Drawing theater 2 junior group. Theater. Lesson notes on theatrical activities in the younger group. Stages of work on the project

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18" Zhuravushka "

Summary of open theatrical activities

“Journey to the world of theater” (second junior group)

Educator: Tochilkina Marina Petrovna

Target: To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, their speech and stage culture, observation, imagination, emotional responsiveness, sociable, communicative, friendly, kind, intellectual, developed, talented, musical, patient, initiative, erudite, spontaneous, capable of perceiving novelty, and the ability to improvise.

Transformation of children in play through the development of sign language, facial expressions, and pantomime. Understanding that in addition to speech, there are other means of communication.

Tasks : draw children’s attention to the intonation expressiveness of speech; exercise children in pronouncing words and phrases with different intonations; develop in children the ability to express their mood; to cultivate interest in literary works as a means of acting and theatricalizing them; develop speech, imagination, and creative abilities of children through transformation into images of fairy-tale characters.

Materials and equipment: pictures of emotions, box, masks of heroes for the fairy tale Teremok.

Progress of activities:

Organizational part - emotional mood:

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to the guests, to ourselves, to each other and to me.

Theatrical game “Hello!”

Hello, sunshine, my friend, (hands up, flashlights)

Hello, nose - snout (we show the nose with our index finger)

Hello, sponges (showing sponges)

Hello, teeth (showing teeth)

We “smacked” our lips (“we smacked”)

We “clicked” our teeth (“click”)

We raised our hands up (raise our hands up)

And they waved (we wave our palms)

And now all together -

"Hello! Hello!" - they said (we greet in unison)

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual day. On this wonderful day, I invite you to makejourney into the unusual, a fairy-tale land, a land where miracles and transformations happen, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what country this is?

Children: - THEATER!

Educator: Do you know who lives in this country?

Children : – Dolls, fairy-tale characters, artists.

Educator: Yes, guys. You said it right. Do you know what artists do?(Children's answers)

Would you like to become an artist?

Children: - Yes

  1. Main part:

Educator: I know the magic words and now with their help we will turn into artists. We just have to pronounce the words all together, loudly and clearly, otherwise the magic won’t work.

Spin one, two, three! Turn from guys into big artists!

Hooray! we are all artists now. I invite you to enter a wonderful world theater!

Guys, at the theater fairy tales are often shown for children. How many fairy tales do you already know? And now I want to check how well you know fairy tales. To do this you need to solve riddles.

Beware of any disease:

flu, sore throat and bronchitis.

He challenges you all to fight

Nice doctor...(Aibolit)

Answer the question:

Who carried Masha in a basket,

Who sat on the tree stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the fairy tale, right?

Who was it? (Bear)

Grandma beat me, but she didn’t break her,

Grandfather hit but did not break.

Baba was very sad.

Who helped the woman?

A little girl came running into the house.

Instantly broke an egg(Mouse)

A house appeared in the field.

We settled in that house:

A mouse named Norushka,

And the frog Kvakushka,

Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.

And also shaggy Mishka

Later he settled here.

What's everyone's name for the house?

Smoke curls over the chimney.

This house is ... (Teremok)

Your home in winter, in the cold

She made it out of ice.

But the house stood fine in the cold,

In the spring it turned into a puddle.

The bast house was built by Bunny.

Now, reader, remember,

Who did the Rooster drive into the forests?

Who deceived the Hare?(Fox)

What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, also a dog

The bug helped Grandfather and Grandma,

Did you collect root vegetables?(Turnip)

Educator: What a great fellow you are! You know everything.

What kind of mood do you think people are going to have? theater ? (children's answers : with good; when they are sad and want to cheer up; etc).

The Game “Give a Good Mood” is being held

Children turn their heads in a circle, look into their partner’s eyes, shake hands and smile.

Educator: It's great that we're all in a good mood. And now I invite you to play with me again. To do this, please tell me what needs to be done to become an artist.

(Sample answers from children: you can change your appearance with a suit, mask, or headdress).

Educator: Is it possible without a suit?

Of course you can! And gestures and, of course, facial expressions help the actors with this.

What is facial expression?

Facial expressions are the expression of our faces. And gestures are movements.

Now try to show emotions without words or movements.

