A bag to the hospital is a complete list of what you need. What to take to the hospital? The essentials! When to start collecting

In anticipation of childbirth, expectant mothers think about what things will be useful in the hospital for them and the baby. Detailed list everything you need can be clarified at the hospital where you are supposed to give birth. But there are also general recommendations by fees.

There are no specific deadlines when exactly you need to collect things for the hospital.

At this time, you can start looking after both the crib and the stroller, as well as a minimum of clothes for the child. You can start preparing an apartment, disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, think about where the crib and stroller will be. In advance, you should think about blackout curtains on windows or blinds.

What bag to put things in

In the maternity ward, it is better to clarify in advance whether it is possible to bring things in bags. Since most of these institutions recommend using packages. If it is not possible to clarify this information, you need to prepare capacious packages. To avoid misunderstandings in the reception area.

Bag #1. For the maternity ward

The list of documents required upon admission to the hospital:

Also needed:

  • Rubber, washable shoes.
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene, disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Sterile diapers 90x90 (1pack);
  • Soft toilet paper.
  • A bottle of non-carbonated drinking or mineral water.
  • Anti-varicose stockings.
  • Phone with charger.

You will also need towels (you will need 2 pieces), shower gel, shampoo, a set for brushing your teeth, a comb. You need to bring 2 plates, a spoon and a fork, a cup.

Home clothes and antenatal sleepwear are also needed if you have to go to bed early. But in most cases, you will have to change clothes in the delivery room. The shirt will be issued by the medical staff. You can take a snack with you - cookies, apples, bananas.

If the expectant mother wears glasses or contact lenses, about them and all necessary accessories should not be forgotten either.

Bag number 2. What you need after childbirth

The list of everything that is required after delivery can be divided into parts. Things for mom and what the baby needs. It is better to take them with you, unless you have to go to the hospital in advance.

Childbirth can be swift, and loved ones will not have time to bring everything they need. In some maternity hospitals, there are problems with baby diapers, and sterile gauze is used instead of postpartum pads.

The table shows a list of what the baby needs:

Mandatory required May be required (family will inform)
baby liquid soap- 1 vialMix - 1 box
Diapers (the smallest size for newborns) - 1 packBottle with nipple - 2 pieces
Diaper cream - 1 tubeDummy - 2 pieces
Powder (alternative to cream) - 1 bottleRompers - 3-4 pieces
Wet wipes - 1 large packUndershirts - 3-4 pieces
Disposable diapers 60x60 - 1 packCap - 3 pieces

The list of what a woman in labor needs can also be divided into what is needed unambiguously and what may be needed.

What might come in handy:

  • Breast pump.
  • Home clothes (if allowed in the medical facility).
  • Postpartum bandage (after an emergency caesarean section).

You can fit in the same bag. decorative cosmetics which will be useful for checkout. It is better if everything is at hand, as the staff of the maternity hospital can rush to discharge and there will be no time to restore beauty.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

Prenatal and postpartum first aid kit

When you go to the hospital, you can take a first aid kit with you. It is worth taking the drugs that mom will need in it.

It can be:

  • Aspirin or Paracetamol, in a situation where, due to a rush of milk, the temperature rises and the general condition of the woman worsens.
  • Levomikol - ointment for the treatment of perineal sutures or after cesarean section. This will speed up healing and prevent possible suppuration.
  • Drops like "Vizin" may come in handy to relieve redness of the eyes after attempts.
  • Packing of Noshpa or Drotoverin.
  • Candles with glycerin for constipation. After childbirth or caesarean section, there may be difficulties with the stool.
  • If a woman suffers from hemorrhoids, it is better to take with you to the hospital special creams or ointments. Since the disease may worsen after childbirth.
  • A package of antibacterial patches, a sterile bandage can be useful in the postpartum ward.
  • Medicines that are taken by a woman constantly should be taken first.
  • It is better to take drugs against colic in a child

Bag number 3. What things to take for discharge to a newborn baby

The list of things in the hospital for mom and baby will vary slightly depending on the season.

These changes will affect, first of all, the "dowry" for the child.

Extract in summer

You will need:

Extract in winter

For winter, the discharge kit should consist of:

Extract in autumn

If the baby is born in September:

  • Thick fleece lining.
  • Warm woolen blanket (as an alternative to an envelope).
  • Lightweight blouse, on top of which you can put on a tight knitted suit with long sleeves.
  • Thin cotton shirt, blouse and sliders made of dense natural material(can replace the option from the paragraph above).
  • Thick knitted hat.
  • Thin cotton and more dense knitted caps are an alternative to a hat.
  • Cotton socks and tight cotton booties, if September is cold, then wool.
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of dense natural material.
  • A beautiful ribbon to tie up an envelope or blanket.

For October babies you will need:

In November, things from the winter list will do.

Extract in the spring

For March kids, you can assemble the following kit:

  • A warm envelope on a synthetic winterizer or a woolen blanket or plaid.
  • A cotton shirt and a tight flannel suit.
  • Lightweight jumpsuit with fleece.
  • Thick cotton socks.
  • Wool booties.
  • Dense "anti-scratches".
  • Thin cotton or linen cap, thick fleece or wool cap.

If the child was born in April, you will need:

For a May statement, a summer list of things is suitable. You need to be guided by the weather.

