How to marry a Czech. Helpful information. Czech notes. Czech about men of different nationalities

Many Russian and Ukrainian girls have a dream to marry a foreigner. Someone dreams of marrying an American, someone for an Englishman, and someone is looking for closer "Slavic" options. Most girls dream of marrying a Czech. hope for their Slavic roots, which means a close mentality.

In fact, there are many examples of successful marriages with Europeans, including Czechs. But, rather, this is an exception to the rule. Basically, the reason for unsuccessful marriages with Czechs, and with other foreigners, is the difference in mentality and culture.

The main reasons for wanting to marry a Czech

  • Alcoholism is less common. Perhaps, for a Russian woman, a non-drinking husband is a real happiness and a gift of fate. Indeed, many marriages in Russia fail precisely because of alcoholism, so many girls are ready to move to live abroad so that their husband does not drink. In the Czech Republic, representatives of the strong half of humanity rarely drink too much.
  • It is more prestigious to live in a European country, because it is a developed country and a developed society.
  • Europeans appreciate the natural beauty of a woman. Actually it is. Men do not require a woman to constantly wear stilettos, uncomfortable but sexy dresses. In European countries, including the Czech Republic, men strengthen their position in society not at the expense of the beauty and appearance of their woman, but at the expense of their personal qualities and successes.
  • Czechs and Europeans are more gallant and attentive to their woman than Russians. It is difficult to argue with this circumstance.

Why you should not marry a Czech

  • Many Russian girls, when they decide to marry a Czech, naively believe that they have a lot in common, because. both are of Slavic origin. In fact, Czechs are more like Europeans, especially Austrians and Germans. This applies to everything: mentality, culture and, of course, religion. Like most Europeans, Czechs are Catholics. If everything is clear with cultural differences and religion, then many girls do not understand what the difference in mentalities is. Everything is very simple. For example, in a restaurant on a first date, a Czech will rarely pay for a girl. This is due to the fact that the Czechs really appreciate the money they earn and will not spend it on an unfamiliar, albeit very attractive, girl. This practice is very common in European countries, so you should always carry a wallet with you and carefully look at its cost when ordering a certain dish. It is worth noting that the point is not greed, the Czechs are very generous people, but practicality and pragmatism.
  • The language barrier. Young Czechs do not speak Russian and speak little English. Therefore, a girl who decides to marry a Czech needs to somehow cross this barrier.
  • Many Russian girls are accustomed to certain courtship at the initial stage of the relationship, to the so-called "candy-bouquet" period. There is no such concept in the Czech Republic. Of course, a man takes care of his woman, gives her flowers, but this is considered optional.
  • Europeans are reluctant to marry. It is very common partnership or civil marriage. There are cases when a man and a woman are already over 50 years old, they have children, but they are still not in official relations. Czechs, like Europeans, primarily strive for a career, and not to create a cozy nest. Many Russian girls do not take this fact into account, and then they constantly quarrel with their Czech boyfriends, because. not accustomed to this state of affairs.
  • Czechs love active and independent girls. Here it is customary for the girl to work on an equal footing with the man. Even after the birth of a child, in the Czech Republic, girls tend to go to work as soon as possible, while men do not interfere with this in any way, rather, they support, and sometimes insist. There is no such thing as "stay at home". Of course, there are times when it is difficult for a woman to find a job. In this case, she is highly dependent on the man, and often marriages break up precisely because of the woman’s dependence on the man, and as a result, constant reproaches. The same picture is familiar to Russia.
  • Difference in behavior. In this case, the reproach is not in the direction of Russian girls, but in the direction of Czech men. The fact is that Czechs, even in the presence of an unfamiliar girl, can tell vulgar jokes and show sexual interest even on the first date.
  • Difference in lifestyle. The Czechs are very active. They love sports and outdoor activities. In the summer, they rarely go out for barbecues. Much more often they visit swimming pools, ride bicycles, run in parks, roller-skate. In winter, ski resorts are very often visited. Agree, this lifestyle is not suitable for everyone, you need to be properly prepared for it, both mentally and physically.

