Psychology. Tactile contact - what is it? Tactile communication

First you need to define what tactile sensitivity is. Tactile sensitivity is a type of skin sensitivity, as well as some mucous membranes of the human body - the nose, mouth, etc. It arises as a result of the interaction of the nerve plexuses around the hair follicles and nerve endings. As a result of irritation of these receptors, the following types of sensations arise: pressure or touch.

Tactile perception in conjunction with motor sensitivity is called touch. Very often, tactile development is used to compensate for defects in deaf-mute or blind people with the help of special vibrational vibrations and sensations.

Tactile communication

There are different types of tactile communication and touch. Tactile means are non-verbal. Tactile communication implies various human touches, it includes hugs, kisses, patting, stroking, handshakes. Each person, to one degree or another, needs tactile means of communication. It is important to note that the need for intensity and frequency of touch is different for each person, and it may depend on his gender, social status, character, culture.

There are several types of touch, here are the most common:

  1. Ritual. These include handshakes, clapping when greeting.
  2. Professional. They wear exclusively impersonal.
  3. Friendly.
  4. Love sensual touches. We propose to dwell on them in more detail.
I accidentally touched you

Did you know that the touch of a loved one can have healing power and energy? With the help of tactile sensations, the mind becomes one with the body, and this helps to prolong health and give you a harmonious state. The touch of a loving person can do a lot, including a positive effect on your health: reduce blood pressure, bring your heart rate back to normal and relax your body. Such touches should be gentle, caressing.

Such tactile sensations should bring pleasure to both partners, then the effect will be amazing. Touches should be smooth and very slow. Pressure and pressure are excluded - everything should be soft and gentle. Partners should concentrate on each other and not be distracted. Focus on what is happening here and now, feel each other and enjoy. Experience the pleasure of touching each other's skin. Thus, you can relax as much as possible. In addition, we bring to your attention several exercises based on tactile sensations. They will teach you to relax and heal each other.

In this article, we will consider what tactile contact of a newborn with mother is, what it is for, why this contact is necessary for both mother and child.

Why tactile contact for a child and mother

We will consider both medical reasons and psychological ones.

  • Tactile contact with the mother normalizes the body temperature of the newborn.
  • Normalizes heart rate and blood pressure.
  • The baby's blood sugar level rises.
  • Calms the child, gives him a sense of security.
  • The level of stress hormones in the child's blood decreases.
  • The baby's body is colonized by the mother's bacteria (this is useful).
  • Easier to fix.

On the experience of nursing premature babies, it was noted that children who were in contact with their parents (and mom and dad) more often, “skin to skin”, gained weight better, digested food easier.

It is more likely that at the first attempts at breastfeeding, the baby will take the breast correctly, suck out more milk (thereby facilitating the onset of the breastfeeding process).

In addition, if the baby immediately takes the breast correctly, then the mother is more likely to "stay with intact nipples."

  • The child (this is verified) cries much less. We can say that he, if nothing hurts, does not cry at all. This gives the mother the opportunity to experience the pleasant emotions of motherhood “right now”.
  • From tactile contact (as well as from breastfeeding), the mother releases the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, the hormones of happiness and love. That is, nature is so conceived that the mother holds the baby more in her arms, and is happy about it.
  • Many young mothers complain that they cannot sleep normally, as they jump up all the time to the child who. Dear mothers, have pity on yourself and your child! If the baby sleeps in your arms and wakes up as soon as you put him in the crib - isn't this a call to action J? Put the child on yourself, or, or on the stomach of your husband - as convenient, and sleep. Believe me, the whole family will not jump anywhere and will sleep normally.

Example. I woke up with my first child at night, by the hour, took him, fed him, then walked for 20 minutes, holding him in a column and rocking him, and then put him in the crib. And even that was sometimes very hard, and I didn't get enough sleep. At the same time, I did not work (I was on maternity leave). And with the second child, I just “lived with him”, we slept, fed, I constantly held him in my arms or in a sling, or just next to me. At the same time, I worked (at home), and did not turn off the work process for a single day. And I can say that I felt much more rested and full of energy. Despite two already children, work and a child in her arms. I slept well, the baby (I have such an impression) practically did not cry at all. When my son's teeth were actively erupting, I “moved” with him to the floor for several nights, and slept there, it was more convenient, because he was applied to the chest almost all night. Both I and the rest of the family slept peacefully at that time, as the child was next to me and did not worry.

