Entertaining games for children 9 months. The development of a nine-month-old baby - skills, habits and abilities. Improving motor skills

In order for the child to develop properly physically and mentally, parents should not let everything take its course. The correct selection of toys and activities help in the process of games to explore the world and try their hand. In the article we will look at games for children 9 months old at home. We will also tell you what an arsenal of toys should be, the necessary gymnastics and proper swimming training.

toddler skills

At this age, it is already interesting to spend time with a child, as his curiosity and skills develop every day. He already reacts to the words of his mother not only by intonation, he understands the essence of simple requests. He is also already trying to speak on his own, clearly pronouncing some syllables, perhaps even simple words.

The baby can no longer be left alone, he can try to get out of the crib, crawling, exploring the apartment. Begins to move with the support on legs along the wall, bed and other furniture. He is no longer interested in playing on his own with a rattle - he needs a company. Simple games with more serious toys are possible.

At 9 months, the child shows curiosity to all subjects. At this time, games and activities with the baby should already be of a developing unobtrusive nature. If the child does not like the game, then you should not put pressure on him. Games with a child of 8-9 months should be of interest primarily to the crumbs.

The importance of the word "no"

Prohibitions should be practically absent, but the baby should know the meaning of the word "no". For example, you can not touch the outlet. And also it is necessary to secure the territory: the floor must be clean, there should not be sharp and unstable objects in the way of research. Nothing should limit educational games for babies 9 months old.

Toy arsenal

Before you start learning activities with your child, you need to check whether all the necessary toys are available in the house. Knowing which games are useful and interesting for a child at 9 months old, you can pick up the necessary arsenal.

An important rule: toys must be safe, of high quality and attract the attention of the child. But do not overwhelm the baby with them. Otherwise, he will be confused in the choice and will not be able to participate normally in the process.

List of necessary toys:

  1. Special children's paints for drawing with fingers.
  2. Pyramid. May consist of round rings on the stem. It can also be made from rustling fabric to attract the attention of the baby.
  3. Children's plasticine. It has the consistency of dough and is completely harmless.
  4. Ball. May be regular or with small spikes. It is better to take rubber.
  5. Cubes. From wooden at this age it is better to refuse. You can buy light and voluminous, made of foam rubber.
  6. Toys that move with a rope.
  7. Tumbler. The child will be surprised that the toy gets up on its own, and he will try to put it down.
  8. Sorters with simple figures (rounds, squares). With animals it is better to buy later.
  9. rubber animals. Maybe with a squeaker. So the child can be taught the sounds that certain animals make.
  10. Durable and small dolls or cars. To ensure that all details are firmly fixed.
  11. Picture books.

These toys will be quite enough to make the games and activities with a 9-month-old child varied. Even with the help of an ordinary pyramid, you can come up with a whole series of interesting activities.

Games with a nine month old baby

Some parents believe that with a baby at this age, the list of games is rather limited, and it’s too early for a child to fill his head with classes. This is erroneous information. At this age, the child's brain absorbs everything new and interesting like a sponge. And it is better if it is useful information.

List of games with a baby at 9 months:

