Gift for a child. Baby dowry list for spring birth. Baby development toys

The birth of a child is a very important event in the life of parents. Most expectant mothers and fathers prepare for the birth of a baby with all responsibility and strive to prepare everything that is necessary for the newborn. However, those who are expecting a baby for the first time, with the approach of the cherished date, more and more questions arise: what are the first necessary things for a newborn to buy? Where to buy all the necessary things for a newborn? In what quantity?

Some future parents are superstitious about this issue and do not buy anything before the birth of the baby. But think for yourself whether you will have time after giving birth to run around the shops and vainly buy everything that comes to hand. Modern young people now do not pay attention to the remnants of the past and, saving their time and money, do everything in advance. Indeed, in the last months of pregnancy, you have a lot of free time to carefully sit down and think about what you need to purchase for a newborn. Yes, and after the birth of a child, you can spend time with him yourself, and not running around the shops, because then you may not find exactly those things that you need. Especially if you are expecting your first child, psychologically it prepares you for motherhood.

In order not to buy too much or, on the contrary, not to forget to buy something necessary for the baby, expectant mothers will need a list of what is necessary for the newborn - things that the baby will need from the first days of life. In the above list, we have tried to divide all purchases into mandatory and optional, with the help of which, if desired and possible, you could simply facilitate the care of your baby.

Video: List of necessary things for a newborn

Major purchases

  1. Cot
  2. Stroller
  3. baby bath
  1. Changing board, table or changing chest
  2. Car seat / infant carrier
  3. Kangaroo backpack

Bed dress

  1. Mattress in the crib
  2. Oilcloth and mattress cover
  3. Stroller set (mattress and pillow)
  4. Blanket warm synthetic winterizer or wadded
  5. wool blanket
  6. Blanket flannelette
  7. Cotton blanket
  8. Duvet covers - 2 pcs
  9. Sheets (size 150x90 cm) - 2 pcs
  1. Canopy and sides in the crib

care items

  1. First aid kit for a newborn
  2. Aspirator
  3. Scissors with rounded edges
  4. rubber douche
  5. water thermometer
  6. Room thermometer
  7. Body temperature thermometer
  8. Brush and comb
  9. Dummy - 2 pcs
  10. Disposable diapers
  1. baby monitor
  2. Musical toy in the crib

For swimming

  1. Baby soap
  2. Foam (gel) for bathing a baby
  3. Sponge (mitten)
  4. Bathroom slide
  5. Baby rinse bucket
  6. Large terry towel
  1. Bathing circle
  2. swimming cap


  1. Thin cotton diapers - 5-6 pcs
  2. Warm flannel diapers - 5-6 pcs
  3. Thin undershirts - 4-5 pcs
  4. Warm undershirts - 4-5 pcs
  5. Thin caps - 2 pcs
  6. Warm caps - 2 pcs
  7. Gauze diapers (50x50 cm) - 10-15 pcs
  8. Woolen hat
  9. Thin blouses - 2 pcs
  10. Flannel blouses - 2 pcs
  11. Romper - 2-4 pcs
  12. scratches
  13. socks
  1. Outdoor jumpsuit
  2. Sleeping bag (envelope) in a stroller (synthetic winterizer or fur)

For feeding

  1. Bottles with nipples - 3 pcs
  2. Bottle brush
  3. bib
  1. Bottle sterilizer
  2. Baby food warmer
  3. Thermos bag for bottles
  4. breast pump

Almost everything you need for a newborn baby can be bought in our store. And get a good discount as well. For example, we will take goods of an average price category, and the cost will be indicated taking into account the discount that you will receive when purchasing in the amount of 12,000 rubles. This table is a list of necessary things for a newborn with an indication of approximate prices.

Table 1. What you need for a newborn (examples and prices).

Product Model Main List Extended list
1 PC
3390 3390
1 PC
7790 7790
1 PC
410 410
Changing board or chest of drawers
1 PC
- 3490
Car seat / infant carrier
1 PC
- 2250
Kangaroo backpack
1 PC
- 890
Mattress in the crib
1 PC
1290 1290
1 PC
149 149
Mattress cover
1 PC
290 290
Stroller set
1 PC
290 290
Blanket warm
1 PC
490 490
wool blanket
1 PC
670 670
Blanket flannelette
1 PC
650 650
1 PC
- 650
1 PC
- 850
Duvet cover
2 pcs
720 720
2 pcs
320 320
first aid kit
1 PC
265 265
1 PC
159 159
1 PC
195 195
1 PC
35 35
water thermometer
1 PC
125 125
Body thermometer
1 PC
375 375
Room thermometer
1 PC
35 35
Brush and comb
1 PC
180 180
2 pcs
190 190
Disposable diapers
1 PC
1400 1400
Musical toy in the crib
1 PC
- 990
Swim slide
1 PC
190 190
1 PC
49 49
1 PC
720 720
Bathing circle
1 PC
- 310
Swimming vest
1 PC
- 275
Warm diapers
5 pieces
925 925
Diaper thin
5 pieces
345 345
Warm undershirts
4 things
260 260
Undershirts are thin
4 things
260 260
Gauze diaper
3 packs
465 465
2 pcs
70 70
1 PC
150 150
The blouse is thin
2 pcs
350 350
Warm blouse
2 pcs
420 420
2 pcs
360 360
Walking overalls
1 PC
- 2550
Discharge kit
1 PC
- 2290
2 pcs
100 100
2 pcs
130 130
small bottle
2 pcs
  • Envelope/overalls with fur
  • Blanket on synthetic winterizer / wool
  • Flannel diapers
  • Thermal packaging for bottles
  • Clutch for stroller
  • Sled-carriage
  • List of things for a newborn in autumn - spring:

    • Set for discharge (autumn-spring)
    • Envelope / overalls on synthetic winterizer
    • Warm hat, socks and gloves
    • Knitted / flannel diapers
    • Fleece/velor throw
    • Bed set with blanket
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Cane stroller
    • Stroller

    What to buy a newborn baby in summer:

    • Summer set for discharge
    • Cotton/knit diapers
    • Knitted plaid
    • Raincoat
    • mosquito net
    • Cane stroller
    • Stroller

    And a few more tips for choosing the necessary things for a newborn:

    • A crib with a pendulum will greatly facilitate the process of rocking a child, and when the baby grows up, the pendulum can be fixed.
    • When choosing a stroller, focus primarily on convenience, and not on price. It often turns out that young parents, having initially saved money, after a while come for a new stroller, because a walk with a baby turns into hard labor due to an improperly selected stroller.
    • The mattress for a newborn should be hard. This contributes to the correct formation of the posture of the baby. Now there is an opportunity to buy mattresses with different rigidity of the sides, which will serve you up to 3 years.
    • When buying a car seat / infant carrier, pay attention to the presence of the ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04 mark, which indicates that the seat has passed all the necessary tests and complies with the European Safety Standard.
    • Before use, all underwear (clothing) of the baby must be boiled, washed, ironed with a hot iron. Iron the inside seams. Children's underwear should be stored separately from adult underwear.

    But we would not recommend you to buy the following things for a newborn:

    • Blouses that need to be worn over the head, since the reaction of the child will be unambiguously negative
    • A lot of clothes of the same size, since you will not notice how the baby will grow out of it
    • Clothes in bright colors, as they can irritate the baby's eyes. Choose from soft pink, sky blue, pistachio, and all shades of beige and light ocher
    • Do not buy synthetic clothes for your child. Give preference to things made from natural materials. They are much nicer to the touch and do not cause allergies.
    • Do not buy clothes for a newborn baby with fasteners at the back, because your baby will spend most of the time on his back.
    • There are a lot of disposable diapers at once, as they may simply not fit your baby
    • Milk formula without the advice of a pediatrician
    • A simple solution to a difficult problem: buying things before the baby is born

      Very soon you will be replenished in the family, but you do not know what to buy for a newborn. In this article, we will give you the answer to this question. Let's immediately discard all the "dense" stereotypes that buying things for a child in advance is a bad omen. We live in the 21st century, and therefore we will be guided by common sense, and not by some outdated delusions. More

    Below is a rough list of newborn items that you may need for the first time after giving birth until you can go shopping - this should be enough. Why exemplary? Yes, just because it suits one mommy, it turns out that you don’t need another at all, and even the minimum list will turn out to be different for many.