  • It happens that the mother has interruptions in the production of milk. And in these cases, bodily contact between mother and child is also of great importance. If you constantly hold the baby, stroke it, put it on yourself “skin to skin”, swim with it, then the pauses in lactation pass faster, or they don’t happen at all.
  • Normally established tactile contact contributes to the fact that the mother begins to understand the child better and better, to feel him. And the more mutual understanding, the more happiness and joy motherhood brings.
  • It is noted that in babies who are stroked and worn, various diseases (colds, for example) are easier to pass.

Example. I myself was surprised to note this fact. The eldest child went to kindergarten, just at the time when the youngest was aged 1-3 months. And often the elder "dragged" all sorts of sores from the garden. And the “illness” of the younger one developed something like this: a day of temperature, about 38-39. At this time, I kept him all the time “with me” and gave breasts at the slightest request. The child ate and fell asleep. So a day or so passed, and that's it. In this way, apparently, he overcame the virus and returned to normal.

  • You need to understand that for 9 months the child stayed in his mother's belly, in complete security and safety. And the first task of the mother after childbirth is to restore this feeling in the child. Only next to the mother (in her arms, at her side, on her mother’s chest) will the child again feel protected and safe.
  • Scientists argue that it is important to give the newborn a first sense of trust in the world. And this is easiest to do when the child immediately gets to his mother and constantly stays with her.
  • It happens that because of a difficult birth, for example, a mother is so debilitated that she is simply not happy with everything that happens. She does all the necessary manipulations with the child, but tries to keep communication to a minimum. And in this case, the advice is the same: take the child more often and keep it next to you (lying), or in your arms. Touch it more, put the baby on yourself (preferably skin to skin). All this is necessary for both the baby and the mother. It is tactile contact that will start the production of the necessary “happy” hormones, and will help in establishing breastfeeding. And the mother herself will not notice how she will be transferred from the state of “everything is very, very bad” to the happy world of motherhood.

Tie the baby to you in, if your back health allows, use it. The baby wants to be constantly in your arms.

How to make tactile contact

There is nothing difficult in constant tactile contact. These are not some special far-fetched actions, but simply ordinary and understandable activities with the child.

I will give the main examples of actions.

What happens without tactile contact

As you know, a newborn child does not feel time at all. There is no "minute" or "five minutes" for him. For him, all these segments are experienced as a real eternity. Please remember this when "kind" advisers will tell you something like: "well, he will cry for a minute, why are you rushing to him", or "cry - it will be better to sleep", and similar nonsense.

The baby is bad without a mother, bad alone. And besides the fact that he feels bad, he is also not able to estimate how badly this will last in time.

For a child, every time “mother is gone forever and will not return.” He has yet to get used to the fact that his mother is coming. And the process of "addiction" will stretch up to six months for sure. Therefore, leaving a child alone is stressful for the baby.

Note. I would like to dwell a little more on the advice “let him cry”. It is usually claimed that after crying, the child will "sleep well and soundly." Frankly, this is complete nonsense. The child does not calm down, but simply falls asleep without strength, he simply cannot cry anymore. And then, in his sleep, he still sobs and shudders. Have you ever wondered why baby crying is so hard to bear? As an option, precisely because it is not needed, and just the same, it is impossible, it is forbidden by nature to endure (endure, not react). You can’t ignore the crying of a small child, he doesn’t play around, doesn’t manipulate, he really feels bad without his mother.

You have been with him for all nine months, let him get used to the fact that he is already separate, and get used to it comfortably.

Already less and less (fortunately) there are tips not to pick up a child, since “you will teach him to handle” and “spoil him”. Enough has already been written about this, and a sufficient amount of research has shown that a child who has enough parental love and attention is much easier to “let go” of parents when the time comes. The child is sure that his mother is nearby, everything is fine, and calmly moves away from his parents, he can play by himself. The kid is more confident, calmer, more cheerful. Even just by watching the children on the playground, you can see (unfortunately) which kid parents give enough tactile contact, and which do not.

Children differ greatly, by about a year this is clearly visible. Babies who are "kept in tactile isolation" are likely to be fed by the clock or not at all - these babies move differently. They are less confident. Unfortunately, they often fight, push. Thus, by the way, children make up for the "deficiency of touches." If there is little tactile contact, then the child will try to contact other children, but he still does not know how to really play, hence the pushing.