  1. Ball. This is the most favorite toy for children of any age. You can roll it, throw it, toss it. And at 9 months, it’s even useful to simply teach the baby to properly hold the ball in his hands.
  2. Pyramid. It will be interesting for the child to hold the parts from the pyramid in his hands, to disassemble the already assembled one. With its help, you can start teaching your child colors. Provided that the pyramid is multi-colored. You can ask the baby to give a detail from the toy. So he will know what the request is and how it is carried out. Do not wait for the baby to immediately disassemble and assemble the toy. He can ignore her. At this age, a lot is learned through the mouth (since teeth are climbing), so the mother should be prepared for the fact that her baby will taste the toy.
  3. With the help of a sorter, the child will learn to select figures according to size and shape. It will still be difficult for him to stick through the holes. But you can show him how to do it right. There are also inquisitive children who, already at that age, are trying to repeat what their mother does.
  4. Cubes. Of these, you can build turrets, houses, invite a child to build and collapse an already built one. With them, you can also learn colors, learn the request "give". If the cubes are soft, then they can be tossed.
  5. Improvised means can also be used to play with a child at 9 months. These are children's favorite spoons, ladles, pots. To this you can add cereals and pasta. You can mix two types of pasta together and try to sort them out with your child. The kid can simply pick them up and put them in saucepans. This is useful for developing fine motor skills. During the game, make sure that the child does not pull food into his mouth, does not put it in his ears or nose.
  6. Drawing. You can draw with special paints, they are easy to wash and wash. The child will simply be interested in leaving their fingerprints. You can only draw an interesting pattern with handprints. It can be left as a keepsake, so that later it can be remembered and shown to an adult child what size his palm was. It is desirable to voice the colors of paints. So on a subconscious level, the child will begin to memorize them. If mom is afraid of dirt from paints, then you can pour the coloring solution into a bag, it should then be tightly sealed. And the child, running his hand over the package, will see the remaining traces. Clean and child joy.
  7. Paper. Even with its help, you can arrange educational games for children 9 months old at home. It can be torn, crushed, thrown and caught. You can fantasize in different directions. This game is good for developing motor skills.

Other games

Now let's look at some more options for games:

  1. You can roll the baby on your feet. Make a kind of hill. Be sure to hold the child. At the same time, you need to voice all your actions and the positions of the crumbs: “now you are upstairs” or “now you are downstairs”. Such a game will not leave a child indifferent even at the age of three.
  2. You can arrange excursions for the baby both in the apartment and on the street. At this time, you can show: "TV", "chair", "grass", "puddle", "tree" and so on. Be sure to comment on everything that happens around, name objects and allow the baby to touch them.
  3. Also, educational games for children 9 months old can also develop strength. For example, pulling a rope, sticks, pillows. The main thing is that the movements should be smooth and that the baby firmly holds on to the object being pulled.
  4. With the help of rubber toys, mothers can teach the child the names of animals. The cow (show the cow) says "moo", the pussy says "meow". You can even make a kind of theater out of these toys. Such games with a child at 9 months old can be varied with various details. "The bear is walking", "the kitty has fallen", "the bunny is jumping". "Red fox", "white dog". "The bird sings", "the horse is hungry and eats." There are quite a few game options.
  5. You can put plastic toys in a bowl of water and catch them with your child. At the same time, also study what is caught, what color. These games can also be played while taking water procedures.
  6. Everyone knows the game of hide and seek. You can hide one of the parents or hide toys. In order for the child to find, you need to make animal sounds. So the child will quickly remember how the rooster cries, the kitty meows. And attention will also develop.
  7. It is important that the child can navigate well in space. Can be put on to create a mountain. You can also crawl with the baby and show by example. The child must learn to avoid obstacles.
  8. The list of games with a child of 9-10 months should definitely include the following game: "help collect toys." Mom puts them in a basket and asks the child for help. This helps develop the skill of cleaning up after yourself. And also the child will learn to put things in a container.

During games, it is important to teach the child to take care of them. You do not need to take many objects for classes at once, the child will not be able to concentrate. Play games not only at home, but also on the street, in the bathroom. You should not constantly engage in learning, the child should rest and just play with his favorite toys.

Gymnastics at 9 months: what exercises should be done with the baby?

The simplest and favorite (peculiar) gymnastics is tickling a child. At this time, all muscles are tensed, and the child develops lungs with his laughter. But don't spend too much time tickling.

If the child is sitting confidently, then you can raise the wand above him so that the baby can reach. You need to let the baby grab and slightly lift the stick while the baby is holding. Develops the muscles of the arms and back.

Other gymnastics exercises

You can give the child in the hands, for example, rings from the pyramid. The child is holding on to one end, and the mother is holding on to the other. It is necessary to reduce and spread your arms, sipping on the rings. Be sure to count: one, two, three, four. Next, you can put the child on his legs, hold his knees with one hand, and his back with the other. And at this time, ask the baby to pick up toys. Legs should not be bent.