(pictograms of emotions appear - children depict them)

Emotions to show: sadness, joy, anger, surprise, fear,

And now we need to convey our mood with our voice. Listen to this phrase: “Let’s go, let’s go to the forest for nuts.” Now repeat in chorus. Now say this phrase, with the intonation with which emoticon I will show you.

Well done! We did it! What a great fellow you are!

Guys, look what I have in my hands? Today I was walking along the path to kindergarten and found this beautiful box. Are you wondering what's in it? (trying to open it, but it won’t open). We won't be able to open it until we solve the riddles. Are you ready to work hard?

Children guess the riddle, and the teacher takes masks out of the box.

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.

Short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse)

We are green like grass

Our song is “kva-kva”. (Frog)

Jumps across the field and hides its ears.

It will stand up like a column of ears. (Hare)

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest, steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)

Educator: Well done, guys! All the riddles were solved, oh, how many animals the magic box hid! Guys, can you guess what fairy tale these animals are from?

That's right "Teremok".

Now let’s show our guests the fairy tale “Teremok”. To do this, we will turn into fairy-tale forest animal heroes. (Children choose masks of the inhabitants of the tower).

There will also be a fairy forest in our fairy tale. (Consists of trees, sun, butterflies).

(Staging of a fairy tale)

Educator: There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall. Then a strong wind rose, the forest swayed, rustled, butterflies were flying, the sun came out, joyful, cheerful, and mice ran out of the forest, saw a little house, and asked:

Mice: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion? Nobody responds.

Educator: The mice entered the little mansion and began to live there.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high. A strong wind rose again, the forest swayed, rustled, butterflies flew, the sun came out, joyful, cheerful, and frogs jumped out. They saw the tower and asked:

Frogs: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mice: We little mice! And who are you?

Frogs: And we are frogs.

Mice: Come live with us!

Educator: The frogs jumped into the tower. They began to live.

Runaway bunnies are running past. They saw the tower and asked:


Mice: We little mice!

frogs We are frogs.

And who are you?

Bunnies: And we are runaway bunnies!

Animals everywhere: Come live with us!

Educator: The bunnies jumped into the tower. They began to live.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall.

They walk past the little fox-sister. They saw the tower and asked:

Chanterelles : Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mice: We little mice!

Frogs: We are frogs.

Bunnies: We are runaway bunnies!

And who are you?

Chanterelles: And we are little fox sisters!

Animals everywhere: Come live with us! The bunnies jumped into the tower. They began to live.

Educator: There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall. Gray barrel tops came running, looked into the door and asked:

Tops : Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mice: we little mice.

Frogs: we frogs.

Bunnies: we are runaway bunnies.

Chanterelles: we, little fox sisters.

Tops: Who are you?

And we are tops, gray barrels!

Animals everywhere: Come live with us! The wolf climbed into the mansion.

And they began to live. Here they live in a mansion and each minds its own business. There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall. Suddenly there are clubfoot bears. The bears saw the tower, stopped and roared at the top of their lungs:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Mice: we little mice.

frogs : we, the frogs.

Bunnies: we are runaway bunnies.

Chanterelles: we, little fox sisters.

Tops: We, the tops, are gray barrels.

And who are you?

The Bears: And we are clubfooted bears. Let us live with you.

All animals :But you won’t fit….

The Bears: Yes, we will live on the roof... (imitates the movements of climbing onto the roof) (and all the heroes scatter in different directions)

Educator: Well done boys! You are real artists.

And now we need to turn from artists into guys.

One, two, three, spin! Turn from artists into guys!

3. Bottom line.

Educator: Guys, did you like our transformation? What did you like most?(children's answers) . I also really enjoyed playing with you. I am confident that if you decide to become an actor when you grow up, you will be the best and most successful, because you are so talented!