Although the maternity hospital has a supply of “diapers” and wet wipes, it is better for relatives to grab a pair of diapers and a mini-package of wipes in case of unexpected circumstances. After all, mom will already pack things, and urgently needed hygiene items may end up at the bottom of bulky packages.

Things for a newborn baby to be discharged from the hospital:

Bag number 4. What to take for mom to discharge

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby cannot do without clothes for a woman to be discharged. Spouses need to discuss in advance what to take for their wife for discharge. It should be something that she likes and fits well.

Summer release:

Extract in winter:

  • Comfortable outerwear for the season.
  • Comfortable winter shoes.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a cozy jumper.
  • Option 2 - tights, tight dress.
  • Option 3 - leggings and a warm sweater.
  • Jewelry on request.

Extract in autumn:

  • Outerwear if necessary, in September a warm cardigan will do.
  • Shoes for the season.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a sweatshirt.
  • Option 2 - leggings and elongated light sweater or tight tunic.
  • Option 3 - Tights and a loose dress.
  • Accessories on request.

Extract in the spring:

  • Outerwear, taking into account the weather.
  • Beautiful and comfortable shoes.
  • Option - 1 jeans and a T-shirt and a light cardigan.
  • Option 2 - Pants shirt or blouse.
  • Option 3 - Leggings and a tunic dress.
  • Jewelry and accessories optional.

It is better to give cosmetics and a hair dryer with things that will be required after childbirth.

What to take for dad

Partnerships are not that uncommon these days. Each medical institution has its own list of what a future father or another person who wants to take part in childbirth will need.

In preparation for joint childbirth, a man must undergo medical examination- take an x-ray of the lungs, take tests. Most likely, it will be - AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis. You will also need a smear for staphylococcus aureus, and the conclusion of a therapist about general condition health.

Your partner must have:

  • Passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, conclusion of the therapist and laboratory data.
  • Disposable set of shoe covers, cap and bathrobe.
  • If allowed, just replaceable comfortable clothes.
  • Light snack, water.

A camera or a camera should be taken only upon agreement with your spouse. Childbirth is not an easy process, and she may not want to be filmed.

Planned caesarean section: what you need to take for childbirth

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby with a cesarean section is not much different from the usual.

It includes:

The rest of the list will not be much different from the usual. It will also include:

After a caesarean section, there are dietary restrictions. On the first day, you can only drink water without gas. Can be liquid and soft food. This should be taken into account by relatives when collecting food parcels for a woman in labor.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

In the hospital, the following little things can come in handy:

What not to bring to the hospital

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby is limited. They depend on the particular hospital. Somewhere laptops, tablets, electric kettles are strictly prohibited, as their recharging increases the load on the power grid.

Usually in the maternity hospital there is a cooler with drinking hot and cold water, Microwave oven. Somewhere you can’t bring your own clothes (robes, nightgowns, pajamas), women in labor are given hospital “nightgowns” and gowns.

  • Even if it is forbidden to bring your own clothes to the hospital, this does not apply to underwear. It should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable model.
  • If you can bring your own bathrobes, pajamas, then they should also be made of light natural fabrics, easy to take off and put on.
  • Flowers with pungent odor prohibited. It is better if the presented bouquet is of gerberas, wild flowers or roses, odorless, small in size.
  • You can not transfer products to the maternity hospital, allergic or increased gas formation at the baby.

A generalized list of things prohibited in the maternity hospital:

  • Synthetic underwear and clothes.
  • Flowers with a pungent smell and a lot of pollen.
  • Cream confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
  • Smoked, spicy, salty.
  • Dishes from white cabbage cause increased gas formation and a newborn.
  • Chicken eggs and meat.
  • Milk, fat sour cream (it is better to replace fermented milk products- bifilife, kefir).
  • Carbonated water, sweet lemonades.
  • Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks.

When discharged from the hospital, it is important not to forget to pick up all the necessary documents:

  • Card (exchange) of a woman in labor from all over necessary information about how the birth went.
  • A special card of the child with completely filled data about him.
  • A birth certificate is submitted to the registry office.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital, mother should make a list of everything necessary for herself and the baby in advance, sign the collected bags, inform relatives where they will stand.

It is better to warn the husband in advance about what things to take for discharge so that he does not confuse anything.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: a list of things in the hospital for mom and baby

List of necessary things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby:

The moment of the onset of labor in itself is quite exciting for future parents, therefore, in order to feel calm and confident, they need to pack their things for the maternity hospital in advance. Given that pregnancy is considered full-term after 37 weeks, theoretically, childbirth can begin long before the expected date of birth, and this is a variant of the norm, since the gestation period for each woman is individual.

Considering this circumstance, it is necessary to think over the list, and then prepare all the required things for the maternity hospital by the 36th week of pregnancy. It would be logical to find out in advance the conditions of the chosen maternity hospital, since in various medical institutions the list of necessary things can vary significantly.

Based on the fact that, as a rule, quite a lot of things are required in the maternity hospital, it will be most convenient to divide them into three parts - for the maternity unit, for the postpartum department and for discharge. Put everything in separate packages, instructing your husband and loved ones about the order of delivery of things. It would be useful to sign the bags to avoid misunderstandings.

It is important to know that the list of things in the maternity hospital also depends on whether the woman gives birth under the contract or not. For contracted deliveries, this list is largely voluntary. future mother- for example, she can take home clothes for herself and the baby. For childbirth without a contract, there are clear restrictions in this regard. Therefore, it is advisable to ask in advance what exactly is allowed to take with you.