You can just walk with the child, holding his hand. Motivate crawling on the floor. It is good to have special mats (massage) available. They prevent the development of flat feet and have a positive effect on muscle tone. With prolonged physical exertion, it is advisable to do a massage. First warming, then relaxing.

Swimming is a useful activity

This procedure is important for strengthening the child's immunity, developing muscles and lungs. Strengthens blood vessels and heart. After water procedures, the child sleeps better. He should not be hungry or just after feeding. If the baby has contraindications to water procedures or the mother has doubts, then you need to consult a pediatrician.

Water temperature and procedure duration

If bathing will be at home, then the bathroom must be pre-washed. Water is not lower than 38 degrees and not higher than 40. In the process of bathing, it can cool down. Then add hot water carefully so as not to burn the child. The first procedure should not exceed 15 minutes in time. It is strictly forbidden to leave a child alone in the bathroom, even with a life buoy.

water exercises


  1. This exercise teaches the child to stay afloat. You need to put the child's head on his hand so that the baby is on his back. You may also need to hold the baby's buttocks. This helps to develop the muscles of the neck and makes a straight posture.
  2. The same, but face down. Well develops the muscles of the neck.
  3. Child facing down or up. With his feet, he should push off from the side of the bath. At this time, he may try to make swimming movements.
  4. A simple splash of water.
  5. Toys are placed in the water, and the child is brought closer to them along the water. Over time, the baby should help rapprochement, make swimming movements with arms and legs.
  6. Dive into and out of the water. Gradually it will be possible to lower the head.

For nine months, such activities in the bathroom are quite enough. But you can add your own exercises. If bathing takes place in the pool, then you need to make sure that the baby does not choke on chlorinated water.

Before you start developing games with a child at 9 months old, you need to make sure that the baby is full and calm. If he is overexcited, he will not be able to concentrate on the game. The room should be warm, ventilated and clean. All distracting items should be removed.

A small conclusion

The article listed basic games with a child. At 9 months, boys and girls are already beginning to develop differently. Therefore, this should be taken into account. During the games, it is necessary to communicate with the baby. If the mother follows all the recommendations, then educational games for children 8-9 months old will help the child keep up in development.

With normal development, a child at 9 months is a real lively. He is not able to sit still for 15 minutes, requires constant attention and actively tries to stomp, holding on to a support. The main activities of parents with a 9-month-old child are devoted to teaching him to walk, because the baby wants to move independently, but it turns out that he is still too uncertain.

Child development at 9 months: what the baby can do

At this stage of development, a 9-month-old baby masters the next stage of gait formation - walking with the support of the parent by the hands. Readiness to walk with support is determined by the child's ability to support his weight and transfer it from one foot to another. At the same time, the child’s hands should be at the level of his chest, and the baby himself holds the weight of his body.

What else can a 9-month-old child with development corresponding to average standards do? At this age, he masters walking along a fixed support. Such a support can be the side of a crib or playpen, the edge of a sofa, or even the wall of a room. But at the same time, other step movements are formed. The child, holding the handles of a fixed support, moves along it with a cross lateral step, and most often in one favorite direction.

How to develop a baby at 9 months for the correct formation of gait? To do this, it is desirable not only to allow him to walk along the support on his own, but it is also important to stomp with an adult on the floor, holding his hands.

Some parents want to teach their baby to walk as early as possible, without waiting for him to be ready for this. To do this, while trying to pass with him, they pull the child up by his raised hands. This increases the risk of injury due to the anatomical and physiological features of the shoulder joint at this age. In the process of how to walk with a child at 9 months old, it is necessary to properly support him by the hands. Such support is primarily needed for its balance, therefore, while walking, the child’s arms should not rise above the shoulder girdle.

Educational games and activities for children of 9 months

How to develop a child at 9 months old, when the baby begins to actively crawl on all fours and tries to get up at the support? For further development and improvement of motor skills, organize a new developmental activity called “obstacle course” on the floor for him.