As a conclusion to this article, I would like to note that there are more minuses than pluses. Therefore, is it worth leaving your homeland in order to marry a Czech and be unhappy with him. Of course, there are happy marriages between a Russian girl and a foreigner. As a rule, Russian girls in marriage are happier with Serbs and Slovaks. Again, it's all about mentality. Slovaks are closer to the Slavs, they are cheerful, sociable, do not delay getting married and will never let a girl pay for herself in a restaurant. If we talk about the Serbs, they are even closer in mentality, religion and culture to the Russians. However, there is a patriarchal attitude towards women. Here it is customary for a woman to obey her husband, but if a Russian woman manages to make a Serb fall in love with herself and establish the right relationship with him, then she will be happy in marriage.

It is worth noting that young Russian guys prove by their example that the attitude of the nation to alcohol is changing. Today, most Russian guys are no less purposeful, courteous and attentive than foreigners. Therefore, perhaps young Russian girls should pay attention to their compatriots.

For several years now, Zdenek Hromadka has been flying to St. Petersburg every two months to meet his daughter Anechka, whom his ex-wife, Russian citizen Olga Kozlova, abducted in April 2008 from Prague, where the girl was born. The inconsolable father has been seeking the return of his daughter to the Czech Republic all this time. There is a court decision to transfer custody of the child to the father, but its execution is unlikely. Russia does not extradite its citizens, and the mother quickly issued Russian citizenship for the girl.

Today, 30 cases of illegal export of children from the Czech Republic by one of the parents are known. Because of these statistics, charities are calling for extreme caution in mixed international marriages.

Undoubtedly, the emergence of litigation regarding the custody of children after a divorce is a matter of imperfection of the legislation. About 150,000 married couples get divorced in Russia every year, and most of them have children. And only half of the divorced spouses agree to the world about communicating with children.

The rest are either not interested in their own children at all, or they put up all sorts of obstacles for a child to communicate with a spouse (usually a father). Is it any wonder that women, leaving a foreign country for home, use the imperfection of the legislation to prevent the father from communicating with the child.

Information is the key to a successful marriage

Most often, family problems with a foreign husband are associated with unjustified expectations. In Russia, it is generally accepted that “abroad” is a beautiful, comfortable life. And this is often the reason for looking for a husband in another country.

Often it all starts with an online dating, continues with almost no words romantic relationships, a marriage is concluded, in which everyone has their own mythical expectations. A Czech husband thinks that a Russian wife, unlike a Czech, will be a hard-working, loving, caring homebody. After all, many Czechs associate a Russian woman with Nastenka from the fairy tale Morozko. At the same time, the Russian wife is waiting for wealth, an easy and fun life, when everything is there and everything is possible.

Needless to say, such a marriage is doomed to divorce. Because Russian girls have long been emancipated and striving for a luxurious life, and Czech men are not at all so rich. Added to the disappointment are the standard charms of European life, which Russians forget about. These are incredibly high utility bills when you have to learn how to shower at odd hours, turn off your lights, and keep your batteries at full blast.

This is respect for the law and compliance with many rules. Plus a different mentality: when visiting only by invitation and without a goal to eat; when to report a bad action of a neighbor is not squealing, but a responsible civic position; when parents do not provide for their adult children, and grandmothers do not consider it their duty to sit with their grandchildren.

Of course, every person who marries a foreigner should study the peculiarities of life in this country, the culture of this people, its traditions and customs. Then there will be no bitter disappointments. It is important to find a common language even before marriage. Can't learn Czech while in Russia? You can communicate in English. Every young Czech knows it at a sufficient level, and in Russia learning English is available.

There are many mixed international marriages in the Czech Republic. Among them there are both real and fictitious, prisoners with the aim of obtaining a residence permit in the Czech Republic by people from third countries. In an effort to uncover fictitious marriages, the Aliens Police conduct unpleasant home checks and humiliating interviews with spouses in different rooms, which our compatriots call interrogations.

Opinions of Russian wives

And here is what Russian women who married a Czech say about their marriage.

Anna, married to a Czech for 12 years:

“Having arrived in the Czech Republic, I was amazed at how wonderful men are here: they cook food, do housework, love children. My husband turned out to be an exception (laughs): he doesn’t know how to cook, he doesn’t do anything around the house, we never had children. Sometimes I jokingly ask him if he is really Czech. In fact, I have nothing to compare with - I had no other husband. But I believe that in personal relationships, only the personality of people plays a role, and not the nationality or the language they speak. Those who want to agree will always agree. And differences in mentality are not important here. Each family is a separate state with its own traditions and way of life.”

