Types, names and classifications of precious and "semi-precious" stones. Characteristics of gems


Gems- Precious, semi-precious and ornamental stones (minerals and rocks), which are used as jewelry and ornamental raw materials. Usually transparent or translucent. Term gems is of a historical and everyday nature, it does not apply to scientific terminology and is not strict. At different times, in everyday speech and speech of different specialists, it could also refer to translucent or opaque stones, or be used to divide into categories of colored-colorless, cutting-decorative, precious-ornamental stones.

see also



  • The history of the study of gems and the main features of their mineralogy
  • Gems and minerals Descriptions and photos

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Natural ornamental stone at all times is rightfully considered the main material for the manufacture of jewelry jewelry. Its use as a raw material made it possible to create unique monuments of architecture and art.

Precious and ornamental stones have always attracted the attention of man.

Precious and ornamental stones have always attracted the attention of man. Interest in natural material was caused by the need to create living conditions. Special stones satisfied aesthetic needs, and their processing became a craft.

Many precious and ornamental stones have valuable technical parameters and are used in various industries.

The definition of ornamental minerals is collective and includes all rocks, minerals that are used as a material for inserts in jewelry and the manufacture of individual products.

Very often, the group of ornamental raw materials includes less valuable opaque, but with bright colors, intricate patterns, breeds. Household items (ashtrays, caskets) are made from them.

Large monoliths of ornamental mineral material, often used as materials for finishing or facing cathedrals, monuments, and architectural structures, are composed mainly of opaque minerals.

Valuable ornamental stone is distinguished by its hardness, stable color

They are resistant to atmospheric conditions and have a variety of textural features, variegated colors and textures.

A valuable ornamental stone is distinguished by its hardness, stable color. The color is determined by the chemical composition of the mineral components and the internal structure. The play or overflow of natural material is provided by the fine structure of the mineral composition of the rock, which causes interference or scattering of light.

Jewelry and ornamental stones are resistant to mechanical stress. The high rate of hardness of mountain mineral formations protects the product from scratches.

Mirror polishing of mineral inserts in jewelry is achieved by processing raw materials with a variety of materials. In order to polish small diamonds to a brilliant state, it is necessary to use the same diamond powder intended for softer minerals.

Technique for processing ornamental stones (video)

Gems classification

The group of gems includes rare minerals that differ in color, pattern, variety of lines, colors, representing jewelry value. According to the law, gemstones include diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and pearls.

Currently an ornamental mineral is classified based on the degree of value, distinguishing the following types:

  • precious (jewelry stones);
  • jewelry and ornamental;
  • ornamental.

Often, colored minerals can be included in the list of jewelry and ornamental stones, depending on the brightness of color, transparency, texture, and the presence of defects.

Gallery: gems and ornamental stone (55 photos)

Natural gems, belonging to the type of jewelry materials, are distinguished by transparency, durability, play, brilliance, uniformity, wear resistance.

The main difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones is their rarity. Minerals such as diamond, corundum, tourmaline, spinel, chrysolite, tourmaline, topaz are rare in nature or there are special jewelry standards for them.

For opaque natural formations with a characteristic color, inclusions of other minerals, facet cutting is used. A special type of processing provides an organic combination of stones and minerals with metal.

Gems without coloring (chalcedony, cacholong, semi-apal), matte stones (turquoise, pearls) are used to make cabuchons, mosaics and beads.

Ornamental mineral formations

Semi-precious ornamental stone is distinguished by viscosity, hardness above 5 (on the Mohs scale). The bright color of rhodonite, amazonite, azurite gives rings and bracelets a unique charm.

Massive formations of chalcedony, jade, smithsonite are used in raw form. For soft minerals, among which is amber, malachite, anthracite, simple turning, heat and cold processing is allowed.

Only rare specimens of minerals have a high cost, due to the configuration of the formation, the nature of the inclusions, the color game. Many of them, by value and application, form a group of semi-precious stones.

Decorative minerals got their names depending on the place and form of being in nature, color parameters, hardness. Each nation has its own traditions, legends and fairy tales, which are based on the physical properties of gems.

