The skin on the elbows is white dry. Rough, dark and dry skin on the elbows: causes and treatment. Peeling creams and proper care

Dry elbows: causes and remedies.

Body care is an important part of the modern lifestyle of men and women. But sometimes, the unpresentable rough skin on the elbow joint gives out annoying shortcomings made in general body care.
Are the causes of dry skin on the elbows always hidden in poor care? How to deal with this problem? We will talk about this in the proposed article.

Why do the elbows of women and men dry on their hands, the skin cracks and crusts form: causes

In some cases, the occurrence of elbow dry skin is justified by serious diseases:

  • Violation of the adrenal glands
  • Thyroid problem
  • diabetes mellitus
  • Low hemoglobin
  • Dermatological diseases: psoriasis, eczema, allergies

Diagnostic techniques prescribed by a specialist will help determine the cause of a hormonal failure or the first signs of a disease.

In most cases, the reason is simple:

  • As a result of malnutrition, there is a deficiency of vitamins A, E and D and creatine, which are necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Frequent visits to the pool, baths, with an excess of chlorinated water, irritate and dry the skin.
  • Working at the table, with the habit of leaning on the surface, contributes to rubbing the elbow part of the skin, which leads to mechanical damage and dryness of the epidermis.
  • Increased dry air disrupts the natural hydrobalance, which also provokes peeling and violation of the skin, sometimes leading to cracks and further formation of crusts.

Causes of goose bumps on elbows

Are pimples on the elbows so harmless?

Despite the great possibilities of modern dermatology, the causes of hyperkeratosis have not been fully established.
Only some etiological factors have been identified that can cause goose bumps on the elbow joints:

  • Lack of vitamins A, C and E
  • Sudden hypothermia of the body
  • Constant stressful situations
  • Improper nutrition
  • genetic predisposition
  • Disturbed metabolism
  • Natural dry skin
  • Irregular and poor hygiene care

Sometimes, hormonal, endocrine, immune failures give goose rashes.
Such problems can appear in adults and children.
In a child, a goose rash appears in the cold season, and disappears in the summer. The causes of occurrence are similar to adults.

Rough elbows: signs of what disease?

What do rough elbow joints mean?

Only a doctor can determine the pathology of ill health associated with the roughness of the area of ​​interest.

If we exclude the lack of proper care, pathological causes of changes in the body can be:

  1. Hormonal failure in the thyroid gland - leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. There is premature aging of the skin, active peeling of the epidermis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus - completely disrupts the cellular nutrition of the body. The disease leads to severe thinning and dryness of the skin.
  3. Anemia - iron deficiency provokes the skin to flabbiness and roughness.
  4. Various skin and autoimmune ailments - contribute to the formation of a rough surface of the elbow.

Epicondylitis Elbow Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Violation of the integrity of the epicondyle, periosteum and tendons, with the manifestation of pain in the elbow, is called - epicondylitis.

  • Progress epicondylitis can push:

Sports loads. As a result of long and monotonous movements, destructive processes occur in the composition of the tendon.
The most common sports in which the elbow joint is affected are:

  • Tennis
  • Golf
  • Weightlifting

Injuries in the elbow. About 25% of injuries of the elbow joint are the development of epicondylitis.

Professional activity. Epicondylitis causes excessive tension of the shoulder muscles and forearm, associated with the peculiarities of professional activity:

  • pianist
  • driver
  • Machinist
  • Milkmaids
  • house painter
  • plastering
  • carpenter
  • Masseur
  • loader

household loads.
Contribute to the appearance of the disease can:

  • Regular carrying of heavy bags
  • Repair, whitewashing and painting of the ceiling and walls

Inherited connective tissue dysplasia. Degenerative changes in the tendons of the elbow contribute to the destruction of the structure of connective tissue fibers, which provides the basis for the onset of the disease.

  • The manifestation of the disease is based on malaise in the biceps of the shoulder and forearm.

Shooting can be of different types:

  1. burning
  2. Aching
  3. Pulling
  4. blunt
  5. Acute
  • Occur when there is an attempt to straighten or bend the limbs.
  • The aches don't start right away. First, inconvenience is created when the patient's hand moves, then in a calm form.
  • In some cases, backache begins abruptly, without prior discomfort.
  • It happens that an illness does not make it possible: to shake hands, take a glass, hold a spoon.
  • There may be numbness, tingling, and crawling sensations.
  • It is difficult for a person to do bending, doing this manipulation by another person does not cause any pain.

