Skin pigmentation disorders. medical encyclopedia. albinism freckles vitiligo congenital age spots (nevus) carotenoderma pigmentosa xeroderma lentiginous spots melasma pigmentosa chloasma. Appearance of pigmentation: hyperchromia

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Skin pigmentation disorders

Why is there so much attention given to unwanted dark spots? Because 21% of all visits to dermatologists are associated with their treatment. Different kinds dark spots require correction with the help of cosmetics. Here we will talk about those stains that can be removed without surgical intervention, so moles, warts, and scaly patches of skin, referred to as seborrheic keratosis, will not be considered. Instead, we'll talk about changes like chloasma, sun spots (solar lentigo), and freckles that can be prevented or treated with certain skincare or beauty treatments.

dark spots

Chloasma, which is also called the "mask of pregnancy", consists of light and dark brown or gray spots the size of a five-kopeck coin or more, concentrated on the face or chest. Chloasma occurs in sun-exposed areas and is most common among pregnant women and those who take estrogen as birth control pills or hormone therapy. The appearance of chloasma can be caused by stress, and in the most severe cases, it can even disfigure the appearance. Chloasma is more common in people with dark skin: Asians, Hispanics and African Americans; it is difficult to treat, but its manifestations can be controlled with the right skin care products and cosmetic procedures. People with skin that is of the type prone to pigmentation changes, regardless of the combination of the other three factors, may be prone to chloasma.

solar lentigo caused by insolation and sunburn. These changes are easily prevented by avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen. Solar lentigo affects people of all skin and hair colors; its appearance is provoked by external factors, for example, excessive insolation, and not by genetic characteristics. In my opinion these dark spots to the same or even greater extent than wrinkles, make the skin look older. This point of view is shared oriental medicine, often aimed at eliminating dark spots rather than wrinkles.

Most dermatologist patients focus on wrinkles, not noticing how much age spots affect the appearance of the skin. It is worth noting that with the help of technical means such as a Wood's lamp (black light lamp) or a UV-B spectrum apparatus, it is possible to detect pigment spots on the face that are invisible until a certain time under normal lighting. Their presence for many will be an unpleasant surprise.

If your skin is oily, irritant resistant, pigmented, smooth (ORPT) with lots of sunspots, follow the wrinkle prevention guidelines formulated for oily, irritant-resistant, pigmentation-prone, wrinkle-prone (ORPW) skin. Good news: recommended cosmetics and procedures will help you significantly improve appearance skin.

Freckles, or ephelids associated with red hair and fair skin, which cannot be said about the solar lentigo, although outwardly they are the same. The MC1R gene, which is closely associated with fair skin and red hair, is thought to be responsible for freckles. You can't control your genes, but you can control the time you spend in the sun. Freckles appear in early childhood, as a result of sunburn, their number increases by the age of 20, with age they partially disappear, while the manifestation of solar lentigo worsens as they grow older. Fair-skinned, red-haired people who are most prone to freckling often get sunburned and cannot tan normally, so they often avoid the sun. Collectively, the time they spend in the sun during their lifetime is less than that of people with solar lentigo. However, fair-skinned, red-haired people have a greater risk of developing melanoma, which increases with more frequent sunburn and sun exposure.

Unlike patients with more sunspots, freckled people can be placed in the smooth skin group if they avoid sun exposure and develop good habits such as eating foods rich in antioxidants, not smoking, and using retinoids.

Nationality and skin color

Although people with darker skin are more likely to be in the group with pigmentation disorders, this does not mean that all people with dark skin belong to the pigmented type and are prone to the formation of age spots. People with even tone skin and the absence of spots are included in the category "without excessive pigmentation", even if they have dark skin. On the other hand, fair-skinned people with freckles, solar lentigo, or chloasma should be classified as pigmented (P). The Pigmentation/Non-Pigmentation (P/N) scale measures the tendency to develop unwanted dark spots, not nationality.

The skin cells involved in the production of pigment are called melanocytes and produce skin pigment (melanin), which is responsible not only for skin color, but also for the pigmentation disorders mentioned above. There are 2 main mechanisms known to prevent the formation of skin pigment. The former blocks the action of the tyrosinase enzyme to stop melanin synthesis. Many cosmetic ingredients act as tyrosinase inhibitors, such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, and licorice root extract. The second way to prevent the development of pigmentation prevents the transport of "color" in the skin cells. According to studies, nicotinamide and soy, which are part of skin whitening products, can be used for this purpose.

