Last days before childbirth

The last weeks of pregnancy, starting from 36-37 weeks, are already considered the prenatal period. Now the baby can be born at any time. Therefore, pregnant women have various experiences and fears.

Some are afraid of pain, others - that they are not finished necessary preparations, the third - sudden childbirth. Therefore, you should know all the actions of a woman in the prenatal period.

At that time a pregnant woman's body is preparing for childbirth, the fetus is formed and ready to be born.

From the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, doctors advise to undergo sanitation of the birth canal. This is done to cleanse pathogenic microflora and ensures cleanliness during childbirth.

Herpes, STDs, or thrush increase the risk of babies being infected during childbirth.

If there is even the slightest inflammation, then the woman in labor risks getting a crack in the mucosa. With pathogenic microflora, there is always inflammation.

During sanitation, pathogenic microflora is removed and normal microflora is planted. Therefore, this procedure lasts three weeks.

There are many rehabilitation methods. Each woman is selected individually. In the prenatal period, visits to the doctor should be as often as possible, at least once a week.

Each time, the doctor listens to the baby's heartbeat, measures the size of the uterus and determines the position of the fetus.

There are also regular weigh-ins. Weight gain should be 9-13 kg.

But in last days before pregnancy there is a small weight loss. The body loses a lot of fluid and weight loss reaches up to two kilograms.

Before each visit to the doctor, a woman does a urine test to check the amount of protein and sugar. Protein is a symptom of preeclampsia ( late toxicosis) or toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy, while sugar signals diabetes.

The doctor also measures arterial pressure, the increase of which is a sign of preeclampsia - a strong stage of preeclampsia.

A woman needs last time undergo an examination by a therapist, ophthalmologist, ENT, neuropathologist and do an ultrasound. Before giving birth, I can prescribe no-shpu, suppositories with belladonna to prepare the cervix. It is prescribed for those who have given birth for the first time or have had cauterization of cervical erosion.

What do they do in the hospital before giving birth?

Pubic shaving and enema in the maternity hospital before childbirth in Lately not required to do. Doctors have found that even extremely careful shaving leaves cuts through which the infection penetrates.

Hence, pubic hair shaving is not worth it, it may be enough to shave the perineal area.
The same goes for enemas. Many experts doubt it useful effect. But you can also do this procedure so that there is no stool during childbirth. These things must be learned in advance at the hospital. Each institution may have its own rules.

You can shave your hair and do an enema at home with warm water and chamomile. Just be aware that enema stimulates labor activity.

Before giving birth, you need to find a specialist who will take delivery and maternity hospital. You need to find out if the hospital is closed for washing, how best to get there.

Also before giving birth, you must follow a strict diet. A month before childbirth, it is necessary to remove animal protein - meat, fish, eggs, butter, milk. Add to your diet dairy products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water and herbal teas. But regarding herbs, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as some can stimulate uterine contractions (thyme).

The closer to childbirth, the stronger the diet. The intestines do not need to be overloaded. Fourteen days before the birth, cereals and bread should be excluded from the menu. Leave only vegetable and dairy products. But after 7 days, exclude sour-milk.

Eat nothing on the day of delivery. Since it can vomit during contractions, the intestines should also be empty, as it is difficult to go to the toilet. Drink water with lemon, but it can also make you vomit.
Also follow the diet after giving birth. Meals should be as light as possible.

This diet will help to avoid problems with the intestines in the prenatal period. Also, some foods help the body adapt to childbirth. So, vegetable oil useful, as it contains vitamin E and makes blood vessels and tissues elastic. It is also used to prevent hemorrhoids. It can be added to grated carrots or juice.

Before giving birth, a pregnant woman can make herself a collection of herbs: thyme, mint, lemon balm, oregano, rosehip, currant or raspberry. Brew tea from this collection. Drink it little by little during contractions and during postpartum period. Also, after childbirth, you can drink strong tea with honey, lemon and the addition of a small amount of sweet red wine.

Also important mental attitude women. You need to be sure that the birth will go well. Listen to music, read books, watch movies and walk more.

Gymnastics and swimming continue until the birth.

You can do needlework. It has a calming effect. It is important to get enough sleep. Sleep should be at least 8-10 hours. It is possible and more. Before going to bed, do airing, you can sleep with an open window or balcony.