If symptoms characteristic of epicondylitis are found, it is necessary to visit the appropriate specialists.

  • For the effective treatment of epicondylitis are used in combination with the following methods:


Usually prescribed treatment with:

  1. Diclofenac (ortofena)
  2. Nimesulide (Nise)
  3. ibuprofen (ibuprom)
  4. Meloxicam (Movalis, Matarena)
  5. Diprospana (betamethasone)
  6. Lidocaine
  7. Ultracaina



  • Pulsed magnetotherapy of a problem joint
  • Paraffin and ozocerite heating in the elbow area
  • Diadynamic therapy - the influence of electric current of different polarity
  • Electrophoresis with the addition of hydrocortisone or novocaine
  • infrared laser light
  • cryotherapy


To relieve the load from the problem area, apply:

  • Elastic bandage - bandaging in the "scarf" way
  • Orthosis - fixing the limb at the level of the third part of the shoulder
  • Plaster splint - in the elbow area, with very severe pain

Thus, the hand takes a more physiological position, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Therapeutic gymnastics.

It is used to restore the work of tendons and muscles.

  • The doctor prescribes physical therapy after the removal of acute pain syndromes.
  • Gymnastics during an exacerbation of the disease can only lead to harm and deterioration.


It is used as an adjuvant therapy, after the approval of the attending physician.

  • Rubbing prepared from herbal solution of comfrey, warm honey and melted wax. All ingredients are taken in the same proportion. Rubbed before going to bed, 7-10 days.
  • Physiotherapy at home can be done with clay. To do this, dissolve 250 grams of the product in warm water to a mushy state. Apply to the problem area. Wrap with a warm cloth. Hold until the clay cools. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.
  • Compress with alcohol horse sorrel tinctures. Chop the leaves, fill with vodka or diluted alcohol. Rub the elbow joint with the solution infused for 10 days. Then apply gauze soaked in tincture. Leave overnight. Repeat daily for 10-15 days.
  • The easiest way is to rub the diseased joint with fresh nettle leaves. Clean nettles with boiling water before use.


It is used not so often, only in the case of an advanced stage of epicondylitis.

  • If complex therapy has not brought results within six months, a small incision is made on the forearm.
  • Next, the tendon is incised, then the damaged skin is sutured.

In most cases, with the right treatment, getting rid of the disease is easy. In the absence of timely therapy, bursitis may develop.

Why does the skin on the elbows darken and turn black?

Black epidermis: problems

  • Lack of vitamins A and E
  • With Addison's syndrome, one of the first signs is the appearance of dark spots on the elbows.
  • Behr's syndrome - this phenomenon is called "dirty elbow syndrome".
  • Problems with the endocrine system
  • Improper elbow care or its complete absence

Why does the skin on the elbows peel off, coarsen and peel off: what to do, how to smear?

Ways to get rid of rough skin on the elbow

For the treatment of thick, dry and rough skin softening and exfoliating preparations are used on the elbows.

  • The most accessible - use salicylic ointment. Apply daily for 10 days. Next, move on to a quality nourishing cream.
  • Great help drops "Vetoron", which are an additional source of beta-carotene.
  • An integral part of this treatment is the intake of vitamins. Only a doctor can prescribe them, after establishing a diagnosis.
  • It is necessary to supplement the diet with foods containing a large amount of vitamins A and E, and other useful trace elements. You can not solve the problem associated with health and appearance, only pharmaceutical vitamins and drugs.
  • Doctor prescribed treatment endocrine disorders, must be combined with skin care.
  • A good medical and cosmetic product is lipikar balm by La Roche-Posay. The drug not only moisturizes and softens the epidermis, but also creates protection in the form of a fatty film that does not disappear even under the influence of water. Peeling passes quickly, cracks heal.
  • On reddened and flaky areas, it is recommended to apply a cream of the same brand - "Pitival". He copes with these problems in a short period of time.
  • For contact and atopic dermatitis, eczema and other similar skin conditions irritation is considered an effective remedy "Atoderm". It is produced by the French pharmaceutical laboratory "Bioderma". The tool is completely hypoallergenic, so it is allowed to use it very often, without fear of consequences. According to its properties, it is not inferior in effectiveness to the above drugs.
  • Another weapon for skin regeneration - ointment "Radevit". It relieves itching, inflammation, has a restorative property. Perfectly protects the epidermis from the negative effects of the surrounding atmosphere. Useful components contained in the preparation soften the upper layer of the epidermis.
  • After restoring the elasticity of the skin, as a preventive measure, you can rub lard or fish oil at night.

