We are planning a second pregnancy where to start. Planning a second pregnancy is easy and hassle-free. Housing and financial opportunities

Well, you can say that your life is good. You are the happy mother of the best baby in the world! The mission is completed - the little one was born, and now you need to educate and raise him. But it seems to you that something is missing - and, probably, this “something” is the second child that you really want. Well, your desire is commendable, but let's figure out when is the best time to plan a second pregnancy and have a second child?

What to consider when planning a second pregnancy?

When planning a second pregnancy, the following factors must be considered:

* State of the body. Pregnancy and childbirth is a huge stress and a huge burden for a woman, so she needs some time to recover and be ready for the “second run”.

* Psychological readiness. Pregnancy, childbirth and the subsequent care of a newborn is a huge burden on a woman, not only physically, but also psychologically. Therefore, the psychological and emotional readiness to go all this way again is very important.

* Age of firstborn. Probably, everyone has heard about children's jealousy, the degree of which depends not only on the upbringing of children in the family, but also on the age difference between children.

Body condition

Your body's readiness for a second pregnancy depends on many factors. This is the presence of chronic diseases, and the course of previous pregnancies and childbirth, and the duration of the recovery period after childbirth, and your age, as well as many other features.

The average interval that must pass between the first pregnancy and the second birth is at least 2-2.5 years. According to doctors, this is exactly the period of time when a woman's body is fully able to recover after childbirth (given that the woman is healthy, childbirth and pregnancy were normal, and the recovery period was also normal). What makes up such a number?

Let's calculate: a minimum of 12 months of breastfeeding to ensure the health of the baby (many new mothers breastfeed longer), 9 months for the mother to recover from pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, and 9 months for a second pregnancy.

In addition, by the age of two, breastfeeding, in most cases, has already been stopped - after all, to put it mildly, combining breastfeeding with a new pregnancy is quite problematic.

As for other situations, women whose pregnancy was accompanied by complications (preeclampsia, threatened miscarriage or premature birth, etc.) should increase the interval between births and plan a second pregnancy only with the permission of a doctor.

If your birth was by caesarean section, the recovery period will also be longer, which means that you will have to plan a second pregnancy later. Usually, a scar on the uterus after a caesarean section heals completely in 1.5-2 years. It is during this period that the scar on the uterus, consisting of connective tissue, is replaced by muscle fibers - and the uterus becomes functionally ready for a new pregnancy. Pregnancy after caesarean section is best planned after 2.5-4 years.

If your first child was born with some health problems, before planning a second pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and, if necessary, treatment. In most cases, congenital health problems in a child appear as a result of health problems in the parents.

And, of course, it is necessary to plan a second pregnancy taking into account your age - after all, the risks of pregnancy and childbirth complications only increase over the years.

Psychological readiness

Everyone has heard about postpartum depression, emotional exhaustion and the perception of motherhood. And all these criteria must also be taken into account when deciding when it is better to plan a second pregnancy.

It is known that postpartum depression (if it takes place) in a young mother passes, on average, after 2 weeks-2 months. Agree, not such a long time, although, of course, its duration depends on many factors.

But as for the other criteria, everything is not so clear-cut here. Surely, you remember your feelings when you found out that you would be a mother, and your emotional state in the first weeks after childbirth. The thought that you became a mother was both pleasing and frightening at the same time, and emotions went wild. Are you ready to experience it all again? And sleepless nights and permanent diapers and diapers?

Psychological readiness for a second pregnancy is a very delicate question, and there is no exact answer to it. After all, you can not predict how it will be specifically for you. Perhaps there will be fewer fears - after all, you already know how to handle a newborn, what he needs, and what you need to pay attention to. But what to do if your first experience of pregnancy and motherhood, on the contrary, exhausted you so emotionally that you do not want to repeat it?

In this regard, you need to plan a second pregnancy only when you yourself decide that you are completely ready for this psychologically. Also, don't forget about hormonal changes and associated mood changes. It can also happen that what you most want now will become hateful to you as soon as pregnancy comes.

Age of firstborn

From the point of view of child psychologists, the optimal difference between the ages of children is considered to be a difference of 4 years. The eldest child at this age is already quite independent and can sometimes even help his mother with the younger one.

As evidence, psychologists cite the following arguments. It will be difficult for children with a smaller difference to find a common language, and caring for two small children is problematic - the younger one is completely helpless, and the older one requires a lot of attention to himself.

