How is a maternity hospital set up? How is the maternity hospital

A very often discussed question such as a maternity hospital, what was it for?
I didn’t find about a maternity hospital in Europe, but in Russia it was definitely an institution for those who were not going to leave these children.
Yes, and in pre-revolutionary Russia, the percentage of women in labor at home was large.

History of maternity hospitals

First maternity hospital(maternity hospital) in Moscow (and in Russia) was opened in 1764 at the Orphanage and had three departments: “for secretly giving birth”, “for illegitimate children being born” and “for married women who do not want to leave a child”. In 1801, Professor of Moscow University V. M. Richter (1767-1822) founded and headed the Midwifery Institute with a maternity hospital for 3 beds. The first city maternity hospital with free admission of women in childbirth was established in 1880 on Shviva Gorka. In 1903 there were 12 maternity hospitals in Moscow (for 138 beds). In 1906, an “exemplary” maternity hospital was opened. A. A. Abrikosova (now maternity hospital No. 6), at which women's and children's clinics were created. In 1907, at the expense of the merchant Lepekhin, a maternity hospital was opened (with 63 beds), which bore his name (later Maternity Hospital No. 7 named after G. L. Grauerman). In 1907, the first hospital in Moscow for postpartum patients was opened. In 1909, a city maternity hospital was opened at the Staroyekatherininsky hospital in memory of S. T. Morozov. At the expense of the late Lepekhin, his niece Milyukova arranged a hospital in Degtyarny Lane, which later housed a maternity hospital, and the lane was named Lepekhinsky.

Until 1917, the maternity hospitals of the city could receive only about half of the women in labor (the rest were born at home). A significant increase in the network of maternity hospitals occurred after the decision of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the prohibition of abortions (1936) and in 1960-85.

Indicative in this sense is the history of Snigirevka until 1917.
I will quote

During this period, 168 midwives were trained within the walls of the institute, who, after completing special training, were sent to various provinces. In 1833, the maternity hospital and the midwifery institute were merged into one obstetric institution. From that time on, it became known as the St. Petersburg obstetric institution.
The obstetric institution then consisted of 5 departments for: 1) "legal" poor puerperas; 2) "secret" puerperas; 3) "illegal" puerperas; 4) midwives (for 40 people); 5) peasant schoolgirls (for 20 people).
The term of study at the Midwifery Institute was reduced to 2 years.
In the Regulations on the obstetric institution, the goals of this institution were formulated, which provided for:
reception of pregnant women and women in childbirth, both "legal" and "illegal", to whom the full maintenance, all kinds of obstetric and medical benefits are delivered without any payment until their complete recovery;
supplying the State with knowledgeable and experienced midwives who receive education and a complete theoretical and practical education in the art of midwifery;
improvement and dissemination of obstetric science.

As can be seen from all of the above, home births were a common practice and midwives were trained mainly for this.
It would be interesting to read when the practice of childbirth in the maternity hospital became widespread.

Having a baby is a huge event, and the choices you make today can have a lasting impact on your child's life. One of the many important decisions you will have to make during pregnancy is where you will give birth to your baby. If you have decided that you would like to bring your baby into this world in a maternity hospital rather than a hospital, you are halfway there and finding the right maternity home is the next step for you and your baby.

There are several important steps you need to take to ensure right choice maternity hospital. Choose not only according to what suits you, but also based on significant other things, as not all birth centers are the same. By making an informed decision about where to have your baby, you can have peace of mind during the birth process.


    Make sure you definitely want to have your baby in a maternity hospital, not a hospital. These facilities are not for every pregnancy, and there are some amenities that are lacking compared to a hospital ward. Consider next questions before moving to the maternity hospital:

  1. Walk around your area to find a maternity hospital nearby. No need to choose a maternity hospital that will be too far from your home. Contractions can start abruptly, sometimes without warning. If your hospital is too far away, you may not have enough time to get to the facility.