Pigmentation and skin cancer risk

Pigmentation disorders increase the risk of developing various skin cancers; this issue is discussed in the articles on individual skin types. Melanoma occurs when the skin cells responsible for pigment production are replaced by cancer cells. This tumor is capable of metastasizing very quickly, so it is important to detect it on early stages as long as it remains curable. Benign skin diseases are cancers that develop directly in the skin cells. There are two varieties. Basal cancer affects the level of basal cells located between the dermis and epidermis. They are easy to remove but may leave scars. Squamous cells are found at the top level of the skin; although they can metastasize, they are not as dangerous as melanoma. In all cases, regular examination and proper treatment are necessary. Tips on how to recognize melanoma can be found in the OSPT skin type article in the Signs of Melanoma section; in the article about the type of OSNT there is a section "How to recognize benign skin tumors". If you have any doubts, be sure to consult a dermatologist.

Ultra-violet rays

Getting on the skin, ultraviolet rays stimulate the increased production of skin pigment. We call this process tanning. He is the main defense mechanism skin from further damage from ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays are not only a source of sunburn, but also worsen the condition of chloasma and provoke the appearance of sun spots (solar lentigo). Spectrum B rays are responsible for sunburn, while Spectrum A rays cause long-term damage to the skin. Most sunscreens block only one type of UV rays. Even broad-spectrum sunscreens cannot block 100% of the sun's rays. Most effective method avoid pigmentation disorders - do not expose the skin to the sun.

Fair-skinned people who scored a large number of scores in the "pigmentation propensity" category, may have freckles, and are also at risk for melanoma. Hispanics, Asians, and Italians are often at the top of the scale for overpigmentation.

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Melanin determines the color of a person's skin. This substance is formed to protect the body from ultraviolet radiation in the deep layer of the epidermis. The appearance of spots, uneven skin pigmentation, various types of freckles are caused by a malfunction in the functioning of pigment cells. These are not always skin changes are only cosmetic.

What is skin pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is the result of melanocytes or pigment cells. Basic racial and territorial features form the skin tone that we can see. But in rare cases, dysfunction of specialized cells can provoke a reduced or high level colors in some areas. The epidermis contains four main pigments:

  • yellow - pigment carotene;
  • brown - melanin;
  • blue - deoxyhemoglobin;
  • red - oxyhemoglobin.

Their combination characterizes the color of pigmentation, which will appear for one reason or another. A natural pigment change is a tan. The lighter the skin, the brighter the pigmentation reaction will be. If age spots appear on the skin, moles, other changes form without obvious reasons, then you should think about visiting a doctor.

Causes of skin pigmentation

Part of age spots is an exclusively cosmetic problem if it bothers a person. Some of the pigmentation formations exist from birth and do not pose any health hazard. But there are color background changes that indicate serious illness that may endanger the patient's life. Therefore, it is necessary to determine true reason skin pigmentation:

  • exposure to ultraviolet;
  • change in the balance of hormones;
  • hepatitis A (liver and gallbladder disease);
  • inappropriate cosmetics and improper care;
  • skin injuries;
  • age aging;
  • melanoma;
  • genetic predisposition or a genome defect (eg, albinism);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Local accumulations of melanin may appear in various forms on any part of the body. Their appearance on the face is especially upsetting for women. Some of them can be hidden with makeup, but sometimes they are so obvious that they cannot be disguised. Most cases are amenable to medicinal or cosmetic elimination, and the presence of permanent spots on the face will have to come to terms. The causes of pigmentation on the face can be very different:

  • change hormonal background(chloasma) - occurs during menopause, pregnancy, the use of hormones;
  • injury to the skin by peeling, cosmetics or ultraviolet radiation;
  • nervous disorders and stress;
  • aging and wilting.