Theater activities in kindergarten

Description of material: I offer material on conducting theater week in the 2nd junior group. This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers.
Young children love creativity very much, so puppet theater plays an important role. It entertains and educates children, develops their imagination, teaches them to empathize with what is happening, creates an appropriate emotional mood, liberates the child, and increases his self-confidence. In order to turn theater classes into an exciting creative process, it is necessary to organically combine aesthetic education with the development of practical skills in working with a doll. And a big role in this belongs to theatrical games, which help children express themselves, develop the ability to recognize a person’s emotional state by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put themselves in their place in various situations, and find adequate ways to help. Mastery of these means of expressiveness indicates the children’s preparedness for theatrical play, the level of general cultural development, on the basis of which the understanding of a work of art is facilitated and an emotional response to it arises.
Theatrical games allow solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of expressiveness of speech, intellectual, communicative, artistic and aesthetic education, the development of musical and creative abilities.
In theatrical games, children learn to act out literary works (fairy tales, short stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become characters, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's imagination, become the plot of the game. It is easy to see the peculiarity of theatrical games: they have a ready-made plot, which means that the child’s activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work.
As a result, children develop such moral qualities as friendship, responsiveness, kindness, honesty, and courage. The characters become role models. The child begins to identify himself with his favorite image. Independent role-playing by children allows them to develop the experience of moral behavior and the ability to act in accordance with moral standards. Because positive qualities are rewarded and negative ones are frowned upon, children generally want to emulate kind, honest characters. And adults’ approval of worthy actions creates in them a feeling of satisfaction, which serves as an incentive to further control their behavior.
The educational possibilities of theatrical games are enhanced by the fact that their topics are practically unlimited. It can satisfy the diverse interests of children (literary, musical).
Children's introduction to theatrical art begins by watching performances performed by adults. In the future, alternating viewings of puppet and drama theater performances allows preschoolers to gradually master the laws of the genre. The accumulated impressions help them in playing the simplest roles and understanding the basics of transformation. In the process of joint discussions, children evaluate each other's capabilities, which helps them realize their strengths in artistic creativity.
From March 24 to March 28, theater week took place in our garden. I work in the 2nd junior group. Throughout the week, work was carried out to familiarize children with theatrical activities. At the first lesson, I told the children what theater is and how to behave in the theater. Then, together with the teachers of another group, we staged the fairy tale “Kolobok” and showed it to the children. During appliqué classes with children, we made a cut-out appliqué based on the fairy tale: “Turnip.” At home, the children and their parents made little books based on Russian folk tales. And throughout the week I made different types of theaters (finger theater from papier-mâché, theater from CDs, shadow theater, theater on clothespins, rag dolls, theater from wooden shovels), and the children watched and helped as much as possible. I also made a card index of theatrical games and physical education lessons. In our corner there are several types of theater made with your own hands: All this is very easy to do, beautiful and the children are delighted. They really like to play. And at the end of the week we had a theater corner competition. Our theater took 1st place.

Cognition: Introduce children to theater through dramatization games based on works of children's literature.

Give an idea of ​​the attributes of the theater (auditorium, tickets, stage, curtain).

Teach the rules of behavior in the theater: spectators are seated strictly in their seats; talking and making noise in the theater is prohibited during the performance.

To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of the action, and empathize with the heroes of the work.

Develop the ability, with the help of a teacher, to dramatize short excerpts from fairy tales.


Develop a dialogical form of speech, involve children in conversation after watching the performance.


To promote the emergence of games based on literary works (rhymes, songs, fairy tales, poems).

Develop the desire to improvise, independently select attributes for a particular role.


To develop emotional responsiveness to works, the ability to distinguish between happy and sad music.

To develop skills in more accurately performing movements that convey the character of the animals depicted.



Thematic planning “Theater Week” in the 2nd junior group

Goal and tasks:

Cognition: Introduce children to theater through dramatization games based on works of children's literature.

Give an idea of ​​the attributes of the theater (auditorium, tickets, stage, curtain).

Teach the rules of behavior in the theater: spectators are seated strictly in their seats; talking and making noise in the theater is prohibited during the performance.

Reading fiction:

To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, follow the development of the action, and empathize with the heroes of the work.

Develop the ability, with the help of a teacher, to dramatize short excerpts from fairy tales.


Develop a dialogical form of speech, involve children in conversation after watching the performance.


To promote the emergence of games based on literary works (rhymes, songs, fairy tales, poems).

Develop the desire to improvise, independently select attributes for a particular role.


To develop emotional responsiveness to works, the ability to distinguish between happy and sad music.

To develop skills in more accurately performing movements that convey the character of the animals depicted.


"Let's go to the theater."


