Are there birth control pills for dogs? Contraceptives for dogs - consequences, is it possible to give

Violations of the sexual cycle in bitches are quite common and occur at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary complex and ovaries, manifesting themselves in the form of various symptoms, some of which may be pathognomonic signs of diseases of the genital and extragenital nature.

Anestria (anestria, delayed puberty syndrome) - the absence of estrus in puberty (puberty) age, is rare. According to Phemister R.D. (1980) only 2 clinically healthy beagle females out of 758 did not have a sexual cycle by the age of 30 months.

The absence of estrus in the pubertal stage of development may be due to a primary lesion of the ovaries, or dysregulation at the level of the endocrine system of the brain. Consequently, dysfunction of the pituitary and hypothalamus leads to a decrease in the production of releasing factors (folliberin, luliberin) and gonadotropic - follicle-stimulating and luteonizing hormones (FSH, LH), which, in turn, also leads to ovarian hypofunction. In the development of anestria, both genetic (breed, inbreeding, constitutional features) and external (undernutrition of growing animals, unfavorable macro- and microclimate, isolation, insufficient exercise, etc.) factors can play an important role.

Anestria is a mandatory symptom of some rare congenital malformations of the genital organs: agonadism, hermaphroditism, infantilism, etc.

Hormonal treatment and is carried out at the age of 24 months. The basis of hormonal therapy is drugs with FSH and / or LH activity: foal mare serum gonadotropins (PMSG), chorionic gonadotropin (CG), pituitary gonadotropins (FSH, FSH + LH). GSFA have predominantly FSH activity, CG - LH activity. Due to the combined administration of drugs with FSH and LH activity into the body, folliculogenesis and ovulation are stimulated. In addition to drugs with FSH and LH activity, some treatment regimens include estrogens, which cause an increase in the ovarian response to gonadotropins, as well as stimulation and a more pronounced manifestation of signs of estrus in females (Table 1).

Table 1. Heat induction in bitches


In this case, signs of proestrus and estrus are poorly expressed. Estrus is scanty and usually lasts no more than 7 days. The development of hypoestrous syndrome is based on insufficient production of estrogens by preovulatory follicles.

Treatment is hormonal. Assign GSFA, GSFA in combination with estrogens or drugs with LH activity (Table 2).

Table 2. Hormone therapy in bitches with hypoestrous syndrome


Signs of proestrus and estrus are pronounced (the lips of the genital loop are strongly swollen, with copious hemorrhagic discharge). Estrus lasts for 40-60 days or more. The general condition, as a rule, without the manifestation of an appropriate behavioral reaction (anxiety). However, with a strong loss of blood, increased thirst is possible, less often - anemia. With the development of hyperestral syndrome, persistent anovulatory follicles produce increased estrogen production. Lack of ovulation is due to insufficient secretion of the anterior pituitary gland LH. After spontaneous cessation of prolonged estrus and / or its correction with the help of hormonal preparations, follicular and / or luteal cysts are often formed.

The presence of cysts in the ovaries (in the stage of diestrus) causes a predisposition to the development of hydro- and / or pyometra.

In this case, methods of conservative therapy (hormone exposure) or surgical intervention (ovarigisterectomy) are used. Bitches are prescribed drugs with LH, FSH / LH-releasing activity, as well as antibacterial agents to prevent the development of pyometra. According to Cain J.L, (1995), satisfactory results of treatment in females with prolonged estrus were obtained with the introduction of both CG intramuscularly or s / c at a dose of 100 - 500 units, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) intramuscularly or s / c at a dose of 50 mcg.


At the same time, the interval between estrus is reduced to 120-150 days. The reduction of the interestrous period occurs due to the stage of anestrus. The reason has not been established. Females with a sexual cycle of 120 days or less are often infertile.

In this case, hormonal therapy is carried out, prescribing drugs with antigonadotropic activity (megestrol acetate, mibolerone), which prolongs the anestral period (Table 2).


In this case, a violation of the sexual cycle is noted, in which the interval between estrus exceeds 12 months. The lengthening of the interestrous period occurs due to the anestrus stage. This clinical picture is observed in bitches aged 8 years and older. Predisposition to the development of this syndrome are hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism, obesity and cachexia. Anestral syndrome in bitches also occurs with the appointment of androgenic hormones and drugs with antigonadal activity.