For example, the amazing properties of the Ural gems (malachite) are sung in the fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain".

Semi-precious mineral materials of the order alabaster, gypsum, marble, porphyry, quartzite, breccia are used as facing material. Monoliths with special parameters responsible for color uniformity and the absence of cracks are used in the manufacture of statues and bas-reliefs.

Historical reference stores the description of decorative rocks as the personification of luxury, high value of natural beauty and rarity.

Refining stones

A semi-precious stone is sometimes subjected to additional processing in order to change the color. For these purposes, various chemical dyes are used (red, blue agate).

Some semi-precious rocks are artificially processed before cutting by heating or exposure to ultraviolet, x-rays to change in the desired direction. For example, when irradiated with radium, a colorless diamond acquires a green color.

A special kind of synthetically created decorative stones are used as imitations of valuable mineral formations.

Artificial dyeing of synthetic corundum and spinel by introducing impurities of titanium, vanadium, iron, chromium makes it possible to form amethyst, aquamarine, alexandrite on their basis.

Imitation of precious minerals is different from natural counterparts. Rhinestones, glass, slag and plastic are used to make dummies.

A valuable ornamental stone obtained by refining natural material is not resistant to the impact of soldering tools used by craftsmen.

A valuable ornamental stone of the beryl group is oiled. This method was used in ancient times and is now applied to all emeralds. For these purposes, cedar oil is used, with which the mineral is saturated. Through the pores, the oil seeps into the mineral, making it visually clean.

Through the method of deep diffusion at the ion level, the precious gemstone is fired in a kiln together with beryllium. The presence of this chemical element gives the mineral a bright pink and rich yellow color. This method is used to speed up the processing of sapphires in order to extract minor compounds from minerals.

The magical power of gems (video)

A valuable ornamental stone is sometimes stained in a vacuum chamber. In this way, pink topaz, tanzanites are created from a silicate compound (quartz). The surface diffusion method involves the deposition of a thin film of metal oxides on the surface of minerals, followed by calcination in a furnace.

Attention, only TODAY!

Classification of gems. Varieties of gemstones by color. How to identify a real stone among the many fakes, imitations and hacks?

Today, jewelry professionals have a much harder time than their predecessors. If a few decades ago, a genuine gem could be easily distinguished from a fake even visually, then in the world of modern technology and progress, it is almost impossible to do this by eye.

In addition to the well-known hacks made of glass, imitators of expensive stones from cheaper minerals, a new product has appeared on the jewelry market today - a stone grown in laboratory conditions. Such a creation of human hands visually looks no worse than a mineral created by nature for many decades, but it costs several times cheaper. How to distinguish a genuine natural stone from a fake or fake stone? What precious minerals even exist?

What stones, gems and minerals are precious precious stones: classification of precious stones

  • It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the complex classifications of precious stones. The fact is that today there are quite a lot of them: Sobolevsky, Kluge, Kievlenko, Gyurich, Bauer-Fersman, etc.
  • In order not to dwell specifically on each of the classifications, we will try to make one, generalizing, excluding facing stones from it:
  • The first category of stones is gems (the most expensive, valuable stones). This category of minerals includes diamond (brilliant), ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, etc.
  • The second category of stones is semi-precious stones (more common, but no less valuable). A similar category of minerals is made up of: amethyst, aquamarine, almadine, apatite, garnet, rock crystal, opal, quartz, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, chrysolite, etc.
  • The third category is jewelry and ornamental stones. These include: agate, turquoise, amber, cat's eye, moonstone, lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper, tiger's eye.
  • Some classifications group stones into similar categories, however, they also subdivide minerals into classes. The class testifies to the strength of the stone, its high cost and beauty.

Black gems: name, description, photo

In nature, there are so many minerals that stand out for their black color. Some of them are so rare that it is almost impossible to find any information about them. In many cases, the name "black" stone can be considered relative, since in fact the mineral has a lighter or non-uniform color. Here are the most common black stones in the jewelry industry:


Black diamond or carbonado

Black Diamond is the greatest rarity and value in jewelry. However, it is worth noting that it never reaches jewelry, since its cutting and processing is very difficult - it can only be done using the same stone. Only a handful of such stones appear in the jewelry annals, the most expensive of which was estimated at 1.7 million dollars. The other two became known as the "Black Star of Africa" ​​and "Korloff Noir".

