's different for everyone.

How did you feel before giving birth? Share the link to our article on social networks!

Before childbirth, women experience a whole range of indescribable feelings: among them, insomnia, fear, impatience. Also, some feel physiological changes, such as prolapse of the abdomen, discharge of the mucous plug and slight weight loss. Let's take a closer look at what happens to the expectant mother on recent weeks what she needs to be prepared for and give some recommendations.

How to get rid of anxiety and sleep well

Fear of childbirth occurs in all women in labor, even those who go through this process is not the first time. Fear of pain, that something will happen to you or your child, poisons the pleasant expectation of the birth of a baby. What can be advised? Rather switch to something else, interesting. Have you been wanting to watch a series for a long time? Right now! Stock up on DVD discs and go headlong into the experiences of the characters, so you will be distracted from your own. Don't want to watch TV? Then buy books. And don't forget to walk. You don't have to spend the whole day at home. Baby, and you yourself need an influx of fresh air saturated with oxygen. For mom, this is also a plus because Fresh air and small physical exercise provide a restful deep sleep before childbirth.

By the way, about the night rest. Insomnia often worries expectant mothers in recent weeks. Too frequent and strong movements baby, plus a huge belly, which is not easy to accept comfortable posture forced to think about sleeping pills. But their expectant mothers should not drink. And valerian, which is so often prescribed by doctors, provides more of a placebo effect. But if you believe in the effectiveness of this herb, then you can safely drink it, it is not harmful.

But it would be much better to take care of your sleep differently. Before giving birth, the baby calms down, as there is too little space in the uterus, which means that you will fall asleep much easier and sleep longer. You need to find a comfortable position. Doctors recommend sleeping on a medium firm mattress on the left side. Between legs and right side you can put pillows. It is very important to support comfortable temperature and humidity in the room where you sleep. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, and always before going to bed. Do not drink a lot before going to bed, otherwise you will have to get up several times at night to go to the toilet; in expectant mothers, and so urination at long gestations is quite frequent.

Before going to bed, do not watch TV, so as not to gain impressions at night. This is especially true for heavy films - dramas, horrors, thrillers, etc. Gynecologists recommend watching only comedies before childbirth that cause positive emotions movies.

Shortly before the onset of childbirth, and sometimes even a few hours before the contractions, the expectant mother sneaks in for general cleaning, the “nesting instinct” is triggered. Just do not overwork too much, do not lift weights, otherwise placental abruption may begin, or amniotic fluid will depart.

Physiological changes

In the body of the future mother, 1-3 weeks before the birth, changes begin to occur. Preparations for the birth of a child are in full swing. So, what can the expectant mother feel and notice.

1. Contractions before childbirth, the so-called preparatory. They do not lead to the opening of the cervix, last a few seconds, do not differ in regularity and are painless. No need to be afraid of them and just go to the doctor or call ambulance. It is quite another matter if these abbreviations are accompanied by spotting from the vagina or discharge of amniotic fluid - then urgently see a doctor.

Before childbirth, the stomach and lower back hurt, contractions are regular, their strength is growing. Pain cannot be relieved medical methods. Here's what you need to know about the onset of labor.

2. The cervix also begins to prepare in advance to release the baby from the uterus. This is especially noticeable in multiparous women, in whom a dilatation of 1-2 fingers can occur even 2 weeks before X hour. Usually, at the same time as this small dilatation, the cork before childbirth departs. This is such a rather noticeable, voluminous lump of mucus with bloody streaks. These veins appear due to the fact that in the cervix, as a result of its opening, they burst small vessels. It should be noted that the cork can move away even during contractions. Some expectant mothers do not even notice it, especially if you have to lie under a drip during contractions.

3. And another common phenomenon is weight loss before childbirth. Usually, expectant mothers lose up to 1 kilogram. This physiological weight loss is associated with ridding the body of excess fluid. You may notice that the swelling becomes smaller or disappears. Elastic bands of socks no longer leave traces after long-term wearing, but wedding ring easily removed from the finger at the end of the day.

4. Belly drops. All 9 months, your uterus has been growing upwards and has already begun to support the ribs quite strongly, which made it impossible to sit exactly for more than a few minutes, breathe calmly. Heartburn often occurs. But shortly before childbirth, the presenting part of the fetus (most often the head) moves deeper into the pelvis, respectively, and the uterus drops a little. Relatives of the expectant mother will easily notice these changes in her belly shape, and the woman herself will feel that it has become easier to breathe. Life is getting better! The gynecologist determines that the child has sunk deeper into the pelvis by palpation of the presenting part. In the case of the head, it practically loses its mobility.

