Haircuts for easy styling. Haircut without styling for short hair (photo). “Comfortable” haircuts for long hair

Hair is one of the main decorations of every woman, which makes her individual and unique. For a long time, ladies carefully looked after their curls and thought over their image for a long time, spending more than one hour in front of the mirror.

However, the days of intricate hairstyles are gone. In the modern world, a woman often lives at a frantic pace - that is why she wants to spend a small amount of time on her hair, while remaining just as attractive and mysterious.

The modern woman strives to look stylish and fashionable, but without spending a lot of time styling her hair.

In our article we will tell you what haircuts exist that do not require styling for medium hair.

Interesting fact! In Ancient Rus', walking with your hair down was considered bad manners for girls. Only easily accessible girls could afford this. Before marriage, young ladies wore 1 braid, and after - 2.

Medium hair is a compromise for women with long locks who want a change, but are hesitant about short haircuts that require daily styling.

The modern beauty industry offers a lot of options for hairstyles for medium-length hair. These can be complex haircuts, which will require you to spend some of your time to maintain, or they can be simple and easy-to-maintain hairstyles.

A woman needs to choose a haircut based on her individual characteristics.

A correctly chosen hairstyle should hide its flaws and highlight its advantages.

How to choose a hairstyle

Every woman who decides to change her look expects that a new hairstyle will make her beautiful and unique. In order for all her expectations to be met, you need to know criteria and features by which hairstyles are selected:

1. According to face shape:

Face shape is the first criterion by which a haircut is selected

- Women with an oval shape are the luckiest - any hairstyle suits them. Stylists recommend that they not hide their oval shape and choose haircuts that reveal their face.

— For chubby ladies, haircuts in several layers with volume on the crown are suitable.

— Women with a square face shape should take a closer look at asymmetrical hairstyles in which the strands will be of different lengths.

— For those with a triangular face shape, multi-layered haircuts without volume at the top are suitable.

2. By age. When choosing a hairstyle, a woman should also be guided by her age:

When choosing a hairstyle, do not forget about your age. For example, women over 40-50 years old are perfect for short haircuts, which make their owners look very young

— Young girls should choose natural haircuts, without unnecessary severity and volume. An overly short haircut can make a girl look much older than her age.

— It is inappropriate for older women to choose frivolous and extravagant hairstyles. However, you shouldn’t settle for overly complex hairstyles that can add an old-fashioned look to your look.

— For young girls and middle-aged women, haircuts that do not require styling for medium hair are quite suitable.

— Short haircuts are suitable for older ladies.

3. By hair type. The right choice of hairstyle also depends on the hair structure:

Finally, consider your hair type. For example, owners of thin strands should focus on multi-layered and stepped haircuts

— A woman with thin hair needs to choose haircuts that will add volume to her hair. For this type of hair, asymmetrical and multi-layered haircuts are best, which will visually increase the hairstyle.

- Thick hair, on the contrary, does not need excess volume. A good choice would be medium-length haircuts that do not weigh down your hair.

Advantages of “unstyled” hairstyles:

  • large selection of haircuts;
  • ease of care;
  • no need to spend a lot of time styling in the morning;
  • the hairstyle looks natural and relaxed;
  • hair remains healthy because it is not negatively affected by curling irons, flat irons and fixing agents;
  • costs for hair care products are reduced.

You might be interested in an article about: Bob with long front strands

Popular haircuts that don't require any hassle

Every woman wants to be not only attractive, but also modern. To create a fashionable look, you need to choose the appropriate hairstyle.

Modern women are increasingly striving for comfort and naturalness. Currently, the following are popular for medium and long hair: haircuts that do not require styling:

  • Cascade is a multi-layered haircut with strands of different lengths.

There are a large number of cascade techniques that are selected for each specific woman, taking into account her age, hair structure and facial features. The cascade can be double, graduated or torn.

  • Ladder is a multi-stage haircut, which is a type of cascade.

The hair in the ladder is cut in such a way that the shortest hair is on top and the longest hair is on the bottom. The transition between them should be smooth.

  • The bob is a universal haircut that suits all women., regardless of hair type, structure and age.

  • Bob is a type of bob, which is characterized by long strands in the front and shorter ones at the back of the head.