If the age difference between children is more than 4 years, then you may encounter the most acute manifestations of childish jealousy. After all, closer to school age, children already like to be in the spotlight - and here the newborn will “destroy all the plans” of the elder! If the difference increases to 8-10 years, it is highly likely that the youngest child will grow up to be a universal darling and egoist, and the elder will lose his childhood because of the need to be a “third parent” for the youngest. And they will be able to overcome barriers in communication only in adulthood.

What else you need to pay attention to when planning a second pregnancy?

Having decided to give birth to a second baby, you need to decide for yourself what is more important for you - a career or self-realization in a family? After all, the birth of a child entails the need to be on maternity leave for a sufficiently long period, which not every employer will like. And if you give birth to a second child, the period of your disability increases! If your career is important to you, but you would also like to plan a second pregnancy - the ideal option for you would be to leave one decree for another - that is, give birth to a second child before the first three years. If a career is not an end in itself for you, you may well give birth when you are as ready for this as possible.

Another important issue that needs to be addressed when planning a second pregnancy is financial issues. I think you will not argue that planning a second pregnancy without some financial cushion is at least not serious? Yes, and placing two children in an apartment is a problem. It's one thing if the children are with a small age difference and same-sex - then you can just give them one room in your two-room "mansions" to be torn to pieces. And if children with a big difference in age and different sexes? What to do then? Therefore, be sure to consider the possibility of placing two children in your apartment.

Everyone knows how much money is spent on baby clothes, rattles, etc. If the difference between the children is not very big, the younger one can easily wear things for the older one, sleep in his crib and play with his toys, which the older one is no longer interested in. If you wait a long time for the second child, usually by the time of his birth, the dowry from the eldest was either safely distributed, or simply lost its appearance.

As you have already seen for yourself, to the question: “When is it better to plan a second pregnancy?” there is no clear answer. For some, this may be a period of time of 2 years, and for some, even ten years of “rest” will not be enough. Therefore, it is up to you to decide when to become a mother again! The main thing is to be guided by your feelings and think that your second baby will be happy to be born, whenever you ask him about it!

Pregnancy is the ideal time for the flowering of the feminine in any woman. A pregnant woman is always beautiful. Personally, I am against abortion, but for family planning. It allows you to foresee a lot, and avoid unpleasant moments during the bearing of a child and in the first time after his birth.

Planning allows you to carefully prepare for replenishment in the family. If it already has one child, most spouses sooner or later have the question of when to go for the second. Society demands one thing, one's own inner voice suggests the second, doctors' opinions express the third. How to navigate a woman? First of all, the psychological and physiological factors of the spouses' readiness for the birth of another baby are important. Let's weigh everything together.

Medical factors

The reproductive function of a woman, as you know, is restored immediately after the end of breastfeeding, and it happens that before (hence the considerable number of unplanned pregnancies!). World Health Organization experts have calculated that A woman needs at least 30 months to fully recover from a normal birth. During this time, the muscular tissue of the walls of the uterus and the hormonal background are restored. Pregnancy, which occurred after 12 months after childbirth, according to doctors, is too early, because the woman's body is still fairly exhausted.

Pregnancy that occurs at this time can be problematic, and the consequences for the health of the baby can be negative. If the uterine tissues have not fully recovered, miscarriage is possible, and the risk of miscarriages in the early stages increases. Uteroplacental blood flow can be seriously affected, which means that the risk of fetal hypoxia increases significantly. During pregnancy, which occurred before the woman's body has recovered, there may be problems with the attachment of the location of the placenta. There is a high risk of giving birth to a small fetus and the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women.

If the first child was born by caesarean section, the doctor recommends a three-year break. Pregnancy that occurs earlier than this period can lead to uterine rupture along the scar, and this is a direct threat to the woman's life and an almost one hundred percent probability of fetal death against the background of uterine divergence along the scar and internal bleeding.

When planning a second pregnancy, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination for the viability of the scar. It should not have niches, refinements. The parameters are determined by ultrasound. The thickness of the scar itself does not mean anything. As doctors assure, scars - both thick and thin, are torn equally quickly.

I carried my youngest son with a uterine scar only 6 mm thick. Initially, not a single doctor believed in the success of this event in the early stages. All 9 months I was supported by the understanding of the main thing - the scar was wealthy. It is also difficult to judge the number of caesarean sections. Official medicine assures that it is safe to endure and give birth surgically to two babies.

