What discharge occurs during pregnancy. White discharge during pregnancy: cheesy, abundant, thick. Discharge During Pregnancy - Don't Panic

For any woman, pregnancy is an exciting period in which even minor manifestations can cause panic. One of them is selection. Despite the fact that such manifestations are considered the norm, in some cases they can indicate the presence of problems.

What discharge during pregnancy is considered normal

The work of the reproductive system during the first 3 months of pregnancy is regulated by the hormone progesterone - it also affects the occurrence of mucous secretions, which can be considered as one of the signs of conception. After this period, the hormone estrogen begins to enter the active phase, due to which the discharge begins to become more abundant. By consistency, they are homogeneous, without flakes, lumps or clots, resemble egg whites, can be transparent or have a white tint. Such discharge in pregnant women should not cause burning or itching. They shouldn't have an odor.

What secretions should alert

Pregnant women have discharge of a different nature. Their occurrence should be paid attention, as they can signal infections, diseases or other adverse factors.

  • yellowish discharge. Yellow discharge in a pregnant woman is considered bad. It is necessary to pay attention to their smell and texture. If they are odorless and not thick, they can be classified as normal. If the discharge of a yellow or creamy hue smells unpleasant, they are accompanied by itching, burning, pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, frequent or painful urination and fever, then this is a sign of a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. You need to see a doctor and get tested.
  • White discharge. If the discharge becomes pronounced white, acquire a curdled texture and an unpleasant sour smell, this indicates the development of thrush. There may be burning and severe itching in the genital area. Thrush is a frequent companion of pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during the bearing of a child, the hormonal background changes, which leads to a change in the acidic environment of the vagina and suppression of the immune system. This allows fungi that live in the vagina and develop unhindered.
  • Greenish discharge. If the discharge has a green tint, smells bad, this may indicate a sexually transmitted infection, such as chlamydia. This kind of disease is dangerous for the fetus and is best treated before conception. If for some reason this could not be done, treatment is carried out during pregnancy.
  • brownish discharge. Smearing slight brown discharge in pregnant women sometimes appears on
    early dates. They can occur on days when a woman was supposed to have her period. It is worth worrying if the brown discharge is not isolated, abundant, accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, fever or other pathological signs. This may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, cervical pathology, or placenta previa.
  • Bloody issues. Blood discharge in a pregnant woman is the most dangerous, especially if they are accompanied by pain. In early pregnancy, this may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. At later times - to signal abruption or placenta previa. In case of heavy bleeding, lie down and call an ambulance.

The onset of pregnancy is a significant reason to pay more attention to your health. In the process of bearing a child, profound hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which affect the immune system and cause various symptoms. Allocations can be an indicator of certain problems. To understand this issue, it is necessary to study the mechanism of their appearance and the possible consequences for the woman's body.

In non-pregnant women, the cervix continuously produces mucus. These secretions differ depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, the mucous membrane produces a liquid secretion, which promotes the promotion of spermatozoa and fertilization. In the next half of the cycle, the mucus takes on a thicker consistency and becomes opaque. This is necessary to protect the entrance of the uterus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The first half of the cycle is controlled by the hormone estrogen, then and until the end of the first trimester, progesterone plays the main role. With the beginning of the second trimester, estrogen again predominates, under the influence of which the discharge is liquid and plentiful.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

A characteristic of normal discharge during pregnancy is the absence of discomfort, burning, itching and unpleasant odor. You also need to pay attention to their color.

The successful course of the first 12 weeks of gestation is determined by a sufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is first produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary during ovulation, and then helps to keep the zygote inside the uterine cavity by forming a mucous plug in the cervical canal. In addition, it inhibits the contractile activity of the muscles.

Under the influence of progesterone in the first trimester, there is usually a normal thick glassy, ​​clear or whitish discharge. If you experience a burning sensation, an unpleasant odor or any discomfort, you should contact your gynecologist.

After the embryo is firmly entrenched in the uterine cavity and the placenta has formed, the woman's body begins to intensively produce estrogens. These hormones stimulate the growth of the uterus and the formation of ducts and glandular breast tissue. From this moment on, the discharge takes on a different character, they become plentiful, colorless or with a white tint.

White discharge

The appearance of white discharge during pregnancy is most often a variant of the norm. In exceptional cases, they are associated with the development of the pathological process. Sometimes the appearance of white mucus may indicate conception.

The composition of normal white secretions usually includes mucus, which is produced by the gonads and the inner lining of the genital organs, lactic acid bacteria, and epithelial cells that cover the surface of the birth canal.