Pigmented spots on the abdomen

The localization of age spots on the abdomen can talk not only about the above problems. Pigmentation often changes during pregnancy. After childbirth and stabilization of the hormonal background, the formations disappear on their own. In addition, it is worth noting some more reasons for the appearance of age spots on the abdomen:

  • yellowish spots indicate problems with the liver, pancreas and an excess of cholesterol in the body;
  • characteristic changes in the form of clear coin-like formations - this is a symptom of lichen;
  • the well-known urticaria is an allergic reaction to taking drugs, foods, animal bites or contact with tissues.

Types of skin pigmentation

Skin disorders exist in several varieties. They directly depend on the etiology of the disease or external causes. Types of skin pigmentation:

  1. Freckles (ephelids). Characteristic for fair-skinned and red-haired people. In most cases, these pigment spots appear on exposed areas of the skin when melanin is converted to tyrosine. They do not pose any danger to the owner.
  2. Chloasma. They look like darkening of the skin, dark brown or yellow-brown locations. Larger than freckles, with uneven borders. Their appearance on the face in the forehead, eyelids, temples and mouth are the result of severe violations of the functioning of internal organs, up to cirrhosis of the liver and oncology.
  3. Lentigo. Spots dark brown round shape. Benign pigmentation that can appear at any age and remains until the end of life.
  4. Senile (liver) spots. Appear after 45 years, but sometimes in young people. They indicate age hormonal changes in organism.
  5. Birthmarks and birthmarks. Formations of different colors that are present from birth or appear during life. In most cases, they do not cause any discomfort and do not interfere with life. Attention must be paid to large moles that change in shape and color. Such neoplasms can eventually degenerate into a malignant tumor.
  6. Vitiligo. Pigmentation change of unknown etiology. The color of the formations can vary from almost invisible against the general background to milky white or pink. With this disease, melanin ceases to be produced completely.
  7. Albinism. Severe congenital disease with catastrophic disorders. The skin and hair with it have completely White color and the iris is red. The frequency of occurrence of such a change is 50 cases per million people.

Treatment of age spots

Elimination of the manifestations of melanin and its improper formation on the skin directly depends on the etiology of the disease. It makes no sense to remove some formations, since they do not pose a threat to human life and health. Such defects can be considered purely cosmetic. On the other hand, it is very important to start treating age spots, which are symptoms of serious diseases. According to the cause of the disease and how pigmentation manifests itself, a method of therapy is selected. Based on this, the following treatment methods can be determined:

  1. Cosmetic defects are removed with the help of cosmetic operations: laser correction, whitening, peeling. Such methods allow you to influence non-malignant formations without the danger of causing harm. internal organs. Naturally, if all procedures are carried out in professional salons certified means.
  2. Cryotherapy is used on small areas because it can cause burns, scars and welts after use.
  3. Age spots, excess melanin, which are signs of diseases, can only be removed by eliminating the original disease. Cosmetic effects on them are completely useless. In addition, ignoring pigmentation as a symptom will only aggravate the state of health, up to death in the case of oncological problems.

Treatment of age spots on the face

You can remove unwanted pigmentation, freckles, if it is not a manifestation of severe internal diseases, hereditary defect or natural age change. After the disease is cured, the spots will disappear on their own, and additional cosmetics will not even be required. And cosmetic defects require work with a beautician. The main thing to remember is that the treatment of age spots on the face and their removal should be carried out only after a comprehensive consultation with doctors in order to exclude possible internal problems.

Cream treatment

Special whitening creams for skin pigmentation should be bought at a pharmacy. They may differ in composition and have different intensity of impact, but most experts agree that you should not expect a bright result. Such creams minimize some small defects, but no more. In addition, improper application can add new stains.

Folk remedies for skin pigmentation

Some folk remedies for skin pigmentation can achieve a better effect than when visiting beauty salons. Wash with milk lemon acid, natural compresses from currants and other fruits - all this can be used with modern medicine. Here are some of the recipes:

  1. 5 inflorescences of black elderberry or viburnum berries pour a glass hot water and insist 15 minutes. Put wipes or a mask soaked in the decoction on the problem area for no longer than 10 minutes. Repeat daily until you get results.
  2. A mixture of 5 tablespoons of bodyagi powder and hydrogen peroxide, bring to a pasty consistency. It is applied in a small amount to the pigmented areas with gloves, lightly rubbing. After complete drying wash away warm water, wipe dry, and powder the skin with talcum powder. Course -1 procedure in 5 days. Do not use on sensitive, dry and thin skin.
  3. Watermelon pulp will help reduce freckles. First you need to wipe the skin vegetable oil, and then for 10-15 minutes to apply a compress of fruit gruel. Then remove and wipe with clean paper towels.

