What should an engagement ring look like? On which hand is the wedding ring worn? Who Should Buy Wedding Rings

One of the most well-known signs promising divorce or not happy marriage- to drop the wedding ring in front of the altar or during the exchange of rings.

There is a popular belief - you can not give your wedding ring to anyone before the wedding, and even more so allow you to try it on. It is believed that this leads to loss family happiness and well-being.

Even many modern people those who do not believe in think that the loss of a wedding ring can turn into trouble in marital relations. Since ancient times, spouses have worn or carefully kept their rings until their death.

Don't wear after divorce wedding rings as simple decorations. It is believed to interfere new love enter a person's life. Widowed spouses wear rings on their left hand.

You should not take the wedding rings of your parents if they married life was heavy and restless. Although this sign has the opposite effect: if the parents have a long and happy marriage, their rings will bring good luck to the newlyweds.

Do not purchase wedding rings from your hands (used). This is bad, which symbolizes the wearing of someone else's fate (energy) on oneself.

Signs promising a happy and long family life

It is believed that smooth wedding rings simple design from the same material (gold, silver, platinum) guarantee a calm and happy family life. Jewelry with precious stones are usually given on.

There is a sign: the more massive and expensive the wedding rings of the newlyweds, the greater the financial wealth will be in the family.

Engraving inside the rings is considered a good sign. Significant for the newlyweds, the inscription carries positive energy and symbolizes love and fidelity.

For women who want to hurry up, there is also a belief associated with wedding rings. To do this, you need to rub a friend who is already expecting a baby three times.

IN Slavic traditions It is customary for the groom to buy wedding rings (both for himself and for the bride). good omen- joint purchase of rings by future newlyweds. This symbolizes the seriousness of intentions and harmony in a couple.

Folk signs and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, whether to listen to them or not is a personal matter for each person. The main thing to remember is that everyone is the creator of their own destiny, and wedding rings are powerful ancient symbol love and unity of two hearts.

A very long time ago, the ancient Egyptians discovered that from the ring finger of the left hand, the finest nerve goes directly to the heart.

These wedding rings are so beautiful...

Wedding ring: which hand to wear?

No one knows what served as a symbol of marriage before. But when this discovery took place, it was born, existing to this day - to wear on ring finger ring as a sign of fidelity to the spouse. With this ring, the heart is symbolically “locked” from the possibility of other relationships.

In Russia, India, Germany, Austria, Greece and a number of other countries, a wedding ring is traditionally worn on the right hand. In the USA, England, France, Japan and some other countries - on the left.

Men began to wear a wedding ring relatively recently, but they also suit them

Interestingly, wedding rings have always been worn only by women. Men began to wear them relatively recently - from about the middle of the twentieth century.

Modern wedding rings serve as a symbol of fidelity and love, which never ends, just as the shape of the ring - a circle - does not end.

What are wedding rings

A sleek 14k gold engagement ring is a true time-tested classic. It has an absolutely recognizable appearance; you cannot confuse such a ring on your finger with any other. Convenient, durable, strong, its size can be easily changed if necessary.

Classic wedding rings, with a smooth surface

wedding ring size

The width is different - from two millimeters to a centimeter. Wedding rings are also produced from gold 750. Jewelers love this alloy for its softness and ease of processing, buyers for its prestige (after all, it contains as much as 75% gold). But such a ring is unstable to scratches and, therefore, short-lived.

An engagement ring made of gold, silver or platinum?

Interesting: gold can take different colors and shades - greenish, pink, white, depending on which metal was added to the alloy: silver, copper, palladium, nickel or zinc.

  • Wedding rings made of silver, although rare, are found. The advantage of them is that they are the most low-budget option.
  • You need an expensive, prestigious, almost eternal ring - take a closer look at platinum ones. Platinum is a beautiful white metal more expensive than gold but much more durable. The platinum ring does not cause allergies, does not lose its luster and goes with any style of clothing.
  • Similar to platinum appearance and hardness wedding rings made of palladium - a rare metal of the platinum group. Rings from it began to be made quite recently, in 2004. Even now they are a rarity, so palladium rings are chosen by newlyweds who want to express their non-standard and originality.

The style of modern wedding rings can be different. There are smooth, faceted, braided, openwork rings, with inserts of another metal, with a rotating insert in the center.

Wedding rings with diamond

Engagement rings with diamonds stand apart. Numerous stones can be arranged in a “path” in the center or along both edges of the ring rim. Or the ring can be decorated with a single large diamond.