Target: To introduce children to the theater, to arouse interest in theatrical activities, to develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children, encouraging them to express their feelings, to communicate, to teach them to listen attentively to a poetic text and correlate its meaning with expressive movement to music.

Conversation “Hurray! Let's go to the theater!» - expand knowledge about the rules of conduct in the theater, develop the ability to apply your knowledge in conversation

- Speech situation “Theater secrets”-expand knowledge about the rules of conduct in the theater, develop dialogic speech, independent judgment

Exercise to enrich vocabulary: “Bear-bears”, “Hare-hares”, “Wolf-wolves”... - enrich vocabulary, the ability to form plural nouns

- D/game “Collect a fairy tale”- consolidate knowledge about the content of the fairy tale “Teremok”, the sequence of events

- Mimic sketches:“The hare got scared”, “Hungry, angry wolf”, “Kind little fox” - develop the ability to convey the emotional state and character of a character using facial expressions


Stage play "Turnip"(with bibabo dolls).

Working with parents

Consultation " Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family"- to interest parents in purchasing and making different types of theater and provide information on ways to perform it at home with their children


"We are artists"


Game exercise “We are artists” (imitation of movements to music: clumsy bears, jumping bunnies, mice, foxes, horses...)

- Riddle game “Guess and tell me who I’m talking about” -develop imaginative thinking, recognize a character by characteristic features

Exercises for intonation expressiveness: “I am a sly fox”, “I am a sad hare” - exercise the ability to intonationally convey the emotional state of the hero.

- D/game (TRIZ) “Teremok” -develop analytical thinking, the ability to identify common features through comparison, expand knowledge about wild animals

  • Each player is dealt cards with images of various objects. One card for each participant. If you are playing together, you can simply put the deck of children’s cards face down and take turns pulling out the pictures. One of the players is appointed as the owner of a conditional little house (a rug or a children's house), and the others (or another) approach the little house and ask to join him in the house (using the example of a fairy tale):

Knock, knock, who lives in the little house?
- Me, Guitar. And who are you?
- And I am a fishing rod. Let me into the mansion?
- If you tell me how you are like me, then I’ll let you in.

(The guest must compare both drawings, identify common features and name them. For example, both guitars and fishing rods are made of wood. Or both guitars and fishing rods have a string - a rope.)

- Let's draw a teremok (drawing with a brush)-continue to learn how to draw straight lines with paints, holding the brush correctly


Toy Theater - fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

Target: give children an idea of ​​the toy theater on the carpet. Learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale and follow the plot.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Geese and Swans"

Working with parents

Mobile folder “How to raise a young theatergoer” - recommendations for parents on how to properly introduce their child to the theater


Finger games


Finger games “Grey Bunny”, “Chicken-Tatatorochka”, etc.

Games with the finger theater "Teremok" -expand vocabulary, creativity and artistic abilities

- Outdoor game "Beasts" -train in the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, imitate the habits of animals

Game "Curtain" - develop imaginative thinking in children, the ability to convey the character of a character using facial expressions and gestures

- Guessing riddles about animals- develop logical, imaginative thinking

Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok"dramatizing a fairy tale using a tabletop theater

Purpose: To recall the content of the fairy tale, to teach children to hum Kolobok’s song, to promote the development of imagination in children. Arouse joy and desire to help the main character of the fairy tale.


Music box “Little gray cat...”

Goal: To encourage children to enjoy folk music, to promote the development of skills in expressive and emotional transmission of playful and fairy-tale images.

- Outdoor game "Mousetrap"-develop reaction speed, agility, endurance

Working with parents

Conversation “Home theater as a means of forming relationships in the family”


Morning :

Children dance in a circle " How children gathered at the poultry yard...

Educator: Guys, we had so much fun playing and ended up in the poultry yard. (On the stands there are pictures depicting a cockerel, a chicken, a goose, a duck, and a turkey. The teacher leads the children in turn to each picture.)

Educator: Our chicken through the window: “Ko-ko-ko.”

Children: Ko-ko-ko!

Educator: Our duck in the morning: “Quack-quack-quack!”

Children: Quack-quack-quack!

Educator: The goose cackles by the pond: “Ha-ha-ha!”

Children: Ha-ga-ga!

Educator: And the turkey in the middle of the yard: “Bal-bal-bal!”

