How to use a nasal aspirator. Electronic Bebe Comfort. Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the nose of an infant from thick mucus and dry crusts: the depth of the introduction of the aspirator, the use of drops

With the advent of the long-awaited baby, every mother already in the maternity hospital is faced with gurgling in a small nose - these are the remains of amniotic fluid. Then viral diseases begin, often accompanied by a runny nose. Young children do not know how to blow their nose and clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus. A clogged nose cannot breathe fully, so it becomes difficult to suck on the breast or bottle. Such an insignificant problem for an adult as a runny nose becomes a big problem for a baby. He cannot eat properly and cries at night.

What is a nasal aspirator?

Fortunately for us moms, medicine does not stand still, and new devices are constantly appearing that can be used in the fight against the common cold. The aspirator (popularly called a nozzle pump) has become a salvation for babies. The classic nozzle pump for newborns is a rubber bulb with a rounded tip. But recently, new improved models have appeared, although these technical innovations are not cheap.

Can I use a nozzle pump for newborns?

Cleaning your baby's nose is important and necessary. The accumulation of mucus can lead to chronic. A runny nose can accompany not only colds, but also natural for a given age. Pediatricians advise using only certified devices for these purposes, since improvised means can lead to injury.

How to choose a nozzle pump?

You have decided to purchase a nozzle pump for your child, but when you visit the nearest pharmacy, your eyes run wide from a variety of brands and models. What to be guided by when choosing? Each model, even the most modern, has its positive and negative sides. Consider all possible options, and the choice is up to you.


The simplest and most budgetary option is the well-known syringe. Small rubber bulb with a soft, rounded tip removes mucus safely and easily. When using this traditional device, the main thing is not to insert the silicone tip deep, so as not to harm the crumbs. After completion of the procedure, the tip must be well processed. The baby may jerk his head during suction, so you need to be extremely careful.

Mechanical aspirator

A mechanical nozzle pump is a tube with a reservoir for collecting secretions. How to use such a nozzle pump correctly? The principle of operation of this model is that the parent inserts one end of the tube into the nose of the newborn, and then, drawing in air, sucks out the mucus that lingers in a special compartment. A set of disposable tips guarantees safety and sterility. The bad thing is that microbes can get from the tube into the oral cavity of the parent. This method is not suitable for squeamish people.

electrical model

The electric or electronic aspirator is a new generation nozzle pump. The device runs on batteries. Aspirated mucus accumulates in a transparent reservoir. The model has a bright design and the ability to play funny melodies to distract the baby from the unpleasant procedure. Some models of electronic suction additionally moisturize and rinse the nose. It is a pleasure to use such a device.

Exposure to vacuum

Vacuum is the latest technology in the world of nozzle pumps. This model can be powered by a vacuum cleaner with a power of not more than 2500 W, and one of the parents can also act as a vacuum cleaner. The nozzles in the kit are always soft, not traumatizing the nasal mucosa. This method is not dangerous at all, the suction power can be adjusted. The main disadvantage of this device is the high cost.

When choosing one or another device, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The newest does not mean the best. For example, my baby is afraid of a vacuum cleaner and an electronic model with children's songs is optimal for us.

How to properly clean your baby's nose?

A child in the first months of life is so small that at first even bathing is a feat for a newly-made mother. What can I say about cleaning a tiny nose. But the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. How to properly use a nozzle pump for newborns?

Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use.

In urban apartments, heaters dry the air, which leads to the formation of crusts. Therefore, the nasal cavity must be prepared, and the goats must be soaked. To do this, a simple pipette is instilled into each nostril:

  • special drops (Salin, Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.);
  • ordinary ;
  • quality mineral water;
  • decoction.

Sprays should not be used.

At the main stage, holding the baby in a semi-sitting position, insert the tip of the aspirator into one nostril. The second nostril is gently pressed with a finger to create a vacuum during suction. It is necessary to act during the procedure extremely gently so as not to damage the delicate septum or mucous membrane.

After completion of aspiration, the suction nozzle is thoroughly washed and disinfected. A poorly processed device can re-infect a baby with a weak immune system.

How often can the nozzle pump be used?

Many mothers use the nasal aspirator several times a day, usually before every meal. Pediatricians also advise using it no more than 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to use a nozzle pump only in the presence of a liquid discharge. If you call a spade a spade, then only when a stream flows from your nose.

Basic Rules

For parents, there are a number of simple rules, following which you will not harm your baby.

Rule 1

An aspirator is not a panacea for the first manifestations of snot. The body must fight the infection on its own in order to develop immunity. With current snot, you just need to wipe your nose on time. Using a nozzle pump too often can dry out the delicate mucosa.

Rule 2

You do not need to use it if the cause of a runny nose is an allergy. Medical treatment is needed here, and external intervention will not help.

Rule 3

It is best to use the device before feeding and sleeping. This is logical: the child will be able to fully eat and sleep peacefully. For kids, this is important.

