Massage for newborns at home. What does breast massage give? Video. Baby massage - for babies and newborns

No one will argue about the benefits of massage for human body, and for newborns, massage is mandatory procedure. During pregnancy, the baby was in approximately the same position of the body, and when he was born, he needs to adapt to new living conditions. Mom's touches have a very beneficial effect on the baby, and a little massaging will be even more great way improve appetite and physical state baby.

What are the types of massage

There are three main types:

medical procedure can only be prescribed by a specialist, provided that the child has serious indications. This procedure for babies is prescribed for children with diseases such as hyper or hypotonia, joint dislocation, umbilical hernia, flat feet or diseases of the central nervous system. Each of the listed diseases is treated with a certain method of massaging. Doing such a massage at home is not recommended.

Preventive massage Pediatricians are sure to recommend to all babies, if there are no contraindications to it. It will help improve blood circulation in the baby's body, appetite and sleep. It is best if this massaging is performed by parents. This will also have a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child and will be another way tactile communication With mother and father.

therapeutic and prophylactic massage for babies, a doctor prescribes and this procedure should be carried out by a specialist to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, to help with colic, and also contributing to the baby's ability to sit down and crawl faster.

Benefits of a massage

Human skin is a sea of ​​various nerve endings and receptors.. When performing the massaging procedure, their work is stimulated and this directly affects nervous system, so massage is shown to all, without exception, babies up to a year.

During massaging, the baby is usually done and gymnastics. This procedure helps to improve the state of immunity, as a result, the child's body resists infections more easily. This procedure is very useful for digestive difficulties. Very common in infants three months occur almost daily intestinal colic. Gently stroking the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction can solve this problem. Massaging is very useful for the formation of the correct posture.

Contraindications to the massage procedure

In the presence of an umbilical hernia, only a doctor should massage the child.

Massage rules for newborns at home

How to properly massage a baby up to three months old

It should not even be a massage, until the baby reaches the age of one month, it is better to limit yourself to simple stroking of the arms, legs, and tummy. The arms and legs are slowly stroked and kneaded. Such movements calm the baby. For intestinal colic you need to stroke the baby's tummy. Spine cannot be touched. You need to massage the back, stepping back from the spine. Can't be touched fontanel, region of the heart, as well as massage under the knees and under the arms, as there are located lymph nodes.

After three months of breastfeeding

Children who have reached the age of three months can already knead and rub the skin. If the child likes it, then you can increase the massaging session to thirty minutes.

Massage sequence for newborns

It is best to start massaging from the handles. Fingers, palms are stretched. Then go to the legs and knead the feet. Do not massage under the knees. After you can massage the tummy with stroking movements, be sure to move clockwise. The breast of the baby can simply be stroked. The neck is massaged in the supine position. If the child begins to turn his head, then it is better to stop massaging the neck so as not to damage the joints. The back is massaged along the spine.

After 6 months baby

Due to the fact that the baby is already crawling at six months and knows a lot, the massage becomes more complex and lengthy. You can add gymnastics. By nine months, gymnastics is mandatory. For a session you can use the ball.

Massage for a newborn after bathing

It is best to carry out this procedure after swimming. The room temperature should be up to 22 degrees Celsius. Movements should be soft and calm. The first step is to alternately stroke all parts of the child's body, then the rubbing stage is carried out. These movements should also be calm and should be performed with your fingers. Then stroking is again carried out as the final stage of massaging.

The whole procedure should take no more than ten minutes so that the child does not freeze. After such relaxation, the child will have an excellent appetite and a wonderful sleep. Mom will also charge positive emotions from the contented face of his child.

For constipation and colic

To help the child go to the toilet and relieve intestinal colic at home, you need to put the child directly on the back, the tummy is stroked clockwise, then movements are made from the right to the left hypochondrium and down. Then put the baby on the tummy, stroking the back. In this case, alternate bending of the knees of the child helps very well. The procedure is carried out no earlier than one hour after feeding.

Massage for hypertension

hypertonicity- this is an overstrain of the muscles, which is accompanied by the excitability of the child. Massage with hypertonicity should calm the child. It is imperative that with such a massage you need to talk with the child or sing a calm song. You need to start massaging from the legs, then the back and arms. It is necessary to shake the baby's arms and legs slightly so that the muscles relax. The whole procedure should consist of stroking and soothing movements.

Baby foot massage

The human foot is a huge accumulation of points, by acting on which you can influence the internal organs. Foot massage strengthens the immune system motor activity child. Such a massage is shown to children, starting from two months of life. Carrying out this procedure is quite simple. With one hand you need to hold the child by the leg, and with the other hand massage the child's foot in the form of a figure eight. The technique is the same as usual - stroking, rubbing, stroking. Three minutes should be spent on each leg. Such a massage should be carried out during the day so that the child after the massage can actively play, and not go to bed.

