Salon procedures after 35. Overview of cosmetic procedures for facial care in different age periods

Usually just in time for 35 comes the realization that youth is not eternal. What goes around comes around. Sleepless nights are no longer in vain, but appear as folds at the mouth and on the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes. Cigarettes and alcohol are not pranks, but eternal companions of dry skin and a gray complexion. As well as air conditioners, by the way. And it is better to meet this age in perfect shape, and not as a "middle-aged woman." Look at Charlize Theron, Monica Bellucci or Sharon Stone. These women are well over 35, but they look chic and natural. They claim that they did not resort to the help of surgeons. Really? Quite, if you provide your face and body with adequate care. And the sooner you start to take care of the beauty, the younger you will look over the years. Here are the basic rules of care when you are over 35 years old.

1. Purification

Cleanliness is the key to health. Do what you want, put Moidodyr in the bathroom, put reminders on all gadgets, but you must wash off the cosmetics in the most thorough way.

No matter how tired you are at work, no matter how exhausted the children are, find 10 minutes for yourself before going to bed. Washing off all daytime dirt mixed with makeup is the basis of the basics for proper skin care. Moreover, unlike a twenty-year-old self, you simply cannot do with soap. The skin must be protected. Therefore, excess friction and the harsh alkaline environment of ordinary soap is a breeding ground for wrinkles.

Wash off mascara and eye make-up with a special eye cleanser, preferably two-phase, suitable even for waterproof cosmetics. This tool will instantly remove makeup, without effort.

Get a bottle of micellar water - it will easily remove the rest of the make-up without causing irritation.

After you have thoroughly cleansed your face of cosmetics, wash your face with soap or gel that is suitable for your skin type. They will remove the remnants of cosmetics from the pores and hard-to-reach places.

2. Hydration

The second whale of preserving the youthfulness of the skin for years. Mimic wrinkles are nothing more than a sign of moisture deficiency. As practice shows, today almost everyone has dehydrated skin: due to ecology, stress, air conditioners. Hence the main care strategy is moisturizing. So: care products should contain retinol and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients enhance the absorption of moisture by the skin.

After 35, do not neglect additional tricks. Moisturizing with thermal, mineral-rich water saturates the skin with important trace elements - zinc and selenium. Make it a rule to regularly refresh your skin with a cloud of thermal water during the day. Apply a moisturizing mask at least every day, it all depends on the condition of the skin. But optimally - twice a week, and better in the morning. At this time, the skin absorbs hydrating components most actively.

In addition to such special care, a daily moisturizer and a nourishing night cream, selected according to skin type, are required.

3. Extra care

When youth and beauty are at stake, do not neglect additional tools and tricks to maintain ideal skin condition. Preparations with acids, enzymes and other exfoliating substances smooth the skin and activate cells.

It is advisable to use a face lotion with an acidic pH constantly. Lifting serums are an excellent express tool when you need to quickly put your face in order (before a party, for example, or a celebration). Tighten, erase traces of fatigue. Use them as a make-up base or add to foundation. But it's too early to use them regularly. Now it's just an ambulance.

If there is a financial opportunity, you should pay attention to salon procedures. Science still does not stand still. Chemical and laser peels are an alternative to plastic surgery, which is out of the question at this age, now it is only necessary to slightly “correct” the signs of aging. Such procedures are recommended from October to February (to avoid the appearance of pigmentation).

It is no secret that with age our skin becomes less firm, elastic, fine wrinkles appear on it, and the complexion fades. Such changes most often begin to spoil the mood at the age of 35 years. It is at this age that most women turn to cosmetologists for professional advice on facial skin care. In the publication, we will consider the recommendations of experts on choosing cosmetics for skin that has crossed the threshold of 35 years, find out how you can help a person at home, and touch on good habits that can help prolong skin youth at this age.

Cosmetics at 35

Facial skin care after 35 years requires the right choice of special cosmetics, which are designed taking into account age-related characteristics. Usually it contains active ingredients that stimulate the regeneration of the skin.

At 35-37 years old, the skin needs additional thorough hydration, including the deep layers of the dermis. It's time to start taking care of your face with sera, will be especially useful. They are concentrated products with a high content of useful components and act more actively than other cosmetic products.

Moisturizing cosmetics, as a rule, should be used about 1 hour before bedtime, after cleansing the face.

For washing and cleansing the face, it is recommended to use mild products that do not injure the skin. When you were 25 years old, you could use hard scrubs, now it is better to refuse them. It might be a good option.

When choosing creams, give preference to those that contain collagen, since it is this substance that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and is the key to cell renewal.

Never underestimate sunscreen. After 35 years of skin care requires avoiding exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet significantly enhances the aging process of cells. You should sunbathe only in the shade, and on the street protect your face from the sun with a wide-brimmed hat, cap with a visor, or use a special umbrella.

If you find it difficult to choose the right products, then with the question of how to care for your face, you can contact a beautician who will help you decide on the basis of skin type and age.

The following video provides an overview of cosmetic products for facial skin care after 35 years:

Home remedies - prolong youth

Home skin care at the age of 35 should be aimed at high-quality hydration and nutrition of the skin. Gymnastic exercises and self-massage of the face will help to keep the tone.

For morning wash well suited infusions of chamomile, sage or rosemary. In addition, in the morning it is useful to wipe your face with ice cubes, this procedure has a good effect on blood circulation. And you can cook from herbal infusions, this will enhance the effect.