Maria, married to a Czech for 2.5 years:

“We are going through a difficult period in our relationship. We almost got divorced before the baby was born. The reasons are primarily material. They took a mortgage on an apartment, my husband lost his job, there is nothing to pay. They were forced to sell the apartment, move to rented housing. And the birth of a child is always a test for the family. But I hope we can make it. And I didn’t notice any difference in mentality.”

Oksana, was married to a Czech for 3 years, divorced:

“I think the reason for our divorce was precisely the difference in views and upbringing. I believe that a man should be strong, be able to defend his rights and the rights of his family. Czechs are brought up differently. The feeling that next to me was not a man, but a timid boy, that I was the head of the family, did not leave me.

Elena, married to a Czech for 6 years:

“I am happily married. We have two wonderful children. Perhaps there will be more. Everything happens in life. The main thing is to be able to love and trust a loved one. From the moment we met, we had no problems with mutual understanding. At first, the language of communication was English. Then Vojta learned Russian, and I learned Czech. By the way, he knows Russian better than I do Czech, although we live in the Czech Republic. I really like to go to visit his parents, and he - to go to mine.

Veronika, married to a Czech for 5 years:

“I came to the Czech Republic with my parents at the age of 15. And I don't perceive Czech men as special. For me, on the contrary, Russian guys have always been exotic. I lived half my life in the Czech Republic, it is dearer to me than Russia.

The Czech Republic is an incredibly romantic country with the same people. Many girls aspire to be here as the wife of a local man, rightly expecting many pleasant moments of spending time together with their chosen one. In addition, to marry a Czech means to move to a country that provides a much higher standard of living, to which most of our compatriots are accustomed. In this article, we will go into a bit more detail about what to expect when planning a Czech citizen as a life partner.

Czech connoisseurs

What you can’t refuse the Czechs is the ability to appreciate beauty. This, of course, is not surprising - in the European world, which is becoming more emancipated from year to year, and in which women no longer consider it necessary to try to look feminine, the natural beauty of our girls has become even more popular. But the Czechs, unlike some other European nations, do not pursue temporary beauty, but know how to appreciate its fragility and transience. Be sure that the Czech will not leave you just because he doesn't like you - their mentality simply does not allow you to do this. Naturalness is held in high esteem by the Czechs - when meeting them, just be yourself, you don’t need to specifically try to seem spectacular or overly sexy. This approach is unlikely to give a result - you are more likely to scare a man away with your artificiality. Believe me, many such women live next door to him, and if he were interested in these features, he would have found a wife in his homeland without any problems. But since he went abroad, it means that he is looking for something else. Try to give it to him.

The Czechs are a very active nation. This manifests itself in everything from their behavior in society to their preferred types of recreation. So if you expected to sit quietly at home doing household chores, then think again - your Czech husband will most likely not support this desire. Most of them are very talkative and never go into their pockets for a word - thanks to this skill, they have practically no equal in the ability to care for and make compliments. So the bouquet and candy period will be filled with unforgettable emotions, be sure. Czechs also prefer to spend their free time not sitting on the couch. The nature of this country provides many places to visit on hikes, moreover, most of them enjoy cycling.

Despite such emotionality, the features of a typical European are not alien to the Czechs - pragmatism, frugality, diligence. This is explained not so much by the influence of European values, but by the natural state of affairs in the country - the Czech Republic is still among the developing countries of the European Union. Therefore, they are not used to throwing money around here and will not.

How is life in the Czech Republic?

What the European Union calls a "developing economy" can only be a dream to us in our realities. Therefore, even not the highest standard of living in comparison with other European countries will seem to us much more comfortable than it seems to the Czechs themselves. So marriage with a Czech is also attractive from this point of view - the economic and political situation in the country is higher than ours, and much more stable. In addition, with a perspective, the European Union is interested in the development of its members, therefore it constantly feeds the Czech Republic and helps it to carry out development reforms.

The state of the Czech Republic is famous for its beer, which is considered one of the best in the world, but the Czechs themselves, at the same time, do not drink it as often as you might think. The level of alcoholism in the country is extremely low. But what the Czechs are very zealous about is their own cuisine. They are very fond of delicious food. If you have an idea about the local cuisine (dumplings, meat in various forms, soups), and know how to cook it, then this will be your serious advantage.