This haircut is ideal for chubby women, as well as ladies with thin hair.

  • An asymmetrical bob is a haircut that is characterized by an uneven length of strands on each side.

This hairstyle is suitable for brave young ladies who prefer unusual and bright looks.

Features of haircuts for curly hair

Many women spend hours in beauty salons or at home in front of the mirror, trying to get their coveted curls. But there are lucky women who were blessed by nature with curly hair. Despite having a ready-made hairstyle every day, these women also want to change up their look from time to time.

When choosing a hairstyle, owners of curly hair need to take into account the unusual structure of their hair.

Women with curly hair will not suit haircuts that are too short. Excessively long curls are also not the best option - curly hair is unruly and capricious, and difficult to care for.

For those with curly hair, haircuts that do not require styling for medium hair will be optimal. Bob and bob are suitable for soft hair with small waves. The cascade will look good on women with medium coarse hair.

A cascade haircut will look great on medium-length curly hair.

It is important to know! Curly hair is weaker and more vulnerable than straight hair. Therefore, they require careful treatment and special care:

— Shampoos, balms and masks should be chosen specifically for wavy hair!

— It is better to avoid dyeing your hair with dyes containing ammonia. Instead, you can use natural henna or basma.

— It is important to choose a comb that is suitable for curly hair and will not damage the curls.

Why do you need bangs?

Properly chosen bangs will be an excellent addition to your hairstyle, and will also hide some flaws in a woman’s appearance or, conversely, will help emphasize her advantages.

When choosing bangs, a woman needs to take into account her age, face shape, hair structure and hairstyle:

When choosing bangs, also focus on your haircut, face shape, age and hair structure
  • Straight, long bangs will allow a lady to appear younger than her age, hide wrinkles on the forehead, and make her eyes more expressive.
  • Women with a large nose and large cheeks should not choose this type of bangs. For them, oblique bangs, which suit almost everyone, can be a good option. The length of such bangs should be selected in accordance with the features of the face.
  • Long oblique bangs will look good on women with large facial features, short ones are suitable for small faces.
  • Short and straight bangs are ideal for chubby girls.
  • For curly hair, you should never choose very short bangs. A good option would be long or oblique bangs.

Interesting fact! Women began wearing bangs back in ancient Greece. For Greek women, the standard of beauty was a low forehead. Women with high foreheads covered it with bangs.

Read the popular article in the category: Fashionable women's haircuts for medium hair 2017 + photos

How to get fresh hair without styling

Any modern woman always wants to remain attractive, well-groomed, bright, without spending a lot of effort and time. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend a significant portion of their time on their hair. In this case, haircuts that do not require styling on medium hair will help.

To keep your hair looking neat, you need to wash your hair regularly as your hair gets dirty. It is better to wash your hair a couple of hours before going out, allowing it to dry naturally.

Regularly washing your hair will keep your hair fresh and attractive.

Also you need to take care of your hair health: choose care products according to your hair type, make special masks, do not use a hairdryer every day, do not get carried away with fixatives, straightening irons and curling irons.

To keep your hair in shape you need to choose the appropriate comb. Medium-length hair allows a woman to easily change her look without going to a beauty salon.

Depending on the type of haircut, you can tie your hair in a braid or ponytail, pull your hair back with a hairpin or hoop, or make a small bun on your head. These simple steps will not take much time and will allow a woman to look new.

Important to remember! Hair health directly depends on the condition of the whole organism:

  • It is very important to eat right, refrain from bad habits, play sports, and spend more time in the fresh air.
  • In case of severe weakening of hair, it is necessary to select a vitamin complex.
  • You also need to make medicinal masks, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.

Haircut update frequency

Despite the fact that hairstyles for medium hair are simple and easy to care for, haircuts that do not require styling need periodic updating. This must be done to ensure that the hairstyle retains the desired shape.

Regardless of hair length, it is important to trim the ends regularly., which split under the influence of external factors, negatively affecting all curls.

You should update your haircut at least once every two months.

You need to visit a hairdresser at least once every 2 months.