They have an excellent tonic effect and homemade masks, with the help of which it is very effective and inexpensive to take care of the skin of the face. For their preparation, you can use almost any fruits and vegetables that are found in the house. Everyone knows simple and quick masks from cucumbers, strawberries, bananas, black currants, etc.

For more complex cooking nourishing mask will need:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • milk;
  • butter;
  • egg.

All ingredients must be mixed well into a homogeneous mass and then applied to the face. After thirty minutes, you can wash off the mask with cool water. This product perfectly softens and nourishes the face.

Moisturize and soften the skin, as well as eliminate the first wrinkles will help, you just need to choose them correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the skin. For skin at the age of 35, the following oils are great: peach, apricot, rose, shea butter, etc.

In facial care after 35 years, it is desirable to include simple ones that will help keep the skin in good shape.

At home, it is quite possible to independently conduct faces. This does not take much time, and the result will not keep you waiting. The movements of the fingers should be light, the direction should be strictly along the massage lines. Especially effective at this age of the face.

Particular attention should be paid to the care of the area. Without proper care for this area, "crow's feet" appear on the face after 30 years. However, this can easily be avoided with the help of compresses, lotions and masks.

Lifestyle and healthy skin habits

Proper skin care after 35 years will significantly prolong its youth. For maximum results, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet And sleeping mode. If earlier you could afford to eat sandwiches, not get enough sleep, and at the same time the young body calmly endured such loads, now any stress will affect your appearance.

More vegetables, fruits, 8 hours of healthy sleep will not only have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, but also help maintain a fresh complexion and healthy skin. Especially useful for the epidermis are products containing vitamins A(liver, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream) and IN(red bell peppers, oranges, black currants, Brussels sprouts).

if you have bad habits It's time to give them up. Smoking always leads to premature aging of the skin, alcohol poisons the body and takes away moisture from the skin, which is so necessary for her after 35 years.

Visit more often fresh air The skin needs oxygen. Pay attention to your physical form, more move, a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood and lymph, as a result, the tissues of the body, including the skin, receive much less nutrients.


At the age of 35, the natural aging of the skin begins. We cannot stop natural processes, but slowing down and delaying them is quite a feasible task even at home. It is only necessary to choose the right cosmetics for skin care, regularly perform simple procedures, monitor sun protection, and also give up bad habits.

After 35 years, skin cells begin to age faster. This is due to a slowdown in the body's metabolism. With age, female hormones are no longer produced so quickly, and they are responsible for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. She receives less moisture, the amount of nutrients in her cells is reduced. As a result, the skin loses its former luster and elasticity, the first wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead appear on the face. We cannot stop this process, but every woman has the power to slow it down. How to maintain youthful facial skin after 35 years? What tools should be used? Does the lifestyle we lead affect the condition of the skin?

Aging skin - causes

What are the main causes of skin aging after 35? This process is influenced by two factors - internal and external. The first includes human genetics and hormonal levels. The external factor includes the influence of the environment, the way of life of a woman.

There are many more reasons that affect the condition of the skin. Let's consider them in detail.

1. After overcoming the thirty-year milestone, cells are updated much more slowly, because the metabolism slows down.
2. The sebaceous glands produce less fat, the skin becomes drier. As a result, the lipid layer decreases, and the upper, horny, becomes thicker, small creases - wrinkles - gradually form in it.
3. Facial muscles lose their tone, so facial features begin to change - the corners of the eyes and lips drop.
4. After 35 years, the body produces little collagen, which affects the elasticity of the skin.
5. A decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in the tissues leads to a deterioration in complexion.

A healthy lifestyle prolongs the youthfulness of the skin

In addition to the changes in skin care that a woman makes after 35, she needs to start paying more attention to her health. What exactly needs to be done?

Eat properly. It is worth including more vegetables and fiber in your menu, and also reduce your fat intake.
Get more rest. Excessive loads will certainly affect the condition of the skin, so avoid stress, walk, spend more time sleeping.
Drink lots of water. It has been proven that with age, the amount of fluid in the cells decreases.
Give up cigarettes. Tobacco smoke negatively affects complexion.
Eat carrots every day. Vitamin A is involved in the regeneration of epidermal cells.
Drink green tea. It contains many antioxidants, and they remove free radicals.

Skin care at 35 - what are its features?

Facial and body care in adulthood is different from care in youth. Now in your arsenal should be not only a moisturizer and milk, but also other means. It is also important to follow the rules that will help prolong youth. Which?

1. In the summer, always apply sun protection cream to your face, as the action of ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to epidermal cells.
2. Wear sunglasses to prevent new wrinkles.
3. Wash your face properly. It is unacceptable to use too hot water - it will lead to loss of body fat. Excessively cold water is also not suitable for you - it will narrow the blood vessels, preventing normal blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis.
4. Remove makeup only with special products, do not rub the skin around the eyes.
5. Use serums, they contain a lot of nutrients that penetrate deep into the epidermis, nourishing it from the inside.
6. Use a collagen cream to make your skin firmer.
7. Pamper your face with nourishing masks twice a week.
8. In the morning, wipe the skin with decoctions of herbs, this will fill it with vitamins and refresh the tone of the face.
9. Once a week, remove the layer of dead skin cells of the epidermis using scrubs. An excellent basis for a scrub is fine salt.
10. Massage your face to increase blood circulation.

Nourishing mask recipe

Such a mask will help fill aging skin with nutrients, vitamins and moisture. Take a spoonful of oatmeal, mix with fat sour cream. Add a little grated fresh cucumber to the mass. When the flakes swell, apply the mixture on your face, and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes. Lubricate your face with cream.

