Crochet circle diagram and description. An easy way to learn how to knit a grandmother's rug. Video: Making a rug from plastic bags

We knit a crochet rug from old things, knitted yarn, bags and much more.

How to create comfort in the house is probably the most popular topic for women of all ages! And regardless of whether the hostess is young or experienced, everyone wants to update and add a cozy zest to their home. Needlewomen are especially good at this, because with your own hands you can create unique masterpieces for very democratic money.

In this article we will tell you (and hopefully inspire) how to knit a rug on the floor in a wide variety of techniques. We hope that after reading this article, you will add at least one exclusive rug to your home!

Rug round crochet on the floor for beginners: scheme, description, master class, photo

There was a time when we actively threw away textile rugs knitted by grandmothers from old yarn and patches even from dachas and summer houses. But a few years ago, just such rugs turned out to be in trend, but with some modifications. So - we knit fashionable grandmother's rugs.

For knitting, we need knitted bright yarn of one or more colors. If it’s too expensive for your budget, you can make such yarn yourself from old knitted T-shirts. Details on how to do this in the video below.

Video: T-shirt yarn. Knitted Improvisation

The yarn is ready, let's start knitting! We take the thickest hook that is in the house and start knitting. Remember, the ease of work and the density of the rug depend on the size of the hook. We knit an air loop and carefully hem with threads No. 40 to match the knitted yarn for convenience. And we start knitting:

1 row: 2 air loops and 11 columns with a crochet.

2 row: 2 air loops and from each loop 2 columns with a crochet (according to the scheme).

3rd row: 2 air loops with a crochet column and 2 columns with a crochet from one loop (according to the diagram).

4 row and subsequent: according to the scheme, each time adding one double crochet column in each section.

We knit the last row to the end and tighten the last loop tightly. As at the beginning of knitting, we hem the edge with threads No. 40 for strength.

Please note that such a rug can be knitted with both plain and multi-colored threads. But it is important that the colors go in sections, and not ripple like our grandmothers. It is this trick that distinguishes fashionable models from grandmother's rugs.

Crocheted square rug on the floor from old tights: diagram with description and photo

For those who have already cut all the T-shirts, but really want to create, don't be upset and get your tights! In this section, we will teach you how to knit an interesting and very original tights rug! So, we need everything, notice everything! Unnecessary tights and granular filler to choose from, it can be holofiber, silicone, etc.

We cut the tights into different pieces from 10 to 20 cm, different colors of the tights will add texture to the rug. We sew each piece on one side, fill it and tightly tighten it, sew it into a “pebble”. If the tights are thin, we wrap one stone in several layers of tights so that the filler is not visible. We sew the "pebbles" together and sew to the base. Rug of "soft stones" is ready!

Well, it's not the only way to turn the ordinary into the beautiful. We supplement our master class with several inspiring videos.


Video: How to knit a rug from old tights?

Crocheted oval rug on the floor from old T-shirts: diagram with description and photo

And in this section, we will show you how to create a beautiful oval rug from old T-shirts or knitted yarn. How exactly to cut and fasten T-shirts, we told in the first section and will not dwell on this.

We collect from 6 and more air loops. Restrictions - the size of the place where the rug will lie. The calculation is simple - the width of the desired product is divided in half and subtracted from the length of the product. Do not forget that when knitting, the chain stretches by 30-40%.

At the end of knitting, you can sew / glue the rug to the base so that it is stiff and does not gather at the edges.

Crocheted rectangular rug on the floor from old jeans: diagram with description and photo

Another simple and original rug, now from old jeans. We will need a large mesh from their hardware store and jeans cut into pieces 5 * 15 cm.

At each crossing of the mesh with a hook, it is necessary to thread a piece of denim and tie it in a knot so that the ends diverge in different directions. If desired, the tips can be slightly disheveled, then the rug will look even more gentle. Just? Yes! Beautiful - of course! Ideal for youth housing.

The same option looks great with knitted pieces.

Video: Rugs from old things

For those who wish to knit an openwork rug, you can take both a cord and knitted yarn. The essence of knitting does not change from this, but the size and naturally the thickness of the carpet directly depends on the thickness of the yarn. Please note that openwork rugs, unlike dense products, cannot be glued to a dense lining.

We knit quite simply. One air loop is hemmed for strengthening and further according to the schemes below.

Do not forget to thread the last loop at the end as well.

Video: We knit together an oval rug from the Openwork cord

Video: Crochet rug on the floor star from knitted yarn

Crochet rug on the floor in the bathroom from plastic bags

The bathroom rug made of plastic bags looks very impressive. But it will take a lot of effort and time to make it. This is something to keep in mind before you get started.

Preparation: cut from garbage bags (or any other dense) strips of the same thickness (3 cm for those that are thinner and 1.5 cm for dense ones). We cut it lengthwise and then we tie it with neat sea knots.

Since the technique of knitting from a row is easier to see than a hundred times to read, we are attaching three step-by-step videos on which you will surely quickly knit your first and possibly not the last rug from the packages.

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 1

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 2

Video: Crochet Bag Rug, Part 3

Video: Making a rug from plastic bags

Rug crochet on the floor in the toilet

And these rugs can be knitted from a wide variety of materials, everything is limited only by your imagination! Below we give a scheme according to which we knit one motif, and then repeat the same six copies.

Now we need to connect the elements according to the following scheme, after which it remains only to wash and starch the openwork rug.

Video: Rug crochet sheets

The turn has come to the delightful rugs for stools. For work, we need all kinds of leftover yarn, or purchase a lot of multi-colored threads.