True black sapphire does not exist in nature. Almost all black sapphires are the work of scientists. They are obtained by processing blue sapphires. Those few black sapphires that are of natural origin can hardly be called black, since their color is closer to the color of the sky at night. The most famous black sapphire is the Black Star of Queensland, worth $100 million.

It is also difficult to consider this kind of pearl as truly black, since its darkness is softened by the nacre of the pearl. However, the cost of such a curiosity to this day remains quite high. The rarest specimens of black pearls are collected in Tahiti in the corresponding museum.

This variety of opal is considered one of the most expensive and valuable breeds. Most often, this mineral is found in deposits located in the least developed countries of the world, which causes numerous human losses during its extraction.

Black spinel is one of the most inexpensive types of black gemstones. Its cheapness is easily explained by the fragility of the stone and the complexity of its processing. Most often, spinel is used in needlework or jewelry in the form of cabochons.

Semiprecious stones

Black quartz or morion is the only representative of black semi-precious stones. This mineral is most often used in jewelry today. Externally, it has an opaque or barely transparent surface.

Jewelry and ornamental stones

In fact, black agate does not exist in nature. You can find only minerals of a dark coal color. Saturated black color can be achieved only with the help of technological processing of this stone.

Other representatives of black jewelry and ornamental stones are: black onyx, obsidian, black jasper or jet, hematite, argillite and hypersthene.

White gems: name, description, photo

White or naturally transparent minerals are considered the most expensive and valuable stones in jewelry. White gemstones include:

Diamond or diamond

It is a transparent diamond or its already faceted part (brilliant) that first comes to mind to any person (especially women) at the mention of white gems. Indeed, this mineral is considered one of the most sought after. Its high cost is easily explained by the few deposits of this mineral in the ground. At the same time, only a small fraction of all mined diamonds is suitable for cutting.

transparent spinel

Unlike its black counterpart, white spinel is a rather expensive stone, characterized by high strength. Impeccable purity and the absence of any impurities in this mineral makes it even more valuable. White spinel is most often used in luxury jewelry.

colorless topaz

With the naked eye, this mineral is easily confused with diamond. However, upon closer inspection, differences can be found. In jewelry, it is customary to frame colorless topaz in noble white metals - gold, platinum.

Goshenite or colorless beryl

Goshenite is also very similar in appearance to diamond, but its radiance can rather be called more chilling, restrained.


White pearls have always managed to captivate the fair sex with their warmth and tenderness. Oddly enough, but in nature, pearls rarely have a round shape (such representatives are highly valued) - more often they are oblong, uneven. Pearls have one more feature - the lifespan. If ordinary minerals delight the eye with their beauty forever, then the pearl can “go out” at any moment. The life expectancy of this mineral does not exceed 300 years.

Achroite or white tourmaline

Such a breed is very rare, since its deposits are located only at one point on the map. In the form of jewelry, achroite is quite rare. Such a pleasure can be ordered only in a few jewelry workshops in the world.

Semi-precious white stones include: white agate, rock crystal and white opal.

Jewelry and ornamental stones can boast of the presence in their list of such white minerals as milk coral, white jasper, moonstone, white-green jade.

Blue gems: name, description, photo

Blue or cornflower blue sapphire

Only an experienced specialist will be able to distinguish these two types of mineral by eye. Blue sapphire is valued slightly lower than cornflower blue, but it is still considered a precious stone. As for the cornflower blue sapphire, in ancient times it was used only for inlaid royal outfits and jewelry.


Topaz is most often found in blue, but in nature it can also be found in other colors - yellow, green, orange, etc. Topaz is not a very expensive mineral. Most often it is framed in white precious metals - platinum, white gold. Such metals, as it were, emphasize its gentle radiance.

