Natalya osminina resurrection of the face or an ordinary miracle to read. “The Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle” by N. Osminin An Ordinary Miracle, or Hear Yourself! The genre of this book is difficult to define. On the one hand, it contains a lot of medical terms and new ones. quotes

“The presented book is interesting for its unusual, new approach to cosmetic and gerontological problems of the face.

The author, having a technical education along with a cosmetology education, considers the process of facial aging not from the usual view of skin fading, but from the point of view of cranial bone deformation, muscle degeneration and their subsequent rehabilitation. Representatives of classical medicine may not agree with some aspects of the described methodology, however, it clearly indicates the relationship between deformities of the bones of the skull and degenerative-dystrophic changes in muscles and the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the face.

This is one of the first attempts to explain the appearance of wrinkles and sagging in terms of the theory of applied biomechanics and constructive aging (tissue fatigue, internal defects).

An attempt was made to apply a practical approach to correcting age-related changes in the face. Understanding the theory of biomechanics of aging of the muscles and bones of the skull becomes a working tool in their rehabilitation.

Much attention is paid to the muscles of the neck, which is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view, since exercises to restore them lead to the normalization of blood circulation not only in the cervical spine and adjacent soft tissues, but also to the regulation of vertebrobasilar neurohemodynamics of facial tissues.

The book can be considered as a theoretical guide explaining the age-related problems of the face.

Although the book has controversial, debatable aspects, and in some cases inexplicable from the point of view of classical medicine, however, it will nevertheless be of interest to both professionals (cosmetologists, massage therapists, kinesiotherapists, and so on) and everyone who is not indifferent to their own appearance and follows the innovations of alternative medicine.

Markarov Gavril Surenovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Restorative Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Russian Association of Psycho-Neuropharmacology and the European Association of Bioelectromagnetology (EBEA, France).

“Dear Doctor Natalia Osminina!

Please accept my compliments on your work. What you have discovered is extremely important and coincides with the conclusions that I myself have come to. That the real cause, the key factor in facial changes is the neuromuscular nature, and what happens to the skin is a secondary effect. In this regard, I am trying to work with neuroregulatory equipment (CRM Terapia). I really want to learn more about your method."

Sincerely, Dr. Mikel Akanfora,

Chapter 1

The genre of this book is hard to define. On the one hand, it contains a lot of medical terms and new knowledge about the biomechanical aging of the face. On the other hand, it is written in clear and simple language. The specificity of the book is that it reveals the reasons for the appearance of aesthetic defects on the face (wrinkles, folds and other deformations) - all that is called biomechanical aging.

Cosmetologists have no knowledge of this. So far, none of them can restore, reconstruct, recreate the face in a non-surgical physiological way. It turns out "as always": the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. And in order not to drown in the whirlpool of advertising that imposes another "rejuvenating" remedy, you need to have a lifeline of knowledge that this book will give you. She will explain to you the true causes of the appearance of age-related defects, get rid of illusions, misconceptions and stereotypes, and introduce you to the possibilities of manual face modeling methods. This knowledge will be new not only for women who are interested in their face, but also for the vast majority of professionals in the field of cosmetology - from estheticians to plastic surgeons.

Bearing in mind that even superprofessionals are also people and nothing human is alien to them, the medical terminology in the book is softened by simple language with a dose of humor and healthy sarcasm, and knowledge that is completely new for most women peacefully coexists with funny but instructive stories from my twenty years of practice. .

Now it has become fashionable in the West to return to “nature”, but in order to follow this road at the level of the 21st century, and not the Middle Ages, knowledge, a base, theory, and solution algorithms are needed. The absurd separation of the head from the body for the sake of the narrow specialization of cosmetologists and massage therapists has played its detrimental role: the vast majority of women associate the idea of ​​improving and rejuvenating the face only with its skin, not realizing that it is only a hostage to the processes going on in the entire spectrum of the body. To work properly with a face, you need not only to know the laws of its biomechanical aging, but also to understand the laws of biomechanical deformations of the body: after all, a face does not exist separately without a body! For the most part, the main age-related problems of the face are secondary, being only the result of incorrect posture and incorrect neck static. Therefore, the main task of this book, probably for the first time in the world space, is to clearly and easily show each woman these connections and explain how they work.

The book contains a lot of new information that is either completely absent in other sources, or presented fragmentarily on professional osteopathic websites. Specialists focused on the treatment of the "sick", and not on the solution of the aesthetic problems of the "conditionally healthy", use specific medical terminology, obscure to the last category. It is to her that our main addressees belong - women who are eager to help themselves, but have different educational levels.

This book is addressed to everyone who understands that painting and plastering the facade alone is not enough in the fight against old age. Anyone who wants to look at themselves in the mirror without fear in the morning. Anyone who wants to deeply understand the causes of facial aging and understand why the period of his youth is so short. In general, to all those in whom the fire of knowledge has not died out, who has not lost the inquisitiveness of the mind, curiosity and the energy of creativity.

Therefore, this book is dedicated to everyone who is interested in knowing that the world of our face consists not only of the world of the skin.

Forgive me those for whom the book will be too complicated, and those for whom, on the contrary, it is too lightweight. I tried my best to convey to you Ordinary miracle.

Secrets of Cleopatra, Makropulos remedy, "rejuvenating" apples, living and dead water and much more... Mankind has always been looking for ways to preserve youth, prolong active longevity, using everything possible - from witchcraft potions to a scientific genetic approach. Each time and each nation had its secrets, its hopes. Eternal search...

This book does not claim to reveal the secret of "eternal youth" and the distribution of a panacea for cellular aging. This book explains the mechanism of biomechanical aging. After understanding which, the causes of the appearance of many aesthetic defects of the face and figure will immediately become an open secret for you, from a “thing in itself” turned into a “thing for everyone” - into a clear and understandable algorithm for biomechanical aging of the face. And since the mechanism is clear, it means that the “antidote” is also open: the key that allows you to work with the manifestations of age-related dynamics on the face. In addition to substantiating the theory itself, which can be called myology(as a way to manage and control muscle information systems), the book describes my personal twenty years of observations and research made thanks to the work of serious scientists. All of them relate to cause-and-effect relationships arising under the influence of age-related causes in the general biomechanical structure of the face, body and the whole organism.

The method which is set forth here is strictly scientific and logical, and therefore will be simple and understandable to everyone. No invasive methods, no violence against human nature. No need to pick locks, you need to find the key, and then the door will open. Try to enter this door and you will see a world beyond it in which you can live without fear. Fear of becoming old and useless, fear of seeing new wrinkles and being rejected, fear of the future, if it does not promise joy. Try to believe that it is real and feasible to look and feel young to a ripe old age. And all this is in your hands!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to stop the passage of time. And you can't argue with that. But is it a matter of passport age? Biological age is much more important - how old you feel and how you look at the same time. And the main way to decrepitude and a sluggish body is hypodynamia. With age, our muscles age (and this process begins at the age of twenty-five), by the age of fifty we lose up to 50-70% of our muscle mass. This process is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the point of view of approaching physiological aging. After all, not only the heart drives blood through our body - in the systemic circulation, the main role belongs to the muscles. It is no exaggeration to say that the skin is nourished by the work of the muscles it covers.

Muscles age, and the blood already hardly reaches the periphery, it supplies the skin with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for its youth worse - life is gradually shifting from the periphery of the body to its center. No matter how hard cosmetologists try to saturate the skin from the outside, violating the laws of physiology that prevent this action, the skin is still nourished only from the inside - due to blood plasma, and not with the help of creams, no matter how good they are. The fact that a sedentary lifestyle brings our decrepitude closer is not a secret to anyone. Visiting various gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, aerobics, shaping and other active recreational sports is a real opportunity to maintain a slim figure, skin tone, joint flexibility, good metabolism, endurance, that is, ultimately, to slow down the onset of old age. But this is a workout for the muscles of the body. But what about the muscles of the face?

They are the corset on which the skin is stretched. And it is their condition that is responsible for young facial features, and it is their age-related deformations that lead to the appearance of most wrinkles and folds and a change in proportions. Moreover, the aging of the muscles of the face affects its features much more than the age-related withering of the muscles of the body affects the contours of the figure.

Healthy and young facial muscles are a guarantee that our cheeks will not sag and a second chin will not appear, eyebrows will not “hang” over our eyes and nasolabial folds will not fall, that our skin will be elastic, and our cheeks will be high and round, as in youth.

But is it just right to train the muscles of the face? And is it necessary to do this in the way recommended by various systems of mimic gymnastics, which transfer the principle of pumping up the muscles of the body to the muscles of the face?

So the obvious analogy with the muscles of the body turned out to be a dead end approach, often leading to a deterioration in appearance (deepening of the nasolabial folds, thinning of the subcutaneous fat, and even arthrosis of the cervical region). And only understanding the specificity of the structure of the muscles of the face and a deep study of their biomechanics helps to understand exactly why this approach does not work.

We will touch on all this a little later. In the meantime, just feel the importance of working with the muscles of the face if you want to keep it young for as long as possible.

In the human body, there are from four hundred to eight hundred and fifty muscles, 20% of them are in the muscles of the head and face. According to some reference books, there are fifty-seven muscles on the human face. Experts cannot accurately indicate the number of muscles in a person: it is believed, for example, that people of the Mongoloid race have more of them ... the whole skin is stitched with muscles. Thanks to this, the face does not age for a long time, but then at one moment the muscles weaken and sag greatly, deep folds cut through the face.

The individual muscular characteristics of each person make it impossible to develop precise schemes for the location of muscles and their attachment to the skin, muscles and bones of the face ... Therefore, such schemes in various anatomical atlases are averaged and may partly differ from each other.