    Therefore, we recommend that you read this article, edit the list for yourself, go shopping, ask the price and buy only what you think is necessary, and save money for the rest. And after the birth of the child, having decided what you really need - buy more.

    Sleep list

    Crib. Preferably wooden made from natural wood species, with the possibility of adjusting the sides, i.e. when the front wall lowers, it is easier to take and put the newborn in the crib; with several levels of the bottom (minimum 2) - as the baby grows older, the bottom of the crib drops. It is good if there are protective silicone pads on the top of the side rails of the crib. The bed can be on wheels, a rocking chair, with a transverse or longitudinal pendulum; with boxes for toys and clothes.

    Mattress. It must fully correspond to the size of the selected crib - fit snugly against all the walls of the crib. Mattresses can be spring (in which there are spring blocks - they are more rigid and suitable for babies) and springless, in which latex and / or coir (coconut or fiber) are used instead of springs. If possible, you can purchase a double-sided mattress, when one side is orthopedically hard based on coconut coir, and the other is softer (for example, made of polyurethane foam or latex). The hard side is intended for the newborn and baby, and after a year the child can be shifted to the softer side. It is desirable that the mattress cover can be removed.

    Bumper around the crib. This is a soft side that surrounds the walls of the crib from the inside and protects the newborn from possible drafts, blows against part of the crib, and also so that the arms or legs of the crumbs do not accidentally get stuck between the twigs of the crib.

    Sheet- 2 pcs. It is necessary to choose the correct size of the sheet so that it is possible to stretch it well and tuck the ends under the mattress. The best fit is a sheet with an elastic band.

    Oilcloth. It can be an ordinary oilcloth or terry (cotton on a polyurethane basis). If you are not going to swaddle a newborn and will use disposable diapers from the first days of life, then you can not use oilcloth on the bed.

    Blanket flannelette, a warm blanket - woolen, a light blanket, as well as duvet covers in the size of a blanket. Instead of a blanket, you can buy a sleeping bag or blanket (used up to about 6-9 months).

    Mobile on the bed. This musical carousel will be one of the first children's toys. It is attached above the bed (at a distance of 40-50 cm from the eyes of a newborn child) and on which colorful toys are usually hung. The mobile can be mechanical, electronic, backlit and other additional features. Usually used up to 5-6 months.

    List of optional purchases

    Cradle or cradle. Suitable for baby up to 3-4 months of age.

    Canopy creates an atmosphere of comfort (more for mom) in a small crib, whether to use it or not is a matter of your taste and your desires.


    Pillow- up to a year is NOT used; after a year, you can offer the child a small, low pillow. For medical reasons, for example, if a newborn's head is slightly deformed due to the fact that he constantly turns his head on one side (torticollis), it is recommended to lay the child on orthopedic pillow. It differs from a regular pillow by having a small recess for the head.

    Pillow (roller) under the back of the baby. In order for the child to sleep on his side and not be able to roll over, it is enough to roll up a towel or blanket and place it under the back of the child.

    night light. The lamp gives a soft diffused light, which will help the mother change the baby's clothes at night without turning on the main light. You can use a regular bedside lamp.

    List of things to care for a newborn baby

    A changing board is necessary for changing a newborn, for daily toileting; can be attached to a baby cot. You can also change clothes for a newborn baby on a regular table, covered with a blanket, oilcloth, diaper or on an adult bed; you can buy a chest of drawers with a folding changing board (if there are few drawers for things).

    diapers. The most versatile thing on the list of necessary and useful: you can put it in the crib under the head of the baby in case the newborn spit up. Cover the child, if the room is warm, at the doctor's office during the medical examination. The diaper can be used to pat the baby dry after bathing before wrapping it in a towel. The amount depends on the season, whether you will swaddle your baby, use disposable diapers or not.

    If you are swaddling a newborn, and the child was born in the cold season, then you need to purchase at least 10 flannelette and 15 thin cotton (calico) diapers of a large size, since the child grows very quickly, if in summer, then the number of flannelette diapers can be reduced. If you do not swaddle, then the diapers are quite thin and thick, 5 pcs each. And for taking "air baths" and massage, you can use absorbent disposable diapers with a waterproof bottom layer.

    Diapers. Approximately 5 to 10 disposable diapers, or 20-24 gauze reusable diapers, are used per day.

    Wet cleansing wipes. It is enough to have one large package.

    List of necessary things for bathing a newborn described in the article bathing a newborn.

    List of things for a walk

    Stroller. Huge choice: there are universal strollers - transformers that can be used immediately after birth and up to three years as walking - but they are very heavy, three-wheeled strollers, two-in-one strollers, forward-facing baby strollers, etc. However, no matter which stroller you choose, several factors must be taken into account: its weight, the size of the wheels, the material from which the springs are made, there must be soft shock absorbers that ensure a smooth ride. And don't forget to buy it additional accessories: a mattress, a raincoat, a warm bag for walking in cool weather, a foot cover for older children, a mosquito net for a stroller, a bag.

    A transformer for the street (insulated or winter) or an envelope-blanket made of synthetic winterizer or sheepskin in the cold season, and light overalls or an envelope (possible with sleeves) for the warm season.

    List of optional purchases

    Kangaroo or sling(scarf or with rings). To some extent replaces the stroller. Designed for long walks, public transport trips and shopping.

    car seat. Only necessary if you have a car.

    Thermal bag. Good for long walks. The thermal bag allows you to keep boiled water, milk formula or breast milk warm for 3-4 hours.

    List of things to feed

    If a newborn baby is breastfed, this will greatly simplify the life of the mother - it will save time and effort, since you do not need to wash and sterilize bottles and nipples, you do not need to cool or heat milk. In this case, it is enough to have 1-2 bottles (one, for example, with expressed milk to take to the clinic, and the other for boiled water).

    Mom will need: mood for breastfeeding, nursing bra - 2 pcs. (it is better to choose the size after the establishment of lactation), pads that absorb milk for the breast, bepanten ointment from cracks in the nipples.

    If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you need to purchase 4 - 5 bottles with nipples that repeat the mother's nipple to form the correct bite, spare nipples for feeding, a plastic funnel, a measuring cup (spoon), a bottle brush, a sterilizer (can be sterilized by boiling, steaming, in the microwave ), heater, thermos, detergents for the above listed accessories.

    Bib - bib to protect clothing - 2-3 pcs.

    plastic spoon or a syringe without a needle to give the child medicines or vitamins (such as vitamin D to prevent rickets).

    List of optional purchases

    breast pump. It is necessary if the mother has stagnation of milk (lactostasis) and the woman herself cannot express herself with her hands, or to stimulate lactation when there is not enough milk. In this case, the breast pump simplifies and speeds up the process of expressing milk. However, the best breast pump is still your baby.

    Milk storage containers are designed to collect, store and freeze milk, which allows you to save and extend the period of breastfeeding, for example, when a mother needs to leave her baby for a long time - when going to work.

    Tea to increase lactation with a lactation crisis, but the best way to improve lactation is to put a newborn baby to the breast not by the hour, but on demand, especially at night.

    Pillow for feeding makes the process of breastfeeding comfortable for the mother in a comfortable position, she does not have to hold the baby with both hands.