Massage for umbilical hernia

- it's pretty frequent occurrence among the babies. It occurs due to a weak abdominal anterior wall. Such a massage can be done only with complete healing of the navel. The child needs to turn the child from the left side to the right and hold him on each side for a while. Then, in the position on the back, raise and lower the child. Then you need to alternately turn the child from the back to the tummy and vice versa. With stroking movements in a clockwise direction, the baby's tummy is massaged. The procedure must continue no longer than five minutes.

The ball must be covered with a blanket. Put the baby on the ball with his stomach down. It is necessary to press lightly on the back of the child so that he seems to be jumping on the ball. This exercise helps with colic. If the child can already hold his head, then this exercise will allow him to train neck muscles. You can roll the child back and forth on the fitball. This will allow the development musculoskeletal system and back muscles.

Lacrimal duct massage

Some babies have clogged tear duct. In this case, pediatricians recommend breaking through the lacrimal canal or massage. The eyes of the child before the massage should be cleaned with a decoction of chamomile from the outer inner corner little eye. Be sure to wash your hands. The child should lie on the back. A small tubercle can be felt between the eyebrow and the lacrimal canal. The finger should be drawn from this tubercle to the nose with a quick movement. Repeat ten times. After such a massage, the child's eyes need to apply eye drops.


Of course, the massage is best done by a professional, but contact with parents is very important for the baby, so it’s best to watch a massage therapist do it a couple of times after prescribing a massage, and then master it at home. If the massage to the child will be mom or dad, this will favorably affect his psyche.

Massage for newborns is important regime moment in the life of a baby. Its implementation is not only desirable, but mandatory. That is why when visiting a children's clinic in the room healthy child nurses show mom how to do massage and its age-appropriate elements. In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the types of massage, the principles of conducting and its importance for the development of the child.

Why is it important to massage a baby?

Massage is universal way impact on the baby's body as a whole. The newborn child is underdeveloped various systems organism, but skin analyzers are quite ready for work. Therefore, massage classes bring maximum benefits. They help the physical speech development, improve coordination of movements and contribute to the establishment of a deeper emotional connection between mother and child. Naturally, provided that she gives the baby a relaxing massage on her own, and does not use the services of a massage therapist.

Children's massage is divided into two types

  • Restorative or general;
  • Therapeutic.

A mother can do a restorative massage on her own at home. To do this, she needs to learn massage movements, properly prepare the room and table, and also purchase everything in advance. necessary funds for a massage. Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a pediatric orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. It is better to entrust its implementation to specialists, although after learning and observing several procedures, the mother can master the rules and movements herself.

Principles of general strengthening massage:

  • When to start massage? From 2-3 weeks of life.
  • The movements are carried out massage lines- from the periphery to the center.
  • The speed of hand movement - 2 cm per second - should coincide with the speed of the lymph flow.
  • Bypass the spine, lymph nodes, liver and heart area.
  • Gently work on the neck.
  • Stroking the tummy is done only in a clockwise direction.
  • All movements should be light, no excessive pressure should be applied.
  • Massage for babies with classical music or your own singing. You can also tell poems and nursery rhymes.

At what age should you start massage?

You can practice holding sessions of general strengthening massage when the child reaches the age of a crescent. Until the baby reaches 1.5 months, the only movement should be stroking. Gentle touches massage the child's legs and arms, tummy and back, fingers. Later (after 3-4 months), rubbing, patting, kneading and gymnastics elements can be introduced.

Massage movements to help deal with problems

A general strengthening massage for babies is carried out if they are healthy and develop normally. If the baby has problems, then special massage exercises or even their complexes will help to cope with them.

General massage of the tummy is good for the baby, as it improves digestion. And if the child suffers from intestinal colic, it will help special massage with colic. It is necessary to alternately lower left, then right hand along the baby's ribs. Next, grab the child’s legs with your right hand, and gently massage the tummy with your left, and then press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy.

With hypertonicity, fitball exercises help. A fitball is a large exercise ball. Lay the child on the surface of the ball with his tummy and gently rock from side to side. Also, this exercise promotes the release of gases.

Dacryocystitis is a disease in which the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal system become inflamed. In children, a very effective solution to the problem is a special massage. Massage for dacryocystitis is performed as follows. It is necessary to put pressure on the point located at the outer corner of the eye, and move towards the bridge of the nose, making pressing movements. Efficient implementation this procedure in combination with anti-inflammatory drops can replace surgery.

It can also help with constipation. However, this measure should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. He will choose the appropriate technique, and a professional massage therapist will provide the necessary pressure force.

With a small umbilical hernia, the following treatment methods are practiced: general massage, physiotherapy, laying on the stomach, massage of the anterior abdominal wall. The first two methods are carried out by a massage therapist and an exercise therapy doctor, and the last two moms can practice on their own. It involves stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is recommended to lay the baby on the stomach before each feeding for 5-10 minutes.