Treatment is hormonal. Drugs and schemes of their appointment correspond to anestria (Table 1).


This syndrome is manifested due to the regression of the corpus luteum after the completion of the sexual cycle and is characterized by the development in the bitch of signs of labor, lactation and a false idea that she has newborn puppies. Such a picture can be observed after an oophorectomy in the diestrus stage, which is quite common. The development of this disease is facilitated by the fact that the corpus luteum of the sexual cycle and pregnancy function in the same time.

False lactation is the cause of mastitis, mastopathy and hormone-dependent neoplasms in the mammary glands.

The clinical picture of the post-diestral syndrome has three features: false labor, steady or unsteady lactation, and the manifestation of the instinct of motherhood. They have varying degrees of severity and are usually diagnosed 50-80 days after estrus. With this syndrome, as a rule, lactation is noted. Developed lactation is characterized by the content of milk in the mammary glands, while unsteady lactation is characterized by the presence of a brown serous secretion. Females with developed lactation easily accept and feed newborn puppies from another litter (they often play the role of excellent nurses for orphaned puppies). In the absence of suckling puppies, inanimate objects (dolls, slippers, etc.) become the object of maternal love. Bitches can be very aggressive towards other animals or people, protecting their adopted or "surrogate" cubs.


In most cases, no treatment is required. Heavily lactating bitches are limited in water and food - factors that stimulate milk production. To suppress lactation, hormone therapy is performed, the purpose of which is to reduce the secretion of prolactin. Usually bitches are prescribed megestrol acetate, bromocriptine and mibolerone. The drugs are given orally every day: megestrol acetate at the rate of 0.5 mg / kg for 8 days; bromocriptine - 0.01 mg/kg for 2-3 weeks; mibolerone - 0.016 mg/kg for 5 days (Brown J.M., 1984; Cain J.L, 1995).

Ovariectomy is the most effective way to prevent false pregnancy.

GL. DYULGER, GA BUROVA Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

Need advice or just an explanation on the topic of hormonal failure in dogs. The dogs are not mine, but we have to walk them.

1. American Akita. The dog is 1 year 6 months old. The first estrus was July-August. The second estrus, according to calculations, was supposed to be January-February, but nothing appeared. The dog is very "appetizing", all males are blown away by it. After the first estrus, already after 2 months, the males still followed her in droves. The owner decided to get tested for hormones, and according to the results (in simple terms) a constant estrus, although the discharge stopped in time. The nipples were enlarged, there was also an enlarged loop. (for a couple of weeks we noticed that everything was back to normal), but the tests have not yet been taken.

2. Alabay. The dog itself is small (Alabai with documents, just such genetics). Slightly larger than a Labrador. Age 1 year 3 months. The first heat was in mid-February, and only a couple of weeks. Allocations were then generally stopped, the dogs did not even react to it. And when the owners relaxed, deciding that it was all over. There was a break of 2 weeks. Everything started all over again, and with double strength. And apparently, this time there is a real estrus, the males in the district follow the trail to her. The discharge is strong, strong smell. The owners also took tests and did an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a knot. The veterinarian advises to untie the dog and then sterilize. The owners are quite adequate and understand that they do not need it. They planned to immediately sterilize, but now in doubt, because of mating. Of course, I don’t know all the details, maybe I wouldn’t pay attention to this if it weren’t for the third case.

3. Golden Retriever 8 months old. Heat, or something similar to it was in 5 months. There was no blood discharge, but the analysis for hormones showed that it was estrus. Handed over analyzes repeatedly recently (in 7,5 months). And the result is the same as that of Akita - the dog seems to be in constant heat (well, at least it doesn’t blow the roof off the males). And in this case, the veterinarian again advises the dog to tie, and then sterilize. The hostess was initially set up for sterilization. But the veterinarian's advice confuses her - the main thing is not to harm her beloved dog. (in this case, even I am offended if she is sterilized, because the Golden is really beautiful, a real pedigree dog).

Here tell me, maybe someone came across. What kind of hormonal disruptions in dogs, and how to deal with it. What else needs to be checked in such cases? What needs to be treated?

Honestly and frankly - to the stump of all these veterinarians who advise knitting.