How to take care of rough elbows at home?

Homemade ways to care for the skin on the elbow

If the subject of attention is not associated with pathology, but has an unsightly appearance, it is necessary to move on to careful care of the problem area.

  • Daily nutrition of the elbows with cosmetics, according to the existing skin type. Alfalfa, chamomile, lecithin, glycerin, which are part of body creams, help them perfectly cope with dry skin.
    Apply cosmetics on a clean epidermis, with gentle rubbing movements.
  • During seasonal temperature changes, a violation of the water-fat balance occurs. During this period, it is recommended to wash use not soap, but light foams or a simple gel without any aromatic additives.
    The damaged area must be rubbed with a natural bristle washcloth, with the addition of glycerin to detergents.

WITH preventive purpose apply:

  • 2-4 times a week - cleansing with scrub and gommage
  • 4-5 times - masks with a nourishing effect

For lovers of "grandmother's" ways, there are many effective recipes.

Some of them:

  • Whitening and softening rough and dark skin grapefruit, lemon, rice infusion or sauerkraut brine. Moisten a cotton swab in liquid medicine, and apply for 20-30 to the elbow epidermis.
  • These same properties are leaves of ordinary fresh cabbage and burdock. Soften them before use, then apply to problem areas.
  • Lubricate your elbows sour cream or kefir. They perfectly nourish and whiten the skin.
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar, dissolved in 2 tbsp. water is the best home remedy for removing black plaque from elbows. Make a warm compress from the prepared solution for half an hour. After several procedures, you will notice how the skin has acquired its former, healthy appearance.
  • Gives soft and smooth skin lemon peel, if you lubricate her daily elbow joint.

Important: If there are cracks, it is forbidden to use vinegar and citrus juice.

  • Any masks based on natural honey, with the addition of internal fat, fresh potatoes or homemade cheese, effectively muffle irritation.
  • Cleanse, whiten and moisturize keratinized places are allowed with the help of a composition made from fatty sour cream, salt, lemon juice, hydroperite. Mix all components in equal proportions, apply after a warm bath on the elbow. Wrap up for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with water, grease with a fat cream.
  • Remove the keratinized part of the epidermis you can use a honey-coffee scrub - mix coffee grounds with honey in any proportion, massage problem areas once a week.
  • Baths from diluted in warm water 1-2 tbsp. starch, fine soften and heal a rough elbow.
  • If you freeze the mint solution into ice - constant rubbing will not only remove irritation and soothe the dermis, but make it tender, young and elastic.

Diligent and meticulous treatment, after a couple of weeks, significantly improves the appearance and condition of the skin surface of the elbow.
Continue the procedures for at least a month. In the future, do not forget the daily, usual care of the elbows.
Even if the problem is related to a specific disease, daily care will help at least slightly smooth out pronounced dryness and flaking.

Video: The skin on the elbows is peeling off

Regular care is necessary not only for the face, but also for other parts of the body, in particular sensitive areas of the skin, which are our elbows. Dry elbows are a fairly common problem in women. As a rule, we attach little importance to the care of this area until summer or aggravation sets in, when the skin of the elbows becomes rough and cracks.

Causes of dry elbows.
Most often, the main and serious cause of dry elbows are endocrine disorders in the body. As a rule, this issue should be dealt with by a doctor, a specialist in this field, who will prescribe the optimal treatment. Another reason is beriberi, in particular the lack of vitamins A and E. Another common cause of dry and rough skin on the elbows is improper, insufficient skin care, or lack thereof at all. In addition, the deterioration of the skin condition of the elbows can be influenced by external factors, in particular temperature changes and clothing made from non-natural materials (synthetics).

In order to make dry elbows soft and tender, you need to correctly establish the cause, for which you just need to contact a dermatologist.

Treatment for dry elbows.
If the skin on the elbows has thickened and become rough, treatment should begin with preparations that have exfoliating and softening properties. For example, you can lubricate your elbows with salicylic ointment for ten days, which will act as an exfoliating agent, and then use nourishing creams.

If the dry skin of the elbows is caused by a lack of vitamins, a dermatologist will prescribe vitamin complexes to restore the level of vitamins in the body. If this problem was the result of a deficiency of vitamins A and E, then it is better to start taking them in courses. Many medical specialists recommend Vetoron or Vetoron E drops, which must be taken according to the attached instructions. In addition, to eliminate dry elbows, you should add more foods rich in vitamins A and E to your diet.

