How to remove coils from a wool sweater. How to get rid of pellets on clothes, simple ways

A beautiful appearance depends on many factors, including the condition of the clothes. But, it often happens that knitted items become unusable not because of a change in the color and texture of the fabric, but because their surface takes on a sloppy look. How to remove pellets from clothes at home and return an attractive and neat look to things? We will talk about this in the proposed material. Moreover, this can be easily done in simple ways using conventional improvised means.

What is needed in order to remove the pellets from clothes of a different plan? Much depends on the texture of the fabric and the degree of its hairiness. So, to remove pellets from nylon tights and thin leggings, it is best to use adhesive tape or a special roller with adhesive tape. Here everything should be as gentle as possible. But you can remove the pellets from fluffy things with the help of an elementary comb with frequent teeth. It is enough to carefully comb the thing when wet.

But we will tell everything in order. And let's start with the simplest, safest and most modern way.

Technological progress to help you!

And the truth is, such a problem worries not only you, those people who have an engineering technical mindset are also concerned about it. If you choose lumps manually, then this occupation requires a lot of time, nerves and patience. It is akin to some kind of meditation and sooner or later just gets bored. It is quite natural that a special machine was invented to remove the pellets from any kind of clothing.

Here, as they say, technical progress will help you, but pay attention to the power of the unit and the possibility of switching speeds in its functionality. The more sophisticated the functionality, the less likely it is to damage the fabric through negligence and inexperience.

Removing the pellets is very simple - straighten the thing in a clean, dry state on a hard surface and drive the machine. It is equipped with a mesh that protects the fabric from cuts by knives inside. The collected garbage remains in a special container and can be easily removed. After processing, it is desirable to iron the thing with a steam iron.

How to remove pellets with improvised means - 5 processing methods

And now we will consider 5 ways of processing without auxiliary equipment. Let's start with the simplest. Sit comfortably, turn on your favorite TV program or series, arm yourself with patience and a plastic bag for collecting garbage and go. Handles, one by one, gradually remove the spools. It will take about 2 hours, depending on the degree of neglect of the thing. Difficult? Then we read on.

Method number two - how to remove the pellets with a razor, blade or other cutting object. Let's say right away that the method is not very safe for the health of clothes and the skin of fingers. Any careless movement and cut is guaranteed. But improvised means can be used carefully.

The secret of this method is that it is best to use a razor that has been used for its intended purpose and is slightly dull. This reduces the risk of tissue damage. You need to cut on a well-distributed and preferably stretched matter. With tights and socks, this can be done directly on the products worn on the legs. The method is not suitable for fleecy and fluffy things. Ideal for smooth knitwear, cotton and silk.

Method number three will require the participation of adhesive tape, adhesive tape or a special roller for cleaning clothes. Removing the pellets in this way is shown in detail in the photo below. The algorithm here is also quite simple: we straighten the product on a hard surface, apply the sticky side of the adhesive tape and press it. Then we remove it in the same way as wax strips are removed to eliminate unwanted hair. Suitable for things with a small amount of pellets. Not suitable for fluffy yarns.

The fourth way to remove pilling from clothes involves the use of pumice. With the help of such a device, you can easily and quickly remove all unwanted inclusions even on clothes that are already on a person.

The fifth way - take warm soapy water and a sponge with an abrasive surface. These are now sold in all hardware stores and are used for washing dishes. It has soft foam on one side and hard surface on the other. So she will help to remove pellets from clothes at home without the use of brute cutting force.

And a few more options

Finally, I would like to talk about some more ways that are not quite traditional. But a few more options won't hurt to broaden your horizons. So, we have not yet talked about fabrics with pile and made from fluffy yarn. So, to remove pellets from such things, warm water and a frequent comb or comb are needed. Wet the surface of the fabric and comb out carefully in different directions. It takes patience and precision.

In the absence of a typewriter, adhesive tape, sponge and blade, you can arm yourself with nail scissors and carefully cut off all the pellets that have formed.

All the described methods are good, but the most important thing in the operation of clothing is compliance with the rules of daily care. It is necessary to follow the washing regime recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use non-certified detergents. In this case, you do not have to look for information on how to remove pellets from clothes at home, because they simply will not appear.

In extreme cases, if the thing is really expensive, you can turn to the services of special dry cleaners. Trained professionals will safely remove everything you need - both stains and spools.

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The appearance of pellets on clothes gives out its age, long-term (permanent) wearing, degree of wear. Even in high-quality things, abundantly dotted with small rolled balls, your appearance immediately becomes untidy. How to correct this situation, remove pellets from clothes and give your things a “second youth”, we will talk in detail in this article.