The first estrus is very often problematic in bitches.... You just have to wait for the second estrus...

Where split estrus was - be very careful in dealing with males. This is all within the normal range.

Nobody needs to be sterilized or knitted. Two months after the start of estrus, be sure to put all these bitches on full hunger for two days. Then cut the diet in half, for about a couple of weeks. And that's all.

Modified March 26, 2012 by Deniska

False pregnancy is not a disease. This is a complex psychophysical deviation not only in the hormonal system of the animal, but also in the body as a whole. Pathology is the consequences of this condition. It manifests itself in various animal species, but specifically in canines this condition is most pronounced. And in such a breed as a dachshund, pseudo-pregnancy is generally secretly considered a breed feature.

The essence of the condition, the causes of occurrence

False pregnancy (or, as cynologists often call it, “spoon”) occurs after the end of estrus, on average, after 4-8 weeks. Also, a similar condition is observed after unsuccessful mating, when fertilization did not occur. The dog's body begins to produce the same set of hormones that are usually produced during a real pregnancy. In parallel with this, internal restructurings are accompanied by the corresponding symptoms - the bitch shows signs of “nesting” in her behavior, the mammary glands swell, colostrum begins to be secreted, and even milk appears from the nipples during a false pregnancy, as with natural successful fertilization.

If we do not take into account the historical prerequisites for the occurrence of hormonal pregnancy, then the main cause is considered to be a violation during the sexual cycle. The cycle itself is divided into 4 main periods:

  • Proestrus (a period of time on the eve of estrus, when the body prepares eggs for potential fertilization).
  • Estrus (estrus).
  • Metaestrus (time after estrus, when the corpus luteum regresses in the absence of fertilization).
  • Anestrus (period of hormonal dormancy, when there is no sexual activity in bitches).

"Disruption" in the hormonal system is observed during metaestrus. The physiological feature of dogs is the period of regression of the corpus luteum, equal to the period of pregnancy. Those. the corpus luteum fully functions at the time of regression over the next 2 months, regardless of the presence of fertilization or its absence. Also during this period, the same hormones are produced and approximately in the same amount. The slightest deviation in their work, and the level immediately leans towards the "pregnant" side, increasing the production of progesterone. After a failure, after the indicated 2 months, prolactin is also added to progesterone, which stimulates milk production, because. the body begins to prepare for feeding supposedly born puppies. Here's the explanation: there are hormones, puppies - no.

Absolutely all bitches are prone to this condition, regardless of size, age or breed, i.e. potentially every dog ​​is on the verge between false or natural pregnancy.

The main clinical symptoms of false pregnancy, its consequences

The intensity of the manifestation of the clinic depends on the intensity of the hormonal failure. The main thing to note is that the more symptomatic pseudo-pregnancy is, the more dangerous this condition is for the health and life of the dog. Clinically, changes manifest themselves in two directions - behavioral and physiological. With a false pregnancy, the symptoms practically coincide with normal pregnancy, and only the absence of fetal movements will “tell” that the pregnancy is not real.

How long does a false pregnancy last in a dog? Without complications, on average, this condition lasts about 2-3 weeks.

The main physiological symptoms include:

  • swelling of the mammary glands, production and further release of colostrum and milk;
  • enlargement and swelling of the loop, serous-mucous or brownish discharge from it (although, in general, discharge during false pregnancy is optional);
  • decrease or increase in appetite, signs of toxicosis;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • a slight increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • signs of pseudobirth with pseudocontractions are possible.

Specific behavioral signs:

  • increased anxiety, whining;
  • decrease in vitality, apathy (the animal refuses to run / jump / play, passive, not amenable to training);
  • signs of “nesting” are clearly observed (the dog persistently arranges a “nest” for future puppies, hides in sheltered places);
  • dragging soft toys into the “den”, behaving with them like with puppies (licking, protecting, laying them out near the stomach);
  • the transfer of maternal instinct to other small domestic animals or even humans;
  • aggressive protection of the “nest” (in severe cases).

The very state of imaginary puppyhood does not threaten the dog with anything. Dangerous consequences that can cause significant harm to the animal's health with a certain degree of probability of death.