    • Some places, such as Australia, have on-site maternity hospitals, known as "affiliated hospitals". If there are complications in this situation, you are in the same area and have an elevator or corridors near the medical assistance. A maternity hospital attached to a hospital may be great way to relieve any anxieties you have about using the maternity hospital. However, be very careful - in maternity hospitals attached to a hospital, there may be a hospital attitude that you try to avoid, such as rupture of the membrane, stimulation and vaginal examinations during childbirth. If the hospital is full when you arrive, you may be pushed into a hospital room.
    • If you do not have a maternity hospital attached to the hospital, check if there is an autonomous maternity hospital nearby? In the event of complications, there must be a hospital nearby to properly handle any emergency or risk that arises.
  2. Contact a maternity hospital in your area and schedule a time to travel to the center. Examine the object carefully. Ask questions and record how well the facility is run and how prepared the staff are for complications.

    • Are they licensed by the state, province or relevant government agency? To obtain a state license in the United States, for example, a maternity hospital must have certified midwives and nurses. Requirements vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so check your local licensing laws.
    • If you live in the US, find out if the center is accredited by the Commission for the Accreditation of Maternity Hospitals. This accreditation is one of the main signs that the facility is properly equipped. CARD accreditation requires birth outcome charts, proper sanitation, proper hot tub pH, etc.
    • Is the facility clean? Is the information literature neatly arranged? Are the staff kind and caring?
  3. Choose a hospital where you feel comfortable. Assuming you choose one that passes your test, ask yourself a few additional questions that connect to your own reactions to birth centers, such as:

    • Do I like the atmosphere of the hospital? In most cases, women choose a maternity hospital because it home furnishings. Often there is a jacuzzi where you can relax, a shower or bath, a kitchen where the family can gather, soft lighting, a double bed that looks like a home bed, exercise balls to swing on, lots of places to walk, etc.
    • Do I like the staff? It is always important to feel comfortable with the people who will be helping with the birth of your baby. This is an extremely important experience for both of you, and personnel issues should not stand in the way of you and your peace of mind.
    • If labor started while you are visiting the center (often very likely), what does the atmosphere feel like? Do you feel like this right place for you?
  4. Ask about how long you will be allowed to stay after the baby is born. Length of time for postpartum care varies depending on the rules and needs of the maternity hospital. You don't want to know that you have to leave the hospital 24 hours after the baby was born if you expected to stay for 48 hours. Some patients leave the maternity hospital a few hours after birth, provided that you are completely healthy. In this case, consider moving to a private hospital or other type of care if you want more rest, or willingness to help from friends and family (or even employees) at home during the first few days after delivery.

    • Don't look at leaving early as a problem. In accordance with the philosophy of maternity hospitals, you need to keep everything as natural and seamless as possible. And going home early is seen as the primary way to get you into the rhythm of caring for a newborn baby, rather than feeling like you're being forced into a hospital routine. Some women love it. Others are afraid of the mere thought that the vacation will end soon! Plan according to what works for you, but it's wise to have helpers on hand to lend a hand, even if it's the first week after giving birth at home.
  5. Find out what the visiting policy is. Some maternity hospitals have no restrictions and allow an unlimited number of visitors to come and go as often as you like. In others, there are rules on the number of visitors who can be present at one time, and at what hours visitors are welcome. In some there is a restriction for visiting only the next of kin. It's better to know your policy ahead of time than to find out that your guests, who drove for several hours to see you and your child, were shown the door.

    • It's possible that the visitors who stare at you when you're incapacitated aren't what you're interested in right now anyway. People run back and forth to see you in a hospital bed - this is definitely not for a maternity hospital, which is why women who like peace come here.
    • Make sure it's okay for your partner, spouse, or birth partner to stay with you during labor. This important aspect philosophy of the maternity hospital. Of course, if you don't want to see anyone other than midwives, that's your prerogative.
  6. Find out if you are suitable for the hospital. It's not just about your choice - your pregnancy should have low level risk, and a reputable maternity hospital will review your tests and your doctor will monitor your progress throughout your pregnancy to make sure your risk is low. A reputable center will advise you if you are at risk for complications during your pregnancy and will refuse to admit you or ask you to change your plans later if you are already accepted but the risks change during pregnancy. Also stay in touch with your doctor to be properly monitored throughout your pregnancy by an independent source.