In the event that whitish mucus has taken the form of curdled clots, a beer smell and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genital area, this is a symptom of candidiasis, or thrush. The cause of the development of the disease is a conditionally pathogenic fungal microflora, which begins to develop rapidly against the background of a decrease in immunity. Mucus that is clearer in color, watery, and foul-smelling may indicate the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Treatment of these diseases is prescribed only by a doctor. For these purposes, safe drugs are selected that are allowed for pregnant women.

White mucus may appear later. Its consistency serves as a signal of leakage of amniotic fluid or maturation of the cervix. Too abundant, thick discharge with streaks of blood in the last weeks of pregnancy indicates the release of the mucous plug, which indicates the imminent start of the birth process.

yellow discharge

The appearance of yellow and viscous discharge may indicate infection or exacerbation of diseases of the genital organs. If these signs are not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, then a woman may not pay much attention to this. In the event that, against their background, the secret becomes dark yellow, this signal should be regarded as a problem in the genital area.

Such pathological signs can appear for a number of reasons:

  1. an inflammatory process that arose against the background of a decrease in immunity;
  2. allergic reaction to hygiene products, cosmetics, underwear;
  3. sexually transmitted diseases - special attention should be paid if the discharge becomes greenish, there is a burning sensation, itching and pain during urination.

The bright yellow color of the vaginal secretion often indicates the fallopian tubes, as well as the presence of a bacterial infection in the vagina. Such a condition may not occur due to the onset of pregnancy, but be an exacerbation of chronic diseases. To avoid such unpleasant manifestations, it is required at the stage of pregnancy planning to identify hidden diseases and undergo an effective course of treatment. During pregnancy, the infection can spread upward, cause intrauterine infection of the fetus and contribute to the development of endometritis after childbirth.

The following infectious diseases lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital tract of women, which can manifest themselves as characteristic yellow discharge:

  • non-specific;
  • candidal colpitis;

Urinary incontinence may occur in late pregnancy. Normal physiological secretions mix with a small amount of urine and become yellowish in color.

Brown and spotting

Almost all women who are pregnant may suddenly develop brown discharge. The causes of these symptoms are different at different stages of pregnancy. Often they are a significant cause for concern for expectant mothers.

After conception, during implantation of the embryo, a violation of the uterine mucosa is observed, and slight capillary bleeding occurs. The appearance of a few drops of brown color occurs once and does not progress. Usually at such an early stage, women are not aware of the onset of pregnancy, so they do not pay much attention to this phenomenon.

The appearance of a secret at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy, colored brown in moderation, may be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In the second case, these discharges are usually dark, streaked with blood, and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen. With an ectopic pregnancy, pain occurs, usually it is localized on one side, depending on which fallopian tube the development of the embryo began.

Hormonal changes in a woman's body can give rise to a change in the structure of the membranes of the cervix and the appearance of erosion. Treatment of the disease is not carried out in pregnant women, but begins after a certain time after childbirth. Similar violations of the integrity of the cervix, as well as the genital tract, the development of fibroids, vaginal ultrasound and the consequences of sexual intercourse can also be the cause of discharge.

Bleeding and brown discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy often become symptoms of cervical canal polyps. In this case, blood loss is insignificant and is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen. In addition, similar signs occur with varicose veins in the external genitalia or with various infectious processes.

One of the most unpleasant complications of pregnancy is a hydatidiform mole. The causes of this pathology are not fully understood, but there is a theory according to which deviations in the chromosomal set of the embryo lead to abnormal formation of the placenta. Instead, a benign tumor forms on the walls of the uterus. With a partial mole, there is a high probability of fetal death in the second trimester, and with a full one, the embryo dies in the early stages of development. Bubbles of the tumor sometimes enter the bloodstream and metastasize to the vagina and lung tissue. This condition manifests itself in the form of blood discharge, in which tumor vesicles can sometimes be observed. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of an ultrasound examination and a blood test for.

In the middle of the first trimester, brown mucus can be a sign of a woman's hormonal imbalance. Most often, these changes do not pose a threat, but the doctor should be aware of such symptoms. After the 28th week of pregnancy, discharge that is accompanied by the appearance of blood may indicate sudden complications of pregnancy. Most often this is due to the placenta, its presentation, detachment or stratification are possible. Such conditions threaten the mother and fetus. The child does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and necessary substances, which has an extremely negative effect on his development and life. With the appearance of brown discharge of varying intensity, it is urgent to seek medical attention.