The most important moment when preparing for the maternity hospital is the documents that should never be forgotten. These include:
* passport;
* exchange card;
* birth certificate;
* compulsory medical insurance policy;
* contract for childbirth (if it was concluded).

Birthing bag

The delivery bag will be the smallest, as the expectant mother will spend relatively little time in the maternity ward. In addition, due to the strict sanitary and epidemic regime, only a minimum of necessary things can be taken into the delivery room. So, in addition to the documents in the bag for the rodblock, there should be:

  • removable shoes made of easily washable material, the best option is rubber or leather slippers
  • cotton socks
  • a bottle of non-carbonated drinking water with a volume of not more than 0.5 l ( this condition due to the fact that drinking plenty of water during childbirth is prohibited - it is only allowed to moisten your lips, rinse your mouth or take a sip of water when you are very thirsty, so it does not make sense to take a lot of water)
  • disposable new Shaver(in the event that the woman in labor could not or for some reason did not have time to shave the perineal area before entering the maternity hospital)
  • compression anti-varicose stockings or elastic bandages - their use is shown to almost all expectant mothers and is mandatory for women who have varicose veins veins of the legs (since with this disease there is an increased tendency to form blood clots - blood clots, which can lead to serious complications). Such stockings will also be needed in cases where it is planned C-section(for some time, on average, a day, a woman after surgery is in bed, moving little, which also increases the risk of blood clots). Most convenient option is the use of stockings, since the bandages can slip and unwind
  • mobile phone and charger for it
  • scrunchy

As for the question of the need to take clothes with you (robe, shirt), it depends on the rules of the maternity hospital: in some it is allowed to use home clothes in the maternity ward and postpartum ward, in others it is strictly prohibited. When choosing a shirt and a dressing gown for the maternity ward, you need to remember that they must meet the basic requirements for clothes during childbirth: these things must be wide enough, not restrict movement, and, if necessary, can be easily and quickly removed. Their hygroscopicity is also important (good air permeability and the ability to absorb moisture), cotton or knitted items are the most optimal in this regard.

Bag in the hospital for the postpartum period

The postpartum period is special in the life of a woman, since significant changes occur in her body: firstly, after the birth of the fetus, lochia begins to come out of the genital tract - bloody issues, which in the early days are quite plentiful. Secondly, lactation begins - the process of developing breast milk. When collecting items in postpartum department it is necessary to take into account these features, which will greatly facilitate the life of a newly-made mother.

Bag for the maternity hospital postpartum period the woman will be handed over by relatives as soon as she is transferred from the delivery room to the postpartum ward. Mom should not worry if the bag is not brought to her immediately (for example, if the birth took place at night) - everything you need in the first hours after the birth (shirts, etc.) is usually available in the postpartum department.

So, in the bag in the hospital for the postpartum period should be the following things:

  • personal hygiene products: soap (preferably with an antibacterial component, since the use of such soap in the first days after childbirth helps prevent infection), toothpaste and a brush, toilet paper, wet wipes, comb, shampoo, shower gel, hair dryer, manicure accessories, etc.
  • cotton bathrobe, 2-3 pairs of cotton socks, several cotton nightgowns (at least 2-3). When choosing a shirt, you should give preference to models with plunging neckline on the chest or a special shirt for nursing mothers, which has comfortable cutouts with fasteners on the chest
  • 5–7 special disposable panties made of nonwoven fabric that are sold in a pharmacy: their important feature is good ability allow air to pass through (this is especially important if the mother has stitches after childbirth) and fixation of the pads
  • bras (preferably at least two) for nursing mothers with detachable cups
  • 2 packs sanitary pads for the postpartum period or pads with maximum absorbency
  • special bra pads that can come in handy if a nursing mother leaks milk
  • nipple crack prevention cream

Do not forget about necessary things for the baby. You will need:

  • pack of diapers for newborns (for babies weighing 3-6 kg)
  • if you plan to stay together mom and baby, do not forget hygiene products: baby wipes, baby cream, diaper cream
  • if in your chosen maternity hospital the use of homemade children's clothing is practiced, you need to stock up on things for the baby: 2-3 thin overalls (slips) or the same number of thin blouses and sliders, 2-3 bodysuits, a thin hat or cap, socks

Check out bag

Relatives will bring the bag for discharge on the day when the mother and baby will be discharged from the hospital. Naturally, the set of things will directly depend on the time of year and the weather on the day of discharge.

It is necessary to prepare underwear (panties and a bra), clothes and shoes for yourself. It is important to remember that the set of things prepared in advance can vary significantly depending on the vagaries of the weather, which can be very different from the weather on the day of admission to the maternity hospital.

A young mother should not forget about cosmetics, as on this memorable day for the whole family she will have to take photos and videos.

The second, no less important, part of the contents of the bag is the clothes for the baby. It is best to dress a newborn baby in overalls and a hat for the season. The fact is that a blanket tied with ribbons, although it is traditional attribute discharge from the hospital, will not allow you to put the baby in a car seat. But according to the law, children can be transported in vehicles only in special chairs. And the baby, just born, is no exception. It is important not only not to forget baby car seat, but also pre-install it.

What should not be taken to the hospital?