If the cause of dry elbows turned out to be endocrine disorders, it is necessary to undergo treatment with an endocrinologist, after which it is required to regularly care for the skin of the elbows.

In the period of exacerbations (the skin is very irritated), according to the recommendations of specialists, it is necessary to use medicinal preparations, in particular Lipikar balm, Radevit ointment, Pitival and Atoderm creams. They should be applied twice a day to previously cleansed skin of the elbows. With the onset of improvement, the use of these therapeutic agents can be discontinued. If severe itching occurs in the elbow area, it is recommended to apply fish oil or lard to the skin.

If the skin of the elbows began to look unsightly, peel off and crack due to insufficient care for them, the situation should be radically changed. Namely, after each washing of the hands, one should nourish and moisturize their skin with cosmetic products for the hands or body with the addition of oils and moisturizers, not forgetting the elbows. It is necessary to apply such funds with massage movements in a clockwise direction. Creams containing chamomile or alfalfa are highly effective. Such creams not only soften the skin, but also contribute to the rapid healing of cracks. If the skin has a bumpy and uneven appearance, creams with the addition of glycerin and lecithin are suitable for treatment.

With the change of seasons, temperature changes, the condition of the skin of the elbows also worsens, it becomes rough, peeling occurs, and sometimes a rash, which indicates increased dryness of the skin. In this situation, these manifestations are a symptom of a violation of the water-fat balance of the surface layer of the skin. In order to restore it, you should, first of all, remove soap from the arsenal of hygiene products, since it significantly dries the skin. It can be replaced with foaming detergents (gels, liquid soaps), which have a softening effect. When washing, the skin of the elbows should be massaged with a hair brush with foam applied to it with glycerin.

It is very useful for the treatment of dry elbows to apply various emollient oils, including olive and sunflower. On the basis of oils, you can make various compresses for the night and ten-minute baths. Oil should be used warm. After the bath, it is necessary to remove the upper keratinized layer of cells from the skin of the elbows by massaging with a hair brush, and then apply a greasy moisturizer to the skin with the addition of such components as calendula, nettle, chamomile, cinquefoil, plantain. If the skin of the elbows is peeling, compresses from olive, sunflower, linseed or stone oil will effectively help. It is better, of course, if such compresses are done at night.

After the condition of the skin of the elbows has improved, prevention is required, which includes exfoliation with scrubs and gommages for the hands 1-2 times a week, daily nutrition and hydration, as well as nourishing masks 2-3 times a week. All this makes the skin of the elbows smooth and tender. For this purpose, you can use both ready-made cosmetics and home-made ones.

Dry elbows - folk remedies.
Folk remedies to reduce the redness of the skin of the elbows suggest using a slice of lemon, or a cotton pad previously soaked in sauerkraut juice, rice broth, lemon or grapefruit juice. These components have a whitening effect. For the same purposes, you can use kefir or sour cream, which are applied to dry areas of the skin of the elbows and left for 10-15 minutes. Redness will also be relieved by applying white cabbage leaves to the elbows. Citrus juice is not recommended for use in the presence of deep cracks and fresh scratches on the elbows.

To prepare a homemade mask for the elbows, you need to mix a few grams of grated cheese or potatoes with honey, apply on the skin of the elbows, secure with a bandage, and after half an hour remove the mask and apply a rich nourishing cream to the skin.

Or another recipe for a mask to eliminate dry elbows: take one teaspoon of fine salt, cream, or high-fat sour cream, hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice, mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the pre-steamed and exfoliated skin of the elbows. Put on plastic bags and leave the mask for half an hour, then remove it and lubricate the skin of the elbows with a nourishing cream.

Exfoliating scrub at home: mix fine salt with sour cream and coffee grounds and honey in equal proportions and lightly massage the skin of the elbows with this mixture for several minutes. After that, wash off the scrub, and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Moisturizing and nourishing elbows with oil baths. To do this, heat any vegetable oil and lower your elbows into it for ten minutes. After that, for five minutes with a cotton swab, rub the remaining oil on the body into the skin.

A starch bath will also help get rid of dry elbows. To prepare it, you need to dilute 1-2 teaspoons of starch in a glass of warm water. Soak your elbows in the mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse them with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Honey is an excellent emollient. Therefore, in eliminating the dryness of the elbows, one cannot do without it. You can make a softening and nourishing compress from it. For such a compress, honey and almond oil should be mixed in equal proportions.

