How to determine the shape of the face? step by step algorithm. Selection of haircuts according to the shape of the face. Simple facial geometry

Each face has its own shape, which gives us individuality. Thanks to the correct definition of the form, you can understand: what hairstyle is best for you, how to most favorably emphasize facial features with makeup, what jewelry and clothes are suitable. What is your face shape?

There is 7 face shapes:

  • oval
  • round
  • square
  • triangular
  • pear-shaped (trapezoid)
  • rectangular
  • diamond-shaped

To correctly determine the shape of the face, it is necessary to establish the basic proportions: the ratio of vertical to horizontal should be 3:2. Three main lines can determine the shape:

  1. forehead line
  2. cheekbone line
  3. jaw line

oval shape

The proportions are perfect (3:2). The widest line is the line of the cheekbones, the narrowest line is the forehead, the narrowest line is the jaw.
It is considered the ideal shape, so representatives with this type of face do not need to change their shape. The sculpture of the face is emphasized. Suitable for almost any hairstyle and makeup.

All other face shapes must be “adjusted” to the ideal, i.e. visually bring the shape of the face closer to the oval.

Stars with oval faces

Round form

Vertical and horizontal are almost equal. The widest part is on the line of the cheekbones. The face has soft smooth forms.
The face must be enlarged vertically, stretch it.
Recommended short eyebrow with a high rise (a long eyebrow will visually expand the horizontal).

Suitable hairstyles: high voluminous; from straight hair below the chin.
Avoid bob haircuts with rounded outlines that only emphasize the round shape of the face.

Stars with round faces

rectangular shape

The line of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw are on the same vertical (like a square face), but the ratio of horizontal and vertical is ideal. This type often has a high forehead and a narrow chin. Pronounced cheekbones.

It is necessary to restore the correct forms horizontally - to increase the line of the cheekbones.
A more direct form is recommended brows.

Suitable hairstyles: medium length bob haircuts to the shoulder.
Avoid: a large length of hair loose on the sides - this will further lengthen the face.
Stars with square faces

Square shape

Vertical and horizontal are almost equal. The lines of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw are on the same vertical. Wide forehead, developed lower jaw, resembling a square.
It is necessary to soften the image and stretch the vertical.
Recommended not long eyebrow with a high lift.
Suitable hairstyles: not too short haircuts with bangs, quite voluminously covering the area of ​​​​the ears; more elongated hairstyles with wavy strands around the face are also possible; for long straight hair - create as much volume as possible at the crown and along the entire length of the hair.
Avoid: high hairstyles; with straight long hair; haircuts with perfectly straight hair to the chin or higher (a la the Valley).

Stars with a square face

triangular shape

The widest part is the forehead line, then the cheekbones, the narrowest is the jaw line. This shape is also called a "heart".
It is necessary to visually reduce the widest part of the face (forehead line).
Round shape recommended eyebrows, but it shouldn't be long.
Suitable hairstyles: hair up to the chin with smoothly curved strands; with a straight or side separating parting; with hair combed behind the ears (attention is drawn to the eyes and the width of the cheekbones is balanced).
Avoid: high hairstyles; short fluffy haircuts.

Stars with triangular faces

pear shape

The narrowest part is the forehead line, then the cheekbones, the widest is the jaw line. This shape is also called trapezoidal.
It is necessary to expand the line of the forehead.
It is recommended to lengthen brows.
Suitable hairstyles: it is necessary to hide the massive lower part of the face - the haircut should resemble the shape of the face upside down; The basis of any hairstyle is a “hat”, which covers the top of the head and ends at the level of the middle of the ears.

Stars with pear-shaped faces

diamond shape

The line of the cheekbones protrudes significantly, and the line of the forehead and jaw are narrowed. This shape is also called diamond.
It is necessary to visually expand the line of the forehead.
Recommended brows with a rise and a short tip.
Suitable hairstyles: high hairstyles with long bangs; a hairstyle resembling a triangle inverted with an acute angle upwards, the widest part of the hairstyle should either fall at the level of the earlobes, or be slightly lower, but in no case higher. In addition, if the hair is long enough (just below the chin), it can be recommended to twist the ends of the curls to the face.