Already from the very name of the mineral, its origin and associations associated with it become clear. The marine color of this stone helps jewelers create masterpiece blue jewelry. Aquamarine lovers should pay attention to the fact that this mineral is quite fragile - exposure to chemicals, mechanical damage and heat treatment adversely affect its condition.

This color of the stone is extremely rare, which causes a rather high price for it. In a framed form, it can only be found in the exclusive creations of jewelers, which are often kept in private collections and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Blue semi-precious stones include: zircon, chalcedony.
Ornamental blue stones are turquoise, apatite, bezoar, amazonite.

Blue gems: name, description, photo



Lapis lazuli is a gemstone that is most commonly set in yellow gold. It is believed that this mineral has strong healing and protective properties.

Turquoise can be attributed to semi-precious stones of blue color, the color scheme of which has dozens of shades of blue, green and blue.

Red gems: name, description, photo

Perhaps, at the mention of red gems, a ruby ​​immediately comes to mind for every person. This stunningly beautiful mineral is widely used in jewelry. It is framed in various kinds of precious metals - gold, platinum, silver. A gem encrusted with ruby ​​can be quite expensive - everything will depend on the metal, as well as the amount and size of the minerals. The ruby ​​has long been credited with many magical and healing qualities. This stone has always been associated with love, passion and desire.

Semi-precious red stones include garnet, zircon, carnelian, coral.

Pomegranate, carbuncle or pyrope

In the myths of various ancient states, mentions of this mineral were very common. It was believed that the pomegranate was able to heal many ailments, block the action of poison and poison.

As for ornamental stones, the most famous representative of them in red colors is jasper.

Pink gems: name, description, photo

Until recently, this pale pink gemstone was not singled out as a separate subgroup - it was simply considered one of the varieties of amethyst. However, thanks to the work of the American Kunz (whose name it was named), this mineral, based on its composition, which is different from amethyst, was nevertheless recognized as a completely different stone.

In the early 90s, the attention of the entire public was riveted to kunzite. He owed such popularity to the Kennedy family. The fact is that on the eve of his tragic death, the American president bought Jacqueline a ring encrusted with kunzite. But John was never destined to give a present to his beloved wife - a month before the celebration he was shot dead.

Morganite or pink beryl

Morganite (in Russia, vorobevite) is a rather rare mineral. Most often, they are decorated with products in a company with diamonds.

Rubellite or pink tourmaline

Rubellite is a fairly inexpensive, but no less beautiful gemstone. Its resemblance to a ruby ​​in ancient times played into the hands of scammers. It was with this mineral that more expensive rubies were faked.

Pink semi-precious stones include quartz, agate, corundum.
As for ornamental stones, nature often colors jasper, coral, rhodochrosite and rhodonite in pink.

Green gems: name, description, photo

Naturally, the most famous green gemstone is the emerald. Few people know that in its original appearance this mineral can hardly be called beautiful - only after high-quality cutting can one recognize the king of green stones in it. Emeralds are most often framed in yellow metals. In white version, they can only be found in the company with white gold and platinum. The price of emeralds is sometimes simply fabulous - from $ 300 per carat.

Demantoid or green garnet

The high refractive index of the sun's rays of the demantoid raises it to the level of the most regal stone - diamond. Most often, green garnet is confused with emerald, although its color, unlike the latter, is closer to the color of grass. For one carat of this gemstone, you will have to pay from $100 to $1000.

Burgundy gems How to distinguish a real gem from a fake?

It will not be difficult for a jeweler or a high-class appraiser to identify the authenticity of a stone with the help of special tools and instruments. As for the inexperienced layman, it will be very difficult for him to distinguish a real stone from a fake. In such cases, professionals recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Natural stone is usually much stronger than a glass or plastic fake. If you run a sharp object over it, then there should not be a trace on it. In this case, a scratch may form on a fake. But this method is relevant only when it is necessary to distinguish a hack from a real stone - if a natural, but less expensive mineral is involved in a product instead of a top-level gem, then there is no point in conducting such an experiment.
  2. Natural stones have a cold touch. If you put a stone on your tongue or put it on your cheek, then it will remain cold for a long time. If glass or plastic is used in the product, the stone will heat up quickly enough.
  3. Natural stones grown in the bowels of the earth are rarely large, but artificial minerals created in laboratories can reach more impressive sizes.
  4. The color of natural stone is rarely very rich, bright. At the same time, creating a hack of any color and shade is quite simple.
  5. You should not count on the fact that a natural stone will cost a penny - the price per carat of a precious mineral can reach thousands and hundreds of dollars.
  6. When buying a product with natural stones, you can ask the seller to provide a certificate of authenticity of the stones.