Children: Ball-ball-ball!

Educator: And how does Petya the Cockerel sing to us early in the morning?

Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Educator: That's how he crows. You are great, sit down on the chairs, I have a surprise for you.

(Children sit on chairs around the carpet, the teacher is in front of them at the table. There is a screen on the table.)

Educator: Guys, do you like riddles?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then, guys, guess who I'm talking about:

Children: Cockerel!

Educator: Right. How loudly does he sing?

Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Didactic game "Cockerel and his family."

Goal: To continue acquainting children with folklore works. Tell children about poultry (appearance, habits, voice).

Petya, Petya, cockerel,

Across the field, across the river

Shout to us “KU – KA – RE – KU!” »

Tabletop theater.Playing out a Russian folk tale"Chicken Ryaba."

Goal: Tell a fairy tale, accompanying the text with a display of tabletop theater figurines. Make children want to listen to the story again.


Games with building materials “Build a house for the Cockerel and his family.”

Goal: Create a fabulous game situation. Make children want to take part in the adult’s venture. Foster a caring attitude towards pets. Give the opportunity to independently act with the construction.

Outdoor game "Hen and Chicks".

Goal: To develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.


Visiting a fairy tale


Mobile exercise “Bear and Children”.

Goal: Continue to teach children to run in a given direction, to act in accordance with the words of the fairy tale text. Encourage children to enjoy joint actions with a fairy-tale character.

The bear was walking through the forest.

The bear was looking for the kids.

For a long, long time he searched,

He sat down on the grass and dozed off.

The children began to dance,

They started knocking their feet.

Bear, Mishenka, get up,

Catch up with our kids.

Mobile exercise “Little bunnies run across.”

Goal: To develop children's attention and the ability to run quickly in different directions.

Bunnies run across

Either a meadow or a forest.

Strawberries are being collected.

Jump and jump! Jump and jump!

The bunnies fell asleep sweetly.

The forest is noisy! The forest is singing!

- Run away without looking back!

The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!

Didactic game "Let's tell a fairy tale together."

Goal: To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance. Teach children to correlate facial expressions with the state of the hero, teach children to correctly reproduce the sequence of appearance of each hero, and recognize the event preceding their appearance.

Didactic game “Guess which fairy tale I’m from? "

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the content of fairy tales, to correctly name and highlight the characters in fairy tales, to develop logical thinking in children.


Reading the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Purpose: To introduce children to the fairy tale, accompanying the text with illustrations. Make children want to listen to the fairy tale again, teach them to sympathize with the grief of the goat, and cultivate good feelings.

Round dance game "Spider".

Box with fairy tales “Familiar Heroes”.

Goal: to remember familiar fairy tales, to encourage children to become heroes, to activate the bibabo puppet theater in the game.


1. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Target: Help children understand the content of the fairy tale based on the image. Arouse in children the need for emotional communication.

2. Mobile exercise “Find the bear”.

Target: Teach children to walk in a given direction, observing a certain rhythm of movement, to evoke the joy of playing with a fairy-tale character.

There, at the end of the path,
Look at the house.
Who is it, my good one?
Lives there?
Could it be a cat?
Maybe it's a mouse?
Maybe fidgety
Is the bear a naughty girl?

3. Lesson on getting to know the environment “Who did we meet in the forest?” (based on the fairy tale “Mitten”).

Target: Introduce children to a fairy tale. Reinforce the idea of ​​wild animals by noting and naming their features



Mobile exercise “Teddy Bear”

Target: Teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to pronounce the content of their favorite nursery rhyme.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.


1. Puppet show in the music hall.

2..Consultation for parents “Fairy tale in the lives of children.”

Target: Provide parents with an accessible explanation of the meaning of fairy tales in the development of children, its influence on the emotional state of children.



1. Didactic game “Cockerel and his family.”

Target: Continue introducing children to folklore works. Tell children about poultry (appearance, habits, voice).

Petya, Petya, cockerel,
Lend your voice.
Across the field, across the river
Shout to us “KU – KA – RE – KU!” ”

2. Tabletop theater. An adaptation of the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”.

Target: Tell a fairy tale, accompanying the text with a display of tabletop theater figures. Make children want to listen to the story again.