Scientists still do not understand why nature provided so many muscles on a person's face. After all, not only to satisfy his urgent needs (to chew and blink), and not even only to express emotions. There is a version that such a number of muscles is necessary for a person to improve blood circulation in the brain. It has been noticed that organs deprived of their own muscles improve blood circulation at the expense of neighboring tissues, the work of muscles adjacent to them. According to various sources, in such a small area as the head and neck, there are about a hundred muscles! With age, their functional balance, on which skin tone and nutrition depend, is disturbed.

Understanding how to get it back is what this book is about. And she clearly and understandably answers many pressing questions regarding female beauty: why eyelids fall, eyebrows droop, what shortens the neck, transverse wrinkles appear on it, for what reasons nasolabial folds form - and in general, why facial features change with age, sometimes beyond recognition.

To begin with, let's see how cosmetology answers these burning questions. If you are satisfied with the information that the pages of glossy women's magazines are full of, an interesting game of questions and answers looms.

Question: Why do nasolabial folds sag with age, “flews” appear and so on?

Answer: The skin stretches with age under the influence of gravity and age-related processes of reduction of collagen and elastin in it.

Question: Why do facial features change so much with age - sometimes beyond recognition?

Answer: Skin stretches and sags with age.

Question: Why does the skin become inelastic?

Answer: Skin loses its collagen and elastin with age.

Question: Why does the skin of the neck become flabby and wrinkled with age, and the neck itself becomes short?

Answer: Because under the influence of aging processes in the skin, the production of collagen and elastin decreases.

Question: Why do eyebrows droop with age?

Answer: Because the skin is stretched and under the influence of gravity falls down.

It turns out that such a simple game.

It's funny that by manipulating just a few words ( collagen, elastin, gravitational ptosis, age-related processes), you can compose any set of phrases supposedly answering all the questions posed.

The main thing is that thanks to such an innocent game, pharmaceutical corporations, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons receive significant material benefits, in the form of sales. « anti-aging” creams and injections that “nourish” and tighten sagging skin that is losing elastin and collagen, the use of hardware procedures to rejuvenate aging collagen, and a scalpel that cuts off excess stretched skin. And blinded and blinded people, involved in such games, are much more willing to part with their money.

Let's play some more!

Imagine that you are a car enthusiast. You come to the workshop complaining about the poor performance of your machine. Explain to the master that something is knocking in it, the car does not obey the steering wheel, and so on. To which he reasonably replies: “What do you want? Your car is over five years old! Naturally, it is no longer new, you see, even the paint has peeled off in some places, the hood is dirty. Now, if you wash and clean it, and even paint it again, then it will run like new.”

Even if you have never been behind the wheel, such explanations will not seem intelligible to you. It will be clear to the “blonde” that even if the car is redecorated, it will not drive like new.

Whether business when the cosmetician speaks the same concerning problems of your face. Then it's a completely different matter. Then it rolls.

Let's see how people are led to the simplest and most massive invention of cosmetology in the spirit of "wash, clean and color" - anti-aging creams. And after evaluating the arsenal of facial rejuvenation offered by modern cosmetology, we will decide whether it is capable, as advertising promises, of “turning back the clock”. But it is precisely on the cultivation of such illusions that all the whales of the cosmetic industry stand, exploiting our weaknesses and fears of old age.

In my first book, The Anatomy of Facial Aging, or Myths in Cosmetology, I went through petrochemical-based creams with all my heart. The Internet is now full of similar articles. But, oddly enough, a huge layer of the female population still remains uncovered, some of which, it turns out, are not even aware of the dangers of petrochemical creams. And the other part, although it has some information, believes it so little that it does not bother to read the list of ingredients on the jars. Therefore, following the proverb “A drop wears away a stone,” I’m not afraid to start this book with “common truths” that “petrochemically advanced” readers can run through with one eye and go further into the amazing world of our face’s life, into knowledge of the process of its age-related metamorphoses and transformations. ... the very process of his aging that everyone wants to avoid.

But in order to prevent facial aging, we only need to know by what laws it occurs: whoever is warned is armed!

Chapter 2

Harm of petrochemical ingredients

For those who are not in the know, our body is wrapped in skin not only to keep all its parts from falling apart and to serve as the first line of defense against environmental aggression and its sensor. The skin, as the great physiologist A.S. Zalmanov (a prominent Russian and Soviet scientist) wrote, “is endowed with a wonderful and diverse activity that has endocrine, immunobiological, heat-regulatory functions, etc. It is an important gland of external and internal secretion that produces heat, electricity, radiation , it is the focus of the metabolism of many organic and mineral components. The skin breathes. “It is experimentally possible to kill an animal by placing it in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide, even if you leave your head in an ordinary atmosphere. If you cover a person with varnish, he begins to suffocate, the heartbeat slows down, the temperature drops and death occurs ”(A. S. Zalmanov). Probably, many have heard a story that took place in the Middle Ages and became a classic. In 1646, in Italy, in the luxurious castle of the Duke of Milan, a holiday was held. At the head of the festive procession was the "golden boy". His body was completely covered with golden paint. In the heat of the idea, the boy was forgotten, and he spent the night on the stone floor of the hall. The child was found dead the next morning. The body, covered with paint, turned out to be unable to breathe, perform a heat-regulatory function, the boy lost a lot of heat, his body temperature dropped, which led to a tragic end.

The ability of our skin to breathe is explained by the fact that the process of human evolution came from protozoa, which breathe only through the skin, and only later did mammals receive additional “gas equipment” - lungs. Now it is no secret to anyone that the basis of our life is oxygen. The skin covered with traditional petrochemical cosmetics can only be compared with the lungs of heavy smokers or miners. She hardly breathes. Therefore, to save the skin by using creams prepared on the basis of petrochemistry (technical oils - mineral oil, petrolatum or vaseline - petrpolatum, solid oil - solid oil, paraffin oil - paraffin oil And parafinium liquidum), it's like depriving her of her breath, smearing with varnish. What kind of “acceleration of the regeneration process” or “rejuvenation” indicated in advertising can we talk about in the complete absence of oxygen and an increased content of carbon dioxide? Petrolatum is the most dangerous in this sense. It is used in dermatological experiments as a tester for 100% skin impermeability. At the same time, oddly enough, it is often used in cosmetic creams. There was a case in my practice when two girlfriends, lovers of petrolatum (vaseline), used creams based on it for more than a year (the notorious cream from the advertisement “How unlucky for an apple - how lucky you are!”). That's really lucky - so lucky! A year later, the skin of both women suddenly wrinkled like a baked apple. And just suddenly. What is the physiological explanation. Clogged, deprived of breath and, of course, of its excretory function, the skin remained under a layer of Vaseline in a waterlogged state all year. At some point, its own hydration mechanisms ceased to function, the body simply “turned off” them as unnecessary.

Other mineral oils, which do not allow the skin to properly consume oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, also make it "asthmatic". Of course, smearing the skin even with such a cream improves its aesthetic appearance. I noticed the skin of French women in Paris. I specifically asked what creams they use and how. It turned out that they don’t have any special preferences for creams (they smear everything that is advertised), but they apply them to the skin without regret - in a plentiful layer, blotting the excess after half an hour with a napkin (as, in fact, they taught us). As a result, the skin looks nourished, that is, aesthetically quite attractive. But after all, a polished boot looks more presentable than an unpolished one. However, he does not become alive from this. And our skin is alive, it wants to live, breathe and multiply...

Rarely does anyone think of drawing an analogy between a “petrochemical” film that clogs the pores of the skin and spilled oil during a tanker accident. Oil, covering the surface of the water with a film of microns thick, turns out to lead to an ecological catastrophe: it causes the mass death of fish and other marine organisms. Why is it that our skin, smeared with a much thicker layer of petrochemical ingredients, is supposed to feel comfortable? Why is there such a double standard? Is human health worth less than fish health? It seems that yes, since such creams are sold everywhere.

The functions of healthy, intact skin require the highest degree of protection against the penetration of various pathogenic viruses and microbes into the body. And this is not only a physical type of protection (due to the small size of the pores), but also a chemical one (supported by the “acid mantle” of the skin, its pH balance, normally equal to 5.5). And the nutrition that we try to give the skin through creams, most often is not able to overcome this barrier. Too high molecular weight of the cream base of petrochemical origin (usually over 300,000 units) prevents the penetration of active ingredients into the skin (the maximum allowable size of molecules that can theoretically squeeze through the superficial stratum corneum is 3000).

For the same reason, collagen and elastin of animal origin are also unable to overcome the protective "acid mantle" of the skin. Attempts by cosmetic companies to bypass this barrier (reduce the molecular weight of the useful components of the cream, genetically modify its components, introduce artificial estrogens, and at concentrations much higher than their content in the blood plasma, and so on) often lead to the opposite effects - to the blocking of enzymes, to hormonal addiction. For example, the use of creams with low molecular weight collagen (in the form of amino acids) does not stimulate the growth of collagen, but, on the contrary, its reduction (since the youth and elasticity of the skin are determined not so much by the amount of collagen as by the ability of the collagenase enzyme to interact with it). The use of such creams leads to an even greater slowdown in the rate of enzymatic reactions and an increase in the amount of "hard" collagen, which is not able to function as a moisturizer. Actually, it is this process that is not taken into account by the creators of various photo and laser equipment, which they advertise as “rejuvenating” collagen. In an attempt to increase the amount of collagen at any cost, they forget that collagen is not a dead substance that acts as a filler for a pillow, but a living substrate that is in constant motion, moving from one state to another. The primary reason for its decrease in the skin is the process of age-related decrease in the rate of enzymatic reactions - a decrease in the collagenase enzyme in this case. Active "planting" of new collagen without taking into account this process will lead to collagenosis ( excess production of collagen deposits), and then skin fibrosis. For those who do not know what this means, I explain: this is the growth of excess skin and structures under it, its coarsening and necrosis. This process of fibrosis can also be attributed to the changes that occur with the tissues after the procedure for introducing gold threads under the skin of the face. A denser tissue growing around the inserted threads (similar to the one that forms around a foreign object stuck in the body) at first "holds" the face. When the age-related deformation of the muscles begins, the skin, which under normal conditions would be laid in folds familiar to our eyes, becoming denser and inelastic, can become unnatural bumps.