In fact, all precious minerals have completely different chemical and physical properties. Therefore, the identification of each of them must be approached individually.

Gems: Video

How to distinguish a gem from a natural one: Video

Despite the difference in price, semi-precious stones may well compete with precious ones in terms of external beauty and other qualities. This is due to the fact that two centuries ago the list of gems was much wider. The same amethyst was considered one of the most valuable stones, however, after finding large deposits in Brazil, this variety of quartz was reclassified one step lower.

General classification of gems

Of great importance for choosing the right decoration is the character. For example, it has long been known that red represents activity and movement. Jewelry in red shades is well suited for both extroverts (a person whose attention is directed mainly to the outside world), and for those who lack this activity, who need it.

Purple Gems

The combination of two conflicting colors - red and blue - is attractive to many people. Purple symbolizes intuition, as well as everything magical and unknown. This is the color of mystery and power, which has long been a symbol of royal power and noble origin in many European countries. Among the jewelry stones of this color, the following stand out:

  • Bolivianite or ametrine. The stone combines the signs and properties of two stones at once - citrine and amethyst. It belongs to the rare ones, as it is mined only in the Bolivian Anahi mine. Ametrine can have purple or yellow hues; there are also species with lilac or peach color.
  • Kunzite. At the moment, the stone has not yet gained deserved popularity in the jewelry markets, since it was discovered relatively recently. Color - purple with shades of lilac, pink and pale red. Individual samples can be exorbitantly priced.
  • Sugilite. Another "young" stone, which has a rich range of shades from dark purple with a bluish color to light pink. In rare cases, you can find minerals with a yellow tint. Due to its rarity (produced in several places on Earth) it is expensive.
  • Amethyst. The most beautiful of the varieties of quartz (especially transparent types). The color palette can include rare cherry shades that make purple deep and rich, and the play of light captivates even those who are not at all interested in jewelry.

In addition to those listed, stones such as charoite and fluorite should also be included in this list. Charoite is an ornamental stone, the value of which is growing from year to year (this is due to the establishment of a limit on its extraction); it can often be found in the form of mosaic elements and decor of modern rich houses.

Fluorite beads, rings and necklaces are common jewelry that are in demand due to their price (this mineral is not expensive), while the material itself is quite durable in order to serve a person for a long time without deteriorating its external qualities.

blue stones

Incredible blue nuggets are considered valuable, as well as all its shades. This is due to their rarity, as well as the fact that the blue color represents wealth, good taste and intelligence. Many pieces of jewelry are tinted or finished in a special way to give a rich, even and deep blue color. The list of semi-precious stones of this color includes the following gems:

  • Lapis lazuli. The medieval name is "lapis lazuli", which means "azure pebble". Since it is soft and brittle, it is quite easy to process and polish. A diverse range of shades and a presentable appearance determined the demand for this stone in jewelry both in the past and in the modern world.
  • Benitoite. Despite the fact that the stone can have purple, blue and other shades, it is often ranked among one of the most beautiful blue stones. However, due to its small size (it is mainly mined in the form of small crystals, which makes it very rare, and therefore expensive), it is not so easy to find it on the jewelry market.
  • Tanzanite. Initially, when this blue mineral was discovered, it was confused with sapphire, which already indicates its decent appearance. Some gemologists consider this stone to be precious. Many stars from the world of cinema and art (for example, Elizabeth Taylor) do not disdain jewelry from tanzanite.
  • Turquoise. The use of this mineral of blue-blue color is known even in ancient times. The stone itself is not only a symbol of purity and wisdom, but also the personification of devotion - it is not without reason that turquoise is used as a decoration for a bride's wedding dress in many countries of the world.