To prepare a compress, natural honey and preheated almond oil are mixed in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture on the elbows, wrap them with polyethylene, and on top with any warm cloth, and after half an hour wash off the compress with cool water.

With intensive treatment of dry elbows, the restoring effect occurs within ten days, however, to consolidate the result of the procedure, it is worth continuing for a month, after which you can switch to regular care, including the use of creams, masks and compresses (2-3 times a month).

By following the above tips, you can restore smoothness and tenderness to your elbows. Just do not forget to take care of them regularly so as not to return to this problem again.

Each representative The fair sex wants to look at their best always and everywhere. Manicure, pedicure, hairstyle - all this has to be constantly and carefully monitored, but few people remember elbows. But they also need frequent care, hydration and nutrition.

Dry skin on elbows causes

Very often you can observe peeling of the elbows. This can be explained and many reasons. If you do not pay attention to this, then you can subsequently earn a disease. On the elbows there will be growths about 1.5 cm thick, red-brown in color. And it will take much longer to treat elbows.

So, what are the prerequisites for dry and flaky elbows:

  • food - a lot depends on what a person consumes for food, if he lacks vitamins and necessary trace elements, then the skin begins to peel off, the plates delaminate;
  • different seasons;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • mechanical injuries - improperly selected clothes, or if a person leans on the table with his elbows, then there is a coarsening of the skin;
  • frequent hot showers or baths - the water contains chlorine, which adversely affects the epidermis.

The skin of the elbows is cracking - what causes

Without proper care and improper nutrition, the elbows first become dry, after which they begin to peel off, and then crack. This is a very unpleasant sight, besides, they cause certain inconveniences and painful sensations.

The reasons for this are simple:

  1. Failure of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Eczema.
  4. Improper care and its absence.
  5. Use of soap.

Treatment for dry skin elbows

In order to avoid trouble called " dry elbows"You should carefully look after and monitor them. How to cure dry skin and no longer expose it to this trouble?

  • To begin with, it is recommended to review the diet, include in it A and, and products containing them. For example , carrots , meat , spinach , almonds , chicken eggs , cheese , dairy products , fish liver .
  • The first 10 days it is necessary to lubricate dry skin with salicylic ointment. After that, you can already switch to moisturizing and nourishing products).
  • You can also use, having anti-inflammatory effect, it also relieves itching and nourishes the epidermis.
  • Any cosmetics or body products are suitable for nutrition and elbows. It is advisable to purchase cosmetics with and glycerin.
  • A couple of times a week to carry out light elbows. In no case should you use pumice, it is best to purchase a soft gommage with small particles and soft bristles. you can make it yourself, based on coffee grounds, and other ingredients. For example, you can mix honey and coffee grounds, or sea salt with kefir or fatty sour cream. You can also do home peeling - cut a lemon, a grapefruit into a couple of parts and place your elbows there for 10-15 minutes.
  • Washing is best with shower gel or liquid soap.

Folk recipes are also very effective for dry and cracked elbows.

  • With redness, you can apply lemon or grapefruit to the skin, as well as sauerkraut brine and rice decoction, moistening a cotton swab in them. You can use kefir, fatty sour cream and mashed white cabbage leaves for this procedure.
  • If the epidermis on the elbows has darkened, then you should take 3 tablespoons of apple and a couple of tablespoons of boiled water. Mix and make a compress on the elbows. Before you go to bed, you can lubricate the elbows with lemon peel. True, if cracks appear on the skin, then it is better to refrain from citrus fruits.
  • Warm honey with the addition of

When caring for their hands, many women pay attention to their fingers, sometimes forgetting about their elbows. But this part is no less problematic, because. at times the skin there dries and is shelled. This is not just a cosmetic defect - the body signals problems that need to be dealt with.

The main causes of dry skin on the elbows

Noticing that the skin on the elbows is peeling, it is important to understand that the reason can be not only in the disease, but also in simple beriberi. Often the causes of skin peeling should be sought not only in external factors, but also in the weakening of the body.

Dry skin is an annoying problem, but it can be dealt with.

These can be common skin diseases or serious health problems. Therefore, a visit to a doctor (perhaps even more than one) should become mandatory. With the right diagnosis, it will be easier to understand the causes and eliminate them.