Be careful and do not miss the harbingers of childbirth.

Two to three weeks before childbirth, the bottom of the uterus descends, the diaphragm stops tight, and it becomes easier for the woman to breathe. During this period, full maturation of the fetus is observed.

The presenting part of the fetus also falls and the head of the child is pressed tightly against the bones of the small pelvis. This can cause back pain. To make it easier to carry them, you need to change the position of the body: walk, squat, lie on your side. You can massage the sacrum by pressing with your fist or wrist.

Before the onset of the birth process, thick mucus is released sometimes with an admixture of blood. These are secretions from the glands of the uterus. They happen before childbirth, but do not signal their onset. The birth process begins in a few hours or days.

You can determine the time of childbirth by the color of the mucus: white liquid- before delivery, another 2-3 days, brown - a few hours. Bloody discharge means the beginning of the opening of the uterus.

You should be scared only if the discharge is accompanied by heavy bleeding. It occurs as a result of premature separation or placenta previa. In these cases, you need to urgently see a doctor.

Before childbirth, the appearance of false contractions increases. They don't call birth process, appear weakly, for a short time, with different intervals of time.

Water may also break at the same time. According to statistics after leaking amniotic fluid and rupture of the membranes of the genus begin in 10-12 hours.

The supervising specialist must be informed about the departure of water. Since if childbirth does not occur within a day, the child will be at risk of infection. If water leaks, do not visit the pool, do not take a bath, wash from front to back.

Sometimes there is a prolapse of the umbilical cord to the cervical canal or into the vagina. This requires medical assistance.

Pay close attention to the color of the liquid water. If they are yellowish or greenish, then this is a sign oxygen starvation The child has.

It happens that Nausea occurs a few hours before delivery, diarrhea, vomiting begins. This is fine.

If there are harbingers of childbirth, then the pregnant woman does not need to go far from home, childbirth can begin at any moment. You need to be calm, go to sleep. Go to the hospital should be at the beginning of regular contractions.

Before the onset of labor, contractions begin with periods of 10-15 minutes. They get stronger over time.

During the last 1-2 weeks before giving birth, some signs indicate that labor is approaching. For example:

- The uterus descends and it becomes easier for the pregnant woman to breathe;

- Sometimes she has sleep disorders, the woman is anxious;

- More often there is a release of urine, a feeling of pressure on the rectum;

- Increased amount of mucous discharge from the vagina;

- Painless uterine contractions occur;

- The gelatin plug (bloody mucus that clogged the cervix) departs. This happens 1-2 days before delivery.

During fetal movements or when the abdomen is touched (hardens). These contractions, and they are repeated at irregular intervals, but have the same intensity, “push out” the fetus, and it “goes” down to the cervix.

Start of labor

If before childbirth everything was prepared as expected, the pregnant woman had nothing to worry about. It is important that her relatives, and first of all, a loved one, be attentive to her, try to ease these days of expectation and tension for her, convince her that everything will go well. A man should, more than ever, help with the housework. And he also has the duty to prepare other children, if any, according to their age, for such important event in family life.

Painful contractions of the uterus (contractions) mean that labor is about to begin. Contractions are repeated at first every 10-15 minutes, then this interval decreases. Often from the vagina pregnant goes bloody mucus. The contractions are getting more and more painful.

As a result of these contractions, the cervix begins to open: childbirth has begun. With the onset of regular contractions, the pregnant woman is advised not to eat any more food.

A pregnant woman must be accompanied to the maternity hospital by one of her relatives. Regarding when to go there, the following points should be taken into account:

Important points before childbirth

b) the first birth lasts longer, therefore, the pregnant woman may not be afraid that she will not have time to arrive on time;

c) women with a deviation in the position of the fetus or complications of pregnancy should arrive at the hospital earlier, before the first signs of childbirth, according to the recommendations of the obstetrician who monitored the development of the pregnancy;

d) shell rupture and loss amniotic fluid- This is a signal for immediate entry into the hospital. The rupture of the fertile membrane and the release of the cork that clogged the cervix opens up direct access to the external genitalia. Thus, there is a risk of microbes entering the uterine cavity and infecting the fetus.

If labor pains do not occur within 24 hours, the doctor must use medication.

Going to the hospital, do not forget to take your passport with you.