    List of other useful things

    baby monitor. Parents need more to avoid looking into the child's room every minute. A useful thing if you have a large apartment (house) or good sound insulation between rooms.

    Children's scales. Can be rented; needed mainly for the first 2-3 months.

    Humidifier, ionizer-air purifier. It is necessary when the child is sick, especially during the heating season, when the air in the apartments is dry, and the dried mucous membranes cease to perform a protective function.

    Air temperature thermometer. It is advisable to keep him near the child's bed, where he spends most of his time.

    Baby washing powder. For hand and automatic washing.

    pacifier- orthodontic form, which contributes to the formation of the correct bite - 2 pcs. just in case. As well as a chain for a pacifier and a container (box) - indispensable for walking or when visiting a clinic: the pacifier does not fall, does not get dirty and is not lost.

    Chaise lounge or swing. The chaise longue will allow you to carry your baby with you: to the kitchen, to another room, in the summer - to fresh air.

    Diary for records or album "Our Baby", in which you will enter all the achievements of your baby.

    List of necessary clothes for a child

    The range and quantity of clothes for newborns very much depends on when the child was born - in summer or winter, and what budget the parents have. We tried to cover only the first 3 months, because every month a mother becomes more experienced in terms of choosing clothes for her baby.

    0-3 months

    Blouses, vests, bodysuits are bought depending on the season (with long and short sleeves). If the newborn baby is “winter”, then long-sleeve outerwear is preferable, there will be no need to wear something else over it. It is also advisable to decide how much you plan to use disposable diapers, since some types of clothing for babies are very comfortable in diapers such as pampers and extremely uncomfortable without them.


    Sizes 56 (height 50-58 cm) and 62 (height 59-64), if the baby is supposed to be born large, then it is better to buy undershirts-blouses of size 62. If you decide to use disposable diapers, then the number of undershirts can be bought in 2-3 (thin and warm).

    Comfortable: Undershirts with double-sided buttons (buttons) on the shoulders and anti-scratch mittens with lapels (you can air the handles more often).

    uncomfortable: The vests are simple, without ties, buttons and buttons - they constantly ride up and have to be straightened on the back, besides, you will have to put on another vest, but with a smell in front; One-button vests can lose their shape after several washes.


    Available in short sleeve, long sleeve or tank top. The bodysuit is good because it does not ride up, the back and tummy of the newborn are closed - 1-2 pcs.

    Comfortable: Bodysuit with center fasteners or buttons on the shoulders.

    uncomfortable: Bodysuits that need to be put on over the head - babies usually do not like this kind of dressing. Bodysuit with overlapped shoulders - after washing, the bodysuit loses its shape, and often you have to sew up the forming “neckline”.


    If you are going to swaddle a newborn or the child will be large, then it is better to buy sliders in sizes 20-22 or 40-44 (for height 62/68 - 68/74) - thin and warm, 4 pcs each. If you do not regularly use disposable diapers, then you will need more sliders. Rompers are like regular panties, and diaper sliders (wider)

    Comfortable: sliders on the straps with buttons on the inside between the legs for changing the diaper - do not put pressure on the tummy.

    uncomfortable: classic sliders with an elastic band under the diaper - if the child is active, they can slide, and the baby's back will be naked.

    Slip is a one-piece jumpsuit 2 in 1 (sliders + blouse), fastened along the entire length. It completely covers the legs and arms - with long sleeves it is convenient because the tummy and back are always closed, it does not ride up, it is very easy to put on. In the sleepsuit it is convenient to put the child at night without fear that he will open up. Sleepsuits can replace a vest (blouse), sliders and socks. Under a warm slip, you can wear a bodysuit (blouse) and sliders. You will need 3 light and 2 warm slips.

    Minus- if the child burps or the diaper leaks, then the entire sleepsuit will have to be changed, and not just the blouse or sliders. The slip is not designed for crawling.


    2-3 pairs of thin socks; 1-2 pairs of warm socks. Bootees - light decorative shoes - 1 pair.


    Cap (scarf)- 1 PC. You should not accustom the child to a headdress, it is better if he sleeps with his head uncovered. You can wear it after bathing, for a while until your hair is dry or for a walk in the summer.


    Cap for the street- 1 PC. In winter, they put on a cap or a thin hat and a woolen hat over it.

    The shopping list for a newborn can be supplemented endlessly, depending on the desire and financial capabilities of the parents.

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    Is it necessary to prepare a dowry for a newborn in advance?

    Many women believe that knitting or sewing for a child in advance, as well as buying things necessary for the crumbs (given for a newborn) is a bad omen.

    Nothing like this!
    Nature itself has given the expectant mother 9 whole months to prepare for the birth of her baby - everything should be thought out, bought, prepared, read, learned, learned...

    I highly recommend going through the "Mom's School" at the LCD or RD's, courses:
    - pregnancy;
    - childbirth + psychological attitude to successful childbirth;
    - baby care;
    - breastfeeding + complementary foods;
    - joint childbirth - at will,
    and RD choose with a joint stay with the child.
    After such a school + practice in the RD, you will return home with a child already an experienced Mom, and you will not need any nurses at all!

    … In the womb, the child feels her mood and reacts to it. Let your baby be sure that they are waiting for him with joy, that he is needed and loved.

    Buy your newborn dowry in advance so that everything is ready before you return with your treasure from the hospital. Then you will be able to avoid unnecessary mental stress, which is very harmful for a young mother and baby.

    Do not trust the preparation of a dowry for a newborn to your loved ones while you are in the hospital. They may not buy exactly what they need. And, besides, you simply will not know where everything is. Believe me, the fact that at the right time there are no dry panties at hand can drive you crazy and lead you into a deep depression. The first month at home with a baby is a time when mom and baby get used to each other, and mom just needs to feel confident and independent. And the inability to find a clean diaper in your own house has not yet added confidence and self-respect to anyone.

    But what a pleasure, slowly, to collect a dowry for a newborn! For many expectant mothers, this helps to tune in to the wave of the baby better than any auto-training. Taking care of the baby even before its appearance, you will already feel like a mother. By placing in the apartment everything you need from a dowry for a newborn, you improve your life and prevent troubles that can lead to increased postpartum depression. And success in studying the market for children's goods and the knowledge that everything is ready for the appearance of the baby give self-confidence.

    Prepare the most necessary things from the dowry for the newborn - the rest can be purchased later, after the birth of the crumbs.

    Good omens:
    1. You can buy a crib or stroller in advance. It just shouldn't be empty until the baby is born. Plant a doll dressed in children's clothes there - she will "guard" the place for the future owner or hostess.
    2. You can buy, wash and iron clothes, diapers and bedding for your baby. Put these things where they will be stored and keep the lockers open until the baby is born. This symbolizes easy childbirth.
    3. As soon as they start talking to you about various bad omens, sincerely wish the person well and, just in case, discreetly cross your fingers, middle to index, on your right hand.

    What does a newborn baby need after discharge from the hospital?

    A room (or a corner, if the apartment is single-fed)

    Even before the birth of the baby, you need to fully prepare the room in which he will live. It's best to renovate it.

    It is necessary to finish it long before the appearance of a small newcomer in it, so that the smell of solvents, paint, new furniture ... disappears completely. It's bad for the baby!

    It is better to paste over the walls with light wallpaper of calm colors. Hang thick curtains on the windows so that the child can be protected from sunlight.

    When preparing a room for your baby, think about the time when your baby will begin to be interested in the world around him, take things in his hands, explore them. This will happen very soon. Do not keep dangerous objects in the room, especially medicines.

    The environment should be comfortable to maintain cleanliness. Take away things that collect dust: carpets, rugs, shelves. Let the room be constantly fresh, spacious - the child needs clean air.