Prevention of skin pigmentation

Provided that a person does not have specific diseases that appear on the epidermis, the prevention of skin pigmentation implies the observance of several simple rules:

  • observance of the temporary mode of being under the sun and the use of ultraviolet radiation, for example, in a solarium;
  • use proven cosmetics, medicines to prevent allergic reaction;
  • apply special creams on the beach.

Photo of age spots

Video: hyperpigmentation on the face

Each person has a certain skin color, which depends on the constitutional melanin pigmentation. From birth, for most, it is flawlessly clean, but with age, skin pigmentation disorders are more common. To choose a method of treatment and prevention, we understand which spots can be “washed off”, and which changes are pathological.

The shade of the skin is genetically determined and is determined by the proportion of the corresponding pigment (coloring agent):

  • melanin - specialized cells of neural origin (from the neural crest), responsible for protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • carotene - pigment yellow color responsible for the speed of skin regeneration and antioxidant protection;
  • hemoglobin - oxy- and reduced, a bright red pigment, determines the nature of blood vessels.

Most common cause pigmentation - a violation of the protective functions of the skin associated with melanin. Part of pigment spots - exclusively cosmetic problem, and some formations may appear in the first days after birth and do not carry any danger. Other color changes may indicate serious illness, even death. Therefore, it is important to determine the true cause of skin pigmentation disorders.

The main types of skin pigmentation disorders

Objectively, any spot on the skin, even if it is a flirtatious mole (med. - nevus) signals a failure in the synthesis and distribution of pigments. An increase in the proportion may be a consequence of the disease, and in this case, you can get rid of the spots only in the course of treatment:

  • capillary hemangiomas (red moles) appear with irreversible damage to blood vessels;
  • yellow spots - a consequence of a violation of the liver, when bilirubin accumulates;
  • white spots on the skin (achromia) in most cases are associated with autoimmune processes that lead to disruption of melatonin production.

In this case, only achromia is characterized by the absence of a coloring pigment. Causes of achromia can be congenital (albinism) and acquired (vitiligo). The first condition is not subject to treatment and is associated with a genetic lack of pigment in the skin, iris, and hair. The second, on the contrary, acquired pigmentation disorder has a local character.

In addition, there are other types of depigmentation that fall into the category cosmetic defects and do not pose a serious health hazard.

In particular, we are talking about brown spots, which are divided into the following groups:

Hereditary - moles and freckles

Moles or birthmarks- congenital or acquired pigmented formations on the skin, having different colors - brown, black, red, purple and others. They are harmless in themselves, but damage or removal can lead to the formation of tumors - benign or malignant.

Freckles or ephelids appear on human skin with little melanin.


The pathological process of the skin, expressed in excessive pigmentation against the background of various metabolic and endocrine disorders.

The disease is expressed in the appearance on the skin brown spots uneven shape and has a different etiology:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • reception hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives;
  • aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • violation of the liver, ovaries, pituitary gland.

You can get rid of the problem only by studying the pathogenesis and taking adequate preventive and treatment measures.

Interesting! Women suffer from chloasma much more often than men.


Benign local melanocytic hyperchromia. Manifested by small multiple flat formations brown with clear boundaries.

The etiology of the disease can also be different:

  • solar lentigo - the result of excessive sunburn and aggressive exposure to UV rays, small dark spots, located mainly on the face, shoulders and arms;
  • youthful / children's lentigo - occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance, including during puberty, and is accompanied by small spots;
  • senile lentigo - is formed as a result of a violation metabolic processes in the body of an elderly person, often older than 50 years, and is localized mainly on the face, neck, hands and feet.

Why do spots appear on the skin

Melanin is responsible for the "color background" of the skin. Depending on external and internal factors the rate of pigment production, its proportion and, accordingly, the uniformity of distribution over the epidermis change. As soon as any violation occurs, the process of regeneration of melanin begins, which leads either to its deficiency - vitiligo, or to its excess, which is characterized by the formation of spots.