Designer wedding rings

If you want your wedding rings to be the only ones in the world, work with a designer and order designer rings from a jeweler. They can be made from a combination of several metals, decorated with any stones, filigree, enamel, decorative inserts.

By ordering such an exclusive, you will get the opportunity to wear it as a wedding ring. real masterpiece jewelry art.

World trends: what wedding rings are in fashion now

Jewelry houses do not disregard the styles of wedding rings. More recently, combined rings of two and three shades of gold (bicolor and tricolor) were at the peak of popularity.

Popular now and this option wedding rings

This year, vintage engagement rings with large semi-antique stones or rings made of artificially aged gold have come into fashion. Vintage style also includes classically shaped gold rings engraved on the outside or inside. The most fashionable engraving is various words of love in Latin.

Which engagement ring to choose and how to choose

Together, in such a way that both of you like their appearance. The same rings on the finger of the husband and wife symbolically connect the couple into a single whole, even when the spouses are not together, so the rings must be paired, that is, they must match each other in design and material.

jewelry planet

Everything you ever wanted to know about engagement rings

"When a woman wears a wedding ring, her friends envy her. When a man wears a wedding ring, his friends sympathize with him..."

At some point, sooner or later, all future spouses must be faced with the question of wedding rings. What should be wedding rings? On which hand are wedding rings worn? What is the difference between an engagement ring and an engagement ring? We decided to answer these and other questions with the help of this article, bringing together all the information available about wedding rings that you may need when choosing them ...

What does the wedding ring symbolize?

The closed model of the ring, which has neither beginning nor end, embodies infinity, unity and eternal love, it is for this reason that this type of jewelry has become an essential attribute of all lovers. When you put a ring on your companion's finger, you tell him without words that now you and him are one, indivisible. According to archaeological excavations, wedding rings were worn as early as Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece. Moreover, people of the lower classes wore rings made of simple, base metals and materials, and more aristocratic couples wore rings made of gold. Golden rings not only testified to the immortal love of the spouses, but also confirmed their high material status. The tradition of wearing wedding rings dates back several millennia, only the design of this type of jewelry has changed.

On which hand is the wedding ring worn?

Of course, most people know that the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance, because people different nationalities wearing wedding rings different hands. In Russia, as well as Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Poland, Greece and some other Orthodox countries, a husband and wife wear a wedding ring on their right hand.

But in England, Turkey, Armenia, Finland, Australia, USA, Mexico, Italy, Slovakia, Japan, Syria and some other countries - on the left hand. For the most part, rings are worn on the left hand in Catholic and Protestant countries.

On which finger is a wedding ring worn?

The wedding ring is worn on the ring finger - the fourth in a row from thumb, which is located between the little finger and middle finger. Since ancient times, it is believed that a vein passes through this finger, going straight to the heart, and the heart, in turn, has always been considered the main symbol of love. By putting a ring on your ring finger, you metaphorically put it on your heart and the heart of a loved one. IN European countries the ring finger is called "ring", and the countries of the Far East - "medicinal", since it is they who are most often used to stir medicines.

What should be the wedding ring?

For a long time, wedding rings were made in the most simple, concise design. The only thing that has always remained the main and unchanged parameter is that all wedding rings have always been made exclusively of gold. Why gold? – Because it is the most durable, beautiful and noble a precious metal, which over the years has maintained its perfect original view. It does not darken or tarnish like silver, has a very affordable cost and always retains its sunny bright luster. IN Lately it became popular to buy wedding rings from white gold and platinum. Such jewelry is distinguished by a noble silvery-whitish radiance, they are more expensive, but they also look very bright and original. Not so long ago, engagement rings with diamonds came into fashion. The decoration can have one stone or several, it all depends on your taste and financial opportunities. The diamond is the king of all stones, has the best physical and aesthetic characteristics and has the ability to accumulate the positive energy of its owners and help a person in his positive aspirations. That is why in wedding rings a faceted diamond was chosen as a companion to gold. However, some people think that in order to family life was smooth, wedding rings should also be chosen with a smooth surface. To believe folk signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. Just listen to yourself and do what makes you feel more comfortable and calm.

How to wear a wedding ring?