    You will also need a baby changing table, this is also a dowry for a newborn. It can be an ordinary desk with cabinets, adapted for storing children's wardrobe. Before swaddling, a flannelette blanket or a changing mat and a diaper are placed on the table. It’s good if you have a bedside table on which you can put bottles of milk and water, as well as items for the child’s toilet. It is worth getting a wide low chair (or rather a rocking chair) with armrests - it is very convenient to feed the baby in it.

    You may not have a separate room for a newborn. In this case, take the child a bright, draft-protected corner. There you will place a crib, a changing table, an armchair and a bedside table - your dowry for a newborn. Now everything is at your fingertips.

    1. Stroller

    As a rule, the first item on the list of things given to a newborn is a stroller. However, the lack of experience makes the choice of "vehicle" difficult. And only when mom happens to lift the purchased stroller to the third floor herself, because she does not enter the elevator or literally drag it along in the snowy winter through the snowdrifts, all the shortcomings will be revealed.

    Choose a hard, coconut mattress for a stroller.

    2. Car seat

    For a given newborn, choose a model from 0 kg (0+), such a model is suitable for a child up to 10-13 kg. In this chair, the baby can be taken from the hospital, taken to the clinic, shops, on a visit and other places. At home, such a chair will be relevant for you on average up to 3 months. It will be possible to put the child in it to sleep on the balcony, rock it and just put it in it when the baby is awake, then he will be able to be next to you and accumulate impressions.

    3. Sling

    A sling is a sling in which a child is carried. It can be used from birth. Sling helps mother and baby to be always together. But at the same time, parental hands remain free.

    4. Crib

    Let it be good and durable, because your wonderful child will sleep in it until about 3-4 years old. So it's worth shelling out for a crib that won't let you down.
    It should be made of natural wood, made without the use of harmful dyes. The gaps between the slats should be at least 2.5 cm so that the baby does not get stuck in them, and no more than 6 cm so that he does not slide his leg down. The hinged wall locks must be tight so that the child cannot open them.

    The mattress must exactly fit the size of the crib and fit snugly against the walls so that the baby's head does not accidentally become pinched. It is better to choose a flat hard orthopedic mattress, coconut. If you are given a crib “by inheritance”, then the mattress for it will need a new one, not deformed by the “predecessors”.
    Set the bottom of the crib at a distance of at least 60 cm from the top railing so that the baby does not get out. This level should be adjustable.

    Get hanging soft bumpers on the crib, which is tied to the walls of the bed, from 4 sides of the bed. They will protect the baby from bruises and protect from drafts.

    It’s good if both wheels and skids are attached to the legs - then you can alternate motion sickness options.

    5. Bed

    The baby does not need a wadded blanket - he can suffocate under it. A good way to include in the dowry for a newborn is all kinds of cotton (or flannelette) blankets or a sleeping bag. In the heat of the child, you can cover with a diaper.

    Your baby won't need a pillow for at least another 2-3 years. Sometimes doctors recommend a special orthopedic pillow, but strictly according to indications, for example, with torticollis.

    Buy an oilcloth for a mattress under a sheet and 2 sets of bed linen.

    A canopy bracket on the crib will help protect your baby from house flies and mosquitoes in the summer.

    Do not forget about the mobile on the crib, for the entertainment of the baby while awake.

    Hanging pockets on a crib for various little things that should always be at hand will also come in handy.

    6. For swimming
    baby bath + slide or hammock;
    a ladle from which you will water the baby when bathing;
    2 soft terry towels, terry bathing gloves (used instead of a washcloth);
    thermometer for measuring water temperature;
    baby liquid cream soap 0+;
    bathing agent 0+ (used for washing the body and head);
    herbs: string, chamomile;
    circle on the neck for swimming in an adult bath (used from the moment the umbilical cord is completely healed, from about 2-4 weeks of the baby's life).

    7. Cosmetic bag
    children's comb (brush + regular);
    children's nail scissors with rounded ends
    I highly recommend these:

    with cap.
    You can cut your child's nails from 3-4 weeks of age;
    silicone toothbrush:

    It is used from the moment of eruption of the first tooth, which can erupt both at 2 months and at 8 months;
    nasal aspirator with limiter:

    For suction of sputum from the nose;
    diaper and massage oil, for example, Weleda with calendula;
    cream Bepante under the diaper (used for irritation, diaper rash);
    powder (used in the summer in the heat or with sweating);
    hygienic lipstick 0+;
    baby wipes 0+;
    cotton swabs;
    absorbent diapers;
    cotton turundas (flagella).

    I do not indicate cotton buds with a fuse (or without it), because ENTs are categorically against their use, as are Neonatologists and Pediatricians. Instead of cotton buds, they recommend using cotton turundas.

    8. Diapers, diapers and undershirts
    - If you decide that you will use disposable diapers, for the first time in the given newborn you will need 2-3 packs of size NB (or S or 0-5, depending on the brand of the manufacturer), - each manufacturer has its own size chart, for example: Merries has a size for newborns of 0-5 kg, and Mooney has a size for newborns of ~5 kg.
    - If you prefer reusable diapers, you can buy ready-made diapers with liners (for example: "GlorYes" bamboo charcoal) or sew them yourself from gauze - each diaper uses 90x90 cm of gauze. you will need at least 20 reusable diapers.
    - Disposable diapers 2-3 packs 60x90 cm in size, you can use them in clinics, for massages, at a party to change the baby... or just bare-drink on them at home...
    - Flannel or flannel diapers 80x130 cm in size - 10-20 pcs.
    - Cotton or cotton diapers measuring 80x130 cm - 10-20 pcs.
    - Undershirts. If you decide to swaddle your baby, you will need them. 5-10 pcs. flannel with long sleeves and 5-10 pcs. print with short sleeves.

    It is better to choose undershirts with long sleeves with closed handles so that the child does not scratch himself, because the nails of babies are very sharp, and cut their nails for the first 3-4 weeks. after birth is not recommended. You can take undershirts with long sleeves with open handles, but then get scratches (cotton mittens) 4 pairs.

    The number of diapers and undershirts depends on what kind of diapers your child will be in: disposable or reusable. If in reusable diapers, then more diapers and undershirts will be needed, because you will have to wash more often.

    All products must be washed, dried and ironed in advance.

    9. Dishes
    breast pump for decanting breast milk;
    a small silver (or copper) spoon;
    bottle warmer (you can take 3 different ones: 1 for home use, 1 for car and 1 for the street);
    sterilizer for bottles, jars, nipples, etc.;
    brush for washing bottles and jars;
    thermal bag - take baby food on the road in winter;
    bottle sets with nipples for feeding your baby (if you are not going to breastfeed). To feed an artificial baby, buy 5-7 bottles with a capacity of 250 ml. There are many options: choose the one that is comfortable to hold. Convenient bottles with replaceable liners - as the baby sucks, the liner shrinks, so the stream of milk does not weaken and the baby does not swallow air.
    Or one soft silicone spoon of Medela:

    If your baby is a naturalist, to feed the baby with expressed milk in your absence;
    stock up on bottle nipples - keep them sterilized in case the one you use gives too much jet;
    bottles and jars with caps (or sterile disposable bags) for storing a can of milk in the refrigerator or freezer.

    10. Other essentials
    room thermometer;
    basket for dirty baby clothes;
    wash basin (children's underwear must be washed separately from adults);
    changing table or changing board;
    changing mat;
    radio babysitter if you have a multi-room apartment or house;

    11. Baby wardrobe
    Children's wardrobe clothes should be made of soft, hygroscopic natural fabrics that are easy to wash, boil and iron with a hot iron. As a rule, these are cotton fabrics. The seams should not be rough.