Don't miss the article about What haircuts for medium hair 2017 (women) are the most fashionable! + Photos

Common mistakes in choosing hairstyles

It happens that a woman, leaving a beauty salon or hairdresser, remains dissatisfied with the reflection in the mirror. This significantly spoils her mood, and sometimes even makes her depressed. To prevent this from happening, you need to know The main mistakes women make when choosing hairstyles:

- choose haircuts that do not match their age, face type, hair structure and image;

- turn to an unqualified master;

- trying to copy someone’s hairstyle without taking into account their own individual characteristics;

- mindlessly follow fashion, despite their internal contradictions;

- do not seek advice from professionals.

To choose a haircut in accordance with your individual characteristics, contact a professional hairdresser

Hairstyle plays a significant role in the image of every woman. She can both transform a woman and disfigure her. When choosing one, a woman should pay attention to her age, facial features, hair structure and other individual characteristics unique to her.

Ladies who do not want to spend a lot of time caring for their curls can pay attention to haircuts that do not require styling. They can be used on medium and long hair.

To make your hairstyle a pleasure, you need to contact a trusted and experienced hairdresser who will not only professionally perform a haircut, but also help you make a choice.

Beautiful and successful haircuts to you.

Watch a video about women's haircuts for medium hair that are fashionable in 2017:

How to choose a haircut according to your face shape - you will learn from this video:

And finally, a video about what bangs are, how to choose and how to style them:

Every woman dreams of choosing a haircut that would not only suit her, but would also be stylish, fashionable, and would not require lengthy styling. That's why haircuts that don't require styling have become so popular among modern busy women these days.

Haircuts that do not require styling have been known to the fair half of humanity for a long time. Most often this concept is used in relation to French-style haircuts. It is these haircuts that do not require styling that are considered universal. They will look great on both women and very young girls. In addition, both thin and thick coarse hair of any length are suitable for these haircuts.

What is the secret of such haircuts? The excellent appearance of washed and simply dried hair is explained very simply. The curls are cut straight. Moreover, each curl is cut with strong tension. It is this technique that allows your hair to look flawless even without styling.

For every woman who wants to save her precious time, this type of haircut should be considered. However, in order for your curls to look as natural as possible, you need to carefully monitor their health. Dry hair with split ends will never look well-groomed and beautiful without additional styling.

Haircuts for long hair

For those with long hair, it’s easiest to do without special styling. Stylists recommend a single cut haircut for those with long curls. This hairstyle will always look well-groomed and stylish due to the lack of graduation. To keep your haircut in order, you just need to periodically trim the ends of your hair. In addition, you can refresh your haircut with fashionable bangs.

The rhapsody haircut is suitable for those with thick hair. The peculiarity of this haircut is the difference between the main length of the hair and its length at the top of the head. In addition, rhapsody is characterized by a ladder on the curls located near the face. Thanks to the haircut, the hair will lie perfectly even without styling. Rhapsody looks great even on wavy hair. Due to the difference in the length of the curls, the curls will look neat.

Torn strands are the most popular haircut at the moment. It is based on a cascade haircut. However, thanks to the use of a certain technology and thinning, the hairstyle becomes more voluminous. This haircut looks great on any hair type. If you let your hair dry on its own, your hairstyle will look much more interesting and natural.

In addition to a special haircut, you can use carving. Another name for this procedure is long-term styling. In this case, a solution is applied to the hair, which fixes a certain shape of the hairstyle. The procedure must be repeated as soon as the hair has grown back.

Haircuts for medium length curls

This hair length is considered the best for such haircuts. Experts recommend that girls pay attention to an elongated bob. This haircut can be done as in the classic version, that is, done with an even cut, as well as graduated, when the strands are cut in steps. Thanks to thinning, the hair perfectly holds its shape and gains volume. Hair care is minimal - you just need to wash your hair with a hair care product suitable for your hair type. An elongated bob looks best on thick hair.

The classic bob also looks great on medium-length hair. The master who performs this haircut must have high professionalism. If the hair is cut incorrectly, this haircut will not live up to expectations. If the curls are trimmed correctly, they will lie neatly and naturally and will not require further styling. The classic bob looks best on smooth and straight hair. There are absolutely no age restrictions.

In addition to the classic bob, hairdressers also recommend a bob with asymmetrical curls.