The causes of dry skin can be as follows:

  • Dermatological diseases can manifest themselves in a similar way, especially if accompanied by itching and burning.
  • Against the background of stressful situations, psoriasis sometimes develops, which is also accompanied by peeling of the skin.
  • Not without hormonal disruptions and disorders in the endocrine system (for example, diabetes).
  • Allergens can also cause peeling of the skin on the elbows: food, cosmetics, synthetic clothing, etc.
  • Other factors include dehydration and lack of vitamins, taking a bath with a high content of chlorine, overwork, and even poor ecology.

But most often, tactile contact, accompanied by friction, leads to peeling: tight sleeves of clothes made of rough fabric or movement of the elbows on the work table during the production process. It is also worth paying attention to how much food clogs the body with toxins.

Nutrition for skin health

The ability of cells to regenerate is greatly influenced by the selection of food.

the water balance must be monitored - the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows is often its dryness

A healthy menu is not about choosing the optimal diet, but about balanced food that contains all the necessary components: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, fiber and even sugar. But an excess of calcium, for example, will be deposited by the deposition of salts on the joints.

In the diet for every day should be present:

  • vegetables, fruits and berries in any form;
  • whole-grain cereals, durum pasta, bran bread;
  • seafood and river fish;
  • dairy products;
  • refined vegetable oils.

Spicy, salty foods are best kept to a minimum. Even onions and garlic are able to retain water in the body for a long time, thereby provoking swelling. Which is also not the best way to affect the condition of the skin.

Vegetables and fruits should be present every day

And the water balance must be monitored - the cause of peeling of the skin on the elbows is often its dryness. Determine the rate of the required amount of liquid, based on its own weight - per 1 kg of mass 30 ml(pure water, phyto and green teas).

Treatment for dry skin on the elbows

Having determined why the skin on the elbows is peeling, the reasons must be eliminated immediately. Especially if they are related to health. In this case you will need a whole range of therapy aimed at eliminating internal and skin diseases, relieving nervous tension, normalizing hormonal balance.

It will be necessary and external exposure directly to the skin in the area of ​​the elbow joint. Do not forget about fortified complexes, which will not only provide nutrition to cells, but also boost immunity. A good aid in the treatment will be recipes of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies at home

Healing baths and nourishing masks give a good effect in skin care on the elbows. But first, the keratinized layer containing dead cells should be removed, i.e. Do a home peel.

Every day you should wipe your elbows with lemon juice and at least once a week with the juice of any of the fruits.

  • The first step at home will be warm baths in which the elbows are dipped to steam the skin. For this, decoctions of herbs are used - chamomile, yarrow, sage, dandelion, St. John's wort.
  • After drying the skin on the elbows, soft exfoliation is carried out using the pulp of a lemon with honey and salt, or lemon juice with sugar, or ground coffee beans with kefir.
  • Now you can apply one of the nourishing masks:
  • boil a potato and mash, adding a spoonful of honey and yolk (apply a warm mask);
  • - with peeling, accompanied by redness, a mask with cool sour cream with the addition of olive oil is useful;
  • - aloe juice (1 tbsp) is mixed with vitamin E or A (can be alternated) from the ampoule.
  • Rice water compresses or apple cider vinegar diluted with water with a small amount of glycerin are also good.
  • It is recommended to do light massages using warm vegetable oil (olive, coconut, almond).

Elbows need regular care

Wipe your elbows daily with lemon juice. and at least once a week - the juice of any of the fruits. Regularly you need to follow the rules of hygiene, as well as apply nourishing ointments, creams, gels.

Medications (ointments, creams)

When the skin on the elbows peels off, the main reason can be established by a competent dermatologist, therapist or endocrinologist. They will select the appropriate complex of drugs that affect the problem from the inside. Locally, you can use medications that help heal the skin.

You can soften and moisturize the skin with various creams.

The following medications will help to cope with the problem:

  • You can soften and moisturize the dermis, as well as restore its protective layer, by applying a healing balm (for example, Lipikar). It will also relieve peeling, as well as heal cracks, if any.
  • Perhaps the doctor will prescribe an antifungal, antibacterial agent that relieves irritation and itching from the skin. The Pitival cream will help improve the condition of the elbows and get rid of the problem (but you can also find a cheaper option at the pharmacy).
  • Hypoallergenic and copes well with dermatitis cream "Atoderm". Its daily use will soften the skin and eliminate peeling.
  • Radevit ointment has a good regenerating effect. It does not allow the skin on the elbows to coarsen even under the influence of external factors. The ointment relieves inflammation, eliminates redness and itching, and prevents peeling.