In the Czech Republic, perhaps more than in other European countries, it is important to learn the local language. Czechs don't take well to people who don't know Czech. And no concessions, just because you are a visitor, no one will do you. If you have plans to move for a long time, start learning the language in advance.

Family Institute in the Czech Republic

Czechs, like most other peoples of Europe, as a rule, are in no hurry to enter into official marriages, preferring civil marriages to them. But if the Czech is still going to get married "for real", then he will do it beautifully and according to all the rules - in the cathedral, with a large number of guests, throughout the ceremony. Most of the people who believe in the country are Catholics, so they take the wedding ceremony seriously. This can also explain the Czech's attachment to the family - he will always try to make sure that she is in the first place in his list of priorities.

Czech women, however, rarely stay at home. Most of them, following the example of Western girlfriends, want to build a career first, and only then start a serious relationship and build a family. Traditionally for Europe people get married here late. Many Czechs do not like this state of affairs, and this is one of the reasons why some of them are looking for a soul mate abroad.

Registration of documents for marriage with a Czech

When you officially register your family relationship with a Czech, both of you will repeatedly have to pass a test for the sincerity of feelings. If the local police doubt the purity of your intentions, then they can easily delay the entire process. So from the very beginning, as soon as you arrive in the country and settle with your future husband, you need to go to the police station and apply to register as a cohabitant of a Czech citizen. Several inspections may come to your home to make sure that you really live together as a couple. You may also be called in to conduct individual interviews. You should not be afraid of them - if you have nothing to hide, then these conversations will not be any problems.

Do not forget about the preliminary preparation of documents. You will need:

  • passport and visa;
  • birth certificate (translated and certified in the Czech Republic);
  • certificate of registration (can be issued at the Consulate, but can be done at home, must be issued at the Housing Office);
  • certificate of marital status (we do not issue it, you can issue it at the Consulate).

It is better to check the exact list at the place of residence of the husband. After that, you take all the papers to the mayor's office, where they are checked and permission is issued for the ceremony.

How and where to get acquainted with the Czech

As we have already said, many Czech men seek to find a spouse abroad. There are quite a lot of single men here - about one in five. This is due to the already mentioned emancipation of local women, as well as their unwillingness to start a serious relationship.

Therefore, the Czech Republic, as a state and the local population, is absolutely calm about such a phenomenon as an international marriage - this is not perceived as a deviation from the norm or something like that. If you know the Czech language and do not violate local laws, then no one will look into your passport.

Ways of acquaintance with the Czechs are not original. You can go here on vacation, you can try to find a citizen of this country in your city. As an option, find Czech courses with native speakers, one of the consultants may well be in an active search for a soulmate.

All these methods, however, are extremely unreliable and inefficient. Searches can take you a lot of time and money, but bring no results. Because no one guarantees that you will find a man interested in creating a family, or if you find that he will be able to organize your joint family life at the proper level.

Another common method - online dating - is dubious for the same reasons. It does not allow you to know in advance what kind of person you will turn out to be in reality, and it is clearly not worth focusing solely on the profile on the site in such an important matter as creating a family. So it turns out that the only way, perhaps, that eliminates all the shortcomings already mentioned is marriage agencies and their teams of professionals.

Marriage Agency Paradise Date

In Kharkiv, the only company that has earned its impeccable reputation over the years is Paradise Date. Established in 2008, the agency has already formed more than a hundred happy international families, each of which was born within the walls of his office.

All that is required of a girl who wants to use the services of an agency is to come to the office, fill out a short questionnaire about herself and attach a few photos to it, which can be taken right there in the agency's studio. Photos are a very important point, because a man who will get access to the agency's database will be guided by them.

Not everyone gets the right to see photos of girls - first, a man must confirm that he is not married and that he is financially wealthy in order to accept another member into his family - his future wife. Thanks to this check, the girls are protected in advance from many risks - they are sure that they get a chance to connect their lives with an accomplished man.

Thanks to the great experience and solid reputation, men from a large number of countries turn to Paradise Date - girls get the opportunity to get married in the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Sweden, Israel, the USA and many other countries. The representative of each of them needs its own approach, and the agency's consultants will certainly help with its selection. At no stage of cooperation, the girl is left alone - she is constantly supported. Please, Paradise Date will definitely help you.