Cascade is another type of hairstyle that does not require styling. In most cases, the cascade is made three-tiered. The top tier is the shortest, and the bottom is the longest; it is this that models the length of the hairstyle. Thanks to the tiers, the hair holds its shape perfectly and acquires additional volume. However, this haircut is only suitable for those with thick hair.

Gavroche is an original haircut that will suit bold, extravagant girls. With this haircut, the hair is cut short all over the head. Long curls remain only at the back of the head. Gavroche makes it easy to change your look. You just need to change the length of the curls, bangs or volume of the hairstyle.

In order for your haircut to look as natural as possible, you must carefully use leave-in sprays, oils and serums to add shine before drying your hair. If you use too many styling products, instead of a beautiful smooth hairstyle, you can get the effect of sticky, greasy hair.

Haircuts for short hair

Long before the advent of haircuts that did not require styling, girls became acquainted with men's hairstyles. That is why short haircuts are the most common. The most popular among them are garcon and pixie.

Pixie is a great solution for those with short hair. The haircut is based on a special thinning of the strands. It is thanks to this technique that the root zone acquires a special volume. The haircut is suitable for both straight and curly hair. The main advantage of pixies is that there is no need for styling.

Garson is an equally popular haircut for short hair. Garcon is often confused with pixie. However, there is a difference between them. Garcon is cut so that the hairstyle has smooth, clear lines, which give the image neatness. Pixie, on the contrary, gives the hairstyle a playful look, thanks to a small number of strands sticking out.

Tomboy is a haircut in which oblique long bangs must be cut and the back of the head must be cut short. Like other haircuts, it does not require styling.

A cap is a haircut that suits any hair type. Depending on the shape of the face, the “cap” can look completely different.

To make a haircut on short hair look stylish and as impressive as possible, you should use styling products. They will help give your hair a certain structure and make your hairstyle complete.

All haircuts that do not require styling, regardless of their type, are cut in a certain way: the hairdresser cuts the hair strand by strand, pulling each of them with force. Most of the hair is cut with regular scissors. When forming the temporal region and torn strands, the master uses a razor.

It's hard to believe that you can look perfect without much effort and expense. However, haircuts that do not require styling confirm this. Thanks to the right haircut, you can look perfect every day, while saving time. Another undoubted advantage is that even as the hair grows, the hairstyle will retain its shape and volume. Such haircuts will allow you to visit the hairdresser no more than once every six months.

If you're tired of being late, you should look for haircuts that don't require styling for medium to fine hair. The daily ritual sometimes infuriates you, there is a strand sticking out, the curls do not lie in the right direction. But you don’t often want to bother with complex hairstyles and braids, at most for a holiday.

I want to wake up, comb my hair, put on light makeup and already be the goddess of the Universe. But hair has its own point of view; it categorically does not want to fulfill the tasks of the housewife. There is no need to look for a compromise between beauty and practicality; you should make an appointment with your master. Haircuts that do not require styling for medium and thin hair are optimal for the Slavic type. The curls are not particularly thick and voluminous; you always want to add some dynamism to the hairstyle so that the strands lay beautifully when moving. The hairstyle requires periodic updating procedures to maintain the desired shape.


Before choosing a suitable haircut, you need to listen to simple recommendations:

  • You shouldn’t go against nature if your curls are curly - don’t injure them with constant straightening, the same rule applies to smooth thin strands, trying to curl straight trunks, it’s easy to provoke delamination and porosity;
  • It is important to take care of the health of your hair, use high-quality shampoo and conditioner, do not forget about masks for the care of the scalp, and the curls along the entire length, then the hairstyle, even without styling, will always look well-groomed and stylish.

The classics of the genre always look fashionable; in addition to the traditional one, you can also choose a bob. Suitable for those with straight, thin hair. A universal option for all face types and ages. Young girls can emphasize freshness and ebullient energy, while more mature girls like it with the elegance of its form.

You can, of course, cut curly strands, but in this case you need to be prepared for minimal styling. The main recommendations are as follows:

  • For very thin and sparse locks, a multi-layered bob will help to achieve volume; the technique differs from the classic smooth transitions from short to long curls; it will be a real find for girls with a thick head of hair, allowing you to thin out unruly hair, creating a neat, graceful shape;
  • an asymmetrical bob is what is needed for chubby faces, as well as those with a square oval, light flowing curls will hide all imperfections, including protruding ears and a high forehead, volume at the back of the head will allow you to correct any shape, narrowing a wide face.