How to do a facial massage?

Massage helps to increase blood circulation in the tissues, enhances muscle tone. You need to do it correctly so as not to stretch the skin. A great option is spoon massage, which is popular in Japan.

Take two clean spoons, dip them in olive oil. Move the back of the spoons along the massage lines of the face. On the forehead - from the center to the temples. Then go lower, from the bridge of your nose to the temples. Massage the lower part of the face, moving from the chin to the cheekbones. In the same way, massage with chilled spoons is done. Just keep them in the refrigerator before the procedure.

When applying the cream, try to do it by tapping your fingers on the skin. Rub the cream is not recommended. Take special care of the area around the eyes. The skin here is very thin and delicate.


Exfoliation of dead cells is an important procedure that should not be neglected after 35 years. If it is not possible to go to a beautician for professional facial cleansing, prepare a homemade scrub.

Take a teaspoon of fine salt, 10 drops of almond and orange oil, a teaspoon of bran. After mixing the ingredients, gently massage your face with a scrub for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water. Lubricate your face with a fat cream.

To look fresh at 35, take care of yourself regularly, do masks, massage, peeling. Use cosmetics suitable for aging skin. Give up bad eating habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

We found out which 5 popular procedures are better to postpone as long as possible!

Surgical lifting

“Of course, surgical facelift can be postponed until the age of 40, since this type of intervention corrects fairly pronounced changes in soft tissues that cannot be corrected by injection and hardware methods,” says cosmetologist Natalia Imaeva, head of the Lantan clinic.

So, if the salon offers to resort to this type of wrinkle correction, and you are not yet 35 years old, feel free to change the beautician!


Some girls mistakenly believe that a Botox injection is such nonsense, they did it and forgot it, even at the age of 20! You shouldn't be so careless with yourself.


Firstly, you risk losing part of your facial expressions, because after the introduction of Botox, the muscle fibers that form wrinkles relax. Remember at least Nicole Kidman with her face-mask! This is, of course, the most extreme example, but it is worth considering everything. possible consequences.

Secondly, Botox is like a drug. Having entered the drug once, you will definitely repeat it again - simply because after a few months the wrinkles will return and, perhaps, will be even more noticeable than before the procedure. It is for this reason that experienced cosmetologists advise to postpone Botox injections until they are really needed. And this, as a rule, occurs only after 35 years.


Mesotherapy is the injection into the middle layers of the epidermis of an individually formulated cocktail of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and nutrients. After this procedure, noticeable dots remain on the skin for several days, which disappear with time.

Some cosmetologists advise doing mesotherapy after about 28-30, but in fact, you can postpone the procedure for a few more years. The fact is that with proper care, regular scrubbing and moisturizing, the skin itself generates all the “building material” for elasticity and firmness. As soon as you start "treating" her with such active cocktails, the skin will begin to "lazy". Indeed, why support yourself on your own, if nutrition already comes from outside?

Doing mesotherapy before the age of 35 is possible only in case of premature skin aging - and this is the exception rather than the rule.


This procedure with a complex name means injections of the familiar hyaluronic acid. As a rule, the effect of biorevitalization is visible after the first time - the skin becomes more elastic, fine wrinkles are invisible. The only question is when to start the procedures?

A competent cosmetologist will say that dehydration of the skin and the first wrinkles at the age of 30 are not a reason to start making injections. Your skin is still capable of producing collagen itself (hyaluronic acid is injected precisely for its stimulation) - this is the same story as with mesotherapy. You simply "overfeed" the skin ahead of time, slow down the natural production of collagen, and you will have to deal with much more serious problems than barely noticeable wrinkles. By the way, are you sure they are?

The best solution for you under 35 is to use anti-age creams, serums and oils, as well as follow the proper cleansing.

Fractional laser resurfacing

Whatever is written on the websites of cosmetology clinics, fractional rejuvenation (on the Fraxel device) is a really serious effect on the skin, and it should be done only in case of obvious signs of aging. This, as a rule, occurs not earlier than 40 years.

Fractional laser is still sometimes used to remove scars and post-acne, but in the case of rejuvenation, it can significantly reduce wrinkles. True, young girls do not need such a procedure - you only risk damaging the skin that does not need such an active effect.

For women who want to properly organize facial skin care after 35 years, the advice of a cosmetologist will come in handy. After all, delicate skin undergoes various kinds of changes in each age period of a woman's life.

At 35, care cannot be built in the same way as care for young girls. At the same time, women in this age group are still far from old age. In order for the mirror not to cease to assure its mistress that she is “more rosy and whiter than everyone”, it is worth following a few not the most difficult recommendations.

We have selected for you the most important rules that women usually forget about. Study and memorize them so that the skin always looks well-groomed and radiant!

It is after 35 years that the structure of the skin of the face undergoes significant changes. Namely:

  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • the skin becomes thinner;
  • the production of collagen is sharply reduced;
  • weakens the tone of the muscles of the face;
  • nasolabial folds are more clearly manifested, the corners of the lips are lowered.

Given all these features, it is important to take a number of care measures in time. In this case, the irreversible process of age-related skin changes can be significantly slowed down. You can take care of your skin both with the help of specialists in the salon and on your own at home, the main thing is not to forget that facial skin after 35 years requires a special and careful attitude.

Most likely, tips on skin care at 30 will also be relevant for you. We have collected for you the best tips from cosmetologists that will help you stay young!