Once upon a time in Russia there were two concepts in everyday life - an engagement ring and a wedding ring. The first groom presented to the girl to express his intention to marry. If the desires of both coincided, the girl accepted the ring, if not, she rejected it. Before a wedding or a wedding, the girl took off such a ring, and the groom put another ring on the bride's hand - a wedding one. After the ceremony, the girl put on a wedding ring over a wedding ring. After the Synod united the concepts of betrothal and wedding in 1755, the spouses began to exchange rings once, only on the day of the wedding or wedding. Today, when it has become fashionable to renew old traditions, and the trends of stacked rings burst into life (when several jewelry are put on one ring at once), it is quite possible to wear an engagement and wedding ring at the same time.

What is the difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring?

The main difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring is that the former is usually adorned with a central inset stone, usually a diamond. The tradition of proposing with an engagement ring came to us from Europe. Until now, not everyone follows it, but the opportunity, along with the long-awaited offer, to receive a precious gift in addition, brings happiness to absolutely every girl. The beginning of the tradition of giving an engagement ring was laid in the 15th century by the Austrian Duke Maximilian, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, when he decided to marry the first beauty of Europe, Mary of Burgundy, to whom he sent a luxurious ring with a large diamond with a marriage proposal. With this beautiful gesture, he wanted to demonstrate not only his intention to marry, but also the extent of his wealth and the strength of his desire to be with her.

What is the difference between an engagement ring and a regular one?

Back when everyone wore the same wedding rings traditional models, the differences between wedding and ordinary rings were more pronounced and significant. Today, it often happens that the bride and groom choose rings with different designs but in the same style. If you are supporters of the classical approach, in order to distinguish an engagement ring from an ordinary one, you should adhere to the following primary characteristics: 1.) an engagement ring, unlike an ordinary one, must be made of gold (red, yellow or white) or platinum; 2.) wedding rings should have a standard closed shape, which symbolizes the unity and integrity of your couple; 3.) the wedding ring should not have pronounced protruding decorative elements(inset stones - if there are, then they are all deepened in such a way that the surface of the ring is even and smooth), as this will interfere with your everyday life.

Why is a wedding ring worn on the right hand?

In Rus', the right hand (right hand) has always been a symbol of right and good action, as well as God himself (who is depicted in the form of a right hand on many coats of arms of Russian cities). The sign of the cross is made with the right hand, a vow of allegiance is made, and with it people hold the sword in the righteous battle and the tool of labor in daily work. That is why the wedding ring is worn on the right hand.

Can wedding rings be worn before marriage?

Until the middle of the 18th century, wedding rings were worn both before and after the wedding, since earlier wedding rings played the same function that engagement rings play today. Of course, wearing wedding rings symbolizes marital fidelity and eloquently signals that a person is no longer in search, and this feature can come in handy. loving people before they get married. However, the long-awaited wedding ceremony implies that you will put the rings on each other's fingers for the first time, and this will be one of the most memorable moments in your life. Therefore, if you have a wedding planned, you do not need to spoil your own pleasure by prematurely putting on wedding rings. Another thing is if you are not going to get married. In this case, of course, you can exchange rings without a wedding, so that it is they, and not a stamp in your passport, that symbolically capture your union.

Some unmarried women wear a ring on their ring finger in order to, by showing the ring on their cherished finger, cut off attempts to get acquainted with the outside without offense and unnecessary words. unnecessary men.

Some believe that wearing wedding rings before the wedding is a bad omen, and wearing this type of jewelry prematurely can lead to the cancellation of the ceremony itself. Like it or not, no one can say - it's just a popular belief. In any case, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to the engagement ring before the wedding.

What are the best wedding rings to buy?

Modern jewelry fashion offers future spouses such a rich assortment of different wedding rings that it is not difficult to get confused when choosing them. When it comes to design, you have to listen to yourself and decide how you want your wedding rings to look - traditional classic or modern and unusual with original design. In any case, it is important to buy engagement rings from a trusted jewelry store that guarantee high quality jewelry. In the case of wedding rings, this is especially important, because they will be with you throughout your life, and it is necessary that, over time, the decoration does not fade and does not lose its luster. Therefore, when choosing wedding rings, pay attention not only to their design and price, but also to the sample of the jewelry. The ideal option are considered products of the 585th test, which have ideal ratio prices and quality.

Can wedding rings be exchanged for new ones?