The correct geometry of the lines is captivating, with or without bangs - it always looks like it came from a salon. Just comb it with a comb to give it the desired smoothness and you can go about your routine or relax at a party.

As an option, when drying with a hairdryer, twist it slightly inward; for this, use a round brush.

Basic tips:

  • choose for girls with classic facial beauty, defects and flaws will be emphasized by the smooth lines of a graphic haircut;
  • An asymmetrical bob is also relevant, when one side is contrastingly shorter; a very comfortable hairstyle is popular among all age categories.


In the classic version, the presence of rounded short bangs is mandatory; the strands near the face are much shorter than in the back of the head and on the top of the head. Today, combinations with elongated bangs and pronounced graduations are already used.

  • You can use the asymmetrical option if the oval is imperfect, large or, conversely, insufficiently bright facial features;
  • such a haircut will allow you to lose a couple of decades, highlighting only a good angle, hiding everything unnecessary under the flowing strands;
  • owners of thin hair with a straw-like structure will like it; it is this evenness and rigidity that looks most impressive;
  • easily stretch out the neck line, giving it a swan bend;
  • The disadvantages include quite frequent correction; once every 2 months you will definitely have to trim the length.

Creative haircuts

They express inner freedom from the conventions of creative and extravagant individuals. It is often emphasized with bright colors, highlighting individual strands with all the shades of the rainbow.

When choosing, you should consider:

  • the skill of a hairdresser, a torn mess on the head can be skillfully realized only by a master of his craft;
  • ragged contours can easily cover a high forehead, asymmetrical eyebrows, and a short neck;
  • with the help of smooth, even bangs you can focus on the eyes, it is important that the features are sufficiently proportional;
  • thin strands, like needles, create ease of movement, and a multi-layered crown will visually add volume and density.


The most popular model among Hollywood divas. Careless styling after sleep can be easily eliminated with a regular comb, giving your curls natural elegance. It is thanks to the cascade that a rare mop can be turned into a lion's mane.

  • choose for owners of rectangular, triangular, and elongated oval;
  • the idea of ​​a haircut in smoothly flowing strands has many options with bangs, asymmetry, an open face, or curls that form the desired shape;
  • Before performing the cascade, you will need to take care of the health of your hair; brittle, porous stems will become even more noticeable.

More than half a century ago, the innovator of many fashionable ideas, Christian Dior, presented a collection whose models shocked everyone with their bold haircuts. Very stylish and elegant, quite bold for that time. Clear lines create the perfect soft shape; thick bangs are a must. Today, the classic pageboy remains relevant, a suitable option for thin, even curls. On curly strands it is quite difficult to achieve the required smoothness and clarity of lines.

There are the following options for this haircut:

  • the outer strands are longer than the inner ones, this layering creates the desired volume, usually the back of the head is rounded, you can also leave this area flat, this effect allows you to make your neck thin and graceful;
  • torn, milled sections help to create a very modern look, suitable for all face types; it will be a real find for chubby girls; you can play with the parting, asymmetrical or even will create completely different shapes;
  • you will have to maintain the clarity of the line, and with the help of a page it will not be difficult to grow the desired length, the cuts will look neat after several months.


One haircut without proper attention will not provide the desired effect of a well-groomed hairstyle. Even if it’s minimal effort, you still have to make an effort to maintain health and shine.

  • After washing and applying conditioner, dry your hair with a towel;
  • spread the mousse on damp strands, use a round brush and a hairdryer to give the desired shape;
  • It will last until the next hygiene procedure; using gel or powder, you can highlight new strands every day.

The myths that beauty requires sacrifice are easily dispelled by experienced hairdressers. One glance at the oval of the face and the structure of the curls is enough to determine the best option for the client. Haircuts that do not require styling for medium and thin hair will be a godsend for modern girls. The hairstyle easily takes the desired shape, you just need to massage it with a comb.