Optimistic doctors calmly look at the third pregnancy after two caesarean. My personal experience is four caesarean sections. Without complications. With big and healthy kids. I read somewhere that doctors can perform up to seven operations, but this was practiced only in Western clinics. Russian maternity hospitals treat the third caesarean with caution. What can we say about the next!

If a lot of time has passed after the first birth, it is difficult for a woman to decide on a second pregnancy. And given that the first birth now often occurs at 30 years old, the second often falls on 35-40 years. At this age, the main difficulty lies not even in the difficulty of bearing a child, but in the ability to simply conceive it, since the reproductive function of a woman (fertility level), starting from the age of 35, is rapidly fading away. A woman's ovaries develop their resource gradually, there are less and less eggs in them, and not every cycle is already accompanied by ovulation. In addition, at this age, the lady has already acquired chronic diseases that can have a negative impact on the bearing of the fetus and the process of childbirth.

However, the modern level of medicine allows a woman to endure and give birth to a completely healthy child even at the age of 45. And the screening studies carried out by all pregnant women make it possible with a very high degree of probability to establish the risks of having a child with genetic pathologies. Methods of invasive diagnostics only refine this result up to 99.9%.

In late pregnancy, believe me, there are many advantages. A woman is more calm, she is confident in her future and already knows how to deal with babies. It is difficult to knock her out of her usual rhythm with life's difficulties, and, as a rule, she already knows exactly what she wants from life.

The general rule: if a woman is healthy, feels good, then problems with conceiving and bearing a child should not arise either at 30 or at 45 years old.

Psychological aspects

Consider the age difference between children. The optimal difference is 5-6 years.

A number of psychologists believe that the weather is easier to find a common language, and there is a great deal of truth in this. But the one-year-old baby is still in dire need of knowledge of the world, and he intends to do this through a familiar communication channel - constant contact with his mother. He needs to show and tell everything, explain and interpret. Everything that happens around, he associates primarily with his mother. It can be difficult for a parent to give the right amount of attention and time to both the first child - the explorer of the world, and the second - the baby, who physiologically needs the constant presence of the mother.

The weather usually does not make a difference between themselves, they have the same daily routine, the same toys. Often they, like twins, say "we" instead of "I". On the one hand, it is easier for a mother, on the other hand, it is much more difficult, because each of the babies can get sick, and then it will be almost impossible to share personal time between the crumbs.

Two year olds are extremely jealous, and can very painfully accept the fact that a brother or sister is born in their life. Reasonable arguments of adults about a future family member in their 2 years old are not yet able to fully accept and realize. He has emotions that are still hard to put into words. Therefore, the strong stress that the baby will receive when a brother or sister appears accumulates inside the baby and can cause serious psychological disorders.

Three-year-olds, and this is the age of the first age crisis, are generally quite irreconcilable. They already know how to compete uncompromisingly and fiercely for the attention of their mother and father. If grandmothers come to help in care and upbringing, this only complicates the situation - the first baby - the three-year-old begins to clearly feel like the second. This is unacceptable for him.

Children at the age of 4 can already adequately understand the significance of a significant event that happened in the family. They are already able to take care and the issue of mother's belonging to someone is already closed for them - they know for sure that their parents love and appreciate them.

From the age of five and older, children perfectly understand causal relationships, and are able to correctly understand your explanations about the imminent appearance of a second child in the family. However, the greater the difference, the stronger the younger baby will perceive a brother or sister as another parent. Yes, and joint leisure for children, if it is, it will by no means become interesting for both. The guys have very different interests.

My opinion on this matter is unequivocal - you can’t turn an older child into a nanny for a baby. It is one thing to provide one-time assistance: to give powder or bring a pacifier, it is another thing to instruct the child to occupy almost all the leisure time of the youngest.

The older child should have his own life. He has a right to it. Consider his interests when planning the birth of a second or subsequent baby.

In the following video, you will hear about the most common mistakes parents make when they decide to have a second child.

How to inform an older child about pregnancy?

In any case, it is necessary to inform the first child about the upcoming appearance of a brother or sister. It is criminal to keep silent about the reasons why the mother's belly has noticeably rounded. The kid, regardless of age, is already a full member of the family, and must remain so, no matter what happens. In a conversation, the child needs to present information about the upcoming replenishment in an extremely positive way. Emphasize how great it is to be the elder and take care of the baby!