In the last weeks of the term, brown discharge is often a harbinger of an early birth. And after their onset, regardless of the method of delivery, spotting, or lochia, appears. Their cause is the healing of the inner surface of the uterus at the site of attachment of the placenta. Lochia change their intensity and color over time. After 5-6 weeks, they pass on their own, regardless of breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor the signals that her body sends. The quality and quantity of discharge is an important diagnostic sign of probable problems. They can be both normal and be symptoms of pathologies, therefore, with any changes in the discharge, you should seek medical help. Yellow, brown, and especially bloody discharge are a must for examination. Even a colorless and white secret, which is accompanied by discomfort or pain, requires a serious approach during pregnancy.

In a pregnant woman, excitement can arise even over a mere trifle: either it stung in her side, or a slight aching pain was felt. This is quite natural, because every woman cares about giving birth to a healthy child, and her body is now undergoing multiple changes.

Any discomfort or unusual sensation certainly worries the expectant mother. Very often, unrest in pregnant women is caused by mucous discharge during pregnancy, and therefore it is very important to know what the rate of these discharges should be.

What should be the discharge during pregnancy

The work of the female reproductive system until the twelfth week of pregnancy is regulated by a hormone such as. It also causes the appearance of mucous secretions, and this symptom is even considered as the first sign of a successful conception. However, from the 13th week, the discharge will become plentiful, more liquid, since the hormone estrogen enters the active phase. This normal watery discharge is odorless and does not itch or burn. They resemble egg white, are transparent or slightly whitish, and must be homogeneous - without clots, lumps, flakes. If the discharge during pregnancy is intense, then you can use panty liners, the main thing is to choose odorless hygiene products. In addition, experts do not recommend using tampons during the period of bearing a child.

However, during pregnancy, the color of the discharge may change. This occurs under the influence of various genitourinary infections, hormones, diseases of the cervix and other adverse factors. It is imperative to pay attention to such highlights.

White discharge

When the discharge during pregnancy acquires a pronounced white color, has an unpleasant sour smell and becomes curd (or resemble yogurt), this indicates the development, or. With abundant manifestations of thrush, when unbearable itching and burning occur in the genital area, the attending physician may prescribe antifungal agents.

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to develop bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, they are observed similar to leucorrhoea, but they have an unpleasant odor. If you have such secretions, you should consult a doctor, since all these diseases increase the risk.

Blood discharge

Truly dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus are those that are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. If this happened in the early stages of pregnancy, then such discharge most likely indicates a threatened miscarriage or indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to consult a doctor - it is he who will help save the life of the fetus.

Bloody discharge can also be observed in the second trimester of pregnancy, but such cases are very rare. Such secretions become stronger with sudden movements and heavy physical exertion. In the last trimester of pregnancy, there may be a risk or its detachment. In this case, spotting during pregnancy becomes strong - and the woman must be urgently hospitalized. can also affect discharge during pregnancy. It happens that because of this, spotting occurs, or yellow discharge or. In any case, be sure to check with a doctor.

brown discharge

Brown discharge during pregnancy should be considered as bloody. They can be observed early or late, but, unlike profuse red or scarlet spotting, spotting is not always a danger.

Small patches of blood on the 6-12th day after conception can be observed during the period of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine wall - this is the so-called implantation bleeding, which, in fact, is not bleeding at all, but looks like a drop of blood in ordinary whites.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, blood fragments may be included in the mucous secretions when the mucous plug comes off. They also do not pose a danger, but are a harbinger of an early birth, and therefore the expectant mother should be on the alert.

Unrest and fear should be caused by brown discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, as well as other pathological signs: an unpleasant odor, irritation in the genital area or frequent urination.

yellow discharge

Ranked as "bad" and yellow discharge. Normally, normal vaginal discharge may be yellowish or creamy. Also, curdled discharge with thrush can be yellow. But still, bright yellow, green and grayish discharge from the vagina is a sign of the development of a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. Such secretions have an unpleasant putrid odor and are accompanied by other symptoms of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system: pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent and / or painful urination, itching, burning and swelling of the genital organs, fever, etc.

If yellow discharge during pregnancy smells unpleasant and is accompanied by other signs, then a woman should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and take a smear on the flora. Any sexual infections during this period should certainly be treated, and only an experienced qualified specialist is able to choose a safe and effective treatment for the expectant mother.

But in general, vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process, and the period of pregnancy in this sense is no exception. However, it is still better to consult with your doctor once again, even when clear discharge seems normal to you, in order to avoid possible unwanted complications.

In addition, do not forget about the elementary hygiene of the female genital organs: for the period of pregnancy, you should give up soap with a strong smell, do not use sprays for the perineal area, and do not wear tight underwear and clothes.

Especially for- Elena Kichak