Normal delivery

a) in 96% of cases, a child is born at (i.e., head down). The head of the fetus is the largest and densest (stand) part of its body, therefore, such a responsible role is assigned to it by nature: to pave the way, i.e. the opening of all organs, must release the child into the world. The bones of the skull are not yet tightly fused, which allows them to shift to a certain extent when passing through the reproductive canal.

c) The childbearing (doctors say "genital") canal of the mother consists of the bone walls of the small pelvis and the muscle group: the cervix, vagina and perineum. The dimensions of a normal bone pelvis allow the fetal head to pass; this is facilitated by the softening of pubic fusion and the mobility of the coccyx. Muscle groups expand under the action of the fetus, pushed out by strong uterine contractions. In women who give birth for the first time, the muscles are not yet stretched, so childbirth in them lasts longer than in those who give birth to the second and third times.

V) Uterine contractions(contractions) fully open the cervix. I must say that as the process of childbirth increases, the pain becomes more intense, but it can be endured. This pain should not be quenched with medicines, because after the baby is born, the woman does not even remember about it.

When the path is open to the child, uterine contractions change. Now they contract to expel the fetus. The woman in labor feels pressure on the rectum, he has an uncontrollable need to push. A woman should know what exactly her attempts, her Active participation in childbirth can be effective.

After the baby is born, the uterus contracts a little more to expel the placenta.

Three phases of labor

- Period of expansion (dilation),

- The period of expulsion of the fetus,

- The period of expulsion of the placenta.

The period of expansion continues in women in labor for the first time from 8 to 12 hours, in women who give birth again - from 5 to 8 hours. It is during this time that the rupture of the shells occurs. After this, the woman in labor can no longer walk; if the rupture of the membranes occurred in the hospital, then the woman should be brought there lying down. If the amniotic fluid sac is intact, then with each contraction it sinks more and more into the cervix and thereby contributes to its expansion.

The doctor, of course, examines the patient, but he does not need to sit near her. However, an experienced midwife should be with her at all times!

The psychological state of the mother before childbirth.

The woman in labor must have full confidence in the doctor and midwife leading the birth; do not be afraid, do not distract your attention, but listen to the doctor's instructions: breathe deeply, strain or relax. Then the pain will not seem so strong and, as the American physician Rod assures, “when a pregnant woman is tense, the cervix is ​​compressed, and when a pregnant woman relaxes, the uterine cervix also relaxes.” Breathing and relaxation should correspond to the various phases of expansion. At first, when the contractions of the uterus are weak, the woman breathes infrequently and deeply. When the contractions intensify, and the time intervals between them are shortened, the woman in labor should do deep breath if it feels like a contraction is coming. If the fight has already begun, then you should breathe superficially, relaxed (take quick and rhythmic breaths). When the contraction is over, the woman in labor must inhale the air full chest slowly and deeply, and then exhale strongly. Between contractions, the woman remains calm and breathes normally. Thanks to correct breathing the need for oxygen (very increased) of the muscles of the uterus and fetus is provided.

The period of exile is a critical phase of labor for the fetus. It starts from the moment of dilation of the cervix and ends with the birth of a child, the duration of this period is 25-45 minutes. It is extremely important that the woman in labor follow the instructions of the doctor or midwife and help them, herself and the baby. When the fight of exile comes, the woman inhales deeply, closes her mouth and pushes with all her might. Feeling that she did not have enough air, she exhales, takes 2-3 short breaths and exhalations and pushes again. During the contraction of exile, a woman in labor can make 3-4 attempts. If she starts early, without control, she quickly gets tired, her efforts were useless, and the birth is delayed.

When the fetal head stretches the vulva, the woman in labor feels sharp pain. The muscles of the perineum are very stretched. After 1-2 contractions, the baby's head comes out. The birth doctor and midwife protect the perineum from rupture, perform rotational movements of the fetal head, then release the baby's shoulders one by one, and finally the whole body. Almost immediately after this, the newborn baby takes its first breath and “voices” (shouts).

Protection of the perineum before childbirth is an attempt to avoid tearing it if it has not expanded enough. This happens through uncontrolled, untimely attempts of the woman in labor or when the fetal head is very large and the perineal tissue is not elastic enough.

Rapid delivery is a risk for the mother, and for the baby: blood vessels brain can not withstand the sharp decrease in pressure, his fetus experienced, passing through the pelvic canal. In such cases, an incision is made in the vulva. After childbirth, the incision is, of course, sewn up.