Rule 4

Vasoconstrictor drops, for example, or Otrivin baby, use immediately after using the aspirator for maximum effect.

Rule 5

Aspirators can be used not only for babies who do not know how to blow their nose, but also for older children who are prone to otitis media. They should not be blown for medical reasons.

Rule 6

Do not use the suction pump if there are wounds in the nose, this can lead to bleeding.

What model of aspirator is better?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. If you go to the nearest pharmacy, you can be offered up to 15 models of different nozzle pumps. To navigate in this variety, consider the most popular brands.

Otrivin Baby

An inexpensive aspirator can be found at any pharmacy. It is also used for daily hygiene of the baby's nose and in the treatment of a runny nose. Swiss quality can be trusted, the service life of the product is 5 years. Aspirator tips are disposable and must be disposed of after use. Sold in sets of 10 pieces. In Russia, the Otrivin Baby aspirator has been very popular for a long time as a budget and effective option.

Electronic Cleanoz

This nozzle pump is battery operated. Can be used from birth. The nozzles are very soft and safe, you can buy separately if necessary. Thanks to the pressure created by the device, mucus is removed from the nasal passages quickly and reliably.

Electronic Bebe Comfort

The kit includes a nozzle, a tube and a container for mucus. It cannot be used by newborns, it is indicated only from the age of three months.

The nozzles are made of soft silicone and have an anatomical shape, so they will not harm the baby.

Such an aspirator will remove even deep “deposits” of nozzles delicately and accurately.

WC-150 (B/Well)

The electronic nozzle pump is compact (15 cm high) and safe. The nozzle of the product is soft and, thanks to its special shape, does not penetrate too deeply. There is a transparent reservoir for the collected mucus. The device works from 2 batteries. The electronic memory of the device contains 12 popular children's songs to distract the baby and make sucking mucus more enjoyable.

Vacuum aspirator Benny

Powered by a vacuum cleaner. How to use a nozzle pump in conjunction with a vacuum cleaner? To do this, the end of the tube, resembling a bell, is applied to the pipe of the household appliance. The suction force is regulated by a modulator on the vacuum cleaner. Suction is performed with 30-second breaks in several approaches. When removing the snot, constant pressure is maintained. In no case should the child be left unattended during the procedure.


We hope that after reading this article, each mother will draw the right conclusions for herself. Should I buy an expensive nozzle pump? Is it needed in every first aid kit? Do you believe advertising? Will it be useful?

Definitely not for every baby. There are children for whom a runny nose is a rarity. At most they may need a rubber bulb. The benefits of a nasal aspirator are great, especially if a runny nose is a frequent visitor.

Caring Swiss produce a whole arsenal of Otrivin Baby to fight the common cold: drops, saline for hygiene and prevention, and, of course, a mechanical aspirator. Therefore, choose the model that suits your case and be healthy.

Snot is the eternal problem of small children. What to do if the baby is still so small that he can’t blow his nose on his own? Nose cleaners don't do the job. What remains? Nasal aspirators or nozzle pumps come to the rescue. The market for these devices today is wide and varied. You can choose both manual and electronic options. Upon closer inspection, you will be able to understand which type suits you best.

The baby does not yet know how to blow his nose on his own, but his nose generates enough snot

What should an aspirator be used for?

The type of snot and its origin can be different, but there are a number of reasons why you should suck it:

  • They prevent the baby from breathing, especially during feeding or sleeping.
  • When there is too much mucus, especially if it becomes greenish or yellowish, there is a danger of complications. Ordinary-looking snot can turn into rhinitis, sinusitis and even otitis media. The auditory tube in babies is still very wide and short, which means that the distance between the nasal passage and the middle ear is minimal.
  • When the nose is clogged, one has to breathe through the mouth, and this endangers the respiratory system. A direct path is opened for bacteria and there is a danger of hypothermia of the pharynx, and there it is not far from general inflammation.

The nozzle pump for newborns operates with the help of a vacuum, which is created due to mechanical or electrical action. Devices can be different both in terms of safety and convenience, and in terms of the principle of drive and appearance.

Rules for choosing a nozzle pump

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A nozzle pump for a baby is absolutely necessary, but the choice of model and principle of operation depends entirely on the convenience of the mother.

When setting yourself the task of choosing a good aspirator, it is important to consider the presence of the following characteristics:

  • the ability to adjust the power;
  • ease of washing after use;
  • the presence of a fuse that comes into action when the reservoir for collecting mucus is full;
  • silent way of working;
  • application is possible for different age categories;
  • the presence of additional functions: there are electronic devices where the baby will be distracted from the process by a pleasant melody, and devices with a spray function can also be convenient.

Nasal aspirators are divided into 4 main types:

  1. syringe aspirator;
  2. mechanical aspirator;
  3. electronic aspirator;
  4. vacuum aspirator.