If it is necessary to emphasize the shape of the face, the widest part of the hairstyle should be at the level of the upper part of the ears.

Stars with diamond-shaped faces

A little later, I will analyze each type of face in more detail, where more detailed recommendations will be given on makeup, hairstyles, etc.
In the meantime, you can determine your face shape. If it does not work - write, I will help :)

Determining the shape of the face is as much an achievement as drawing perfectly straight arrows or putting your hair in a slightly messy bun.

What are the shapes of the face

There are several classifications of face shapes, so we decided to focus on the most popular. So, experts distinguish faces in the form:

Why you need to determine your face shape

With the new knowledge, you will be able to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of the face with: 1) hair, 2) eyebrow shape, 3) makeup. For example, girls with a round face should avoid bob with straight bangs, rounded eyebrows and make-up with a clearly visible geometry.

Face shape "square"

The main characteristics of the "squares" are approximately the same ratio between the length and width of the face, as well as an almost even jaw line and a massive jaw. With other owls, you can measure from the highest point of the temple to the point where the jaw begins. It will be equal to the width of your jaw.

Celebrities with square faces: Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie and Sandra Bullock

Diamond face shape

If you visually draw a line connecting the points of the center of the hairline, cheekbones and chin, you will get a diamond - hence the name. Girls with this face shape have a sharp chin and high cheekbones. The main difference between a diamond face and a heart face is the hairline - the "diamonds" have it narrower.

Celebrities with a diamond face shape: Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Greene

Rectangle face shape

Rectangular faces are sometimes also called "oblong". According to their characteristics, they are very similar to the "squares", but have different lengths and widths. Your forehead, cheeks, and jaw are about the same width, and your chin is slightly elongated.

Celebrities with square faces: Joan Smalls, Sarah Jessica Parker and Alexa Chung

Heart face shape

Everything is very simple here: if you have a pointed chin, and the forehead is the widest part of the face, then you are definitely a “heart”. An interesting observation: girls with the so-called "widow's peak" (hair growing in a triangular protrusion on the forehead) often have exactly this shape of the face, which further emphasizes the similarity with the image of the heart.

Celebrities with heart-shaped faces: Sarah Hyland, Reese Witherspoon and Chloe Grace Moretz

Face shape "circle"

A round face is like a square face, only with softer angles - the sides of your face are rounded and don't have straight lines. A couple more characteristics: you have chubby cheeks, an undefined chin, and the widest part of your face is your cheekbones.

Celebrities with round faces: Elizabeth Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence and Ginnifer Goodwin

I want a haircut! Stacking! And be sure to like in the latest magazine on the cover! How not to fit? Sadness! Maybe try? Admit it, such thoughts visited every woman at least once in her life.

Everything else is predictable. The master works, but does as the client ordered. Disappointment. Of course, there are lucky women for whom the chosen or newfangled model suits on the fly. But this is rare. How to avoid disappointment at the hairdresser? The answer is simple - choose a haircut according to the shape of the face. The main task of hair is to emphasize strong facial features, hide flaws. Then you will look harmonious. Let's figure out how to do it - we have collected tips from the experience of our hairdressers that will help you to accurately determine the haircut and hairstyle.

From this article you will learn:

Selection of haircuts according to the shape of the face. Simple facial geometry

The shape of the face depends on genetics, the location of the muscles and bones of the skeleton. Currently, hairdressers distinguish 7 main types of faces:

  • oval;
  • circle;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • rhombus;
  • pear or inverted triangle;
  • triangle.

Calculating the shape of your face is easy. No complicated mathematical calculations and tools are required. The absolute and sufficient condition is a mirror and a cosmetic pencil.

Let's do the facial geometry:

  1. Carefully pin up hair or collect them in a ponytail or bun.
  2. Put a mirror in front of you and be honest with it and with yourself.
  3. Circle your own reflection with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Compare the resulting contour with known geometric shapes.

Also, to determine the type of face, you can use the more geometrically accurate method shown in the video below from beauty blogger Olga Belyaeva. To do this, you will need a centimeter or ruler, as well as paper and a pen.

