Sanitary standards in kindergarten

The benefits of a walk largely depend on its organization, equipment and emotional mood. Children get a lot of impressions from the surrounding nature and, most importantly, the opportunity to actively move. Depending on the age of children, climate, weather and operating conditions children's institution during the walk are organized various games(games with rules, creative, construction games), sports entertainment And physical exercise. walks pa fresh air can be carried out outside the children's institution. During excursions, children get acquainted with nature, learn to overcome obstacles, acquire the ability to navigate well in the environment. Walks train cardiovascular system and locomotor system, have a beneficial effect on nervous system: improve appetite, sleep, mood. A walk, long enough, carried out daily, - essential tool recovery of the child, his full and physical development.

IN summer time most of the time children should be in the air. Daily walking time children is at least 4-4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. Walking time is shortened at air temperature below -15°С and wind speed over 7 m/s. No walk at air temperature below -15°С and wind speed over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5–7 years old at air temperature below -20°С and wind speed over 15 m/s (for the middle lane) .

IN cold season the child should walk at least 3-4 hours a day. If the weather is unfavorable, then the walk can be shortened. The mobility of children is sometimes limited by the fact that they are dressed incorrectly, they are too wrapped up. A child who is prevented by bulky clothes from playing with peers begins to lag significantly behind in physical development. In such children, the body's adaptability to cold, heat, resistance to the effects of harmful microorganisms decreases. They are often either too thin or too full. Inharmonious physical development leads to a delay in the improvement of motor skills. The combined effect of cool air and exercise is effective method hardening, training of the most important functions of the body.

spring it is also very important to ensure that the child is dressed according to the weather, which often fluctuates dramatically not only from one day to another, but also throughout the day. If parents are in no hurry to lighten the child's clothes, then in winter he overheats. It’s hard for him, he unbuttons, and sometimes takes off his coat - but this can already lead to illness. Clothing should be lightened gradually.

In summer, when children develop the habit of walking lightly dressed, it is possible to leave them in lighter clothes on cool days, since the hardened skin no longer needs such "protection". In general, we must strive to ensure that the child's neck, arms, legs are as open as possible - this is one of the ways of hardening.

WITH early childhood(first junior group Children are taught to dress and undress themselves. At first, the teacher shows how to do it and helps the child get dressed. The older children help the little ones get dressed. To avoid overheating, dressed children are immediately taken to the site.

Walking should be accompanied by games. IN winter time sleds, skis, skates should be used; in summer - games with sand, building materials and various outdoor games with a ball, skittles, etc. Children love it if their game takes on the character of labor: they sweep paths, water flowers, and remove snow.

During the summer with children preschool age carry out excursions (either in the early morning, after breakfast, or after an afternoon snack, i.e. not during the direct solstice). Weak children and those with flat feet should not be taken on an excursion. Children's clothing should be appropriate for the weather and air temperature. On a warm, sunny day, it should be light, light: on the head - a Panama hat or a straw hat, on the legs - socks and light closed shoes on leather sole with a heel - 8.0 mm–1 cm. Shoes in which baby goes on a tour, should be free, because tight shoes impedes blood circulation in the lower extremities, contributes to the rapid fatigue of the child. Sandals and sandals should not be worn on the tour, as sand and small pebbles will accumulate through the holes on the way, which can cause abrasions and other skin injuries. You should also not wear shoes on bare foot: socks absorb moisture, protect feet from dust, sand, prevent wear.

Children 3–4 years old are taken out of the site, first for 5–10, and then for 20 minutes. As early as 4–5 years old, children proper organization excursions on a good summer day can make walks for a distance of 2-3 km, 5-7 years old - for 4-5 km (round trip). Every 20 minutes of walking, children should have a short (3-5 minutes) rest, and in the middle of the excursion in a dry, shady place - a halt for 20-30 minutes.

Sysolina Anna Vasilievna, educator of the group of general developmental orientation of children from 5 to 6 years old No. 8


1. The value of walking in the development of preschool children.

2. Types of walks

3. Requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of the PEI site for walking.

4. Safety requirements for organizing walks on the site of the preschool educational institution

5. The structure of the walk.

6. Instructions for walking in the preschool educational institution.



Summer is the most fertile time for preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for their full-fledged comprehensive mental and physical development. The summer period is the most optimal and favorable for health-improving and educational work with preschoolers.

Educational work with children during this period of time is carried out, as a rule, on the street. The mode of operation is chosen so that in summer the children are constantly in the fresh air. This does not imply the abolition of educational activities with preschoolers, but rather expands the opportunities for educators to carry out full-fledged work with children on a walk. These are conversations, and role-playing games, games with water and sand, various observations, work in nature, etc.

The Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education provides for the solution of program educational tasks not only within the framework of the GCD, but also during regime moments, such as a walk.

During the walk, integration of 5 educational areas is possible, such as "Physical development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

Tasks educational field"Physical development" is solved on a walk during outdoor games with children and the development of basic movements and constitute one direction - physical development.

The tasks of the educational area "Social and communicative development" are solved on a walk during labor assignments, familiarization with the work of adults, observations, independent gaming activities, didactic games with children and constitute one direction - social and personal development.

The tasks of the educational areas "Cognitive Development" and "Speech Development" are solved on a walk through observations, familiarization with the work of adults, experimenting with objects of the world, targeted walks, independent play activities, didactic games with children.

The tasks of the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" are solved on a walk through the organization of independent activities, creative contests, entertainment.

Meaningful links between different sections of the program allow the educator to integrate educational content in solving educational problems. For example, expanding children's ideas about nature, the teacher educates children in a humane attitude towards living things, encourages them to aesthetic experiences related to nature, solves the problems of speech development, mastering the relevant practical and cognitive skills, teaches them to reflect impressions of nature in a variety of game activities.

An integrative approach to walking makes it possible to develop the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality in unity.

The outdoor activities of children great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and skills are strengthened muscular system, rises vitality.

A walk contributes to mental development, as children get a lot of new experiences and knowledge about the world around them.

Requirements for the duration of the walk. Mode of duration of walks on the street.

The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daily walk after classes and an evening walk after lunch. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed. Its total duration is 4 - 4.5 hours.

For achievement health effect V summer period the daily routine provides for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air with breaks for eating and sleeping.

The time for going out for a walk for each age group is determined by the mode of education and training. Prohibition for walking is wind force over 15 m/s. and precipitation.

On the site of the preschool educational institution;

Walking outside the site of the Institution (senior preschool age);

in the functional premises of the kindergarten (in bad weather).

2.5. Types of walks by content:



target (carried out from the second junior group with access beyond the kindergarten);

excursion, hike (carried out systematically from the middle group).

Target walks. The teacher organizes the observation of children for social life and natural phenomena and outside the site. For this purpose, targeted walks are organized.

In the younger group, targeted walks are held once a week for a short distance, along the street where the kindergarten is located. With older children, such walks are held twice a week and over longer distances.

The teacher shows the children of the younger group houses, transport, pedestrians, the middle group - public buildings (school, House of Culture, theater, etc.). With older children, targeted walks are held to other streets, to the nearest park or forest. Children are introduced to the rules of conduct in in public places and traffic rules.

On targeted walks, children get a lot of direct impressions of the environment, their horizons expand, knowledge and ideas deepen, observation and curiosity develop. Movement in the air positive influence for physical development. Long walking during a walk requires a certain endurance, organization and endurance from children.

Before leaving the preschool, it is necessary to comply with all the necessary requirements: collect the signature of the parents for the children to leave the preschool, draw up a route, write a statement indicating the number of children and accompanying persons.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of children, a landscaped, planned and equipped area, in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements, is of great importance. It is desirable that each age group has a separate area fenced off from other groups by shrubs. On this site, places are allocated for outdoor games and the development of children's movements (flat area), for games with sand, water, building materials, for creative games and games with various toys.

