Colloidal gold. Story. Methods of obtaining. Practical use. Gold for skin rejuvenation and healing

Since ancient times, people have used certain metals for medical, cosmetic, household and other purposes. Precious metals occupied a special place among them. In particular, gold. It is known that even in Ancient Egypt and China, divine properties were attributed to this metal.

The Egyptians believed that it helped preserve youth; there are even references to the fact that Cleopatra fought the signs of aging with the help of gold. In China, they believed that this metal is a universal cure for all diseases and can bring longevity to the person who takes it. The ancients used physical methods of grinding and then consuming it with food, taking gold baths and applying gold masks to the skin. Drinking gold is mentioned in Chinese books on medicine dating back to the 1st century. BC e. But what was aurum potabile, as alchemists called it until the 17th century?

The answer to this question is very simple - colloidal gold. Let's figure out what it is.
Colloidal gold- suspension of gold nanoparticles in demineralized water. This definition is understandable to any physicist or chemist, but what does it essentially mean for the average person? A colloidal solution of gold consists of very small pieces of metal and water, devoid of any salts. Precious particles carry the same charge. Accordingly, gold crumbs in water repel each other. This ensures uniform distribution of particles in the water and their constant movement.

No matter how fantastic it may sound, its production was known even before the advent of such a science as colloidal chemistry. But only with the development of this science it became possible to understand what a gold solution is, describe its properties from a scientific point of view and develop more reliable methods for its preparation. Colloidal gold was discovered in its pure form by the English experimental physicist and chemist Michael Faraday. The scientist made a significant contribution to the formation of a new scientific field - nanotechnology. M. Faraday studied gold nanoparticles in a colloidal (dispersed) system and described their optical properties in detail. You can read more about the contribution of this scientist to the development of colloidal chemistry in the article at this link

To date, many methods have been developed for producing colloidal gold solutions, but the following 2 methods have found the most application:

Method 1

It is based on the chemical reduction of metallic gold, from appropriate soluble salts, under controlled conditions, allowing to obtain a sol with particles of a given size.

Method 2

Based on the spraying of appropriate metal electrodes in the electric arc zone.

Rice. 1. Diagram of a device for electrical dispersion: 1 – metal electrodes; 2 – vessel with cooled water

As we can see, these are well-known colloid chemistry methods for producing metal sols, in particular gold. Gold nanoparticles have catalytic, ferromagnetic, tunable optical properties, and self-assembly properties. Colloidal gold particles have a very large specific surface area for binding to various molecules (antibodies/antigens). Colloidal gold has good light scattering, non-toxic, chemically stable and biocompatible

Based on the properties of the colloidal solution of gold, we can conclude that its areas of application are enormous.

  • Under restoration

The suspension is sprayed onto the surface of an object to give a “golden effect”, especially those that cannot withstand the melting point of gold.

  • In technology

Namely in the production of computers, lasers, fiber optic devices, sensors, various sensors and microcircuits.

  • In cosmetology
Colloidal gold in 21st century cosmetology is one of the main anti-aging skin remedies. In many respects, excess active oxygen leads to its withering. Precious metal particles in masks, creams and lotions neutralize the effect of the gas. The healthy pH of the skin is restored. The electrolytic balance of the skin is also improved.

  • In medicine

In the synthesis of a number of drugs and as coloring labels in immunochromatographic analysis. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Americans used colloidal gold to combat alcoholism. At the same time, the drug began to be used to treat arthritis, external ulcers, burns and other diseases. So in 1890, Robert Koch discovered the effect of the element on tuberculosis bacilli. In the presence of gold they lose their viability.

  • In cooking

As surprising as it may sound, colloidal gold or simply gold is also used in preparing and serving dishes in some restaurants. You can read more about such unusual ways of using this precious metal by following this link.

So, as we see, thanks to the development of human knowledge about colloidal chemistry and the laws of the microcosm, it has become possible to use such a noble and inert metal as gold in various spheres of life.

Tuberculosis gives in to it, but it causes fever. The answer to the riddle: - . In the treatment of lung disease, its colloidal form is used.

Fever is caused by ordinary fever, and in a figurative sense. The expression “” is known to everyone; it means excitement, a certain loss of common sense in the pursuit of metal.

When its placers were not yet depleted, millions of people went into the forests and mountains in search. Especially many were found in the USA.

It was there that they first began to use the precious metal for medical purposes. Since 1885 colloidal gold began to be used in the fight against.

In 1890, Robert Koch discovered the effect of the element on tuberculosis bacilli. In the presence they lose vitality.

Since 1927, it has been recognized as a cure for arthritis. By the 21st century, the scope of the drug has expanded even further.

Therefore, it is worth studying the properties of the material and understanding what the word colloid means.

What is colloidal gold

What it is Chemists can easily understand. There is a section in their science. He studies disperse systems. They contain two or more phases mixed.

However, in the literal sense, they almost do not mix. Chemical reactions between the components do not occur.

A standard colloidal system is a homogeneous medium and particles suspended in it.

Colloidal solution of gold consists of finely divided pieces of metal and demineralized water.