What type of aspirator is best? Let's figure it out together, exploring the market for modern devices.

Types of aspirators


What does a syringe look like? Outwardly, it resembles a "pear" made of rubber or silicone. The volume of the "pear" may be different. Such an aspirator for newborns is sold along with a nozzle that can be used repeatedly. She also has a limiter. After use, all parts should be thoroughly washed in hot soapy water. The nozzle itself is recommended to be sterilized or processed by immersion in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%).

  • simple design;
  • subject to purchase at a pharmacy - the product is safe in terms of environmental friendliness;
  • low price.
  • there is a danger of damaging the mucous membrane;
  • suction power cannot be adjusted;
  • it is difficult to assess the volume and type of mucus sucked.

The syringe performs its functions, however, this method can be called "blind", since the contents are not visible after suction

For this method, a conventional medical syringe is suitable. It is advisable to take a syringe of the minimum volume. The choice in children's stores is wider. Suction pumps are found here in the form of toys, colorful and fun.

Proper cleaning of the nose with a syringe is done like this. The “pear” must be squeezed with one hand, blowing out the available air from it, and then place the nozzle in the baby’s nose, after which the hand opens and sucks the mucus into the “pear”. At the end of the procedure, wipe the nozzles with a cotton swab, and blow the contents of the syringe onto a napkin. Perform these manipulations until the baby's nose is completely released. Cost: 100 rubles.


The principle of operation for aspirators of this type is similar, but the appearance may differ. In general, the design looks like this: a thin long transparent silicone tube with an air valve at the end. One end with a nozzle is inserted into the little one's nose, and the opposite end is intended for mom. It should suck in air, pulling the snot out of the baby's nose. Mom is protected by a valve and a special disposable filter.

  • compactness;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • it is possible to track the quantity and quality of snot.
  • difficult to control power.

Some models of aspirators are offered with reusable tips that require boiling or sterilization after each use. Nozzle pumps with interchangeable nozzles require the regular purchase of new disposable nozzles, which must be changed after each use.

If you get used to the use of mechanical aspirators, they can become a very convenient device.

Popular Models

  • The most accessible of these options should be called the Marimer model. Its price ranges from 200 to 280 rubles. The manufacturer recommends steaming the nozzle after use, rather than boiling it.
  • Another good option is Narhinel. Its cost is from 300 to 400 rubles. The set includes two disposable filters. You can purchase a set of additional interchangeable nozzles (10 pcs.).
  • Often parents prefer the Otrivin Baby model. It also comes with 3 disposable filter tips. The price of this device is 280 rubles. Thrifty parents are advised to change not nozzles, but filters, using ordinary cotton wool instead. Aspirator for newborns Otrivin is the choice of modern mothers.
  • From the point of view of ergonomics, the most successful model is Pigeon, developed by the Japanese. The price for it is 770 rubles. The nozzle has an inclined shape and is the most convenient for a child's nose. The tip is made in the shape of the letter U. This development is a joint work of designers and otolaryngologists. The tank and nozzle here are one piece, and therefore the design is easy to apply to the baby's nose. The tube has an optimal length for sucking out mucus. You can find photos and videos of each aspirator model on the Internet.

The Pigeon aspirator can be called a leader for its undoubted convenience and ergonomic shape.


This type of device runs on batteries. The device should be inserted with a nozzle into the baby's nose and click on "Start". The unit works almost silently, and for the comfort of the child there is a number of musical compositions, and there is also a useful function of spraying saline solution into the nasal cavity.

  • effective work to remove mucus;
  • convenience for the child;
  • available additional features: use as an aspirator and as a nebulizer of medicinal solutions, this function is especially important for sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • high price;
  • should not be used too often, otherwise there is a danger of overdrying the mucous membrane.

Another danger of electronic nozzle pumps is that they deteriorate over time and most often this happens at the most unfortunate moment. When the device is idle for a long time, it is recommended to remove the batteries from it.

From the manufacturers of electronic models, we list the following brands: Coclean, Сleanoz, WC-150 B.Well. The latter is the most popular model. It is loaded with 12 melodies to help distract the child's attention during the session. Cost: from 1,000 to 4,500 rubles.

An electronic respirator is more expensive than others, but it allows moms to quickly remove all the mucus without tantrums and crying


This type of aspirator involves connecting to a vacuum cleaner. It consists of a special tube with additional nozzles for the vacuum cleaner and for the spout. One tip is brought to the nose of the little one, and the other is inserted into the vacuum cleaner. One nostril should be closed with a finger, after which you need to turn on the vacuum cleaner. This device works well for sucking out poorly discharged thick snot that is not amenable to suction with a syringe or a mechanical type aspirator.

  • adjusting the vacuum is very convenient;
  • suction is very effective due to the duration of the cycle (pauses are 30 seconds);
  • absence of pain;
  • there is no danger of infecting the assistant.
  • the operation of the vacuum cleaner can frighten the child, so it is advisable to use a silent version of the vacuum cleaner;
  • high price.