The site should have equipment for the development of movements: climbing fences (triangular, tetrahedral and hexagonal), a log for balance exercises, a slide, equipment for jumping, throwing exercises. All this should have an attractive appearance, be durable, well-crafted, fixed and appropriate for the age and strength of children. In addition to permanent equipment, toys and manuals are brought to the site in accordance with the planned work plan.

In addition to playgrounds on the site, it is necessary to have closed gazebos to protect from rain and sun. In dry and hot weather, watering the site, sand is done at least 2 times a day. Cleaning of the territory of the site is carried out by educators, assistant educators and junior educators, a janitor every day: in the morning before the arrival of the children and as the territory is polluted. At the entrance to the building, you should have gratings, scrapers, rugs, brushes. In winter, a slide, ice paths and snow structures, a skating rink (if conditions allow) should be arranged on the site.

Preparing for a walk.

Before going for a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children: cleaning the nose, visiting the toilet room.

The dressing of children should be organized in such a way that they do not spend a lot of time and that they do not have to wait long for each other. For this, it is necessary to think over and create the appropriate conditions. Each group needs a spacious dressing room with individual lockers and enough chairs or benches for the child to sit comfortably, put on clothes or shoes and not interfere with other children.

It is necessary to dress and undress children in preparation for and returning from a walk according to subgroups:

The teacher takes the first subgroup of children to the dressing room, which includes slow-dressing children, children with low self-care skills;

The assistant educator conducts hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the reception room;

The teacher goes for a walk with the first subgroup of children, and the assistant teacher finishes dressing the second subgroup and escorts the children to the site to the teacher;

The teacher should teach children to dress and undress independently and in a certain sequence. First they all put on clothes, shoes, then a headdress. When returning from a walk, undress in the reverse order. Helps to dress the kids junior educator but giving them the opportunity to do what they can themselves. When the children have developed the skills of dressing and undressing, they will do it quickly and accurately, the teacher only helps them in some cases (button a button, tie a scarf, etc.). It is necessary to teach children to help each other, do not forget to thank for the service rendered. In order to develop dressing and undressing skills more quickly, parents should give their children more independence at home.

In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize hygiene procedure- foot washing.

Clothing requirements for children:

At any time of the year, clothes and shoes should be appropriate for the current weather and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of children.

Before the children go for a walk, the teacher inspects the territory of the site for compliance with safety requirements in accordance with his job description.

Before going out for a walk, employees of the Institution engaged in dressing children should ensure that children do not remain dressed indoors for a long time in order to avoid overheating. Monitor the serviceability and compliance of children's clothes and shoes with the microclimate and weather conditions.

If the wind increases to unacceptable parameters, the weather conditions worsen (rain, snowstorm, etc.) during a walk, the teacher must immediately bring the children into the room.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that the children do not leave the kindergarten site. When unauthorized care the child to immediately report the incident to the head of the preschool educational institution, who organizes the search for the child, notifies the Department of Education, the police, and parents in accordance with the notification scheme.

During the walk, the teacher should teach the skills of safe behavior, the rules for the safe handling of various objects.

When choosing games, the teacher should take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this age, the previous activities of children, weather conditions.

It is forbidden:

Leave children alone, unattended by employees of the Institution;

Use sharp, piercing, cutting objects, broken toys in children's games.

The educator must immediately notify the supervisor, parents about each accident with the child, and, if necessary, involve medical personnel to provide first aid. If necessary, arrange for the transfer of the child to the emergency department.

Structure of the walk:

In order for the children to willingly gather for a walk, the teacher thinks over its content in advance, arouses the interest of the kids in it with the help of toys or a story about what they will do. If the walks are meaningful and interesting, children, as a rule, go for a walk with great pleasure.

Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children.


Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children's choice, didactic games.

Individual work with children.

The labor of children on the site.

Independent play activity.

The sequence of structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to conduct outdoor games, jogging, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or a quiet game. Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activity.


A large place on walks is given to observations (planned in advance) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies.

IN younger age observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright, interesting; at an older age, observations should be from 15 to 25 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time the children should be offered different objects for consideration.

The objects of observation can be:

wildlife: plants and animals;

Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);

work of adults.

· supervision over work of adults (the janitor, the driver, the builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

Short-term observations are organized to form about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish the shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when they get acquainted with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.

Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, about seasonal changes in nature. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. the facts are established;

2. links are formed between the parts of the object;

3. there is an accumulation of ideas in children;

4. comparisons are made;

5. Conclusions are drawn and links are established between the observation being carried out now and that carried out earlier.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations.

Outdoor games.

The leading place on the walk is given to games, mostly mobile. They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. funny and exciting games help children cope better cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), you should organize sedentary games that do not require a lot of space.

The time for outdoor games and physical exercises in the morning walk: in the younger groups - 6 - 10 minutes, in the middle - 10-15 minutes, in the older and preparatory - 20-25 minutes. On an evening walk: in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups - 12 -15 minutes.

Every month, learning 2-3 p / and (repeat for a month and fixing 3-4 times a year)

IN middle group the teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is played by a child who can cope with this task).

Relay games, sports games, games with elements of competition are held in the senior and preparatory groups.

Outdoor games end with walking or a game of low mobility, gradually reducing physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for a long time without moving. Children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games require special attention.

Games with high level the intensity of movements should not be carried out at the end of the morning walk before leaving the site, since in this case the children become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in the main movements, sports activities (exercises) are also organized during the walk. In the summer it's cycling, the classics.

Individual work.

Individual work on the walk is carefully planned. It is aimed at consolidating any skills, learning a physical exercise with one or more lagging behind children, practicing sound pronunciation, memorizing poetry, consolidating material in all sections of the program, forming moral qualities. It is important that the child with whom individual work is carried out understands its necessity and willingly performs the proposed tasks.

Various didactic exercises are a method of stimulating children's activity. They are held several times during one walk. Didactic exercise it can be offered to children at the beginning, at the end, or it can be woven into the course of observation, for example, “Bring a yellow leaf”, “Find a tree from a leaf”, “Find a tree or shrub according to the description”, etc. Spend them with the whole group or with part of it.

On walks, work is also carried out to develop the child’s speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a short poem, fixing a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in a music lesson.

Independent play activities of children.

During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received in the process of GCD, excursions, everyday life, learn knowledge about the work of adults. This happens in the process of role-playing games.

The educator encourages family games, astronauts, a ship, a hospital, etc. He helps develop the plot of the game, select or create the material necessary for it. Interest in such (creative games) games develops in children from 3-4 years old. The heyday of the role-playing game begins at the age of 4 and reaches its highest development in the middle of preschool age (5-6 years), and then gradually replaced by games with rules that arise after the age of seven.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, do not get bored, so that no one is cold or overheated. Those children who run a lot, he attracts to participate in more relaxed games.

To organize independent activity, it is necessary to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools for labor activity. It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the storage and placement of external material.

Labor activity of children on the site.

It has great educational value labor activity on a walk. It is important that for each child the tasks are feasible, interesting and varied, and in duration they do not exceed 5-19 minutes at a younger age and 15-20 minutes at an older age.

Forms of organization of labor of children are:

individual labor orders;

work in groups;

· collective labor.

Individual labor assignments are applied in all age groups kindergarten.

Collective work makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities simultaneously for all children in the group. During collective work, skills are formed to accept the common goal of work, to coordinate their actions, and to plan work together.

In the younger group, children receive individual assignments, consisting of one or two labor operations, for example, to take bird food and put it in a feeder. The teacher in turn involves all the children in feeding the birds. Or, for example, collecting pebbles for crafts. Organizes work as “work side by side”, while children do not experience any dependence on each other

In the middle group, two subgroups can work simultaneously and perform different labor assignments; the constant attention of the educator to the quality of work is required;

showing and explaining the entire task are successive stages.