    Buy things as a dowry for a newborn immediately for a height of 62 cm - this will be enough for you for the first few months. Choose clothes that do not need to be worn over your head, we are talking more about outerwear: sweaters, turtlenecks. Choose bodysuits, slips and T-shirts with buttons, buttons at the neck (or deep cuts for the head), this will make it easier for the child to dress over the head. Believe me, you will appreciate it. Newborns are not particularly excited about changing clothes, so try to make this procedure as quick and enjoyable as possible.

    The things that the baby wears in the first year of life have two features: they are small and they need to be washed often. Therefore, when buying, proceed from how you are going to do it. If manually - buy whatever you want. But then the wash will be endless for you. If you want to save time (and money), then wash in a washing machine. Then, when buying a dowry for a newborn, select things according to the color scheme. Give preference to plain clothes - the fact is that the pattern fades from a large number of washes.
    Also, try to avoid clothes with a lot of ruffles - you will save a lot of time on ironing.

    So, in a dowry for a newborn, you will need:
    “holiday envelope” + “holiday package for an envelope” for an extract from the hospital, depending on the season;
    Envelope or overalls or overalls-transformer for the season, for walking;
    5-10 pcs. bodysuit with short and long sleeves;
    5-10 pcs. sandman;
    5-10 sliders (or panties with open legs and a wide belt), which can be printed, knitted, flannel or cotton velor (these are especially pleasant to the touch);
    5-10 pcs. slips (little men) with a fastener on buttons in front;
    The number of clothes depends on what kind of diapers your child will be in: disposable or reusable. If in reusable diapers, you will need more clothes, because you will have to wash more often.
    2 knitted blouses with buttons or buttons;
    2-4 pairs of thin socks;
    2 pairs of warm socks;
    2 pairs of knitted booties;
    2 bonnets;
    1 wool cap;
    2 bibs (bib) for IV and complementary foods.

    How to wear bodysuit, slip (little man) and sandman
    - For a walk or to the clinic, in the cold season, the bodysuit is worn like underwear: diaper + bodysuit with long sleeves + slip.
    - For a walk or to the clinic, during the warm period, the bodysuit is not worn: diaper + slip.
    - For a walk or to the clinic, in the heat: a diaper + a sandman.
    - At home, during the cool period: a diaper + a bodysuit with a short sleeve, if the apartment is 20-22 degrees, if it is colder, a bodysuit with a long sleeve + panties (or sliders) + socks (or booties). It is not necessary to wear socks or booties with sliders, because their legs are closed.
    - At home, during the warm season: diaper + bodysuit with short sleeves.
    - At home, in the heat: a diaper.

    Mittens and booties are attached to the jumpsuit with buttons.

    Additional booties are not required.
    It happens: insulated on a synthetic winterizer with a fleece lining for weather from +1 deg. and light on a cotton lining for weather from +10 degrees.

    If you don't know the gender of your baby yet, buy things in neutral colors.

    12. Baby first aid kit

    There should be a first aid kit in the house, so that if necessary, you can always provide your crumbs with the necessary urgent assistance.

    medicines should be kept out of the reach of children;
    do not store expired medicines;
    never use medicines, especially antibiotics prescribed for a specific disease, in other circumstances;
    Some diseases require antibiotics, but they weaken the immune system. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor if this treatment is the only possible one;
    Use all medicines only in consultation with your doctor.

    The first aid kit should contain:
    - for the treatment of the navel;
    brilliant green (brilliant green solution 1%) - for treating the navel;
    potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - for hygienic baths with diaper rash. Be sure to dilute manganese crystals in boiled water so that a pale pink solution is obtained. Be sure to filter it;
    syrup "Lactulose", syrup "", syrup "Sub-simplex" or capsules "" - are taken for intestinal colic and abdominal pain;
    "" - dental gel, to relieve pain during teething;
    "", "" - drops in the nose from a cold;
    "Albucid" - drops for the nose and eyes;
    "" - drops for the treatment of a runny nose and cough;
    "" - children's antipyretic and analgesic;
    "" - drops for allergies;
    aromatic oils: chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus, mandarin, neroli, etc.;
    "" powder;
    « »;
    “0.25% - ointment, smear under the nose before going to a public place for the prevention of infectious viral diseases. When you return home, wash it off (!);
    gel - from insect bites;
    sterile cotton;
    bactericidal adhesive plaster of various shapes and sizes for cuts, scratches and bruises;
    bandages 2.5 cm and 5 cm wide for fixing a cold compress on a bruise and for applying a bandage to a wound before it is examined by a doctor;
    sterile gauze for dressings;
    tweezers and a set of needles for removing splinters;
    syringes without a needle 5 ml - they are good to use when the crumbs need to be given liquid medicine for oral administration. They are also convenient to give the baby some water in the first weeks of life. It is also convenient to dispense liquid medicine with syringes;
    salt heating pad - used on the stomach from colic
    I highly recommend our "Happy Tummi" heating pad, made in America:

    In the form of a soft plush belt with a linen bag inside, - the bag contains salt and herbs (the smell of herbs has a calming effect), the bag is heated in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. and is inserted into the Velcro pocket in the belt, then the belt is put on the baby's tummy, the belt is fixed on the back with Velcro - a wonderful alternative to a hot diaper on the stomach;
    soft helmet against head bruises - used from 6-8 months, i.e. from the moment when the child begins to actively crawl and stand at the support on the legs:

    The helmet is soft, fixed at the back with Velcro;
    thermometer for measuring body temperature: mercury, digital (electronic or infrared) or in the form of a pacifier;
    a nasal aspirator will be needed if the baby has a runny nose;
    gas outlet tube;
    a urinal (urinal) for taking urine from an infant for analysis;
    jars for urine and feces;
    enema No. 1 (25 ml) 2 pcs;
    emergency phone number + first aid guide.

    13. Toys
    hanging toys-rattles on the crib/carriage.

    For Mom
    lactation pads.
    I highly recommend these:

    cream for nursing mothers from cracks in the nipples;
    milky way mixture - during the crisis increases lactation and improves the quality of breast milk;
    postpartum bandage;
    bra (day) and topic (night) for breastfeeding.
    Take it here:
    http: //
    I recommend a bra and a top of this type:

    Fully expandable cup
    clothes for nursing mothers, so that it is comfortable and not noticeable to strangers to breastfeed in public places (on the street, in a clinic, shopping center, at a party ...).
    Take it here:

    The same happens with Outerwear for nursing mothers;
    Mom's bag.
    I took this:

    It has its own content: 2 bags of different sizes + a box for nipples and trifles, a box for a bottle and a changing mat - I liked it very much, I recommend it!
    Who is friends with the Chinese, here:

    Household chemicals
    liquid detergent (or washing powder) for washing baby clothes "Eared nanny" or others;
    children's laundry soap "Eared nannies" or others;
    conditioner for baby clothes "Eared nannies" or others;
    stain remover for children's underwear "Eared nannies" or others;
    bleach for baby clothes "Eared nannies" or others;
    means for washing children's dishes "Eared nannies" or others.

    When washing new children's clothes in a washing machine, choose a wash cycle at 90-100 degrees, with an extra rinse. Iron at the highest iron temperature on both sides.
    Next, wash at 40 degrees, with an extra rinse. Ironing is not necessary.

    All new baby utensils and nipples must be washed with baby detergent before first use, then sterilized.

    All new children's toys must be washed in hot water with baby detergent before first use. New soft toys - wash in the washing machine with baby detergent at 60 degrees.
    Next, the toys are washed / washed as they become dirty.

    In parallel with what was given for the child, gradually collect a bag for yourself in the maternity hospital:

    P.S.: I started buying dowry for the baby from 13 weeks. ber-ti, and by 36 weeks. ber-ti everything has already been bought, washed, ironed and laid out on their shelves.
    The very first thing we bought was a crib with all the attributes and kits, including a mobile and a canopy.