The most popular is a series of mechanical models from Arianna. At home, the best option would be a convenient novelty from this manufacturer called Magic, the price of which ranges from 700 to 800 rubles. You can clear your nose in just a couple of moments.

The Baby-Vac aspirator has proven itself well. Suction adjustment is made at an automatic level, and the possibility of continuous suction is also convenient. The operation of the vacuum cleaner should be switched to the lowest possible mode or open the window on the pipe. The convenient shape of the nozzles provides protection against too deep insertion into the nostril. The kit comes with two nozzles. How much does such a unit cost? The price of the device is approximately 990 rubles.

Among the shortcomings, we list the excessive noise and vibration of the vacuum cleaner, which can frighten a small child. You can use the device no more than 2-3 times a day.

We make an aspirator ourselves

Mom and dad can make a newborn aspirator with their own hands. To make such a device, you will need a gastric or urological catheter and a simple pipette. There are two options for connecting parts:

  1. The catheter should be cut off the rounded end, and then put on it part of the glass pipette.
  2. In another case, it is the rounded part of the catheter that is inserted into the pipette, then mucus is collected in it, avoiding falling into the tube. The difficulty in this case is that it is problematic to choose the appropriate diameters of the catheter and pipette.

Is sterility necessary?

Tips can be cleaned by rinsing them under running water using soap. If desired, you can pour boiling water over them or use a special solution for disinfection. Sterile cleanliness is not required, because the nose is not sterile (we recommend reading:). Through it, and without the use of a nasal aspirator, often not clean air enters.

Ordinary laundry soap will help kill germs and ensure cleanliness

Different types of nozzle ejectors require different working conditions and appropriate training. All requirements are set out in the instructions that come with the unit. We list the main principles of work on the suction of mucus with the help of nozzle pumps:

  • The child should be laid on his back or his head slightly tilted back, for which a towel rolled up in the form of a roller is used. A saline solution should be dripped into the spout to ensure the softening of the mucus. Instead of saline, you can use the following drugs: Marimer, Salin or Humer, then wait 15 seconds.
  • When using a manual aspirator in the form of a pear, squeeze the rubber part with your hand, after which the tip is gently inserted into the nasal passage. The free nostril should be slightly pressed. Then you need to slowly unclench your hand, along with the snot, the rest of the injected solution is absorbed. Remove the pear, squeeze the mucus out of it onto a napkin. Wipe the nozzle and start processing the second nostril.
  • The vacuum aspirator must be assembled before use by connecting the tip and two flasks. The conical flask is connected to the hose, after which it is possible to turn on the vacuum cleaner. The nozzle suction power is regulated by means of a hole on the cylindrical flask. Open or close as needed. The second nostril does not need to be covered. The vacuum cleaner is turned off, and then the aspirator is removed.
  • When using the vacuum aspirator in manual mode, remove the conical tip. The freed end serves as an opening for suction of mucus. You need to disinfect the device as follows: remove the flask, rinse all parts, and sterilize the tip itself.
  • When using the electric format of the nasal aspirator, put on the silicone tip and then insert it into the nostril. The device is turned on, and the second nostril is covered with a finger. The baby does not have to be laid down, a sitting position is possible for the procedure.

Having adapted, mommy will be able to remove the accumulated mucus from the baby’s nose without much hassle
  1. In order not to harm the crumbs, you need to carefully read the instructions before using the nozzle pump.
  2. Do not use herbal infusions to wash the nose of a newborn (see also:). They can cause allergic reactions. The appearance of snot is not a signal for the use of vasoconstrictor drugs such as Nazol, Otrivin or Xidin (we recommend reading:). The baby is quite able to overcome the snot without using them, moreover, they are not entirely safe for the health of a newborn baby.
  3. The most optimal time for sucking out snot is before eating or before going to bed, so you will facilitate the process following the procedure. First, rinse and clean the nose, and only then apply therapeutic drops (Otrivin, Vibrocil, Pinosol, etc. (we recommend reading: ).d.).
  4. Tips should be changed to prevent re-infection of the child's body. For example, 3 nozzles are included with the Otrivin baby aspirator, and it is also possible to additionally buy interchangeable nozzles in a set of 10 pieces.
  5. The disposable nozzle must be disposed of after use. The rest is treated with steam, boiling water or a disinfectant solution. The disposable pads included in the kit, as in the Otrivin model, cannot be used twice or used to clean the noses of different children.
  6. Keep in mind that automatic and vacuum devices dry out the mucous membrane excessively. Be sure to moisten the nose with a saline solution after their use. Snot, tormenting the baby for more than three days and causing him discomfort, the pediatrician may advise treating with the help of vasoconstrictor drops. To do this, you should use products with a minimum concentration: Nazol baby, Otrivin or Phenylephrine.

After the procedure, you can drip healing or moisturizing drops into the nose.