How to determine the shape of the face using a ruler:

Haircuts for an oval face shape

If you have an oval on the mirror, the question of how to choose a haircut according to the shape of your face disappears by itself. This is the ideal! Any haircut, styling suits you. You are open to various experiments - hairpins, hair bands, headbands will be appropriate for an oval.

What is not suitable for owners of an oval face? All that will hide this ideal shape is too voluminous bangs, falling long strands.

The lucky owners of this face shape among the stars are Hollywood actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Eva Longoria, Courteney Cox. And the classic square, and long curls, and a strict bun look great on their heads!

If If you want to know what styling and hairstyles suit the oval shape - .

Plump cheeks, a soft chin, a perky smile - this is all the owner of a round face can boast of. But it is this form that makes the face flat. The task in this case is to visually turn the circle into an oval, to draw out the face.

Shoulder-length hairstyles will cope with this task. Asymmetry in everything is perfect, as well as side parting and bangs, you can also choose styling in the “wet hair” style. Ears should be open.

What to Avoid- haircuts without bangs, tightly combed back hair, any horizontal lines, large curls, haircuts and styling with a flat top.

This face shape boasts Catherine Zeta-Jones and Miley Cyrus.

As an example of choosing the right hair shape for a round face, we suggest watching a video clip - a clipping from a TV show, where a professional stylist tells in detail how you can visually correct a circle:

Haircuts for a square face type = self-confidence!

Nature rewarded the owners of a square face with a heavy chin and a high forehead. Artists and stylists believe that prominent jaws are a sign of courage and self-confidence. That is why many stars like to emphasize their square. Like Demi Moore. Why not?

But how to choose a haircut in the shape of a square face, if your confidence suits you perfectly and without emphasizing the cheekbones and chin.

So, if you still want to make your face softer and bring the shape closer to an oval, it is recommended to experiment with a haircut in the form of a ladder. The maximum volume is in the upper part of the head at the crown.

Don't cut your bangs down to your eyebrows! This will only reduce the face and visually increase the chin. Open ears only partially, do not comb hair back. Asymmetric haircuts and partings do a good job.

A bright representative of girls with a square face - evil Belatrissa from Harry Potter - Helen Bonham Carter, as well as Sandra Bullock. Look at the great haircuts they chose!

Haircuts for a triangular face shape (or in the form of a heart)

Wide forehead, narrow chin, mischievous smile. This face shape is also often referred to as a heart, in the case of a more rounded upper forehead.

Girls with a triangular face should choose short haircuts with medium volume at the crown. Haircuts based on squares of various lengths will look good. Girls with this type of face can comb their hair back, but not tighten it, but leave it in soft waves.

Don't do it- unnecessarily lush and high crowns, lone strands licked back.

Owners of a triangular face shape - Scarlett Johansson, Victoria Beckham and Reese Witherspoon.

Rectangular face shape or English stiffness

A rectangular face shape is easy to disguise with a chin-length haircut. When laying, the maximum volume should be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears. Soft curls and a strict straight parting also look good. Do not make tight, obviously unnatural, curls and haircuts that are too short. If you have chosen a long haircut, then create volume at neck level.

Shouldn't be done styling with an open forehead, combing hair around the temples. Soft elongated bangs in the shape of an arch will help to visually round the face.

A typical representative brilliant and talented Angelina Jolie, Katty Perry, Sarah Jessica Parker.

Pear or inverted triangle

Girls with a pear-shaped face have a wide, heavy chin, plump cheeks, and a narrow, elongated forehead. The maximum volume should be at the crown, and soft curls can go down to the chin. Haircuts with volume in the lower part of the face should be avoided.

What not to do - short haircuts with a voluminous top, slicked strands combed back.

The typical owner of a pear-shaped face -


Owners of a diamond-shaped face are distinguished by a narrow forehead and chin. This is a kind of variation between an oval and a rectangle. The task of the hairdresser and the owner of this form is to smooth out wide cheekbones. Long haircuts based on bob and voluminous bangs, and short ones with maximum volume at the top of the head, are also suitable.

A typical owner of a diamond-shaped face -

Conclusions: Preview

Even after reading our tips on choosing a haircut for your face shape, you are not 100% sure what to choose? Doubt and fear? Do not trust your own instinct and skill of a hairdresser? If things have come this far, then there are sites on the Internet where you can see how you will look with this or that hairstyle. Typically, such sites do not require registration and services for choosing hairstyles are free.