Such an educational game for children of 9 months will contribute to the development of the beginning of independent decision-making, courage, activity, self-confidence. To organize this, first free up a part of the room on the floor to place obstacle course items. You can make it from improvised means, such as small sofa cushions, warm blankets rolled up with a roller, large soft toys laid out on the floor. All these devices are arranged in such a way that the baby shows his ingenuity to achieve the subject that interests him. These items, such as TV remotes or mobile phones, you can offer him yourself, encouraging him to achieve his cherished goal by overcoming obstacles in his path.

During developmental activities with children 9 months old, remember: the goal must be achievable, otherwise the interest to work will quickly disappear.

Baby hand massage for babies at 9 months

In addition to classes with babies of 9 months, do not forget about massage. To conduct it, use the basic techniques recommended for children of an earlier age. New percussive techniques are being added to stimulate the gluteal muscles, which will help to maintain the vertical position of the standing baby and ring-shaped rubbing of the shoulder area.

Massage for a 9-month-old child begins with massaging the hands. In this case, the baby lies on his back.

With one hand, take it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist, with the fingers of the other, stroke it, then rub each of its fingers in turn from tip to base. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Separately stroke the child's palm and pay attention to the thumb.

We pass to the forearm and shoulder. To do this, put your thumb in the palm of the child. With the palm of the second hand, first stroke, then rub in the direction from the hand to the elbow joint, then to the shoulder joint. Stroking during baby massage for babies of 9 months is done both from the outside and from the inside of the hand.

Trituration- only on the outer surface of the forearm and shoulder. Repeat the steps 2-3 times.

Next, move on to a more intense ring-shaped rubbing. To do this, with your hands, located across, grab the child’s shoulder just above the elbow joint. Your hands should be close to each other and make oncoming movements. Rubbing is carried out along the entire shoulder towards the shoulder joint and is repeated in 2-3 passes.

Now add kneading techniques to the massage for babies at 9 months. To do this, grab the muscles of the shoulder above the elbow joint along the outer surface between your 1st finger on one side and 2-4th on the other. With translational movements, go through the muscles to the shoulder joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

We finish the hand massage by stroking the entire limb from the fingers to the shoulder.

Massage of the chest and abdomen for a child at 9 months (with video)

Let's move on to chest massage. The first step is stroking. It is carried out along the sternum with the palmar surface of the hands in the direction from the bottom up and to the shoulders. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

To massage a child at 9 months, the fingertips are stroked from the sternum along the ribs to the side. Repeat the technique 3-5 times on each side.

With the pads of your fingers, with translational spiral movements, pass in the region of the sternum, along its edges from the bottom up. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Next, change the direction of the rubbing movements. Now your fingers should move from the sternum to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side. It is not recommended to massage the heart area! Repeat the first technique - stroking - again.

Let's move on to the massage of the abdomen. The baby continues to lie on his back, legs towards you.

The first reception is stroking. Your right hand, palm side, slides clockwise over your stomach, describing a circle. Then the movement of your palms should go from the side of the abdomen from two sides at the same time and connect above the navel area. Repeat reception 4-5 times.

The next step is rubbing. Bend the fingers of your right hand. Using the knuckles of bent fingers, rub the area around the umbilicus in a spiral motion, while simultaneously describing a circle around the navel in a clockwise direction. Perform the reception, passing 3-4 circles. Each subsequent circle increase in diameter.

To stimulate the abdominal muscles, you can add the technique of pinching the anterior abdominal wall in a circle.

The massage of the abdomen should be completed by repeating the circular stroking from which the procedure began.

The video "Massage for a 9-month-old baby" shows how to massage the baby's chest and stomach:

How to do a relaxing foot massage for a 9 month old baby

A relaxing foot massage for a child at 9 months begins with the feet. With one hand, take the child's leg in the shin area. In this case, the leg should be slightly bent at the knee and hip joints.

The first technique is stroking from the fingertips to the ankle joint. In this case, your thumb should be on the plantar side, and the rest - on the back of the foot. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

Massage and developmental activities with children from a month to a year

The next step is rubbing. Holding the foot from the back, use the pad of your thumb to rub the sole with spiral translational movements from the heel to the child's toes. Repeat the reception in 2-3 passes.

If during the massage of the legs of a 9-month-old child the fingers need to be straightened, additionally stroke the foot from the back in the direction from the base of the fingers to the ankle joint.