A neck massage can be prescribed by a neurologist if he determines that the child has torticollis. The complex consists of exercises that gradually bring the neck into normal condition. It is better to entrust its implementation to a specialist.

For infants the attention of the mother and bodily contact with her is important. Massage will allow the baby to feel the gentle mother's hands, her touch, giving care and health, freeing from health problems.

A massage complex from a practicing pediatrician that can be done at home

Articles for our site are written by different specialists who possess not only knowledge, but also practical experience. A wonderful article about was written for our website by pediatrician Elena Borisova.

The neonatal period and up to three months is completely unique in the development of the child. For this short term he adapts to a completely new environment for him, learns vital skills, for example, to maintain body temperature, moves from seeing a blurry image to a clear one.

The most important task this period to learn to hold your head. As a result, the first natural curvature of the spine is formed - lordosis. First, the child learns to raise his head from a prone position and, by the third month of life, holds it vertically while in the arms of an adult.

Many mothers brag that the baby still held his head in the hospital. This skill is due to the increased overall muscle tone, including the cervical. Most common cause course assignment massage for newborns from 1 to 3 months is just elevated muscle tone or hypertension.

Ideally, the increased tone goes away on its own by the end of the first month of life. But stress during pregnancy, unfavorable environmental conditions and many other factors lead to the fact that a neurologist prescribes a course of massage for almost every child after a monthly examination.

Appoint and recommend to carry out wellness massage for babies from 1 month of life. Until this age, increased muscle tone in a child is physiological norm. Newborn massage up to 1 month carried out only under special indications and a specialist.

The tone may be asymmetrical in the left and right side body or more pronounced in the upper limbs or lower. Regardless of whether you are going to deal with this problem yourself or plan to invite a professional massage therapist, be sure to carefully ask the doctor where and how hypertonicity is expressed. It is better if it is written clearly and understandably.

How does hypertonicity manifest itself? How can parents recognize it themselves? These are clenched fists, bent tense arms or legs. Even in a dream. At the age of about two months, the baby should show interest in the outstretched toy, try to grab it. If you see that there is interest, but he reaches out to her with his fist, this is also a manifestation increased tone muscles. In that case you can do massage for a newborn from 0 to 3 months at home.

How to do massage for 1 month old baby? Eat general rules daily massage at the age of 1 to 3 months.

It is not always possible to carry out a massage at the same time, since the child has not yet established a daily routine, a change in mood and well-being depends on many factors. The main thing is that he was somatically healthy.

Make sure your little one is well-rested and not hungry. Wherein massage month old baby It is recommended to start no earlier than 40 minutes after feeding.

The room should be ventilated and not hot, no more than 25, and preferably 22 degrees. During the session itself, windows should not be opened even if it is summer outside. The main thing is the absence or shutdown of both cooling and heating devices (air conditioner, heater).

The massage is performed on a hard surface. In the absence of a couch, for such a crumb any will do table. The table is covered with a blanket or a thick towel. A sheet is placed on top or simple diaper, under it you can put an oilcloth. The baby should be without clothes, including without a diaper. In order to avoid incidents, you can put another diaper between the legs.

During the procedure, no cosmetics are used, including special children's and natural oils. Clean dry skin is physiological. Olive oil used in massage of adults to enhance the impact of the massage therapist's hands on the body. And the tender little body of two or three month old baby the effort of your hands will be quite enough.

The hands of the massage therapist, of course, should be washed immediately before the start of the massage.

Massage and wellness gymnastics

So, how to massage a one month old baby? Where to begin?

Complex wellness massage includes directly massage and health-improving baby gymnastics.

Begins massage for month old baby from the front of the body, in order to establish contact with the child. Don't rush or overdo it in manifestation friendly emotions. Speak calmly, clearly, in a normal voice. By establishing eye contact, you can tell the baby what you will do now.

The massage effect is on the following parts of the body and in the following sequence:

  • legs;
  • stomach;
  • hands;
  • back;
  • buttocks.

Massage of the lower extremities and abdomen

When massaging the lower extremities, the leg must be taken with one hand by the heel. Easy to pick up and hold.

Place the second palm perpendicular to the leg and stroke on the inside from the foot to the inguinal lymph node. Try to keep the whole palm working, clasping the leg well. After, stroke the inside of the leg from the Achilles tendon to the inguinal lymph node. All movements are made in one direction, from the edge to the center (from bottom to top for the legs).

The next stage is tapping with your fingers in the thigh area and shaking the entire leg to the left and right.

We finish the massage of the lower extremities with work with the feet. thumb we draw under the toes of the foot, along the outer edge and on the heel; it turns out the figure of the seven. In the same way, draw a figure eight on the foot. We use reflex flexion and extension of the fingers (Babinsky reflex), for this you need to press on the foot under the fingers - they bend, on the heel - straighten.

Stroking with two palms clockwise will be a sufficient load for the abdominal muscles.

