36 years of married life what a wedding. thirty six years of marriage

happy couples, celebrating 36 years from the date of the wedding, are rare. Therefore, sometimes people, having received an invitation to such a celebration, do not know how to choose the right gift and congratulate a happy family.

All anniversaries have a symbolic name, they are a kind of milestone on a joint life path. The crises of the first years have remained in the distant past, children have grown up, grandchildren have appeared, and there are still many pleasant moments ahead.

Majority family people they celebrate each year they have lived together, so before starting the organization of the holiday, it is important to know what the 36th wedding anniversary is called. On this day, close relatives and friends are invited to congratulate the couple on a long marriage.

The French consider muslin a symbol of 36 years. from the day of the wedding, what kind of wedding - such is the symbol. The name means reliability and stamina, but at the same time, the fragility of the union. The material is one of the types of cotton fabric. This fabric used to be used to make clothes for members. royal family. It is durable, but needs special care, storage, otherwise it loses appearance. To maintain a relationship, you need to make efforts, devote time and effort to the family.

In Europe, a holiday in honor of 36 years of marriage is called a porcelain wedding. Americans call this event a bone china wedding, it is associated with this durable, beautiful and fragile material. It is believed that family relationships are strong, but you should not expose them strong trials. Otherwise, as with porcelain, cracks may appear upon impact, destroying the marriage. And marriage should be valued and protected just like works made from expensive material, and the importance of the family should not be forgotten.

Russian traditions

In Russia, 36 years since the wedding symbolizes semiprecious stone agate. His unusual beauty, resistance to mechanical damage and the fortress are associated with a family that has withstood many trials and strength tests. As a result, the couple has not only material wealth, but also retained the union, left a mark on Earth in the form of children and grandchildren.

There are marriage anniversaries associated with superstitions. These include the agate wedding, so not all spouses celebrate it. In ancient times in Russia, she did not even have a name. Sometimes in ancient Russian sources it is mentioned that 14 and 36 years old life together had the same name - agate anniversary, congratulations and gifts were the same.

Eat psychological test to test the pair. Spouses need to look at natural agate and talk about the figures seen on its surface. If the associative series has many coincidences, then such a family is not afraid of any life difficulties.

How to celebrate

The day of the porcelain wedding has come how many years lived together, so much shared memories unites two people. I would like to celebrate the holiday, there are many options for how to do this:

Usually this anniversary is not celebrated in a big way, the holiday takes place in a warm home environment . There are no special traditions or rituals associated with this anniversary. Life has already settled down, boredom often appears, relationships become routine. So this day is great occasion to revive the senses unusual gifts. Perfect option- go on a trip, even if it is short. This will make you feel happy and loved again.

What to gift

Having learned what kind of wedding is celebrated at the age of 36, what to give becomes already clear. The best choice- porcelain items. They combine beauty, strength and fragility. On this day, you can present:

  • Table service;
  • Tea, coffee sets;
  • Statuette depicting the symbol of the year.

You can make custom mugs or a large dish with the image of spouses and wishes. practical gifts will become: a floor lamp, candlesticks decorated with agate, figures and cuts of stone. If you want to give each individual a gift, then great solution will become such jewelry and accessories made of stone:

  • Pendant and cufflinks;
  • Bracelet and purse;
  • Beads and business card.

Before presenting gifts, the couple is congratulated and flowers are presented to the woman. For wedding anniversary the best flowers roses are considered as they symbolize love. Florists recommend decorating the bouquet with sprigs of mint, ivy, meaning fidelity.

Express your admiration for your family, to speak beautifully, finding best expressions, not everyone can do it themselves. Therefore, thematic poems became popular. Suitable verses for this event can be found on postcards or on the Internet. If you are preparing a speech yourself, then you should focus on the duration and strength of the union. They want a woman to remain beautiful and loved, and a man to be a strong support for the family. Guests can express their hope to meet at the couple's golden jubilee.

Gifts from relatives

Children, choosing a gift for their parents, tend to show them their love and respect. Over the long years they have lived together, people have already furnished the house, they do not need anything. But there are things that are always nice to get:

The main thing in the gift - soulfulness and symbolism. No wonder they say that the manifestation of signs of attention does not cost anything, but is valued very dearly.

Life together, 36 years long: what kind of wedding, what is the name of this event, what is customary to give - depends on established traditions. The spouses decide for themselves whether to follow them or celebrate the anniversary according to their own rules. Even if no special celebrations are planned, the mutual presentation of gifts will show the importance of partners for each other and their love. After all, this is a special number in the calendar - the birthday of a strong family.