The dangers that an imaginary pregnancy carries:

  • persistent, irreversible nervous disorders (literally, the dog can go crazy);
  • purulent mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands due to milk stagnation);
  • endometritis, turning into chroniosepsis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa, turning into chronic sepsis);
  • pyometra (purulent inflammation in the uterus is the most dangerous consequence with a high mortality rate in dogs);
  • oncology of the mammary glands and organs of the reproductive system.

First aid for pseudopregnancy and prevention of occurrence

The state of imaginary pregnancy usually goes away on its own within a few weeks and it often does not require any special action. The owner of the pet can only somewhat alleviate her condition with simple manipulations. When a false pregnancy occurs in a dog, every bitch owner should know what to do:

  • exclude all dairy products from the diet and restrict access to liquid in a dosed manner so as not to stimulate lactation;
  • transfer the bitch from dry food to ordinary food in order to eliminate an additional thirst stimulus, as well as reduce the consumption of protein foods, including meat;
  • reduce the standard serving size of food given;
  • try to exercise the dog physically - walks, active games with a ball or a stick, etc. This will help her to distract herself from the imaginary concern for non-existent puppies;
  • it is forbidden to express milk so as not to provoke its additional production. Stop the dog's attempts to lick (suck) milk from its nipples on its own (you can wear a special bandage or blanket);
  • remove toys and, if possible, small pets from the field of view, which are objectively perceived by the bitch as imaginary puppies;
  • with engorgement of the mammary glands, compresses can be made from bread crumb and honey, aloe juice or cabbage leaves (preferably at night).

With minor clinical manifestations of imaginary pregnancy, all of the above actions will help the dog survive this unpleasant period without much harm to health. It is also possible to accelerate the process of its return to normal. If the symptoms persist or even intensify their manifestation, it is quite possible that the animal will not be able to be helped without drug exposure.

All of these measures are also suitable for preventing the occurrence of hormonal disruptions in bitches. Starting from 9-10 days after the cessation of estrus, you need to reduce portions of food and the amount of water consumed, exclude meat and dairy products, and increase physical activity. In other words, conditions are created for the animal that the hormonal system will perceive as unfavorable for the appearance of offspring. All this will mitigate or completely eliminate the false pregnancy syndrome.

IMPORTANT: if the first signs of a false pregnancy in a bitch were detected, the owner should in no case scold the animal or punish it for unusual behavior. The dog cannot control his instinctive state, because. everything happens at the level of hormones. But such an attitude can bring the state of a nervous breakdown in a pet closer.

If the animal does not represent any breed value and the owner’s plans do not include regular mating and breeding of puppies, sterilization is considered one of the most reasonable and humane ways to prevent exacerbation of a pseudopregnant condition, as well as other gynecological problems and even problems with oncology. It is important to have time to perform the operation in a state of hormonal rest (anestrus period) or immediately after a false pregnancy, removing both the uterus and the ovaries. It is impossible to sterilize at the very peak of the “false” state.

Some breeders use pseudo-pregnancy to good use - for example, they feed puppies of other bitches, who for some reason cannot do this themselves. In such cases, this condition may be delayed, although it will cause less harm to the dog's health than treatment.

Medical care for false pregnancy

In the case when a dog has a false pregnancy, only a specialist will tell you how to treat it. For treatment, drugs are selected only by a veterinarian and only after preliminary relevant studies: ultrasound, a blood test for hormones and a smear to control the vaginal flora.

When prescribing medicines, the following is taken into account:

  • breed, weight and temperament of the animal;
  • the severity and duration of "imaginary" symptoms;
  • how many times the condition occurred;
  • whether further mating of the female is planned;
  • the state of the reproductive system and hormonal levels.

Preparations are hormonal and homeopathic. Hormonal drugs have a lot of side effects, and their use is associated with some risk. Homeopathic medicines have fewer side effects, but their use is longer and more expensive. Throughout the treatment, the dog must be under veterinary control, because. any drugs - even hormonal, even homeopathic - can have specific side effects, which must be detected in time and their consequences prevented.

homeopathic remedies

  • Ovariovitis
  • Ovarium Compositum
  • Phytoelite Cytostat
  • Gormel
  • Galastop


A complex homeopathic remedy that restores hormonal levels, normalizes sexual cycles and neutralizes mental disorders. For the treatment and prevention of pseudopregnancy in dogs.