How to help an older child accept a second baby?

  • Combine two things. While feeding the younger child, you can tell fairy tales to the older one. You can ask an older child to help with the housework: load diapers into the washing machine, for example. My son (3 years old) loves to wash diapers with me, and is happy to serve baby cream and clean diapers. The older toddler feels needed and important, almost an adult man. Don't let him get older!
  • Don't shame your older child if for some reason he allows open manifestations of jealousy towards the baby. Do not appeal to his conscience - it is useless.
  • Do not force the elder to show love and care towards the younger. Brotherly and sisterly feelings always come. But not always exactly at the time when you need it. Understand that everything happens in a timely manner.

In the next video, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky considers questions about the first child's jealousy of the newborn.

When is the second child to be born?

There is no exact timeline for the birth of a second child. It's up to you to decide. If you feel your physical and psychological readiness for the birth of another baby, go ahead and with a song! Consider your financial options. Create a "safety cushion" as much as possible. And remember, if God gave a child, He will give a child too! I never understood how this truth "works", but it really works, and there are always funds for a crumb.

The decision to have a second child should be made taking into account the psychological climate in the family.

Remember that never a child strengthened marriages that are on the verge of collapse. The opinion that another child will unite the family is wrong from the very beginning. If you really want a second child, and there are conflicts and difficulties in the family, go for it, because a woman's biological clock is ticking every year! But be prepared that you will have to educate him alone.

Never let anyone manipulate you. The decision to have another baby is your own business! Neither mother, nor mother-in-law, nor girlfriends, nor relatives have the right to put pressure on you, reproaching that you are not in a hurry with a second baby or, on the contrary, are pregnant again when no one expected it. In the end, planning is in the hands of man, and a new life, whatever one may say, is in the hands of divine providence.

How to avoid childish jealousy at the birth of a second baby, see the following videos.

Be sure to watch the next program, in which psychologist Natalia Kholodenko, using examples, tells how to behave in a given situation with two children.

And about what mistakes parents often make, as a result of which children become enemies, see the next video.

Although for women who have given birth to one child, the second birth will not be a surprise from a physiological point of view, planning for 2 children is an important issue for every couple thinking about replenishing the family. The second pregnancy and childbirth have their own distinctive features that future parents need to know about.

Planning 2 pregnancy: what to consider?

If a woman is already a happy mother of one baby, pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, of course, will no longer be new to her. However, there are some peculiarities in planning for those who are preparing specifically for the second motherhood.

When planning a second child, a woman should consider:

  • Psychological readiness (there must be a firm affirmative answer to the question: is the woman ready to go through painful childbirth, sleepless nights, etc. again).
  • Physiological readiness (since pregnancy is considered a huge stress for a woman’s body, it needs time for a complete “reboot” before the second conception).
  • Age difference between children.
  • Aggravating factors (caesarean section at first birth, age over 30 years, mother's blood Rh negative).
  • Unplanned risk factors, for which it is also better to prepare (mentally and physically) in advance.

Physiological factors when planning 2 pregnancies

Features of the health status of the expectant mother, which you should pay attention to when planning 2 children, include:

  • Chronic diseases.
  • Features of the course of previous pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Length of recovery after the first birth.
  • The age of the woman.

Usually, doctors recommend planning a second child at least 2 years after the birth of the first (maybe a little more). This figure is taken on the condition that the mother is completely healthy, and the birth took place without complications. In this case, approximately this period of time is needed to restore the female body.

The situation is complicated if the first pregnancy was accompanied by problems (especially the threat of miscarriage or premature birth). In this case, the body will need more time to recover. In addition, in such cases, it is recommended not to start planning the conception of 2 children without prior consultation with the attending gynecologist.

If the woman's body did not have time to recover qualitatively after the first birth, then there is a risk of miscarriage during the second pregnancy. In addition, due to physical, nervous and hormonal exhaustion of the body, women who give birth to children of the same age are more likely to develop anemia, beriberi, varicose veins, problems with the cardiovascular system, thrombosis, neurological diseases, bleeding, and weakness of birth forces. , which can lead to rupture of the birth canal.