What are they, Czechs? What's on their mind? What is important to them in a relationship? And how do they imagine their life together?

Finding a soul mate is not an easy task, not to mention how difficult it is in a foreign country.
Here I will try to write all the most important things that I managed to learn about Czech men and their attitude towards Eastern European girls. Suddenly, who will come in handy.

1. Czechs are very strong prejudice concerning women from Eastern Europe. They are sure that it is enough for a woman to jump out to marry them, and she will receive citizenship. This, of course, is nonsense. First, it is impossible to obtain citizenship in this way. You can obtain Czech citizenship only after 10 years of residence in the Czech Republic. (To be more precise, 5 years after receiving "permanent residence", which, in turn, you receive only after 5 years of temporary residence in the Czech Republic.) Marriage with a Czech will not speed up this procedure, but it can complicate it - because if you, for example, change "reason" for living from work to family, the countdown of years occurs again from scratch. Such is the bureaucratic nonsense. Therefore, in no case should you change your work visa (residence permit) for the so-called "certificate of a family member of a citizen of an EU country"! Despite the fact that with such a crust you can get permanent residence after 3 years, your previous years of residence go down the drain. Keep that in mind and don't be tempted ;)

2. Another strong one stereotype- "cunning Eastern European women get married, give birth to children, get divorced and leave with children (!) forever to where they came from." This is what I also heard about Ukrainians / Russians. What should move such a woman, I could not understand. Naturally, there are such cases, and such conclusions were probably drawn on the basis of some shocking news report, but it is difficult to find logic in these conclusions.

3. Czech men are generally very kind to children. That is, if in Ukraine it is mainly women who want children, then in the Czech Republic men are increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands. I have X girlfriends and acquaintances aged 28-32 who don't particularly want to have children ("I don't want to yet", "I don't have time", "later"). Ordinary girls are employed or develop their own business, play sports, and travel. And, of course, I know their "partners" (as they say here) who oooooooooochen, well oooooooochen want children. The position of men is understandable - it is not for them to bear, give birth and spend time with a child one-on-one in a row for several years. But the situation is such that when you go on maternity leave, most women will have to forget about their profession, career, hobbies and many sports. Moreover, social contacts are lost, and if by some miracle you don’t keep them, then very soon you will find yourself a deeply isolated mother “with milk in your brain”, as they say here (sorry for the misogyny, I didn’t want to offend anyone). Therefore, in Czech families, it is absolutely normal for a mother to leave her child in the care of her husband at least once or twice a week and go about her business (fitness, lunch with friends, shopping, etc.). Moreover, this is done from the very first months of a child's life - this is how they get used to the fact that the mother is not always at home, and that in general the mother has her own personal activities. On the other hand, in the Czech Republic it is not at all automatic that grandparents are "in the wings". This approach is the exception rather than the rule. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the Czech Republic, several generations never live in the same living space. Maybe because renting an apartment here is very easy, or because children are usually born at an age when there is education, a stable income, self-sufficiency and financial independence, and there is no need to live with parents. I would return to the fundamental financial self-sufficiency of the Czechs separately, probably when I write about student life and how to earn a crown or two as a student.

3a. A little more about tolerance Czech husbands. Czechs have quite a common type of summer/winter vacation: leave their children and husband at home and, having agreed with their friends, fly to warmer climes on vacation or go skiing to some ski resort. Just at the moment, one of my friends is spending time in the Italian Dolomites while her 10-year-old son and father are waiting for her at home. I forgot to mention that in the Czech Republic usually vacation corresponds to 20-25 days a year. Therefore, this, of course, is not the only vacation of a friend. On average, it is customary to go on vacation 2-3 times a year. At the same time, once a year, roughly speaking, a person goes on vacation not with his family, but with friends. (My darling will also soon go skating with colleagues in the Alps, it just suits me: I’m finally going for a manicure, I’ll go to a friend in another city and go to squash)

4. Paradoxically, but with all the desire to have children, the Czechs are not in a hurry marry. Usually Czech men get married at the age of, say, 35+. Some cover up their unwillingness to marry with imaginary arguments like "marriage is not so important" and "without marriage is also not bad." Many live, as they say, on "dog" documents. (by the way, in the Czech Republic they pay a tax on dogs, it seems like a couple of thousand crowns a year or ~ 100 euros). In addition, there is another strange reason why young people do not get married: they are simply afraid of debt from their halves. As you know, the Czech Republic has low interest rates on loans / mortgages, and many are gaining a lot of loans. Prada, not everyone can pay their debts. In this case, if the case cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, they go to court and subsequently an executor comes to the debtor, taking absolutely everything.