Many couples who have been married for a long time do not forget about their holidays. Maybe that's why their union is so strong that they love the second half and do not miss the opportunity to say so.

Attention, only TODAY!

Family Day is a solemn date, and many couples celebrate it every year. Each wedding anniversary is a kind of stage in the life of the spouses, each has its own name and celebration traditions associated with it. Spouses, who have behind them a solid number of days lived together, celebrate this date with no less pleasure, because this is a sign that they managed to save warm relationship for for long years and created a strong family.

36 years - bone china day.

So 36 years of marriage in Russia and many countries are not celebrated because of the superstitions associated with this figure. However, 36 years marriage bond, yet the date is not small, so why not put all superstitions aside and celebrate your wedding anniversary by arranging romantic evening or by inviting loved ones.

Despite the fact that it is not customary to celebrate 36 years of marriage, and in Russia this date is deprived of its name, nevertheless in America this holiday is called bone china day, or a fragile day, symbolizing persistent and at the same time fragile family relationships.

What to give your spouse

In the life of every family, an anniversary is a special date. On this day, it is worth bringing something unusual into the relationship, surprise your half and arrange a real holiday.

The options for wedding anniversary gifts are endless, and you can list them for a long time. However, one should not forget that happy marriage, this is the best gift that can be given to each other.

Celebration of a significant date

Despite the lack of traditions for celebrating the 36th anniversary, you can prepare a romantic meeting, dinner at home or in a restaurant for two. As for clothing, style can be borrowed from American traditions. On this day, in the clothes of the wife, light ones should prevail, pastel shades- may be preferred evening wear Made from lightweight and iridescent fabric. Accordingly, the dress can be supplemented with jewelry, jewelry and a chiffon scarf in gentle tones. A husband, in order to harmonize with his wife's attire, should wear classic suit in light shade.

When celebrating your 36th wedding anniversary, don't throw sumptuous feast, it is better to save "strength" for round date. This event is most suitable for celebrating alone or in the circle of the closest people - children and grandchildren.

Each family celebrates their wedding anniversary in their own way. The first ten years, every year spent together is certainly celebrated. Then it begins to seem to the spouses that they have already lived a lot together, and they celebrate the anniversary less often - once every five, or even ten years.

It is undignified to somehow celebrate 13 or 27 years from the date of the wedding - the date is not round, but it does not matter at all. This day you can just arrange fun party in disco style, gathering loved ones. Or go to rest in a place where you have never been before.

For example, when young people have lived together for 36 years, many will not even remember the anniversary. And this is not an easy date. In Russia we call it agate wedding, although some believe that this date has no name at all. But in other countries it is called the Bone China Wedding. The meaning lies in the name - marriage is strong and fragile at the same time. Maybe that's why in our country it is traditionally customary not to celebrate this day in order to “slip through” a dangerous date.

How to celebrate 36 years of marriage

For loving hearts there are no barriers. You can not celebrate this day widely, but arrange an intimate evening by candlelight. It will bring variety to your life. married couple.

The wife on the day of the porcelain and bone wedding dresses in a light flowing dress made of light fabric adorns himself with a veil airy organza or delicate flowers. The husband wears a light suit. The color of the dresses symbolizes this day.

You should not arrange unbridled fun, and a noisy holiday on the day of the 36th wedding anniversary. If the tradition of your family is to gather at the set table on this day, then get by with fewer guests. To create an atmosphere of calm and romance, invite your friends to a restaurant with a charming interior. If you want to spend this day easily and naturally, organize a picnic trip. Even winter frosts cannot become an obstacle for a holiday - arrange mass skiing, to top off the evening, treat guests in an open gazebo with grilled meat and hot mulled wine. Such a holiday will be remembered by everyone.

Decided to dedicate this day only to yourself? Then, the most suitable would be a trip to exotic islands. There you can quite arrange a holiday for two. dress up in light clothes and walk along the white sandy beach, holding hands.

If you were invited to a 36th wedding anniversary

On this special and controversial holiday, it is customary to give gifts. Get something useful for the spouses in everyday life. For example, a service or an elegant porcelain vase, based on the symbol of this wedding day. It is best if you give something for the use of both newlyweds or a couple of jewelry. This will become a symbol of the inseparability of a married couple. Do not forget, in this case, to highlight the bride. Give her a separate sweet surprise in the form of flowers or a bouquet of sweets.

Remembering the 36th anniversary, there should be 37 sweets or flowers. Expensive gifts are not welcome on this day, it is better to give them on anniversaries. But the most important gift, of course, for the spouses will be the words of congratulations and wishes for a long and happy life together. After all, this holiday is needed for this, in order to comprehend all the years spent together. And what better way to do it than with family and friends.