Pellets are not a reason to get rid of your favorite things

Unfortunately, despite their obvious advantages, fabrics made from natural fibers (wool, cotton, linen) become looser over time or with improper care, the threads begin to fluff. With constant friction, the fluff that comes out falls on the surface into untidy felt balls. Synthetics are much less prone to pilling, so it's easier to throw clothes out of them than to demolish them.

Causes and prevention

Main reasons pile rolling are considered:

  • composition of fabrics - natural fibers, even with an admixture of synthetics, give the threads hairiness and are subject to the effect of felting;
  • the quality and density of the material - long broaches of threads, loose texture are characteristic of knitwear and knitwear, especially with the addition of long-haired yarn (mohair, angora);
  • improper care of things - washing with inappropriate means, at too high temperatures, intensive modes with spinning at maximum speed;
  • constant friction of the fabric - the pellets appear most quickly in the armpit area, on the cuffs and inner sides of the sleeves, pockets, collar, shoulders (if you have a habit of wearing a bag on the shoulder strap).

Knitted woolen items made of yarn with a long fluffy pile show the greatest tendency to roll.

Based on the above reasons, it is possible to draw conclusions about the measures prevention:

  • when washing, spinning, drying and ironing things, follow the care instructions that are indicated on the labels;
  • for each type of fabric, use the products intended for them - washing gels, conditioners, water softeners;
  • items prone to pilling should be washed by hand or on a delicate cycle at a temperature not exceeding 30 ℃ with or without spinning at minimum speed;
  • when hand washing, do not soak, rub or pull the clothes, do not twist after rinsing. First, let the water drain directly into the basin or tub. Then spread the thing on a terry towel and roll it into a tight roll to squeeze out the remaining water;
  • it is preferable to dry woolen and knitted clothes at room temperature in the unfolded state and neatly straightened out;
  • constantly monitor the state of things. Try to remove the pellets from your clothes at the first symptoms of their appearance.

If you prefer to dry your woolen clothes quickly and use a radiator to do this, be sure to cover it with an old towel or folded white sheet.

Proper care will significantly reduce the rate and intensity of wear of things. But if the first signs have already appeared, then it's time to move on to the main questions: how to remove pellets from clothes, how to do it quickly and reliably?

The main ways to remove pellets from clothes at home

Some people prefer to break off the rolled balls by hand, they say: “calms the nerves” (like polyethylene with bubbles). But the job is long and boring. In addition, by pulling the pile from the threads, you thin the fabric and contribute to the rapid formation of new lumps. To quickly remove pellets from clothes, there are special tools and homemade tools.


A shaver is a specially designed machine designed to care for clothes. It is portable and handy, runs on batteries or mains.

A miracle machine for cutting pellets - a shaver. The name comes from the English verb shave - to shave

On dense woolen and other natural fabrics, including knitted ones, all problem areas are treated with light circular movements of the machine. For things with a long pile or embossed texture, some models of shavers have a knife height adjustment function. You can buy a miracle machine for cutting pellets without leaving your home - in any of the many online electronics stores.

For things with a long pile or embossed texture, some models of shavers have a knife height adjustment function


You can also shave a thing from pellets with a conventional machine. In this case, you need to act very carefully and carefully, as there is a risk of damaging the fabric.

The machine must be taken not new, thoroughly washed and dry

Problematic areas on clothing must be straightened, strongly pulled and driven by the machine along the surface of the fabric from the bottom up in the direction of the equity threads, without pressing hard. This method helps to quickly remove pellets from small clothes (hats, gloves, socks, etc.) or with small amounts of matted fibers. The machine is not suitable for processing items made of bouclé and other embossed fabrics, loose knit and wool with long pile - cashmere, mohair, angora.


Another way to remove pellets from clothes at home is with ordinary scissors.

Using scissors is better to remove the initial minor signs of wear.

You will have to cut each spool with scissors. Occupation is long and painstaking, requiring concentration and accuracy. On things with a long pile, it is advised to additionally use a thick comb. They need to comb the pile a little and lift the fallen lumps from the surface of the fabric. It is better to cut the combed pellets with scissors right on top of the scallop teeth, so as not to cut off the excess.

Large single pellets combed out with a comb do not have to be cut or shaved, it is enough to tear them off with your fingers, without pulling them out much.

Sticky roller or tape

In addition to shaving and haircuts, methods of a kind of epilation are used to remove spools.

Rollers are the simplest device, consisting of a handle and a rotating drum with a sticky surface, suitable for almost any type of fabric.