By the way, not all petrochemical ingredients are harmful to our skin because of their too high molecular weight. propylene glycol (propylene glycol), otherwise the antifreeze used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, on the contrary, is harmful due to its ultra-low molecular weight, which allows it to penetrate the bloodstream and accumulate in organs with poor blood circulation. Data from the safety study (MSDS) of propylene glycol indicate that its contact with the skin can lead to impaired liver function and damage to the kidneys. In cosmetology, propylene glycol can cause skin photosensitivity reactions, dermatitis, allergic reactions and irritation.

Or, for example, hormones, which also have a small molecular weight and are able to penetrate the skin. Often, women, trying to stop or at least slow down aging, start buying creams with placenta, hormones, and so on. Usually, manufacturers do not indicate the latter in the composition of their cream - neither the presence of estrogen, nor the fact that the placenta is not cleared of hormones. Until today, the question of the possibility of using hormones in conventional cosmetic creams has not yet been resolved, since the instant effect of their use is blocked by a large number of rather serious complications, primarily from the endocrine system, as well as withdrawal syndrome, that is, a sharp deterioration in the appearance of the face with the abolition of a hormonal cream (with prolonged use). Although there are negative consequences from a single use.

Here is an example from personal experience. While working in Italy, I was sent on a business trip to get acquainted with the local aesthetic experience. For this, a spa complex of a five-star hotel was chosen in one of the best thermal resorts in this country. So I had to experience cosmetic procedures for the first time. Although this spa was positioned as the best in the region, I decided to play it safe, warning me about my “allergy” to all petrochemicals before starting the procedures. It turned out not in vain, because the cosmetologist intended to work with my face with creams from a very “elite” series, the composition of which began with ingredients such as aqua, petrolatum, parafinium liquidum and so on. I confess I have never seen such a nuclear mixture. In fact, one petrolatum (vaseline) would be enough to complete the effect: as we already know, it is a 100% tester for the "lack of breath" of the skin. But, apparently, the creators of the series decided to play it safe: “Suddenly the customer will show inaccuracy - she will badly smear her face with a vaseline drug, for a guarantee it would also be necessary to fill it with liquid paraffin.”

Since the creams of this series were positioned as super-rejuvenating, I immediately realized that their action is based on estrogen hormones. After my statement about the presence of an “allergy”, we switched to less “elite” cosmetics (but more natural). The final procedure in the course was some kind of miracle massage (as I understood it), capable of tightening the oval at a time and rejuvenating my face for at least five years. At the very last moment, when I was already lying in the chair, fully prepared, the beautician said that although she remembers my “allergy”, she still advises me to agree to do the “3D-lifting” procedure on creams from the series she originally proposed, since she sees the effect of rejuvenation and tightening only when using it. Of course, I guessed what was the matter, but there was nowhere to go - I decided to take a chance: well, it can’t be that after one time something irreparable happened. After the procedure, I looked like a young cucumber - as if I had thrown off five years. But the next day, she didn't recognize her face. Not that the skin on it sagged, but simply the features of the face changed - the jaw seemed to sag and moved forward with a “shovel”. Well, at least a few photographs - both professional and amateur - recorded this phenomenon. And they would say that I exaggerate. Unfortunately no. And this is what happened: a horse dose of injected hormones, rejuvenating the face for a day, led to lymphostasis in the region of the lower jaw. During the night, edema turned out, which, with its heaviness, led to sagging and protrusion of the jaw. It took two weeks of intense effort to undo the effects of this "cosmetic miracle".

In general, double standards in everything - from politics to cosmetology - lead to such absurdities in the laws of seemingly decent European countries that you simply wonder. On the one hand, cosmetologists are concerned about the creation of low-molecular suspensions and the discovery of another vehicle for carrying creams deep into the skin. On the other hand, the laws of most European countries forbid sell cosmetics that can penetrate the skin barrier. Such cosmetics are considered as medicinal and their use is allowed only in the conditions of specialized institutions - clinics that have the appropriate licenses. Guided, it would seem, by good intentions (is it necessary to drag deep into the skin, and therefore deep into the body - “whatever it gets”?), They welcome the production of petrochemical cosmetics for safety reasons: let it lie on the face with a layer, like decorative makeup - the body it will be more whole (no foreign substances will get into it, the composition of its intracellular fluids will not be disturbed). And that the face will wither - that's what plastic surgeons are for. From them, they say, still do not leave those who want to look young. And for those who do not want - please, vaseline cream.

I invite you on a fascinating journey into the world of the face under the skin, and I hope that it will become a revelation for you. Having slightly opened the cosmetic curtain of the skin cover, you will go the Path of knowing the true causes of deformations and aging of the face. You will learn that the aesthetics of our face and body does not directly depend on the skin, but on the balance and health of our musculoskeletal system. The MyoAesthetic method presented in this book is logical and understandable, because it is based on the Ordinary Miracle - the great miracle of our body, its ability to regenerate and self-heal. That is why the techniques of MyoAesthetics, based on the knowledge of these laws, give a fantastic effect of rejuvenation: the return of youth and beauty to facial features, harmony to the neck, health to the skin. When you understand how this system works, you will be able to master the techniques of Face Resurrection.

* * *

by the LitRes company.

Chapter 6

Gymnastics for the face. Introduction to hypertension. Possibilities of myoaesthetic methods. Physiological resources of body self-rejuvenation

Let's figure out what face building is - in other words, mimic gymnastics. Is it good or bad to do it?

It would seem, well, what could be wrong with the exercises recommended for toning the muscles of the face? It seems to be nothing. And at first glance, the advice to save the aesthetics of the face by pumping up his muscles looks right. The logic is simple: since gymnastics for the muscles of the body helps to keep fit and healthy, then the same principle should be transferred to the muscles of the face.

But, as mentioned at the very beginning of the book, this is only at first glance. Already on the second it turns out that everything is far from being as rosy as it was thought by the apologists for numerous systems of “facial” gymnastics (French, American, English).

Such tonic methods were positioned as anti-aging agents, the end result of which should be the reduction of wrinkles and folds. The main disadvantage of these methods was considered solely the need for hard work - daily exercises took a lot of time, patience and strength. In fact, it turned out that this shortcoming was by no means the only and far from the most terrible: the use of "power" techniques for a person can turn out to be very deplorable for him. The positive dynamics that occurred at first (due to the primary improvement in the blood supply to the face) after a while was replaced by an increase in nasolabial folds, thinning of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, and so on.

Why did this happen? Let's figure it out together.

The main reason lies not in the incorrect performance of the exercises (or in some other fixable trifle), but in the fallacy of the very original postulate, which identified the muscles of the face with the muscles of the body.

In reality, there are more differences between the muscles of the face and the body than similarities. And the very idea of ​​a total pumping of facial muscles, which are not intended by Nature itself to perform physical exertion, is more than strange.

After all, everything that concerns the physiology of a living organism is determined by its purpose- the original idea of ​​​​Nature in relation to both the whole species and each individual organ.

For example, it is impossible at will to make a guard dog out of a hunting dog, and a fighting dog out of a shepherd dog. Character, habits, becoming, mass, speed of nervous reactions, and so on - all this has been adjusted for centuries to the goals and objectives of the existence of a particular species.

Let's look at the difference between skeletal and facial muscles from this point of view.

What are the muscles of the body for? Probably not only to show them on the podium in bodybuilding competitions. Their initial purpose is to fulfill the basic law of Nature to ensure the survival of the individual. If the muscles of his body are weak, then he will not catch up with the prey and, left without lunch and dinner, will soon die of hunger. Or, on the contrary, having failed to escape from enemies or defend themselves, he himself will become their prey and food. According to their purpose, skeletal muscles are attached at both ends to the bone.

Of the muscles of the face, such an attachment is characteristic of only three out of several dozen - chewing, pterygoid and temporal. They belong to the chewing group, and also perform the main life-supporting function - they are involved in chewing food. This is a small group of muscles, with the help of which the lower jaw is attached to the upper, ensures the work of the temporomandibular joint.

The rest of the facial muscles are mimic. And, as mentioned earlier, the movements of these muscles enhance the activity of the brain, thereby, according to the plan of Nature, helping to improve the quality of life.

Miscellaneous original purpose these two muscle groups (the mimic muscles of the face and the skeletal muscles of the body) already denies their direct association with each other. As we will see later, the postulates underlying the “power” methods are so initially erroneous that it is generally strange how someone came up with the idea of ​​saving a face from old age and ridding it of aesthetic defects in this way.

Although it is clear, of course, where the legs of such a hypothesis grow from - from the understanding that one of the aspects of physiological aging is the loss of muscle tone, which manifests itself in the form of shrinkage and muscle deformation. And, therefore, in order to slow down this process, the muscles need to be toned. This physiological axiom is the key to the health of the body. But transferring it to the face in the absence of knowledge of the specifics of the biomechanics of its muscles does more harm than good.

Therefore, the question “But what about the existing mimic gymnastics for the face? Are they needed? for me personally, it has already been decided: I think that most of the exercises of these complexes lead to negative consequences. And you will have to decide on this issue yourself after reading this chapter.