Immediately after childbirth, the mouth and nose of the newborn are cleared of mucus. Then clamp, cut and tie the umbilical cord. Then they show the child to the mother, and then they put a sterile bandage on the navel, make a toilet, and take the necessary measurements (body weight, height). Swaddled women bring the child to the mother and tell her the number attached to the hand of the pen, the weight and length of the newborn.

Childbirth ends with the period of expulsion of the placenta. Separation of the placenta ( children's place) occurs within 10-20 minutes. After the birth of a child, the uterus immediately reduces its size. With barely perceptible contractions, it separates the placenta from its walls, but this separation is accompanied by bleeding. Yes, actually, any normal delivery accompanied by blood loss (up to 400-500 ml).

The doctor or midwife monitors the separation of the placenta, helps to expel it. In cases where the placenta does not come out on its own, the doctor or midwife should remove it.

After that, the muscles of the walls of the uterus contract and block the blood vessels. The bleeding stops. Doctors carefully study the placenta. If there is a suspicion that it is not all separated and this threatens the health of the woman in labor, the doctor manually checks the uterine cavity. It is also checked whether there are any tears in the vaginal wall or perineum, if necessary, all tears are sutured. In addition to the pulse and temperature, the woman in labor is checked whether uterine contractions continue. If she is relaxed, it may cause heavy bleeding This means that the medical staff must be on the alert.

Induced childbirth

This term refers to the method of "artificial" provocation of labor with the help of certain medications. This method is used on the advice of a doctor in order to prevent complications for both the mother and the child (for example, delayed delivery, incompatibility of Rh factors, diabetes in a pregnant woman, etc.).

The method of induced labor is quite safe if it is used in accordance with the situation and with knowledge of the matter. The obstetrician, as a rule, is guided by the following indications: age of pregnancy (at least the 38th week) cranial presentation; the cervix is ​​soft, its opening is slightly ajar; a number of organizational measures and prerequisites for preparation for such childbirth must certainly be provided.

The pregnant woman should be taken to the hospital in the morning, after she had a good rest at home, and had a light dinner the day before. Childbirth is called during the day when the medical staff and auxiliary services (laboratory, blood transfusion center) are working.

At normal conditions birth is going well. In exceptional cases, it becomes necessary to perform a caesarean section.

Many pregnant women often wonder about upcoming date childbirth, and women who are about to give birth for the first time are especially worried. As a rule, they are very afraid of not recognizing the labor that has begun in time and confusing it with a temporary malaise. In many cases, a close observation of the woman for the changes that occur in her body will help to resolve these unrest.

Already at 38 weeks, the prenatal period begins, when the first harbingers of childbirth and the first, as yet irregular (training) contractions, appear. Such contractions appear irregularly, and they pass after a change in body position or a short rest. In nulliparous women, such training uterine contractions can last five, and in some cases even more days before giving birth. When they appear, you do not need to worry and urgently go to the hospital, but about such changes in your body future mother should notify your doctor, family and friends.

When the first signs of leakage or outflow of amniotic fluid appear, which may indicate the onset of labor or premature labor, the woman should immediately notify the doctor or contact the medical institution to decide on further hospitalization.

If a woman has learned to recognize training contractions, then she will be able to distinguish them from the onset of labor, or true contractions. These sensations are difficult to confuse with any other symptom, since they are characterized by periodicity and rhythm. For example, a fight lasts 20-30 seconds, and then there is a 20-minute pause - this is repeated many times in a row, and the time intervals hardly change.

At the beginning of the onset of labor pains, the woman in labor or her relatives should notify the doctor about the onset of labor, call " ambulance or go to maternity hospital on one's own.

Reasons for the onset of labor

By the beginning of childbirth, a lot of complex processes take place in the body of a pregnant woman, which, being in close relationship, provide the beginning of such a reflex act as labor activity.

The main reason for the onset of labor is the readiness of the uterus for the birth of the unborn child and the maturity of the fetus.

Ready for childbirth uterus:

  • gaining sufficient weight and size;
  • her neuromuscular apparatus is ready for contractile activity;
  • fully mature placenta.
2 or 3 weeks before the onset of labor, the uterus is released from the excess of part of the nerve fibers. This provides a reduction in pain during childbirth and increases the contractility of the walls of the uterus.