Particles carry the same charge. Accordingly, the crumbs in the water repel each other.

This ensures uniform distribution of particles in the water and their constant movement.

In the language of chemists, it is in a suspended state. We will look further into what properties this product has.

Properties of colloidal gold

The mixture has no taste, odor, and no toxic properties. The material also lacks the ability to undergo chemical reactions.

– an inert element, and also biocompatible. This means that the substance does not cause side effects in the body.

It all comes down to benefit, none, even theoretically possible. It’s not for nothing that some Michelin-starred restaurants serve dishes with metal.

At Portofino in Las Vegas, for example, they serve lasagna with. A piece of 6 by 6 centimeters costs about 120 dollars. Metal used.

On the digestive system colloidal gold works positively. So, you pay not only for the dish, but also the benefits for the body.

Precious food is indicated for people with gastritis, slow metabolism, and high stomach acidity.

True, the solution does not suppress inflammatory processes. Suspension in demineralized water does not have antibacterial properties.

If you need to fight inflammation, use colloid. This also exists.

Colloidal can accelerate regeneration, that is, cell restoration.

Accordingly, the solution promotes the healing of ulcers and other injuries, for example, burns.

Colds are relieved by the medicine due to its immunostimulating properties.

The pattern of effects on depressive states has not yet been explained. However, when use of colloidal gold, they are fading away.

Perhaps a purely psychological factor plays a role. For someone who, in a moment of sadness, can afford to drink and eat precious metal, things are not so bad.

Understanding this, patients relax, and also begin to feel important while undergoing rehabilitation, which is not available to everyone.

Applications of colloidal gold

They began to use it for medical purposes back in Ancient times. True, then it was not a colloidal solution.

With the invention of the latter in the 17th century, new uses for the metal emerged.

A suspension in water is an excellent material for restoring furniture and decorative elements. You can also spray the solution on the walls.

There will be no continuous coverage. But the result is a shimmering surface. It looks more restrained and noble than 100% spraying.

Buy colloidal gold Not only designers, but also electronics manufacturers are striving.

Nanoparticles of the precious element are needed in computer chips, sensors, optical devices and lasers.

The practice of adding to them is more than half a century old. Previously, there were devices in which up to 10 kilograms of precious metal were hidden.

We are talking about military equipment and control devices from the 70s and 80s of the last century.

It is not surprising that the modern fever is the search for gold-containing items and the extraction of valuable substances from them.

Representatives of the beauty industry did not ignore the colloid either. They were partly inspired by the practice of the ancient Egyptians, and partly by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom.

The solar metal solution was used for cosmetic purposes as early as the 1st century BC.

This is evidenced by one of the ancient treatises that have survived to this day. The colloid is called the elixir of life in the book.

Of course, there were no nanoparticles in it. Therefore, the solution cannot be considered colloidal in the full sense of the word. We are talking about water mixed with finely crushed metal.

Colloidal gold in cosmetology The 21st century is one of the main anti-aging remedies.

In many respects, excess active oxygen leads to its withering. Precious metal particles in masks, creams and lotions neutralize the effect of the gas.

It has already been said that it can normalize stomach acidity. The interaction with the skin is similar.

The pH of the integument is restored. The electrolytic balance of the skin is also improved.

So, colloidal gold for face and bodies are a favorite remedy of celebrities, businessmen, and politicians.

It is clear that obtaining colloidal gold- the pleasure is not cheap. However, I would like to know specific numbers. We will not only find out, but also voice it.

Colloidal gold price

Perhaps nothing causes such heated discussions on cosmetologist forums as the use of cosmetics with gold products. The “disbelief” of skeptics in “golden” cosmetics is provoked by the relative novelty of the use of this technology and banal ignorance, but the idea of ​​​​using gold instead of heavy metals, as a conductor for other elements in cosmetics, came, strange as it may sound, from floriculture. In the USA and Japan, since the 80s, biogold has been successfully used for the production of fertilizers and plant treatments.

Less than 10 years ago, the largest laboratories in Europe, China, Thailand and Japan began developing cosmetics with gold. As a result, today almost every major company has “gold” lines of skin and hair care products. But before that, in cosmetology there were thousand-year-old traditions of using gold to preserve beauty, although only for royalty. The rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece, China, and Rome used gold in the form of powder, accessories, and even whole masks. So, Cleopatra slept in a golden mask every night.

If in the West, from time immemorial, gold has been considered only a symbol of power and wealth (remember the alchemists), then in the East (according to the tradition of Ayurveda), the yellow metal could be medicine, cosmetics and food. Indians and Japanese still eat gold today in the form of the thinnest foil. By the way, “golden food” has recently been approved in the UK.

Critics argue that gold, not being a water-soluble material, cannot affect the human body. However, when we pierce our ears or have scrofula, we try to wear gold earrings so that the wounds heal faster. It has been noticed that areas of the skin on which gold has been worn for a long time are not susceptible to diseases. Pure gold is hypoallergenic and does an excellent job of restoring damaged skin.