The principle of operation for all such portals is the same. You carefully pin up your hair, take pictures and upload photos to the site. And then you just try on one or another image. I liked it - go to our hairdresser! And if you are still undecided, we will help you determine the shape of your face and choose the best haircut for it!

And also for any face shape, the shine and health of the hair is important, which also depends on whether you comb them correctly - find out the secrets in the article.

And finally, the most important advice When choosing your hairstyle, focus on what suits you. Yes, you need to follow fashion trends, listen to the opinion of the hairdresser and others, but only you will have to wear a new hairstyle.

More interesting stuff:

Many girls are complex because of the rounded face shapes, we bring to your attention the rating of American celebrities who made their round face not a complex, but an advantage.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

For beautiful ladies with a round face, high-lifted styling is optimal, since it is she who visually stretches the oval of the face. This technique was used by the famous Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta-Jones. Indeed, her face no longer looks round.

However, the actress also looks great with freely falling strands of hair, because loose hair visually makes the neck slimmer and longer and the face already looks more elongated.

Christina Ricci

Also, a bob haircut with bangs is suitable for a round face type, as short haircuts open the neck and lengthen the face. Christina Ricci has a slightly elongated oval face due to a sharp chin.
However, such a haircut is perfect for this type of face shape.

In the photo, due to the hairstyle, the star has a completely open face and now her cheeks stand out clearly. Therefore, taking into account her triangular shape of the face, one can draw the obvious conclusion that curls that slightly cover her face would have looked much more advantageous.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore's profile picture shows a hairstyle called a ponytail. What kind of hairstyles were not in the arsenal of the star. Her versatile, charming face suits almost all hairstyles and haircuts. If desired, she can stretch her face, gathering her hair in a high hairstyle.

Jennifer Goodwin

Women with a triangular face shape, such as Jennifer Goodwin, are ideal for a short haircut. The photo shows that with such a hairstyle, the appearance looks very harmonious, since the sharp chin is visually softened. And in addition, the asymmetric bangs look very attractive.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is the owner of a slightly square face, but this is not very striking, as the strands of hair smooth out the corners. Women with a square face should not wear a hairstyle called a bob. Such a hairstyle will only emphasize the shape due to the geometric proportions of the straight bangs and the length of the hair to the chin that highlights the cheekbones.

Kara Toynton

The shape of Kara Toynton's face is difficult to attribute to round, although it is such, since loose curls cover part of the cheeks, making the face narrower. Another technique for visually transforming a round face into an oval one is long layered haircuts and hairstyles.

Keith Hudson

The universal shape of the face is an oval. Absolutely any hairstyle and any haircut length will suit this type of face. Kate Hudson belongs to this type - an oval, slightly narrowed face. The main detail of Kate's styling is a long bang that focuses on the eyes of the actress.

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst's face looks narrower thanks to the layered bob hairstyle. Owners of a round face shape are recommended to wear airy bangs in several layers. Otherwise, heavy bangs will make the hostess look like an angel.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus managed to attract the attention of others with an intricate hairstyle much more than round cheeks. Elongated face make clearly marked strands.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has a peculiar triangular-rounded face. Puffy cheeks and a narrow lower part of the face became a characteristic feature. The hairstyle was chosen well, but with a longer bob, the star would have looked more perfect.

A round face is not a reason to be upset. Of course, a round face is not quite a classic, but it is by no means a reason to hate your appearance. Usually chubby women look prettier, and often younger than their age, so we managed to highlight at least two advantages of a round face. The rest can be corrected with the help of hairstyles for a round face. A hairstyle for a round face will instantly turn your, at first glance, disadvantage into dignity.

Hairstyles for a round face:

  1. What hairstyles are perfect for a round face.

The owners of a round face are such famous Hollywood actresses as Drew Barrymore, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Hayden Panattieri, Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, Selena Gomez, Christina Ricci, Kirsten Dunst, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Goodwin, each of which builds a successful career at the Factory Grez despite his round face. Of course, eminent stylists work with the stars to help them choose the right hairstyle for a round face, correct imperfections with the help of eyebrow shape, hair color and makeup. However, nothing prevents ordinary women from following the example of idols and considering haircuts and hairstyles for a round face that will suit you perfectly.