Scientists say that being with mom is an innate need for a child. This is not a sign of "spoiledness" and not a consequence of the fact that the child was "accustomed to the hands." It is an inner need inherent in all human children, without exception. Some kids are just more demanding than others.

Try to accept this feature of your child. Think about who needs this relative "convenience", which is still customary to brag about: "my child eats and sleeps by the clock, took from the crib, fed, and put it back down." You can raise a child in tactile isolation, and take him in your arms "on holidays." But why do this? By arranging for yourself a comfortable regimen for a maximum of six months, what will you achieve in the long term?

It will turn out to be an unloved and unkind child, traumatized in the very first days of his birth. And no one will say how exactly such a child will compensate for what was not given to him. After all, this is a separate human being, and you are responsible for his “start” in this world. Life is already a difficult thing, and our opinion is that a child should be allowed into it with a supply of love and affection.

It is important to remember (and respond to various "advisers") that by carrying a child in our arms, we do not "spoil" him, but develop him. We give food to his organs of perception, “show” him our life and activities, teach him to “stay in society”.

To fully understand how important tactile contact is for a child, one can cite orphanage children as an example. After all, they have all the care (except for very sad cases). That is, they are fed, diapers changed, dressed in clean clothes. They have toys. But no one wears them on their hands, as mom would do. And children who are absolutely healthy initially, by the age of one, are already beginning to lag in development. And all the neurological diagnoses that are possible appear. I understand that the example of orphanage children shows the most extreme, these children grow up without tactile contact at all, without love and affection. But it clearly shows what the lack of tactile contact leads to.

Combine business with pleasure, give your baby a little massage with help, use gentle baths with high-quality and. The baby so needs your caresses and care now.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics is possible only if the packaging is intact.

It is very important to correctly refer to the recommendations "the child must." For example, for some reason, he “should” fall asleep on his own at the age of 7-9 months. And that's kind of a stumbling block. “Is yours already sleeping by itself? How does he fall asleep? Rocking on your hands? Nightmare, you spoiled him completely!” If young parents are bombarded with such "advice" from all sides, they may try to retrain their child. And they will receive instead of a calm "tame" child crying in a crib. Think, is it worth it? Is it worth torturing yourself and your child just to "boast" of his skill? According to scientific research, a child at 7-9 months old (although already quite old) only forms the image of his mother, and does not yet store it in memory. Therefore, the baby still needs to feel his mother around.

It is not enough to take care of the child and feed him. He needs to be hugged, stroked, loved and shown his love. This has already been proven to develop the child's skills, his cognitive abilities, and stimulate the brain in general. Mom's touch causes the child to produce hormones necessary for growth and development.

The saddest thing is that a teenager, and then an adult, grows out of a baby who was tactilely “underfed”. And the "tactile lack" does not go anywhere, it remains with the person. The child can develop certain skills "how to distract" from tactile hunger. This is usually food (sweets), or requests / demands for toys, and so on, up to compensation with alcohol and drugs. After all, it is unbearable for a child to feel not loved enough, he will definitely try to compensate for this.

Hence, from early childhood, such unpleasant things come from overeating (eating), a tendency to strange (destructive) contacts and relationships, a tendency to destructive behavior, unwillingness and impossibility of normal contact with the world. Think for yourself, if a baby grows up with the feeling that the most important person, mother, does not love him (does not hug, she is not around), then what can be the expectations from the rest of the world as a whole?

Note. In preparing this article, I read the blog of a fairly well-known mother of many children. She has nine children, six of whom are adopted. Her notes about how orphanage children change when they get into a home environment are very interesting. She celebrated this with all the adopted children. When a child was just taken from the orphanage, he, as a rule, has an uneven head, all the time pursed toes, in general, general muscle tightness. And right before our eyes, just from gentle touches (she carried children in a sling, stroked all the time), most of the manifestations are “smoothed out”. The head is leveled, the foot and fingers are straightened, even strabismus returns to normal. This is simply a demonstration of the healing power of a loving touch.

Unfortunately, children who are not stroked by their parents are little hugged. Already by the year you can simply visually distinguish who "enough" tactile contact, and who is clearly lacking. Why do I write "unfortunately"? Because it's so easy to show your love to a child with a touch. It does not require any huge costs. And this simple action gives so much to both the child and the parents.