Japanese chemists have proven that the charge of the electric current in the human body coincides with the negative charge of the ions of the gold electric current. That is, at the ion level it helps restore the hydrolytic balance of the skin.

But do not confuse gold-based products with gold itself. There is a whole gulf between these concepts in cosmetology. For the production of cosmetic products, nano-gold (gold colloid), chelated gold (biogold), obtained from pure gold without impurities using complex chemical reactions, are used.

Colloidal gold is sub-micron sized particles that are suspended in deionized water. Biogold, or chelated gold, is nano-gold combined with various amino acids and biologically active elements under special conditions.

Cosmetics with colloidal gold and biogold have a number of distinctive features:

  • acts as a unique conductor of nutrients (vitamins, amino acids, minerals) and oxygen for the skin and hair, helping them penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and hair and be perfectly absorbed;
  • increases the rate of cell division, stimulating the production of natural collagen and rejuvenating the skin;
  • saturates the skin with moisture and oxygen, activates cellular processes, enhances blood and lymph circulation;
  • is an antiseptic, because it is not subject to oxidation;
  • removes heavy metals, positively charged ions, toxins and waste.

The results of using cosmetics with gold are “visible on the face” - the skin becomes more elastic, tightened, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and deep expression lines become softer. Most cosmetics containing gold for skin care are intended for women after 30 years of age, when the aging process has already begun in the skin.

Most often, colloidal gold is combined with collagen, plant extracts and minerals, which provide the skin with complete care and nutrition. Therefore, the list of ingredients should include both gold and bioactive components. For example, colloidal gold is combined with pearl amino acids, red caviar DNA, gingko biloba extract, hydrolyzed marine collagen, which allows you to make facial skin young and radiant with health.

Masks with collagen are also very effective for skin rejuvenation. For example, it can be used before special events, providing instant restoration and smoothing of wrinkles, or as a lifting complex for a longer-lasting effect.

Fabric (gold, collagen, silk powder and pearl extract) will make you feel like after visiting an elite SPA salon, the results are so amazing even after a single use. Masks with collagen are quite economical, because... they can be used several times.

Powder, in addition to rejuvenation, also helps to whiten age spots, narrow pores and restore skin at the cellular level.

Some cosmetic products with biogold can be used not only for lifting, but also for deep cleansing and bactericidal action, such as, which contains extracts of water hyacinth and cactus, pearl powder and amino acids and is an excellent product for daily skin care.

Colloidal gold is slightly less expensive than bio-gold in the production of cosmetics, and therefore it is used mainly for hair care products. Nano-particles of gold deliver beneficial nutrients to the hair structure, which also needs constant care, and often restoration after vacation, coloring or perm.

According to professional cosmetologists and women who have experienced the power of cosmetics with biogold, today there is no alternative to it.

Obviously, effective anti-aging cosmetics cost a lot, but only biogold 100% guarantees that collagen and active elements will be delivered as intended, and this does not even take into account the other functions of this unique substance. So feel free to use the latest achievements in cosmetology and give your skin and hair truly royal “precious” care!

Despite the fact that gold cosmetics have a thousand-year history, many still doubt its effectiveness, calling it just another marketing ploy. People of the highest stratum of almost all ancient states used various personal care products based on real gold. Queen Cleopatra is famous for sleeping with a golden mask on her face every night. Of course, it cannot be known for certain whether this is why she became famous as the most beautiful woman of her time, or whether the reason for this was something else. But the fact remains: gold is the oldest cosmetic ingredient.

Needless to say, the gold that is used now cannot be compared with what was before. In those days, gold as it was was used to create cosmetics, but now it is either colloidal gold or biogold. Biogold or chelated gold is nanogold combined with amino acids and various dietary supplements. It sounds a little confusing, but the fact is that such an ornate synthesis of gold makes it not just a pretentious cosmetic attribute, but a completely effective additive. Of course, there is an insignificant amount of gold in modern cosmetics, but cosmetologists say that this is enough for the effect to be noticeable.

Biogold in cosmetics acts as a conductor of all kinds of usefulness, which it itself contains. In addition, gold is the best antiseptic. Skeptics regularly argue on this topic, saying that gold cannot influence the human body in any way, but we all know that gold jewelry is inserted into the first punctures for a reason. There are hardly many people whose ears would fester after punctures into which gold earrings were inserted.

The primacy in the development of gold cosmetics actually belongs to the Japanese. Not all of their inventions are as useless as the selfie stick, because they discovered that gold restores the moisture balance in the skin. How many electrolytic experiments were carried out to realize this fact, which marked the beginning of the widespread popularity of biogold in cosmetics! Nowadays, such cosmetics are produced by everyone who is not too lazy and who has the means for it. France, for example, has funds, and not only for cosmetics, but also for various devices based on biogold. The Biogold and Vibration facial massager from Gezatone is one such device. Reviews of the Gezatone facial massager simply could not get bad. Because this is a double blow to wrinkles. Considering that vibration massage itself is beneficial for the skin, in combination with a biogold attachment, it simply erases wrinkles from the face, and makes the skin overall fresh and toned.