There are also restrictions on carrying some things, which is associated with the strict sanitary and epidemic regime of maternity hospitals. It is forbidden to take to the hospital:

  • perishable products (meat, dairy products, fish, confectionery, vegetables and fruits, etc.)
  • travel bags and suitcases, as they accumulate a huge amount of pathogenic microbes. The best option would be to pack things in roomy new plastic bags
  • boilers and other electrical heating appliances, as they are unsafe not only for the user, but also for others
  • clothes and shoes made of fur and wool. This ban is also associated with the strict sanitary and epidemic regime of the maternity hospital, since these things cannot be processed quickly and efficiently.
  • The above list is only approximate, we have tried to list the necessary minimum, the expediency of which has been proven by practice. The specific choice of things will depend on the preferences of the expectant mother and the rules of the chosen maternity hospital - it is important to find a middle ground here so as not to take too much with you

Extra baggage

It is important to remember that if partner childbirth is planned, then things for the companion of the expectant mother should also be put in the bag for the maternity unit - you need to take replaceable, easy-to-clean shoes, clean cotton trousers and a t-shirt. At the maternity hospital, the partner will be given a surgical suit (pants and shirt) or a disposable non-woven gown, as well as a cap, mask and shoe covers. It is advisable to find out about the requirements for the things of the person accompanying the expectant mother in advance at the chosen maternity hospital.

Are you 36 weeks pregnant? Congratulations, your baby is considered full-term and may be asked to be born any day now. Mom is worried, worried, waiting for the logical conclusion, trying not to forget anything. Main question, which worries the whole family at this stage of bearing an heir - what to take to the hospital? Let's try to figure out what to take, and what a young mother (maternity) in the maternity hospital cannot do without?

What to take to the hospital? The essentials!

It is best to prepare everything in advance, because during the fights it will be very difficult to run to collect things. Ideal for collecting things in the hospital can be considered 32-35 weeks. Pack slowly so you don't forget anything.
During these three weeks, what needs to be collected? Three different packages, we will talk about them later. In the meantime, your main task is not to forget anything. Enjoy the collection process.

Conventionally, three packages can be divided into:

  • documentation;
  • things for a woman in labor;
  • things for the newborn.

Sanitary rules, as well as norms, prohibit the use of bags made of fabric, leather, and other materials that can become a source of all kinds of bacteria. What to do? Collected things are best placed in a plastic container. To make it convenient for the woman in labor, it is better to choose a transparent material, since it will be easier to find the necessary thing.

Just think about the discharge, how you will pick up the baby: What will you wear yourself, what will the newborn? Dad, of course, will try to do everything “perfectly”, but it’s better if the woman in labor prepares everything on her own, and dad will only have to take a package with things for discharge, clothes for the baby, gifts for the hospital staff.

The maternity hospital usually gives out a list of necessary things that you need to have with you. Therefore, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, ask at the maternity hospital where you will give birth, what you definitely need to take with you, what will you need initially?

Documents, without which there is no way in the maternity hospital!

  1. Passport. It is taken for identification and for registering data about the woman in labor.
  2. Exchange card. From week 32, this document should accompany you everywhere, because without it you will be sent to give birth as unexamined. After all, this map contains the whole history of your pregnancy, tests, ultrasound and a lot of other information that is important for the staff of the maternity hospital.
  3. Medical policy. This binding document for each hospital visit.
  4. Birth certificate. Since 2006, this document has been issued after the 30th week of pregnancy and must be included in the package of documents for the maternity hospital.
  5. If you give birth "under the contract", then be sure to take it with you.
  6. Money, without them nothing.

These basic documents are best folded into a file and carried with you when you go for a walk or go to relatives.

What things do you need to take for the expectant mother?

In addition to the list received at the hospital, you must have ...

What is needed for childbirth?

  1. Personal hygiene products: toothpaste, brush, toilet paper, comb.
  2. Bathrobe (pay attention to the time of year).
  3. Nightgown - one that you will wear before childbirth, as well as after. Therefore, it must be adapted for feeding the baby. You can take a worn one, because one will definitely get dirty. Get two of them for a change.
  4. Socks. Usually it is not hot in the delivery room, socks will help you warm your feet.
  5. Slippers, if they are not suitable for bathing in the shower, then it is better to take one more rubber ones (in order to water procedures).
  6. If the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth does not give out clothes, then you need to take a “hebash” robe.
  7. Personal hygiene products (toilet paper, paste, brush, shampoo, soap).
  8. Towel, it is advisable to take three: a large one for water procedures, a smaller one for washing and a small one, as they say, for kitchen.
  9. Also find out if dishes are given out. If not, take a plate, mug, spoon from home.

What do you need after birth process?

After childbirth, the following things will be needed, which it is advisable to immediately take to the hospital, and not wait for relatives to bring them:

  1. A bra for feeding a baby is a convenient thing. He will help you out at home. It requires replacement liners.
  2. Disposable underwear (panties), diapers. Some maternity hospitals give them out, but it is better to have such things with you, just in case.
  3. Gaskets. Take the largest and most absorbent.
  4. Breast pump - to express excess milk.
  5. An anti-cracking nipple. Great option ointment or cream "Bepanten", although it is quite expensive, it will always help out when the chest cracks or the baby starts to get irritated on the pope.

What does the baby need depending on the time of year?

Since the list of necessary things changes depending on the time of year, we will give it in the context of the seasons.

What is included in the standard set of any season?