In older children, it is necessary to form the ability to accept a labor task, present the result of its implementation, determine the sequence of operations, select necessary tools, independently engage in labor activities (with a little help from the educator).

Individual assignments become lengthy, for example, to collect and arrange a herbarium.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They put on slippers, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.

Throughout the year, it is mandatory to conduct and evening walk. Since the adult is additionally busy meeting with the parents, organized observation and labor activities are not carried out during the evening walk. Against the background of children playing independently, the teacher can tell and show something to them, communicate with one or two on a topic that is interesting to them, organize individual entertainment games, observe with a subgroup of children some unusual phenomenon or event that they themselves noticed. However, it must be borne in mind that games of great mobility that excite the nervous system of children should not be played in the evening. When organizing all types of activities during walks, one should take into account the individual characteristics of children, their state of health; more actively in the course of their use of methods and techniques that contribute to the formation, assimilation of moral norms of behavior.

The main thing is to make sure that the walk is not boring. If the walks are meaningful and interesting, children, as a rule, go for a walk with great willingness and joy. For educators, a walk is unique opportunity not only to improve the health of children, but also to enrich the child with new knowledge, show experiments, the material for which nature itself provides, develop attention, memory, etc.

Start developing a walk with scheduling. Its goals and objectives should be consistent with current plans for given period time. Include educational, training and developmental tasks in the program content of the walk.

Prepare all the necessary equipment for organizing children's activities. Pay attention to the outgoing material. It must comply with the content of the walk, meet safety requirements. In addition, the portable material should be selected according to the age of the children. Be sure to check the number of toys. They should be enough for all children. It is unacceptable for any of the preschoolers to experience a lack of equipment for the game.

Make a short walk plan and fix it on the card. This will allow the planned tasks to be carried out systematically. It will also make walking easier.

Be sure to set up the pupils for a walk. Let them feel the joy of the upcoming activity. In this case, it will be productive. In addition, a good mood combined with physical exercise will improve the overall well-being of preschoolers.

Prepare the area for the walk. It should not contain poisonous or thorny plants, mushrooms, shrubs with berries. In addition, all debris must be removed from the site. In the summer, every morning it is necessary to water and dig up the sand in the sandbox. This will help prepare the sandbox for the arrival of the children, as well as allow you to detect possible debris in the sand.

When taking a walk, be sure to alternate the activities of preschoolers. Start your walk with observation. This may be the observation of objects living and inanimate nature, people of different professions.

Include work activities in the walk. This may be the help of the guys in clearing the area from snow, leaves in the fall, etc.


On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality. The walk is conducive mental education. During their stay on the site or on the street, children receive a lot of new impressions and knowledge about the environment: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. A walk develops observation, expands ideas about the environment, awakens the thought and imagination of children, and also deals with issues of moral education.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children.

List of Internet resources:



Organization of walks in the summer wellness period

with preschool children

Sysolina Anna Vasilievna, educator of the group of general developmental orientation of children from 5 to 6 years old No. 8



  1. The importance of walking in the development of preschool children.
  2. Types of walks
  3. Requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of the preschool educational institution for walking.
  4. Safety requirements for organizing walks on the site of the preschool educational institution
  5. Walk structure.
  6. Instructions for walking in the preschool educational institution.



Summer is the most fertile time for preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for their full-fledged comprehensive mental and physical development. The summer period is the most optimal and favorable for health-improving and educational work with preschoolers.

Educational work with children during this period of time is carried out, as a rule, on the street. The mode of operation is chosen so that in summer the children are constantly in the fresh air. This does not imply the abolition of educational activities with preschoolers, but rather expands the opportunities for educators to carry out full-fledged work with children on a walk. These are conversations, and role-playing games, games with water and sand, various observations, work in nature, etc.

The Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education provides for the solution of program educational tasks not only within the framework of the GCD, but also during regime moments, such as a walk.

During the walk, integration of 5 educational areas is possible, such as "Physical development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development".

The tasks of the educational area "Physical development" are solved on a walk during outdoor games with children and the development of basic movements and constitute one direction - physical development.

The tasks of the educational area "Social and communicative development" are solved on a walk during labor assignments, familiarization with the work of adults, observations, independent play activities, didactic games with children and constitute one direction - social and personal development.

The tasks of the educational areas "Cognitive development" and "Speech development" are solved on a walk through observations, familiarization with the work of adults, experimenting with objects of the surrounding world, targeted walks, independent play activities, didactic games with children.

The tasks of the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" are solved on a walk through the organization of independent activities, creative competitions, entertainment.

Meaningful links between different sections of the program allow the educator to integrate educational content in solving educational problems. For example, expanding children's ideas about nature, the teacher educates children in a humane attitude towards living things, encourages them to aesthetic experiences related to nature, solves the problems of speech development, mastering the relevant practical and cognitive skills, teaches them to reflect impressions of nature in a variety of game activities.

An integrative approach to walking makes it possible to develop the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality in unity.

The importance of walking in the development of preschool children.

The stay of children in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality.

A walk contributes to mental development, as children get a lot of new experiences and knowledge about the world around them.

Requirements for the duration of the walk. Mode of duration of walks on the street.

The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daily walk after classes and an evening walk after lunch. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed. Its total duration is 4 - 4.5 hours.

In order to achieve a health-improving effect in the summer period, the daily regimen provides for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air with breaks for eating and sleeping.

The time for going out for a walk for each age group is determined by the mode of education and training. Prohibition for walking is wind force over 15 m/s. and precipitation.

Types of walks (according to the venue):

  • on the site of the preschool educational institution;
  • walking tours outside the site of the Institution (senior preschool age);
  • in the functional premises of the kindergarten (in bad weather).

2.5. Types of walks by content:

  • traditional;
  • thematic;
  • target (conducted from the second junior group with access beyond the kindergarten);
  • excursion, hike (carried out systematically from the middle group).

Target walks. The teacher organizes children's observations of social life and natural phenomena outside the site. For this purpose, targeted walks are organized.

In the younger group, targeted walks are held once a week for a short distance, along the street where the kindergarten is located. With older children, such walks are held twice a week and over longer distances.

The teacher shows the children of the younger group houses, transport, pedestrians, the middle group - public buildings (school, House of Culture, theater, etc.). With older children, targeted walks are held to other streets, to the nearest park or forest. Children get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public places and traffic rules.

On targeted walks, children get a lot of direct impressions of the environment, their horizons expand, knowledge and ideas deepen, observation and curiosity develop. Movement in the air has a positive effect on physical development. Long walking during a walk requires a certain endurance, organization and endurance from children.

Before leaving the preschool, it is necessary to comply with all the necessary requirements: collect the signature of the parents for the children to leave the preschool, draw up a route, write a statement indicating the number of children and accompanying persons.

Requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of the kindergarten site for walking.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of children, a landscaped, planned and equipped area, in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements, is of great importance. It is desirable that each age group has a separate area fenced off from other groups by shrubs. On this site, places are allocated for outdoor games and the development of children's movements (flat area), for games with sand, water, building materials, for creative games and games with various toys.

The site should have equipment for the development of movements: climbing fences (triangular, tetrahedral and hexagonal), a log for balance exercises, a slide, equipment for jumping, throwing exercises. All this should have an attractive appearance, be durable, well-crafted, fixed and appropriate for the age and strength of children. In addition to permanent equipment, toys and manuals are brought to the site in accordance with the planned work plan.