Upper limb massage

We fix the handle at the expense grasping reflex- if the baby puts something in the palm of his hand, for example, his finger, he will squeeze it. With our hand, located perpendicularly, we stroke the entire arm of the baby from the hand to the axillary lymph node along outside. We tap the shoulders with our fingers and shake the handle.

You can and should immediately check for the presence of the Babkin reflex. Press the base of the thumb on both palms and the baby will open his mouth. This is not only a reflex test, but also an exercise that is included in the course. massage for babies 1-3 months.

We finish by straightening the phalanges of the fingers.

Back and buttocks massage

The baby needs to be turned over on the tummy. If he doesn't hold his head yet, he will lay it on its side. This is also one of protective reflexes newborn baby.

Back massage begins with stroking the outer side of the hand from the sacral section and along 4 conditional lines: to the deltas, to the axillary lymph node, to the oblique abdominal muscles, to the middle of the gluteal muscle. Stroking in the same way inside brushes.

We stroke the buttocks with our palms, draw a heart, knead them with our thumbs.

Do not be afraid to make movements until the skin is slightly reddened. In this period, only stroking and tapping are used as massage techniques, you are unlikely to hurt your son or daughter.

Passive gymnastics

An important change in the first three months of a child's life is the almost complete attenuation of congenital unconditioned reflexes. Their presence not only allows you to determine the degree of maturity of the nervous system, but also helps in passive gymnastics.

Having finished directly month old baby massage, check the presence of these reflexes:

  1. Crawling reflex. Put your hand on the child's feet. He should push off and sort of crawl on his stomach.
  2. Landau reflex. Lay your baby on his tummy and straighten his legs. He arches his back and lifts upper part body, leaning on the hands. This reflex is formed by 3-4 months, respectively, it will not be in a month-old baby.
  3. Automatic walking reflex. Lifting the baby under the armpits and pulling forward, you will see how he is trying to walk. Passive gymnastics exercises are carried out by you and include the following exercises:
  • raising the lower straightened limbs;
  • raising the lower limbs bent at the knees;
  • adduction and dilution of the hips (not circular rotations, namely inward and outward)
  • diagonal connection of the hand with the feet;
  • lifting the upper limbs up;
  • circular movements of the hands;
  • crossing the brushes under the chin;
  • boxer movements;
  • rocking the baby in the fetal position.

An indicator of the quality work of a massage therapist is the improvement of skin turgor and the relaxation of pinched body parts after the first few sessions. Massage for children can be done every 3-4 weeks, from 1 month life and up to a year at least. So you can ensure good health and proper development of the child.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

Many mothers are faced with the fact that pediatricians prescribe or strongly recommend taking a course of massage procedures. Since this procedure is not cheap, besides, most often the little ones react to other people's touches and tantrums, parents question the appropriateness for the baby. Some prefer to learn elementary massage skills in order to avoid stress in the crumbs and maintain it on their own. Do I need a baby massage, at what age can it be done, and how to do it correctly - you will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Why do and what is useful massage for babies

Massage is indicated for all newborns because it:

  • promotes proper physical;
  • reduces the excitation of the nervous system;
  • soothes and relaxes;
  • has a strengthening effect on the muscles;
  • normalizes muscle tone and muscle contractility;
  • develops motor skills;
  • able to eliminate and improve the activity of the digestive tract;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation in skin.

If the massage is carried out by the mother, then the procedure is also a great way for her to communicate with the baby.

Did you know? Massage is one of the oldest medical procedures. The process of massaging was captured on images in the tomb of the ancient Egyptian dignitary and great sage Ptahhotep, who lived in the XXV-XXIV centuries BC. e.

Touching the baby of other people's hands may not please him and provoke stressful situations. When a baby is stressed, cortisol levels rise at times. This hormone can significantly slow down all processes in children's body, have a detrimental effect on the immune system and nervous system. Therefore, it is important that the massage is carried out by a loved one.

Important! If parents plan to carry out massage procedures on their own, then they should first of all familiarize themselves with the contraindications to their conduct. It is also necessary to master correct technique massaging.

When to start massage

Of course, each parent recently born baby Interested in how many months you can massage a newborn. For a healthy, timely born baby, massage procedures can begin when he reaches five to six weeks. However, it is important to ask the pediatrician if your child is already ready for stroking and kneading during the next scheduled appointment.
The same applies to premature babies. Usually, massage is recommended for such a baby when he reaches a body weight of 2.5 kg. Permission to conduct massaging must be given by a pediatrician, neuropathologist and orthopedist.

Speaking of the first massage for a child who has not yet reached the age, we mean simple strokes. As for the more intensive techniques included in the complex of classic baby massage, they are not recommended to start. before age 1,5- .