Adhesive tape rollers help to effectively and quickly remove pilling from clothes when they first appear. Small soft lumps of fallen fibers are well glued to the sticky surface and, when rolling the roller, they easily come off the fabric. When cleaning clothes with a high degree of wear, the sticky nozzle will often have to be changed.

With adhesive tape or plaster, the principle of action is the same. We simply put pieces of adhesive tape on problem areas, press down a little and with a sharp movement tear off the surface of the fabric along with the pellets. Adhesive tape is quite convenient and practical to use on smooth, dense materials. To speed up the process, you can easily make your own sticky roller by wrapping double-sided tape around a kitchen pestle or plastic bottle.


The thick and soft bristles of a toothbrush will help to remove the pills from clothes made of long-haired fabrics that are not recommended for shaving or cutting.

A toothbrush is used to "comb" the pile or to clean small problem areas on smooth and embossed fabrics.

Combing the pellets with a toothbrush is carried out along the fibers or in the direction of the pile. After such treatment, it is recommended to briefly soak things with a long pile in a weak vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water) to give them special fluffiness and lightness, and then wash them with a special gel for wool.

What else can you use to remove pellets from clothes at home, if none of the devices suggested above were at your fingertips?

Dry bread, sandpaper and hard sponge

Rigid porous surfaces in the process of friction on the fabric combine the actions of a brush and a razor.

You need to take a thick piece of bread so that it does not crumble in your hands, and dry it

If you want to quickly remove pilling from thick, smooth, lint-free fabrics, use fine-grained sandpaper, white breadcrumbs, or the rough cleaning side of a new dishwashing sponge. Rub the places with rolled fibers with them carefully, without pressing too hard and without stretching the fabric too much.

For those who have no time to deal with issues of how to remove pellets from clothes or how to properly remove pellets from clothes at home, it is easier to take things to dry cleaning and entrust them to the care of specialists. Modern technologies allow you to effectively restore good quality clothes, hide signs of wear, and also carry out preventive treatment from further formation of spools.

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Elena 03/20/2018 01:30

How nice it is to put on a new fluffy blouse in cold weather. She exudes warmth and comfort. However, sooner or later we discover that on our dearly loved clothes hateful lumps appear. The pellets give a miserable look to absolutely any clothing: be it trousers, sweaters, tights, gloves, coats or even underwear. As a result, an expensive and beloved thing that can still be worn and worn has to be put away in a distant drawer, for example, for trips to the country.

Therefore, you should know effective ways to remove pellets from jackets, sweaters, and also avoid such a problem in the future. Many would like to find a method of getting rid of lumps at home.

In order to figure out how to remove spools from pants and sweaters, first of all, you should study the reasons for their appearance. There may be several of them:

The use of mechanical means

Every person who has encountered this problem at least once thought about how to remove lumps without damaging the integrity of the material. In the world there has long been a special apparatus for this, which safely removes this trouble. It looks like an electric razor. The device works with the help of a blade, which in working condition is in continuous motion, and cuts off all the irregularities that fall into the zone of its action.

To prevent injury, there is special closing mesh, which does not prevent the pellets from getting inside, while keeping the material intact. Manufacturers of these machines advise using them to remove pellets from wool products. They do the best job cleaning mohair and angorka items. To avoid damage to the decorative elements of clothing in the machine, the height of the knives is adjusted. It is equipped with a special container for cut elements.

Products for woolen things

There are several ways to remove clumps from clothes without investing in special devices. These tips are suitable for those who are wondering how to remove the pellets from woolen things:

  • Scissors against pellets. This is a very boring way that requires a lot of concentration. The removal of lumps occurs one at a time, which forces you to be in constant tension so as not to damage the tissue. This method is most suitable for removing woolen balls from dense material, such as coats or pants. Important! Before cutting the pellets in this way, comb the hair with a comb in the opposite direction.
  • With a toothbrush. There are fabrics that do not respond well to the use of shaving and mechanical methods of cleaning from pellets. But they still need to be removed. To do this, we need a toothbrush, the bristles of which should be soft. Just comb the fabric in the same way as a comb, in the opposite direction of the fibers. Thus, the pellets will gather in one place, which makes it easier to remove them. In order for the processed items of clothing not to look shabby, place it in a container with warm water and vinegar.
  • Video clip. Although this tool quite convenient to use, it is not effective enough and only works when the wool is just starting to roll
  • Single comb. If your sweater is quite fluffy, the spools on it are quite large. Therefore, an ordinary plastic comb can easily cope with them. Attach it to the surface of the fabric and comb the pile, in this case, the wool that has fallen into lumps will remain between the teeth of the comb.