We turn to stroking and rubbing the lower leg and thigh. Grasp your child's shin just above the ankle joint with your palm. Run your hand along the lower leg with sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the front and side surfaces of the thigh towards the hip joint. Reception is repeated 3-5 times.

The following rubbing is carried out with the fingertips in translational spiral movements along the anterior and outer-lateral surfaces of the thigh. Reception is repeated 3-5 times.

Move on to a more intense ring-shaped rubbing. To do this, with your hands, located across, grasp the child's thigh just above the knee joint. Your hands should be close to each other and make oncoming movements. Rubbing is carried out along the entire thigh in the direction of the hip joint and is repeated in 2-3 passes.

How to massage a 9-month-old baby with kneading technique? To do this, place your hands across the child's thigh. Grab the muscles of the anterolateral surface just above the knee joint. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat the technique, going through each thigh 2-3 times.

And we finish the tricks with the initial stroking.

Massage of the neck, back and buttocks for a 9-month-old baby (with video)

We turn to the massage of the upper surface of the body. Turn the baby over on his stomach with his feet facing you.

We start by stroking the back of the neck and shoulder girdle area. Your palm should move from the back of the head towards the shoulder girdle, along the back and sides of the neck. Separately stroke the shoulder girdle themselves from the neck to the shoulder joints. Repeat reception 4-5 times.

The next massage for a baby at 9 months is rubbing with fingertips. The fingers should move forward in a spiral motion along the back of the neck, as well as separately along the shoulder girdle towards the shoulder joints. Reception repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

An additional method of rubbing in the area of ​​​​the shoulder girdle is carried out with the edge of the palm of your hand. Your hands should be close to each other and make counter movements in the form of sawing.

Finish the treatment with light stroking and gentle stretching movements that are used directly on these muscles. To do this, hold the back of the head with one hand, and with the other hand from this area, slowly draw down the neck muscles and to the shoulder girdle, lingering at the end of the movement for 2-3 seconds. Reception repeat 3-5 times.

Let's move on to back massage. The first step is stroking. It is carried out first along the spine, then along the ribs from the spine to the side. Repeat reception 3-5 times.

The next step is rubbing. With fingertips, with translational spiral movements, pass near the spine on both sides from the bottom up, then from the spine to the side, along the intercostal spaces. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

We turn to more intense rubbing in the form of "sawing". Reception is carried out using the outer edge of the palms. At the same time, your hands are located along the spine, and the palms are close to each other. The direction of the movements of the hands back and forth at the same time towards each other, i.e. resembling sawing. Massage the back to the left and right of the spine separately for 20-30 seconds.

The next technique is kneading. Knead the muscles of the lateral surface of the body from the bottom up. At the same time, your hands grab and slightly pull the muscles, then make S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the body. Repeat the technique 2-3 times on each side.

Complete the 9-month-old back massage by repeating the stroking technique.

Let's move on to the buttocks. The first step is stroking. Your palms slide over your buttocks. The movement begins with the girth of their lateral surface, and the hands are directed towards each other. Repeat the movement 5-7 times.

Next comes the rub. To do this, use the phalanges of bent fingers. The direction of spiral movements in a circle, work out in turn the right and left parts of the gluteal region. Repeat the technique in 3-5 circular passes.

For more intense stimulation, add rubbing in the form of "sawing". It is carried out using the outer edge of the palms. At the same time, your hands should be located along the buttocks, and the palms are close to each other.

The direction of the movements of the hands back and forth simultaneously towards each other, reminiscent of sawing. Massage each buttock separately for 20-30 seconds.

To stimulate the gluteal muscles, you can add the technique of pinching this area with your fingers.

We pass to the reception "chopping". To do this, with the edge of your palms with spread fingers, softening the blow, carry out shock movements in the middle of each buttock of the child in turn for 10-15 seconds. Your hands should be relaxed during the reception.

Also tonic is the "quilting" technique. To do this, the palmar surfaces of the fingers of both hands make cross sweeping movements that slide along the surface of the buttocks. The execution time is 15-20 seconds.