Precautionary measures

In their practice, pediatricians sometimes advise the use of additional means for sucking out snot, but do not forget to warn parents to be as careful and accurate as possible. When using a nasal aspirator, there is a danger of harming the baby.

The baby cannot blow his nose on his own, and the use of vasoconstrictor drops in infancy is prohibited. A children's aspirator will come to the rescue, which, by creating negative pressure, sucks the mucus out of the nose and clears the nasal passages.

Rules for the use of a child aspirator

Before using the nasal aspirator, you need to read the instructions and drip the child with saline, for this you need a pipette. Sprays and washing of the sinuses of children are prohibited! Instead of saline, you can use "Aquamaris", "Marimer", "Salin", a decoction of sage or chamomile, but only a doctor can prescribe these funds.

So that the baby does not experience breathing difficulties, during the procedure it must be kept in an upright position. After using saline, wait 20-30 seconds, then gently insert the aspirator tip into one nostril, and close the other with your finger to form a vacuum space.

In order not to hurt the child, the pear is unclenched slowly. Then it is necessary to remove the aspirator from the nose and squeeze out the mucus from it, wipe or wash the apparatus and repeat the procedure with the second nostril. Pediatricians advise using a nasal aspirator no more than 2 times a day, so as not to overdry the mucous membrane.

If the child is very afraid of the aspirator, then the device can be replaced with a tampon. First, drip saline, roll cotton wool into flagella and clean the nostrils with them. This method is not as effective as a child aspirator, but it can alleviate the condition of the child.

Precautions when using a nasal aspirator

If you follow all the rules for using the aspirator, then the risk of injury can be minimized. But in order for the procedure to be absolutely safe for the child, parents must remember the precautions.

During the procedure, the position of the aspirator tip must be constantly monitored so as not to injure the nasal mucosa with it. Even with a slight bleeding, the cleansing must be stopped, the child's head should be tilted forward and the wing of the nose should be gently pressed against the septum.

If a baby has a runny nose or nasal congestion, then you should immediately contact your pediatrician. The nasal aspirator relieves the child's condition, but does not fight the disease.

Tampons are a convenient means of feminine hygiene, indispensable during menstruation. Unlike pads, they allow you to move freely, run, dance and even swim. They give a feeling of comfort, but only on condition that they are entered correctly, and hygiene rules were observed when contacting them.

Tampons are suitable for both very young and ladies. There are various options for sale. For example, they are very convenient - they allow you to more accurately introduce a hygiene product and at the same time not get your hands dirty. If you do not like this option, choose tampons without an applicator - with proper skill, using them is very simple.

Determine the size of the hygiene product. For weak secretions, tampons marked “mini” are suitable. Moderate discharge requires a product labeled "normal", but with abundant, buy a box with the designation "super". You can also determine the size by the number of droplets drawn on the package - the more there are, the better the tampon absorbs.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using a swab. Remove the hygiene product from individual paper or cellophane packaging. For convenience, you can sit down slightly or one foot on a high support - for example, the side of the bath. When inserting a swab with an applicator, insert the cardboard structure deep into

The newborn aspirator helps to clear the nasal passage of mucus, snot and other excess fluid. Many babies suffer from a similar problem when milk gets into the spout when feeding from a bottle or breastfeeding. In addition, a runny nose can occur with colds and allergies, too dry air and insufficient humidity in the room.

The child himself cannot blow his nose, then aspirators or nozzle pumps come to the rescue. They cleanse and moisturize the nasal passages, facilitate breathing and the baby's condition, eliminate discomfort and speed up treatment in the presence of colds or allergic diseases. But before using this drug, be sure to consult a pediatrician. Let's find out in more detail what this device represents. And we will find out how to choose for a newborn and baby.

When You Need an Aspirator

  • Profuse mucous discharge from the nose;
  • and other viral disease;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • Prevention of the common cold;
  • With weak immunity, a tendency to frequent colds and complications of acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections;
  • Acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • Acute and chronic sinusitis, including sinusitis;
  • Diseases of the ENT character (ears, mouth and nasal cavity).

Device and types of aspirator

The traditional aspirator is a rubber flask with a plastic or silicone tip. By the way, experts advise choosing silicone nozzles, as they are safe and do not injure the nasal mucosa. In addition, soft silicone is hypoallergenic, convenient and comfortable to use.