A huge number of popular beliefs and signs are associated with wedding rings. It is believed that wedding rings should not be given to anyone to measure - neither before nor after the wedding. That wedding rings must be new. The only exceptions are parental rings - and then if the marriage of the parents is happy and long and has been successfully lasting for more than a dozen years. It is considered not a good omen to drop a wedding ring in a registry office or church. They say it portends long separation. But the question of whether it is possible to change wedding rings for new ones cannot be answered so unambiguously. It is likely that during the preparation for the wedding you were in a hurry, did not pay due attention to the choice of beautiful wedding rings and purchased them in a hurry. And then you didn’t like them or it turned out that this is not your size. It is believed that if you were married only in the registry office, then it is permissible to change wedding rings. If you went through a wedding ceremony in a church, it is undesirable to change wedding rings for new ones.

Who buys wedding rings for a wedding?

Wedding rings are chosen by the future spouses together, as they should be equally liked by both. The groom, as the future head of the family, must pay for the decorations.

On which hand do Muslims wear a wedding ring?

In Turkey, for example, the engagement ring, which is given by the groom to the bride before the wedding, is worn by the chosen one on the right hand, and the engagement ring after the wedding is worn on the left. Also in men. But due to the fact that Muslim men cannot wear gold, they prefer silver products. They quite often give gold rings and bracelets to their chosen one. Those who are not very religious practice wearing gold themselves.

On which hand do Catholics wear a wedding ring?

According to biblical legend, Joseph put the ring on the Virgin Mary middle finger left hand. Following the example from scripture, Catholics also wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand. So to speak - "closer to the heart."

Can wedding rings be shown before the wedding?

There is nothing wrong with showing someone your wedding rings before the wedding. The main thing is that the person to whom you show the ring, by chance, not wishing harm to anyone, should not try it on his finger. This is considered really not a very good omen, since wedding rings in without fail must be new and unworn.

Wedding rings, like the outfit of the bride and groom, wedding jewelry, the bride's bouquet, are required attribute any wedding. Nowadays, the bride's dress, limousine and other attributes can be rented, while wedding rings are a kind of symbol of family happiness that remains on long years in our life. How to choose the right wedding ring, how it should be, what material it is made of, etc. - all these questions will be considered in this article.

Engagement and wedding ring.
First you need to understand the concepts of "engagement ring" and "wedding ring", as many consider them synonymous. But this is far from true. Wedding ring future husband gives to the girl during the engagement. But at the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom already exchange wedding rings (but in the article the term wedding ring will have the meaning of a wedding ring). In addition, these rings differ from each other in appearance. As a rule, wedding rings are made in the shape of a barrel or flat shape from one type of metal, and the engagement ring must be with a precious stone, usually a diamond. It is believed that a diamond on a wedding ring is a symbol of the purity and strength of love bonds. It also happens that the wedding ring is a family jewel, which is inherited by the mother of the groom. During the wedding ceremony, the bride takes off her wedding ring. She can wear it over the wedding, but after the ceremony. Whether or not to give an engagement ring depends on the groom, his financial capabilities and the generosity of the soul.

According to Christian customs, wedding rings should be simple, no frills. It's a sign marital fidelity and obligations. Nowadays, more and more couples want their engagement rings to be embellished with diamonds or other precious stones. But in the end, the choice of an engagement ring depends entirely on your taste. It must be remembered that an engagement ring is a piece of jewelry that you will wear every day.

Choice of rings.
Traditionally, the groom buys the wedding rings. Since this is his first gift to his future wife, the choice must be approached with special responsibility. After all, a wedding ring is a symbol for a woman. happy marriage. Wedding rings can be inherited by parents to children, but this is only if their marriage was happy and long. It is believed that such a marriage will also be happy and successful. In no case should you buy wedding rings from your hands, as there is a high probability of being deceived. Also, it's bad luck to wear an engagement ring that someone else has already worn before you (exception, hereditary rings). Of course, there is a possibility of this, but still do not forget that a happy family life can only be if there is love and mutual understanding between spouses.

Even though the groom buys the rings, it's best to do it together. First, you must decide on the type of metal that the engagement ring will be made from. This, in turn, depends on the color you prefer (gold, pure gold, rose gold, red gold, yellow gold, platinum or a combination of several shades of gold). In addition, decide whether something will be written on the wedding ring, whether it will be decorated with precious stones. There are many astrological predictions for the choice of stones, many recommend choosing stones that match the color of the eyes or hair. In addition to precious stones, the wedding ring can be decorated with semi-precious stones if you prefer those.