Repeat the stroking technique with which the massage began.

In this video "Massage for a 9-month-old baby" you can see what techniques are used to massage the neck, back and buttocks:

Massage the back of the legs for a child at 9 months

After the gluteal region, we continue to massage the back of the legs. Repeat stroking and rubbing in the same order and direction.

Hold the child's shin with one hand, while the leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint. Run your hand along the calf muscle with stroking sliding movements towards the knee joint, then along the thigh towards the buttocks 2-3 times.

Then, with the pads of your fingers, rub the posterior surface of the lower leg, the posterior and outer-lateral areas of the thigh with translational spiral movements. Receptions are repeated 3-5 times.

Now, when massaging the legs of a 9-month-old child, move on to more intense ring-shaped rubbing. To do this, with your hands, located across, grasp the child's thigh just above the popliteal dimple. Your hands should be close to each other and make oncoming movements. Rubbing is carried out along the entire thigh in the direction of the hip joint and is repeated in 2-3 passes.

The next technique is kneading. Place your hands across the baby's calf muscle. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the lower leg to the knee joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

Now place your hands across the child's thigh. Grab the muscles of the posterolateral surface just above the popliteal dimple. Pull them back slightly, then begin S-shaped multidirectional movements, slowly moving along the thigh to the hip joint. Repeat reception 2-3 times.

We finish the leg massage, repeating strokes in the direction from the foot to the thigh and further to the buttocks in 4-5 passes.

Charging for children at 9 months: exercises for kids to warm up

Gymnastics for a 9-month-old baby, like massage, helps to train muscles and develop new motor skills.

The complex begins with a warm-up:

  • put the baby on your back. Put your thumbs into his palms. Extend your arms at the elbow joint and then bend, repeat 3-5 times;
  • take the straightened arms to the side, then bring them to the body;
  • repeat these movements in different directions. During charging for children of 9 months, one arm is bent, the other is unbent at this time. One hand goes up, the other goes down at the same time;
  • carry out circular movements in the shoulder joints with a small amplitude. The arms of a 9-month-old child during gymnastics should be straightened at the elbow joints. Repeat 3-5 times for the number of circles;
  • now bend and unbend the legs at the knee and hip joints, that is, bring them to the baby's stomach, then straighten them completely, pressing them against the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times;
  • first bend one leg of the child, bringing it to the stomach and without unbending, take the thigh outward, then bring it, but do not straighten the leg. Repeat the movement 3-5 times on both sides in turn;
  • make circular movements of the thigh in the hip joint with a small amplitude. Repeat this exercise for a child of 9 months 2-3 times for the number of circles for each leg;
  • lift the straightened legs of the child up, imitating the birch exercise. At the same time, your hands should hold the child's legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knee joints, preventing them from bending. Lower your legs until they touch the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times.

Fitball exercises for a child at 9 months and breathing exercises (with video)

Now, during exercises for babies of 9 months, practice with your child the ability to pull up on the ball. For this exercise, put the baby facing the gym ball, put your thumbs in his palms. Pull him by the arms, while he should lie on his stomach on the ball, which will roll forward. The child's legs are raised above the floor by 15-20 cm. After that, he should be returned to his original position. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the arms are bent at the elbow joints. Repeat 8-10 times.

Performing exercises with a 9-month-old baby, train strength, coordination and protective function of the hands. To do this, take the child in the abdomen and legs. Lower with straight arms on the gym ball. Rolling the ball back, make the baby make walking movements with his hands on the ball forward. Repeat the exercise in 2-3 passes.

A more difficult version of this exercise on a fitball at 9 months is to roll the ball forward, then the child will make walking movements on his hands back. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Initial walking with armpit support. When the child stands confidently at the support and tries to step over, holding on to the crib, teach him to take the first correct steps. To do this, pick it up and put it on the table. With one hand, hold him by the waist, and with the other, rearrange his legs, controlling with your own hands the correct positioning of the feet on the surface of the table. At the same time, moderately press the feet to the surface when supporting. The number of repetitions is arbitrary.