  • Dosage: intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 0.1 ml / kg of body weight once daily for 7-10 days - treatment; in a similar dose 1 time in 3-4 days for two weeks - prevention.
  • Price: 10 ml bottle: 250-350 rubles, 100 ml: 1350-1500 rubles.

Ovarium Compositum

A complex homeopathic remedy that normalizes hormonal levels and restores sexual cycles. Used to eliminate behavioral changes during pseudopregnancy and neutralize its clinical manifestations.

  • Dosage: intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously 1-4 ml (according to the size of the dog) daily for 4-5 weeks.
  • Side effects and contraindications: -
  • Price: 5 ampoules / 2.2 ml solution: 1000-1250 rubles.

Phytoelite Cytostat

Herbal medicine for the prevention of breast cancer in animals against the background of mastitis and pseudo-pregnancy.

  • Dosage : from the 1st day of estrus for 3 weeks inside 1 tablet / 10 kg of body weight 2-3 times / day.
  • Side effects: possible allergies.
  • Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Price: pack of 50 tablets: 100-200 rubles.


Homeopathic remedy prescribed for any hormonal disorders in animals, including false pregnancy.

  • Dosage: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly 1-4 ml (according to the weight of the animal) once a day every 4 days for 3 weeks; 7-12 drops of a drinking solution according to a similar scheme.
  • Side effects and contraindications: -
  • Price: 5 ampoules / 5 ml solution: 200-350 rubles.


Herbal solution for the regulation of milk secretion and the treatment of mastopathy and mastitis in animals. Affects the level of prolactin production.

  • Dosage: 3 drops/kg of animal weight with food or in the mouth once a day for 4-7 days. Repeat the course if there is no visible effect or the symptoms of pseudoscience continue to appear.
  • Side effects: drowsiness, apathy, inactivity, loss of appetite.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, postoperative period.
  • Price: 7 ml: 600-700 rubles, 15 ml: 1050-1150 rubles.

Hormonal drugs

  • Naloxone
  • Bromocriptine
  • Nonestron


Hormonal drug for the correction of sexual cycles (regulation of estrus, as well as the prevention and treatment of false pregnancy and / or pseudo-lactation).

Dosage: strictly subcutaneously once 1-3 ml (weight up to 20 kg - 1 ml, up to 40 kg - 2 ml, over 40 kg - 3 ml).

Side effects: local irritant effect, hair loss at the injection site, in about 1% of cases, the risk of developing pyometra and endometriosis.

Contraindications: Do not apply to true lactating and pregnant women, with inflammatory problems of the genitourinary system, as well as to dogs who were treated with progestogens and estrogens from false pregnancy the day before.

Price: 1250-1880 rubles/fl 20 ml.


Morphine antagonist, prolactin hormone inhibitor. The drug exists separately for humans and separately for veterinary medicine - when the dosage is maintained, it does not matter which one to use. Often difficult to tolerate, antiemetics are given 40 minutes before injection.

  • Dosage: intramuscularly 0.01 mg / kg body weight daily 1-2 times for 5-7 days until tangible results.
  • Side effects: vomiting, lack of appetite, general depression.
  • Contraindications: do not apply in the first estrus and immature bitches.
  • Price: 10 ampoules / 1 ml of solution: 180-250 rubles.


Hormonal drug, prolactin antagonist. Human drug. Severe for the dog's body, requires preliminary antiemetic prophylaxis 30 minutes before giving.

  • Dosage: inside the tablet at the rate of 0.01 mg / kg of body weight 1 time per day until the signs of false pregnancy are completely eliminated (average 2 weeks).
  • Side effects: depression, vomiting, lack of appetite.
  • Contraindications: should not be used in immature bitches, as well as in the first estrus.
  • Price: 30 tablets: 250-350 rubles.


A hormonal contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and prevents the development of signs of false pregnancy.

  • Dosage: inside on the 1st day of estrus, 1 tablet / 5 kg of the dog's weight once a week.
  • Side effects: -
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, metritis. Do not combine with androgens.
  • Price: 10 tablets / 10 mg: 100-200 rubles.