Although sapphire does not belong to the group of semi-precious stones, the description of this corundum is simply necessary, since even the name "sapphire" is translated as "blue stone". Of course, it has other shades, but its classic color is blue.

The strength of this mineral is so great that it is used to make armored glass in military equipment. The largest sapphire was mined in 2015, its weight exceeds 1400 carats.

red minerals

Oddly enough, some “sea” minerals such as coral possess the color of passion, fire, energy and excitement. You should also definitely name carnelian (an inexpensive gem of red and burgundy-brown shades, which has a translucent structure), pyrope and almandine. The last two minerals are a variety of garnet - one of the most famous gems. It has the following characteristics:

  • All shades of red - from cherry and burgundy to light pink tones.
  • The high strength and hardness of the mineral guarantees a long service life.
  • Small minerals. Most often, it does not exceed 5 mm.

For jewelry, transparent types of almandines are used. By itself, the pomegranate has extensive use both in decoration and collecting, and in some sectors of the construction industry.

Of course, the most famous blood-colored stone is ruby ​​- corundum (like sapphire) of red hues, which is an expensive gem at all times. It personifies power, luxury and love passion. One of the main problems associated with the purchase of ruby ​​jewelry is its regular fakes - some gemologists suggest that up to one third of all "ruby" jewelry that is on the market is not.

Also red gems include spinel, alexandrite and some varieties of tourmaline (such as rubellite). In some classifications, these minerals are classified into different groups according to their value, however, regardless of the estimates of jewelers, their appearance, rarity and value can compete with ruby.

Green and yellow gems

Green is the favorite color for most people. It is believed that products of this color contribute to the development of harmony, balance and tranquility. Green gems and minerals can also have a calming effect, among which stones such as christoprase (it is sometimes called "green gold") jadeite and malachite should be mentioned - some products made from these minerals are already several thousand years old, and they still have not lost their charm and attraction.

Known to many fortune tellers and esoteric lovers, the mineral jade (in particular, its green variety) is perfect as a costume decoration for official receptions, as well as for medicinal purposes. It is often used in massage, as well as in the presence of certain heart diseases.

However, as with many other stones, one should be wary of fakes, which have recently divorced an incredible amount.

Bright gold, amber honey and classic yellow are one of the symbols of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, many gold-colored jewelry is capable, according to beliefs, of attracting financial success to a person and career advancement, as well as social ladder. First of all, the following gems of a golden hue should be named:

It should be understood that the same sapphire, tourmaline, spinel and even diamond can also be yellow (this depends on the properties of the natural nugget). You can also add some ornamental stones here - for example, agate - as well as some phosphate minerals such as apatite.

A set of natural mother-of-pearl and coral, less than 100 rubles per set.

Stones going into processing are often called ornamental, but they have another name, which is due to the bright or unusual color that comes to light on the polished surface of the stone. Hence the second name colored stone. The world of gems has a unique beauty of color effects.

In nature, there are many precious, semi-precious and colored stones - more than 160 species. 20-30 types of stones are especially revered and valued by people - the first among them are diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald. Next come alexandrite, opal, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, agate, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, turquoise, pearls, lapis lazuli, amber, malachite, etc.

From the total mass of all rocks and minerals, stones that are considered precious highlight special rare properties for which they are valued, and the most important of these is the beauty of the stone. Without this, beauty, a mineral or a rock will not be so highly valued, no matter how amazing qualities they possess, well, unless it becomes reliably known that this stone suddenly cures of any diseases, etc. But that hasn't happened yet.

Natural Labrador beads are an expensive piece of jewelry, about 9,000 rubles.

Precious stones should please the eye with color, skillful cut, pattern and iridescence - a play of color, beautiful inclusions or other features that make them incomparable with ordinary stones and clearly distinguish them from the crowd.

The next important property that distinguishes precious stones is wear resistance, durability. True, today beautiful stones that do not have hardness are used for jewelry, but of course they are not valued as highly as expensive and very hard stones.