Add to facial skin care after 35 years of mask

Proper facial skin care involves the systematic use of masks. At the same time, it is not enough to make a mask from time to time (for example, occasionally when visiting a sauna or having a “spa day”). Depending on the type of skin, the mask should be applied 1-2 times a week. Nourishing, moisturizing, toning and many others - masks can be created independently or purchased in cosmetic stores.

Women over the age of 35 should definitely use a rejuvenating mask once a week. At the same time, it is important to make sure that the “components of youth” are present in its composition - hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen and various vitamin groups.

Lovers of the most useful homemade masks can use the following natural ingredients:

  • pulp of watermelon;
  • carrots, yolk and potatoes;
  • base oil (almond, wheat germ, peach, etc.), lemon juice, yolk;
  • fruits, berries.

Choose an effective cream for your skin type

When caring for the skin of the face, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of each skin type. So, owners of oily skin should not mindlessly use products for sensitive dermis. Aging skin can no longer be satisfied with just the standard moisturizer so popular among women under 30 years old.

So, women with oily skin are recommended to change creams about every two months. Don't get attached to one tool for a long time. Owners of dry dermis should definitely choose moisturizing creams. Also, this type of skin will respond well to panthenol ointment applied before bed. Combination skin will benefit from creams with retinol and antioxidants.

Regardless of whether a particular woman uses an expensive or budget cream, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product. Facial care at 35 must necessarily include the use of products with collagen. Also, an indispensable condition is the use of creams with a sufficient level of SPF-filter.

Make a nightly proper skin care after 35

Evening care is a very important part of the daily facial ritual. After all, it is at night that the whole body, including the skin of the face, rests and gains strength before the coming day. In order to look cheerful and refreshed in the morning, it is recommended to use a special night cream with nourishing and regenerating action. Of course, the product should be selected according to the type of skin. It is best if the composition of the face care cream after 35 years will include coenzymes, peptides, hydroacids, natural ingredients, collagen and vitamins. Apply cream after cleansing and toning. You need to perform such a procedure before going to bed, 1-1.5 hours in advance, combining it with self-massage.

Replace scrubs with facial peels

Cosmetologists recommend excluding hard scrubbing from the care program. Such a procedure further contributes to the thinning of the skin of the face. The use of hard abrasive particles in the form of sea salt, ground coffee or apricot kernels is irretrievably a thing of the past. Body and face care for women over 35 years of age involves the use of mild chemical peeling. Such products very delicately remove the upper stratum corneum of the dermis, gradually “bringing out” new, young cells. The main components of such peels are lactic, glycolic, and fruit acids.

Get rid of puffiness under the eyes

The condition of the delicate skin around the eyes at 20 and at 36 is a radically different phenomenon. The main enemies of this delicate zone are an unhealthy lifestyle, salt abuse and mechanical stress. Dark circles and bags under the eyes will not slow down to appear as a result of lack of sleep and insufficient rest. Improper nutrition and abuse of fast food also do not have the best effect on the condition of a woman's face.

The habit of rubbing the eyes, as well as the use of inappropriate makeup removers, especially contributes to the appearance of swelling and bruising in the delicate area.

And finally, by the age of 35, a woman should carefully monitor the level of salt intake and be sure to drink from 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Important! The consumption of pickles and other foods containing salt should be limited. It is not recommended to use them before going to bed.

Moisturize the eye area

Another common cause of bruising and bags is insufficient hydration of the skin around the eyes. Any woman, whether she is 30 years old or 37, should become a constant friend and helper. To avoid the appearance of a network of fine wrinkles and other skin defects around the eyes, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Remove make-up from your face daily. It is unacceptable to go to bed with a painted face - at night the skin should rest.
  • The best option for make-up removal is the use of a hydrophilic oil or a two-phase serum. The product must be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the eyelids for 5-10 seconds, after which remove makeup with gentle movements.

Important! Do not use gels for washing, not intended for the area around the eyes. Moreover, you should not use ordinary toilet soap!

Use serums and concentrates for aging skin

The rules for skin care after 35 years suggest the use of anti-aging serums. Such products have a more concentrated composition compared to face cream. Therefore, serums contain more nutrients and skin-friendly components. If at an earlier age, women can easily do without this beauty product, then after 35 years, applying serum every evening before applying the cream is a must.

Get rid of excess in the cosmetic bag

It is believed that 35 years is still the heyday of female beauty and youth, but reckless youth is left behind. That is why the make-up of a woman of this age should be more feminine and restrained. On the one hand, it is worth getting rid of everything that is excessively bright and flashy in a cosmetic bag, on the other hand, filling it with the most suitable cosmetic products.

So, facial skin care for 35 years necessarily includes:

  • Application of BB cream. A universal tool that performs the functions of day and foundation creams, as well as makeup bases;
  • Corrector for the face with a lifting effect (immediately tightens the skin and masks its imperfections);
  • Moisturizing eye cream for wrinkles;

It is not worth mentioning that all cosmetics must be of high quality and have up-to-date expiration dates.

Rest well and eat well

Many women note that after thirty years there is a great need for a good rest. So, dancing until the morning with friends or staying up late with a quarterly report require more and more physical, and sometimes emotional effort. Another disadvantage of non-compliance with the daily routine is that the lack of rest does not have the best effect on the condition of a woman's face. So, after sleepless nights, facial features become as if pointed, all skin imperfections appear more clearly, giving the woman a tired look. Improper nutrition and alcohol abuse also leave not the best imprint on a woman's face.