Lesson on speech development. Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, dramatizing the fairy tale.

Target: Remind the content of the fairy tale, teach children to hum Kolobok’s song, promote the development of imagination in children. Arouse joy and desire to help the main character of the fairy tale.


Individual work on PHYS. Didactic game “Who is screaming? "

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals. Continue to teach children to imitate the voice and habits of animals.


1. Outdoor game “Hen and Chicks”.

Target: Develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.

2. Games with building materials “Build a house for the Cockerel and his family.”

Goal: Create a fabulous game situation. Make children want to take part in the adult’s venture. Foster a caring attitude towards pets. Give the opportunity to independently act with the construction.



1. Talk with children about their favorite cartoons.

Target: To develop in children the ability to engage in dialogue and use simple phrases. Make kids happy when remembering their favorite cartoons.

2. Mobile exercise “Bear and children”.

Target: Continue to teach children to run in a given direction, to act in accordance with the words of the fairy tale text. Encourage children to enjoy joint actions with a fairy-tale character.

The bear was walking through the forest.
The bear was looking for the kids.
For a long, long time he searched,
He sat down on the grass and dozed off.
The children began to dance,
They started knocking their feet.
Bear, Mishenka, get up,
Catch up with our kids.

Drawing lesson “The chicken laid an egg.”

Target: Teach children to draw round objects, paint without going beyond the contours. Reinforce the content of the story.


Mobile exercise “By a bear in the forest.”

Target: Continue teaching children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. To develop children's imagination and ability to take on a certain role. Arouse interest in the game.


1. Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.

Target: Teach children to understand the emotional state of the heroes of a fairy tale, help children understand its content, promote the development of imagination in children.

2. Didactic game “Cheerful - Sad”.

Target: Continue to teach children to understand the emotional state, to transfer the character’s emotional state to themselves.



1. Telling the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Target: Introduce children to a new fairy tale. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, compassion for the main character.

2. Mobile exercise “Bunny”

Target: Teach children simple dance movements, creating a fun, fairy-tale atmosphere in the group.

Modeling lesson “Kolobok rolls along the path and sings a song”

Target: Teach children to sculpt a Kolobok in the shape of a ball, create conditions for playing out a fairy tale plot. Create a high emotional mood.


Individual work on PHYS. Mobile exercise “Little bunnies run across.”

Target: To develop children's attention and the ability to run quickly in different directions.

Bunnies run across
Either a meadow or a forest.
Strawberries are being collected.
Jump and jump! Jump and jump!
The bunnies fell asleep sweetly.
The forest is noisy! The forest is singing!
- Run away without looking back!
The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!


1. Didactic game “A little hare came to visit us.”

Target: Continue to develop in children the ability to engage in dialogue, use simple phrases, practice pronouncing sound combinations, encourage and support children’s initiative. Give children the joy of playing.

2. Finger games.

Target: Help create a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words and the intonation of the voice. Continue teaching imitative play actions.



1. Didactic game “Let’s tell a fairy tale together.”

Target: Instill in children a sense of mutual assistance. Teach children to correlate facial expressions with the state of the hero, teach children to correctly reproduce the sequence of appearance of each hero, and recognize the event preceding their appearance.

2. Didactic game “Guess which fairy tale I’m from? "

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the content of fairy tales, to correctly name and identify the characters in fairy tales, to develop logical thinking in children.

Lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Target: Introduce children to a fairy tale, accompanying the text with illustrations. Make children want to listen to the fairy tale again, teach them to sympathize with the grief of the goat, and cultivate good feelings.


Outdoor game “Journey to the Forest”.

Target: Improve basic types of movements, continue to learn to imitate animals. Induce in children a feeling of joy from joint actions. Help children remember fairy tale characters.


1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.

Target: Continue to teach children to participate in dramatization, develop the ability to take on a certain role and perform the actions of a given character. Cultivate good relationships in the team. Creating a magical theater atmosphere


2. Consultation for parents “On the importance of theatrical activities in the development of a preschooler.”

Analysis of the work done

During the week, the children got acquainted with various types of theatrical activities.