Congratulations on the 36th wedding in verse

    Today your wedding is thirty-six,
    And that means there is happiness in your life!
    Together you are waiting for the arrival of spring,
    And summer with autumn, and a snowy New Year.

    For a long time you have common features,
    Together, strive to fulfill your dreams.
    Love still unites you.
    So let it dominate again and again!

    So tender are your feelings and looks,
    So much light in them, so much goodness!
    You are still happy around
    As if the wedding day was just yesterday!

    May love forever remain
    Decorates the year!
    May everything work out in your life
    Be happy together always!

    Give each other tenderness
    And good feelings!
    Keep hope for happiness
    Live in great love!

    So let it bloom
    And in each of the future days
    Hearts, like a star, illuminates,
    Gets deeper, stronger!

    Happy Anniversary
    We congratulate you!
    Live happily, together
    We wish you love!

    Anniversary of your wedding
    dazzling date,
    Married to be so wonderful
    And it's wonderful to be married!

    Let love warm you
    Happiness gives and joy!
    And marital fidelity
    You two will be rewarded!

    There is no more beautiful love in life,
    And you gave it to each other!
    In one destiny for many, many years
    You have connected your two destinies!
    May there be twice as much happiness in her,
    Warmth and joy fill your house,
    And tenderness and love on any day
    A wonderful family is protected!

Wedding anniversary - significant date for any family. And 36 years from the date of the wedding is also a very serious period for married life. Previously, all wedding anniversaries were celebrated in accordance with its symbol, and now this tradition, which came to us from the Middle Ages, is being revived again. Traditions regulated not only how and when to celebrate the holiday, but also what to give on this day. Usually the gift corresponded to the value of the lived years.

After living together for 36 years, which wedding would you like - noisy and fun feast or a delicious dinner for two, a sea cruise or a joint walk under the moonlight, a calm and joyful dinner surrounded by family, or an interesting tourist route? Modern features for so solemn holiday very versatile and varied. But let's look back centuries, what would have awaited us a couple of centuries ago.

In Russia, this anniversary was not celebrated at all, but if we look at the “List of Anniversaries” of the USA, we will be surprised how poetically the Americans called 36 years from the date of the wedding. This solemn date to this day is considered for spouses an indicator of the stamina and simultaneous fragility of their family relations, which very well reflects its name - "Bone China Day".

Gifts on the wedding day

On this day, they give everything that combines the fragility and beauty of forms - glassware and porcelain (dishes, vases, figurines, etc.), fragile and dear to the heart of both spouses trinkets (but not a fake from the Chinese market), stylish jewelry and accessories.

How to choose clothes for a wedding anniversary?

For the holiday, women dress in exquisite clothes of light pastel colors giving preference evening dresses silk, chiffon or organza that complement fine jewelry metal (silver, platinum, gold), chiffon scarves and handkerchiefs of delicate colors, as well as flowers.

Men wear classic evening suits light shades(white, ivory, cream, light grey, etc.). Optionally, you can add a flower to the buttonhole.

Holiday on the wedding day

Even if it is not customary for us to celebrate this date, why not arrange family celebration? It would be appropriate to celebrate this wedding anniversary with a luxurious romantic dinner for two or a gala party for close friends and family. Flowers are welcome, a dance together to the music that once sounded at a wedding, decoration balloons, fireworks and butterflies.

36 years of marriage is a porcelain wedding (some also call it agate). The symbol of the 36th wedding anniversary is considered to be bone china - a thin, delicate and very fragile material. However, bone china has a majestic and expensive look. On this day, it is customary to wear light-colored clothes as a reminder that feelings between spouses must be constantly cherished and cherished, protected from all sorts of shocks, because family happiness can be destroyed so easily. The 36th anniversary is a transition date. This is probably why it was not previously celebrated for fear of inadvertently destroying fragile marital happiness.

Celebrate bone porcelain wedding you can go on a grand scale in a restaurant or in a romantic home setting. The location of the event is not so important. The main thing is that the heroes of the occasion are surrounded by relatives and close friends. The presence of welcome guests will fill festive evening warmth and comfort.

What to give for a 36th wedding anniversary? What gifts can be presented to each other on this wedding anniversary? Due to the fact that the 36th wedding anniversary has recently become celebrated by married couples, there are no certain traditions in choosing presents for them yet. With the exception of various products from porcelain. So, gift ideas for everyone on this significant day.

Bouquet. obligatory gift for a beloved wife for a bone china wedding is a bouquet of white flowers. They symbolize all the love and tenderness that a spouse can bestow on his soul mate.