4a. Caring for children after divorce. In the Czech Republic, there is a small percentage of couples who, after a divorce, agree on alternate custody. In fact, this means that mother and father spend equal time with their child, and the baby, in turn, has 2 children's rooms and moving with a suitcase to mom / dad once a week / a month (or as the parents agree). This is how a friend lives. But, despite the fact that this state of affairs was the idea of ​​​​her ex-husband, the friend is quite pleased with the situation, because a week or a week later she lives in her apartment herself, which means she has time for yoga, shopping, a beauty salon and your personal life.

5. Generosity. Czech Czech, of course, discord. But by and large, they are tight-fisted by our Eastern European standards. Here it is not customary to give immense bouquets of roses and even to pay in restaurants is not at all "it goes without saying". On the contrary, it is considered normal if a woman sometimes "invites" her to dinner or a sauna. It seemed to me at first a ridiculous ritual, but I did learn to pay some bills at restaurants with ease. (Then a man appeared in my life who does not allow me to do this, which cannot but rejoice me :) But this is rather a bright exception against the background of average statistics.)

6. Czech men happy to cook. Not all, of course. They just don't have this medieval setting that a woman should be able to cook. (She doesn't owe anything to anyone if anyone doesn't know.)

7. Attitude towards sports Men in the Czech Republic are mostly very athletic. Everyone is doing something, from cross-country skiing to roller skating. The attitude to exercise regularly is laid down for children at an early age and does not disappear with time. It must be admitted that in the post-Soviet space there is indeed a kind of unpopularity of sports, especially among the 50+ generation, which is the reason why we drink anti-cellulite teas and rub anti-cellulite creams instead of running, swimming or riding bicycles. Different approaches and, accordingly, different results: in Ukraine, grannies occupy benches in front of the house, and in the Czech Republic, well-groomed pensioners go hiking and do aqua aerobics.

8. Gallantry. Are Czech men gallant? In general and on average - more likely no than yes. Do the Czechs have a concept of upbringing? Yes. Good manners, in the concept of the Czechs, is to enter the restaurant first, so that if there was a fight and glass was flying around the room, the woman would be behind the incoming person. Blow your nose, not "draw in yourself." Say "permission", and not push people with their elbows. Break the bun, not chew it whole. Gallantry is to give up your seat on the tram (usually not practiced), to hold the door in front of a woman (sometimes practiced), to help with luggage or bags (very rarely and this happens). They will also not (in 99% of cases) open and hold the car door when you get into it. It is also unlikely that you will be offered to help put on a coat / hang it on a hanger in a cafe or restaurant. For example, do not project onto the Czechs what you are used to in your native country. And most importantly, don't take it personally. It's just that they're accepted/not accepted. If disagreements about etiquette do arise, the easiest way to resolve such a dilemma is to put it out of your mind, and not try to convince your partner that opening and holding the door is the norm. By the way, if you are interested in Czech etiquette, I recommend the book by Ladislav Spachk, known as the most important etiquette in the Czech Republic (he, it seems, even advises the president).

9. Sense of humor. The good news is that Czechs have a great sense of humor. The bad news is that it's pretty specific. I must say, for a long time I did not understand when the Czechs are joking and when they are serious. Because of this, a lot of misunderstandings arose. I would say that watching Czech films and knowing history helps to understand Czech humor.

10. Style. What I especially love about Czech men is their ability to dress and present themselves. Yes, we all know those button accordion pictures of socks in sandals - but I hope they are left in the 2000s. A normal Czech will not wear jeans to the theater. For special events like weddings and balls, it is customary to wear at least a suit, and you can also meet elegant men in tuxedos or even tailcoats at such events. If it is customary to dress formally at work, a Czech man will try to wear at least a shirt with trousers. T-shirts and jeans are worn much less often in offices (the exception is programmers, but oh well). Shorts are generally considered an unacceptable form of clothing for the office. In general, Czechs do not wear sportswear in the city (unless they go to sports). That is, you will not 100% meet a man in sweatpants and a sweatshirt in a decent bar. And hallelujah - the fashion for jackets is returning, which means that there are more and more elegantly dressed men. By the way, hipsters have brought another feature - holičství (barber shops?) began to open everywhere in the city, where a man can put himself in order and get a quality haircut.