With these methods, the pellets will no longer be such a problem. After all, it turns out that you can get rid of them quickly and without much cost.

It's a shame when your favorite sweater is covered with spools. The thing immediately takes on a worn and sloppy look. But do not throw away the jacket, because you can get rid of the pellets at home. For this, it is not even necessary to purchase a special machine. The problem can be dealt with with improvised means that can be found in any home. It is important to choose a method that will help to effectively deal with the pellets without harming the fabric.

Over time, spools can appear on almost any clothing. Most often, knitted and woolen sweaters, pants, etc. suffer from this problem. It is believed that only low-quality fabric is subject to the formation of pellets. In fact, the reasons lie in a slightly different way:

  1. Wrong wash. If you wash things without taking into account the recommendations given on the product tag, then soon they will inevitably lose their original appearance. You should correctly set the temperature and select the washing powder suitable for a particular fabric.
  2. Friction. Often the pellets appear on the inside of the trousers or on the sides of the jacket, where the handbag constantly hangs.
  3. Density of the fabric. Products with a loose weave or long threads are most prone to rolling. You can see the density of the fabric by stretching it in front of a bright light source.
  4. Mixing fabrics. There is an opinion that synthetic clothes are covered with spools faster. However, if natural fibers were also used in its manufacture, then the chances of pellets appearing greatly increase.
  5. Tight, twisted and stiff threads also contribute to clothing rolling.

In stores, you can buy a special machine for removing pellets. In appearance and principle of operation, it resembles an electric razor. Inside such a machine are blades that cut balls from the fabric. On top there is a mesh that protects the material from damage.

How to remove spools?

If there is no desire to spend money on a typewriter, then you can use proven folk remedies to remove spools.

A razor, a comb, and even dried black bread can be used.


To cut the pellets, you can use a regular razor. It is advisable to take an older razor so that it is not too sharp. Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that the fabric will transfer the “shave”. To do this, you first need to clean a small area.

In order not to cut the thing when cleaning with a razor, it is necessary to stretch the fabric as much as possible and shave off the balls, making movements from the bottom up.

This method is well suited for cleaning woolen tights or socks. You just need to put them on your legs and shave off the spools.

An electric razor is also suitable for removing rolled balls. You need to move it in the direction of the weave of the threads. At first, the touches of the electric shaver on the fabric should be very light, barely noticeable. You can increase the pressure as needed. The main thing is not to cut the product.


If the pellets have just begun to appear, you can use tape, adhesive tape, or even a sticky fastener to remove them. The adhesive tape must be pressed against the fabric and sharply torn off.

If the clothes have had time to thoroughly roll up, then this method may not work.


Cutting the pellets with scissors is only suitable for very patient people. You will have to remove the balls from the surface one at a time, acting slowly and carefully so as not to damage the product. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to “comb” the fabric with a comb with fine teeth. This will make it easier to cut the balls.

This method can be used to clean coats or other heavy fabrics.


To independently remove the pellets from a hat or dress made of mohair, angora and cashmere, it is undesirable to use aggressive methods using a razor or scissors. In this case, an unnecessary toothbrush with soft bristles will come to the rescue.

Action algorithm:

  1. Gently comb the fabric with a brush along the fibers.
  2. When all the spools are gathered into one large ball, it must be removed and discarded.
  3. Then you should soak the product in warm water with the addition of vinegar or fabric softener. This will help restore things to fluffiness and original appearance.

Dry things after such a procedure on a dry towel away from the battery and direct sunlight.

sticky roller

You can buy a special roller with adhesive tape for cleaning clothes at the hardware store. It is quite inexpensive. But with the help of a roller, only small balls can be removed.

Best of all, this device is suitable for the prevention of the appearance of pellets. After all, if you remove excess fibers from the thing in time, it will not roll much.


A well-known method for removing spools from ancient times is combing with a fine-toothed comb.

It is necessary to carefully run the comb over the fabric. As a result, all the pellets will be captured and come off. If the rolled balls do not come off by themselves, then you can cut them off with scissors.


To clean the fabric from pellets in this way, you will need to find fine-grained sandpaper with weak abrasive properties. It is also called zero.

This method works well for cleaning lint-free fabrics. Fleecy products after cleaning with sandpaper begin to fluff strongly.


A regular dishwashing sponge will also help to remove pellets from clothes. To do this, you need to run the harder side of the sponge over the fabric to be cleaned several times.

But it is worth considering that the sponge will effectively clean clothes only from small balls.