Sports can be an effective remedy for wrinkles

It would seem - what does sport have to do with the appearance of wrinkles? It turns out the most direct. It has been proven that moderate physical activity prolongs the youth of the human body, helping to fight the early signs of aging. So, scientists have identified five types of physical activity that prevent aging:

  • Aerobic activities (swimming, running, cycling) especially contribute to skin rejuvenation;
  • Classes with a load (push-ups, pull-ups, squats) contribute to the renewal of brain cells;
  • Fast walking rejuvenates the cardiovascular system;
  • Stretching (stretching) strengthens the spine;
  • Running prolongs the youthfulness of the face and muscular system.

Important! Some sports are allowed only if there are no contraindications. Before starting classes, you must definitely obtain the permission of the attending physician.

Facial skin care after 35 years is diversified by a beautician

A visit to a cosmetologist has a beneficial effect on the skin of any age. With quality cosmetic care, the signs of skin aging can be pushed back for quite a long time.

So, popular salon procedures for women after 35 years old are:

  • rejuvenating massage (increases the tone of facial muscles);
  • mesotherapy (the introduction of substances useful for the skin with the help of injections smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin of the face);
  • peeling (necessarily sparing);
  • laser resurfacing (promotes more intensive collagen production).

At any age, a woman is able to prove that beauty does not fade with time at all. Observing not the most complicated rules for face and body care, women who have crossed the 35-year mark are able to remain young and attractive. The main thing is not to be lazy and carry out care procedures with love for yourself and your body.

After 35 years, the skin begins to fade. It is impossible to stop this process, but it is quite possible to slow it down for a long time. The main thing is to properly moisturize, nourish and protect the skin of the face. To preserve youth, it is also important to cleanse it. Cosmetic procedures should be carried out regularly. The products used should be dominated by components such as collagen and hyaluronic acid. You should also adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

1 Facial skin after 35 years and the basics of caring for it

At the age of over 35, due to physiological reasons, the skin gradually begins to lose firmness and elasticity, and the first wrinkles appear. It is at this time that in order to preserve youth, it is especially important to properly care for her. This should be done constantly, purposefully and systematically. Improper facial skin care after 35 years old can add new wrinkles, so you need to listen to the advice of cosmetologists and do not experiment on your own.

Withering of the skin at this age occurs in all women. The only difference is that its intensity can be fast or slow. It depends on hereditary factors, skin care literacy and lifestyle. Many processes that occur in tissues reduce their intensity, and the skin loses its original appearance. The following changes are characteristic:

  • the skin is not able to absorb a large amount of moisture, while it quickly loses the existing one;
  • the metabolic process slows down;
  • the sebaceous glands produce less sebum, because of this, the lipid layer becomes thinner and the stratum corneum thickens;
  • the production of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced;
  • the skin acquires a grayish tint due to a decrease in blood flow in the subcutaneous layers;
  • the muscles of the face weaken, their tone decreases, the cheeks sag, the corners of the mouth drop, and wrinkles appear.

Based on these features, the order of facial skin care is built. It should contain the following steps:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

An important role for rejuvenation is played by the choice of cosmetics and procedures, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and a good 8-hour sleep. Often, women, "mired" in the routine, due to lack of time and energy, do not take care of themselves or hide minor flaws with decorative cosmetics. But the older the age, the less the effect will be.

Therefore, regular skin care should become a daily rule in a woman's life.

Facial skin care and restrictions after biorevitalization

2 Cleansing and toning

Cleansing plays a major role in maintaining youthful skin over the age of 35. Any cosmetic procedure is carried out only on clean skin, otherwise there will be no effect. Useful substances will not penetrate into the deeper layers through the thickness of cosmetics and the stratum corneum.

After 30 years, the use of soap in the process of washing should be excluded. It will not bring any benefit, but will only additionally dry out the skin, destroying the top layer, which will accelerate aging. It is recommended to use soft mousses, foams or gels for washing. You need to buy those of them that are marked "For mature skin" or have an age limit.

In the morning it is enough to wash with plain water. It is better to choose filtered, drinking or mineral. If the skin is too oily, then it is permissible to use a drop of cleanser, which is applied in the evening, but do not be zealous. Dry skin after morning washing can be wiped with tonic, milk or emulsion.

The process of cleansing the face in the evening from dust, dirt, decorative and care cosmetics should be more thorough. In addition to morning products, it is also necessary to use rejuvenating light scrubs and gommages. At the end of the cleansing procedures, do not rub your face with a towel, stretching the skin. It is necessary to gently blot drops of moisture with a soft cloth so as not to cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

To complete the process of evening cleansing of the face, it is necessary to tone the skin. This will restore the water balance of the cells of the epidermis. Tonics (not containing alcohol) with vitamins and bioadditives, ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, parsley are suitable for dry skin (the infusion is prepared at the rate of: one tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water). If there are no tonics at hand, then you can cook them at home. Popular recipes:

  1. 1. Dissolve one teaspoon of honey in 90 ml of water, add a spoonful of lemon juice and omit a bag of brewed green tea without aromatic additives.
  2. 2. Mash about 3 cm of banana fruit and mix with 100 ml of warm milk.
  3. 3. Brew one sachet of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, squeeze half an orange into the resulting liquid.

For mixed and oily skin, low-alcohol lotions are used for toning. At home, you can cook them according to the following recipes:

  1. 1. Pour 30 g of vodka into 200 ml of water, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and an orange.
  2. 2. In 150 ml of water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
  3. 3. Pour strawberry puree with vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Let it brew for a month. Then dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:3 with filtered or drinking water.