To date, experts have identified the following factors for violation of skin pigmentation:

  • more than 50% of all varieties account for the adoption sunbathing during the period of solar activity;
  • 25% - the result of hormonal failure during puberty, pregnancy and lactation, taking hormonal preparations, etc .;
  • 20% - the state of health and immunity, often by the localization and intensity of "spotting" doctors determine diseases;
  • 5% falls on the natural processes of cell aging, chemical and mechanical injuries, beriberi.

Who is at risk

This is not about genetic disorders (achromia), but about acquired diseases and cosmetic defects.

So, violation of skin pigmentation most often occurs in persons:

  • abusing exposure to the sun - this group includes not only fans of tanning, but also those who, on duty or hobby long time is under direct sunlight;
  • over 50 years old, previously neglecting sunscreen;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • with a violation of the hormonal background, including adolescents, pregnant women, during lactation, menopause and andropause, etc .;
  • when taking drugs that increase sensitivity to UV rays (tetracycline, sulfanilamide, psychotropic and nootropic drugs, etc.).

Treatment and prevention of pigmentation

In 9 out of 10 cases, spots appear on the face, partly on the neck. The shoulders and arms take the second place in localization, and the chest and stomach go further. It is extremely rare, if it is not vitiligo, pigmentation goes to the legs.

In order to figure out how to treat dark and white spots on the skin, you need to contact a specialized doctor - a dermatologist, cosmetologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist or therapist. It is the doctor who must study the symptoms, determine the nature of the disease and choose an adequate method of treatment.

If depigmentation occurs as a result of a disease, the disease should be treated first, not the spots. They will go away on their own as soon as the root cause disappears.


It is important to understand that not all diseases can be cured. For example, vitiligo, despite the huge spread of the disease, has not yet been thoroughly studied and does not have a single method of treatment. Moreover, even the mechanism of development of vitiligo and the causes of its occurrence have not been established, although any person, regardless of age, race and profession, is at risk.

Further - it is impossible to get rid of stains immediately and forever. Need complex work aimed at eliminating the causes of pigmentation disorders, lightening existing spots and preventing their reappearance and spread.

It is strictly forbidden to deal with the violation of skin pigmentation during the period of the greatest activity of the sun: from April to September. At this time, increased production of melanin occurs to protect the skin from UV rays, which will provoke even greater damage.

VIDEO: Causes of age spots, how to get rid of them

The color of our skin is determined by melanin. It is synthesized from melanocytes located in the deepest layer of the epidermis. The function of melanin is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. But this does not mean that more tanned people are better protected from the sun. In high doses, ultraviolet causes burns, accumulation of free radicals, DNA damage and skin pigmentation disorders, which leads to the formation of hyperpigmentation on the skin.

The skin can also be stained with bile pigments (yellow pigmentation), hemosiderin, silver compounds, ink, etc. But there are types of dangerous stains that can endanger human health and even life. Basically, they include different types melanoma.

Causes of increased skin pigmentation

Increased skin pigmentation usually appears in places exposed to the sun: face, hands, neck, forearm and shoulders.
Ultraviolet radiation plays key role in the formation of spots on the skin.
The process of excessive pigmentation of the skin can contribute to changes in the hormonal background (contraceptive pills, hormone therapy, pregnancy).
Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in organism.
Photosensitizing substances present in medicines(for example: antibiotics), perfumes and cosmetics (with whitening properties without protective filters, containing AHAS / BHA, retinol, alcohol, essential oils).
Changes in skin color increase with age.
Metabolic disorders lead to hyperpigmentation.

Conditions in which skin pigmentation may occur

- - small brownish spots, up to 1-2 mm in diameter, which appear on the face, neck, back of the hands. This is usually preceded by solar exposure so they get darker in summer and lighter in winter.

Occurs in places exposed to the sun (on the face, hands and lower neck). The spots are characterized correct form And uniform staining(from brown to black). Diameter from 1 mm to several centimeters, can merge with each other.

Diseases in which there is abnormal pigmentation of the skin

- Melasma (chloasma) - discoloration of the skin in spots irregular shape. The color of the spot is from light brown to dark brown. Most often, it appears symmetrically on the cheeks, forehead or upper lip, in women aged 30-35 years, during pregnancy, while taking birth control pills. The reason may also be endocrine disorders or liver disease. Sometimes the disease is inherited.