Modern respirators are a more advanced device that resembles a construction pistol in appearance. To operate this device, you need to press a button or a rubber part. Today, four types of aspirates are issued:

  • A syringe is a cheap, simple and effective device in the form of a rubber bulb with a soft silicone tip. However, it is produced without a limiter, which complicates the control of the operation of the device. After each use, the pear and tips must be thoroughly washed and boiled;
  • Mechanical aspirator - a tube with a reservoir for mucus, a replaceable filter and soft, replaceable tips. One end of the tube is inserted into the child's nose, and the adult must suck air from the other. A replaceable filter prevents mucus from entering the mouth of an adult, the secretions remain in the reservoir. Disposable tips prevent the spread of infection and do not require disinfection. After use, the tip is thrown away;
  • The vacuum device is a safe modern device of the latest generation. It works by attaching to a home vacuum cleaner through a special mouthpiece. The device is easy and convenient to adjust, which ensures the safety of use. The product is distinguished by high efficiency, durability and fast action. The aspirator will clean the baby's nose in a few seconds! However, the device has a high price;
  • An electronic or electric device is an easy-to-use device that is convenient for sucking snot, cleaning and moistening the baby's nasal cavity. The product has comfortable control by means of buttons, compact size, safety and high efficiency. But the device is quite expensive.

In addition, it is important for the baby to choose a reliable and safe solution that is used in front of the aspirator. It thins the mucosa and helps the aspirator to remove the liquid faster. You can use purchased drops. Aqualor Baby, Nazol Baby, Otrivin Baby, Salin and Aqua Maris are suitable for newborns. Drops "Pinosol" are allowed for children older than two years. But sprays are not recommended for use up to three years. Moreover, they can only worsen the situation. What remedy for a cold for a baby to choose, see.

Instead of a purchased product, you can use sea salt, mineral water, herbal decoctions, or a homemade solution. To prepare a saline solution, add a teaspoon of table salt to a liter of water and mix. Instead of salt, you can put soda. For decoctions, choose chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula or sage. The main thing is that the child does not have an allergic reaction to the selected component.

Is a vacuum aspirator dangerous?

Today, vacuum nasal aspirators have become very popular, despite the high cost. However, many parents are afraid that they can harm the mucous membrane due to the high power of the vacuum cleaner. But such drugs are absolutely safe due to the power of a true vacuum and the rapid suction of liquid in just 20-30 seconds.

The vacuum aspirator is equipped with a double swirl top flask, which allows you to safely connect the device to your home vacuum cleaner. This is an excellent solution for eliminating copious nasal discharge. However, the device is not recommended to be used too often, otherwise the runny nose will increase. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and directions.

It is not necessary to use a vacuum device, you can easily take a more traditional and cheaper preparation. Each type of aspirator has varying degrees of effectiveness and helps to get rid of accumulated mucus in the baby's nose. Let's look at which company's aspirator for newborns is better to choose.

The best aspirators for babies

Aspirator Characteristic Price
Otrivin Baby (Sweden) The most popular mechanical preparation with a long duration of action, includes a set of replaceable disposable nozzles, safe and comfortable use 300 - 400 rubles
World of Childhood (Russia) Affordable aspirator-syringe (pear) with a soft reusable silicone tip, does not injure the nose, after use it is enough to rinse with hot water and laundry soap without boiling 100 - 200 rubles
Bebe Confort (France) The mechanical device cleans the nose without pain and discomfort, fast and reliable, soft and delicate action; the shape and size of the nozzles correspond to the anatomy of the child, which makes use comfortable and safe; suitable for children over three months old 400 - 500 rubles
Bebe Confort “Nasal Kit” 3 in 1 (France) The multifunctional aspirator is suitable for children from the first days of life, has three nozzle models depending on age; the size and shape of the tip are made taking into account the anatomy of the baby's nose; gentle and gentle suction, delicate and fast action, easy to disassemble and wash every part 550-600 rubles
Cleanoz (USA) Battery-powered electronic aspirator, very comfortable to use, convenient to take on walks and trips, no need to suck out snot on your own, soft disposable nozzles, safe and comfortable use, you need to clean and disinfect after each use, long service life 2700-2800 rubles
Baby Vac (Hungary) Vacuum nasal device quickly cleans the spout and is ideal for home use, the device is easy to disassemble and wash, convenient adjustment and automatic power selection, safety and efficiency 1100-1300 rubles
Marimer (France) Mechanical tube, completely hygienic and easy to use, transparent body allows you to follow the process, safety and efficiency 200-300 rubles
Narhinel Quickly and effectively cleans the spout, suitable for home use and for the smallest, replaceable disposable nozzles, convenient use and storage, affordable price 70-100 rubles
B.Well WC-150(China) Convenient and practical electronic aspirator, easy to use and compact size, transparent container for collecting liquid and soft safety nozzle, built-in music of 12 baby melodies to distract the baby 1800 - 2000 rubles
NoseFrida (Sweden) Safe aspirator in the form of a mechanical tube with hygienic filters, does not irritate the mucous membrane and effectively removes fluid from the nasal cavity, cleaning with soap and warm water 620 - 750 rubles
Nuby(USA) Universal syringe (pear) with nozzles for cleaning the nose and ears of the child, soft comfortable and safe silicone tip, easy use and delicate action, non-toxic materials 350 - 400 rubles
ATOPITA (Japan) Mechanical aspirator with two tubes, germicidal materials guarantee complete hygiene, suitable for both children and adults 650 - 750 rubles
Suavinex(Spain) The anatomical aspirator follows the shape of the nose, which makes use comfortable and painless, easily removes mucus from the nose for a few seconds and effectively improves the child's free breathing 200 - 300 rubles
Chicco(Italy) Effective product made of soft plastic with a foam filter inside, suction force adjustment, quick mucus removal and easy use 300 - 400 rubles