When not to do: contraindications

So, any mother, after the permission of a pediatrician and a neuropathologist, can give her newborn child a massage consisting of the simplest techniques, if not contraindications. The latter include:

  • fever - massage increases blood circulation, which can provoke an additional increase in body temperature;
  • diseases of the skin caused by infections, fungi, accompanied by the release of pus - massaging the body can cause pustules and vesicles to burst and thus provoke the spread of infection;
  • rashes on the skin - additional exposure to the affected areas with hands can lead to pain and further damage to the skin;
  • congenital heart disease (CHD) - a massage procedure, which is an additional burden on a small body, can worsen the patient's condition;
  • blood diseases - massaging can provoke internal hemorrhages under the skin;
  • convulsions, - exposure to the body can provoke seizures;
  • acute stage - for the baby at this time, rest is recommended, and massage will excite him;
  • large - infringement may occur.

Important! Parents can only carry out restorative massage. If the baby is shown therapeutic massage procedures, then they can only be carried out by a qualified medical professional..

How to prepare for the procedure

The massage procedure is best done in morning time, between the first and second . Since the thermoregulation of infants is not yet fully established, it is necessary to create for the session comfortable conditions, because you will have to massage a completely naked body. Therefore, the room should be warm enough, but not stuffy and hot. It is important to ensure that the baby does not sweat, as there is a risk that he will develop. Optimum temperature air in the room is considered + 20-22 ° С. Some time before the session, the room must be ventilated.

It is good to carry out the procedure on. In the absence of this, any one that needs to be covered with soft and warm, under which to put a blanket, will do.
You should think in advance about buying a special massage oil for babies.

The procedure should be started only in a good mood. Remember that even unintelligent babies clearly read the mood of their parents, especially their mothers. So, if she is annoyed, or her head is filled with thoughts about any problem, the baby will be uncomfortable, and he will let you know about it with crying and discontent.

You can pick up some fun quiet music. During the session, turn it on and sing along.

Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly and then warm them. The first session should last no more than five minutes. In the future, the time can be gradually increased, bringing up to 15-20 minutes.

How to do massage: technique

In order to learn how to independently massage, parents can contact during the examination of the baby to visiting nurse or a pediatrician to show how to do it correctly.
It would be nice if the first procedure took place under the supervision of a medical professional.

Eat two doses which all parents can use without difficulty and special knowledge:

  • stroking;
  • trituration.


Back massage should begin with vertical strokes from cervical area to the buttocks. Then move on to horizontal strokes from the spine to the sides. With your middle and index fingers in a slightly bent position, walk along the spine. Movements should be smooth, light. Each technique should be repeated five to six times.

When massaging the back, be especially careful in the area of ​​​​the kidneys.


The kid will surely like light circular strokes around. It is important to know that this manipulation should be carried out strictly clockwise. It is performed to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and improve intestinal motility. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided.

If the child has, then massaging from the ribs down will help first. Then the simultaneous lifting of the legs clasped by the right hand, and massaging the abdomen with the left hand. Next, you need to press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy. It is advisable to repeat these techniques three to four times a day.

Also on the stomach, you can make oblique strokes downward from the posterolateral region. chest until the hands are joined over the navel. These manipulations are carried out with both palms.

Heads and necks

The neck massage is performed during the back massage. The neck is gently stroked with the inside of the hand, moving from the head to the buttocks. In no case should you press on the neck or make sharp jerks.

The baby will love light strokes of the face. Mom can gently touch her eyebrows, temples, forehead with her fingertips. Then stroke the cheeks in the direction of the ears. Rub your ears lightly.

You can gently stroke, but avoid touching the area.


When massaging the upper limbs, they must be slightly bent. The massage begins with the hand, first the back is stroked, and then the palm. Stroking is carried out from the fingers to the wrist joint.

After the brush, you need to start massaging the hand, while the mother puts her thumb in the hand of the baby, which he grasps with force. The strokes run along the inside of the forearm and then along the outside.

From the hands it is necessary to return to the palms again. This time, rub them. Then do the rubbing of each finger. Finish the massage by rubbing the forearms and shoulders.

Legs and feet

The foot is taken into the palm. index finger with the other hand, a figure eight is drawn on it in the direction from the fingers to the heel.

Foot massage is carried out by stroking from the foot to inguinal zone. The knee joints are bypassed. The legs are in a slightly bent state.

After stroking, you can move on to rubbing. They are held in the same direction - from the foot to the groin.

Both the first and second techniques are repeated four to five times on each leg and foot.