Prenatal medical procedures

Without them, unfortunately, it is unlikely to succeed. But take them as a necessity that will make the process of bringing your child into the world more pleasant and civilized, so to speak. What are these procedures?

1. Shaving before childbirth - you must get rid of hair in the pubic and perineal area. Of course, it is better to do it yourself, although this is not always convenient due to large sizes belly. IN last resort given cosmetic procedure can make honey. sister upon your admission to the hospital. If you are shy, then take care of shaving in advance. By the way, it doesn't have to be shaving. Many women get rid of hair in the bikini area with wax - the procedure is performed in the salon quickly and inexpensively. The main thing is to monitor sterility. But if you've never tried before wax depilation, it's not your choice. Because pain for the first time, while the skin is not accustomed to this procedure, are quite pronounced.

2. Another not too pleasant, but not painful procedure - enema before childbirth. Although they say that abroad women are not “mocked” anywhere else, but believe me - it is necessary not only for honey. staff, but also you. In the second stage of labor, when attempts begin, and in the process of passing the child through the birth canal, all the contents of your intestines will come out ... An enema before childbirth can be done at home, or you can trust to do this very simple procedure honey. sister in the hospital. Some women who have already gone through childbirth recommend that their pregnant friends use glycerin-containing preparations instead of the “classic” enema. The most famous of them are microclysters microlax and glycerin suppositories. But at present, unfortunately, they are not on sale in Russia and it is not known when they will be. And the intestines alone cannot be cleansed well with glycerin.

Here are the basic things you need to know before giving birth. Good luck!

In fact, you won’t be bored during this period, because there is so much to do before giving birth!

Childbirth - major event in the life of a woman, for which, of course, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Moreover, the concept of preparation for childbirth includes not only such important aspect, as attending courses for future parents, but also the practical side of the issue: choosing a maternity hospital, arranging a nursery, preparing the necessary documents, buying a dowry for a baby and many other necessary things.
In order not to forget anything and do everything on time, it is convenient to make a list of “good deeds” for yourself in advance. Tasks and tasks expectant mother need to complete before delivery, can be roughly divided into two lists. The first will include everything that needs to be prepared directly for childbirth and the maternity hospital. The second list will be important things that need to be done before the birth of the child, because then they may not have enough time and energy.

Preparing for childbirth

Choice of maternity home. This issue should be approached in advance and with all seriousness. It is desirable that the maternity hospital is located not far from home and meets your expectations of comfort. Selection criteria can also be positive reviews and recommendations from friends. Be sure to consult with the doctor who manages your pregnancy: with some features of the course of pregnancy (Rh-conflict - the production of antibodies in the body of a Rh-negative pregnant woman while carrying a fetus that has positive rh factor, which leads to the destruction of its red blood cells, perceived as foreign; multiple pregnancy) or availability concomitant diseases(For example, diabetes, hypertension) you need to choose a maternity hospital with the appropriate specialization. It is important to form your own idea of ​​the maternity hospital; To do this, you can call the nearest maternity hospital and personally clarify the key points:

  • Nursing Specialization.
  • Presence of children's resuscitation.
  • Conditions of stay in the antenatal, maternity and postnatal department (number of beds in the ward, availability of shower and toilet, additional amenities).
  • Possibility of partner delivery and visits in the postpartum ward.
  • Joint or separate stay with a child in the postpartum ward.
  • The possibility of concluding a contract and choosing a doctor.
  • Things and documents necessary for hospitalization.
  • Dates of preventive treatment ("washing") of the maternity hospital.

Based on the results of such a “survey”, one or several maternity hospitals you like the most, you need to go to each of them and see everything with your own eyes: the admissions department, discharge, photos of the departments of the maternity hospital in the reception hall, visit the tour, if they are held in the maternity hospital - this is a separate paid service, for which you do not need to conclude a contract. You can talk with doctors in the emergency department, employees of the referral service or the insurance company of the maternity hospital, if possible, with patients and their relatives. It is desirable that on these trips you are accompanied by someone close (husband, mother or giving birth to a friend). To complete the picture, you can see photos or video on the website of the maternity hospital. A personal visit will help to make a more objective impression of the maternity hospital and finally make a choice.