    • Permission mechanisms to bring your primary care physician or midwife to the hospital during labor depend on the policy of the maternity hospital and local regulations, so ask in advance if this is possible or not. Also ask about using an independent midwife if you want to do this. The answers to these questions may determine your decision.
  7. Book in advance. If you want to use a maternity hospital, be aware that most of them are in high demand and can be booked within your deadlines if you leave everything for later. Moreover, in a reputable maternity hospital, you are under regular supervision of the staff and you will be asked to undergo training before the birth of the child, especially if this is your first child or it has been a long time since birth. last child. If you take too long, you may miss your seat and have to go to a hospital facility.

    • Be honest about your medical history. Maternity hospitals screen potential patients for previous pregnancy complications or twin births. If the hospital determines that your condition may be too risky, remember that this is for you and your baby.
    • Take orientation classes at your chosen maternity hospital. During these classes, you will be taken through what you need to know in order to prepare for the procedure. Class attendance will allow you to ask any questions you have. In many cases, you will even be given classes and demonstrations on postpartum adjustment, newborn care, and breastfeeding. One of the most great benefits This is the fact that you can get to know the staff and learn important things about the upcoming birth and care of a child. It is important to note that these facilities do not use local or general anesthesia. It uses natural and alternative pain treatments, as well as recreational drugs. They have what most hospitals don't have - comfortable and relaxing facilities.
    • In Australia, hospital-affiliated maternity hospitals are covered by Medicare (Old Age Health Insurance). Corps departments must be paid for by you, but check if private insurance or old-age health insurance covers this.


    • Do not lose sight of when searching, the presence of accreditation from the maternity hospital. If the maternity hospital is not accredited, then the facility has not passed the most basic safety requirements, which puts you or your newborn baby at risk. Use only accredited maternity hospitals. Make sure there are certified midwives and nurses working there.
    • You will hear all sorts of stories. Some come from people numb from childbirth or ill-informed. Don't let rumors put you off choosing a maternity hospital for yourself, find out firsthand, ask direct questions, and learn about potential complications and how to deal with them. A reputable maternity hospital will tell you if you are not a suitable candidate to use their facilities.
    • Let family members worry that they may not want you to give birth in the hospital. They have your best interests at heart, but most likely they are ill-informed or have read too many sensational stories. Explain to them that you have checked everything and are happy with this center, and the staff is highly qualified and easily accessible. Ultimately, remember that it's your decision and your comfort, so avoid being stressed by other people's preferences.

Maternity hospital I Maternity hospital

medical institution designed to provide inpatient and outpatient care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and gynecological diseases, as well as medical care for newborns until discharge from the maternity hospital.

The main tasks of the maternity hospital are to provide women with inpatient obstetric care during pregnancy, childbirth and after childbirth; ensuring proper nursing of newborns and qualified medical and diagnostic care for sick and premature babies; providing medical and diagnostic assistance to gynecological patients; work on hygiene education, propaganda healthy lifestyle life; transfer of patients according to indications to other medical institutions; implementation rehabilitation measures and issuing recommendations for their implementation after discharge from the obstetric hospital.

II Maternity hospital

medical and preventive institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period; the composition of R. d. includes a hospital and.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Bolshaya Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


See what "Maternity Hospital" is in other dictionaries:

    A medical institution that provides assistance to pregnant women, women in childbirth and puerperas. Usually there are antenatal clinics at the maternity hospital, gynecological departments in large maternity hospitals ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A medical institution that provides assistance to pregnant women, women in childbirth and puerperas. Usually maternity hospitals have antenatal clinics, large maternity hospitals have gynecological departments. * * * MATERNITY HOSPITAL MATERNITY HOSPITAL, medical… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    The very first maternity hospital in Severodvinsk, now the Severodvinsk Museum of Local Lore Maternity hospitals provide qualified medical care women during ... Wikipedia