    At 25 weeks ber-ti went to courses at "Mom's School" ... And RD chose for herself with a joint stay with the child ...:

    I returned home with RD to an already experienced mother

    Washed new children's clothes 1 time at 95 degrees. and 1 time ironed it at the maximum from 2 sides. Then washed at 40 degrees. as it got dirty, and no longer ironed.

    She freely swaddled her children only for the first 2 weeks: during the day - without pens, at night with pens (the son refused to swaddle with pens at night, left him free pens, and the daughter was not against it), until the navel completely healed and everything came off crusts.
    Then they switched to bidiks and panties (I took them at once in 62 sizes, so that it was easier to dress the child + they lasted for a long time) with socks or booties.
    In the heat kept in one diaper.

    The baby cot was not useful, since we have been sleeping together since birth.

    Bottles, nipples, a sterilizer, a heater for bottles and jars, a breast pump ... were also not useful, because we are at full breastfeeding, if necessary, we decant with our fingers.
    Nipples, mixture, water, early feeding - did not give.
    After 7.5 months introduced a table (pedagogical complementary foods).
    Water was introduced when eating more than 50% of complementary foods per day.

    The stroller and sling were not useful, because they used the baby carrier-carrying ...
    I needed a stroller for about 6 months. and up to a year, because on our first birthday we went, and from that moment we walk only with legs, including stairs.

    The playpen and walkers were also not useful, because I was for natural development and walked the child on the floor in a children's developmental rug.
    I took this one:

    And so that the child does not quickly get bored, periodically change hanging toys ...
    We had enough from 3 months. up to 1.6 years
    I took the same rug for my son, only a boyish one - blue.
    After that we had this rug:

    With roads and parking lots.
    He is relevant to us even now (daughter 5.5 years old).

    The Internet is replete with varied and long lists dowry for a newborn. In stores, you are also convinced of the need for certain goods for the baby. For those who are preparing to become a parent for the first time, sorting through these lists is not an easy task. How to choose baby, buying the necessary and not flooding the apartment with unnecessary purchases?

    Indeed, at first everything seems so important and necessary: ​​strollers, cribs, nipples, diapers, numerous overalls, caps, rattles ... A few months after the birth of a baby, any mother can already say unequivocally what should be included in for a newborn and what is not. But what about when the baby is just getting ready to be born? Let's take a sober look at the lists of "essential" purchases.

    First of all, the baby will need not a stroller and a crib, but hygiene products and first aid kit. Future parents need to decide whether you will use disposable diapers or prefer cloth reusable counterparts. The first option is more convenient for mom. The second option is considered healthier and more environmentally friendly, it will cost you less, but it will require a fairly large number of diapers to be washed daily. True, there is a third option - to learn how to plant a child right from birth (this experience can be studied in schools of natural parenting or you can find mothers with such experience on the Internet). But still the most popular option is disposable diapers. It is worth buying at first small packs (until you find the most suitable brands and models for you), the size is Newborn (for newborns).

    In the first aid kit, in addition to disinfectants (to treat the umbilical wound), it is advisable to have an electronic thermometer (not mercury!), A nasal aspirator, and nail scissors. However, they can be bought after the birth of the baby.

    To care for a child, you will need: bathing shampoo, cosmetic oil and skin cream. You can not buy diaper cream initially (and buy it only if the baby has real irritations; and “for prevention” just undress and ventilate the ass more often). You should not save on cosmetics for a child. Buy well-established brands (read how to choose natural cosmetics). Do not forget about the towel (the most convenient is a children's towel with a corner hood).

    Also, the list of necessary things is worth replenishing. hygiene products for mom: You will need panty liners, breast pads and disposable underpants (a life-saving invention for those who give birth in the hospital, since you are not allowed to use your own clothes and underwear there).

    And the last from the section necessary in baby dowryclothes and diapers. What exactly you need is determined by the season, and also depending on whether you are going to wrap the child in swaddling clothes (or want to immediately put on “adult” clothes on him). In my experience, wrapping a baby in a swaddle for the first month or two is extremely convenient (later he becomes very active and the swaddle prevents him from moving freely). If you choose this option, learn how to swaddle freely (tight swaddling is not good for the baby's health or psyche). Buy (or sew) some diapers. Most likely, 5-6 warm (flannelette) diapers will be enough. For those born in the warm season, several light diapers may be needed. By the way, flannelette diapers are a multifunctional thing. They can be used to lay them in bed, on the changing table when changing clothes, take them with you to the clinic, wipe the baby with such a diaper like a towel or cover it like a blanket. So flannelette diapers will be useful even to opponents of swaddling.

    When swaddling, a baby's undershirt is put on top of the baby (this is more convenient than T-shirts or bodysuits). 5-6 pieces will be enough.

    If you plan to dress your baby in “adult” clothes from birth, then you will need first of all knitted bodysuits and overalls (buy a few pieces). In general, you don’t need to buy a lot of clothes, because, firstly, you will probably be given a lot of things, and secondly, children grow up very quickly - some of the clothes may simply remain unworn. Well, if something is not enough - you can always buy more. Regarding the size: for a newborn baby, clothes of size 50-56 are suitable (corresponds to the growth of the baby).

    Depending on the season, consider clothing options for a walk. For the cold season, it is convenient to use warm envelopes (if you plan to use a stroller) or walk the baby under your clothes in a sling (then you will need special sling jackets). However, this issue can be resolved after childbirth.

    Do not forget about the “little things”: a pair of caps, scratches (or closing sleeves on vests and overalls), socks. Babies don't need shoes.

    And if you are looking for options for original gifts for the birth of a baby - to buy not only the “necessary”, but also cute memorable souvenirs in honor of the newborn.

    Bathe, sleep, walk, feed ...

    Swimming can be purchased bath and slide(or a bath with a built-in slide). But it is more practical to borrow a bath from friends, because you will need it for a short time, and then it takes up a lot of space when stored. Bathing a baby in a bath makes sense only in the first weeks or months, while this procedure causes you concern. Later, you can bathe in a large bath, holding the baby under your head or using a special one. When the baby begins to sit, you can put him in a large bath or any basin. So the practicality of acquiring a special bath is a big question.

    A practical and convenient thing (but also optional) is a diaper. Some manufacturers offer special changing tables or chests of drawers with a changing surface. On the one hand, this is convenient, since the mother does not have to bend down low to the baby (especially convenient for those who have postoperative sutures left). But on the other hand, such changing tables are dangerous, as they are located quite high from the floor - you can’t move away and turn away from them even for a second. In my opinion, a more convenient option is a self-contained changing surface, which you can place wherever it is convenient. For example, put it on the bed when you need to change the baby, and put it somewhere in the corner when it is not needed.

    For sleep, you can buy a crib for your child, but again, this is not necessary. For those who are expecting their first child, I recommend reading the article ““. Perhaps you will choose for yourself the option of co-sleeping with your child - in this case, the baby will not need a separate bed. And if you still decide to purchase a separate bed, then a very convenient option is a bed on wheels. You can always roll it closer to your parents (especially important at night) or, conversely, roll back to the far corner to make room for crawling and playing. It is also easy to clean underneath. An uncomfortable, in my experience, crib option is a crib with a pendulum mechanism (for motion sickness). Its main disadvantage is that when the baby starts to get up, an unstable bed will only interfere with him to maintain balance. And you will most likely rock a small child in your arms anyway.

    For the crib you will need a hard mattress, a sheet, a flannelette blanket. Also a good thing is the fabric bumpers on the bed. Pillows and pillowcases are not needed for a newborn.