Once, in an advertisement for another “gymnastics” video, something like the following sounded: “Scientists have found that if the muscles of the body were as weak as the muscles of the face, we would not be able to walk by the age of forty. Isn't it terrible?"

Following the same “iron logic”, we can say: “And if an elephant had the same muscles as an ant, he would not even be able to stand up. Really awful?" In this aspect, the conditional mood is inappropriate. An elephant, by definition, cannot have the muscles of an ant, just as skeletal muscles cannot be replaced by mimic ones.

There is no "if" in Nature. There is an "is" - an evolutionary given, within which each biological organism and each of its organs has its own specific parameters. Everything must correspond to the idea of ​​Nature. According to her logic, the muscles of the body should take care of the daily bread, the nourishment of the body, and the muscles of the face should help the brain to be supplied with blood, thereby providing ways for optimal survival, adaptability and adaptation. Everyone has their own purpose, their own tasks.

Therefore, the difference in original purpose can be attributed to the main difference, which, however, does not exhaust the entire list of differences in the muscles of the face and body. And these are the differences:

1. Ways of attaching the muscles of the face and body to the bones.

2. Length: facial muscles are much Briefly speaking body muscles.

3. Thickness: facial muscles are much thinner skeletal.

4. Concentration per unit area of ​​facial muscles accounts for tens and even hundreds of times more than body muscles. Therefore, unlike the muscles of the body, the possibility selective access to a single muscle of the face is excluded due to their high concentration on the face.

5. Emotional vulnerability: by their nature, facial muscles have greater emotional vulnerability, susceptibility to stress. They are prone to reflex spastic reactions following our every emotion. This is because the facial muscles, not carrying a static load, have an increased sensitivity to acetylcholine (a mediator involved in muscle contraction).

The similarity of the muscles of the face and body lies in only two parameters:

1. The presence of antagonist muscles in both groups. The antagonistic muscles of the body are the flexors and extensors of the limbs, which cannot contract at the same time. In the case of the face, this is the alternating work of some muscle groups. For example, the cheek, large and small zygomatic muscles raise the corners of the mouth and form a smile, and the muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth creates a grimace of displeasure. These groups cannot work at the same time.

2. The presence in both groups of muscles of different tone.

Let's dwell on the second parameter in more detail. Because, despite the similarities, it most of all reveals the unlawfulness of the use of "pumping" techniques in relation to the face.

Ideally, physically harmoniously developed people should have balanced muscles in tone. But even for them, there are gyms with a variety of machines that are designed not only to facilitate training, but mainly to provide access to those muscles that are usually not used (or poorly used) during normal physical exertion. That is, even an absolutely healthy person finds it difficult to pump himself up in a balanced way. Because there will always be muscles that will take on the load in the first place and, therefore, will be pumped. These include not only the main working muscles, but also those whose tone, for various reasons, may exceed physiological. The latter is characteristic of all people who have even minimal defects in the musculoskeletal system: they will always have muscles that are both in hypotonicity (in a relaxed state) and in hypertonicity (in spasm).

Probably, now it is already impossible to find a person with a healthy spine: scoliosis of the first and second degree is practically the norm of today. This means that one part of the skeletal muscles in this case will always be spasmodic, and the second will be relaxed.

To form a harmonious body, such people (let's call them “conditionally healthy”), even more than absolutely healthy (if any), need good simulators and, most importantly, the services of an experienced trainer. Otherwise, there is a risk of quickly pumping muscles that are in hypertonicity. Which will lead not only to disharmony of the muscles of the body, but, accordingly, to disharmony of the whole organism, which is fraught with deterioration in health.

And this is clear to everyone who is actively involved in sports. Despite the fact that in this case we are talking about "conditionally healthy people" with their minor muscle problems. What can we say about patients with serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, about those who have a direct road not to the gym, but to specialists in physical therapy (exercise therapy), kinesiotherapists and others? But in relation to our face, we can say with confidence that at least 90% of citizens need the services of such specialists who understand its musculoskeletal problems.

After all, each of the many muscles of the face has its own tone. Moreover, in most cases it is far from physiological and with a deviation not towards hypo-, as the ideologists of mimic gymnastics teach, but, on the contrary, towards precisely hyperfunction, that is, towards spasm.

And although the hypotonic and hypertonic muscles on the face coexist, as it were, in a checkerboard pattern, nevertheless, there are immeasurably more areas with spasmodic (hypertonic) muscles on the face.

If, at the same time, we recall that the concentration of several dozen muscles with different tones on a small area of ​​the face almost completely blocks the possibility of selective access to a single muscle, then the task is to mimic toned facial muscles selectively, without affecting the muscles with hypertonicity, becomes impossible.

Logic suggests that since there are more areas with muscle hypertonicity on the face, then O Most of the muscles need to be relaxed. The vast majority of mimic gymnastics, offering general toning, still insist on their favorite postulate: “If a wrinkle appears in some place, then the muscle under this wrinkle has withered — it has atrophied.” Once upon a time, in their time, the theorists of Facebook building, it turns out, did not even suspect that the age trend is an increase in the number spasmodic muscles, not their atrophy. But now! After all, cosmetologists have been successfully injecting Botox for fifteen years already. to relax muscles and smooth wrinkles. It's time to see the light. So dentists complain about the clenched jaws of their clients, and neuropathologists complain about the muscles of patients spasmed from stress, and the followers of “power” methods even have a stake on their heads. Apparently, they just logic does not tell anything.

Even when, it would seem, hypertonicity is defeated, any overstress caused by a critical situation can stir up muscle memory, and tension will reappear as if by magic. At the same time, such a one-sided “toning” approach often unnecessarily spasms not only the muscles of the face, but also the muscles of the neck and upper shoulder girdle, blocking the access of oxygen to the head and providing lovers of this sport with at least arthrosis and osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae. Is it possible to pump up the muscles of the face in the same way as the muscles of the body? Consider the postulate relating to the muscles of the body: the loss of elasticity of muscles and ligaments leads to aging, shortening of the muscles leads to shortening of the ligaments, shortened muscles are included in the work earlier, which provokes the deposition of fat next to the muscles.

“The traditional way of pumping muscles is power. It makes the muscles dynamic, but shorter. Yoga, callanetics, on the contrary, make the muscle long, but at the same time static. Everything needs balance.”(M. G. Triburt, author of the spring elastic technique).

The same, but even more so, applies to the muscles of the face. Most often, with total toning, the muscles become thinner much faster than without it, and tend to turn into thin veins.

To literally pump up volume on the face and think that muscle mass will fill this volume is another utopia. It is akin to those illusions in which there are those who seriously believe, looking at the jocks, that there is dense meat inside their muscle tubercles. Not at all: in fact, almost b O most of the volume is occupied by lymph locked in muscle blocks. This is easy to prove by simply performing a relaxation technique: the lymph leaves, and the muscle instantly deflates - like a ball.

Rice. 1. Caricature. Illusion of muscle mass

In the same way, many are under the illusion that everything that lies under the skin of the face is muscle. Alas! Imagine the thin face of an elderly woman without subcutaneous fat, as they say - skin and bones. It is on these bones that the muscles lie. And where are they? Thin plates. And everything on top of the average woman is a mixture of fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue with excess stagnant toxic tissue fluid. The latter are precisely responsible for the uneven coverage of the subcutaneous adipose tissue. And all this “imperfection” is formed due to stagnation of lymph in places of hypertonicity.

Those nasolabial folds that often appear with the abuse of tonic techniques are of the same nature: they create muscle blocks, "pockets" that are just waiting to be taken in by lymph and other tissue fluid. And the reasons leading to their improper circulation in our body are more than enough.

And not knowing the techniques that return everything to normal, you can ruin your face forever. In fact, the basic techniques of revitonics have become the world's first published techniques for self-removal of hypertonicity from the muscles of the face and neck.

Let's now figure out what kind of animal this is - hypertonicity of the muscles of the face (in other words - blocks, clamps, residual or chronic tension). As we have already found out, this is not a physiological normal muscle tone, but its chronic spasm. Where does it come from?

In order for the muscle to remain in normal tone, after each contraction, it needs a relaxation phase. If the muscle is not completely relaxed or is in a state of chronic tension (due to “locking” it by other muscles), then the flow of normal biochemical reactions is blocked. As a result, the muscle is fixed in such a pathological "clamp" or block. Both physical activity and psycho-emotional stress contribute to a similar process. As we have already said, the latter are even more dangerous for the muscles of the face. Not only one muscle (or its individual fibers) can be in the block, but also entire muscle groups responsible for the expression of emotions. Such a clamp does not lend itself well to conscious relaxation.

The reasons for the formation of wrinkles and sagging are precisely in this excessive spasm of the muscles of the face. Again, let us recall the main difference between the muscles of the face and the muscles of the body - about the methods of their attachment: the muscles of the body are attached to the bones with two ends, the mimic muscles of the face are attached at one end to the bone, and the other to the skin of the face (or to other muscles). Such a structure leads to the fact that during deformation and drying of the muscular corset of the face, the skin that has become superfluous due to lack of elasticity cannot be pulled together after the spasmodic muscle and inevitably falls off in a fold.

And therefore, the cause of most large folds and sagging on the face is the deformation of the former muscular corset under the skin, and not the stretching of the skin itself, as many mistakenly believe.

To better understand this process, imagine the skin of the face as the front of a jacket, and the muscles as its lining. It happens that with inept cleaning, the lining shrinks, shrinks - in this case, the material of the jacket sags or bubbles. The same thing happens with our faces. Since a person is an upright creature, under the influence of gravity, the skin usually falls off in a fold, turning into sagging of the lower part of the face. Or it goes in “bubbles”, which is characteristic of hypertonic nasolabial folds, which settled in the middle part of the face.