The area around the eyes is considered the most sensitive on the face. It is most damaged when washing off makeup. Do not wash off decorative cosmetics with shower gel or soap. There are no sebaceous glands on the skin of the eyelids, and it is easy to dry out. It is very thin and sensitive to stretching, which is why the first wrinkles appear here. To remove makeup from the eyes, you need to use special cosmetics:

  1. 1. Micellar water, based on poloxamers, or pluronics, which cleanse the skin and do not cause irritation. This product does not require rinsing off the skin.
  2. 2. Biphasic oil-based serum. It is present in the line of many cosmetics manufacturers.
  3. 3. Hydrophilic oil. Its advantage is that it is gentle on the skin's lipid barrier, removes long-lasting makeup in an instant and is suitable for all skin types, from oily to very dry.

At the age of 35, eye creams with the desired effect should be used:

  • from dark circles;
  • from wrinkles around the eyes;
  • with a tightening effect;
  • from swelling.

In the morning and evening, the products are applied to clean skin.

Winter skin care at home

3 Day and night face care

Daytime skin care is different from evening skincare. Day creams have a lighter texture and won't clog pores. They include the necessary nutrients that control the water balance and regulate the sebaceous glands. They contain more than 50% water.

The cream used at night is more dense in texture. It includes components for the restoration of the skin, since at this age it itself is practically incapable of regeneration. Night creams saturate the cells with trace elements that are lost during the day.

When choosing a day cream, you should pay attention to the content of antioxidant vitamins C and E, retinoids and hyaluronic acid. These components contribute to the production of collagen and elastin and accelerate cell renewal processes. Vitamins support skin elasticity, its natural turgor.

Do not leave the house with unprotected skin. It is difficult to tolerate direct sunlight, cold wind and hot air.

An age-related day cream must contain protective filters, the SPF index should be at least 50. After 35 years, the sun does not benefit the skin and dries it a lot.

Creams for evening care should have regenerating properties and nourish the skin. They require the following components:

  • coenzymes;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • retinoids;
  • enzymes;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • amino acids;
  • natural extracts (aloe, chamomile, essential oils, calendula).

Means are applied to the skin only after thorough cleansing and toning, preferably 1-2 hours before bedtime. It is worth mastering the technique of self-massage of the face. At this age it is very useful.

Serums are used to increase elasticity and firmness, lighten age spots, smooth wrinkles. They are lighter in texture than a night cream.

4 What creams to choose?

In the fight against age-related skin changes, only the cream that is chosen correctly will be effective. To find it among a huge variety of cosmetic offers, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. 1. When choosing a remedy, you need to focus on your type of skin. Having planned a purchase, it is recommended to look in the mirror at home, evaluate the skin, perhaps over the past 5-7 years it has changed its type. Became drier or vice versa, fatter. It is not difficult to determine this. It is necessary to note the time after washing, if after 1.5-2 hours a natural shine appears on clean skin - this is a greasy type. If there is no shine, the skin is normal. If the feeling of tightness does not go away, and peeling is visible in places - dry. There is a combined type, in which different skin types can be found on different parts of the face. You should not buy a cream for oily skin if it is dry, etc.
  2. 2. Hyaluronic acid must be present in the product, since its production decreases with age.
  3. 3. It is desirable that the cream contains collagen, thanks to which the former elasticity and smoothness returns.
  4. 4. It is not recommended to buy too cheap creams, most likely, they contain a minimum content of useful components.
  5. 5. In the composition of the cream, those components are first indicated, which are the most in it. If useful substances are at the end, then their content in the cream is too small and the product will be ineffective.
  6. 6. Trust better proven cosmetic brands.
  7. 7. The cream has an average shelf life of 24 months. Do not buy a product if more than half of its expiration date has passed.

An effective cream is able to slow down the natural aging process. Therefore, it should be chosen carefully, without saving on beauty.

5 Masks for facial skin care after 35 years

Some women, starting to constantly use face creams, stop using masks, considering them not very effective. Indeed, anti-aging creams and salon care have a stronger effect, but masks should remain as auxiliary procedures: they soothe, cool, nourish, moisturize, stimulate blood circulation, metabolic processes of skin cells.

The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  1. 1. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add the yolk, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, honey and 3 drops of lemon oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm milk. Before use, check the skin for an allergic reaction.
  2. 2. Mash half an overripe banana with a fork into a pulp, add a teaspoon of sour cream and 5 ml of olive oil. Keep for 20 minutes, rinse with water. Then apply a nourishing cream.
  3. 3. Mash fresh strawberries with a spoon and apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Then gently remove the rest of the mask with a cotton pad soaked in mineral water.
  4. 4. Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a spoonful of carrot juice and flax seed oil. Spread the mixture evenly on the skin of the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, apply moisturizer.
  5. 5. Mix 2 yolks, wheat germ oil, add a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply for 20 minutes. Wash off the composition, use a day cream.

6 Salon treatments

After 35 years, it's time to include a visit to a beauty salon in skin care. A common mistake women make is that they immediately use hardware techniques and injections. And you need to start salon care with procedures that have a mild effect not only on the skin, but also on the muscles of the face and neck, lymphatic and blood vessels.