    Medical and prophylactic institution designed to provide medical care to women and their treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period; the structure of R. includes a hospital and Women's consultationBig Medical Dictionary

    In the USSR, a medical and prophylactic institution that provides qualified medical care to women during pregnancy (See Pregnancy), childbirth (See Childbirth), postpartum period (See Pregnancy). postpartum period) and with gynecological ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Medical and prophylactic institution that provides medical care to pregnant women, women in childbirth and puerperas. (

In the mind of a future mother, a maternity hospital is often associated with a hospital, which means with a disease, the smell of medicines, scary metal tools and other unpleasant images. This idea of ​​a maternity hospital is completely wrong, but it is easily explained. Fear of the maternity hospital total absence ideas about how a modern obstetric institution is arranged and how it works. In order to get rid of unnecessary fears and anxieties and get to know the departments and staff of the maternity hospital better, we have prepared an exciting tour of the maternity hospital on the pages of our magazine.

Reception department

This is the first department we enter when we open the door of the maternity hospital. There must be a hall or a large room, in which expectant mothers, accompanied by loved ones, are waiting for a call to the doctor. The admission department itself usually consists of three rooms: an obstetric post, an examination room and a sanitary room. In the first room there is a table, a couch, scales and a height meter. At the table sits the midwife on duty at the reception. Her duties include paperwork upon admission to the maternity hospital, measuring weight, height, blood pressure, pulse and body temperature of the expectant mother. Upon completion of these manipulations, the midwife escorts the pregnant woman to the next room - an examination room, where she is met by a doctor - an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The doctor asks the expectant mother about the state of her health, the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, the reasons for the appeal and the state of health at the time of admission to the maternity hospital. The doctor enters the data obtained into the history of childbirth - this is called medical card women in the maternity hospital. After the conversation, the expectant mother is offered to undress and lie down on the couch located here. The doctor measures the size of the abdomen and pelvis, determines the location of the baby in the uterine cavity, listens to his heartbeat with a special tube or ultrasound device. Then the woman is asked to rise to the gynecological chair, and the doctor performs a vaginal examination. We note right away that during an obstetric examination on a gynecological chair, mirrors or other “terrible” medical instruments are not used: in order to determine the degree of cervical dilatation, the doctor only needs two fingers.

After the examination, the midwife invites the expectant mother to the sanitary room for sanitary and hygienic preparation for childbirth. This concept includes a cleansing enema, shaving the perineum and showering. There is a couch in the sanitary room, on which the treatment of the perineum and an enema, toilet and shower cabins are performed.

After a shower, a woman in labor is helped to change into clothes for childbirth - “official” or brought with her (depending on the requirements of a particular maternity ward). In a number of maternity hospitals, the expectant mother will be offered to change clothes as soon as she crosses the threshold of the maternity hospital. In any case, the clothes must be given to the accompanying persons, if the woman arrived alone, then things will be left for a short time (within a day) in the reception department.

maternity unit

From the admission department, the woman in labor goes to the maternity ward, or rodblok. This is, of course, the most important department of the maternity hospital - after all, this is where childbirth takes place! In modern maternity hospitals, the rodblock can have two various options layouts. Let's talk about each of them separately.

The so-called "box" layout involves the division of the rodblok into separate rooms-boxes, designed for one woman in labor. Boxing is a room in which there is an ordinary bed, bedside table, table, chair. Next to the bed of the expectant mother is a CTG apparatus (cardiotocographs - devices that allow you to record the baby's heart contractions and the contractile activity of the uterus) and, of course, a special device for childbirth - Rakhmanov's bed. Also in the box there is a changing table and scales for the crumbs. In some maternity wards, Rakhmanov's beds are replaced by more modern obstetric chairs or comfortable transforming beds, which, at the right time, with the help of a remote control, “turn” from an ordinary bed into a childbirth device. in boxing future mom there are all 3 periods of labor (I period - contractions, II period - attempts, III period - the birth of the placenta) and 2 hours of postpartum observation. Inspection of the birth canal and (if necessary) restoration of damaged tissues is also carried out in the box, here the primary examination and treatment of the newborn takes place.