It is unlikely that anyone will want to wear jewelry in which you have to constantly change worn-out gems for new ones. But here a person invents new ways - for example, he varnishes selenite.

Agate bracelet - here the stones are "thick", so the bracelet is from expensive ones, more than 1500 rubles.

Stones that are distinguished by their special unsurpassed strength and hardness - diamond, sapphire, ruby, chrysoberyl - will sparkle and sparkle even when their gold setting is worn out.

But durability is certainly not the most important quality of a gemstone. For example, opal is a soft and brittle stone. In the ring, it becomes dull from contact with solid objects, you need to handle it very carefully. In terms of wear resistance, it cannot be compared with diamond or sapphire, but the beauty of opal is so great that it is used in jewelry, despite this drawback. The main advantage of opal is opalescence (opalization), that is, the ability to emit successively different bright rays under the action of sunlight.

But opal is an exception, the main gemstones are still distinguished by the fact that they are harder and stronger than many other minerals.

Another important property of gemstones is their rarity. We tend to value rarity and uniqueness: of two objects that are equal in beauty, preference will be given to the rarer. Synthetic stones or glass imitations can be just as beautiful or even more beautiful than natural stones, and yet most people will choose natural stones because the rarer is often preferred over the more beautiful. But rarity is not the only reason. The value of natural stones is certainly higher than synthetic ones, as the value of a living flower is higher than any paper one, even the most skillful one.

Amorphous stones and crystals

Beads made of natural chrysoprase, also an expensive decoration (a valuable stone) - a little less than 7,000 rubles.

Most gemstones are found in nature in the form of crystals or their fragments. People with hypersensitive perception can see how the energy forms of the crystal affect the energy field of a person, either merging with it or repelling.

Amorphous (non-crystalline) are those minerals or rocks that do not have a regular internal arrangement of atoms, characteristic of crystals. An example of an amorphous material is glass. Of natural stones, amorphous are opal and obsidian . Opal is silica with some amount of water in its composition.

There are very few amorphous stones in nature. The vast majority has a crystalline structure, although this is not always easy to determine.

What is made from natural stones.
art products

Art products with stone carving are classified in different ways: according to the purpose of the product, material, method of carving and subject matter.

By purpose, stone-cutting products are divided into:

  • utilitarian products (toilet items, smoking accessories),
  • decorative items
  • souvenirs.

According to the material are distinguished:

  • hard stone products
  • medium hard
  • and soft stones.

According to the method of processing and carving:

  • threaded products
  • with engraving.

By subject they are divided into:

  • products that reflect the work and life of people,
  • animal world,
  • ancient monuments, etc., there are a lot of options.

In Russia, they also distinguish regional affiliation: products of the Ural, Altai, Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and other masters.

Each stone in ancient times was attributed its own special property (why - now it's hard to say): diamond - purity and innocence, sapphire - constancy, red ruby ​​- passion, pink ruby ​​- tender love, emerald - hope, topaz - jealousy, turquoise - whim, amethyst - devotion, disgrace - inconstancy, sardonyx - marital happiness, agate - health, chrysoprase - success, hyacinth - patronage, aquamarine - failure.

Stones by colors and shades

Colorless and transparent stones: diamond, rock crystal, topaz; opaque: chalcedony, milky opal.

Transparent bluish-green gemstones: aquamarine, topaz, euclase, tourmaline; opaque: amazonite, jasper.

Transparent blue and blue gems: sapphire, aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz; opaque: lapis lazuli, turquoise.

Transparent lilac and pinkish: ruby, spinel, tourmaline, almandine.

Transparent dark red and brown: pomegranate, hyacinth, tourmaline, amber.

Transparent yellow and golden: beryl, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, smoky quartz, amber; opaque: carnelian, aventurine, semi-opal.

Opaque black stones: jet, agate, black tourmaline (shorl), hematite (bloodstone).

Transparent colorful stones: tourmaline; opaque: jasper, heliotrope, agate, onyx, eye spars.

Transparent and translucent iridescent stones: moonstone, hairy, labrador, noble opal, pearls.