With rules of behavior and visiting various theaters. (That you need to buy a ticket, get there by transport, be nice and neatly dressed, you can’t talk loudly) And we also practically found out that this creativity is very interesting and emotional. All classes were conducted in the form of a game, that is, classes - travel, which included quizzes, finger games, verbal and emotional games, riddles, games for developed imagination and creativity, etc. The children really liked such activities and used their skills with great interest. knowledge gained in previous classes. Such activities help children easily remember new material and learn it better.

Children know what theater is, its varieties, basic theatrical concepts (stage, screen, scenery, props, intermission, etc.). We got acquainted with the secrets of stagecraft; learned how to make masks, simple tabletop dolls, dolls for finger theater from paper. We learned basic techniques for driving riding dolls and how to control them. Some children are able to convey the image of a character by emotionally changing the strength of their voice. With the help of the teacher, the children learned to come up with short stories and give them titles. They can use facial expressions to convey the emotional state of the characters in small works (sadness, joy, grief, laughter, grief, etc.) But they do not know how to independently choose the role that suits them. Everyone wants to play the character they like best, and not the one they can beat due to their abilities. They can show a small scene or a fairy tale on their own.

I think that I fully accomplished the tasks set. The children learned a lot: they made masks, table and finger theater puppets, and they were very happy to show off their skills.

We tried to involve parents in an active discussion of issues related to introducing children to culture and attending performances in theaters in Moscow. We have prepared a consultation for parents entitled: “So that the fairy tale does not become boring...”. And they gave their recommendations on choosing fiction for children.


1. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Target: Help children understand the content of the fairy tale based on the image. Arouse in children the need for emotional communication.

2. Mobile exercise “Find the bear”.

Target: Teach children to walk in a given direction, observing a certain rhythm of movement, to evoke the joy of playing with a fairy-tale character.

There, at the end of the path,
Look at the house.
Who is it, my good one?
Lives there?
Could it be a cat?
Maybe it's a mouse?
Maybe fidgety
Is the bear a naughty girl?

3. Lesson on getting to know the environment “Who did we meet in the forest?” (based on the fairy tale “Mitten”).

Target: Introduce children to a fairy tale. Reinforce the idea of ​​wild animals by noting and naming their features



Mobile exercise “Teddy Bear”

Target: Teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to pronounce the content of their favorite nursery rhyme.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest.
He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.


1. Puppet show in the music hall.

2..Consultation for parents “Fairy tale in the lives of children.”

Target: Provide parents with an accessible explanation of the meaning of fairy tales in the development of children, its influence on the emotional state of children.



1. Didactic game “Cockerel and his family.”

Target: Continue introducing children to folklore works. Tell children about poultry (appearance, habits, voice).

Petya, Petya, cockerel,
Lend your voice.
Across the field, across the river
Shout to us “KU – KA – RE – KU!” ”

2. Tabletop theater. An adaptation of the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”.

Target: Tell a fairy tale, accompanying the text with a display of tabletop theater figures. Make children want to listen to the story again.

Lesson on speech development. Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, dramatizing the fairy tale.

Target: Remind the content of the fairy tale, teach children to hum Kolobok’s song, promote the development of imagination in children. Arouse joy and desire to help the main character of the fairy tale.


Individual work on PHYS. Didactic game “Who is screaming? "

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals. Continue to teach children to imitate the voice and habits of animals.


1. Outdoor game “Hen and Chicks”.

Target: Develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.

2. Games with building materials “Build a house for the Cockerel and his family.”

Goal: Create a fabulous game situation. Make children want to take part in the adult’s venture. Foster a caring attitude towards pets. Give the opportunity to independently act with the construction.



1. Talk with children about their favorite cartoons.

Target: To develop in children the ability to engage in dialogue and use simple phrases. Make kids happy when remembering their favorite cartoons.

2. Mobile exercise “Bear and children”.

Target: Continue to teach children to run in a given direction, to act in accordance with the words of the fairy tale text. Encourage children to enjoy joint actions with a fairy-tale character.

The bear was walking through the forest.
The bear was looking for the kids.
For a long, long time he searched,
He sat down on the grass and dozed off.
The children began to dance,
They started knocking their feet.
Bear, Mishenka, get up,
Catch up with our kids.

Drawing lesson “The chicken laid an egg.”

Target: Teach children to draw round objects, paint without going beyond the contours. Reinforce the content of the story.


Mobile exercise “By a bear in the forest.”