Another, more old version planning involves the division of the maternity ward into prenatal wards, delivery rooms and examination rooms (or small operating rooms), as well as children's rooms. In this case, the wards are designed for several women in labor, prenatal ward women are during the entire I period, as well as about half of the II period of childbirth (before the start of productive attempts). In such a ward there are several beds and bedside tables. Here, the equipment necessary to monitor the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus (for example, CTG) is usually installed. In the antenatal ward, a woman in labor can walk, lie on a bed, or take special positions.

When productive attempts appear, the expectant mother is transferred to a delivery room located nearby. In this room there are several beds of Rakhmanov. On one of these beds, the woman in labor spends the end of the II period and the III period of childbirth. After birth, the child is taken to the children's ward, where he is examined, weighed, measured for height, the umbilical cord is processed and dressed.

After the completion of childbirth, the puerperal is moved on a gurney to a small operating room, or examination room. There is a gynecological chair in the examination room, on which the doctor examines the birth canal and, if necessary, restores damaged tissues. Then the puerperal is again placed on a gurney next to the midwife's post of the maternity unit for observation.

If everything is in order, two hours after the birth, the young mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum department.

Postpartum department

The layout of the postpartum department depends on what mode of stay for mother and baby is practiced in this maternity hospital.

When the mother and child stay together in the postpartum ward, in addition to the mother's bed, table, chair and bedside table, there is a changing place for the baby, as well as his bed. Mom and newborn are always together. In this case, the nurse and the neonatologist examine the baby in the ward, with the mother. On the first day, the baby sister teaches the mother to take care of the baby, wash and change his clothes. Responsibilities of a postpartum midwife

this includes assistance with breastfeeding. When staying together in many maternity hospitals, it is allowed to use “their” clothes for the baby.

Separate stay implies the presence of a children's department in the maternity hospital, where the newborns are located. In this case, the mother and the baby meet only during feeding - 7 times a day every three hours. The first feeding is usually at 6 am, the last - at 00 o'clock. From 00 to 6 o'clock in the morning - a break for sleep. Examination and other manipulations with the baby are carried out in the children's department, and then the neonatologist bypasses the mothers and tells them about the well-being of the children.

The postpartum ward in this case is set up like a regular therapeutic ward, except perhaps for the presence of an examination room in which women are treated for sutures and examination before discharge.

In any case, in postpartum ward visiting relatives may be allowed. As a rule, this is provided for if childbirth is carried out as part of voluntary medical insurance or the service ward of the postpartum department is additionally paid. It should be borne in mind that even at the same time only 1-2 people can come to one woman in labor at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to enter the postpartum department for children under 14 years old.

branch pathology of pregnancy

The Department of Pathology of Pregnancy, or PCU, admits women with pregnancy complications that require constant monitoring. Such complications include, for example, preeclampsia (a complication of pregnancy, more often manifested by an increase in blood pressure, edema, the appearance of protein in the urine1, the threat of abortion, chronic feto-placental insufficiency (a condition in which the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients due to the deterioration of the placenta), In the department, expectant mothers are observed and receive necessary therapy. It differs from the usual department of the OPB by the presence of an examination room, as well as auxiliary diagnostic rooms - ultrasound and CTG.

In addition to expectant mothers who have health problems, pregnant women are hospitalized in the OPB before planned operation caesarean section. With a tendency to prolong pregnancy, the expectant mother is also sent to the OPB.

Other departments of the maternity hospital

In addition to the listed departments, in any maternity hospital there is operating block, including two operating rooms and ancillary rooms. Caesarean sections are performed here. Next to the opera block is located intensive care unit, where puerperas are observed during the first day after the operation. A caesarean section is usually performed by two obstetrician-gynecologists; they are assisted by an operating room nurse and a midwife. On the operation, as well as on physiological childbirth, there is a neonatologist. The anesthesiologist is responsible for pain relief during the operation; assisted by an anesthetist nurse intensive care units.