Parents who have decided to independently carry out massage procedures are offered to use several useful tipshow to massage babies:

  1. The procedure must be carried out only on a flat, hard surface, preferably on a table that is covered with something soft, such as a blanket or blanket. , sofa, chair for this purpose will not work. On a soft, springy surface, it will not be possible to achieve the necessary emphasis and pressure.
  2. In order for the child to be comfortable and in a good mood, it is necessary that he does not experience hunger, he is not cold, he does not want to sleep. That's why optimum time for the massage will be 50-60 minutes after and half an hour before next appointment.
  3. Do not forget to remove all jewelry from your hands before the session. This applies to both rings and bracelets, which can injure or hurt the baby.
  4. If the baby is not in the spirit and is naughty, then it is better to transfer the procedure to another time or another day.
  5. If the baby has a negative attitude to the manipulation of his body, you can try to gradually accustom him, conducting various techniques during the day.
  6. During massaging, it is necessary to constantly talk with the baby, praise him, sing songs to him, etc.
  7. Experts advise starting the massage from the legs, then moving to the arms, then to the stomach, chest and finishing with the back.
  8. All techniques are done from the periphery to the center. Massaging the upper limbs is carried out from the hand to the shoulder, the lower - from the foot to the groin.
  9. Up to three months, massaging is carried out with only one hand. Upon reaching this age, you can connect the second hand.
  10. You should not massage the inner part of the thigh, since there are many nerve endings in this area, as well as the front surface of the lower leg due to too thin skin.
  11. Jog movements are prohibited in the area of ​​the knee joints.
  12. In the abdominal area, the taboo for touching is the right hypochondrium. Here is the liver, touching it can provoke bad condition crumbs.
  13. Taboo for massage - genitals, nipples, navel, fontanel.
  14. Start and end the procedure with strokes.

Important! If mom or dad does not have medical knowledge, then they should not carry out complex massage techniques so as not to harm the health of the child.

Massage is an important healing and restorative procedure that is necessary for babies from 1 month. Parents can conduct simple shapes massage in the form of stroking and rubbing. A greater effect can be achieved if the massage is supplemented with elements.

Gentle and affectionate mother's touches have a positive effect on the development of the child. Scientists have proven that babies who are regularly massaged are ahead of their peers in development. In addition, with the help of such a procedure performed at home, it is possible to carry out prevention various diseases or help a newborn cope with many ailments.

Affectionate touches and stroking of her child should be carried out by the mother from the first days of his birth. As for the massage itself, it can be done after the baby reaches 2-3 weeks of age. Up to 1.5 months, touching should be light. You can limit yourself to simple strokes.

But, after the child is 1.5 months old, the intensity of pressing during massage can be increased

To the best of reason, of course. Furthermore if during such procedures the baby will be capricious, cry and protest, then it is better to refuse them.

At first, massage is better not to do very well. long time. About 5 minutes.

How to properly massage a newborn?

It is so arranged by nature that in newborns the skin analyzer is developed much better than the auditory and visual analyzers. This means that at first the child tries to perceive the world through the touch of my mother. Performing a simple massage, the mother simultaneously develops motor, speech, auditory and visual functions in her child.

When carrying out such a procedure in infants, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Touch should be light and gentle.
  • With this procedure, you need to start moving from the periphery to the center
  • Do not allow pressing and rubbing movements
  • Massaging the stomach, you need to bypass the place of the right hypochondrium
  • When massaging large parts of the body, it is important not to forget about the feet and hands.
  • You need to start the massage with 5 minutes a day. As a maximum, this procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

Foot massage. In order to carry out a foot massage, you need to take the baby's foot in your hand and with careful stroking movements "walk" along the outer and inner parts of the lower leg. You need to move from the foot to the hip.

IMPORTANT: During a foot massage, do not touch the area with the patella. The joints of a newborn are still too weak and even light touch can harm them.

Hand massage. The child should lie on his back, turned with his feet towards the one who will carry out the massage. It is necessary to take the child's hand so that the thumb is invested in it. Stroking movements should start from the hand, moving towards the shoulder. The elbow joint must be bypassed.

Back massage. To carry out such a massage, you need to put the child on the stomach. His hands should be under his chest.

This position in itself develops the muscles of the child well.

He tries to keep his head up.

IMPORTANT: Until 3 months of age, it is important to help the child maintain a stable position in this position.

Back stroking should be done back side palms moving from the buttocks to the head. Then you need to turn the palm over and carry out the same movements, but in the opposite direction.

Belly massage. You need to massage the stomach with light stroking movements in a clockwise direction. Pressure is important to completely eliminate. The area of ​​the heart and liver should be skipped. In boys, with such a massage it is important not to touch the genital area.

After such movements, you can proceed to rubbing the transverse and oblique muscles of the abdomen. You need to start from the sides and work up to the area above the navel.

Next, you need to move on to rubbing the oblique and transverse muscles. To do this, you need to bring your palms under the child's lumbar region and at the same time move them along the external oblique muscles of the abdomen, starting from the sides to the junction of the palms above the navel.

How to massage a newborn with colic?

For the formation of the enzyme system in a newborn, some time must pass. That is why colic is a very common ailment in all babies. They call painful discomfort. Because of which the baby becomes capricious. Cannot eat or sleep properly.