In addition to playgrounds on the site, it is necessary to have closed gazebos to protect from rain and sun. In dry and hot weather, watering the site, sand is done at least 2 times a day. Cleaning of the territory of the site is carried out by educators, assistant educators and junior educators, a janitor every day: in the morning before the arrival of the children and as the territory is polluted. At the entrance to the building, you should have gratings, scrapers, rugs, brushes. In winter, a slide, ice paths and snow structures, a skating rink (if conditions allow) should be arranged on the site.

Preparing for a walk.

Before going for a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children: cleaning the nose, visiting the toilet room.

The dressing of children should be organized in such a way that they do not spend a lot of time and that they do not have to wait long for each other. For this, it is necessary to think over and create the appropriate conditions. Each group needs a spacious dressing room with individual lockers and enough chairs or benches for the child to sit comfortably, put on clothes or shoes and not interfere with other children.

It is necessary to dress and undress children in preparation for and returning from a walk according to subgroups:

The teacher takes the first subgroup of children to the dressing room, which includes slow-dressing children, children with low self-care skills;

The assistant educator conducts hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the reception room;

The teacher goes for a walk with the first subgroup of children, and the assistant teacher finishes dressing the second subgroup and escorts the children to the site to the teacher;

The teacher should teach children to dress and undress independently and in a certain sequence. First they all put on clothes, shoes, then a headdress. When returning from a walk, undress in the reverse order. The younger caregiver helps to dress the little ones, however, giving them the opportunity to do what they can themselves. When the children have developed the skills of dressing and undressing, they will do it quickly and accurately, the teacher only helps them in some cases (button a button, tie a scarf, etc.). It is necessary to teach children to help each other, do not forget to thank for the service rendered. In order to develop dressing and undressing skills more quickly, parents should give their children more independence at home.

In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygienic procedure - washing the feet.

Clothing requirements for children:

At any time of the year, clothes and shoes should be appropriate for the current weather and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of children.

Safety requirements for organizing walks in the kindergarten.

Before the children go for a walk, the teacher inspects the territory of the site for compliance with safety requirements in accordance with his job description.

Before going out for a walk, employees of the Institution engaged in dressing children should ensure that children do not remain dressed indoors for a long time in order to avoid overheating. Monitor the serviceability and compliance of children's clothes and shoes with the microclimate and weather conditions.

If the wind increases to unacceptable parameters, the weather conditions worsen (rain, snowstorm, etc.) during a walk, the teacher must immediately bring the children into the room.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that the children do not leave the kindergarten site. In case of unauthorized departure of the child, immediately report the incident to the head of the preschool educational institution, who organizes the search for the child, notifies the Department of Education, the police, and parents in accordance with the notification scheme.

During the walk, the teacher should teach the skills of safe behavior, the rules for the safe handling of various objects.

When choosing games, the teacher should take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this age, the previous activities of children, weather conditions.

It is forbidden:

Leave children alone, unattended by employees of the Institution;

Use sharp, piercing, cutting objects, broken toys in children's games.

The educator must immediately notify the supervisor, parents about each accident with the child, and, if necessary, involve medical personnel to provide first aid. If necessary, arrange for the transfer of the child to the emergency department.

Structure of the walk:

In order for the children to willingly gather for a walk, the teacher thinks over its content in advance, arouses the interest of the kids in it with the help of toys or a story about what they will do. If the walks are meaningful and interesting, children, as a rule, go for a walk with great pleasure.

Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children.


Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children's choice, didactic games.

Individual work with children.

The labor of children on the site.

Independent play activity.

The sequence of structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to conduct outdoor games, jogging, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or a quiet game. Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activity.


A large place on walks is given to observations (planned in advance) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies.

At a younger age, observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright, interesting; at an older age, observations should be from 15 to 25 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time the children should be offered different objects for consideration.

The objects of observation can be:

  • wildlife: plants and animals;
  • inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);
  • adult labor.
  • observations of the work of adults (janitor, driver, builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

Short-term observations are organized to form about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish the shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when they get acquainted with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.

Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, about seasonal changes in nature. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. the facts are established;

2. links are formed between the parts of the object;

3. there is an accumulation of ideas in children;

4. comparisons are made;

5. Conclusions are drawn and links are established between the observation being carried out now and that carried out earlier.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations.

Outdoor games.

The leading place on the walk is given to games, mostly mobile. They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. Fun and exciting games help children to better endure cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games should be organized that do not require a lot of space.

The time for outdoor games and physical exercises in the morning walk: in the younger groups - 6 - 10 minutes, in the middle - 10-15 minutes, in the older and preparatory - 20-25 minutes. On an evening walk: in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups - 12 -15 minutes.

Every month, learning 2-3 p / and (repeat for a month and fixing 3-4 times a year)

In the middle group, the teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is played by a child who can cope with this task).

Relay games, sports games, games with elements of competition are held in the senior and preparatory groups.

Outdoor games end with walking or a game of low mobility, gradually reducing physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for a long time without moving. Children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games require special attention.

Games with a high level of intensity of movement should not be played at the end of a morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in the main movements, sports activities (exercises) are also organized during the walk. In the summer it's cycling, the classics.

Individual work.

Individual work on the walk is carefully planned. It is aimed at consolidating any skills, learning a physical exercise with one or more lagging behind children, practicing sound pronunciation, memorizing poetry, consolidating material in all sections of the program, and forming moral qualities. It is important that the child with whom individual work is carried out understands its necessity and willingly performs the proposed tasks.

Various didactic exercises are a method of stimulating children's activity. They are held several times during one walk. A didactic exercise can be offered to children at the beginning, at the end, or it can be woven into the course of observation, for example, “Bring a yellow leaf”, “Find a tree from a leaf”, “Find a tree or bush according to the description”, etc. Spend them with the whole group or with part of it.

On walks, work is also carried out to develop the child’s speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a short poem, fixing a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in a music lesson.

Independent play activities of children.

During independent play activities, children reflect the impressions received in the process of GCD, excursions, everyday life, learn knowledge about the work of adults. This happens in the process of role-playing games.

The educator encourages family games, astronauts, a ship, a hospital, etc. He helps develop the plot of the game, select or create the material necessary for it. Interest in such (creative games) games develops in children from 3-4 years old. The heyday of the role-playing game begins at the age of 4 and reaches its highest development in the middle of preschool age (5-6 years), and then gradually replaced by games with rules that arise after the age of seven.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, do not get bored, so that no one is cold or overheated. Those children who run a lot, he attracts to participate in more relaxed games.

To organize independent activity, it is necessary to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools for labor activity. It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the storage and placement of external material.

Labor activity of children on the site.

Work activity on a walk is of great educational importance. It is important that for each child the tasks are feasible, interesting and varied, and in duration they do not exceed 5-19 minutes at a younger age and 15-20 minutes at an older age.

Forms of organization of labor of children are:

  • individual labor assignments;
  • work in groups;
  • collective labor.
  • individual labor assignments are applied in all age groups of the kindergarten.

Collective work makes it possible to form labor skills and abilities simultaneously for all children in the group. During collective work, skills are formed to accept the common goal of work, to coordinate their actions, and to plan work together.

In the younger group, children receive individual assignments, consisting of one or two labor operations, for example, to take bird food and put it in a feeder. The teacher in turn involves all the children in feeding the birds. Or, for example, collecting pebbles for crafts. Organizes work as “work side by side”, while children do not experience any dependence on each other

In the middle group, two subgroups can work simultaneously and perform different labor assignments; the constant attention of the educator to the quality of work is required;

showing and explaining the entire task are successive stages.

In older children, it is necessary to form the ability to accept a labor task, present the result of its implementation, determine the sequence of operations, select the necessary tools, independently engage in labor activities (with a little help from the educator).

Individual assignments become lengthy, for example, to collect and arrange a herbarium.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They put on slippers, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.