Melanosis Riehl - reticular hyperpigmentation on the temples, cheeks, neck, under the chin. Cause, disease-causing- photosensitizing agents and some food products.
- Phototoxic reactions - occurs upon contact with a photosensitizer (cosmetics, herbal preparations) and subsequent skin irradiation with UF. Substances that can cause phototoxic reactions: dill, celery, St. John's wort, angelica, sedatives, hormonal, diuretics, antibiotics.
- - this is the most malignant skin tumor, which, if left untreated, can be fatal.

Which doctor and in what cases should I contact immediately

Urgent help of a dermatologist, medical beautician or an oncologist is needed in such cases:

Sunburn in the area of ​​age spots (eg lentigo) and other skin defects.
In the presence of spots that occur during pregnancy, puberty.
If freckles, spots or growths began to increase in size very quickly.
happening drastic changes colors.
Relieves itching, burning.
Bleeding or inflammation in the area increased pigmentation skin.
Irregular contours or uneven coloration of spots.
The presence of malignant neoplasms in other family members (close consanguinity).
The spots do not have a visible clear border separating them from other skin.
strange color(pink, brown or black).
Diameter from 5 - 15 mm.
Preventive examinations in the presence of spots on the skin (if nothing bothers) 1 time per year.

Symptomatic treatment of pigmentation

Treatment by a dermatologist begins with an examination of the spots with a Wood's lamp. Sometimes stains cannot be completely removed, they can only be lightened and made less noticeable. Depending on the type of stain, your doctor may recommend:

The use of bleaching agents. The most famous:

Hydroquinone at a concentration of 1.5 to 8% (arbutin, ericoline, arbutoside - ointments, alcohol solutions). Whitens on initial stage the appearance of a spot. Visible result reached in a few weeks. By-effect- discoloration of the skin around the spot.
- Retinoids (tretinoin cream, synthetic vitamin A, Accutane, Retin-A) are analogues of vitamin A. The course of treatment lasts up to 3 months.
- Azelaic acid (15-20% skinoren, azelic) - removes minor inflammation and hyperpigmentation, and eliminates acne. Frequent use may cause redness and burning of the skin.
- Kojic acid (1-4% with the same name) - non-toxic, pronounced exfoliating property, inhibits the formation of melanin.
- Vitamin C (not less than 5%)
- Corticosteroids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone ointment, gel) - have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the activity of melanocytes. It is good to combine with bleaching agents.

Chemical peels- the purpose of the procedure is to improve the appearance of the skin of the face, neck and hands, cleanse and smooth the skin and restore its color. A chemical peel consists of an acid (glycolic, trichloroacetic or kojic) that has a controlled damaging effect on the skin. Peeling can remove fine wrinkles, discolor excessive pigmentation, eliminate small scars from acne.

Dermabrasion (deep mechanical peeling) - exfoliation is carried out under the action of the smallest particles. This is mechanical abrasion of the upper layers of the epidermis and dermis. Processing is carried out using a special electrical device with a rotating disk - brush. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the surface area of ​​the skin. After the procedure, a dressing is done. Skin recovery takes several weeks. The treatment is indicated in case of removal of acne scars, marks after smallpox, some post-traumatic scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, tattoos.

Microdermabrasion - mechanical removal stratum corneum using abrasive wheels.

Cryotherapy- freezing spots liquid nitrogen and then removing dead skin. The method is very effective, but sometimes scars remain.

Laser treatments- skin pigment melanin absorbs light energy from the laser and thus burns out.

High tech- include preparations for ultra-lightening of the skin (creams, serums, masks). The composition includes special substances from hyperpigmentation, which inhibit the formation of the tyrosinase enzyme and therefore block the formation of melanoblasts, destroy excess melanin.

masks from colloidal gold(golden masks) - restore correct work melanocytes. The treatment is very effective, but it costs about $1,000 per procedure, and several such procedures are needed to get the desired effect.
- Illuminating compositions of resveratrol - rejuvenate the skin, effectively dissolve spots, remove melanin from cells. The disadvantage of the method is that it does not prevent the formation of melanin.

Phytotherapy and home remedies for pigmentation treatment

Pineapple juice or puree - contains the substance bromelain (an enzyme that dissolves melanocytes) and fruit acids.