If after childbirth, the mother or baby has complications, they are transferred to observational, or second obstetric department. In the same department, expectant mothers give birth, who at the time of admission are diagnosed with acute respiratory infections or other infectious diseases or there is no exchange card. This department has a delivery room, postpartum and children's wards.

Some maternity hospitals provide resuscitation and intensive care unit newborns. The staff of this department has all the necessary knowledge, skills and equipment for nursing children born in serious condition. Typically, these maternity hospitals specialize in preterm birth: premature babies are more likely to need intensive care.

detailed information about the internal structure of the maternity hospital, which will help expectant mothers feel calmer and more confident when moving from department to department.
As you know: "He who is informed is armed!" The more the expectant mother knows about the place where she will give birth, the better she will be prepared for upcoming birth and the more calm and confident she can feel.

All maternity hospitals in our country are arranged differently depending on the time when they were built and their profile of work, but, nevertheless, there is a certain common device for all such medical institutions. The maternity hospital usually has:

  • reception area,
  • maternity ward, physiological
  • observational maternity ward,
  • postpartum ward,
  • department of pathology of pregnancy,
  • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation,
  • children's department,
  • children's resuscitation.

Reception department

Any patient who crosses the threshold a enters here. Here, a woman is met at any time of the day or night by a midwife who listens to complaints and calls a doctor. The doctor examines the pregnant woman, listens to the baby's heartbeat and decides which department she will go to.

If they have begun or departed, then the patient will immediately go to the maternity ward.

If not yet real (so far these are only harbingers of childbirth), a woman is hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department, and if she wants to wait for the onset of labor at home, she can be released after a written refusal from hospitalization. But in case of any problems - a tendency to prolong pregnancy, too large or vice versa small fetal sizes, a lot of or oligohydramnios, pelvic or oblique, e, the doctor will insist that the patient stay in e, where treatment will be prescribed and the condition of the mother and child will be monitored.

The midwife of the admission department will take the documents of the incoming patient. You must have with you exchange card, CHI insurance policy and passport. midwife examining skin patients (there should be no pustules, scratching), nails, measures body temperature, height and weight of the pregnant woman, also circumference a and the height of the uterine fundus. In the emergency department, they pay attention to the presence of a cough, as well as other signs of infection, and depending on this, they decide in which department the woman will give birth: physiological or observational. To resolve the same issue, the midwife carefully examines the exchange card, checking the availability of all tests and their results. Further sanitization is carried out: if the pregnant woman enters, she is given an enema and the suprapubic region is shaved (for obvious reasons, it is better to do this at home).

Maternity ward

This is probably the main place in e, because babies are born here. It consists of prenatal and delivery rooms. Prenatal can be designed for 2-6 women in labor. In the delivery room, as a rule, there are 2-3 delivery chairs. (In boxes with a boxed system, there is no such separation: the pregnant woman is in a separate box during labor and gives birth to a child there.)

In the maternity ward, the doctor talks to the patient and examines her. The midwife is constantly with the women in labor, and the doctor, if everything goes well, comes in periodically, since at the same time patients are admitted to other departments, emergency operations are underway, etc. During the marriage, the woman in labor can walk, they explain to her how to breathe correctly, if they are very painful, anesthesia is performed. During childbirth, cardiotocography is performed - monitoring the baby's heartbeat, the strength and frequency of contractions, at this moment the woman in labor should lie down.

At the end of the first stage of labor, the patient will be assisted to the delivery room. At this time, a doctor, a midwife and a neonatologist are with her. After the birth of a child, he is shown to his mother, laid out on where he lies while the umbilical cord is pulsating. After that, it is crossed, and the neonatologist examines the child, puts an Apgar score. While the child is being treated, the placenta is born and the birth canal is examined, the tears are sewn up.