With colic, the child may scream, grunt and refuse to eat. He may have belching and gag reflexes. Massage can be great solution with colic in a newborn. This procedure can be started at the first sign of this problem. It can help keep your baby safe pain in the abdomen and reduce the risk of developing an "umbilical" hernia.

Massage for colic in infants is a rather complicated procedure.
  • It is important to do it very carefully. To do this, you need to do circular strokes (clockwise) of the abdomen. In one procedure, you can not carry out more than 5-6 such strokes
  • After such a procedure is carried out, you need to take the legs of the newborn in your hands and carry out their flexion and extension. At the same time, in the “flexion” phase, the legs should be brought as close to the stomach as possible. In one procedure, you need to perform 8 flexions and extensions
  • Also, with the above problem, you can use such an exercise as a bicycle. For this child, it is necessary to put on his back, take his legs and, imitating torsion, bend the right and left legs alternately several times
  • Also, with colic, you can use such a technique as "House". To do this, you need to put your palms on the lower back of the child and make wrapping movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe oblique muscles and connect your hands above the navel. This procedure is able to cope with colic caused by increased gas formation as well as constipation
  • Massage for colic will not only help to cope with intestinal problems, but also strengthen the muscles of your baby

How to massage the lacrimal canal in newborns?

Your eyes need to be moisturized to function properly.

A tear is able to clear the eyes of dust and other pollution. It enters the cornea through the lacrimal canal. IN Lately Increasingly, cases of congenital blockage of this canal are being recorded. And if the tear fails to come out, it can lead to serious pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the eyes of a purulent or mucous nature
  • Eye redness
  • Swelling in the area of ​​the lacrimal sac

One way to solve this problem is to massage the lacrimal canal. This procedure can be done at home. But, in order not to bring an infection, it is important to observe sterility during such a massage. It must be performed only in special rubber gloves and after thorough hand disinfection.

Immediately before the lacrimal canal massage itself, the child should be placed on a flat surface (for example, on a changing table) on his back.

Lacrimal canal massage technique:

  • Feel for the lacrimal sac in the inner corner of the eye
  • With a slight movement you need to press on it
  • If at the same time pus comes out, it must be collected with sterile cotton wool.
  • In this case, the eye itself must be washed with a solution of furacilin or infusion of chamomile
  • First, the massage is carried out with movements from the lacrimal sac to the upper brow ridges.
  • Then, from the inner corner down to the tip of the nose

IMPORTANT: Massage of the lacrimal canal is carried out with jerky movements of 15 clicks. With their help, you can contribute to the release of what the channel is clogged with.

The procedure for this massage is quite simple. But at the same time, very responsible. If you are worried that you can harm your child, then the first procedure is best done with the help of a specialist. And the next ones can be easily done at home.

A timely massage of the lacrimal canal in most cases can prevent a more painful procedure - probing.

Massage for dacryocystitis to a newborn, video

Massage for constipation in newborns

As in cases with colic, a 100% unformed intestine of a newborn can lead to pathological stool retention. They can be regular (chronic) or occur from time to time. In this case, constipation can be triggered by changes in the diet. In any case, massage is in an efficient way prevention of such a problem or its solution.

IMPORTANT: Unlike other means of solving the problem of constipation in newborns, massage is not addictive and does not disrupt proper development intestinal peristalsis.

For constipation, stool are dense and hard balls. When emptying, the child may cry, push hard, and the stomach will be visually enlarged. But, even if the child has a regular stool, but the feces are dry, then this is one of the signs of constipation.

There are many reasons for this disease.

But, most often, constipation is caused by the introduction of complementary foods or a violation by the mother of the diet during breastfeeding.

At pathological delays stool in a child, massage should be carried out 2-3 times a day. Before this procedure, you must wash your hands and apply a small amount of oil to them.

Before the massage, you need to undress the child and put him on hard surface. It is very important. If the surface is not solid, then the child will bend in the spine. which will lead to displacement internal organs and massage for constipation can backfire.

IMPORTANT: Do not massage immediately after the child has eaten. If the child is naughty, then it is also better to refuse such a procedure. For an effective impact on the intestines of a child, it is necessary that the abdominal wall be relaxed. And this can only be achieved if the child is calm.

  • Many mothers consider the massage procedure to help the baby with bowel movements. This is true, but only in part. Much more important is the second function of such a massage - bowel training. Properly performed procedure will help normalize bowel function and eventually completely get rid of such a problem.
  • A massage session for constipation should not exceed 10 minutes. You need to start with soft strokes. You need to stroke the baby's tummy clockwise. It is impossible to press and immerse the hand inside the abdomen. Movements should be soft and smooth. You can only influence the baby's tummy with an open palm
  • At the end of the massage, you can use the edge of the palm and make several movements along the intestine. It is necessary to draw a hand from the right iliac region through the right and then the left hypochondrium. The scheme of movements in this case should resemble the letter "P". At the bottom point, you need to slightly increase the pressure
  • After carrying out such a procedure, the child must be turned over on his stomach and knead the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and pelvis. After that, he must again be returned to his back and carried out with his legs such movements that were described during the massage for colic: a bicycle, squeezing and unclenching the legs
  • It is necessary to finish such a massage with soothing stroking of the tummy.