Several factors influence the onset of labor:

  • neuro-reflex - as a result of a decrease in the excitability of the brain, an increase in the excitability of the spinal cord and an increase in the sensitivity of the muscle fibers of the uterus to oxytocin, an increased contractile activity of the uterus is produced;
  • hormonal- at the end pregnancy the production of progesterone decreases and the production of a complex of estrogens increases, which stimulate the onset of labor;
  • neurohumoral - at the end of pregnancy in the body of a woman, the synthesis of oxytocin, prostaglandins, serotonin and other bioactive substances increases, which increase the sensitivity of the uterus to substances that cause active contraction of its muscles;
  • bioenergy - in the mother's body accumulates a sufficient amount of substances (glycogen, ATP, phosphorus compounds, electrolytes and trace elements), which make the uterus capable of enhanced contractile activity;
  • mechanical - the ripened uterus loses its ability to stretch, and in response to motor activity fetus and an increase in the level of hormones of oxytocin-like action, begins to actively decrease;
  • trophic and metabolic - the accumulation in the body of a ripe fetus of some waste products leads to its active movement, and degenerative processes in the mature placenta and the full maturation of the muscle fibers of the uterus contribute to the onset of labor.

The main role in the formation of all mechanisms of the onset of labor is nervous system women in labor, because it is she who ensures the readiness of the uterus for natural childbirth.

All of the above factors, being in close relationship, contribute to the appearance of contractions, which are replaced by attempts and end with the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity and the birth of the placenta.

Harbingers of the onset of labor

Harbingers of childbirth are called a set of signs that indicate early start active labor activity. There are many harbingers of the onset of childbirth, but for each woman their totality is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body of the expectant mother.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • Dropping of the abdomen.
    Such a change, which is determined externally by a slight downward displacement of the abdomen, is individual for each pregnant woman, and may not always be noticed on its own. In nulliparous women, this harbinger may appear 2-4 weeks before the day of delivery, and in multiparous women, a few days or immediately before childbirth.

  • Gait changes.
    The nature of the gait changes after the prolapse of the abdomen. The woman begins to walk "waddling" due to the pressure of the baby's head on the pelvic bones and the bottom of the uterus.

  • Changes in the nature of urination and defecation.
    A prolapse of the abdomen can cause more frequent urination or urinary incontinence as the uterus puts more pressure on the bladder. The mechanical impact of the pregnant uterus on the intestinal wall can provoke constipation, and in some cases diarrhea, a few weeks or days before delivery.

  • Change in the nature of secretions from the genital tract.
    Vaginal discharge under influence hormonal changes become more abundant and liquid. In some cases, to exclude the discharge of amniotic fluid, a special test is performed by an obstetrician.

  • Removal of the mucous plug.
    This harbinger of labor can occur 2 weeks before the onset of labor, and a few hours before it begins. In some cases, the mucous plug does not come off entirely, but in small portions. In practice, this sign looks like a discharge of vaginal discharge (sometimes mixed with a small amount of blood). A pregnant woman should inform her obstetrician-gynecologist about the discharge of the mucous plug.

  • Decrease in the body weight of the expectant mother.
    A few days before giving birth, a pregnant woman may notice that she weighs 1-2 kg less. This weight loss can be explained by the removal of excess fluid from the body under the influence of changes in the hormonal background.

  • Reducing the number of fetal movements.
    The fetus, a few weeks before birth, moves less frequently. This is explained by his rapid growth. The future baby becomes crowded in the uterine cavity, and its movements are difficult.

  • Training bouts.
    Closer to the date of birth, the uterus begins to increasingly come to increased tone, which is expressed in the feeling of training bouts. They differ from labor pains in a number of features: short duration, irregularity, weak painful sensations(reminiscent of pain during menstruation), spontaneous disappearance after a change in body position or rest.

  • The manifestation of the instinct of "nesting".
    Many women in the last days and even hours before childbirth begin to prepare their homes for the upcoming birth of a child. These actions can be expressed in the fact that a woman begins to diligently clean, wash, and even start repairs.

Each future mommy, for whom the child is desired, regardless of its planned or unplanned, impatiently counts the days remaining until the birth. But somewhere in the depths of her soul lives a quiet but tangible fear: what if something goes wrong? And how to recognize it? How to understand what happens to her before childbirth is absolutely natural and normal, and what is not? And also what actions on the part of the mother are considered necessary, and what should be refrained from?