A face is considered round if the distance between the chin and forehead, as well as the extreme points of the cheekbones, is approximately the same. The main task of the owners of such a face is its visual lengthening and giving an oval shape with the help of a facial hairstyle.

1. Short bangs, reaching approximately to the middle of the forehead. Just remember, you need to wear such a bang very carefully, as it does not suit everyone.

2. Oblique bangs.

3. Hairstyle for a round face with a side parting instead of a straight one.

4. Short voluminous haircut with a raised crown.

5. Hairstyle for a round face with long straight hair - they visually stretch the face.

6. To lengthen the face, high hairstyles for a round face like shells and hairstyles with bouffant will also help.

7. Under the collected hair, wear long earrings, so your face will become visually longer.

1. Straighten curls or make the wave softer. Any tousled curls will only make your face look wider. If you have naturally curly hair, try to tame it with styling products.

2. Try not to comb your hair back, so as not to once again emphasize the rounded shape of the face.

3. Avoid long, even bangs that cover the eyebrows, they will only visually expand your face or give it the shape of an inverted oval, although this is already a matter of taste.

What hairstyles are perfect for a round face


The palm goes to the cascade. Graduated, ragged hair will help make the face look much narrower. It is important that the length of the upper strands reaches the level of the chin, while the length of the lower strands is not limited by anything or anyone. Cascade can be worn without bangs or with bangs. Hairstyle for a round face cascade with bangs can be done on both curly and straight hair. Bangs for this hairstyle are best done oblique or torn.


The bob haircut is considered one of the best hairstyles for round faces. Especially for chubby girls, a short bob is recommended. This hairstyle is characterized by elongated front strands and a high nape. Bob hairstyles mean making the back of the head as voluminous as possible, so that the face changes its shape a little in a favorable light. Long bangs in a bob hairstyle for a round face hide slightly puffy cheeks and a rounded contour.

An elongated bob will also look good on women with a round face. It is only important that the transition line from long to short hair is sharp enough. Long bob can not be supplemented with bangs, but allow the front even strands to hang freely along the face.

Long hair with curls

Long hair with curls is also considered a good option. The optimal hair length in such a hairstyle for a round face is from the middle of the shoulder blades and below. It is important not to overdo it with the steepness of the curl, the wave should be soft and smooth. Any tight spiral curls will make your hair shorter and therefore visually "flatten" a round face even more.


A pixie hairstyle will give chubby women a certain infantilism and prettiness. It will look best on petite, fragile girls and women. The pixie hairstyle became legendary in the middle of the last century. This hairstyle for a round face was brought into fashion by Twiggy, and the legendary Audrey Hepburn also wore it. To this day, the pixie hairstyle is used by Hollywood modern stars. So, this is the favorite hairstyle for chubby Michelle Williams and Jennifer Goodwin. This hairstyle is also worn by the star of British cinema Emma Watson, Riana, Kate Moss, Anne Hathaway and even Pamela Anderson have repeatedly turned to this hairstyle.

The hairstyle for a round pixie face is characterized by short, ragged bangs, short hair in the temples and ears, and longer hair in the crown and back of the head. In general, the pixie hairstyle, on the contrary, emphasizes the roundness of the face, but at the same time does not spoil it at all, but, on the contrary, adds a certain charm. The pixie round face hairstyle is easy to style, hair can be either licked with a gel or create some kind of artistic mess by slightly tousling it.


Also a good option to make the face visually thinner is a shagged hairstyle or in other words tousled haircut. This hairstyle is done on long hair, it is characterized by layering in the crown area and oblique bangs.


Another win-win hairstyle for a round face is the ponytail. A high ponytail will make your face and neck visually longer, but a low ponytail is unlikely to suit the owners of a round face.

Long straight hair

Long straight hair as mentioned above can also be the perfect hairstyle for a round face. They can be decorated with various decorative elements, braided or curled. Soft curls of small diameter, starting from the middle of the chin level, will look especially impressive.

How to choose a hairstyle for a round face: video