How to use the neonatal aspirator correctly

  • Before using the device, be sure to consult a pediatrician and read the instructions;
  • Carry out the procedures carefully so as not to harm the delicate mucous membrane of the baby;
  • First, use a pipette to drop saline, drops, or another agent of your choice into your nose. To do this, tilt the baby's head back or lay the baby down with a folded sheet or towel under the head. Drip two or three drops into each nostril and leave your head in this position for 20-30 seconds;
  • Natural remedies are best prepared every day. You can not store the compositions for more than a day, since during this time harmful bacteria will appear in the solution;
  • The tip of the device is inserted into one nostril of the baby, and the second is closed with a finger to create a vacuum;
  • The child must be in an upright position;
  • Press the button or rubber surface, or press or squeeze the bulb;
  • Remove the aspirator after the procedure. If the device does not provide a special container for collecting liquid, squeeze the mucus onto a tissue. Wipe the device and repeat the procedure with the second nostril;
  • After cleaning is completed, the aspirator is thoroughly washed with water and soap, if necessary, sterilized or treated with a disinfectant. Reusable nozzles are also processed, disposable ones are thrown away;
  • Do not use disposable tips more than once! They retain bacteria and can cause infection;
  • It is recommended to clean the child's nose no more than two or three times a day, so as not to irritate the child's delicate mucous membrane;
  • Cleanse before feeding and/or before bed;
  • Salt solution should not be used for more than four days in a row, so as not to overdry the nasal mucosa.

The danger of a runny nose for infants

If you do not remove excess fluid from the nose, mucus and dust accumulate in the nasal passages of the child, and crusts form. This will cause the baby severe discomfort and discomfort. Persistent mucus and fluid in the nose that is not cleared leads to rhinitis and chronic runny nose.

During a runny nose, the baby cannot breathe and eat normally, sleep peacefully. Rhinitis in newborns leads to frustration and respiratory failure. In addition, the accumulated fluid and mucus through the internal auditory tube can enter the middle ear cavity and cause otitis media. Therefore, it is important to clean the nose of newborns and infants in a timely manner.

A runny nose in a newborn often causes anxiety in a young mother. The reasons for its appearance can be very different: a change in weather, a common cold, allergies, the beginning of the heating season, a change of residence. How to help the baby, who has innate, but imperfect immunity?

And acquired immunity is not working at full capacity yet. In such cases, the first thing to do is not to panic. Of course, in the modern world there is a device for eliminating snot from a newborn. With this problem, young parents will be helped to cope with a device called a children's nasal aspirator.

Why you need an aspirator

Let's take a look at what an aspirator is. An aspirator is a device whose main task is to remove mucus from the nasal passages of a child. In the common people, it is often called a snot sucker in children. Since children under 2-3 years old are not able to free their sinuses on their own, this device belongs to the category of must-have items in the first-aid kit of young parents.

How to choose a nozzle pump for a newborn

The available number of types of aspirators, as well as manufacturers, will cause you doubts when choosing. And you will definitely ask yourself the question: “Which one will be better for my baby?”
Therefore, when purchasing an aspirator for children, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • safety;
  • material quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • ease of cleaning and storage;
  • price.

Types of aspirators

There are several types of nasal aspirators for children:

  • in the form of a syringe;
  • mechanical;
  • vacuum;
  • electronic.

Let's look at how to use each type of nasal aspirator for newborns separately with all the pros and cons. And this will give you the opportunity to decide which is better to choose an aspirator for newborns.

Note! With a stuffy nose, the baby can be a little moody. A runny nose not only prevents him from sleeping peacefully, but also prevents him from properly attaching to his chest. Therefore, do not forget to clear the nose of mucus before going to bed and before feeding.

Important! Before using any type of aspirator, it is advisable to thin the mucus and soften the crusts with a light saline solution. Doctors most often recommend using Aquamaris for newborns, since the content of sea water in it is balanced and safe for babies.

Aspirator in the form of a syringe

This is the very first type of aspirator, and the most budgetary. It consists of a rubber pear and a plastic tip.

The mechanism for using it is very simple:

  • With one hand, you need to squeeze the rubber pear, and with the other, hold the baby's arms;
  • Gently insert the plastic tip into the child's nasal cavity;
  • Slowly release the squeezed pear, causing the mucus to be drawn into the inside of the container itself;


  • Simplicity of design;
  • Its budget value.