Black bread

Black bread will help remove the pellets that have long appeared on clothes. To do this, you need to take a thick enough and stale piece of bread that will not crumble. If you only have fresh bread on hand, you can freeze it in the refrigerator, dry it in the oven, or simply leave it unpackaged for a while.

The prepared slice should be drawn over the fabric, and then shake off the crumbs from it. The procedure is repeated until the pellets are completely removed.

Preventive measures

If you follow certain rules, then there is a chance to prevent clothes from rolling:

  1. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime when washing and drying things. Information on appropriate care can be found on the product label.
  2. Knitted, woolen and knitted items should be washed carefully. When washing by hand, they should not be rubbed and squeezed hard.
  3. Angora, mohair and cashmere products require special attention. When washing such things, it is advisable to use a conditioner and an emollient.
  4. Wear things that are prone to the appearance of spools, you need to be careful. Problem areas: inner thighs on trousers and side parts of jackets. Efforts should be made to reduce friction in these areas.

It was worth washing a cashmere suit several times, as it was already covered with matted fibers of threads, is it really necessary to send it to the country after a mohair sweater and a knitted tunic? Do not rush to say goodbye to your favorite things, because they can be "reanimated": master the simple art of how to remove pellets from clothes.

Pill removal

Buy a special machine for removing pellets. With its help, you can quickly clean woolen, knitted fabric from fallen threads. Not such an opportunity - be patient and use improvised means.


A primitive likeness of the machine proposed above is a razor. The principle of their operation is similar, but in the device you can adjust the height of the blade and gently clean the surface of the fabric, which cannot be said about the razor. But it will turn out pretty quickly to get rid of ugly lumps.

So, stretch the material as much as possible on any hard surface - a table, floor, window sill. Shave the fabric in one direction: first from top to bottom, then change direction.

Guide the blade carefully so as not to cut a hole. For woolen products, take an old blade so as not to damage the surface, but on cashmere, mohair clothes, things from angora, you cannot remove the pellets with a razor.

You can quickly get rid of fallen threads when the products are small in size (socks, hats, gloves, tights). For convenience, put them on and start shaving the material.


If you decide to remove the pellets at home with a razor or scissors, be extremely careful, because you risk completely ruining your favorite thing.

Scissors can be used for all types of fabric, but get ready for the tedious, laborious and lengthy process of cutting the pellets one at a time. Before the procedure, comb the hair with a small comb - this will help get rid of lumps faster.


If the threads have just begun to roll, you can get rid of them by applying adhesive tape. How to remove pellets from clothes in this case: cut the tape to the desired length, stretch the fabric as much as possible, attach a strip, press it firmly against the surface of the fabric and tear off sharply, as during epilation.

Choose the stickiest adhesive tape, carry out the procedure together - one holds the material, the other works with the tape.


Using a toothbrush, you can get rid of pellets on clothes made of cashmere, angora, mohair at home: comb the wool along the fibers, cleaning the bristles from time to time. The toothbrush should be soft. After combing out, renew the fluffiness of the blouse: rinse the product in water slightly acidified with vinegar, dry it on a horizontal surface.

other methods

A roller with adhesive tape will only help get rid of "fresh" spools, but on any surface. Use it the same way you would tape.

You can also remove the pellets with fine-grained sandpaper, if you are going to clean the material without lint.

Some resourceful hostesses suggest replacing sandpaper with breadcrumbs: cut off a thicker piece, dry it well, use it in the same way as sandpaper. Dry the bread on a clean, non-greasy surface.

If you don't want to bother, take your clothes to the dry cleaners.

Causes of the appearance of pellets

The first warning that the fabric wears out is the appearance of small balls on its surface. Why is this happening?

  1. The first reason is the composition of the fabric. Things sewn from natural material or with a small admixture of synthetics shaggy much faster than clothes made from synthetic fabrics.
  2. Poor quality material: long puffs on the fabric, poorly twisted threads, which makes the surface loose and more vulnerable.
  3. Illiterate care: the use of a detergent that does not correspond to the type of fabric, washing mode.
  4. The surface of clothing is often subjected to friction.

Pill prevention

We figured out the reasons, now it will not be difficult to determine the ways that will help avoid the appearance of spools.

  • Properly care for material that is prone to rolling. Before washing, be sure to read the information on the label to choose the right mode.
  • Choose detergents according to the type of fabric and use less universal powders. If possible, add conditioner to your rinse water.
  • Do not rub or twist jerseys. Avoid soaking too.
  • Clean the fabric from the pellets as soon as they appear.

Even with the most careful care and careful wear, the fabric will wear out over time, become covered with fallen lumps. But until that time, you will be able to put on your favorite suit and knitted dress more than once.