Video: Haircuts that do not require styling

Every girl wants to have gorgeous hair and hairstyle, but not everyone has time to style it. The solution has been found: there are haircuts that do not require styling. They look beautiful and highlight the shape of the face. In this case, you don’t have to spend a lot of time - you just need to choose the most suitable option.

A hairstyle in this style always looks well-groomed and elegant. The bottom line is this: the ends of the hair are carefully trimmed along one line and directed inward. This haircut is universal - strands of any thickness and color are suitable. The styling holds its shape for a long time; there is no need to visit a beauty salon.

An important advantage is the volume that is available not only at the top of the head, but also at the back of the head. The French style itself is known for several haircut options. Many of them perfectly emphasize the shape of a round face.

A few more versatile options

If a woman does not want to spend time on styling, you can choose haircuts for short hair. This length of hair allows you to save a lot of time. At the same time, the owner of such a hairstyle will always look good.

Haircuts that do not require styling for short strands are available in a wide range. You shouldn't make the strands too short - it's better to leave the curls a little longer. This diversifies the choice of styling, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it. For example, curls look good in a formal situation. However, they are not suitable for faces that are too round as they make the figure heavier.

Short strands best emphasize a neat look. Men's haircuts are also popular. Not only are they easy to care for, but they also give a youthful look to your entire look. This option is ideal for both relaxation and work. You can change the shape a little using .

If you want to look more extravagant, but without spending a lot of time on styling, you should choose a pixie. Its highlight lies in its slightly casual style. The haircut does not require absolute precision, since it looks best disheveled. This option allows you to divert attention from not quite correct facial features. Different lengths of strands are also suitable for a round face: it takes on the correct shape.

Not everyone wants to wear women's short haircuts. There are a lot of options for medium curls. The most versatile and popular is the cascade. The features of the hairstyle depend on the hairdresser: you can either create additional volume at the roots or add thickness to weak and sparse hair. You can also experiment with bangs, which highlight beautiful eyes and eyebrows, while helping to correct the shape of a round face.

A cascade on medium strands does not require styling, but if desired, you can always create neat curls or straighten the strands. Oblique bangs will help add something unusual to your look. Depending on the choice of styling, it can be combed to the side or back.

A ladder is also a good solution. It is often confused with a cascade, although in fact these haircuts for medium curls are different. You don’t need to style it - just monitor the condition of your hair, because unkempt strands ruin the whole look.

Looks attractive too. It can be either with or without extension. The first option is more suitable for a round face, which is given a more regular oval shape. The bob is ideal for an evening out - just comb the strands well a few times. It is worth periodically paying attention to the length, since the bob requires good correction.

Long and medium hair is always difficult to style, so you shouldn’t grow your curls if you can’t take care of them. A common problem that owners of long hair face is the lack of volume and fullness. If the curls are very thin, it will be difficult to add volume. The best solution in this case is

Many representatives of the fair sex are forced to take such a decisive step - cutting their hair. There is never enough free time, and you always have to spend a lot of precious minutes on washing and styling long curls. Recently, short haircuts that can be worn without styling have become increasingly popular. Such hairstyles turn out to be very practical - they require much less time to care for - and stylish.

What short haircuts for women can be worn without styling?

Before you cut your hair in hopes of making your life easier, you should accept the texture and type of your hair. That is, curly curls do not need to be constantly straightened, and straight ones do not need to be twisted. In addition, the condition of the hair and scalp must be satisfactory. Otherwise, a new hairstyle that is not styled will not look very attractive.

  1. A very popular short women's haircut, worn without styling. It looks quite stylish and suits almost everyone, regardless of age, hair type, face shape. On straight hair, the bob looks more familiar. You can also wear this hairstyle on wavy hair, but it will take some time to get used to the new look.
  2. An excellent option for a short haircut without styling for every day is a bob. All you need to do with your hair before going out is wash, comb and dry with a hairdryer.
  3. Even with a strong desire, it will not be possible to create a complex hairstyle a la garçon. The hairstyle involves careful thinning of the back of the head, bangs and temples. The resulting strands fit neatly to the head, emphasizing the contour of the hairstyle.
  4. Original short haircut for straight hair without styling. Graduated strands can be located on both sides of the head or only on one. You can diversify your look with bright multi-colored highlights.