It is also necessary to take into account the age of the mother, since the risk factors for not bearing a baby or giving birth to a child with pathology during late pregnancy and childbirth inevitably increase.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the health of the firstborn. If a firstborn child has problems due to poor health or chronic diseases of a congenital nature, then most likely this is a consequence of the health problems of his parents. This means that before planning a 2nd pregnancy, it is imperative to be fully examined and undergo a course of treatment (if necessary).

The break between childbirth is important not only for the restoration of the female body. This can also affect the firstborn, who will have to be weaned prematurely if the pregnancy occurs during lactation. When the baby actively stimulates the nipples on the breast while taking milk, the uterus enters a state of hypertonicity. This is very harmful to the fetus, which will be deficient in oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone conception at least until the end of breastfeeding - for this, gynecologists recommend starting protection immediately after childbirth and not believing the myths that a woman cannot become pregnant during lactation.

Planning 2 pregnancy: psychological readiness

Alas, postpartum depression as a result of the emotional exhaustion of the mother is not a myth. And psychologists agree that it significantly affects the perception of the very phenomenon of motherhood. Postpartum depression is also an integral criterion when taking into account all the existing factors of pregnancy planning 2.

According to statistics, the period of postpartum depression can be both short and long - from 2 weeks to 2 months. But in rare cases, the severe psychological state of the mother drags on for a longer period, and one cannot do without the help of psychologists or psychotherapists. In this case, the woman is unlikely to be ready in a year or two to go through the same difficult stages for her again.

Rampant emotions, supported by a real hormonal explosion, accompany any woman who has carried and given birth to a baby for the first time. Mixed feelings of joy for the little man and from thoughts of sleepless nights and children's crying - in order to calmly endure and survive everything, a woman must have patience and endurance.

Psychological readiness for planning 2 children is very important.

On the one hand, the mother's fears should decrease compared to the first pregnancy. After all, a woman already knows exactly how to properly handle a baby, and what not to do. On the other hand, the first experience of giving birth and raising a child could be emotionally traumatic and painful.

That is why all psychologists unanimously affirm: a woman should agree to a second motherhood only if she is absolutely confident in herself and her readiness. No pressure from relatives or an obsessive persuasion from a husband who wants another baby is absolutely unacceptable here.

Planning for 2 children in terms of the age of the firstborn

Child psychologists have proven that the optimal age difference between brothers or sisters is 4 years. It is at the age of 4 that the eldest child is already conscious enough to adequately perceive the appearance of a baby in the house and help his mother as needed.

From the point of view of psychologists, both smaller and larger age differences can cause psychological problems in the family.

Children whose age difference is less than 4 years require more care of themselves, and at the same time - the helplessness of two children at once can cause a lot of problems for the mother in everyday life. In addition, it is believed that the weather is harder to find a common language. Although the last statement can be challenged.

Planning a second child when the eldest is already 4 years old or more brings its own difficulties. With such a difference, children's jealousy can manifest itself most acutely. Approaching school age is the beginning of a difficult psychological period in the life of every child, so he strives to constantly be in the center of parental attention in order to feed self-confidence with constant manifestations of mother and father love. And if they constantly pay all their attention to the baby, it is likely that the second child will grow up to be a spoiled egoist, while the first-born will lose a full-fledged childhood and earn complexes, holding grievances for life. In addition, if the age difference is solid (10 years or more), children will not be united by common interests.

Preparation for planning 2 pregnancies

An initial medical consultation is mandatory. The gynecologist will ask the patient how long the first birth took place, whether they were complicated by something, whether there was a caesarean section in the anamnesis. A serious factor to be reckoned with is abortion or diagnostic curettage. After such manipulations, the uterus needs a certain time to recover, so doctors usually do not allow you to conceive a baby for at least 3 months after the procedure.

If a gynecologist diagnoses inflammatory processes or diseases in a patient, then before planning a 2nd pregnancy, she must undergo a course of treatment. Since during pregnancy they can worsen up to pathological conditions that lead to disastrous consequences - both for the mother and for the fetus.

It is also mandatory for a woman to be tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. If they are not detected and treated in a timely manner (before pregnancy), the fetus may develop abnormally.

Since during pregnancy the mother’s body, and hence her unborn child, becomes vulnerable to everything, before conception it makes sense to undergo a complete examination of the body (urine, blood tests, ECG, ultrasound, blood pressure measurement, consultations of specialists of a narrow focus - each person knows his weak places).