Citrus juice - has strong whitening and peeling properties.

Infusion of lemon skin - contains essential oils and fruit acids. Well whitens and moisturizes the skin.

Papaya puree - contains a large amount of vitamin A, improves protective properties skin.

Raspberry juice - whitening property, vitamin therapy.

Whitening lotion: cut the cucumber into pieces with the peel and put in milk buttermilk. The infusion will be ready in 3 hours. Wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in the infusion.

Broth from stains: grind with a blender or in a coffee grinder a few flowers of coltsfoot, rue grass and knotweed in equal proportions. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of water and cook for 5 minutes. Decoction to wipe the face several times a day.

Brightening peeling mask: mix a glass of chamomile infusion and a glass of yogurt. Then add milk powder to the solution until it thickens. Apply the mask on the face, wash off after 20 minutes.

Wine brightening tonic: Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle with a spoonful of grated horseradish and pour over a bottle of white wine. Close tightly and let stand for 14 days. The resulting tonic should be used 2 times a day.

Whitening Mask #1: Mix 3 tablespoons of potato flour with a spoon lemon juice and a tablespoon of yogurt. Apply to face. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Whitening Mask #2: Squeeze juice from fresh lettuce or spinach leaves and mix it with honey (3 to 1). Apply to the skin with a brush or cotton swab and rinse off completely dry. Note! This mask is not suitable for people with translucent or dilated capillaries.

Whitening mask No. 4: mix the gruel of their grated celery with a spoonful of natural medium-fat cheese, apply on the face for 15 minutes and rinse.

Whitening Mask No. 5: Mash approximately 150 g of unripe currant berries with a fork and add 1 tablespoon of warm (not hot!) honey. Can be diluted with lemon juice. Apply to skin and wash off after 30 minutes.

remember, that natural ingredients are powerful allergens. Before using the mask, you need to do a trial test on inside forearm. Then evaluate skin changes.

Always choose fresh products, do not leave their surplus for tomorrow, as they lose their properties.

It is better to wash with bottled or mineral water.

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Violation of skin pigmentation is a problem that occurs in 70% of the world's population. This is due to a violation of the production of melanin - the pigment that gives the skin its color. It occurs for various reasons, most often due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

The danger of age spots is that they can degenerate into melanoma. According to statistics, people who have more than 30 age spots on the body are at risk of getting skin cancer.

To get rid of hyperpigmentation, you should find out the causes that provoke the problem. We will talk about this in the article. You will also learn which types of age spots can be treated on their own, and which are treated only by traditional methods. This will help you reduce your risk of melanoma and other malignant formations on the body.

You will need:

Causes of skin pigmentation

  1. Prolonged exposure to the sun, a significant effect on the skin of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Liver disease or problems with metabolism, digestive organs. If endocrine system susceptible to diseases such as Graves' disease, pituitary tumor, pituitary failure, then age spots appear on the body (not only hyper-, but also).
  3. mental disorders in people with hysterical type character.
  4. Vitamin C deficiency.
  5. Gynecological diseases.
  6. The presence of a neuropsychiatric disease.
  7. Repeated repetition of stressful situations.
  8. Pigmentation during pregnancy. Passes after the birth of the child.

    Places of localization

    - Back;
    - Face;
    - Hands.

Pigmented brown spots with clear boundaries.

  1. The size and shape of the spots can be different, they do not cause pain, do not cause itching.
  2. The brightness of their shade is due to the amount of melanin in the epidermis.

Women more men susceptible to hyperpigmentation. They tend to have hormonal imbalances.

Causes of chloasma:

  • Poor quality cosmetics;
  • Problems with the bile duct, liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inflammatory process in the female genital organs;
  • Skin damage due to self-removal acne;
  • Solarium abuse;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Lack of vitamins C and B;
  • Nervous diseases;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • neglect protective equipment during sun exposure.

Most often, chloasma is characterized by scattered spots, but sometimes they can merge into one large area. You can get rid of chloasma only with cosmetic procedures.

The Latin word "lentigo" means "lentil spot, freckle".

These age spots are similar to lentils:

  • Dense, slightly rise above the surface of the skin;
  • They are dark brown in color and no larger than a lentil seed.