Massage for a hernia to a newborn, video

  • Since in newborns the muscular frame is rather weak (especially in the abdominal wall and press), this can lead to such a pathology as an umbilical hernia. This disease in adulthood is treated with surgical intervention. But, in newborns, noticeable success can be achieved with the help of massage and exercises to improve muscle tone.
  • The above procedures can help a child cope with an umbilical hernia. As a rule, by the age of three, this problem can be eliminated.
  • Ideally, this procedure is best entrusted to a specialist. But, parents can also perform such a massage on their own at home. True, the first procedure is best done under the guidance of a specialist. He will be able to point out some of the nuances of such a massage.
  • Massage from an umbilical hernia can begin to be done two weeks after the birth of the baby. The only caveat is the wound on the navel. She must heal before using this procedure.
  • Before such a massage, the child should not be fed. The touches themselves should be light and unobtrusive. The child must not be injured. Massage from an umbilical hernia is aimed primarily at the formation of the tone of the muscles of the press and peritoneum

In any case, it is necessary to start massage in a newborn with light strokes.

The first movements should be clockwise. After that, you can move on to pinching in the navel area. It is necessary to finish such a massage with soothing soft strokes.

When the baby is one month old, rubbing can be added to the above movements. You can help your child cope with an umbilical hernia with the help of pressure on special points on the stomach. Such pressure should be performed at a fast pace and not very deep. Before using such acupressure It is important to consult with your pediatrician.

After such a massage, the child must be immediately dressed. It will be possible to feed him in 30-40 minutes.

Massage of the hip joints for a newborn

  • According to statistics, 5% of newborns are diagnosed with dysplasia hip joint. It is expressed in congenital dislocation of the head of the hip joint
  • This unpleasant disease can negatively affect the development of the baby and bring a lot of inconvenience in the future. Massage is indicated for the treatment of this disease.
  • This procedure should be carried out from the first days of the birth of the baby. With daily massage, there is a 100% chance of getting rid of such a problem.
  • Massage of the hip joint begins with stroking the legs from the lower leg to the thigh. You need to do this for 2-3 minutes, so that the baby can relax and get used to such touches.

Then you need to stretch the muscles of the legs

You need to feel the muscles, but do not press too hard on them. It can only harm the baby.

IMPORTANT: Do not massage the inside of the thigh. There are lymph nodes, which can be damaged if the massage is done carelessly.

After the above movements, you need to take the baby's legs and carry out movements similar to opening and closing a book. Such movements must be done 50-60 times. After that, the child needs to be put on the tummy and stretch his back and buttocks.

IMPORTANT: To knead the buttocks of the child, you must first put him in the frog position and pull the legs to the ass and back. The number of such movements is 40-50 times.

Such massage should be abandoned if the child has fever, problems with cardiovascular system, acute form diathesis, hernia, etc. Therefore, before carrying out it is necessary to consult with a specialist. He can also show you how to do such a massage.

Newborn neck massage

The neck, one of the most vulnerable places in a child infancy. After a few days of his life, he actively begins to turn his head, which can cause problems with this part of the body. The load from a heavy head, in proportion to the rest of the body, can cause problems with the spine in the cervical region. In order to help him, you need to train the muscles of the neck.

Neck massage can help with this.

In addition to the main function, neck massage helps:

  • Improve blood circulation in the brain
  • Improve skin tone
  • Correct the defects received by the child at birth
  • Relieve muscle tension

Most often, neck massage for babies is performed for preventive purposes. For the baby, they put it on the stomach and perform gentle stroking of the shoulders and neck to the hair growth zone. After a few preparatory movements, you need to go to the wave-like kneading of the neck. With them, it is important to act on the muscles, and not on the spine.

After such movements, you need to go back to stroking. And then, when the baby calms down, knead the neck muscles with your fingertips. It is important to calculate your strength. If the baby experiences discomfort, then the massage procedure must be stopped.

You need to complete this procedure with light soothing movements.

Very well proven massage for children's curvature of the neck caused by birth trauma or pathology in the development of the fetus. To get rid of such a problem, massage begins to be carried out from 2 weeks of age. But, only a specially trained person should perform such a procedure. Therapeutic massage of your child is important to trust a professional.

Ksenia. My son had a congenital curvature of the neck. The pediatrician advised a sensible specialist. Conducted 10 sessions therapeutic massage. Now my son is fine. I don't even know how to thank the massage therapist.

Ivan. Massage is a great treatment. Moreover, it can be done both in preventive and in medicinal purposes. But, only a professional should do this.

Video. Baby massage - for babies and newborns