Unfortunately, in the CIS countries, medical genetic counseling is not yet very developed, unlike in Western countries. It is not mandatory, but it allows you to prevent many difficulties that become a shock for women in labor after childbirth - for example, the birth of a child with a serious pathology or a rare genetic disease. Medical genetic counseling is advised to take place before planning 2 children for all couples who cannot boast of excellent health, and have a history of their families with hereditary diseases or congenital malformations. Usually such consultations are held in family planning centers. After special examinations, geneticists will be able to name the percentage of the probability of a child inheriting genetic anomalies, pathologies, defects and diseases.

  • Six months before the intended conception, give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) for both parents.
  • Lead an active lifestyle (proper quality nutrition, sports) for both parents.
  • Quality rest before conception itself (it has been proven that a change of scenery, and sometimes the time zone, is the best stimulant for the activation of hormones in a woman’s body, including those responsible for fertility).

Features of pregnancy and childbirth for the second time

The second pregnancy in the absence of complications and risk factors will practically not differ from the first. However, planning a second pregnancy requires the same attention.

Features of the second pregnancy:

  • Thinner and more elastic uterine walls, as well as weakened abdominal muscles, which make the stomach more visible in the early stages.
  • For the first time, the fetus begins to move earlier - at 17-18 weeks (during the first pregnancy, usually at 20 weeks).
  • The lower position of the uterus, which gives frequent urination, but eliminates the causes of constant heartburn.
  • A greater load on the spine and legs than the first time, which is risky with back pain and varicose veins (it is worth using a special bandage and cream for varicose veins).
  • Faster and easier childbirth (4-8 hours on average) due to the preparedness of the birth canal, as well as psychological preparedness for the birth process - in the absence of complications.

Since during the second pregnancy, women get tired faster, it is worth paying special attention to rest and staying in the fresh air, special exercises for pregnant women, and wearing compression stockings. For these purposes, before planning a 2nd pregnancy, it is recommended to discuss with the family in advance the possibility of a minimum load on the expectant mother with household chores.

Planning for 2 children after caesarean section

If the first child was born by caesarean section, the planning of the second child will have to wait 2-4 years.

This is influenced by the following reasons:

  • The scar that forms on the uterus after surgery completely heals and is replaced by muscle tissue (that is, the uterus is preparing for a new pregnancy) for about 2 years. Until that time, it is simply dangerous to conceive a child.
  • For women in labor who have undergone caesarean section, special treatment and more thorough medical supervision, including constant visual and palpation study of the suture, ultrasound of the uterus, hysterography or hysteroscopy, treatment of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes, back restoration.
  • The more the family protects the expectant mother from physical exertion, the faster the postoperative scar will heal.
  • If the formed scar is almost invisible, then the chances of natural childbirth a second time are high. If the scar is poorly formed, and the woman, moreover, has hereditary diseases or pathologies, then the risk of repeated caesarean section is high.

Preparation for planning 2 children after 30 years

With the onset of middle age, the husband and wife develop a number of chronic diseases and their general health deteriorates, making planning for a second child somewhat difficult.

However, if the spouses decide on a second child, a woman should follow these recommendations:

  • Lose excess weight, if any.
  • Start sports activities with metered loads (long walks, walking, swimming, cycling).
  • Revise the diet, correcting and balancing it.
  • Consult with your gynecologist for any questions that arise.
  • Pass all the necessary tests and go through all the doctors.
  • Work with a psychologist if there is an inner fear.

Features of planning 2 children with a negative Rh

Particularly thorough should be the preparation for planning a second child in women who have a negative blood rhesus.

In this case, when carrying the first child, the interaction of the mother's immune system with the Rh-positive erythrocytes of the child provokes the production of antibodies and, in rare cases, the phenomenon of immunization (in 10% of women).

To reduce the risks when planning 2 children, you must:

  • Take a blood test for the presence of antibodies.
  • Compare the result with the Rh factor of the firstborn (if it is positive, then a Rh conflict is possible due to the presence of antibodies in the mother's body).
  • If necessary, carry out a special procedure to purify the blood from antibodies.

Unplanned factors and risks when planning a second child

For many women, planning issues are not limited to the physiological or psychological parameters of preparation.

For a modern woman, when planning 2 pregnancies, they also play a role the following factors:

  • Career (with the second decree in a row, the possibility of career growth is reduced to a minimum, which must be taken into account).
  • Financial stability (for raising two children, a certain financial pillow is needed at once).
  • Housing issue (if children are of different sexes, then everyone should grow up in their own room).