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Tactile contact with a man is a reliable way to get your way when you need to apologize or ask for his help.

Touch Tactics

Tactile contact with a man is a reliable way to get your way when you need to apologize or ask for his help. Magical touches on a man, then do whatever you want with him

Numerous studies confirm that gestures can express many emotions - love or anger, sympathy or approval. Moreover, they act much faster than words - on an instinctive level, especially for men who, by their nature, are less talkative than women.

Often, a simple touch can be more effective than a half-hour conversation. And you can, on occasion, proudly say: "We feel and understand each other without words."

WHEN you need to apologize

GESTURE: If you were wrong (or he thinks you were wrong) and you still need to apologize, sit down next to him and while saying the magic phrase "Forgive me ..." put your hand on his knee and gently shake it.

What's the matter

While he is angry, touching his cheek or hand is too intimate for him: he will perceive it with aggression or irritation and, most likely, move away. The knee is a more neutral zone. In addition, to touch his leg, you have to bend down a little and reach out your hand. He subconsciously perceives such a position as a sign of humility.

And in combination with words, this will make it clear that you are sincerely sorry and promise that this will not happen again.

WHEN you want to ask him for help

GESTURE: If you need attention, sympathy and help, stretch out your hands to him, palms up - so that he covers them with his own hands.

What's the matter

This movement is read by his subconscious as a search for protection. Palms up - a request for help. Your man will unconsciously interpret this as a plea for protection and will feel his strength. And once in a dominant position, he will definitely want to help and take care of you.

IF there is a conflict

GESTURE: When you need to defuse the situation and calm your loved one without words, do not wait until he “boils” (in this state, he will perceive any touch as a gesture of aggression). Touch his shoulder. The movement should be clear, firm and in no case timid. Hold your hand on your shoulder for a couple of seconds and remove it. By doing this, you will press the "pause" button in his head.

What's the matter

His shoulder is one of the most protected parts of the body, covered with muscles and the least sensitive in contrast to more vulnerable places, such as the face or neck. A straight and firm hand carries a charge of energy and attracts attention. This movement will simultaneously remind you of your connection and make it clear that you should never get excited. A touch on the shoulder emphasizes the strength of your man, shows that the situation is not dangerous, that nothing threatens his weak points and that together you can find the best solution to any problem.

IF you want to talk him into doing something he doesn't want

GESTURE: Take his hands in your palms so that they are at the bottom. Then bring them together in a "prayer" position.

What's the matter

Hands folded in this way are a persuasive gesture that businessmen and politicians often use in negotiations. And by adding in body contact and the fact that your palms are on top, it’s like you are saying to his subconscious: “I dominate this situation!” As a result, your words, backed up by non-verbal methods of control, will become even more convincing.

WHEN you rest

GESTURE: Gently, lightly touching, run your palm along his neck along the hairline. Rub your hair, and then, going down a couple of centimeters, massage your neck and return to the hair again.

What's the matter

Running your fingers through his hair, you give him a feeling of care and comfort. This is a universal gesture: it is used by birds that clean each other's feathers, and animals that gently bite each other, and people seeking to demonstrate their mutual affection. And a light massage of the neck, whose muscles are often tense after a working day, will make him feel more relaxed and peaceful next to you.

When you need to defuse the situation, do not wait until he "boils", touch his shoulder.

IF you want to compliment him

GESTURE: Would you like to tell him how amazing, unique, masculine, sexy and loved he is? No need for so many words, just slap him on the buttocks.

What's the matter

For men, a slap on the soft spot is a non-verbal way of showing that they are "super". With this gesture you express your admiration and support. Pay attention to team sports for men: you will see that in the event of a victory, a successful throw or a goal scored, the players do not hesitate to slap each other on the behind or a little higher, thus expressing their admiration for each other. Let's embrace this idea!

IF you want to fool around

GESTURE: Do you have more interesting plans for tonight than watching TV? Run your hand along the inside of his thigh, as close as possible to the genitals, but without touching them.

What's the matter

The upper inner thigh is extremely sensitive - it is here that the nerve endings that connect to the genitals are located. And the skin in this place is very delicate, since there are quite a few muscles there. This movement will ignite it instantly, and an interesting (and guaranteed passionate) continuation of the evening is guaranteed for you.

WHEN you want to say "I love you"

GESTURE: Pass your hand over his cheek. You've seen this gesture many times in romantic movies. It usually precedes a kiss.