  • pseudo-pregnancy is not a disease, it is, in fact, the peculiarities of the dog's hormonal system;
  • treatment is not always required, sometimes everything goes naturally;
  • medical treatment is resorted to in the most extreme cases and only under the strict supervision of a veterinarian;
  • sterilization at the correct time of the estrous cycle can be an effective and humane way of prevention.

When diagnosing hormonal disorders, the owners sometimes confuse them with beriberi. Treatment must match the cause of the disease so that the animal can live a full life.

How to do it right in such cases is clear, because only a veterinarian can help and no one else, and this article allows you to get a general idea of ​​​​what is done in such cases and what could be the causes of this problem.

Hormonal disorders in a dog, how to treat, whether it can be cured, how dangerous, whether there are congenital and how they manifest

Especially in older dogs, hormonal disruptions are common.

Most of the endocrine diseases are characterized by concomitant dermatological problems.

Therefore, if a dog has normal hair loss, it is necessary to suspect a hormonal disease.

An ordinary collar can lead to its occurrence, which puts pressure on the dog's thyroid gland and leads to its destruction. Thyroid hormones stimulate hair growth.

In dogs, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, Cushing's syndrome, and polycystic ovaries are most common.

The owner should pay attention to the following symptoms in the animal:
- increased thirst;
- frequent urination;
- change in appetite;
- obesity or emaciation;
- Foci of alopecia (darkens the skin, and hair falls out).

If you suspect a hormonal disease, it is necessary to conduct an endocrinological examination in the clinic.

After the study of blood, urine, ultrasound of the endocrine glands, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

Hormonal disease can be congenital.

A sick animal develops slowly, it can suffer from rickets.

The diseases that are best treated are those accompanied by a decrease in the secretion of hormones.

It is more difficult to cure hyperfunctions of the endocrine glands, tumors.

Hormonal disorders in dogs after sterilization, castration symptoms

Hormonal disorders are observed in dogs after taking pills that the owners give during estrus, so that the animal can more easily endure this period. Such drugs can lead not only to the occurrence of hormonal disorders, but also to the development of tumors.

If you do not plan to breed dog offspring, it is better not to torture the animal and sterilize or castrate it. This operation is safe for the life and health of the animal. It will favorably affect the character, the dog will become calmer, there will be no attacks of aggression during hormonal disruptions.

Many doctors are of the opinion that it is better to castrate and sterilize the animal before the onset of puberty at the age of 4-6 months. But it's not too late to do it after a year.

A corneal ulcer causes pain and suffering to the animal. It can occur in a dog or cat of any age and any breed. Regardless of the cause...

“Moss is not so aggressive as to destroy plantings and crops around. However, if you do not prevent its growth and do not fight the moss, it can grow to incredible sizes.

There is a lot of reasoning and conjecture, fair and not very fair, on the topic of why and what is the reason for such a spread of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. The absurdity reaches its limit! It is known that hip dysplasia is tested most effectively when the dog is under sedation and muscle relaxation. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joints and also due to the fact that the picture is taken for the dog in an unnatural position, and the animal, being in tension, demonstrates more stable joints. In conditions of relaxation, you can see the degree of dysplasia in its worst form. By replicating this fact from patient to patient, what we get as a result: every patient who comes to me for an appointment, before taking a picture of any other joints, even those whose shooting results are completely independent of the degree of relaxation, they ask whether there will be anesthesia and how true the results will be .

And since we are talking about the notorious dysplasia, how many legends about it go among patients. Legends about dysplasia are created as a result of the merger of such trends as dilettantism, the justification of poor-quality and illiterate cynological activities, multiplied by the method of a damaged telephone, as well as scientific punches from various works. What we have as a result is another myth. This myth is that the rapid growth of a dog is harmful to it, it can lead to the development of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and dysplasia, in particular. By itself, the wording “rapid growth” or, as they say, “rapid growth” cuts the ear, it may seem that we (doctors or owners) regulate this process, so if we do not feed the dog, it does not grow, if we feed a lot, then it grows rapidly, violating all the laws of biology, as a result of which we have pathologies in the development of the osteoarticular system. How is the situation in reality and what is the role of the growth rate on the development of certain disorders?

First you need to understand what regulates the growth of a mammal (and not only), what factors affect it?