  • It is very difficult to adjust the depth of the tip in the nasal cavity (this can lead to damage to it);
  • The opacity of the container itself (it is difficult to determine the volume and color of the slime itself);
  • There is no mechanism for adjusting the suction power.

Advice! When choosing this type of nasal aspirator, you should pay attention to the shape of the plastic tip. Even if the baby is not yet mobile, during the mucus suction procedure, he will still try to dodge. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to take an aspirator with a wide tip, if the child starts to resist, you will not cause any harm to the baby's nasal cavity.

Mechanical aspirator

This device consists of a transparent container and a silicone tube with a tip attached to it. The container itself is equipped with a filter to prevent mucus from entering the oral cavity of an adult.

Usage principle:

  • Drip saline solution three to four drops into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • Then lift the child's body on a pillow or roller so that the mucus does not go down the throat;
  • It is necessary to insert the tip into the nasal cavity;
  • Clamp the other end of the aspirator with your lips;
  • We inhale the air, while the mucus enters the container and lingers there;
  • after use, the device must be rinsed and sterilized.


  • The transparency of the container, which allows you to see the color of the mucus and its volume;
  • The silicone tip is soft enough, so the risk of injuring the baby's nasal passages is small;
  • It is in second place in terms of cost after an aspirator in the form of a syringe.


  • Sometimes there is not enough lung capacity to eliminate deep-lying mucus.

Vacuum aspirator

Not so long ago, a new type of nasal aspirator appeared on the market - vacuum. The principle of its operation is very similar to the previous types of snot aspirators for newborns, but it only works from a home vacuum cleaner. The aspirator consists of a reusable nozzle-tip, a transparent flask-collector and a nozzle-adapter for a vacuum cleaner for sucking snot.

Usage principle:

  • Drip saline solution three to four drops into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • Take the child in your arms (the baby will be calmer this way);
  • Close one nostril to the baby;
  • Gently insert the tip into the second;
  • Turn on the device;
  • After use, the device must be rinsed and sterilized.


  • Using the device is absolutely safe;
  • Is durable;
  • The ability to adjust the suction power;
  • Efficiency, as the power of the vacuum cleaner is enough to easily remove even thick snot.


  • The noise of the vacuum cleaner can frighten the baby;
  • Price.

Electronic aspirator

The electric children's nasal aspirator is considered the most effective. Battery operated and virtually silent. It consists of a body, a transparent container for collecting mucus and a soft tip with a limiter.

The principle of use is very simple:

  • drip saline solution three to four drops into each nostril and wait 15-20 seconds;
  • insert the silicone tip into the child's nostril;
  • turn on the "start" button, and the job is done;
  • sterilize the mucus collection container.


  • Efficiency;
  • Safe to use (equipped with a soft silicone tip);
  • Has a transparent container for collecting mucus;
  • There is an option to spray a saline solution or other medicine into the nasal cavity;
  • Many models have musical accompaniment for the comfort of the baby.


  • The cost of an aspirator;
  • fragility.

Did you know? For newborns, an electric aspirator is an important and necessary device, since it works almost silently. And some models of electric children's nozzle pumps, equipped with musical accompaniment, will make this process pleasant and gentle.

Precautionary measures

  • Before using the device, be sure to read the instructions;
  • Children under one year old are forbidden to use a spray, so we use saline solution only in the form of a drop;
  • During the mucus suction procedure, be sure to control the depth of insertion of the nozzle into the nasal cavity;
  • Frequent use of any type of product can lead to drying and weakening of the protective properties of the mucous tissue;
  • If the child has nasal bleeding, do not use any type of aspirator until you consult with the pediatrician;

  • it is necessary to treat and be sure to complete recovery. Since, without treatment, it can lead to serious complications in infants: otitis media, acute bronchitis, bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • Clean and humidified air helps baby maintain a comfortable nasal environment . The optimal relative humidity in the children's room is 50-70%. Therefore, try to ventilate the room in which the baby is located more often. And if the air continues to be dry, you should consider purchasing a humidifier. Remember that the nasal cavity should not be dry;
  • Do not forget, the thinner the snot, the more effective any type of aspirator. Therefore, before each use, use a saline solution;
  • Do not wet your baby's nose with breast milk. The belief that breast milk kills bacteria in the nose is wrong.
  • We, as parents, must help the baby's immune system to develop properly. Therefore, try to make every effort to ensure that the baby receives nutritious breast milk, he really needs it. And procedures such as walking in the fresh air, massage, bathing will only help to harden and properly develop the immunity of your crumbs.

Aspirator for children - video

The video below will help you more clearly study the process of removing mucus from the baby's nasal cavity. It will also give you the opportunity to be a little more daring in your actions.

Aspirators for newborns are a lifesaver for parents. Many mothers, having used this device, no longer imagine solving difficulties in a different way. We hope that you have already chosen your type of aspirator. We will be grateful if you share your experience in choosing and using an aspirator in the comments, it will definitely help someone. Take care of yourself and your kids.