Precious stones include: diamond, natural pearls, emerald, ruby, alexandrite, sapphire. The semi-precious ones are: cultured pearls, turquoise, topaz, amethyst, hyacinth, rhinestone, beryl, garnet, Moonstone, chrysoberyl, chrome diopside, tourmaline, chrysoprase, chrysolite, spinel. TO ornamental stones include: jasper, agate, aventurine, coral, amber, carnelian, bloodstone, jade, rhodonite. In any case, when choosing a gemstone, it is necessary to consult a jeweler about its properties. For example, turquoise ages and changes color, sapphire can darken, and emerald is a very fragile stone.

Of course, most brides dream of a diamond engagement ring, or at least one. The diamond is a symbol of the uniqueness and constancy of love between a man and a woman. However, the presence of gems on the engagement ring makes it more expensive, so not all young couples can afford it. Most men are completely indifferent to diamond rings.

What rings fit.
Owners of thin and long fingers massive or stacked rings are suitable, as well as those made in a horizontal design. In general, rings of any shape and size, except for small ones, are suitable for such women. They will simply be lost on such a hand. For women who have short fingers, it is better not to get wide rings, as the fingers will look even shorter. But you can visually lengthen the hand with the help of a ring made in a vertically stretched design. An asymmetrical ring and triangular motifs will help to make the look of plump fingers more piquant, as they hide the fullness well. If you have a plump hand, avoid round rings with a large stone. round shape, this will make the already not thin handle fuller. The hands of the "male" warehouse must be decorated with wide rings with inserts of large precious stones. They visually reduce the hand.

The width of the ring is a personal choice for everyone. As a rule, men choose wider and women narrower rings, considering them more comfortable. The classic shape of the engagement ring looks like a smooth strip of gold. But they can also be grooved. Classic wedding rings are made in the form of a traditional smooth strip of gold. But they can also be corrugated. The rings of the bride and groom look great if they are not too different from each other, or have the same decorated elements.

Nowadays, they are very popular jewelry notched. To make a pattern on a ring in the form of a notch, 585 or 750 gold is suitable. Gold of the highest standard (950) is not used due to the softness of the metal, which can crack during operation. In addition, the notches made on it will be erased over time. Platinum can be used, but the pleasure is not cheap. Recently, engraving of inscriptions on a wedding ring has been in demand (words of love and fidelity, names, inscriptions in Latin, dates and much more). The message should be small and concise, in addition, it should be easy to read.

Usually engraving is ordered in the salon where the rings are purchased. The cost of the work will be determined based on the number of letters, numbers in the inscription, the type of font used, how it will be done (manually or on the machine). The metal for engraving will go the same as for notching.

When choosing a ring, the main point is the design and preferences. Remember that an engagement ring is for life. Therefore, you should not buy it in the first salon near your home. In addition, the wedding ring must be tried on several times, held on your hand for several minutes, and make sure that it is the right size for you. If the engagement ring is adorned with a stone, you need to make sure that the stone is right for you. You can check this quite simply by putting the ring on the palm of your hand. right hand. Left hand in this case, it is necessary to bring it closer to the stone and hold it for some time. You can safely buy a ring if you feel comfortable, warm, peaceful. And vice versa, if the stone blows cold, then the ring is not worth buying. If you still did not find something that would suit you, you can contact the jewelry workshop with a request to make exclusive models.

After the purchase, wedding rings traditionally remain with the groom or his witness until the ceremony at the registry office or church. The main thing is that by putting the ring on the finger of your future wife or spouse, your feelings are sincere, and you are ready for the fact that you will live your whole life together.

It has its roots in deep antiquity. And, despite changes in society, customs and values, they still remain a symbol of boundless love and devotion. In addition, a wedding is a significant and sacred event in the life of every couple, covered with special mysticism and superstitions. The Svadbagolik.ru portal will tell you about signs about wedding rings.

How to choose the right wedding rings

Choosing and buying wedding rings is a very responsible and serious task. Here it is important to take into account the traditions and personal preferences of the young. There are a lot of folk wedding signs on this occasion. So, in Russia, a predominantly Orthodox country, there is a special sign about a wedding ring. It is accepted that it be smooth and without decorations. This symbolizes the calm and balanced life of the future family.

It is not uncommon for parents to give their wedding rings as a sign of the continuity of generations and traditions. This option is acceptable, but on the condition that the marriage of the givers was long and happy. Then this baton will pass to the new owners of the rings. According to Slavic signs and superstitions, wedding rings of grandparents who celebrated a golden wedding will bring special luck.