Unfortunately, the likelihood that you will be able to give birth in the chosen maternity hospital depends not only on your desire, but also on the number of places in the maternity hospital that may be occupied. Therefore, if you want to get to the maternity hospital you like at all costs, you should think about the contract form of obstetrics.

The conclusion of the contract for childbirth. If you decide to reserve a place in a specific maternity hospital or prefer individual birth management and more comfortable conditions stay, you need to conclude a contract for childbirth in advance. In most maternity hospitals, a contract for commercial services is concluded from the 36th week of pregnancy; at the same time, the price, terms of validity and the range of services provided can vary significantly. Some forms of contracts provide only enhanced comfort conditions in the maternity ward and postnatal ward, but do not include individual medical care conditions. Other options include the possibility of choosing and replacing an individual doctor, observation, examination and tests in the prenatal and postnatal period. The duration of the contract also differs: only for the duration of the stay in the hospital, from payment of the contract to discharge from the maternity hospital, for a month or more from the date of conclusion of the contract (such a contract includes prenatal and postnatal monitoring of the patient's health and the birth itself). In order to choose optimal conditions, should be considered in advance. possible options commercial services, call the insurance company of the maternity hospital and talk with an agent, drive up and carefully read the terms of the contract, and only then conclude a contract for childbirth.

Preparation of necessary documents. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, you will need a passport, a policy of compulsory or voluntary medical insurance and an exchange card. Ask your doctor to check that the "exchange" of the results of all necessary analyzes and examinations (blood type and Rh factor, tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis for each trimester, general analysis And biochemical analyzes blood, urine, smear on the vaginal flora, ECG, ultrasound and CTG, examination by an ophthalmologist, dentist and therapist). Exchange card- an important medical document containing all necessary information about the health of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy; this medical information helps the maternity hospital doctor to get a complete picture of the patient and choose the right tactics childbirth.

If you have been seen in antenatal clinic at least 12 weeks with the same doctor, he will provide you birth certificate(usually it is issued at 30 weeks of pregnancy), which should also be taken to the hospital and presented upon admission to childbirth. When observed in a commercial clinic, a birth certificate is not issued, since it is used only in the field of free medical services. This document was created to assess the effectiveness of the provision of medical services in the structure of obstetrics within the framework of compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance). The absence of a birth certificate should not give the expectant mother a reason for concern: it does not affect the choice and hospitalization in the maternity hospital. If there is no birth certificate upon admission to childbirth, it can be issued at the maternity hospital.

Check with the help desk of the maternity hospital what documents you may need additionally: sometimes in the admissions department they ask you to provide photocopies of your passport and insurance policy. If a partner birth is planned, it is necessary to prepare a contract for childbirth, if necessary, also clarify what tests are needed for the presence of a partner (for example, the results of fluorography and tests for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis) and their expiration date. Having prepared everything Required documents for childbirth, put them in one file in advance and keep them in a conspicuous place so as not to look for when preparing for the maternity hospital. After the 36th week of pregnancy, it is better to carry all the listed documents with you at all times.

Collection of "disturbing bag". Everything you need to stay in the hospital should also be prepared in advance so that you don’t forget anything in the bustle of the last fees. Things for hospitalization need to be decomposed into two parts - for maternity and postpartum ward, placing them in two clean plastic bags. Before starting the collection, once again clarify the requirements of the maternity hospital for things for hospitalization and make a separate list for each department.

In the rodblok bag you need to put washable slippers, a bottle of non-carbonated water for rinsing your mouth, hygienic lipstick, moisturizing spray or cream, wet wipes or toilet paper; some maternity hospitals allow you to take your own clothes (robe and nightgown, cotton socks), mobile phone, player, photo and video camera. If partner delivery is planned, you need to clarify the list of things for the partner in advance and put them in the delivery bag. Your birth partner will definitely need washable slippers and clean socks; if the maternity hospital does not provide special clothing, you can take a clean T-shirt and cotton trousers or buy a disposable medical suit at the pharmacy.