The fact that the muscular corset of the face "shrinks", that is, it shrinks, tightens, and not vice versa, weakens, atrophying - this is a fact. This is the natural reaction of facial and masticatory muscles - this is how they are programmed to respond to stressful situations.

“At the initial stage of its inception, muscle clamps-blocks on the face are not as visible as they are noticeable on palpation - like dense areas of statically tense muscles.

In most cases, at this stage, people intuitively feel the need to relax the muscles, but do not feel much discomfort. Many do not even realize to what extent not only beauty suffers from these blocks (hypertonicity), but also health, a positive emotional perception of life.

Tight muscles make it difficult for the skin to nourish. Areas of the skin, experiencing constant compression, become flabby, covered with wrinkles. Not only facial wrinkles are laid - facial features begin to seriously deform, facial expressions and psycho-emotional life suffer., - writes cosmetologist and physiotherapist Natalya Bahovets.

I hope that now it has become clear to everyone that general toning only leads to an increase in the tension of those muscles that were already in hypertonicity. But the vast majority of all wrinkles and folds appear in areas of the face with increased muscle tone! Why increase them?

Removing hypertonicity, we enable the body to automatically rebuild the balance of all the muscles of the face - weak hypotonic muscles, joyfully freed from the oppression of the hypertonic muscles that have clamped them, having received the opportunity to be supplied with blood normally, are reborn, acquiring the correct physiological tone. And we get a real chance to "sculpt" our face. At first glance, this seems unrealistic, as once the opportunity to mold your figure. Now you won't surprise anyone like that. It's time to rebuild in relation to your face.

For this, only one thing is needed: an understanding of the processes of biomechanics of the face and knowledge of the algorithm of its muscular aging. In addition, in order to “blind” a face, it is necessary at least to prepare material for sculpting it. It is impossible to create something decent from poorly mixed clay with lumps and solid inclusions. Well, as a maximum ... even the sculptor has knowledge of the anatomy of the muscles and clearly imagines the image that he strives for in the process of work. The hypertonicity of our face is the same unmixed lumps of clay. It is impossible to work successfully with them using currently known cosmetic means. Nourishing the face with various creams and masks, doing peelings and injections, temporarily camouflaging wrinkles, folds and facial dips - these are just hopeless attempts by the painter to save the building that is collapsing with whitewash.

As already mentioned, to remove blocks and muscle hypertonicity, there are special self-modeling techniques that allow everyone to “sculpt” their face, as the sculptor sculpts his Aphrodite. These techniques have a pronounced effect only because they use the capabilities of the organism itself, organically fitting into its physiological gift given by God or Nature - into the system of self-healing and self-regulation.

This system is as old as the world. She worked when there were no doctors and medicine, the world was full of dangers, but, nevertheless, humanity somehow survived and is in good health to this day. Moreover, in our medical age, little has changed: as before, the body resolves the issues of most diseases and injuries on its own, helping its “owner” to survive in the technogenic world. Often in spite of our actions, not because of them.

Using these opportunities, not being smart and not imposing our own understanding on the body, but only helping it, we can achieve a lot. You can imagine how this happens using the example of a tangled ball of thread. Imagine that you need to pull a woolen thread out of a ball. If you just pull it, the ball will get tangled even more. If these threads are so dear to you, before you pull them, you will begin to unravel the ball itself. You can bring another figurative association - with wagons. To unhook one car from another, you need to bring them closer, which will make it possible to reset the hitch hook. We must unravel the tangle or unhook the car ourselves. In the case of a tangled "tangle" of muscles, this task is taken over by the body. A time of 30 seconds (the time of convergence of the fold) is necessary for the "coupler" to cope with the task. Our task is to provide mechanical assistance - pushing to the place of deformation, thereby giving a small backlog of freedom to entangled muscles - the body will do the rest.

Having the ability to relieve hypertonicity, free muscles from blocks, restore blood supply and lymph circulation, you give your face a second chance for youth. The essence of the method can be described in the following words: Find your face, and Nature will be grateful to you!

Such techniques have osteopathic roots, as they are able to work with both muscles and bones. And yet, they are easy enough to master.

These techniques can be used by everyone who has already seen the first signs of deformation and aging on their face: drooping of the eyebrows and eyelids, deepening of the “crow’s feet”, reduction of the cut of the eyes, their “falling through”, sagging of the face in the form of “flews” and lowered corners of the mouth, shortening of the neck, the appearance of facial wrinkles, dry skin, swelling, sagging chin and so on. And also for those who want to avoid all this and work with their face, neck and posture proactively. After all, the process of the exit of deep wrinkles and folds from the muscle layer to the surface of the face begins already in adolescence. And it's easy to spot. Is it worth it to wait for them to appear? Prevention is the best defense against aging.

MyoStatics methods (as well as Revitonics) allow:

1. Reduce or completely get rid of facial wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, etc.

2. Remove completely or significantly reduce nasolabial folds, sagging in the form of "bulldogs", folds at the corners of the mouth.

3. Raise your eyebrows.

4. "Open", visually enlarge the eyes, reduce the swelling of the eyelids.

5. Reduce bags above and below the eyes.

6. Raise your cheekbones.

7. Tighten the oval of the face.

8. Correct the shape of the face - reduce too round or round too elongated.

9. Improve facial symmetry - the level of eyebrows, eyes, lips, jaw.

10. Increase the fullness of the lips, improve their color.

11. Reduce the second chin, tighten the sagging.

12. Lengthen the neck, improve its shape, skin quality, reduce the depth of transverse wrinkles.

13. Reduce or completely remove the withers.

14. Restore skin texture, elasticity, smoothness and color.

15. Improve blood circulation, normalize venous and lymphatic outflow.

16. Restore muscle elasticity.

17. Restore mental balance.

The Revitonics techniques given at the end of the book are only an integral part of a comprehensive methodology that covers all options for possible deformations that occur with the muscles of the face and the human musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is impossible to compile an exhaustive list of improvements that can happen to the body.

Of the most popular independent methods of working with the face, I would call Japanese massage the most harmless and effective. Zogan(aka Asahi). Cases of complaints from those who used this method of facial emaciation, thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer, etc. are explained by the fact that this massage was created as a typical one. And knowledge of the biomechanics of facial aging requires an individual configuration of techniques according to the genetic characteristics of the face. This also applies to "power" methods. The problems of facial biomechanics are so specific and genetically individual that it is impossible to prescribe a single algorithm for everyone. In fact, a certain defect requires its own set of exercises performed, so to speak, “according to indications”. And in the ideal case, the complex should be purely individual.

It is strange and surprising that no one has thought deeply about how to actually help our face retain its youthful features. Physiologically, and not invasively, helping Nature, but without harming her. As Dmitry Pisarev writes in his Mimic Muscles: “As for the muscles of the face, the main information comes from pathologists who collected their material mainly for plastic surgeons, no one else really needed information about the muscles of the face.” Cosmetologists worked with the skin, surgeons performed operations, everyone did their own thing: cosmetologists smeared, surgeons cut ... But before you smear and cut, you must first at least understand what is happening! The face is the most complex biomechanical structure: in such a small area (including the neck) there are about a hundred muscles, twenty-nine bones of the skull - and all this is in constant motion. First, we retouch everything with a brush, and then we send it for a complete reconstruction - alteration and re-turning. Like an old worn out thing. But we are alive, an Ordinary miracle lives in us - the intention of the Creator, who created us in his own image and likeness ... We often try to help ourselves by forcing the body and forgetting that Nature is stronger than us - we are truly doing ourselves a disservice ...

A person has many mechanisms of self-regulation and self-regeneration, it is only necessary to help him in their implementation, using physiological methods that are not contrary to human nature. And then the body will gratefully respond to all efforts.

Perhaps Professor V. T. Nazarov, the progenitor of biomechanical stimulation, was the first to associate the withering of facial muscles with the appearance of senile folds and sagging on it: “A muscle withers - its volume decreases, large folds appear on the face. The skin becomes, as it were, larger, and it becomes thinner, bags form under the chin and on the sides of the lower part of the face (peculiar tanks or, as they are insultingly called “bulldogs”), bags under the eyes. Eyebrows hang more, and fan-shaped grooves like "crow's feet" rush from the corners of the eyes to the temples. If we add to this picture more sharp wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, then in general terms we have drawn a picture of the inevitable fading associated with the onset of old age. Her steps are invisible.

Unfortunately, cosmetology as a science, having limited itself to one skin, almost did not deal with the muscles and other structures that lie under it. And to hear from an ordinary cosmetologist a clear answer on why the oval of the face changes so much, the oval of the face “floats”, the eyebrows drop, excess skin forms on the eyelids, nasolabial folds appear and the cheeks sag, it is still almost impossible. Usually the only reason given is the gravitational stretching of the skin, making it guiltlessly guilty. Everything is somehow upside down in our world: in face-building, muscles atrophy and sag, in cosmetologists - skin.

Such stereotypes, which live to this day, do not make it clear the true causes of age-related changes in the face. But they lie not so much in the skin, but in the changed muscular corset, “put on” the skull that changes with age. And in general, our characteristic appearance, our individual facial features, whether in old age or in youth, are not determined by the skin. They depend mainly on the shape of the skull and muscles, on the place of their attachment to the bones and adhesions with the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and other things - in general, on everything that is a frame on which the skin itself is actually stretched. And this whole system is not eternal and also ages: the shape of the skull changes, muscles dry up, capillaries spasm, ligaments stretch, and so on.