Throughout the year, it is mandatory to conduct and evening walk. Since the adult is additionally busy meeting with the parents, organized observation and labor activities are not carried out during the evening walk. Against the background of children playing independently, the teacher can tell and show something to them, communicate with one or two on a topic that is interesting to them, organize individual entertainment games, observe with a subgroup of children some unusual phenomenon or event that they themselves noticed. However, it must be borne in mind that games of great mobility that excite the nervous system of children should not be played in the evening. When organizing all types of activities during walks, one should take into account the individual characteristics of children, their state of health; more actively in the course of their use of methods and techniques that contribute to the formation, assimilation of moral norms of behavior.

The main thing is to make sure that the walk is not boring. If the walks are meaningful and interesting, children, as a rule, go for a walk with great willingness and joy. For educators, a walk is a unique opportunity not only to improve children's health, but also to enrich the child with new knowledge, show experiments, the material for which nature itself provides, develop attention, memory, etc.

Instructions for walking in the preschool educational institution.

Start developing a walk with scheduling. Its goals and objectives should correspond to current plans for a given period of time. Include educational, training and developmental tasks in the program content of the walk.

Prepare all the necessary equipment for organizing children's activities. Pay attention to the outgoing material. It must comply with the content of the walk, meet safety requirements. In addition, the portable material should be selected according to the age of the children. Be sure to check the number of toys. They should be enough for all children. It is unacceptable for any of the preschoolers to experience a lack of equipment for the game.

Make a short walk plan and fix it on the card. This will allow the planned tasks to be carried out systematically. It will also make walking easier.

Be sure to set up the pupils for a walk. Let them feel the joy of the upcoming activity. In this case, it will be productive. In addition, a good mood combined with physical exercise will improve the overall well-being of preschoolers.

Prepare the area for the walk. It should not contain poisonous or thorny plants, mushrooms, shrubs with berries. In addition, all debris must be removed from the site. In the summer, every morning it is necessary to water and dig up the sand in the sandbox. This will help prepare the sandbox for the arrival of the children, as well as allow you to detect possible debris in the sand.

When taking a walk, be sure to alternate the activities of preschoolers. Start your walk with observation. This can be observation of objects of living and inanimate nature, people of different professions.

Include work activities in the walk. This may be the help of the guys in clearing the area from snow, leaves in the fall, etc.


A walk takes a significant amount of time in the daily routine of preschool children and is of great pedagogical importance. The walk is organized twice a day: in the morning and in the afternoon. Being in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality. Walking promotes mental education. During their stay on the site or on the street, children receive a lot of new impressions and knowledge about the environment: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. A walk develops observation, expands ideas about the environment, awakens the thought and imagination of children, and also deals with issues of moral education.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. slide 2

Walk - walking or short trip for learning, entertainment, outdoor recreation. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds. In order to achieve a health-improving effect in the summer period, the daily regimen provides for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air with breaks for eating and sleeping.

Types of walks

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of children, a landscaped, planned and equipped area, in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements, is of great importance. It is desirable that each age group has a separate area fenced off from other groups by shrubs. On this site, places are allocated for outdoor games and the development of children's movements (flat area), for games with sand, water, building materials, for creative games and games with various toys. Requirements for the equipment and sanitary condition of the kindergarten site for walking.

It is forbidden to: Leave children alone, unattended by employees of the Institution; Use sharp, piercing, cutting objects, broken toys in children's games. The educator must immediately notify the supervisor, parents about each accident with the child, and, if necessary, involve medical personnel to provide first aid. If necessary, arrange for the transfer of the child to the emergency department. Safety requirements for organizing walks in the kindergarten.

Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. Structural components of a walk The sequence of structural components of a walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity.

Observation When organizing observations, the educator must always follow this sequence: 1. Facts are established; 2. links are formed between the parts of the object; 3. there is an accumulation of ideas in children; 4. comparisons are made; 5. Conclusions are drawn and links are established between the observation being carried out now and that carried out earlier.

Outdoor games The choice of the game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. Fun and exciting games help children to better endure cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games should be organized that do not require a lot of space.

Individual work Individual work on the walk is carefully planned. It is aimed at consolidating any skills, learning a physical exercise with one or more lagging behind children, practicing sound pronunciation, memorizing poetry, consolidating material in all sections of the program, and forming moral qualities. It is important that the child with whom individual work is carried out understands its necessity and willingly performs the proposed tasks.

Independent play activity of children During independent play activity, children reflect the impressions received in the process of GCD, excursions, everyday life, learn knowledge about the work of adults. During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, do not get bored, so that no one is cold or overheated. Those children who run a lot, he attracts to participate in more relaxed games.

Labor activity Forms of organization of work of children are: individual labor assignments; work in groups; collective labor. individual labor assignments are applied in all age groups of the kindergarten.

A walk takes a significant amount of time in the daily routine of preschool children and is of great pedagogical importance. The walk is organized twice a day: in the morning and in the afternoon. Being in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

Organization and conduct of walks in kindergarten Goals, objectives, types of walks. Requirements for the sanitary condition of the site, the time spent in the fresh air, as well as the organization of preschoolers for a walk Prepared by: Educator Kurmaeva Marina Viktorovna

Goals and objectives of a walk in a preschool institution A walk is a very important moment in the life of children in a preschool institution. The purpose of the walk is to improve health, prevent fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restore the functional resources of the body that have been reduced in the process of activity. The tasks of the walk: to have a hardening effect on the body in vivo; to promote the level of physical fitness of preschool children; optimize the motor activity of children; to promote the cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal development of children. Types of walks (at the venue): On the site of the Institution; Target walks Excursions

Requirements for preparing and returning from a walk Before going on a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children: cleaning the nose, visiting the toilet room. Dressing and undressing children in preparation for and returning from a walk is necessary according to subgroups: Stages of preparation for a walk. the educator takes the first subgroup of children to the waiting room for dressing, which includes slowly dressing children, children with low self-care skills the assistant educator conducts hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the reception educator goes for a walk with the first subgroup of children, and the assistant educator finishes dressing the second subgroups and escorts the children to the site to the teacher to help with dressing in each group of early and younger preschool age employees from among the working and medical staff of the preschool educational institution are assigned to children with poor health, it is recommended to dress and take them outside with the second subgroup, and start from a walk with the first subgroup .

Requirements for children's clothing At any time of the year, clothes and shoes must correspond to the weather at the moment and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of children; With temperature fluctuations from +3 to -3 ° C and light wind, children's clothing should consist of three layers, including underwear. Outerwear consists of a warm jacket, trousers or gaiters; warm boots on the feet; At temperatures from -4 to -10 ° C, children wear winter jacket or a down jacket with three layers of clothing. With more low temperatures it is recommended to increase the number of layers of clothing to four or five, depending on the heat-shielding properties of the outer clothing. In summer, children wear light hats to avoid overheating. Recommendations for hardening should be placed in the corner for parents, corresponding to the age of the children and the time of year. Encourage parents not to overheat the child, dress children according to weather conditions.

Requirements for the content of walks on the site Doe Walk should consist of the following structural elements observation; physical activity: mobile, sports games, sports exercises; individual work on various directions development of pupils; work assignments independent activities of children

The sequence of structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at first outdoor games, jogging are carried out, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or a quiet game. Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activities of children. The content of the walks is determined by the program to familiarize children with the environment, taking into account the previous activities of children, pedagogical and recreational tasks, and is built in accordance with scheduling in every age group.

Observations Organization of observations: the process of observation can be organized for objects and weather phenomena. When planning observations, the educator thinks through: equipment and materials used during the observation, placement of children; techniques for attracting children's attention to observation (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, a problem situation); methods of activating mental activity (search questions, actions, comparison, use of children's experience).

Organization of motor activity The motor activity of children on a walk should include: outdoor games and physical exercises on a morning walk: in the younger group - 6-10 minutes. On an evening walk: in the junior and middle groups - min. Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises.