However, no one can give an exact answer to the question: “Do you plan to have a second child?”, except for the woman herself. All factors are individual.

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It is an important point and contributes to its favorable course and the birth of a healthy baby.

information Preparing for a second pregnancy does not globally differ from planning the first, however, in some cases, everything may have its own characteristics: for example, if the previous birth ended or with.

When to plan

The main thing when preparing for a new one is to observe the recommended time period. The mother's body experiences significant stress during the period of gestation and birth, and it needs time for complete rehabilitation.

dangerous According to observations and statistics, pregnancies that occur after a short period of time occur with frequent complications and the threat of termination, often ending in premature birth.

Preparing for conception

The list of necessary studies for both spouses:

  1. : complete blood count, general urinalysis, venous blood coagulogram, biochemical blood test;
  2. for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection;
  3. sexually transmitted,TORCH- infections;
  4. Fecal analysis for helminth eggs(especially important if there are small children in the family);
  5. Consultations of the therapist and narrow specialists according to indications;
  6. Consultations of a geneticist in the presence of aggravating factors(closely related marriages, the presence of relatives with genetic diseases in the family, the birth of children with developmental defects earlier, etc.).

The list of necessary examinations for a woman:

  1. Obstetrician-gynecologist consultation;
  2. A smear for oncocytology and pathogenic flora, determining the degree of purity of the vagina;
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  4. Colposcopy for diseases of the cervix;
  5. Examination for the presence of antibodies to infectious diseases(especially important if there are children in the family attending childcare facilities).

The list of necessary examinations for a man:

  1. Andrologist (urologist) consultations;
  2. according to indications.

Taking necessary medications

The main drugs in preparation for fertilization are and. Their dosage should be selected by the doctor individually for each couple, but the most commonly used the following reception pattern:

  1. Woman: folic acid from 1 to 15 days of the menstrual cycle, 400 mcg per day, vitamin E from 16 to 25 days, 1 capsule per day;
  2. Man: folic acid 400 mcg and vitamin E 1 capsule per day daily.

If one or both spouses have chronic diseases that require regular medication, you should discuss this issue with your doctor in advance. The doctor will help you choose drugs that are allowed to be taken when carrying a child and do not affect reproductive ability.

Risks of a second pregnancy

It cannot be said that the second pregnancy has a greater risk of complications than the first.

information With the normal health of a woman, the successful course of the previous pregnancy and childbirth, the second pregnancy will also proceed favorably.

Certain nuances are available if there is a history. In this case, the woman should carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor and carefully follow them. At the stage, you should undergo examinations in advance to determine the condition of the scar on the uterus. With its failure, the risk of developing complications increases significantly (see the topic "").

It is also possible that problems arise with a positive Rhesus father. In this case, already during the first pregnancy, antibodies may appear, the number of which can increase significantly with repeated conceptions. With this problem, the expectant mother needs to be examined at the planning stage and undergo repeated examinations after it occurs.

How to prepare your firstborn

Often, when planning a new pregnancy, many spouses are concerned about how their first child will perceive the birth of a brother or sister. Of course, such doubts are justified, because the birth of the first-born is always looked forward to, and the child from the moment of his birth bathes in the love and affection of all relatives and becomes, in fact, a small king in a family where everyone obeys his desires and needs.

With the advent of another baby, parents will no longer be able to give their first child such an abundance of attention, which is often perceived by the child with hostility. Jealousy in children is a common occurrence, they can very painfully perceive the manifestation of parents' feelings for another baby.

important In such a situation, you should not think only about yourself and your needs, you must also take into account the wishes of your child. It does not matter what words you find for your son or daughter to explain that your family will soon increase by one more little man. The main thing is that your child does not begin to feel lonely and deprived of the attention of his beloved parents and knows that, no matter what, he is still loved and protected.

Today, women are becoming more and more attentive to their health and pregnancy planning. Pregravid preparation is a set of measures, analyzes and examinations of a married couple, aimed at increasing the chances of giving birth to a healthy child. Pregnancy planning is relevant for couples expecting the birth of their first baby, but no less important for the second and subsequent pregnancies.