It would seem that everything is so scary and there is no other way but to accept or go to a plastic surgeon, so that he would at least for a moment delay the passing youth. Or maybe it's scary because there is no knowledge, there is no alternative ... Let's try together today to figure out where exactly the enemy called "age" is hiding and how exactly it changes our faces under the "cover of the skin." To understand once and for all that "the devil is not as terrible as he is painted."

But we will start with the simplest and most understandable for all women - with their primordial enemies - wrinkles.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book The Resurrection of the Face, or the Ordinary Miracle. Theory and practice of youth restoration (N. B. Osminina, 2015) provided by our book partner -

"Resurrection of the Face or Ordinary Miracle" N. Osminina 5

Ordinary miracle, or Hear yourself!

The genre of this book is difficult to define. On the one hand, it contains a lot of medical terms and new knowledge about the biomechanical aging of the face. On the other hand, written

it is a clear language, humanly everyday. Its specificity is that it is dedicated to people who are interested in the topic of Fitness for the face.

Wanting to help themselves on their own, and become a “pro” in this, they are in dire need of deep knowledge, but bearing in mind that even super-professionals are also people and nothing human is alien to them, the book is written in simple language with a share of humor and healthy sarcasm.

Therefore, in the book, funny but instructive stories from my (today 18-year-old) practice peacefully coexist with absolutely new knowledge not only for women who are interested in their face and want to help themselves, but also for the vast majority of cosmetology professionals: from estheticians to plastic surgeons.

Now it has become fashionable in the West to return to “nature”, but in order to follow this road at the level of the 21st century, and not the Middle Ages, knowledge, a base, theory, and solution algorithms are needed. The absurd separation of the head from the body by the “guillotine” of former ignorance has led to the fact that the idea of ​​improving, rejuvenating the face for the vast majority of women is associated only with a cosmetic effect on the skin and, unfortunately, a complete misunderstanding that the face is part of our body, a biomechanical system. , which must be worked with in the same way as with the body, while taking into account its complexity and specifics.

The realization that working only with facial skin cannot restore youth led to the birth of a new direction in the world - Facial Fitness and the emergence of various trends: facebuilding, faceforming, facelifting, etc.

All those working in these areas, as well as cosmetologists who, at the call of their hearts, have chosen an excellent profession to restore beauty and youth to people, are in dire need of the knowledge set forth in this book and in the scientific terminology that is used in it, since this is their specific professional activity.

The book contains a lot of new information that is either not available at all in other sources, or, if there is, then set out in professional medical and osteopathic sites that are not adapted for understanding even by cosmetologists, not to mention our main “addressees” - women with other, distant from medicine specialties, but nonetheless eager to help themselves.

In addition to substantiating the very methodology of self-modeling - Jaeukoss Sculptural Fitness for the Face and Neck, the book also describes my personal 18-year-old observations and research made thanks to the works of serious scientists. All of them relate to the cause-and-effect relationship of the deformation of each muscle and each bone separately with aging and deformation of the entire face.

Summarizing, we can say this: this book is addressed to everyone who understands that painting and plastering the facade alone is not enough in the fight against old age. Those who want to look at themselves in the mirror without fear in the morning. Those who want to deeply understand the causes of facial aging and understand why the period of his youth is so short. In general, to all those in whom the fire of knowledge has not died out, who has not lost the inquisitiveness of the mind, creativity, curiosity and the energy of creativity.

Therefore, this book is dedicated to all those who are interested in knowing that the world of our face consists not only of the world of the skin.

Forgive me those for whom the book turns out to be too complicated and “abstruse”, and those for whom it is too lightweight in terms of the language of presentation, because I tried my best to convey to you the Ordinary Miracle.

Secrets of Cleopatra, Makropulos remedy, "rejuvenating" apples, living and dead water and much more. Mankind has always been looking for ways to preserve youth, to prolong active longevity. From witchcraft potions to scientific genetic approach. Each time and each nation had its secrets, its hopes. Eternal search...

The method presented here is strictly scientific and logical, and therefore simple and understandable to everyone. No invasive methods, no violence against human nature. No need to pick locks, you need to find the key, and then the door will open. Try to enter this door, and you will see behind it a world in which you can live without fear. Fear of becoming old and useless, fear of seeing new wrinkles and being rejected, fear of the future, if it does not promise joy. Try to believe that it is real and feasible to look and feel young to a ripe old age. And all this is in your hands!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to stop the passage of time. And you can't argue with that. But is it a matter of passport age? Biological age is much more important - how old you feel and how you look at the same time. And the main companion to decrepitude and a sluggish body is hypodynamia. With age, our muscles age (and this process begins already at the age of 25), by the age of 50 we lose up to 50-70% of our muscle mass. This process is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the point of view of approaching physiological aging. After all, not only the heart drives blood through our body - in the systemic circulation, the main role belongs to the muscles. Without exaggeration, it can be argued that the skin is nourished by the muscles that it covers.

Muscles age, and the blood already hardly reaches the periphery, it supplies the skin with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for its youth - life is gradually shifting from the periphery to the center. After all, the main nutrition of our skin comes from within.

“The presented book is interesting for its unusual, new approach to cosmetic and gerontological problems of the face.

The author, having a technical education along with a cosmetology education, considers the process of facial aging not from the usual view of skin fading, but from the point of view of cranial bone deformation, muscle degeneration and their subsequent rehabilitation. Representatives of classical medicine may not agree with some aspects of the described methodology, however, it clearly indicates the relationship between deformities of the bones of the skull and degenerative-dystrophic changes in muscles and the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the face.

This is one of the first attempts to explain the appearance of wrinkles and sagging in terms of the theory of applied biomechanics and constructive aging (tissue fatigue, internal defects).

An attempt was made to apply a practical approach to correcting age-related changes in the face. Understanding the theory of biomechanics of aging of the muscles and bones of the skull becomes a working tool in their rehabilitation.

Much attention is paid to the muscles of the neck, which is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view, since exercises to restore them lead to the normalization of blood circulation not only in the cervical spine and adjacent soft tissues, but also to the regulation of vertebrobasilar neurohemodynamics of facial tissues.

The book can be considered as a theoretical guide explaining the age-related problems of the face.

Although the book has controversial, debatable aspects, and in some cases inexplicable from the point of view of classical medicine, however, it will nevertheless be of interest to both professionals (cosmetologists, massage therapists, kinesiotherapists, and so on) and everyone who is not indifferent to their own appearance and follows the innovations of alternative medicine.

Markarov Gavril Surenovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Restorative Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Russian Association of Psycho-Neuropharmacology and the European Association of Bioelectromagnetology (EBEA, France).

“Dear Doctor Natalia Osminina!

Please accept my compliments on your work. What you have discovered is extremely important and coincides with the conclusions that I myself have come to. That the real cause, the key factor in facial changes is the neuromuscular nature, and what happens to the skin is a secondary effect. In this regard, I am trying to work with neuroregulatory equipment (CRM Terapia). I really want to learn more about your method."

Sincerely, Dr. Mikel Akanfora,

Chapter 1.

Ordinary miracle, or Hear yourself!

The genre of this book is hard to define. On the one hand, it contains a lot of medical terms and new knowledge about the biomechanical aging of the face. On the other hand, it is written in clear and simple language. The specificity of the book is that it reveals the reasons for the appearance of aesthetic defects on the face (wrinkles, folds and other deformations) - all that is called biomechanical aging.

Cosmetologists have no knowledge of this. So far, none of them can restore, reconstruct, recreate the face in a non-surgical physiological way. It turns out "as always": the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. And in order not to drown in the whirlpool of advertising that imposes another "rejuvenating" remedy, you need to have a lifeline of knowledge that this book will give you. She will explain to you the true causes of the appearance of age-related defects, get rid of illusions, misconceptions and stereotypes, and introduce you to the possibilities of manual face modeling methods. This knowledge will be new not only for women who are interested in their face, but also for the vast majority of professionals in the field of cosmetology - from estheticians to plastic surgeons.

Bearing in mind that even superprofessionals are also people and nothing human is alien to them, the medical terminology in the book is softened by simple language with a dose of humor and healthy sarcasm, and knowledge that is completely new for most women peacefully coexists with funny but instructive stories from my twenty years of practice. .

Now it has become fashionable in the West to return to “nature”, but in order to follow this road at the level of the 21st century, and not the Middle Ages, knowledge, a base, theory, and solution algorithms are needed. The absurd separation of the head from the body for the sake of the narrow specialization of cosmetologists and massage therapists has played its detrimental role: the vast majority of women associate the idea of ​​improving and rejuvenating the face only with its skin, not realizing that it is only a hostage to the processes going on in the entire spectrum of the body. To work properly with a face, you need not only to know the laws of its biomechanical aging, but also to understand the laws of biomechanical deformations of the body: after all, a face does not exist separately without a body! For the most part, the main age-related problems of the face are secondary, being only the result of incorrect posture and incorrect neck static. Therefore, the main task of this book, probably for the first time in the world space, is to clearly and easily show each woman these connections and explain how they work.

The book contains a lot of new information that is either completely absent in other sources, or presented fragmentarily on professional osteopathic websites. Specialists focused on the treatment of the "sick", and not on the solution of the aesthetic problems of the "conditionally healthy", use specific medical terminology, obscure to the last category. It is to her that our main addressees belong - women who are eager to help themselves, but have different educational levels.

This book is addressed to everyone who understands that painting and plastering the facade alone is not enough in the fight against old age. Anyone who wants to look at themselves in the mirror without fear in the morning. Anyone who wants to deeply understand the causes of facial aging and understand why the period of his youth is so short. In general, to all those in whom the fire of knowledge has not died out, who has not lost the inquisitiveness of the mind, curiosity and the energy of creativity.