  1. Diapers. In some maternity hospitals they give out, but a certain amount. Therefore, it is better to take a small package of diapers from home. You should already know the approximate weight of the baby (by last ultrasound the weight of the fetus must be indicated - up to 2500 g or over 3000 g). Depending on these indicators, choose the size 0 or 1.
  2. Special baby wipes. They will come in handy for you, so take a large package.
  3. cotton pads - wash the child's eyes, hygienic sticks - clean the nose, ears, process the navel.
  4. baby cream under the diaper Preferably the most gentle, because the baby's skin is so delicate.
  5. Three flannelette diapers, three "hebash" diapers.
  6. Scratches. They should be made of thin cotton.
  7. A bottle (just in case) and a pacifier.

What to take for winter newborns?

  1. 3-5 vests of flannelette, 3-5 vests of "hebash" material.
  2. 3-5 biker sliders.
  3. A warm suit or a separate blouse and pants.
  4. 3 flannelette hats.
  5. 3 pairs of warm socks.
  6. Plaid or terry towel, cover the baby.

Undershirts intended for a newborn should be with external seams so as not to rub the delicate body of the baby. It is very convenient to use the undershirts that come with sewn-on scratches (they turn away conveniently to release the handle). Instead of undershirts, you can take a bodysuit to the maternity hospital - this is also a convenient thing that is suitable for a newborn.

Spring, autumn: what to take for the baby?

Spring, autumn, periods when the weather is very changeable, and you don’t know what to wear to your baby. It is worth dressing it warmly enough so as not to get sick, but you should not overheat. If the appearance of the baby is expected in early spring or late autumn, then a winter set of things will come in handy. At other times you will need:

  1. 3-5 bodysuits made from natural fabrics.
  2. 3-5 cotton rompers or overalls.
  3. You can take a few people.
  4. 2 hats "hebash", 2 hats flannelette.
  5. 3 pairs of thin socks, 1 warm.

What do summer babies need?

Summer is the period when mom collects a minimum of things for her unborn baby. She will need:

  1. 3 bonnets made of natural, thin fabrics.
  2. 3-5 thin bodysuits or T-shirts.
  3. 3 pairs of thin socks.
  4. 1 sliders (just in case).

These things, plus a standard newborn package, will be enough for the maternity hospital in the summer.

What do you need for checkout?

Let your relatives bring you for discharge, as well as a new family member, beautiful outfits, since this is a solemn moment, you must be on top.

Take a dress for yourself, it should be wide enough to hide to the maximum the belly that has not yet been drawn in, which will remain after the birth process. Shoes preferably without heels. Consider the fact that you are breastfeeding, so when choosing an outfit, make sure that you and your baby are comfortable.

It is best for the kid to choose an elegant suit for the season, the appropriate envelope.

For dad, to celebrate, the main thing is not to forget about flowers for mom, sweets for medical staff.

Well, if you forget something, you can always call your relatives and ask them to bring it. Just don't forget your phone (charger).

Now you know what to take to the hospital. Prepare bags with things in advance, then your stay in the hospital will pass without panic.

Author of the publication: Larisa Tomina

Childbirth is a responsible and exciting event in the life of any woman. You need to be ready for them in advance, so that at the “cherished hour”, without spending precious time, you could quickly get ready for the maternity hospital - throw bags in the trunk, jump into the car and focus on the process of the birth of a new life into the world. And not to run from corner to corner, not to puzzle over where one thing lies, where to get another and not need anything else.

Therefore, we are going to the maternity hospital in advance, better - one and a half to two months before the expected date of birth (suddenly the birth will begin earlier). Let's take a moment to think and consider full list necessary things for mother and newborn baby. It should be noted that not all maternity hospitals have the same conditions of stay and requirements, and some things from the complete list may not be needed. Nevertheless, it is better to lay out the "extra" than to feel discomfort from the lack of what really turned out to be necessary.

So, we are going to the hospital, ... what should I take with me? Is it possible to pre-compile a complete list of necessary things for the expectant mother and newborn baby in 2018-2019? Let's figure it out!

What to take with you to the hospital: how best to pack, what we take

In order to make it easy for the expectant mother to navigate, not to get confused when picking the necessary things for childbirth, we will divide the list into four groups. And you, in the same way, collect instead of one bag - four, under the numbers.

  1. The bag with which you will go to the hospital is No. 1.
  2. The bag that will be brought to you after childbirth is No. 2.
  3. Bag with things for discharge to a newborn baby - No. 3.
  4. Bag with things for discharge to you - No. 4.

As you understand, for something that is used daily, can be wrinkled and cannot be pre-packed, make a note on a piece of paper and attach it to the bag with the selected number. Then in the “cherished” time, when you are in a hurry, you will not forget anything!

For example, bag-1: “Report documents, comb, cell phone, bottle of drinking water". Bag-4: "To complete - a suit (dress), boots, a jacket."

When you have lists, bags, things - everything will be ready, show and explain to your husband. Then you have a historical chance and the fact that in your absence he will not forget or mix anything up.

Bag, list number 1. We are going to the maternity ward

You will need the contents of this bag even before you arrive at the maternity ward.