At the first visits to the salon in order to improve the condition of the skin and remove mimic wrinkles, it is recommended to choose such procedures as:

  1. 1. Manual and hardware massage. Often they complement each other. This treatment is suitable for all skin types. With the help of massage, you can get rid of the first signs of aging, bags and circles under the eyes, swelling, facial wrinkles and other minor flaws. This procedure can be carried out at home, cosmetology offers a wide selection of massage devices for the face. In order not to harm the skin and not stretch it, before use, you should attend massage courses or seminars, familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.
  2. 2. Microcurrent therapy. This is a procedure in which a low frequency current is applied to the skin. A special device and preparations with vitamins, collagen, hyaluronic acid are used. With the help of electric current, beneficial substances are delivered to the deep layers of the skin. At home, such a procedure is easy to carry out, having the appropriate apparatus. It is accompanied by instructions for use with the designation of facial massage lines, which are affected.
  3. 3. Masks. It can be both a salon and a home procedure. When using at home, it is better to purchase products in professional cosmetics stores, and not in supermarkets.

Serious hardware techniques (laser resurfacing, chemical peels, etc.) and injections are procedures that should be used only if the result of more gentle methods is no longer satisfactory.

This approach to skin care prolongs its youth and allows you to postpone serious interventions for a long time.

In order to look fresh and young even after 35 years, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. 1. Replace conventional moisturizing creams with those that contain complexes of active ingredients that help the skin to quickly carry out regeneration processes in the layers of the epithelium. It is good if the composition includes antioxidants, collagen or amino acids that contribute to its production. These funds are used daily, applied only to a cleansed face.
  2. 2. Review your lifestyle. Beautiful skin is not compatible with smoking and excessive drinking. It is necessary that vegetables and fruits predominate in the diet, the consumption of sweets should be controlled. The body should not suffer from a lack of vitamins. Periodically it is necessary to take vitamin complexes appropriate for age. You need to consult with your doctor, he will give competent recommendations.
  3. 3. Do not expose your face to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet at this age quickly dries out the epithelium and provokes increased pigmentation of the skin. On clear days, you can only leave the house after applying sunscreen.
  4. 4. Replace black tea with green tea. It contains antioxidants that can slow down aging. Try to drink it should be 2-3 cups a day.
  5. 5. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas where the first wrinkles appear - this is the area around the eyes. Do not rub your eyes, so as not to stretch the skin. You can't wash with soap.
  6. 6. Every day it is necessary to apply special creams.
  7. 7. Aging occurs faster if the skin lacks moisture. It is recommended to drink at least 1-2 liters of clean drinking water during the day. After 19.00, you should not drink liquid, so as not to provoke morning swelling under the eyes.
  8. 8. Be sure to apply nourishing or anti-aging masks on the face and neck 2 times a week.

If you don’t want to look 80 at 50, you need to start taking care of your skin carefully at 35. This will make you look like most Hollywood babes in their 40s.

Here are 10 rules for skin care after 35 years. They will help you keep your skin youthful and fresh complexion for years to come!

1. Include hyaluronic acid in your diet

Hyaluron should be your best friend after 35. Application - both external and internal, this is not a joke to you! Buy hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy (it comes in powders and tablets) and take it once a day, like vitamins.

It does not hurt to get a cream that contains acid, because it is this miracle component that really moisturizes the skin cells and makes it more elastic.

2. Skip the hard scrub

If at the age of 25 it was possible to mix ground coffee with foam for washing and perfectly scrub your face with it, then after 35 you should not thin your skin in such radical ways. Choose soft scrubs specifically for your face, or even better, replace them with an electric brush (for example, from Clarisonic).

3. Choose a cream that stimulates collagen production

With age, the main problem of our skin is the slow production of collagen - it is he who is responsible for elasticity. Therefore, so that wrinkles do not appear ahead of time, you need to use anti-aging creams that help this very collagen produce and “push out” wrinkles from the inside. Ordinary moisturizer just "for dry skin" or "normal skin" is no longer suitable for you - give it to your little sister.

4. Use serums

Serum is the most concentrated remedy. Unlike a regular cream, it contains more nutrients and regenerating substances, it is a real cocktail of useful ingredients, which means it acts more actively.

If earlier three products were enough for you (night care, day care and cream for the area around the eyes), now you need to add serum to your beauty routine. Apply it in the evening, half an hour before using your night cream.

5. Don't forget about the neckline

Tell me honestly - when you apply the cream, which areas do you pay attention to? Just the face and neck? This is the mistake of most women! We want the skin of the decollete to remain elastic and toned, so you have to be generous - use your anti-aging facial treatment in this area as well, because a regular body lotion will not give any rejuvenating effect.

6. Do lymphatic drainage massage

We hope that sometimes you trust your face to a beautician and do not forget about professional care. If you don’t have such a habit, then after 35 years you will have to acquire it - take a course of lymphatic drainage massage every six months (you need 7-10 procedures).

It improves blood circulation, promotes skin elasticity and slows down the aging process. Just fit this procedure into your schedule and don't forget to visit the beautician!

7. Mask Twice a Week

Do you get used to "playing around" with masks from time to time, when you and your friend decided to suddenly arrange a spa-bachelorette party? It is not right! A face mask should be done once a week - it can be both finished products and handmade.

For example, a nourishing mask with antioxidant vitamins, A and E (buy them at a pharmacy) works great. Once a week, also do an intensive rejuvenating mask. Check that it contains collagen, elastin, B vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive, and it is where we damage the most when we remove makeup. Do not try to wash off the remains of the mascara with a gel that is not intended for the eyelids, or even worse, with ordinary soap (we know that many sin this).

Remove makeup with hydrophilic oil- apply it a little on a cotton pad, press it to the eyelids for 5-10 seconds and remove makeup, then wash off the oil with warm water. Another tried-and-tested option is the bi-phase serum, which also has an oil base.