Piece of clothing. Great gift for wife loving husband will become an elegant piece of clothing - a scarf, cape or evening dress. The main thing is that the fabric from which this gift will be made should be light, airy and light. Silk or chiffon products are perfect for such a gift.

porcelain box. Choose a box large sizes so that all the jewelry and favorite little things can fit in it. You can choose a box in the form of a heart or a cake. Your wife will surely love this gift.

Creation accessories stylish look . For example, a small ladies handbag, cosmetic bag or case for mobile phone or points. Whatever the gift, it must be white or light beige to emphasize the solemnity of the holiday.

Bonsai. If the spouse does not like cut flowers, then a real flower in a porcelain pot or the best option- Japanese bonsai tree. Wonderful wedding anniversary gift.

Decorations. As a gift to her beloved husband, the spouse can present a signet ring, cufflinks or a tie clip made of silver with white or beige agate. Silver is a light metal, and agate has a layered structure, which is symbolically combined with fragile and thin porcelain.

Accessories for husband. If the spouse does not wear jewelry, then a wonderful gift for him will be wrist watch or business card holder, decorated decorative elements from light agate.

Computer mouse/keyboard. a unique gift for the husband there will be a keyboard or a mouse for a computer, painted “like porcelain”. Such a gift will impress the spouse.

Keychain. You can give your husband a keychain with a porcelain insert, or it can already be painted “like porcelain”. Husband will love this present!

Interior decorations. It is not necessary to present narrowly themed gifts to the "newlyweds" on the 36th wedding anniversary. The main thing is that they are made from the heart. Paintings or tapestries with colorful images are perfect as interior elements, desk lamp or paired light-colored candlesticks.

Sets of porcelain dishes. It can be tea sets, and coffee or table sets. Such a gift will not only decorate the sideboard, but will also remind you of the solemn event in honor of which it was presented.

Video greeting. What to give for a wedding anniversary so that the present remains in memory for a long time? Ask all relatives to record their congratulations on video. You will only have to assemble them into a single whole - into a video recording, adding various special effects. Such a gift will be a pleasant surprise.

Linen set. A great gift for a couple is a set bed linen with a Gzhel pattern. A great gift that will be a reminder of the 36th wedding anniversary.

porcelain plates. Give your spouses plates with photos of the whole family for their 36th wedding anniversary. For application, you will need a specialist, the service is common and available. Decorative plates will look good in the interior of the couple.

Items household appliances . The thirty-sixth wedding anniversary is not a key date, so gifts for the celebration can be relatively inexpensive, but at the same time not devoid of functionality. Spouses can be presented with a gift of an electric kettle or coffee maker, a microwave oven or a food processor. It is better to carefully find out from the heroes of the occasion in advance what they would like to receive as gifts.

Cover. Bright blanket made of quality material, is a great wedding anniversary gift.

Porcelain souvenirs. Figurines or decorative dishes made of porcelain will never be superfluous when creating a cozy atmosphere in the home of the "young". To give significance to such gifts, you can engrave them in the form of the initials of the spouses or short wishes. It will keep the house cozy and warm.

Vases. Get creative and choose the option of an extraordinary and spectacular vase. Decorate with engraving sincere congratulations. The gift will cause pleasant emotions and impressions.

Portrait. Great gift on the anniversary of the wedding there will be a portrait of a husband and wife, which will need to be ordered from the artist. And then the resulting masterpiece is placed in a porcelain frame.

romantic holiday. Once upon a time such holidays for dear to my heart the children were arranged by the parents. Now it's the kids' turn to pamper their mom and dad. What could be nicer than secretly prepared solemn event. And it does not matter where it will take place: in nature or at home, in an expensive restaurant or cafe on the corner. The main thing is that everything should be arranged with love and attention to the people who gave them life.

Travel voucher. If the health of the parents allows, then a trip to the sea, where they will spend a couple of weeks together, will perfect gift from loving children. Otherwise a great alternative beach holiday can be a ticket to a health resort.

Festive fireworks. Let the children make a memorable climax of the celebration - fireworks. This spectacle will remain in the memory forever and, perhaps, will be a great family tradition.

Favorite song. Children can sing their parents' favorite song. For this you need to be well prepared. Such a present will greatly surprise the newlyweds and will remain in memory for a long time.

Porcelain making courses. Such a present will appeal to spouses who like to learn something new together. Such courses are held in community centers or art schools. This 36th wedding anniversary gift will impress the couple!

The main gift for spouses who have crossed the 36-year milestone of living together is the attention, love and kindness of people close to them.

Seeing yourself on the news is a bright event!

Hearing congratulations from Putin, Medvedev and the stars is an unforgettable experience.

Your gift will be the most unusual and original.