  1. Documentation: passport; compulsory health insurance policy; pregnancy exchange card; birth certificate with coupon number 2(if the woman did not register in antenatal clinic, this certificate will be issued to her directly at the maternity hospital).
  2. Robe(comfortable and light sports suit or pajamas).
  3. Slippers. The rules of maternity hospitals prescribe washing. This is justified - they are more comfortable and easier to keep clean.
  4. Nightgown. It should be comfortable, made of natural fabric.
  5. socks(2 pairs of cotton).
  6. linen. In case you have to go to the hospital in advance, you need to take a pair of change of clothes.
  7. Towels: one for the face, the other for the body. By the way, disposable paper towels (roll) are quite convenient.
  8. Hygiene items: soap in a soap dish; Toothbrush in a case; toothpaste; comb; mirror; disposable Shaver.
  9. For toilet: toilet paper(choose the softest); disposable toilet seat covers. It's special paper napkins, which are placed on the toilet (literally with one hand), and after using the toilet spontaneously slide inward, carried away by the drain water. They do not clog the sewer, as they are easily soluble, suitable for any shape of the toilet bowl, making going to the toilet convenient and hygienic.
  10. Cosmetical tools: hygienic lipstick ; hand and face creams that you use on a daily basis.
  11. Deodorant(preferably ball-shaped, with a slight, unsharp smell or without it at all).
  12. Nail scissors. Among other things, they are useful for domestic needs (open the package, cut the bandage, etc.).
  13. Cellular telephone. Do not forget Charger and a card to replenish the balance (if used).
  14. Watch- wrist or small desktop (preferably with a second hand or digital). Although the clock is in the cell phone.
  15. Electric kettle(boiler). In addition to its main purpose, this device will provide you with boiling water, which can later be useful for sterilizing a pacifier.
  16. Garbage bags. There will be no problems where to put food packaging, used tampons, etc. It is convenient to pack dirty laundry in bags.
  17. For entertainment: magazine or book; player or radio.

Bag, list number 2. What you need after childbirth

After giving birth, this bag will be brought to you. Since there are now two of you, the bag will consist of two “compartments”.

For Mom

  1. Robe.
  2. Nightgown. It should be comfortable for feeding. If it was not possible to buy a special shirt for nursing mothers, then a regular one with a deep button-down will be just what you need.
  3. Panties- the simplest cotton ones (at least 2 pairs) or disposable postpartum ones (sold in packs of 4-6 pieces). These are special mesh panties, with which it is easy to fix a diaper or pads.
  4. Hygienic gaskets. There are special ones for postpartum discharge. But ordinary ones are also suitable, only the largest and most absorbent ones.
  5. Bra for feeding. Two pieces to change. Add to that disposable bra pads. Postpartum bandage. The sooner you “take on” the stomach, the faster it will return to normal.
  6. Socks. Feet should be warm. Pen + notepad. Record your observations. This process, although difficult, is fascinating: it will help organize the day, and then you will be happy to re-read your notes.

A pregnant woman carries a lot of documents with her: a passport, an exchange card, a policy, directions for tests and their results, prescriptions, memos. Documents can get dirty, wrinkled, or lost. To save them, purchase an office folder-envelope with a button. Thanks to transparent material, from which it is made, your documents will always be in sight and safe.

For a newborn baby

  1. Baby soap in a soap dish. In order not to confuse, let it not be the same color as your soap.
  2. Towel- very soft, so as not to injure the delicate baby skin.
  3. cotton wool. Buy sterile cotton in a small package. You will need it to wipe the baby's eyes, make flagella to clean the nose and ears. Cotton balls will work too.
  4. Comb or brush. Let your baby be neat and beautiful from the first days. Give him pleasure by stroking a soft brush on the head.
  5. Baby nail clippers. If the baby was born with “claws”, he can scratch himself. Therefore, you need to cut them off or temporarily put them on the handles. mittens-scratches.
  6. baby cream. Buy small packages (bottles or tubes), because first you need to try if these fit cosmetical tools your baby, and they will take up less space (remember, you are not at home yet).
  7. Wet wipes.
  8. diaper cream.
  9. Powder. It will be more convenient to use it if you buy a special powder puff with a powder puff (this does not apply to liquid talc). Do not use cream (oil) and powder at the same time!
  10. Disposable diapers. A small package will suffice. Choose the smallest and most breathable.
  11. diaper. There are “state-owned” ones in the maternity hospital, and usually there is no shortage of them. But if you want to use your own, enable this item. The main thing is that you regularly bring clean diapers to change. Arrange "washing" in the hospital is unacceptable.
  12. Blouses, bodysuit. One or two thin and one flannel will be enough.
  13. sliders, overalls.
  14. bonnet, cap- one light and one flannel.
  15. bottle with pacifier. You probably won't have to use it, but just in case, let it be. Of course, after childbirth it will not be easy to take care of your health and join in maternal concerns. And yet, do not relax, take care of yourself, be neat and tidy - most beautiful mom in the world!

What should dad take?

Take care of dad! If your husband is going to “give birth” with you, then you also need to prepare “ bag to the hospital“. To be present at birth future dad must have the following documents:

  1. Test results (specify which tests will be required in your maternity hospital and when it is advisable to take them).
  2. Passport or other identification document.
  3. cook for husband light clothing and change of shoes. It is better if these are washable slippers or disposable shoe covers. A dressing gown, a hat, a mask should be provided in the maternity hospital. If you decide to make a film about the birth of a child, keep your video camera ready to go - with charged batteries, flash memory or tape erased. If the husband remains in the maternity hospital after childbirth for cohabitation with his wife and child, he will need personal hygiene items, a towel, shaving accessories, a change of clothes and underwear.
  4. If mom and baby will be without dad, but in a separate room, for their subsequent visits, it would be nice for the father of the family to stock up on: medical disposable shoe covers; medical masks.