What's the matter

A man's face (especially a freshly shaved one) is very sensitive - after all, there are tactile sensors near each hair follicle. In addition, touching the face, you emphasize the emotional connection with the person.

And understand him

With the help of touch, you can not only say something, but also understand how your man feels. It all depends on how he reacts to your gestures.

For example, if you feel your knee muscles tremble when you apologize, he is overly excited and unresponsive at the moment. Take a break to let it cool down. Watch the position of his body - as soon as he turns slightly towards you, act: now he "hears" you. Stroke his other knee and increase your eloquence.

Sometimes it is not at all necessary to wait for the whole body to turn - pay attention to his feet: if the socks are turned towards you, he is already ready to compromise and is far from being as angry as he tries to show.

If he does not react in any way, it is worth waiting a bit: now he is completely “in himself”, give him time to open up.

Just be careful! By closely watching his reaction to your movements, you will very quickly learn to understand body language and will never dream of psychic mind reading again. After all, everything is much simpler. Magical touches to a man, then do whatever you want with him.

Text Psychology:

Among all types of interpersonal communication, an important role is played by the so-called tactile contact, that is, in other words, touch. For some people, it is tactile sensations that are the most effective source of information, so communication without tactile contact is almost impossible for them. In the psychology of communications, tactile contact refers to the touch of one person to another. In fact, this is the very first way of communication available to people, because when a person is just born, he is not yet able to perceive auditory and visual information adequately, unlike tactile sensations. Some psychologists believe that it is at this stage of communication that the foundations of the future human psyche are born.

Types of tactile contacts

Traditionally, tactile contacts are divided into several types. First of all, these are the so-called "professional" touches. Doctors, massage therapists, stylists, tailors simply cannot do without tactile contact in their professional activities. As a rule, most people take such contacts calmly, realizing that they do not contain any additional information.

According to psychologists, women tend to perceive tactile contact more positively than men. Because of this, a positive reaction to touch is called "feminine".

The second group includes ritual touches. This is not about mystical practices, but about a completely familiar handshake or a welcome kiss on the cheek. It is known that the handshake, for example, appeared as a means of demonstrating peaceful and friendly intentions, but over time, this welcoming touch has become almost an obligatory ritual.

Finally, the most extensive area in which tactile contact is used is the area of ​​interpersonal relationships. Touching here is a manifestation of affection, sympathy, kinship, sexual attraction. It can be hugs, kisses, a friendly pat on the shoulder or gentle strokes. The presence of stable tactile contact of this kind is an effective marker indicating close relationships, for example, between a guy and a girl.

Tactile contact may indicate social status. Touching is most often allowed by those people who occupy a higher position in society, for example, a boss can slap a subordinate on the shoulder.

The role of touch in communication

In the psychology of communication, there are several main channels of communication. In accordance with which channel a particular person prefers, he belongs to one of several groups: "audials", "visuals" and "kinesthetics". It is believed that the first to receive the most complete information needs to be heard, the second - to see, and the third - to feel. The senses in this case are primarily understood as smell and touch. Thus, kinesthetic learners rely heavily on touch, which they need not only to receive information, but also to transmit it. They can be easily recognized by the unconscious desire to reduce the distance of communication, mechanical touches, robbed of invisible dust particles from the interlocutor. Communication with a kinesthetic person can be very stressful for people who consider any tactile contact to be a deeply intimate process. If you are one of these people, try to immediately warn overt kinesthetics about your dislike of touch in order to avoid conflict.

Everyone enjoys being noticed. Tactile contact is an integral part of any close interaction. Of course, business relationships are unlikely to imply strong hugs, but friendly meetings, as a rule, cannot do without them. Each person, one way or another, wants to feel needed, in demand and understood.

Tactile-visual contact helps build trust between partners, teaches them to be condescending and attentive. Only by looking into the eyes of the interlocutor, you can fully ascertain what feelings he is actually experiencing.

The essence of the concept

Tactile contact is a special form of interaction in which effective communication occurs between people. Agree that it is much easier to convey some important thought to a person if you touch him. It is very pleasant for any of us to be appreciated, to express our feelings with the help of strong handshakes.