9. Include vegetable juices in your diet

We all know that true beauty comes from within, so if you want to help your skin stay young, make sure you eat well. We will not urge you to radically change your diet, but still start drinking a vitamin cocktail - celery, parsley and fresh cabbage juice may not be the best delicacy in the world, but its composition helps the skin maintain elasticity.

10. Watch your hands

And finally, the hands that so often betray the true age of a woman, even if the face looks great. In hand skin care, it is also important to follow the rules - scrub, moisturize and make nourishing masks regularly.


The first fine wrinkles begin to appear after 30, so every woman at this age begins to more carefully monitor the condition of her skin. Although it is still too early to prepare for major changes, face care after 35 is somewhat different from the previous one and has its own characteristics.

Daily routines

Moisturizing, nutrition for a woman's face is always important, but having crossed the mark of 30 years, it is worth monitoring this especially carefully. Professional massage, gymnastics and anti-aging moisturizing creams and masks should be added to the usual procedures, which, with regular use, will allow you to enjoy clean, well-groomed skin.

Morning procedures begin with gentle cleansing after sleep. Its dry type needs cleansing milk, while other types need lotion or foam. In no case should you use any soap for washing your skin when caring for your skin. Infusions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, rosemary are perfect for morning or evening face wash. To prepare them, you need to take one tablespoon of dry medicinal herbs and add a glass of boiling water.

Be sure to perform tonic procedures before applying the daily cream. You can take ready-made products or prepare a tonic yourself. One of the most effective recipes is a mixture of one glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. In the middle of summer, watermelon or young nettle juice is used instead of lemon. For oily skin, strong green tea with a small amount of lemon juice is suitable.

Particular attention should be paid to the area around the eyes, because it has thin and delicate skin, and is also devoid of fat. The moisturizer will be too heavy for this area, so you should apply special products to nourish the skin. They are applied with the ring finger in the direction from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner with light movements. To eliminate swelling under the eyes, a compress is applied for 10 minutes from green parsley, fresh carrots or potatoes.

For a cream for daily treatments after 30, choose moisturizers with a UV filter to protect against sunlight in the warm season so that the skin does not burn. The composition of the cream should include various vitamins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, which very well stimulates the production of collagen and elastin so that premature aging processes do not occur with the skin.

Facial care after 35 years includes anti-aging creams without fail. Such special products contain components that accelerate regeneration and increase elasticity.

In the evening, it is necessary to do all the main steps, in the end, apply a night remedy according to its appearance. So that a woman can be proud of her skin and avoid morning swelling, such a cream is applied no later than an hour before bedtime, and the remnants are blotted with a paper towel. It contains the same vitamins and nutrients as in the daily product, but has a higher fat content and no UV filters. Also in night creams there are enzymes, biologically active substances and amino acids that provide complex nutrition to the face and allow you to enjoy healthy skin.

Basic Recipes

From the age of 30, the skin needs additional cleansing with a scrub or gommage. Owners of the dry type are cleansed no more than once a week, and for everyone else - twice a week. Cleaning can be done in the salon or at home. Effective scrub components can be:

  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • cereals;
  • coffee;
  • sea ​​salt.

Peeling is used to remove the upper stratum corneum. After cleansing the skin, moisturizers and nutrients penetrate much better into its deeper layers.

To provide additional nutrition and a lifting effect for the face after 30 years, it is necessary to regularly make professional or homemade masks. They are simply indispensable in the gentle care of the skin and eliminate its fatigue, swelling and irritation. Clients of modern beauty salons have beautiful and radiant skin, but home treatments are also gaining popularity. The most effective components for masks are:

  • White clay;
  • egg;
  • natural oils;
  • fruits;
  • herbs;
  • green tea.

Among the most common recipes is a mask of honey and milk: they are mixed in a ratio of one to seven and applied to a pre-cleansed face.

Also a good effect in 30 years from a mask of banana pulp, a teaspoon of cream and half a teaspoon of potato starch.

Another great skincare combination would be one egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil, as well as sour cream with parsley juice.

In the warm season, nourishing masks made from fresh fruits and vegetables will be useful. Ingredients can be strawberry, peach, cherry and cucumber.

If the berry pulp is liquid, then cottage cheese, sour cream or chopped oatmeal are added to it.

What affects the skin

The first step is to establish a calm and full sleep. Regular sleep disturbance affects absolutely any age, but after 30, even one day without normal rest greatly worsens a woman’s health and she gradually says goodbye to her previously beautiful young skin. At first, swelling and a gray complexion may appear, and then, with prolonged lack of sleep, the face noticeably and dramatically ages. For these reasons, it is recommended to sleep 7-8 hours a night.

Extra pounds become a negative factor for female youth and beauty. With a lot of weight, the face loses its attractive outlines, a second chin often appears, and its color changes not for the better. From your diet, you should exclude or minimize spicy, smoked and fatty foods, which often cause gastrointestinal diseases and deterioration of the skin.

It is important to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of fluids. You need to eat fractionally, in small parts 5-6 times a day. Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

It is advisable to get rid of bad habits in order to have delicate and soft skin, and not worsen the health of a woman. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption at any age significantly reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin. At 30, the face of a woman who does not part with a cigarette fades before her eyes.

Daily physical training and walks in the fresh air should become a habit, then the skin of the face will shine with health, regardless of age. Beauty can be preserved by following simple rules, adhering to a healthy lifestyle, so that you can then enjoy healthy and radiant skin.