Whether your husband is a supporter of joint birth or not, he should know how to contact the maternity hospital and your doctor. Therefore, provide him with appropriate phone numbers.

Bag, list number 3. What things to take for discharge to a newborn baby

Put things here for the baby to be discharged.

Decide for yourself what your child will wear and prepare everything according to the season. Among winter and summer things, it is better to put both light and warmer clothes and blankets. It's better to have something left over than not enough.

A special set “for discharge” will greatly facilitate the collection of a newborn baby.

  1. IN kit may enter envelope, blanket, diaper-corner, bonnet, vest. All these things, made in the same style, are very elegant and beautiful, just to match your festive mood.
  2. underwear: blouse, bodysuit, romper, jumpsuit.
  3. Diaper(Put two so that the “baby surprise” during dressing does not surprise you).
  4. suit.
  5. diaper- thin and flannel (if the baby is swaddled).
  6. Outerwear: jumpsuit, envelope, blanket in duvet cover, ribbon.
  7. Beanie for the street.

Going home, please note that, according to the new (introduced from 01/01/2006) rules traffic, transporting a child in a car is possible only with the use of special restraints. Therefore, it is worth considering in advance about the infant carrier or car seat.

Required documents

Be sure to check the correctness of the data entered in these documents:

  1. birth certificate. Based on this certificate, your baby will be registered with the registry office and will receive a birth certificate.
  2. “Children's” part of the exchange card. Here, the physical parameters of the baby at birth, the characteristics of the course of childbirth, the conclusion about the state of health of the child after birth and at the time of discharge, data on the vaccination, doctor's recommendations, etc. will be indicated. You will give this certificate to the clinic where your baby will be observed . It will be the beginning of his development story and outpatient card.
  3. Certificate of preventive vaccinations. This will include information about the preventive vaccinations carried out by the baby. The certificate will be stored with you, do not forget to present it later to enter new data.
  4. The “mother” part of the exchange card. Information about childbirth and their features, the medications used and the procedures performed (if any) will be indicated here. You will give this certificate to your doctor in the antenatal clinic.
  5. Other documents (if any): part birth certificate , remaining with a woman; her copy voluntary medical insurance policy, concluded contract(contract) for obstetrics, etc. These documents confirm the fact that medical care and services and can be useful in the future if complications arise.

Bag, list to the maternity hospital No. 4. What to take for mom to be discharged

When planning what clothes you will go from the hospital in, keep in mind that the stomach and hips will not yet be in their original form if you gained a lot during pregnancy extra pounds. Prefer loose (stretchable) clothes that are adjustable in width (with a smell, with an elastic band).

  1. linen. Add here tights.
  2. Cloth. What will it be: tracksuit, jeans or fancy dress, trouser (skirt) suit - it's up to you.
  3. Outerwear: jacket, raincoat, jacket, coat, fur coat (depending on the season).
  4. Shoes. Shoes without heels are definitely comfortable. But during pregnancy, she usually already gets bored - especially for lovers of “hairpins”. If this is just you, and you will not have any medical contraindications, please yourself with heels! After all, you won’t have to walk much on them, and dad will carry the baby.
  5. Cosmetics, hairspray, jewelry.

Please your loved ones good mood and blooming appearance! light makeup, styled hair, favorite jewelry - today you are in the spotlight. Keep in mind that this is exactly how you will remain in photographs and videos, which your child will then be happy to watch.

The day of discharge is both long-awaited and exciting. When you go home, check that you have packed all your things. Do not forget about the documents that the maternity hospital will prepare for you.

Thoughts about the upcoming exciting moment, the hassle of collecting everything you need for yourself and the child, the desire to ensure that everything turns out as it should and even better - great way do not think about the bad and make the dream a reality. WITH positive attitude, with the calm confidence that everything is ready for you, that you have foreseen and taken everything into account, you can safely go to the hospital, easy childbirth and you and your baby are guaranteed!

Now you know how to get ready for the hospital and a complete list of necessary things to take with you!

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List of necessary things

When only a few weeks remain before the birth, future parents understand: it's time to get ready for the maternity hospital. It is very important that at the right time everything you need is at hand - after all, it is so likely to forget something, especially in a state of stress.

Precisely in order not to rush around the apartment in a panic between contractions in search of documents and things, knowledgeable people and recommend collecting a “disturbing suitcase” in advance.

When to start collecting

folder with necessary documents must be kept ready from the eighth month of pregnancy, and in case of a threat premature birth at 6-7 months. At the same time, it is better to start slowly to collect things.

If we talk about the contents of the bag, it should be noted very important point: in state and municipal maternity hospitals, upon admission, you cannot have a lot of things with you, therefore, in first bag, which you take with you, put the essentials. Put everything else in second bag, which will be given to you after the birth in the ward. IN third pack what you need for the discharge.

You need to collect bags gradually, slowly, so think over their contents in advance and make up lists, you can even attach them to the bags themselves and mark what is already there and what needs to be reported and purchased.

Which bag to choose?

According to sanitary standards adopted in our country, bags made of fabric, leather or wicker materials cannot be brought into maternity wards due to high risk the presence of bacteria on them. The best option is polyethylene. It can be either a special bag for expectant mothers made of polyethylene, or regular package.