We finish the workout with breathing exercises:

  • cross the child's arms over the chest and spread them apart, repeat 3-5 times;
  • raise straightened arms up, then lower them along the body, repeat 3-5 times;
  • bend and unbend the legs at the knee and hip joints, that is, bring them to the baby's stomach, then straighten them completely, pressing them against the table surface. Repeat the movement 3-5 times.

Watch the video "Gymnastics for children at 9 months", which shows how to warm up, fitball exercises and breathing exercises:

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Games with children 9 months old are experiments with simple objects, training for the arms and legs of a toddler, but most importantly, communication with your beloved mother, which has a positive effect on the emotional development of the crumbs! What to play with the baby?

Learning shapes and colors

With a child of nine months, it is quite possible to play a game in which the baby will learn to compare, classify objects according to a certain attribute. Take squares and circles cut out of cardboard or flex, put two large sheets in front of the little one, on each of which a hint will be drawn. Now start laying out the figures in "houses", saying that you have a circle or a square in your hands, what color are the figures. Over time, the baby will learn to separate the figures himself. If the child clearly understands where the circle is and where the square is, add triangles.

Why the game is useful: the baby learns to classify, identify common and different signs, gets acquainted with geometric shapes and colors, develops hand motor skills and general coordination of movements.

First account

Start simple: count rings in the pyramid, cubes in the constructor, trees on the walk. Gradually, the baby will remember the order of numbers and learn to select a small number of objects without counting them in order.

Why the game is useful: the child gets acquainted with the concept of "quantity", "count", "number". Learn to compare and generalize.

We tear and mem

The development of fine motor skills of hands and sensory perception in the crumbs is one of the main tasks that parents set for themselves. At this age, playing with small objects is still quite dangerous, because children put everything in their mouths, but paper will come in handy. Show your little one how to crumple a notebook sheet, newspaper, magazine sheets, xerox paper and a napkin. The kid will be happy to do the same. Then teach how to tear the paper into small pieces: for each texture, you need to make different efforts.

Why the game is useful: the child learns to coordinate hand movements, develops motor skills, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, gets acquainted with the states of different materials.

ball game

Sit on the floor opposite each other and take the ball. First you roll it to the child, then it to you. A naughty rubber ball will roll in different directions, and the baby will gladly catch up with it.

Little artist

Take brushes, preferably large ones, whatman paper and start creating. Draw paths, put prints, mix colors. It will be very interesting for the kid to watch how masterpieces come out from under the brush. Watercolor paints are suitable for such creativity, and if you want to paint with your palms, you will need special finger paints. After the drawing is ready, look carefully at the lines, perhaps in them you can see the figure of some animal, car, house. Circle the contours and show the baby what he really did.

Why the game is useful: drawing is a means of developing creative thinking, imagination and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world. Passing a brush or fingers along the surface of the sheet, the baby develops motor skills of the hands.

Games with children 9 months and older do not even need to be specially invented. They arise by themselves, because the child is just beginning to get acquainted with the world, so the little one is interested in everything that will help expand knowledge about him.

In this article:

Play is an integral and essential part of a child's life. In infants, the sense organs - hearing, sight, smell, touch, as well as motor skills are in their infancy. It is during the game that the baby will improve motor skills, learn about the world around him, develop speech, attention, intelligence. Games with a 6 month old baby should encourage him to take action. For 8-month-old babies, preparation for walking is important. By 10 months, you can already begin to master role-playing games.

The task of parents is not only to provide comfort to their baby, but also to contribute in every possible way to his psycho-emotional and physical development. Educational games and exercises will help them with this.

Features of the development of children 6-12 months

In children, neuropsychic and motor development are in direct relationship. The lag in motor skills causes a lag in mental development, as it limits the baby's ability to perceive the world around it and makes it difficult to actively manipulate objects. Therefore, games in the second half of the baby's life should contribute to both physical and mental development.

By the end of the second half of the year, the baby will learn to walk independently, navigate well in a familiar environment, and communicate with adults. He will have elements of active speech, he will sing songs and dance in a squat.