Target: Continue teaching children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. To develop children's imagination and ability to take on a certain role. Arouse interest in the game.


1. Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale “Teremok”.

Target: Teach children to understand the emotional state of the heroes of a fairy tale, help children understand its content, promote the development of imagination in children.

2. Didactic game “Cheerful - Sad”.

Target: Continue to teach children to understand the emotional state, to transfer the character’s emotional state to themselves.



1. Telling the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut.”

Target: Introduce children to a new fairy tale. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, compassion for the main character.

2. Mobile exercise “Bunny”

Target: Teach children simple dance movements, creating a fun, fairy-tale atmosphere in the group.

Modeling lesson “Kolobok rolls along the path and sings a song”

Target: Teach children to sculpt a Kolobok in the shape of a ball, create conditions for playing out a fairy tale plot. Create a high emotional mood.


Individual work on PHYS. Mobile exercise “Little bunnies run across.”

Target: To develop children's attention and the ability to run quickly in different directions.

Bunnies run across
Either a meadow or a forest.
Strawberries are being collected.
Jump and jump! Jump and jump!
The bunnies fell asleep sweetly.
The forest is noisy! The forest is singing!
- Run away without looking back!
The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!


1. Didactic game “A little hare came to visit us.”

Target: Continue to develop in children the ability to engage in dialogue, use simple phrases, practice pronouncing sound combinations, encourage and support children’s initiative. Give children the joy of playing.

2. Finger games.

Target: Help create a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words and the intonation of the voice. Continue teaching imitative play actions.



1. Didactic game “Let’s tell a fairy tale together.”

Target: Instill in children a sense of mutual assistance. Teach children to correlate facial expressions with the state of the hero, teach children to correctly reproduce the sequence of appearance of each hero, and recognize the event preceding their appearance.

2. Didactic game “Guess which fairy tale I’m from? "

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge of the content of fairy tales, to correctly name and identify the characters in fairy tales, to develop logical thinking in children.

Lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Target: Introduce children to a fairy tale, accompanying the text with illustrations. Make children want to listen to the fairy tale again, teach them to sympathize with the grief of the goat, and cultivate good feelings.


Outdoor game “Journey to the Forest”.

Target: Improve basic types of movements, continue to learn to imitate animals. Induce in children a feeling of joy from joint actions. Help children remember fairy tale characters.


1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”.

Target: Continue to teach children to participate in dramatization, develop the ability to take on a certain role and perform the actions of a given character. Cultivate good relationships in the team. Creating a magical theater atmosphere


2. Consultation for parents “On the importance of theatrical activities in the development of a preschooler.”

Analysis of the work done

During the week, the children got acquainted with various types of theatrical activities.

With rules of behavior and visiting various theaters. (That you need to buy a ticket, get there by transport, be nice and neatly dressed, you can’t talk loudly) And we also practically found out that this creativity is very interesting and emotional. All classes were conducted in the form of a game, that is, classes - travel, which included quizzes, finger games, verbal and emotional games, riddles, games for developed imagination and creativity, etc. The children really liked such activities and used their skills with great interest. knowledge gained in previous classes. Such activities help children easily remember new material and learn it better.

Children know what theater is, its varieties, basic theatrical concepts (stage, screen, scenery, props, intermission, etc.). We got acquainted with the secrets of stagecraft; learned how to make masks, simple tabletop dolls, dolls for finger theater from paper. We learned basic techniques for driving riding dolls and how to control them. Some children are able to convey the image of a character by emotionally changing the strength of their voice. With the help of the teacher, the children learned to come up with short stories and give them titles. They can use facial expressions to convey the emotional state of the characters in small works (sadness, joy, grief, laughter, grief, etc.) But they do not know how to independently choose the role that suits them. Everyone wants to play the character they like best, and not the one they can beat due to their abilities. They can show a small scene or a fairy tale on their own.

I think that I fully accomplished the tasks set. The children learned a lot: they made masks, table and finger theater puppets, and they were very happy to show off their skills.

We tried to involve parents in an active discussion of issues related to introducing children to culture and attending performances in theaters in Moscow. We have prepared a consultation for parents entitled: “So that the fairy tale does not become boring...”. And they gave their recommendations on choosing fiction for children.