    Another purchase for those who wish is a stroller. Although it seems that a stroller is almost the main attribute of motherhood, in practice it is quite possible to do without it. Firstly, very young children can be put to sleep on the balcony or on the site (who lives in a private house). Secondly, you can take your baby for a walk in a sling or a backpack. This is especially convenient for the cold season, when it is quite difficult to travel with a stroller. When the baby grows up and it becomes difficult to wear it (closer to a year), you can buy a lightweight stroller or just take it out for a walk in the yard on your hands (by this time the child will already be walking). But if you still decide that you need a stroller, then pay attention to the wheels of the stroller. The most convenient and all-terrain - wheels of a large radius, the front wheels must be turning (with the ability to fix them). Such a stroller will ride quite easily on various surfaces.

    In addition, pay attention to the various means of carrying children - slings and kangaroos. They come in different shapes and patterns. If possible, it is better to familiarize yourself with the assortment even before the birth or after the birth, rent some models, because not every carrier will be convenient for you or for the child. A small note about my experience with slings and a kangaroo backpack - read. However, these are again such purchases that you can attend to after the birth of a child. Many do without them at all. Although, in my opinion, they make life easier for mom in many ways, making her more mobile both at home and outside.

    And in order to feel why it is more comfortable for the baby to spend most of the time on his mother, and not in a stroller or crib, I advise you to read the books and W. and M. Sears “Your Baby from Birth to Two Years”.

    Now we are approaching another stereotype: what kind of baby without pacifiers and bottles? To be honest, before giving birth, I also perceived these things as necessary attributes of a newborn. How does it work in reality? Bottles (and everything that comes with them: a sterilizer, a breast pump, etc.) will be needed for you only if the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding. Or if you plan to leave your baby for a long time and leave expressed milk for him at home. Those mothers who are set up for full breastfeeding do not need bottles. And even if it seems to you that the baby is not eating enough and you need to feed him with a mixture, it is better first, which will most likely solve your problems without switching to bottle feeding.

    You may need a breast pump at the very beginning of breastfeeding to pump out your breasts. But many mothers do without it. Therefore, the best option is to temporarily borrow a breast pump, sterilizer, bottles from other mothers and not spend money on purchases that may not be useful at all or useful for a short time.

    Regarding nipples (pacifiers): lactation consultants unanimously assure that using pacifiers is a sure way to ruin a full breastfeeding. The fact is that the mother's milk is produced exactly when the baby sucks, therefore, especially at the beginning of lactation, it is very important that the baby suckle the breast (and not its substitutes) as much as he needs. In addition, the principle of sucking the nipple and the breast is different - and, getting used to the nipple, the baby may begin to take the breast incorrectly, which leads to inefficient sucking of milk. This is a separate topic that we will cover in future articles. But if you have absolutely no idea how to live without a pacifier, buy a few pieces “just in case”. Perhaps after birth you will see that you can live without them.

    Toys can also not be purchased: a newborn does not need them. And, most likely, they will give you a lot. And after a month, you can slowly acquire rattles, various pendants and other joys.

    And the last thing worth buying - baby car seat. This applies to those parents who plan to transport the child in a car. True, for many babies, this transportation option is not quite comfortable (the most convenient way is with mom in her arms), but modern traffic rules and safety regulations require the mandatory use of special chairs for transporting babies. The best option is to rent a car seat (if your friends have one), since you will not use this seat for long (up to a year) and perhaps not often (unless you belong to the group of active car travelers).

    This completes the shopping list for the newborn. All other things can be purchased later, as needed.

    And for novice mothers, I want to advise the course of a psychologist, breastfeeding consultant and mother of three children Lyudmila Sharova “Happy motherhood“. Everything a new mother needs to know so that life with a baby is a joy, and does not become a source of stress. I myself learned a lot from Lyudmila, for which many thanks to her!

    Many expectant mothers believe in signs, one of which says that you should not buy anything for a child before he is born. And this has its own meaning. Women are worried about the health of their baby and about the upcoming birth, and following old signs and advice from older generations gives confidence that everything will go well.

    If you believe in signs and are really afraid to buy in advance, I advise you and your husband to go shopping about two months before the birth and look after all the necessary things. And when the baby is born, your husband, with the help of relatives, will be able to buy them and deliver them home by the day you are discharged. In this way, you can buy many things, and you will be calm.

    What should be prepared in advance?

    However, there are things that you need to immediately take with you when you go to the hospital. Here they definitely need to be prepared in advance so that they are packed and waiting in the wings. When labor starts, you will not have time to pack, so you should pack the things you and your baby need at the maternity hospital three weeks before the due date.

    The list of things necessary for a newborn in the maternity hospital includes what the baby will need for the duration of his stay in the maternity hospital and a set for discharge.

    To the maternity hospital for a child, you need to take:

    • a small pack of diapers from 2 to 5 kg. Which diapers are better to take, it's hard to say. You will have to try to understand which of the disposable diapers are right for your child;
    • wet baby wipes;
    • normal and protective. Take a small package. Maybe the cream is not suitable for the baby;
    • plain baby soap without fragrances or other additives;
    • soft small towel;
    • a pair of cotton caps.

    Diapers, undershirts, all the accessories necessary for the treatment of the navel and the morning toilet of the newborn are brought by the children's nurse every morning, so there is no need to take this with you from home.

    It is not necessary to take a pacifier to the hospital. Firstly, it is forbidden, and if you see it, you will be reprimanded. Secondly, there is simply nowhere to process it, and in the first month of life, such nuances are very important for the health of the baby.

    If you want to take more things to the maternity hospital (undershirts, sliders, socks, hats, and so on), you should check with your maternity hospital in advance about the possibility of using personal belongings.

    You don't have to take the set out right away. Nursing ward lockers or nightstands are not designed to store a lot of things, so it would be wise to have it brought to you on the day of your discharge.

    What do you need on the day of discharge?

    For an extract for the baby you will need:

    • diapers 2 pieces (light, plain and flannel);
    • undershirts or shirts (thin and dense);
    • caps or hats (thin and dense);
    • rompers or overalls;
    • socks or booties;
    • a warm hat in the cold season;
    • an envelope or blanket with a corner (thin in the summer and warm for the cold season).

    By the time you are discharged at home, everything should be ready to meet the baby. What will a newborn need for the first time? Let's take it in order.

    Children's room furniture

    1. Crib. Best of all wooden, with several levels of height and adjustable sidewall. It is better to take a mattress of medium hardness. The baby does not need a pillow.
    2. Baby changing table. He is selected in height, comfortable for mom. Hanging pockets that can be attached to the sides of the table are very convenient. They are suitable for storing diapers, creams, wipes and other accessories for convenient diaper changing. And you don't have to go far from the baby.
    3. Thermometer with hydrometer function. It is needed to measure temperature and humidity. It is better to hang it near the baby's bed.
    4. Lamp. It is better if there are two of them: a general light and a nightlight. A nightlight is needed for night feedings and diaper changes.
    5. Humidifier.
    6. Wardrobe or chest of drawers only for children's things. It is advisable to take a wooden one, always with doors so that things do not gather dust. It can store diapers, baby clothes, a supply of diapers and other baby items. It is needed to maintain optimal humidity in the children's room. It is better to choose ultrasonic: it is quieter and safer.

    Children's clothing and bedding

    As a caring mother, you probably understand that the less chemicals and synthetics will be around the baby, the better. It is desirable that all personal belongings of the baby (clothes, bedding, towels, washcloths) consist entirely of natural fabrics. Therefore, it is better to choose clothes for yourself and your child from natural fabrics. For example, linen or cotton.

    When shopping for clothes and bedding, choose light-colored items that contain fewer dyes. What clothes will the baby need?