Even using a regular baby cream or a cosmetic product containing glycerin, peeling of the skin on the elbows can be avoided if the cause lies in friction.

Vitamin complexes for skin healing

Without adequate nutrition, tissues will not be able to fully recover. As for the skin (especially on the elbows), there are few healing masks and creams alone. Even a balanced diet is not able to fully compensate the cells for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Retinol helps regenerate the skin.

Therefore, it is recommended to periodically feed your body with a complex, where in one dragee the daily norm of the elements necessary for the body is collected. Once inside with a meal, a vitamin-mineral tablet will quickly be absorbed and evenly distributed throughout all cells, giving them the necessary impetus for regeneration.

The more components will be part of the vitamin-mineral complex, the more effective it will affect the body

List of vitamin complexes:

  • Retinol is the main element that helps to restore the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of collagen.
  • B vitamins perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin.
  • Vitamin K relieves puffiness, pigmentation and is involved in cell regeneration.
  • Zinc increases the resistance of the skin to pathogenic flora.

The more components will be included in the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex, the more effectively it will affect the body, eliminating the causes of peeling of the skin on the elbows.

Prevention of dry skin of hands and elbows

As mentioned above, dry skin is often to blame for the problem. In order not to bring it to peeling, you should constantly look after your elbows. Only preventive measures will keep the skin healthy and well-groomed.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the skin of the hands and elbows

Preventive measures:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the skin of the hands and elbows. Water procedures, nourishing creams are the key to clean skin that can resist bacteria, inflammation and injury. You can avoid dry skin if you use liquid soap or shower gels instead of regular soap. In this case, it is desirable that the composition includes glycerin and oils.
  • Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to improve the body, and, therefore, skin tissues. Taking into account the basics of a balanced diet, described above, you can create a menu for yourself every day, based on your preferences. In this case, it is better to give up coffee and carbonated drinks, muffins, sweets, alcohol.
  • Vitamin complexes for healing the skin should become an adjunct to the main diet. An excellent choice would be the preparations "Perfectil", "AlfaVit Cosmetic", "Complivit Radiance" and others like them.

Only hygienic procedures, proper body care, balanced and fortified nutrition will be the key to healthy skin and contribute to its rejuvenation.

Dryness and peeling of the skin on the elbows may be due to metabolic disorders, but not only. About various other reasons in this video.

Simple secrets about proper elbow care below.

How should you properly care for your elbows? See below for details and details.

Not so long ago I faced such an unpleasant problem as dry elbows. I work a lot at the computer and often lean on my elbows to rest or just think. But I could not even imagine that such a nuisance as dryness and peeling could happen to the elbows. The most interesting thing is that I regularly use creams and always apply cream before going to bed not only on my hands, but also on my elbows. And then she suddenly found herself with a dry elbow, and exactly one - the left one. I don't know why it happened, but only one was hurt. Naturally, I didn’t like it, and I decided to dig on the Internet and look for affordable and homemade ways to solve this trouble.

Cause of Dry Elbows

After reviewing the information on the Internet, I found out that my problem is quite common and is more common in women. In addition to the reasons I have voiced, there are others because of which the skin on the elbows becomes dry, rough and begins to crack. I must say that it is quite unpleasant and uncomfortable.

So, the causes of dryness are:

  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system.
  • Avitaminosis, especially lack of vitamins A and E.
  • Insufficient or improper care, or its complete absence.
  • Seasonal exacerbations.
  • Diabetes.
  • Anemia.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Poor quality clothes, synthetics.

In order to get rid of this problem and choose the right method of treatment, you must first determine the exact cause. This is best done in conjunction with a dermatologist. , but I understand very well that few of us will go to see a doctor with such a “nonsense” problem. And I am almost certainly sure that you will try to solve this issue yourself. So that you do not harm yourself and do it as correctly as possible, I offer you several proven recipes.

Treatment for dry elbows

If the skin on the elbows has a slight thickening and has become rough, treatment should begin with the use of exfoliating and softening preparations. The best and most affordable drug is salicylic ointment . It must be applied to dry elbows for 10 days, after which it is imperative to apply a nourishing cream.

If dry skin is caused by a lack of vitamins, then an experienced doctor will definitely prescribe vitamin complexes in order to replenish and restore the level of vitamins in the body. If your elbows have become dry due to A and E, then they should be taken in courses, taking a break for at least two weeks . In parallel, do not forget to enrich your diet with foods containing these vitamins. But without fanaticism - an overabundance of vitamins in the body also has its negative consequences.