Lentigo is congenital, youthful and senile.


    It is called lentigiosis and is characterized by large spots that can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.


    It cannot be reborn into a cancerous tumor.


    Associated with liver disease and can transform into cancer skin. Place sunburn- the most vulnerable area for the appearance.

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to systematically examine the skin areas subject to pigmentation.

It is expressed in the absence of melanin on some segments of the body.

It is believed that tissue damage due to autoimmune processes leads to vitiligo.

  1. The development of the disease begins with the appearance on the body of clearly defined spots of a pale shade.
  2. They appear on open areas of the skin and are prone to overgrowth.
  3. Vitiligo does not affect the mucous membranes, soles, palms.

Body segments with a lack of melanin appear in those areas where the skin is squeezed, rubbed. Also, spots can spontaneously disappear.

The formation of nevus cells begins in the womb. This form of pigmentation affects most Europeans. In childhood, the nevus may be inconspicuous, and in adolescence show up. In old age, such a pigment spot usually disappears for good.

Nevi are divided into borderline, complex and intradermal.


    Appear in young age and may disappear after 30 years. They have a smooth surface and are devoid of hair.


    They differ in dense consistency and spherical shape.


    They have a domed shape, similar to a wart.

The peculiarity of the nevus is that the more it is raised above the skin, the lighter its color.

It is necessary to remove such pigmentation completely. Partial liquidation can lead to negative consequences.

Features of age spots in children

In children, hyperpigmentation may occur in infancy as well as in adolescence. It happens that these spots disappear as the child grows up, but more often they remain.

Parents should ensure that age spots are not rubbed with clothes or injured. Any mechanical damage can lead to infection and inflammation.

The main causes of pigmentation in children:

  • genetic predisposition. Usually, those children whose parents had a similar problem are prone to the appearance of age spots.
  • Hemangioma. The color of the skin area may be more dark color due to abnormal development of the circulatory system. Such spots are a clot
    capillaries and they do not bear any harm to health;
  • Influence of an aggressive external environment;
  • Problems with the digestive tract;
  • The influence of the sun's rays.

If parents notice spots in a child that have coffee color and increasing in size, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is how neurofibromatosis can manifest itself.

You can not use the methods of dealing with age spots used by adults. The method of removal is determined by the doctor.

Medicines and ointments

Zinc ointment

Designed to whiten age spots. It also helps to fight fine wrinkles, pimples and blackheads.

  • The drug is applied to the affected area, after cleaning it;
  • During the course of treatment, it is necessary to minimize the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • The ointment is hypoallergenic.


It's an antibiotic. It does not harm health, as it penetrates only into the upper layers of the skin. It can not be used for a long time, because it causes the adaptation of the body, which reduces its effectiveness.

  • Peroxide 1 tsp
    1. Cucumber cut into two parts;
    2. Grind one of them with a grater and dilute with hydrogen peroxide;
    3. Apply for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water.

    Lemon juice

    • Lemon 1 part
    • Water 1 part

    This tool can whiten even spots with very dark pigmentation.

    1. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of a lemon.
    2. Add room temperature water to it.
    3. Use only ceramic or glassware.
    4. A gauze swab dipped in a solution is applied to pigmented areas for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Wash and lubricate the surface of the skin with cream.

    Celandine decoction

    • Water 2 cups
    • Celandine 5 tbsp. l.

    1. Pour celandine with water and put on fire;
    2. Simmer the boiled solution under the lid for a quarter of an hour, after reducing the heat;
    3. cover thick cloth and insist an hour;
    4. Strained broth can be used for its intended purpose, wetting a gauze napkin in it and applying it to the body for a quarter of an hour;
    5. After finishing the procedure, wash and lubricate the skin with cream.

    apple mask

    1. Make a puree from a sour apple by chopping it with a grater.
    2. Apply a gauze napkin, in which applesauce is wrapped, to a pigmented spot.
    3. After half an hour, remove the compress and wash.
    4. Apply cream or sour cream to the skin.

    Egg-lemon mask

    Particularly suitable for people with bold type skin.

    1. Mix lemon juice with egg white, beat until stiff foam;
    2. Distribute the finished mask tightly over the surface of the skin;
    3. After half an hour, rinse and lubricate the body with fat-free sour cream.