Growth is an increase in the total mass and size of an organism in the process of its development. It occurs at the cellular, tissue, organ and whole organism level. An increase in body mass reflects the growth of its constituent structures. Under normal growth conditions, harmonious development and formation of anatomical regions, individual tissues and organs occurs. In this case, various variations can be observed, both in the features of this harmony, and in the growth rate, and in the final result of the development of the organism (and in this case we are talking about a dog), although the scheme is true for many species of fauna.

Biologically, two types of growth are distinguished: limited and unlimited. Unlimited growth continues throughout the life of the individual, before and after birth, until death. Such growth is possessed, in particular, by fish. Although it cannot be ruled out that this process is also limited, since no one has seen a bream weighing a hundred kg. Many and most vertebrates are characterized by limited growth, i.e. quite quickly reach the level of their normal physiological biomass.

Growth is one of the mandatory components of ontogenesis, which is closely related to other mandatory components of the process of individual development, such as determination and morphogenesis. The most important feature is such a growth property as equifinality. The essence of equifinality lies in the fact that, despite the action of numerous and diverse environmental factors, an individual strives to achieve a typical species body size. Both the differential growth and the equifinality of growth indicate the property of the integrity of the developing organism.

Growth and its rate, as well as the process of ontogenetic development as a whole, are regulated by humoral factors under the control of the genetic foundation. Both the size of the whole organism and its individual structures are under genetic control. Thus, transplantation of a limb kidney from a salamander of a larger species A. tigrinum to the smaller A. punctatum leads to the formation of an enlarged limb in the latter. Another confirmation of the genetic control of growth is the fact that almost every species of organisms has genetic lines with the limiting sizes of individuals for the species - dwarf or, conversely, giant forms.

Genetic influences on the growth process are largely due to humoral factors. Genes are not able to regulate growth and growth rate themselves; the level of humoral (primarily hormonal and growth) factors is programmed in the genes. Of the hormones, the most important is somatotropin (growth hormone), synthesized by the cells of the pituitary gland from the moment of birth until the period of puberty. The thyroid hormone thyroxine plays an important role throughout the growth period. From 6-8 years of age, growth is also controlled by steroid hormones of the adrenal glands and gonads.

But we are not talking about the finiteness of the size of the dog, you say, no one argues about this, that the Yorkie cannot grow from the size of a shepherd dog, but we are talking about the growth rate, that is, how quickly the puppy develops up to one year of age. But even here it has a regulatory influence of the hormonal system. Under the influence of the same genes that “recorded” at what age, what level of hormones is required and how their level changes depending on age to ensure the growth and speed of development of the puppy.

Environmental factors influence the growth of animals and humans. The most important among them are nutrition, time of year, physical activity. The main argument of supporters of the idea of ​​the harmfulness of rapid growth is that with excessive, or rather high-quality feeding, intensive growth occurs, which leads or contributes to the development of pathologies of the joints and bones. In fact, the problem looks somewhat different, in accordance with the logic of a biological organism. If I have a lot of food, I can grow faster (within the species norm), as in nature, rapid formation is an important factor in survival. By the way, this is why wild dogs have estrus at the end of winter, beginning of spring, so that by the next winter the puppy will be almost independent. What happens in a domestic puppy, for example, a Central Asian Shepherd Dog or a British kitten, is most often fed with an excess amount of phosphorus with a significant lack of calcium (in nature this is impossible, since more meat means more calcium and bones). Under such conditions, growth or even rapid growth occurs (again within the species norm, not otherwise) with a good protein diet, but in conditions of calcium deficiency. This is what leads to violations of the formation of the skeleton.

1. The owner should not think about the growth rate or whether there will be dysplasia or not. These thoughts are useless.

2. The owner must provide the animal with the necessary amount of food for a full development, regardless of the speed (or rapidity) of growth, the dog is not moss or fungus, it does not have uncontrolled growth or uncontrolled development. If there is no hormonal disorder, then everything will happen within the framework of the genetically provided speed and equifinality.

3. The owner must provide the animal with the necessary amount of mineral supplements of vitamins A and D3 to prevent their deficiency in accordance with the changing weight of the animal.

4. The owner must ensure that there is no excess feeding. Otherwise, this will lead to fatty deposits and additional stress on the joints that have not yet formed.

5. The owner should not try to slow down the growth of the dog by restricting food - this is harmful, but should ensure that there is no fat, excess weight.