Therefore, this book is dedicated to everyone who is interested in knowing that the world of our face consists not only of the world of the skin.

Forgive me those for whom the book will be too complicated, and those for whom, on the contrary, it is too lightweight. I tried my best to convey to you Ordinary miracle.

Secrets of Cleopatra, Makropulos remedy, "rejuvenating" apples, living and dead water and much more... Mankind has always been looking for ways to preserve youth, prolong active longevity, using everything possible - from witchcraft potions to a scientific genetic approach. Each time and each nation had its secrets, its hopes. Eternal search...

This book does not claim to reveal the secret of "eternal youth" and the distribution of a panacea for cellular aging. This book explains the mechanism of biomechanical aging. After understanding which, the causes of the appearance of many aesthetic defects of the face and figure will immediately become an open secret for you, from a “thing in itself” turned into a “thing for everyone” - into a clear and understandable algorithm for biomechanical aging of the face. And since the mechanism is clear, it means that the “antidote” is also open: the key that allows you to work with the manifestations of age-related dynamics on the face. In addition to substantiating the theory itself, which can be called myology(as a way to manage and control muscle information systems), the book describes my personal twenty years of observations and research made thanks to the work of serious scientists. All of them relate to cause-and-effect relationships arising under the influence of age-related causes in the general biomechanical structure of the face, body and the whole organism.

The method which is set forth here is strictly scientific and logical, and therefore will be simple and understandable to everyone. No invasive methods, no violence against human nature. No need to pick locks, you need to find the key, and then the door will open. Try to enter this door and you will see a world beyond it in which you can live without fear. Fear of becoming old and useless, fear of seeing new wrinkles and being rejected, fear of the future, if it does not promise joy. Try to believe that it is real and feasible to look and feel young to a ripe old age. And all this is in your hands!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to stop the passage of time. And you can't argue with that. But is it a matter of passport age? Biological age is much more important - how old you feel and how you look at the same time. And the main way to decrepitude and a sluggish body is hypodynamia. With age, our muscles age (and this process begins at the age of twenty-five), by the age of fifty we lose up to 50-70% of our muscle mass. This process is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the point of view of approaching physiological aging. After all, not only the heart drives blood through our body - in the systemic circulation, the main role belongs to the muscles. It is no exaggeration to say that the skin is nourished by the work of the muscles it covers.

Muscles age, and the blood already hardly reaches the periphery, it supplies the skin with the nutrients and vitamins necessary for its youth worse - life is gradually shifting from the periphery of the body to its center. No matter how hard cosmetologists try to saturate the skin from the outside, violating the laws of physiology that prevent this action, the skin is still nourished only from the inside - due to blood plasma, and not with the help of creams, no matter how good they are. The fact that a sedentary lifestyle brings our decrepitude closer is not a secret to anyone. Visiting various gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, aerobics, shaping and other active recreational sports is a real opportunity to maintain a slim figure, skin tone, joint flexibility, good metabolism, endurance, that is, ultimately, to slow down the onset of old age. But this is a workout for the muscles of the body. But what about the muscles of the face?

They are the corset on which the skin is stretched. And it is their condition that is responsible for young facial features, and it is their age-related deformations that lead to the appearance of most wrinkles and folds and a change in proportions. Moreover, the aging of the muscles of the face affects its features much more than the age-related withering of the muscles of the body affects the contours of the figure.

Healthy and young facial muscles are a guarantee that our cheeks will not sag and a second chin will not appear, eyebrows will not “hang” over our eyes and nasolabial folds will not fall, that our skin will be elastic, and our cheeks will be high and round, as in youth.

But is it just right to train the muscles of the face? And is it necessary to do this in the way recommended by various systems of mimic gymnastics, which transfer the principle of pumping up the muscles of the body to the muscles of the face?

So the obvious analogy with the muscles of the body turned out to be a dead end approach, often leading to a deterioration in appearance (deepening of the nasolabial folds, thinning of the subcutaneous fat, and even arthrosis of the cervical region). And only understanding the specificity of the structure of the muscles of the face and a deep study of their biomechanics helps to understand exactly why this approach does not work.

We will touch on all this a little later. In the meantime, just feel the importance of working with the muscles of the face if you want to keep it young for as long as possible.

In the human body, there are from four hundred to eight hundred and fifty muscles, 20% of them are in the muscles of the head and face. According to some reference books, there are fifty-seven muscles on the human face. Experts cannot accurately indicate the number of muscles in a person: it is believed, for example, that people of the Mongoloid race have more of them ... the whole skin is stitched with muscles. Thanks to this, the face does not age for a long time, but then at one moment the muscles weaken and sag greatly, deep folds cut through the face.

The individual muscular characteristics of each person make it impossible to develop precise schemes for the location of muscles and their attachment to the skin, muscles and bones of the face ... Therefore, such schemes in various anatomical atlases are averaged and may partly differ from each other.

Scientists still do not understand why nature provided so many muscles on a person's face. After all, not only to satisfy his urgent needs (to chew and blink), and not even only to express emotions. There is a version that such a number of muscles is necessary for a person to improve blood circulation in the brain. It has been noticed that organs deprived of their own muscles improve blood circulation at the expense of neighboring tissues, the work of muscles adjacent to them. According to various sources, in such a small area as the head and neck, there are about a hundred muscles! With age, their functional balance, on which skin tone and nutrition depend, is disturbed.

Understanding how to get it back is what this book is about. And she clearly and understandably answers many pressing questions regarding female beauty: why eyelids fall, eyebrows droop, what shortens the neck, transverse wrinkles appear on it, for what reasons nasolabial folds form - and in general, why facial features change with age, sometimes beyond recognition.

To begin with, let's see how cosmetology answers these burning questions. If you are satisfied with the information that the pages of glossy women's magazines are full of, an interesting game of questions and answers looms.

Question: Why do nasolabial folds sag with age, “flews” appear and so on?

Answer: The skin stretches with age under the influence of gravity and age-related processes of reduction of collagen and elastin in it.

Question: Why do facial features change so much with age - sometimes beyond recognition?

Answer: Skin stretches and sags with age.

Question: Why does the skin become inelastic?

Answer: Skin loses its collagen and elastin with age.

Question: Why does the skin of the neck become flabby and wrinkled with age, and the neck itself becomes short?

Answer: Because under the influence of aging processes in the skin, the production of collagen and elastin decreases.

Question: Why do eyebrows droop with age?

Answer: Because the skin is stretched and under the influence of gravity falls down.

It turns out that such a simple game.

It's funny that by manipulating just a few words ( collagen, elastin, gravitational ptosis, age-related processes), you can compose any set of phrases supposedly answering all the questions posed.

The main thing is that thanks to such an innocent game, pharmaceutical corporations, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons receive significant material benefits, in the form of sales. « anti-aging” creams and injections that “nourish” and tighten sagging skin that is losing elastin and collagen, the use of hardware procedures to rejuvenate aging collagen, and a scalpel that cuts off excess stretched skin. And blinded and blinded people, involved in such games, are much more willing to part with their money.

Let's play some more!

Imagine that you are a car enthusiast. You come to the workshop complaining about the poor performance of your machine. Explain to the master that something is knocking in it, the car does not obey the steering wheel, and so on. To which he reasonably replies: “What do you want? Your car is over five years old! Naturally, it is no longer new, you see, even the paint has peeled off in some places, the hood is dirty. Now, if you wash and clean it, and even paint it again, then it will run like new.”

Even if you have never been behind the wheel, such explanations will not seem intelligible to you. It will be clear to the “blonde” that even if the car is redecorated, it will not drive like new.

Whether business when the cosmetician speaks the same concerning problems of your face. Then it's a completely different matter. Then it rolls.

Let's see how people are led to the simplest and most massive invention of cosmetology in the spirit of "wash, clean and color" - anti-aging creams. And after evaluating the arsenal of facial rejuvenation offered by modern cosmetology, we will decide whether it is capable, as advertising promises, of “turning back the clock”. But it is precisely on the cultivation of such illusions that all the whales of the cosmetic industry stand, exploiting our weaknesses and fears of old age.

In my first book, The Anatomy of Facial Aging, or Myths in Cosmetology, I went through petrochemical-based creams with all my heart. The Internet is now full of similar articles. But, oddly enough, a huge layer of the female population still remains uncovered, some of which, it turns out, are not even aware of the dangers of petrochemical creams. And the other part, although it has some information, believes it so little that it does not bother to read the list of ingredients on the jars. Therefore, following the proverb “A drop wears away a stone,” I’m not afraid to start this book with “common truths” that “petrochemically advanced” readers can run through with one eye and go further into the amazing world of our face’s life, into knowledge of the process of its age-related metamorphoses and transformations. ... the very process of his aging that everyone wants to avoid.

But in order to prevent facial aging, we only need to know by what laws it occurs: whoever is warned is armed!

Chapter 2

Harm of petrochemical ingredients

For those who are not in the know, our body is wrapped in skin not only to keep all its parts from falling apart and to serve as the first line of defense against environmental aggression and its sensor. The skin, as the great physiologist A.S. Zalmanov (a prominent Russian and Soviet scientist) wrote, “is endowed with a wonderful and diverse activity that has endocrine, immunobiological, heat-regulatory functions, etc. It is an important gland of external and internal secretion that produces heat, electricity, radiation , it is the focus of the metabolism of many organic and mineral components. The skin breathes. “It is experimentally possible to kill an animal by placing it in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide, even if you leave your head in an ordinary atmosphere. If you cover a person with varnish, he begins to suffocate, the heartbeat slows down, the temperature drops and death occurs ”(A. S. Zalmanov). Probably, many have heard a story that took place in the Middle Ages and became a classic. In 1646, in Italy, in the luxurious castle of the Duke of Milan, a holiday was held. At the head of the festive procession was the "golden boy". His body was completely covered with golden paint. In the heat of the idea, the boy was forgotten, and he spent the night on the stone floor of the hall. The child was found dead the next morning. The body, covered with paint, turned out to be unable to breathe, perform a heat-regulatory function, the boy lost a lot of heat, his body temperature dropped, which led to a tragic end.