They put a heating pad with ice on the mother, cover her with a blanket, and teach her to put the baby to her chest. Here, together with the child, she spends 2 hours after giving birth under the supervision of medical personnel. After 2 hours, together with the baby, the mother is transported on a stretcher to the postpartum ward.

If you are giving birth under a contract, then you will be provided with a separate prenatal room, in which you and your husband (optional) will spend everything and two hours after them. Usually there is everything you need for married couple: a bed, which then transforms into a maternity chair, a chair for a husband, a large bathroom, a fitball, a table, cups, a kettle, a tape recorder, etc. An obstetrician-gynecologist with whom you have concluded an agreement will come to the contract.

Observational department

Patients with acute respiratory infections, various inflammatory diseases (for example, kidneys), colpitis (for example, thrush), fungal infections of the nails, as well as carriers of the hepatitis B and C virus, patients with a “positive” RW, unexamined and underexamined (if there are not enough test results in the exchange card) are admitted here.

A woman can get here from the physiological postpartum department if there are infectious complications after childbirth, such as endometritis, mastitis, suture divergence, acute respiratory infections, etc.

The structure of this department is the same as that of a regular maternity department. There are prenatal, delivery rooms and postnatal rooms.

Postpartum department

Depending on the selected option, a joint or separate stay with a child (when it is brought according to the schedule only for feeding). When staying together in the "mother and child" ward, the newborn is constantly with his mother, which certainly helps to establish breast-feeding, mom learns to take care of the baby (bath, dress, treat the umbilical wound).

Such wards are usually designed for 3-4 mothers with children, they have adult and children's beds, bedside tables and a changing table, there is a sink and everything necessary for treating the baby's skin.

If you gave birth under a contract, then the postpartum ward is designed for 1-2 people, it is possible for the father to stay in the family ward all the time. The paid rooms additionally have a table, dishes, a microwave oven, as well as a shower and a toilet. Food will be brought to you in the ward, the rest of the puerperas eat in a special buffet. In the postpartum department, doctors monitor the condition of the mother and baby, the obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist make daily rounds and examinations, take tests. The midwife fulfills the doctor's prescriptions, helps to establish breastfeeding, and drain the breast. Before discharge, as a rule, a woman is done. After natural childbirth Discharged for 4-5 days, if there are no problems.

Department of Pathology

In the department of pathology of pregnancy, as the name implies, there are patients with different terms pregnancies that have problems requiring inpatient treatment: the threat premature birth, fetoplacental insufficiency, exacerbation of a (inflammatory kidney disease) and many others. There are also patients here who are preparing for childbirth and a planned caesarean section.

Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

In any e there are several operating rooms and an intensive care unit (ICU), where patients are transferred after a caesarean section. Also, in the ICU, patients who were admitted in a serious condition, for example, with severe OM (high blood pressure numbers, protein in the urine), are observed and prepared for delivery. An anesthesiologist joins the management of such patients. He also provides anesthesia during childbirth and operations, observes patients on the first day after surgery and, if everything goes well, transfers them to the postpartum ward.

Children's department

Represented by children's wards. Now that many maternity hospitals are moving to a system cohabitation with baby, children are in the children's wards only on the first night after childbirth, if the mother is tired and cannot take care of the baby on her own. Children, born by caesarean sections are also under observation on the first day, while the mother is in the ICU.

Children's resuscitation

There are many, but not all ah. This department is specially equipped for nursing premature babies, children after difficult births or with various pathologies. Newborns from intensive care can be transferred to a regular pediatric ward in a few days if all is well; if problems persist or the baby is very premature, then after stabilization of the condition, he is transferred to a children's hospital.


Here you can get information about the condition of the puerperal, find out who was born, and transfer the necessary things and products for mom and baby.

discharge room

This is the last place you visit in e. Here they will help to change the baby, wrap it in a beautiful “envelope”, the mother will have the opportunity to change clothes and do makeup. Often a professional photographer offers his services at the discharge.

Article from the magazine "Baby and I"