You will need packaging for the postpartum ward sanitary pads, a pack of disposable panties, a pair of nursing bras, a breast pump, nipple cream, toiletries (comb, Toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo and shower gel), hair dryer and, if necessary, cosmetics. For the baby you need to take a small package disposable diapers and wet wipes. If the maternity hospital allows you to use your own clothes for newborns, you need to collect another bag with a dowry for the baby (according to the list recommended by the maternity hospital). Usually, for crumbs, it is recommended to take 4-5 knitted overalls and the same number of bodysuits, a pair of knitted mittens and socks, a knitted hat. You do not need to take diapers and bedding - they are provided by the maternity hospital. All items must be washed and ironed. When you're done, put a list of the items it contains in each bag to make it easier to pack before leaving the hospital.

Choice of route to the hospital. In order to avoid problems on the way to the birth, if possible, study your route to the maternity hospital in advance. Just in case, make several options for the road to the hospital, taking into account possible traffic jams and unforeseen difficulties. Take the time to drive through each route option and record the length of your journey to find the best route. Remember the exact address of the maternity hospital and ways to get to it - in case you need to call a taxi. And of course, ask your doctor in advance and be sure to write down the phone number of the “obstetric ambulance”, because it may be necessary to call a specialized team.

What needs to be done

Dowry- one of the most important and most enjoyable things for a future mother. In concept dowry includes clothes, linen (diapers and bedding), hygiene and care products, a stroller, a car seat, a bathtub, scales, necessary furniture (for example, a crib, a changing table) and much more. Dowry collection for the baby should be taken care of before childbirth, because by the time of discharge, everything you need should already be at home. If the expectant mother is superstitious, purchases for the baby can be stored with relatives and friends until childbirth, or even in a store (some stores for mothers and babies offer storage services for purchased goods), but then the care for the delivery and preparation of the dowry falls entirely on the shoulders of relatives and is carried out in too short a time - during the stay of mother and baby in the hospital. But you need to have time to bring everything (and sometimes even buy it!), disassemble and arrange, wash, iron and sort linen and clothes ... It is better to do everything in advance and calmly, especially since preparing a dowry for a baby gives the expectant mother a lot of pleasure!

Items for discharge for mom and baby It also needs to be prepared ahead of time. For this significant event need beautiful clothes and cosmetics for mom and, of course, a special dowry for a newborn. To discharge the baby from the hospital, you must use overalls. If the baby is in an envelope or blanket, then you will not be able to fix it in child car seat, which also needs to be purchased for the extract. Carrying a baby in her arms in a car is very dangerous, since even with a minor accident and low speed, it will be very difficult for the mother to hold the child. Under the overalls, the newborn is put on a bodysuit or knitted overalls, a hat, socks and mittens. In addition, for the baby you need to prepare wet wipes, several disposable diapers and a couple of diapers. For yourself, you need to prepare clothes, taking into account changes in the figure: the stomach does not disappear immediately after childbirth, so outfits purchased at the beginning or middle of pregnancy are best suited. In addition, on the way home, it may be necessary to feed the baby, so it is more convenient to choose a top with a cutout or button-down. It is better to put things for discharge from the hospital in advance in a bag, label it and enclose a list of things.

Nursery equipment and house cleaning are also on the to-do list. It is necessary to discuss in advance where the baby will live for the first months of life, and it is most convenient to equip that part of the house, which is destined for the role of "children's" (this can be separate room or a place in the parent's room). First, on paper, and then - and in practice, you need to arrange a crib, a changing table, think about where the hygiene items, clothes and linen of the baby will be stored. Perhaps it will be a chest of drawers for children's things or a dedicated space in the closet. By the arrival of the newborn at home, a general cleaning should be done: you need to vacuum and wash the floors, wipe off the dust, wipe the furniture, wash the plumbing -
And this, of course, is not at all mother's worries! These responsibilities can and should be shifted to the household; however, in order for everything to be done in full, correctly and on time, it is worth preparing instructions for cleaning the house in advance.

Registration of grants and other documents related to the birth of a child, unfortunately, it is impossible to carry out in advance. But if even before the birth to bring everything necessary certificates, make a list necessary documents, write down the addresses and office hours of organizations, the procedure for obtaining benefits and other important papers will take much less time!

Visit to a beauty salon- no less important item in the list of "prenatal activities". In the first months after the birth of a child, a young mother often does not have enough time to take care of herself, so on the eve of childbirth, you can think about comfortable haircut, not requiring complex styling. In addition, in preparation for childbirth, you can get a manicure and pedicure without using nail polish and choosing short length nails.