The ability of our skin to breathe is explained by the fact that the process of human evolution came from protozoa, which breathe only through the skin, and only later did mammals receive additional “gas equipment” - lungs. Now it is no secret to anyone that the basis of our life is oxygen. The skin covered with traditional petrochemical cosmetics can only be compared with the lungs of heavy smokers or miners. She hardly breathes. Therefore, to save the skin by using creams prepared on the basis of petrochemistry (technical oils - mineral oil, petrolatum or vaseline - petrpolatum, solid oil - solid oil, paraffin oil - paraffin oil And parafinium liquidum), it's like depriving her of her breath, smearing with varnish. What kind of “acceleration of the regeneration process” or “rejuvenation” indicated in advertising can we talk about in the complete absence of oxygen and an increased content of carbon dioxide? Petrolatum is the most dangerous in this sense. It is used in dermatological experiments as a tester for 100% skin impermeability. At the same time, oddly enough, it is often used in cosmetic creams. There was a case in my practice when two girlfriends, lovers of petrolatum (vaseline), used creams based on it for more than a year (the notorious cream from the advertisement “How unlucky for an apple - how lucky you are!”). That's really lucky - so lucky! A year later, the skin of both women suddenly wrinkled like a baked apple. And just suddenly. What is the physiological explanation. Clogged, deprived of breath and, of course, of its excretory function, the skin remained under a layer of Vaseline in a waterlogged state all year. At some point, its own hydration mechanisms ceased to function, the body simply “turned off” them as unnecessary.

Other mineral oils, which do not allow the skin to properly consume oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, also make it "asthmatic". Of course, smearing the skin even with such a cream improves its aesthetic appearance. I noticed the skin of French women in Paris. I specifically asked what creams they use and how. It turned out that they don’t have any special preferences for creams (they smear everything that is advertised), but they apply them to the skin without regret - in a plentiful layer, blotting the excess after half an hour with a napkin (as, in fact, they taught us). As a result, the skin looks nourished, that is, aesthetically quite attractive. But after all, a polished boot looks more presentable than an unpolished one. However, he does not become alive from this. And our skin is alive, it wants to live, breathe and multiply...

Natalia Osminina

The Resurrection of the Face, or the Ordinary Miracle. Theory and practice of youth restoration

“The presented book is interesting for its unusual, new approach to cosmetic and gerontological problems of the face.

The author, having a technical education along with a cosmetology education, considers the process of facial aging not from the usual view of skin fading, but from the point of view of cranial bone deformation, muscle degeneration and their subsequent rehabilitation. Representatives of classical medicine may not agree with some aspects of the described methodology, however, it clearly indicates the relationship between deformities of the bones of the skull and degenerative-dystrophic changes in muscles and the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the face.

This is one of the first attempts to explain the appearance of wrinkles and sagging in terms of the theory of applied biomechanics and constructive aging (tissue fatigue, internal defects).

An attempt was made to apply a practical approach to correcting age-related changes in the face. Understanding the theory of biomechanics of aging of the muscles and bones of the skull becomes a working tool in their rehabilitation.

Much attention is paid to the muscles of the neck, which is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view, since exercises to restore them lead to the normalization of blood circulation not only in the cervical spine and adjacent soft tissues, but also to the regulation of vertebrobasilar neurohemodynamics of facial tissues.

The book can be considered as a theoretical guide explaining the age-related problems of the face.

Although the book has controversial, debatable aspects, and in some cases inexplicable from the point of view of classical medicine, however, it will nevertheless be of interest to both professionals (cosmetologists, massage therapists, kinesiotherapists, and so on) and everyone who is not indifferent to their own appearance and follows the innovations of alternative medicine.

Markarov Gavril Surenovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Restorative Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the Russian Association of Psycho-Neuropharmacology and the European Association of Bioelectromagnetology (EBEA, France).

“Dear Doctor Natalia Osminina!

Please accept my compliments on your work. What you have discovered is extremely important and coincides with the conclusions that I myself have come to. That the real cause, the key factor in facial changes is the neuromuscular nature, and what happens to the skin is a secondary effect. In this regard, I am trying to work with neuroregulatory equipment (CRM Terapia). I really want to learn more about your method."

Sincerely, Dr. Mikel Akanfora,

Chapter 1

The genre of this book is hard to define. On the one hand, it contains a lot of medical terms and new knowledge about the biomechanical aging of the face. On the other hand, it is written in clear and simple language. The specificity of the book is that it reveals the reasons for the appearance of aesthetic defects on the face (wrinkles, folds and other deformations) - all that is called biomechanical aging.

Cosmetologists have no knowledge of this. So far, none of them can restore, reconstruct, recreate the face in a non-surgical physiological way. It turns out "as always": the salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. And in order not to drown in the whirlpool of advertising that imposes another "rejuvenating" remedy, you need to have a lifeline of knowledge that this book will give you. She will explain to you the true causes of the appearance of age-related defects, get rid of illusions, misconceptions and stereotypes, and introduce you to the possibilities of manual face modeling methods. This knowledge will be new not only for women who are interested in their face, but also for the vast majority of professionals in the field of cosmetology - from estheticians to plastic surgeons.

Bearing in mind that even superprofessionals are also people and nothing human is alien to them, the medical terminology in the book is softened by simple language with a dose of humor and healthy sarcasm, and knowledge that is completely new for most women peacefully coexists with funny but instructive stories from my twenty years of practice. .

Now it has become fashionable in the West to return to “nature”, but in order to follow this road at the level of the 21st century, and not the Middle Ages, knowledge, a base, theory, and solution algorithms are needed. The absurd separation of the head from the body for the sake of the narrow specialization of cosmetologists and massage therapists has played its detrimental role: the vast majority of women associate the idea of ​​improving and rejuvenating the face only with its skin, not realizing that it is only a hostage to the processes going on in the entire spectrum of the body. To work properly with a face, you need not only to know the laws of its biomechanical aging, but also to understand the laws of biomechanical deformations of the body: after all, a face does not exist separately without a body! For the most part, the main age-related problems of the face are secondary, being only the result of incorrect posture and incorrect neck static. Therefore, the main task of this book, probably for the first time in the world space, is to clearly and easily show each woman these connections and explain how they work.

The book contains a lot of new information that is either completely absent in other sources, or presented fragmentarily on professional osteopathic websites. Specialists focused on the treatment of the "sick", and not on the solution of the aesthetic problems of the "conditionally healthy", use specific medical terminology, obscure to the last category. It is to her that our main addressees belong - women who are eager to help themselves, but have different educational levels.

This book is addressed to everyone who understands that painting and plastering the facade alone is not enough in the fight against old age. Anyone who wants to look at themselves in the mirror without fear in the morning. Anyone who wants to deeply understand the causes of facial aging and understand why the period of his youth is so short. In general, to all those in whom the fire of knowledge has not died out, who has not lost the inquisitiveness of the mind, curiosity and the energy of creativity.

Therefore, this book is dedicated to everyone who is interested in knowing that the world of our face consists not only of the world of the skin.

Forgive me those for whom the book will be too complicated, and those for whom, on the contrary, it is too lightweight. I tried my best to convey to you Ordinary miracle.

Secrets of Cleopatra, Makropulos remedy, "rejuvenating" apples, living and dead water and much more... Mankind has always been looking for ways to preserve youth, prolong active longevity, using everything possible - from witchcraft potions to a scientific genetic approach. Each time and each nation had its secrets, its hopes. Eternal search...

This book does not claim to reveal the secret of "eternal youth" and the distribution of a panacea for cellular aging. This book explains the mechanism of biomechanical aging. After understanding which, the causes of the appearance of many aesthetic defects of the face and figure will immediately become an open secret for you, from a “thing in itself” turned into a “thing for everyone” - into a clear and understandable algorithm for biomechanical aging of the face. And since the mechanism is clear, it means that the “antidote” is also open: the key that allows you to work with the manifestations of age-related dynamics on the face. In addition to substantiating the theory itself, which can be called myology(as a way to manage and control muscle information systems), the book describes my personal twenty years of observations and research made thanks to the work of serious scientists. All of them relate to cause-and-effect relationships arising under the influence of age-related causes in the general biomechanical structure of the face, body and the whole organism.

The method which is set forth here is strictly scientific and logical, and therefore will be simple and understandable to everyone. No invasive methods, no violence against human nature. No need to pick locks, you need to find the key, and then the door will open. Try to enter this door and you will see a world beyond it in which you can live without fear. Fear of becoming old and useless, fear of seeing new wrinkles and being rejected, fear of the future, if it does not promise joy. Try to believe that it is real and feasible to look and feel young to a ripe old age. And all this is in your hands!

Everyone knows that it is impossible to stop the passage of time. And you can't argue with that. But is it a matter of passport age? Biological age is much more important - how old you feel and how you look at the same time. And the main way to decrepitude and a sluggish body is hypodynamia. With age, our muscles age (and this process begins at the age of twenty-five), by the age of fifty we lose up to 50-70% of our muscle mass. This process is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the point of view of approaching physiological aging. After all, not only the heart drives blood through our body - in the systemic circulation, the main role belongs to the muscles. It is no exaggeration to say that the skin is nourished by the work of the muscles it covers.