We knit 12 air loops and connect them into a single ring, after that we knit 5 air loops and knit the core - 24 columns with 5 crochets. The element is ready. Next, we knit exactly as much as required and with threads in that and with a gypsy needle we sew the elements into a single rug.

Video: Crochet rug from motifs with twisted columns (rug crochet)

Sometimes you need a simple, and at the same time durable rug, most often on the veranda, in the hallway or in the country. In order for dust and fine dirt to pass through it well, and for it to be minimally cared for, an unlined rug is required. Rope and thin thread are great for this.

So, we take the rope, fold it as in the photo and sew it with thread No. 40. And then we knit layer by layer with single crochet columns so that the cord is constantly inside. It can be both small and very impressive carpets.

If it is necessary for the carpet to be oval, then instead of a circle, a cord of the required length is tied around the first row and then just like in a knitted rug, only with a cord inside.

Video: Cord knitted rug

Video: Crocheted twine rug

One of the most important and significant crochet elements is the circle. Learn how to create this figure and you can easily master such elegant little things as stoles, hats, handbags, jewelry, soft toys. You can knit a circle in different ways, consider the two most famous ways.

How to crochet a circle - slip loop

It is not difficult to crochet an even circle, the main thing is to delve into the course of work. To begin, tie a slip loop - the knot from which circular knitting begins.

  • Wrap the tip of the yarn around your index finger, and pinch the working thread between your middle and ring fingers.
  • Insert a hook under the resulting ring, hook the main thread with it, drag it into the loop and make 1 tbsp. b/n.

  • Remove the thread circle from the finger and tie 5 tbsp. b/n. You have created a row of 6 tbsp. b/n. - we count together with the 1st loop.

  • Pull on the end of the thread to complete a tight circle. Insert your hook into the first chain stitch and join the rows.

  • In the 2nd row, knit two columns in each loop of the first row without additions between the columns, in the 3rd - between the increase of 1 column, in the 4th - two and so on.

Important: in each row, add as many columns as there are at the base of the circle.

Continue knitting according to the scheme until the desired circle diameter is created.

How to crochet a circle - a chain

This method is very simple, it is suitable for a product with a mandatory hole in the middle.

  • Run a chain, say, of 3 loops.

  • Pass the hook through the original loop of the fragment and pull up the main thread.

  • Pull the loop that came out through the end and close the ring - get the base for knitting. Next - according to the scheme:

  • 1st row - knit 1 tbsp from each loop. s / n;
  • 2nd row - from each column of the base - 3 tbsp. s / n;
  • 3rd row - from each 2nd loop, pull out two columns, and from the remaining ones - one at a time;
  • 4th row - two columns through two loops and so on until the end of the work.

From such circles, knitted from a certain yarn, you can collect original wardrobe items, for example: an openwork jacket, a beach skirt or a warm shawl.

How to crochet a circle - the end of work

After knitting is completed, the tip of the yarn must be hidden in the fabric so that it does not come out after washing.

Remove the hook from the loop and pull out the thread, after cutting it. Thread the needle and thread it through both edge loops. Insert the needle into the last row of knitting, removing the remaining thread into it - and you have in your hands a product with even and beautiful loops.

You can make it easier - thread the hook into the 1st loop of the last row, knit it and cut the thread. Thread the rest of the yarn from the inside out and pull the knitting.

After you have mastered the basic techniques, take on complex openwork patterns, make circles from multi-colored yarn, or combine circle-shaped motifs into exclusive tricks.

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  • Good afternoon And again about rugs.

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    How to crochet a square rug

    Square rugs can also be knitted according to the principle of rectangular in reverse rows. But square rugs connected from the center in a circle look more interesting. They can be done single crochet under the front wall of the loop or double crochet - as you like.

    To get a square in each row, you need to increase in four corners as follows: two columns, two air loops, two columns.

    In each next row in the corners, the hook should be inserted under the air loops.

    In the same way, you can knit both a pentagon and a hexagon: divide the loops into the desired equal number and knit, making increments in the corners.

    Octagonal crochet rug

    I propose for example the scheme of an octagonal rug .

    Crocheting a rug for beginners is not difficult at all, isn't it?

    Today we will take a look at crochet pattern in a circle. This is a very commonly used knitting technique in a circle. You have probably already met circular knitting, and not only on this site, but also in other places, for example, napkins, but ... Knitting in a circle is not limited to them! When crocheting in a circle, not only circles are obtained, but also other forms, and even voluminous ones. But more on that later! First, let's deal with the usual circle of single crochets! At the output we will get crochet flat circle.

    Let's start learning the lesson crochet circle for beginners.

    This lesson is part of a free online course: "". If you are new to crocheting, I suggest signing up and after completing the course you will not only be able to knit, but also get the first thing knitted by your hands!

    2. On the diagram it will look like this

    3. The second option for displaying on the diagram

    5. Threading the hook into the center of the formed circle, we knit 6

    20. Two single crochets in the next loop. We knit in the same way to the end of the row, alternating: one single crochet in each of the next two loops and two single crochets in the next loop. Total will be 24 columns

    21. We knit the fourth and subsequent rows in the same way. The fourth row in the diagram will look like this

    So, the circle rule: in each row, the number of intermediate columns between the additions will increase

    22. This is the easiest circle knitting, it will look like this

    This option is not suitable for large circles, because. with the addition of a row, the circle will look more and more like a hexagon. Therefore, we will consider another option, but a little later.

    Everything is simple!

    Thank you for your attention and see you at the next lesson!

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