Optimal break between pregnancies

Each family determines the time interval between the birth of children independently, based on their desires, opportunities and, of course, health. However, the minimum recommended interval between delivery and the next pregnancy is two years after vaginal delivery and three years after caesarean section. These figures are not taken by chance. It is during these periods of time that the mother's body completely restores the hormonal balance, reserves of vitamins and trace elements, as well as psychological balance after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

How to start planning a second pregnancy?

Pregravid preparation should begin with a visit to the institution where the woman plans to observe the planned pregnancy. It is worth visiting this medical institution in advance, getting acquainted with its structure and, of course, getting to know the attending physician. It is with your gynecologist that you should discuss the plan for preparing for pregnancy in your particular case. When planning a second and subsequent pregnancy, it is very important to tell all the details of previous pregnancies, how they ended and how they proceeded. Separate so-called groups risk of perinatal losses formed in the following cases:

  • aggravated obstetric and gynecological history, when a woman suffered a series of miscarriages, missed pregnancies, abortions, gynecological operations;
  • history of premature birth;
  • stillbirths or genetic abnormalities in previous children;
  • complicated course of pregnancy in the past, for example, preeclampsia, fetal growth retardation, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, abnormal placental attachments;
  • complicated course of childbirth: placental abruption, bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period, birth trauma to the mother or newborn, the imposition of obstetric forceps or a vacuum extractor;
  • the age of the parents, the presence of extragenital (not related to the reproductive organs) diseases in the mother - diabetes mellitus, obesity, heart defects, cardiovascular diseases, hepatitis, etc. are taken into account separately. Note the presence of bad habits.

For each group, there are separate protocols of the Ministry of Health on preparation for pregnancy, its management and delivery. We will stop on the standard list of recommended tests and examinations. This list can be expanded depending on the specific situation:

  • examination by a gynecologist on a chair, with a mandatory smear for cancer cells, examination of the mammary glands, colposcopy according to indications;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • testing for STIs with a sexual partner. Laboratories offer whole lists of tests, but the standard protocols include: chlamydia trachomatis, mycoplasma genitalium, herpes simplex virus, performed by PCR. Separately, a smear is given for the detection of Trichomonas and sowing for gonorrhea. Blood is taken from a vein for enzyme immunoassay for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B and C;
  • analysis for infections of the TORCH group. This is blood from a vein for the content of antibodies to the following infections - toxoplasma, rubella, chlamydia and herpes. Sometimes this list can be extended;
  • in regions endemic for thyroid disease, tests for thyroid hormones may be performed;
  • therapist consultation. If a woman has a chronic disease, consultations of narrow specialists in the profile: endocrinologist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist, and so on;
  • consultation with a dentist and sanitation of the oral cavity.

At the stage of pregnancy planning, spouses are also advised to give up bad habits and take folic acid at a dosage of 400 mcg / day at least a month before pregnancy.

Features of planning a second pregnancy after 30 years

Every year the age of multiparous women increases. Having a second or third child after thirty has become the rule rather than the exception. Any special preparation for pregnancy at the age of thirty-plus is not required. This figure is taken by doctors as a kind of threshold, which increases every year. This is due to two main reasons:

  • After thirty years, a woman is more likely to have any chronic disease that can complicate the course of pregnancy. That is why it is especially important before pregnancy to consult with specialists and, possibly, undergo treatment.
  • Women over 30 in the general population are at greater risk of having fetal genetic abnormalities. This does not mean that every such woman will have a similar problem. It’s just that families where the mother is over 30 and the father is over 40 are shown a consultation with a geneticist before pregnancy and in its early stages.

Features of planning a second pregnancy with a negative Rh

Another burning question is this. Every woman with a negative Rh factor, especially when planning a second pregnancy, worries about this. This question is relevant only if the father of the unborn child is Rh-positive. Otherwise, this question can be omitted.

If there is a possibility of a Rh conflict at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to find out:

  • woman's blood type
  • the blood type of the father of the child;
  • blood type of older children;
  • whether there were abortions, miscarriages, obstetric invasive procedures and blood transfusions;
  • whether there was a Rh conflict in previous pregnancies, in what form it proceeded for the fetus;
  • whether prophylaxis of Rhesus sensitization was carried out in previous births and what kind.

There is nothing more that an Rh-negative woman can do at the planning stage. Already during pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor her health, follow the recommendations of a gynecologist, take antibody titers monthly, and perform planned prophylaxis at 28-30 weeks.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site