The prenatal period begins at about 36-37 weeks of pregnancy. This means that the child is able to make you happy with his appearance on any day. Normal and timely delivery is considered to occur at 37-41 weeks.

And the expectant mother begins to worry even more. After all, of course, the appearance of a baby is really a great joy, and she is really looking forward to it, but it’s scary to be caught off guard by a sudden onset of childbirth. Fortunately, by some signs you can really understand that this process will start very soon. In addition, you could encounter one of them 3-4 weeks before the expected date. This drawing pains before childbirth, concentrating in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. 3-4 days before the "X hour" they will become especially noticeable. But let's look at other signs.

So, during the last one or two weeks before the onset of labor, you can feel and observe:

  • causeless anxiety and sleep disturbances
  • uterine contractions without pain
  • job changes Bladder and intestines (urination becomes more frequent, diarrhea may begin, sometimes the expectant mother also feels as if something is pressing on the rectum)
  • the abdomen before childbirth (or, to be more precise, the uterus) drops, which makes breathing easier
  • weight loss of 1-2 kilograms
  • contractions before childbirth(uterine contractions accompanied by painful sensations)

In some cases, they begin as much as a few months before the baby is born. They should not be confused with labor pains directly, which are frequent and intense. Contractions in pregnant women occur less often and are not as strong. But what closer birth, the more often and more painfully they become.

There are also signs by which you can understand that the baby is ready to be born very soon. One or two days before the start of the long-awaited process, mucus may be released from the genital tract: a transparent or pinkish hue. This means that the gelatin plug comes off before childbirth. Prior to that, she reliably closed the cervix. However, the cervix softens before childbirth, the canal expands, and the cork can no longer be held in its original position. You need to listen very carefully to your body. The mucus plug can go away not only a day or two, but also a few hours before the start of the process!

Also, about a day before childbirth, pregnant women experience involuntary bowel movements. It is explained by the fact that there is a very thin partition between the rectum and the vagina: bowel cleansing helps to free up space in the vagina so that there is room for the qualitative advancement of the baby.

Another sign - bloody issues before childbirth. However, it is ambiguous. Red, pink, or brown mucous discharge may indicate that the uterus is moving, thinning, or expanding before labor. This means that it is quite possible that the baby is ready to begin the process of its birth in a few hours. However similar secretions on last dates pregnancies can also be observed, for example, after sexual intercourse or a doctor's examination. This means that it may take some time, up to several weeks, before you are in the delivery room.

baby before birth

The baby perfectly feels all the changes, and shortly before his birth, he changes his behavior in his mother's tummy. Approximately two weeks before birth, the fetus takes the position necessary for their successful implementation. The baby is pressed against the bones of the mother's pelvis, and therefore becomes less active.

It is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the movements of the baby. As we have already found out, it should be quite calm. However, this does not mean that he does not make himself felt at all. future mother should be alert:

  • increased activity of the child

The restless behavior of the baby can signal a phenomenon such as hypoxia (that is, the baby experiences an oxygen deficiency). Therefore, it is necessary to immediately inform the doctor about this. You should not panic in advance: perhaps the child’s activity is not stipulated by anything. But you need to find out if this is true or if there are problems.

  • too low fetal activity

A calm child does not mean that he should move very rarely. It is considered normal when at least 10 movements occur per day.

What should a woman do before childbirth?

Expectant mothers want to prepare as well as possible for the birth of the baby. Therefore, every woman is interested in what, depending on her, she can do in the prenatal period?

These tasks include:

  • visiting the doctor at least once a week
  • sanitation of the birth canal

This is necessary in order to eliminate the pathogenic microflora, replacing it with a normal one, which will allow the baby to appear as healthy as possible, and his mother to avoid the appearance of cracks in the vaginal mucosa.

  • visits to narrow specialists (ophthalmologist, therapist, neuropathologist, etc.)
  • compliance

IN last month pregnancy is advised to abandon the use of meat and its derivatives, butter, fish, milk and eggs. Emphasis should be placed on fermented milk and plant foods, mineral water and fruit juices. It is also good to drink herbal tea, but you need to be careful when choosing herbs, as some plants can stimulate labor. Make sure the ones you want to use are not on this list, and also that they won't harm you or your baby in any way.