    1. Cotton vests, rompers, bodysuits, overalls. Babies sweat just like adults, pee a lot (up to 25 times a day) and can poop after each feeding, about 8 times a day. Therefore, you need to take clothes, counting on the fact that you will have to change them several times during the day.If you only wear a diaper at night and for a walk, then you should buy more rompers. If your baby is almost always in a diaper, then a few (4 - 5) sliders are enough. Overalls are better fastened in front, it is convenient to put on at night. They do not fold when the baby moves in sleep. This is the key to restful sleep. Bodysuit is a good option for clothing in the hot season. When it's cool, romper shirts or overalls are more suitable.
    2. Socks, simple and warm. Simple socks will come in handy in the summer along with a bodysuit. Warm socks will come in handy in cool weather.
    3. Scratches on the handles so that the baby does not accidentally scratch himself.
    4. Thin hats. 3 - 4 caps will be enough. In the first month, it is better to wear it after each bath. Also, the baby may need it if the house is cool enough.

    No need to buy too many clothes for the baby at once. Throughout the first year, especially in the first months, babies grow rapidly, so it is better to buy clothes as needed, given the growth of the child.

    Outdoor clothing

    What clothes you need to get for the street depends on the time of year.

    For walks you need overalls and a hat, practical and suitable for the weather.

    For a walk, put on the baby the same number of layers of clothing as you wear plus one more layer.

    In summer- this is a bodysuit plus a light suit or overalls on top and a thin cap.

    in winter- bodysuit, light and warm overalls (velor), warm socks plus a winter envelope or blanket, thin and warm hat.

    Do not forget to wear a hat for a walk, even in summer. Ears are a very vulnerable place for your baby, small children often have otitis media (ear inflammation), and the breeze happens in the summer.

    Bed dress

    1. For a calm and sweet sleep, the baby will need a number of things.
    2. Bedding set. You will need 2 sets per shift (one for washing, the other for laying). Pillowcases can be used instead of a pillow, putting them under the baby's head. Children under the age of 2 do not need a pillow. Bedding material should be pleasant to the touch.
    3. Blanket or blanket.
    4. Side rails on the bed. The baby tosses and turns in his sleep, the sides will protect him from hitting the walls of the bed, especially when he grows up and becomes more active.

    Also, from linen, the baby will need diapers: light, cotton (thin) and flannel, flannel (thick). The number of diapers depends on how often you plan to use the diaper. If you plan to wear it only at night, you will need at least 20 diapers.

    Means and hygiene items for crumbs

    The list of things necessary for a newborn for the first time must necessarily include items and means for caring for the baby.

    To treat the navel, you will need a number of supplies: 3% hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green (salicylic alcohol) and cotton swabs. With cotton swabs, you will also clean the baby's ears, removing only the dirt that you see.

    You can not climb into the ear canal with a stick, you risk damaging the eardrum.

    1. For washing in the morning and treating wrinkles on the skin in the morning and after bathing, you will need cotton pads, baby oil from natural ingredients or baby cream.
    2. To clean the nose, you will need ordinary cotton wool, from which you roll a thin flagellum, and oil to dip the flagellum (to soften the crusts if you see them in the nose).
    3. Appropriate nappies and everything you need to change them: protective cream or diaper powder (if irritation occurs), wet wipes for changing a diaper in the clinic and in other situations when it is not possible to wash the baby.
    4. Do not take large quantities of diapers at once, they may not fit the baby. Take a small package to try. If they suit you, you can always buy more. This will save your family budget.
    5. Special children's scissors or tweezers to cut the nails on the fingers and toes of the baby. It is best to cut while you sleep, then you can cut your nails evenly and slowly.
    6. Oilcloth or disposable diapers to put under the baby when you change a diaper or carry out morning and evening hygiene procedures.
    7. Powder for washing baby clothes. Buy only well-known and trusted brands. To get started, take a small package to check if the baby is allergic to the product.
    8. Bathing set.

    Bathing a baby is an unforgettable, magical moment for mom and baby, which gives pleasure to both. It is best to bathe your baby daily in the evening. Warm water soothes the baby and sets him up for a healthy sleep. Prepare in advance everything you need to bathe the child, including the clothes that you will put on him after the bath and the necessary cosmetics.

    Swimming essentials

    For starters, it is better to purchase one pacifier. It is better to buy a product in a pharmacy or in a specialized children's store. Many mothers buy the most expensive pacifier and never use it afterwards. The fact is that not all children suck on a pacifier, and your baby may be one of them, and many prefer the most ordinary simple nipples instead of expensive ones.

    If your child willingly sucks on the purchased pacifier, buy two more. You will take one for a walk, use the other at home, and let the third lie at the ready, in case one of the two is suddenly lost.

    Be sure to get a clothespin that is attached to the baby's clothes and will not allow the nipple to fall. So you will not lose the pacifier while walking.

    Bottles with pacifier

    If you are breastfeeding, two bottles will suffice. One you will take for a walk with some water for the baby, the second to use at home. You can get by with one bottle, but when there are two, it is more convenient. While one is being processed, you can use the other.

    If you are formula feeding, you need at least three bottles. Two for formula feeding, one for water.

    Bottles are also better to buy at a pharmacy or in a children's store.

    First aid kit for baby

    When a child appears in the house, it is necessary that the necessary medicines are always at hand.

    The composition of the first-aid kit for the baby includes a number of mandatory drugs and accessories:

    1. 3% hydrogen peroxide.
    2. Zelenka or other antiseptic solution (Chlorophyllipt).
    3. Cotton wool, cotton pads, cotton buds.
    4. Bepanthen or other diaper rash cream. They can also treat cracked nipples in mom.
    5. Vaseline oil. You will moisten the cotton flagella with it, treating the baby's nose and ears.
    6. A thermometer to measure the temperature if necessary.
    7. Gas tube No. 1. It will come in handy for colic.
    8. A pipette for instilling medicines into the nose and ears.
    9. Anti-colic remedy (Espumizan, Bobotik).
    10. A drug to lower the temperature in a form convenient for the baby, syrup or suppositories with paracetamol (Eferalgan, Cefekon).
    11. An antiallergic agent, it is more convenient for a baby in drops (Fenistil).

    It is better to buy other medicines if necessary, as they have an expiration date. Medicines should be taken after consulting and prescribing a doctor.

    What does a baby need for walking?

    Walking with the child should be daily. To make the walk enjoyable, in addition to clothes, the baby will need other things:

    1. Nice stroller. It is better to choose a stroller-transformer. In transforming strollers, the baby can be positioned both lying down and sitting, which means that you can use it when the baby grows up and sits. And if the baby falls asleep during a walk, you can transfer it to a lying position. Choose a stroller that is not too heavy so that you can carry it out of the house yourself.
    2. Small mattress for stroller. With it, the baby will be more comfortable. The stroller does not need a pillow.
    3. A blanket or blanket to cover your baby in cold weather.
    4. Protective mesh on the stroller so that insects, fluff, plant seeds do not fly to the baby.
    5. A small bag for baby things, where you can put a diaper, wet wipes, a bottle of water, a change of clothes just in case, a rattle. A carrying bag designed for newborns will come in handy if the child was born in the cold season. It often comes with a stroller, but you can buy it separately. Its purpose is to safely place the baby in the stroller, it keeps the heat inside and protects the child from wind, rain and snow. Thanks to the carrying bag, you can easily transfer your child from the stroller to home or to the clinic.
    6. For walks in the summer, you may need a sling carrier. In it, the child is in a physiological position for him, imitating the position in the arms of his mother. You walk with the baby, and your hands are free and rest at this time. Experts say that children who are often carried in their arms or in a sling develop faster and better than their peers.
    7. If you have a car, do not forget to purchase a special cradle for transporting babies. It is necessary primarily for the safety of your baby during transportation.


    I hope now you can easily make your list of things for the newborn and buy everything you need that may come in handy for you in the first month after discharge. Of course, the baby will need a lot more things, but you can always buy them later, as the crumbs grow older. The main thing is to first of all acquire what you cannot do without.

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