Contents of the first bag

The same “disturbing” bag that is taken when going to the hospital with contractions. As mentioned above, a folder with documents should always be ready:

  1. Passport of the expectant mother.
  2. Insurance medical policy.
  3. An exchange card (filled in by the doctor in charge of the pregnancy and contains the results of all examinations) is issued to hands after the 20th week of pregnancy.
  4. Referral to the maternity hospital from the antenatal clinic.
  5. Agreement with a medical institution, if childbirth is paid.
  6. Contacts of a doctor or midwife, if there is a preliminary agreement.
  7. small amount money for unforeseen circumstances (paying for a taxi, buying medicines and hygiene products, etc.).

If you have chosen partner childbirth for yourself, the future father also needs to collect a package of papers: a passport, the results of fluorography and tests, admission to childbirth. The details of the execution of these documents need to be clarified with your doctor and in the maternity hospital.

A camera or camcorder with a charged battery should also be included in the bag if you want to capture such an important moment on film. It is recommended to put two more large empty bags for outerwear and shoes.

Of the things in this package put:

  • short loose shirt or long T-shirt;
  • cotton socks;
  • slippers (preferably rubber to make it easier to wash);
  • disposable razor;
  • paper napkins;
  • lip balm;
  • small bottle of water.

Be sure to take phone with charger! For contact lens wearers, it is a good idea to bring a container and solution for them, or glasses if you wear them.

Dads present at birth will need rubber slippers, disposable surgical suit And something for a snack. Set, necessary for the baby immediately after birth: diaper, two diapers- chintz and flannelette, vest– also in this bag.

Second bag

After childbirth, when the woman in labor is already in the ward, you will need a second package. Relatives will be able to transfer it at your request, but it is better to complete everything in advance and on your own. There will be things that will come in handy to clean up and feel comfortable in the maternity hospital for a while, as well as everything you need for a newborn.

So, for mom:

  • 2 shirts fastened on the chest to make it convenient to feed the baby;
  • 2 nursing bras;
  • 1 pack of gaskets for copious discharge With soft surface(not mesh!), better than special urological;
  • special breast pads;
  • shorts made of cotton fabric - 5 pieces and 1 pair of disposable mesh panties;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • soap and washcloth, shampoo;
  • comb, hairpins and hair bands;
  • manicure set (you can take children's manicure scissors);
  • small mirror;
  • unscented or unscented deodorant;
  • 2 towels - small and medium;
  • napkins and toilet paper;
  • moisturizing face and hand cream (can be replaced with baby cream), hygienic lipstick, as well as ointment with panthenol from cracked nipples;
  • several empty laundry bags;
  • a dressing gown with a zipper or with a smell, preferably from cotton fabric;
  • warm jacket, fastened in front, and warm socks. Woolen clothes are not allowed;
  • minimum set dishes (cup, spoon, plate), can be disposable;
  • a bottle of non-carbonated drinking water;
  • if necessary, you need to take a bandage with you, as well as medications that you need to take during feeding - this item must be agreed with the doctor.

It would be useful to take a notepad with a pen for writing, as well as a book, magazine, player or tablet for leisure with music or movies (with chargers). Don't forget your headphones so you don't disturb your roommates.

For a newborn:

  • packaging of diapers small size;
  • diapers - at the rate of 2 diapers per day;
  • several pairs of socks and mittens-scratches;
  • 5 vests, sliders and bonnets;
  • baby hypoallergenic cream and powder;
  • cotton wool and cotton buds;
  • baby wipes;
  • baby towel, preferably soft.

You can take a flannelette blanket, an oilcloth for a crib, and sliders with you. In many maternity hospitals, clothes for the baby, including diapers, are given out.

What to put in the third bag

The third package is brought on the eve of discharge. There should be:

  • comfortable clothes and shoes for the season for mom - it’s better to take what you wore during pregnancy, since a decent tummy remains after childbirth;
  • cosmetic bag;
  • things for the baby according to the weather: socks, a diaper, a cap, overalls, an envelope with slots for seat belts to transport the baby in the car;
  • camera for traditional photo from the maternity hospital.

The newly minted dad needs to install in advance Baby chair in the car. It will not be superfluous to remind him also of flowers and gifts for doctors and nurses.

These lists are not mandatory for everyone. Based on them, you can make up your own, excluding some items or supplementing with what you personally need. To obtain reliable information on your particular case, you can talk with your doctor. It would be nice to study reviews about the maternity hospital from those who have already given birth there - perhaps they will help you good advice.

What can not be brought to the hospital?

In addition to lists of numerous things that a mother will need in the hospital, there is also a stop list.

In different medical institutions established its own rules, but there is a standard list of prohibited items and products:

  • woolen clothes and clothes made of synthetics - promotes the growth of bacteria;
  • perfume, Eau de Toilette, deodorants with strong smell, various flavors - can cause allergies in both the baby and other women in labor;
  • rag slippers;
  • carbonated drinks, lemonades, teas with additives, coffee;
  • allergen products: chocolate, citrus fruits, eggs, peanuts, tomatoes, homemade milk and cottage cheese, cheese, smoked meats, mayonnaise, sausage;
  • dairy products not in sealed packaging;
  • medicines, in addition to those approved by the doctor - all medicines required after childbirth are in the maternity hospital.

It is best to get to the hospital in advance, this will significantly save your nerves. You need to think very clearly about the composition of all three bags. You should not panic and try to take everything to the hospital, because you will spend only a few days there and you don’t need extra things, and if something is urgently needed, relatives can always bring it.