As for pubic hair removal and enemas, which used to be mandatory, these procedures are not considered a necessity these days. This may depend on the hospital. It is best to find out in advance what procedures are established in the hospital that you have chosen. If all the above procedures are necessary, you can do them yourself. However, if shaving at home is more comfortable, then most doctors still recommend abandoning independence in relation to enema: entrust it to professionals. After all this procedure may intensify contractions.

Women who carefully care for their appearance are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to do manicures and pedicures before childbirth. Yes, if it gives you confidence and calms you down. True, you won’t do a pedicure on your own: your stomach will interfere. Therefore, you will have to resort to the help of a master. But manicures and pedicures are allowed with a small caveat: if you want to use nail polish, then it must be transparent and colorless. After all, doctors are able to determine the presence of certain infections by the nails. And if they are covered with bright varnish, you still have to take it off at the hospital.

3-4 weeks before childbirth may appear discomfort V . This is due to the fact that the baby reads with his head, thereby helping himself to go down.

From about the 38th week of pregnancy, the uterus begins to prepare for childbirth. It softens and can gradually open up by 1-1.5 cm. Thus, during a doctor's examination, a finger can pass into the uterus.

If the mucous plug comes off, it can be predicted in 3-4 days. Throughout pregnancy, the cork closed the uterus from bacteria and infections. The mucus that comes out can be clear or brownish.

When harbingers appear, you should inform the obstetrician, collect the bag to the hospital and be ready to go to the hospital at any time.

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The waste of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers of childbirth. The cork can move away 2 weeks before the birth, or maybe immediately before them. In any case, after the cork leaves, a woman needs to be ready for childbirth, which can begin at any time.

The mucus plug is a collection thick mucus in the cervical canal of the cervix, it appears in women under the influence of pregnancy hormones. The main function of the mucous plug is to protect amniotic sac and fetus from pathogenic microorganisms. By 38, the cervix becomes wider, shortened and smoothed out, the mucous plug comes out. In addition, the concentration of estrogen in the blood increases, which helps to soften the plug and exit it from the cervical canal. That is, if the cork came out, then the body is ready for childbirth, and the cervix began to soften.

If the mucous plug has gone more than 3-4 weeks before the PDR, then this is not normal, preterm birth is possible.

It rarely happens that the mucous plug leaves at once, in such cases a woman sees a rather large lump of mucus on the underwear, the color of which varies from transparent to brown. green tint mucous plug indicates a possible hypoxia of the fetus, you should urgently inform the district obstetrician-gynecologist about this. The consistency of the mucus plug can be jelly-like, similar to a silicone toy or jellyfish.

More often, the cork leaves gradually over several days, the discharge from the vagina becomes viscous and sticky. Obstetricians recommend especially careful monitoring vaginal discharge V recent weeks pregnancy. If the cork did not come out, then perhaps the woman simply did not notice this moment - the cork may move away during water procedures, for example, in the shower, or at the time of washing, sometimes there are tactile sensations that something came out of the vagina.

There is no need to collect the remains of the mucous plug for analysis.

Often, women confuse the waste of the cork with the consequences of a rough obstetric examination on the chair, an obstetric examination can really provoke the waste of the cork, and the presence of a small amount of blood streaks in it is a variant of the norm. If you visit the pool during pregnancy, then after the cork is removed, you should refrain from such water procedures, since the cervical canal is not protected by anything and the infection can freely enter the uterine cavity. Irrigation of the vagina, even if the course of treatment has not yet been completed, should also be stopped, as well as the treatment of vaginosis with suppositories and tablets.

The waste of the cork is a harbinger, and not the beginning of childbirth; you do not need to go to the maternity hospital. Minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen are associated with smoothing of the cervix. If a woman has not yet collected the things necessary for the maternity hospital, then this should be taken care of. Prepare documents, hygiene products, things necessary for yourself and the child. After the traffic jam is gone, long walks outside the city are not recommended, as well as walks without documents in general and in remote areas. This rule applies especially to women who medical indications you have to give birth in a certain maternity hospital.

generic activity begins 3-7 days after the release of the mucous plug, but childbirth can begin on the same day or after 2 weeks, in many women the plug leaves at the time of the outflow of amniotic fluid.