Is the cause of dryness a failure in the endocrine system? There is no way to do without an endocrinologist. You will never heal your elbows until you get treated by an endocrinologist and get this system working.

During the period of exacerbation, when the skin is especially irritated, experts recommend the use of such drugs: Lipikar balm, Atoderm cream or Radevit ointment . They should be applied twice a day until the condition of the skin on the elbows improves. If you are concerned about itching in the elbow area, then use fish oil to relieve it.

If you notice that the skin on your elbows has begun to change color or become rough, crack or peel off, do not start the situation, but immediately take action: after each water procedure, be sure to apply moisturizing and nourishing creams to them . Apply the cream with light massage movements. Pay attention to the composition of these creams, it is important that they include chamomile. It will not only soften and moisturize the skin of the elbows, but will also contribute to the speedy healing of cracks. If the skin on the elbows has an uneven surface, then glycerin should be included in your cream.

With temperature changes and seasonal exacerbations, the skin on the elbows often begins to peel off and becomes rough, sometimes a rash appears. This suggests that your body's water-fat balance is disturbed. To begin with, it is worth abandoning any solid soap, as it dries the skin too much. . Replace it with liquid soap or gel, which has moisturizing and softening properties. Elbows should be washed carefully using a special hair brush, after applying foam with glycerin to it.

To treat dry elbows, it is effective to use various oils. , especially olive (although I personally get by with sunflower). You can make various compresses and lotions based on oil, or ordinary elbow baths. Only the oil must be preheated. After the bath, the skin on the elbows will soften greatly, you need to carefully remove the top layer of the skin with the same hair brush, after the procedure, apply a greasy moisturizer to the elbows. All these procedures are best done before bedtime, and compresses are generally ideal at night.

At the end of treatment, you should not “abandon” elbow care until the next exacerbation. As you know, it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. Therefore, do not forget about the prevention and daily moisturizing of the elbows. For prevention, use an exfoliating scrub 1-2 times a week, and also make nourishing masks several times a week. . You can buy these funds, or you can use the proven advice of traditional medicine.

Folk remedies for dry elbows

Traditional medicine is an indispensable assistant in solving many problems. For example, I try to use her recipes to the maximum. She has helped me many times and this time she didn't let me down.

So, what does she suggest for the treatment of dry skin of the elbows:

  • To lighten the dark skin of the elbows, use fresh lemon or grapefruit juice, rice water or sauerkraut juice. . To do this, soak a cotton pad in any of the above liquids, and apply for 15-20 minutes to your elbows. Kefir or sour cream, or a leaf of white cabbage is also perfect.

Attention! Do not use citrus juice if there are cracks and damage on the elbows!

  • Excellent nourishing and softening mask for elbows : 10 grams of hard cheese, grated on a fine grater, mixed with 1 potato and 1 tsp. honey and apply on elbows. Fix with a bandage and leave for 30-40 minutes, then remove (do not rinse!) And apply any fat nourishing cream.
  • And this is my favorite mask, which I use regularly and advise you : mix one teaspoon of fat sour cream, fine salt, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Mix well and apply to pre-steamed skin. Wrap with a plastic bag and leave for 40 minutes, then remove and spread the elbows with a nourishing cream. The effect is amazing. But only on condition that you do this mask regularly, 2-3 times a week. Within a week, the result will pleasantly surprise you. I recommend!
  • Exfoliating Homemade Scrub . Combine in equal proportions: honey, sour cream, fine salt and coffee grounds, mix until smooth, then apply on one elbow and massage well for 3-5 minutes. Rinse and do the same with the other elbow. After the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  • A very simple but effective remedy is a starch bath for dry elbows. . Everything is very simple: dilute 2-3 teaspoons of starch in a glass of water (37-38 ° C), pour into a bowl and dip your elbows into this mixture for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool running water and apply cream.
  • There is no need to talk about the benefits of honey . In addition to all its known benefits, it is also an excellent emollient for dry skin. An excellent compress is made on the basis of honey and almond oil: combine honey and warmed almond oil in equal proportions. Soak a bandage, folded several times, in this mixture and apply to your elbows. Then wrap with polyethylene, and wrap with a warm cloth on top, leave for 30-40 minutes. After the specified time, remove the compress and rinse off the residue with cool water. After this procedure, the cream does not need to be applied!