20. Diligence. I'm sure Czechs are generally incredibly hardworking. They work hard and efficiently, often on weekends. I know a huge number of friends and acquaintances who work in their spare time. Czech men are very active and active, many of them develop their personal projects in addition to their main work, largely due to the ease of doing business in the Czech Republic. Czech men are often workaholics and generally disciplined.

21. There is a kind of cult in the Czech Republic punctuality. Lateness is not understood here. Even on a date, even for 5 minutes, even from the side of the girl. Therefore, if something really important does not allow you to arrive on time - call and warn as early as possible so that it is not "ugly". In addition, almost all Czechs use a diary, whether in a smartphone or in a paper version - they cannot live without planning their time, because time is the most precious thing we have. I must say, this is very convenient - you don’t have to keep a thousand and one events / invitations in your head. In addition, planning ahead helps save a lot of time: monthly hair coloring, a manicure once every 4 weeks and a visit to the guy's parents are all easy to write down on a regular basis and track in a diary. What is interesting is that no matter what you agree with the Czech in a month or two, it will remain in force, no matter what. The Czechs are very sensitive to non-adherence to agreed dates. For example, if you are a member of a film club and ignore the meeting you are talking to but forget to show up, you can be sure that you will never be invited to such an event again.

And what Czech men do you think? Does what I wrote about correspond to reality or is it all wrong? Write, suddenly I'm wrong.

Continuing the topic of gender, today we will talk about men in the Czech Republic.

What can I say from my own observations, what are men like in the Czech Republic? They copy everything German, but these are those who are younger. There are a lot of young people who are addicted to everything German, it seems to them that this is an ideal, and they copy absolutely everything from them. The word Tschüss in German means "bye", "happily"; well, Czech young people use the word Tschüss when greeting each other and saying goodbye. There are so many words in the Czech language, they use both “ahoy”, and “nazdar”, and “zatim”, and “chao”, and “papa”. But, apparently, this is not enough for them, and they still use the borrowed word Tschüss when saying goodbye. This is a cult, because they can use all five words at once: say “chao”, “ahoy”, “nazdar”, “papa”, that is, this is their ritual, their farewell is very beautiful.

Hairstyle. They put on such a tuft, although I have already seen this in Poland, but it seems to me that it came from there. If we talk about Czech youth, then men look better than women. Basically, it's neither good nor bad. But sometimes, when I went to a sports club, I watched a man stand in front of a mirror and rub himself with gel. An adult man, healthy, pumped up, stands and rubs his entire body with some kind of cream. It seems to me that this is wrong, or something, this is my subjective opinion.

But there is also a special subspecies of Czech men, I call them mermaids. These are people from the past, who have such, you know, greasy, unwashed heads, and such tails hang, like rockers, but not rockers. This is probably the most unpleasant class of local men, who sometimes even cause disgust: imagine such a thin tuft of hair, also dirty.

In the comments I came across the question: do Czech men like Czech women? I think they like it: how else? And men to women, respectively. But I noticed a lot of times when a man, even of advanced age, sits, for example, in a shopping center, and looks at women, examines them. That is, after all, they understand where someone is beautiful.

And in general, if you say so, then I think that they are somehow sluggish. I’m remembering my grandfather (I had him, by the way, from Ukraine), he was a man: healthy, strong, he’ll tell you how to cut it off. And these are, you know, cats, meow-meow, everything is so indistinct, sluggish. Moreover, I had cases with them, I already told you, and on the road, and everything was blown away so quickly, I don’t know if this is good or bad. Everyone will draw their own conclusions for themselves.

So I don’t know if it’s worth going to the Czech Republic for a man. For a woman - I kind of said in the last video that it's not worth it. And for a man - I don’t know, except for some selfish purposes.

That's probably all I wanted to say about Czech men. Subscribe to receive new videos, like, comment. See you bye!