What does tactile contact mean? Most often, with its help, people express their emotions aimed at a specific interlocutor. The desire to take by the hand, to stroke is connected with the need for understanding, which we all need so much. If a person is absolutely indifferent to another, then he will never, under any pretext, touch him. Closed people, as a rule, avoid tactile contact and are afraid to show it.

Feeling safe

Look at the woman holding the baby in her arms. She just glows with happiness! She is not afraid of any obstacles, she is not afraid of the prospect of losing individual prospects. A mother always sacrifices something for her baby: work, time, relationships with friends.

In the arms of the mother, the baby feels protected from all adversity. Her tender palms will lull him, caress him. It is tactile contact that provides the child with a sense of security from everything in the world. This is the most powerful weapon in the world against any antisocial acts. It has been noticed that many illegal acts are committed only because no one cared about such individuals in childhood. Mother's love creates the child's soul, forms his trust in the whole world around him.

If a mother does not devote enough time and attention to her offspring, then there is a great chance of forming a person who is unsociable, aggressive or withdrawn. No one can replace a mother's love for her child. One can only guess how lonely and unwanted orphans feel.

Manifestation of love

When we touch another person, it is as if we are saying to him: “I care about you.” The one who loves, necessarily strives to show his affection not only in words. How can you express your feelings? A look or a touch. The tactile contact of a man and a woman implies a deep feeling of each other at all levels. Sometimes it is enough to look into the eyes and say a kind word, otherwise only gentle handling and tactile warmth will help. We all want to feel loved and cared for.

Expression of trust

In fact, we only allow ourselves to be touched by people we can fully trust. And this is by no means accidental. This is how our psychology works. Tactile contact is a very important and significant thing in everyone's life, so it should not be avoided or tried to be repelled. There are people who really do not like to hug, even with loved ones. Such manifestations testify precisely to the fact that not everything is so smooth in their life, there are internal problems and contradictions in interaction.

Trust is expressed through free tactile touches, strokes. To take a person by the hand means to show him special warmth, spiritual closeness, a desire to help. If we want to comfort a friend or relative, we hug them. And this almost always has a positive effect on a person, allows him to calm down. The fact is that hugs open the heart, help restore intimacy, trust, if for some reason they were lost.

Relationships between spouses

The interaction of husband and wife is a special moment that causes many different disputes. Family conflicts are the strongest in terms of impact. It is believed that it is in relationships with the dearest people that we learn important life lessons, without which our personality would not have fully taken place. After all, no one can be happy alone. It always requires the participation of a partner, the presence of a deep relationship with him. And here you can not do without tactile contact.

Spouses like no one else know each other. It's not just about the individual character, manners, habits. Each of us has our own weaknesses, ailments, and then being near a loved one can affect our condition and attitude.

Sexual interaction

Tactile contact with a man necessarily includes touch. When two people decide to dedicate their lives to each other, over time they know well what their partner likes and know how to guess his mood. Physical intimacy is impossible without a huge sense of trust in relation to the spouse. Both man and woman are equally in need of sincere love. But not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to properly express their emotions. Everyone wants to feel important and loved.

Rescue from stress

When you come home after a long day of work, it is so nice to realize that a loving family is waiting for you. A hot dinner, a manifestation of attention and care - that's what a partner is waiting for. With the help of tactile contact, you can get rid of stress, find peace of mind, relieve yourself of the burden of problems and fatigue. Nothing invigorates a person so much as the realization that someone needs him, his opinion is valuable in itself and important.

Tactile contact is a real salvation from stress. When we touch a person, he always feels how important he is in our life. Even the relationship of friends and girlfriends can be very close if there is a place for mutual hugs and pats on the back. Sometimes colossal support is required, and here tactile contact is clearly indispensable. The more emotions we learn to show in life, the easier it will be for us to build interaction with other people.

Nobody likes cold and indifferent people for whom to say an extra word is a problem. Everyone wants to feel a certain support and protection from those who are constantly nearby. Any relationship is built on mutual trust and common interests. It is hard to imagine that friends will endure a nervous, quick-tempered person next to them, from whom only troubles come.

Instead of a conclusion

Tactile contact is present in almost all forms of interpersonal interaction. The deeper and better the relationship between people, the more handshakes, hugs and a completely conscious intention to be next to each other in their communication. Often, self-confidence is formed in a person directly under the influence of how significant he feels in the company of relatives, friends, colleagues and, of course, family. Happiness depends on the circumstance that allows the individual to fully express his feelings.