Independent physical activity The nature and duration depend on the individual needs and interests of children, the developing environment; individual tasks (in accordance with scheduling). Depending on weather conditions motor activity children in the air can be of varying intensity so that children do not get cold or overheat. The teacher thinks over the organization of motor activity before going for a walk, focusing on specific weather conditions. Children are not allowed to walk for a long time without moving. Children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games require special attention. Games with a high level of intensity of movement should not be played at the end of a morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of the period of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite

Organization of individual work in accordance with the calendar planning, the educator carries out individual work on cognitive and speech, social and personal, physical or artistic and aesthetic development of children; to this end prepares all necessary materials and equipment.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the walk, the teacher prepares the necessary portable material, manuals for various types of children's activities that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. The teacher must manage the independent activities of the children: ensure them complete safety, teach them how to use the aids in accordance with their purpose, and constantly monitor the activities of the children throughout the walk

Return from a walk Return of children from a walk is also organized in subgroups. The assistant educator takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher Assistant teacher helps the children to untie the scarves, unbutton them and take them off outerwear, put the clothes in the locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play. In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygienic procedure - washing their feet.

The order of storing clothes in a locker A scarf and a hat are placed on the top shelf. Jacket, gaiters, tights, warm pants, outerwear are hung on a hook. Elasticated mittens should be threaded through the sleeves and outerwear hanger. Shoes are placed on the bottom shelf, socks are placed on top.

Extract from SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations" approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26, Moscow.

XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational organizations, the daily routine and organization of the educational process

11.1. Admission of children entering preschool educational organizations for the first time is carried out on the basis of a medical report.

11.2. The daily morning reception of children is carried out by educators and (or) medical workers who interview parents about the state of health of children. According to indications (in the presence of catarrhal phenomena, intoxication phenomena), thermometry is performed for the child.

Identified sick children or children with suspected illness in preschool educational organizations are not accepted; children who fall ill during the day are isolated from healthy children (temporarily placed in the premises of the medical unit) until the arrival of the parents or their hospitalization in a medical and preventive organization, informing the parents.

11.3. After the disease, as well as the absence of more than 5 days (except weekends and public holidays) children are admitted to preschool educational organizations only if they have a certificate indicating the diagnosis, duration of the disease, information about the absence of contact with infectious patients.

11.4. The daily routine must match age characteristics children and contribute to their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years - in accordance with medical recommendations.

11.5. The recommended duration of daily walks is 3-4 hours. The duration of the walk is determined by the preschool educational organization, depending on climatic conditions. When the air temperature is below minus 15 C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, it is recommended to reduce the duration of the walk.

11.7. When organizing the regime of stay of children in preschool educational organizations(groups) for more than 5 hours, meals are organized with an interval of 3-4 hours and daytime sleep; when organizing a stay regime for children up to 5 hours, a single meal is organized.

The total duration of daily sleep for preschool children is 12 - 12.5 hours, of which 2 - 2.5 hours are spent on daytime sleep. For children from 1 year to 1.5 years, daytime sleep is organized twice in the first and second half of the day for a total duration of up to 3.5 hours. The best is the organization of daytime sleep in the air (verandas). For children from 1.5 to 3 years, daytime sleep is organized once for at least 3 hours. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to carry out mobile emotional games, tempering procedures. During the sleep of children, the presence of a teacher (or his assistant) in the bedroom is mandatory.

11.8. At least 3-4 hours should be allotted for independent activities of children aged 3-7 years (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene) in the daily routine.

11.9. For children early age from 1.5 to 3 years, the duration of continuous direct educational activity should not exceed 10 minutes. It is allowed to carry out educational activities in the first and second half of the day (8-10 minutes each). It is allowed to carry out educational activities on playground during a walk.

11.10. The duration of continuous direct educational activity for children from 3 to 4 years old - no more than 15 minutes, for children from 4 to 5 years old - no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes, and for children from 6 to 7 years - no more than 30 minutes.

11.11. The maximum allowable amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups does not exceed 30 and 40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, physical education minutes are held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity - at least 10 minutes.

11.12. Educational activities with children of older preschool age can be carried out in the afternoon after daytime sleep. Its duration should be no more than 25 - 30 minutes a day. In the middle of a directly educational activity of a static nature, physical culture minutes are held.

11.13. Educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children should be organized in the first half of the day. To prevent fatigue in children, it is recommended to conduct physical education, music classes, rhythm, etc.

Daily routine requirements 1

Walk in winter

All mothers know that the child needs to walk, but not everyone knows why!

  • Fresh air is essential for correct operation all vital systems of the body, including the brain.
  • Fresh air cleanses the lungs of dust and allergens
  • Expenditure of energy during a walk increases cardiac activity
  • Ultraviolet produces vitamin D

The daily duration of a walk for children is at least 4–4.5 hours.

Good to know: Requirements SanPiN 2010 in kindergartens

The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at air temperatures below -15°С and wind speeds over 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5–7 years old at air temperatures below -20°С and wind speeds over 15 m/s (for middle lane)

How to dress a child

The main requirement for children's clothing- the ability to actively move, run, turn your head, get up on your own after falls, jump, climb sports equipment

Walking gives the child new experiences and positive emotions and intellectual and social development your child


As you know, children are characterized by increased motor activity, which can be satisfied in the process of walking and excursions. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves appetite, sleep, mood, and increases the overall tone of the child's life. In the conditions of preschool institutions, a walk is used as a means of comprehensive education and training. Walking is also a means of hardening. In the summer most of the time children should be in the air. In winter, walks are carried out 2 times a day at a specially allocated time. Only for children under the age of 1.5 Years walks are replaced by sleep with wide access to fresh air.

Before a walk, it is important to properly dress and shoe the child in accordance with the weather and season, which will provide him with freedom of movement and thermal comfort, preventing hypothermia or overheating (Table 10).

Children under 3 years old go for a walk in calm weather in winter at an air temperature not lower than -15 C, older children (4-7 years old) - at a temperature of -18 ... -22 ° C. At low temperatures, the walking time should be shortened.

The walk should start with a quiet activity. The attention of children is drawn to the changes taking place in nature, the state of the weather.

From early childhood (the first junior group), children are taught to dress and undress independently. At first, the teacher shows how it should be done, and helps each child. The elders help the little ones get dressed. To avoid overheating, dressed children are immediately taken outside.

The benefits of a walk largely depend on its organization, equipment and the emotional state of the pupils. Children get a lot of impressions from the surrounding nature and, most importantly, the opportunity to actively move. Depending on the age of the children and the weather, various games are organized during the walk (games with rules, creative, building games), sports activities (sledding, skiing and skating), work on the site. Walks can also be carried out outside the children's institution, while children get acquainted with nature, learn to overcome obstacles, and navigate in the environment. In addition to cognitive value, such walks train the cardiovascular system and the motor apparatus.

In summer, in warm weather, excursions are conducted with preschool children (in the morning, after breakfast, or after an afternoon snack, that is, at a time when the sun does not bake too much). Children who are weak or have flat feet should not be taken on the tour. The clothes of preschoolers should be comfortable, light, and on a sunny day - light: on the head - panama, on the legs - socks and light low shoes or special shoes for tourism. It is important that shoes are loose, as tight shoes impede blood circulation in the lower extremities, which causes rapid fatigue of the child. Sandals and sandals should not be worn on an excursion: sand and small pebbles that can injure the skin will fill through the holes in them.

Basic provisions of SanPiN

Children 3-4 years old are taken outside the site, first for 5-10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes. Pupils of 4-5 years old, with the correct organization of the excursion on a good summer day, can take walks for a distance (back and forth), 6-7 years old - for 3 km (back and forth).