Can I buy wedding rings in advance? Our answer is yes! There are several tips on how to choose the right engagement ring.

Firstly, both the groom and the bride should go shopping together. This symbolizes the integrity and cohesion of the family. Together they must decide on the metal of the product, the presence of decorative elements and other aesthetic nuances. In addition, it would be useful to consult with a jeweler who will tell you about all the intricacies of care and advise on how best to engrave on rings. And a good sign will be the purchase of a kit in one place on the same day.

If you want a product with a stone, then you should definitely check how it suits you. To do this, place it on the palm of your right hand and bring the palm of your left hand to it. As soon as you begin to feel warmth and calmness, then this is your stone, feel free to buy a ring.

Can wedding rings be measured before marriage?

First of all, we note that there are two types of wedding rings - engagement and engagement. The first is offered by a man to his woman in exchange for agreeing to be his wife. If the decision is positive, then she must wear this ring until the wedding. The signs associated with the engagement ring say that only the groom should choose and buy it, without the participation of the bride. Otherwise future family threaten frequent quarrels and conflicts.

As for wedding rings, here folk signs do not recommend trying them on before the wedding, except for the moment of purchase. According to beliefs Jewelry can accumulate in themselves the energy of a person and his feelings. And, trying on an engagement ring in advance, you try on a new one. social role which has not been received yet. Thus, you weaken its sacred protective properties.

If the wedding ring is large: sign and decision

It happens that the ring bought before the wedding in size one day becomes large and begins to fall off the finger. According to the sign, if the wedding ring is large, then happiness and love run away with it. Therefore, urgent action must be taken. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Move the decoration to the middle finger, which is thicker than the ring finger. This option is suitable both men and women.
  2. You can hang the ring on a chain and wear it around your neck. In this case, the symbol of love and fidelity runs the risk of becoming another decoration.
  3. The most logical thing is to contact a jeweler who will fit the ring to the desired size.

Also, don't forget about radical method. If you are not superstitious, then you can simply stop wearing the ring. The main thing is that both partners are calm about this.

What other signs about wedding rings are there?

All other wedding signs and superstitions about rings can be divided into two parts: what happens at the wedding itself, and what happens after it.

During the wedding:

  • If the ring falls to the floor while painting in the registry office, then the marriage will then be short and difficult. To neutralize this effect, you must immediately thread the thread through the fallen ring and burn it to the one who dropped it.
  • When one of the couple marries not for the first time, then in this case it is highly recommended not to use the old ring. Popular rumor says that then all the difficulties and problems will pass into the next marriage.
  • After the bride has a wedding ring on her finger, she and the groom are strictly forbidden to pick up an empty ring box. The box should be picked up by a bridesmaid who wants to get married as soon as possible.

Signs after the wedding

Don't forget there are a number folk signs how to deal with wedding rings and after the wedding. So, in any case, do not let anyone measure your rings. Otherwise, you risk giving this person a part of your family happiness.

Unfortunately, sometimes life develops in such a way that the family loses one of its members. If divorce is to blame, then the surest thing to do would be to get rid of the ring: sell it, throw it away. Do not re-gift or melt down, because according to folk beliefs it saves negative energy, which will be transferred along with the metal.

There are also recommendations for widows and widowers. As a symbol of love for a departed person, the wedding ring can be left on, but worn on the ring finger of the other hand. The question of whether it is possible to wear a husband's wedding ring to his wife is rather controversial. On the one hand, this is also a symbol of good memory, but you should not forget about the energy of the departed person either.

If you happen to find a wedding ring dropped by someone, then know that this is a very happy omen. For family people it symbolizes happiness life together, for unmarried and unmarried - a harbinger of a long and successful marriage.

What to do if the bride has lost her engagement ring?

On this occasion, there are a lot of superstitions, from the most harmless to frankly terrible, prophesying the imminent death of one of the spouses. In any case, if the engagement or wedding ring is lost, and in the worst case, when it was stolen, then it is not necessary to immediately look for it. bad omen. The main thing is to remain calm, not to panic, but to go to the same jewelry store where it was purchased and order a duplicate.

As you can see, signs are sometimes not the most joyful. Therefore, everything depends, in the end, on their own feelings and feelings of a married couple. And the portal site reminds: relationships are decorated not by things, but by real actions!