Organization of games for children in the 2nd half of the year:

  • The time of the games is selected taking into account the baby's regimen (wakeful period, after eating).
  • The obligatory interest of the child, if he does not want to perform some actions, turns away, is capricious - do not insist, postpone until a more suitable time.
  • Be guided by the principle - from simple to complex. Teach your baby to manipulate simple things: a spoon, a cup, a cube, a ball.
  • Positive emotional mood - the baby is able to distinguish your facial expressions and respond appropriately to it.

Development and play of children 6-7 months

Games and activities for 10-12 month old baby

In the tenth month, the baby is making clear progress - with the support of the hand, he walks, imitates some movements of adults, and partially understands the speech addressed to him. Educational games for children 10 months old are selected based on the skills already achieved.

You can play large puzzles with your child, consisting of 3-4 parts with fragments of animals. The kid will develop well while playing with children close in age.

How to play with a 10 month old baby? There are a large number of educational games for children, including those for a 10-month-old baby.

Educational toys for children 10-12 months:

  • Carts, wheelchairs in the form of animals and birds - movement coordination is being worked out.
  • Musical instruments - a toy piano or a xylophone - strengthen motor-visual coordination.
  • Toys imitating technical devices - telephone, tablet imitation of an adult conversation with sounds and gestures (elements of game activity).
  • Yula - like a carousel with animals.

Games with a 10-month-old baby are already meaningful. More recently, the baby, regardless of the purpose of the toy, acted in the same way - he knocked, waved, threw, now he rolls the car, cradles the doll, “speaks” on the phone.

How much to play with a child

It is possible to play with a 6-7-month-old child for 10-15 minutes. Due to their physiological characteristics, games with a 7-month-old child cannot last for a long time due to insufficient development of the infant's nervous system. An effective method of keeping the baby's interest in activities is the alternation of calm games with noisy, moving ones.

Games with a 9-month-old child can be played for up to half an hour, at this age the baby is able to independently play the game that interests him. Games with a child of 10 months and older resemble role-playing games.

Attentive parents will notice signs of baby fatigue and stop the game in time. Overexcitation is dangerous for the child's nervous system. Instead of joy and fun, you can get crying and hysteria.

The upbringing and development of a child is a creative process. Imagine, invent, invent, create. Even if you fill up the entire nursery with beautiful and expensive toys, but you yourself will not play with the baby, they will not do him any good.

With love and diligence, having made many toys with your own hands, studying and playing with the baby every free minute, you will give him the main thing - happiness and the joy of communicating with you. And even though now he is such a baby, the memory of your maternal warmth will warm him all his life.

Useful video about games with a 6 month old baby

Sometimes, sitting down to the baby, we think “So, we should do something useful, developing” and begin to delve into the depths of our memory, remembering what interesting things were written there in books and on forums. But while we are thinking, the child is already crawling away from us and, having climbed somewhere, throws us new troubles. So the right moment is missed, and we again postpone the “developers” until the next time. To avoid this situation, you just need to have a PLAN at hand! The plan of developing activities will always be able to quickly tell us how interesting and useful to entertain the baby.

I have already mentioned all these classes earlier in my articles, but here is a short squeeze without further ado, which is convenient to look at if necessary, you can say a summary of the classes. If you want to read more about each game, click on the link-name.

By the way, similar abstracts of classes and games for other periods of development can be found here:

So, educational games with a child 9 months and older (detailed plan):

1. Games for the development of sensorimotor skills

  • (in any order);

Example nesting dolls (labyrinth, My shop, read)

  • (we take them out of the sensory box, put them in a jar);

  • (learning to pour sand with a scoop into a bucket, knocking with a hammer);

Example knockers (KoroBoom, Ozone, My shop)

  • (detach, attach, move, etc.)


  • We tell the baby;

  • We learn;

  • (we conduct a “tour” around the house, name new objects on a walk,);

  • (we remember how different animals say (moo, woof, be, etc.), what it sounds like (bell - ding-ding, car - beep, etc.))
  • repeating simple syllables with the baby


A selection of books to read to children up to a year can be found here:

4. Viewing or other didactic material that expands the horizons of the baby