Every 10-15 minutes of walking, children should have a short (5 minutes) rest, and in the middle of the excursion in a dry place - a halt for 20-30 minutes. On a halt, they can sit, lie down, play quiet games.

On excursions to familiarize preschoolers with the work of adults, the teacher takes necessary measures that ensure the safety of children, especially when monitoring the operation of various mechanisms and agricultural machinery. Children must be accompanied by at least two adults during the tour.

In winter, pupils of older groups can go skiing for 40-60 minutes (30 minutes for beginners). When organizing such walks, one should take into account the individual capabilities of children, the weather, the road.

How are walks in kindergarten?

Cheerful hubbub, noise, screeching and unbridled laughter - that's what residents of the houses adjacent to the kindergarten hear when the kids go out for a walk. And this is understandable: all preschoolers love to walk, regardless of the weather and season.

daily walks

For children, being outdoors is an exciting pastime, games, communication, for educators, a walk is a specially organized educational process.

In addition, while preschoolers are outside group room kindergarten Special attention the educator pays to protect the life and health of his wards, since on the street the action of risk factors increases significantly. These are slippery winter paths, and unknown insects that appeared in the bushes on the site, and hard asphalt pavement, on which kids' knees so often break.

Usually a walk consists of several parts:

  • organized observation of the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. Depending on the season, children, under the guidance of a teacher, observe changes in the weather, fresh snow, a dog walking around the yard, and the work of a janitor. The teacher draws the attention of the kids to the fact that the dandelion has changed its yellow outfit for an airy white robe, to how doves behave when it is cold outside, how a car with groceries is unloaded at the nearest store. Each walk is a new experience, enriching the experience of children with knowledge about the world in which they grow up.
  • various types of work. Work on a group plot can be varied - collecting leaves that have fallen from trees in the fall, building a hill and clearing paths from snow, watering plants in the garden beds of a kindergarten.
  • outdoor games. Both all children of the group and separate subgroups of preschool children can participate in them. The teacher offers to learn the rules new game or repeat the already familiar game that most boys and girls like.
  • independent play activities of children. This is the so-called free time, when children organize themselves into small companies of interest and spend time doing their favorite pastime - playing in the sandbox, sports games, role-playing games(to the family, to the store, to the hospital). In order for the independent activity during the walk to be rich and interesting, the educators, together with the parents and the leadership of the kindergarten, take care of the availability in advance game material(balls, clubs, bicycles, scooters, sandbox sets, drawing paper, attributes for story games), as well as about the arrangement of the site (cleanliness of the veranda, securely fixed fences, stable and suitable swings, houses, trains, labyrinths, an ice slide).
  • individual work of the educator with specific children to consolidate and improve certain physical skills.

    Not all children successfully master certain types of movements in physical education and exercises in kindergarten, so the teacher plans to work out with some children individually, practicing walking, jumping, running, crawling, climbing skills.

Special types of walks

In addition to the usual daily outings in the kindergarten, other types of walks can be carried out - excursions, targeted walks, hikes, thematic walks.

Children's excursions require careful preliminary preparation. Depending on the purpose of the event, a special route is developed, the method of transporting children (on foot, by bus) is taken into account, the number of accompanying adults from among the educators or other employees of the kindergarten and the parents of the group is determined.

Unlike excursions, targeted walks are distinguished by a small distance from the kindergarten (no more than 2 km) and short duration. Hikes are held infrequently - once or twice a year, with the obligatory preliminary laying of the route and its safety check for children.

Thematic walks combine a set of events (quest, theatrical performance, entertainment in a summer pool or on a sports ground), during which the guys achieve a certain goal: organize a concert for kids, overcome obstacles in the quest tasks, compete in agility and speed in games on the water or on the stadium.

Walk Mode

The duration and number of walks in kindergarten are regulated by SanPiN.

Question about a walk in the garden along SanPin and in reality

Preschoolers go outside twice a day, after school until lunch and in the afternoon. The total duration of exposure to air is at least 4 hours a day. Depending on air temperature, weather (rain, frost, strong wind) the duration of the walk may be reduced. In different regions, temperature restrictions in combination with wind strength may vary.

The duration of the walk also depends on the age of the kindergarten students. 2-3-year-olds are less outdoors than children of older and preparatory groups. The specific time is determined by the age group mode.

Parents and caregivers should ensure that the children are dressed for the weather, that the shoes are non-slip, and that jackets and down jackets are well fastened. Before going for a walk, the educators check whether everyone is wearing the kids, whether everyone has gloves, mittens, scarves, whether all clothes and shoes are buttoned and tied. If problems are found, the child remains in the group under the supervision of an adult, and parents are informed about this upon arrival.

3. Duration of walks. Temperature regime for walking. Drinking regime

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed for the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Kindergarten No. 2394 (hereinafter referred to as the Kindergarten) in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Model Regulations on Preschool educational institution, SanPiN, the Charter of the Institution, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, the regime for raising and educating children.

1.2. This provision regulates the organization of walks in


1.3. Changes and additions to this Regulation are made Pedagogical Council and approved by the head of the institution.

1.4. The term of this Regulation is not limited. This Regulation is valid until a new one is adopted.

2.Goals and objectives of the walk

2.1. A walk is one of the important regime moments in the life of children in a preschool institution; means of physical and mental education.

2.2. Walking is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. A variety of outdoor activities develop motor abilities, contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness of preschoolers, and have a hardening effect on the body.

2.3. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite, digestibility nutrients, especially the protein component of food.

2.4. Types of walks: walks on the site preschool(in all age groups), walks around the territory of the kindergarten, labor activity within the territory of the garden of the kindergarten.

3. Duration of walks. Temperature regime for walking. Drinking regime.

3.1. The daily duration of a walk for children is 4-4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch, in the afternoon after a day's sleep or before the children go home. In different age groups, the time for going out for a walk is regulated by the approved daily routine.

3.2. In conditions of uncomfortable weather in the autumn-winter period, the duration of walks is reduced. Their duration is determined in accordance with the approved daily routine. The schedule is compiled taking into account the requirements of SanPiN, air temperature, wind strength and direction.

3.3. In the summer, it is necessary to ensure the maximum amount of time children spend in the fresh air. However, on hot days, children should not be allowed to stay under direct sunlight for a long time, and each child should have a headdress. It is better to organize a variety of activities in the chiaroscuro zone.

3.4. The drinking regime in the spring-summer period should be carried out twice during one walk with a clean set of cups.

Organization of walks on the site of a preschool institution

4.1. When preparing for a walk on the kindergarten site, it is necessary
comply with a number of requirements and strictly observe the methodology of fees.

4.2. Clothing requirements for children in the autumn-winter period:

In order for the thermal state of the children to be normal during the walk, it is necessary to dress them correctly, given that clothing sets suggest active movements, alternating with rest and quiet games. - In calm weather and wind no more than 2-3 m / s, at temperatures up to - 20 ° C, it is recommended to wear underwear and a dress, one wool sweater or a sweater, cotton tights, waterproof pants insulated with padding polyester, a warm hat without a scarf, a down jacket (fur coat), a scarf, woolen mittens. To prevent your mittens from getting wet during a walk, you should wear mittens made of waterproof fabric, or put on spare dry mittens for the second walk. At temperatures below -20 ° C and a wind of 2-3 m / s, they additionally wear another woolen jacket, leggings, a thin woolen hat or scarf. Instead of one pair, two pairs of mittens or insulated double ones are put on. It is important to properly fold children's clothes in the locker so that you do not have to look for this or that thing.

4.3. How to store clothes

The following order of clothing storage is recommended: a woolen scarf is placed on the top shelf, on it warm hat, and next to it is a handkerchief or a woolen hat. Elasticated mittens should always be pulled through the sleeves and coat hanger. Pants are hung next to leggings and tights. Felt boots or boots are placed below, warm socks are placed on top.

4.4. Organizing a walk

To prevent children from overheating during training, it is necessary to determine the order of putting on warm clothes and strictly adhere to it. At first, it is better to put on tights, leggings for all children in the locker room, then sweaters, shoes and, last but not least, hats and down jackets (fur coats).

Dressing children for a walk, as well as undressing them upon returning from it, is necessary in subgroups. The teacher leads the first subgroup to get dressed, the assistant teacher conducts hygiene procedures on the other, and takes the children to the locker room. Then the teacher goes for a walk with the children, and the assistant teacher finishes dressing the second subgroup and escorts the children to the site to the teacher. To help with dressing in each group of early age and in the second younger one is assigned one employee from among the administrative and medical personnel.

The children return from the walk, also in subgroups, the first to enter the room are those who entered the site earlier. Returning children are met by an assistant teacher. Those who went outside later still continue to walk in with the teacher.

In the dressing room, the junior teacher helps the children untie the scarf, unfasten the outer clothing, put the clothes in the locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play.

Before going out in low temperatures, it is necessary to check that all children have clean noses. Be sure to make sure that the children are properly dressed. An unbuttoned button, a carelessly tied scarf, a hat can cause a cold. Throughout the walk, the teacher makes sure that the children scream less, do not cool the ligaments. IN very coldy it is especially important that children talk as little as possible and move more.

4.5. In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygienic procedure - washing the feet.

5.1. When planning the content of the walk, the teacher takes into account specific
pedagogical and health problems. In the content of walks is mandatory
the following activities are included: observing nature, moving,
sports games, taking into account the time of year, entertainment and physical exercises,
individual work with children, work in nature (labor assignments),
independent play activity.

A reasonable alternation and combination of these various activities makes the walk interesting, attractive, such a walk provides good vacation, creates a joyful mood in children.

  1. In older groups, it is recommended to devote more time to outdoor games. If before the walk were training sessions with static tension, it is better to start it with a mobile game, if dynamic exercises preceded it, it is more expedient to organize the game in the middle of a walk. It is not recommended to complete it with a mobile game.
  2. When children complain about the cold (“frozen feet”), they need to be involved in an outdoor game. Sedentary children should also be encouraged to actively move, who, as a rule, prefer calm games during a walk.
  3. If necessary, when the child visits the toilet, the teacher makes a call from a mobile phone to the assistant teacher, who must go out and take the child from the site to perform cultural and hygienic procedures.

SanPiN for kindergartens in 2018

Requirements for the equipment and sanitary maintenance of the kindergarten site for walking.

6.1. The equipment and sanitary maintenance of the site must comply with
the requirements of clause 2.1. SanPiN

  1. The zone of the playing territory includes: group playgrounds - individual for each group and a common sports ground (zone with equipment for outdoor games, zones with gymnastic equipment and sports equipment).
  2. Cleaning of the site is carried out by the janitor daily: in the morning 1 hour before the arrival of the children and as the territory gets dirty.
  1. In dry and hot weather, watering the site, sand is carried out at least 2 times a day. After the children leave the walk, sandboxes should be covered with covers.
  2. Handle toys (wash) daily in the evening after the children leave home. In case of quarantine, treat with disinfectants.
  3. At the entrance to the building should have gratings, rugs.

7. Safety requirements for organizing walks in the kindergarten area.

  1. Before the children go for a walk, the security guard of the private security company inspects the territory of the site for compliance with safety requirements. The educator should daily inspect the group playground, slides, small forms, sandboxes. In case of detection of damage that can lead to injury to the child, inform the manager or caretaker. Do not allow children to use this equipment until the damage has been repaired.
  2. The decision to conduct, cancel or reduce the time of a walk in the fresh air is made by the Deputy Head of Educational and methodological work and older nurse based on the state of weather conditions or orders from higher authorities (due to an unforeseen situation that has arisen) and brings it to the attention of educators and the head of the kindergarten.
  3. During the walk, the teacher ensures that the children do not leave the group site. In case of unauthorized departure of a child from the kindergarten, immediately report the incident to the head of the kindergarten, who organizes the search for the child, informs the Department, the police, and parents.

7.4. During the walk, the teacher should teach children the skills
safe behavior, rules for the safe handling of various objects.

  1. When choosing games, the educator should take into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of this age, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walking area.
  2. When riding downhill, the teacher must ensure that the children observe the interval between themselves, do not push, having moved down the hill, immediately step aside and insure the children.
  3. It is forbidden: - to leave children alone, unattended by kindergarten workers; - use sharp, piercing, cutting objects, broken toys in children's games.
  4. The educator must immediately notify the supervisor, the head nurse of each accident with the child and call ambulance inform parents. Organize the escort of the child to a medical institution.


Head of GBOU kindergarten No. 2394 Solovieva E.V.

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personality excursion speech preschool

It is advisable to conduct excursions to the same places in different times year, in order to show children the seasonal changes that occur in nature. An excursion is much more difficult to conduct than a lesson in a group, so its success depends on the careful preparation of the teacher and children.

The preparation of the educator consists, first of all, in determining the purpose of the excursion and selecting the program content. The teacher plans an excursion based on the requirements of the program and the characteristics of the surrounding area.

Determining the place of the excursion, the educator chooses the best way to it - not tiring, not distracting the children from the intended goal. When determining the distance to the place of the excursion, one should proceed from the physical capabilities of the children. The duration of the journey to the chosen place (one way) should not exceed 30 minutes in the middle group, in the senior and preparatory groups- 40-50 minutes. In this case, one should take into account the features of the road, the state of the weather. No matter how familiar the place of the excursion is to the teacher, it is necessary to examine it a day or two before it. Having visited the place of the future excursion, the educator specifies the route, finds the necessary objects, outlines the content and volume of the knowledge that children should receive about this range of phenomena, the sequence of conducting individual parts of the excursion, establishes places for collective and independent observations, for children to relax.

In order for the tour to be interesting, the teacher needs to prepare poems, riddles, proverbs, playing tricks. (7, 8)

The preparation of children begins with the teacher telling the purpose of the excursion. The guys should know where they will go, why, what they will find out what needs to be collected. The teacher reminds children about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in public places. When preparing for the tour, you need to pay attention to the clothes of children. Children should be dressed comfortably, according to the weather and season. In the system of preparatory work, training games are actively used, involving the inclusion of elements of psycho-gymnastics in various types of children's activities and aimed at developing adequate self-esteem and skills of constructive communication with the natural world, education of a valuable attitude to what surrounds the child.

For the excursion, the educator should prepare excursion equipment and equipment for placing the collected material in a corner of nature. It is good to involve children in its preparation. This helps to excite their interest in the upcoming excursion.

All equipment must be in a specific location. Before the excursion, the educator needs to carefully consider what material to collect for further work in the group and what equipment, in this regard, you need to take with you. (13)

  • - a walk-hike is carried out only after a thorough study of the route;
  • - the content of the route, hike is carefully thought out;
  • - an adult, together with the children, prepares the necessary equipment, equipment;
  • - children's clothes are thought out - comfortable and appropriate for the weather;
  • - children and their parents are notified in advance about the time of the trip;
  • - it is desirable to clarify the weather forecast;
  • - the day before, a conversation is held with the children about the rules of behavior during movement and in the process of communicating with objects of nature;
  • - adults should know well the berries, mushrooms, plants growing in the area; must know the contents of the first-aid kit and the rules for using it;
  • - adults should know well and take into account the individual and physical capabilities of children (movement should be in a certain rhythm, alignment with the weakest participant, walking should not be monotonous);
  • - the plan and route are coordinated with the health worker, head, deputy head;
  • - Adults must know and follow the rules of the road.