Mk from organza. Do-it-yourself organza flowers - airy sophistication. Secrets of harmonious color combinations

Curtains, being a bright and important element of the interior, after a while can get bored, not attract with their appearance, as it was some time ago. But you should not rush to buy something new, you can try to transform what is available. For example, with the help of organza flowers, which are not difficult to make with your own hands. You will now learn about how to make them for decorating curtains.

Organza flowers

About material

Organza is a light, airy and beautiful fabric that is widely used in interior design, sewing wedding dresses and accessories, creating various decorative elements. Look at the photo to see what beautiful flowers can be created from this curtain material. Only at first glance it may seem that everything is complicated. By reading the instructions below, you will be able to verify the opposite.

Method of gluing petals

To create such decorative flowers for curtains, you need to prepare materials such as transparent strong glue, scissors, paper (cardboard), a candle, a bright bead and, of course, the organza itself.

  1. Cut out circles or flowers of different diameters from paper. You can use a compass or circle round objects. How many such elements need to be prepared? Their number depends on how voluminous the product you want to get.
  2. We attach paper blanks to the fabric and circle. Then we cut along the marked lines and get patterns, with which we will continue to work.
  3. Now the edges of each blank must be melted with a candle, doing this very carefully so that the petals do not shrink much from high temperature. Depending on whether the fire is directed at the inner or outer part, it is possible to achieve the effect of "twisting" either inside each workpiece or outward.
  4. Now we take the largest blank, lubricate its center with glue and apply a petal that is slightly smaller in diameter. We press, again grease with glue and apply another blank, etc.
  5. We attach a bright bead to the middle of the product, which will hide the remnants of glue and be at the same time a bright addition.

Please note that if your organza blanks look like flowers, then they should be glued in such a way that the petals do not overlap each other, but only touch each other. In more detail, all the work is described in the presented video.

The method of assembling petals with threads

This is another easy way to make organza flowers for curtains. To work, you will need the following materials: the fabric itself, a candle, scissors, threads, beads or beads, glue.

We cut out 8 squares of the desired size from the fabric, which depends on how big the flower you are going to make. Then each square must be folded diagonally and cut so that a petal is obtained. Each organza blank is scorched over a candle to create beautiful edges. After all these manipulations, we take one petal, fold it diagonally, sew the edges of the seams “forward the needle”, tighten and fasten (as in the photo).

We do the same with the rest of the blanks. Now we collect all the petals and fasten them in the center with a thread so that we get a flower. We plant a bead or beads in the middle, using glue for this purpose.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • felt or felt;
  • scissors;
  • matches or a lighter;
  • safety pin;
  • beads as decoration;
  • needle and thread;
  • a piece of thick cardboard.

The first step is to cut out the cardboard templates. To do this, circles of various diameters are cut out of cardboard, for example, 7, 8 and 9 cm. Four blanks of each size are made from organza according to the template. To do this, you can fold it four times and carefully cut everything in one go. Next, the resulting circles are folded in half twice, a cut is made along the fold line, not reaching a centimeter to the edge. Next, holding the uncut part, you need to cut the corners on the workpiece. It turns out four petals with a whole middle. The petals are singeed with a match or a lighter, the gap between the petals too.

Next, the assembly of the flower begins. A needle with a thread is threaded through a piece of cardboard, petals are strung on it in decreasing order, while straightening them. After the end of the process, the needle is removed, the petals are stitched several times and beads are sewn into the center of the flower for beauty. To make a brooch out of a flower, a circle is cut out of felt fabric with a diameter slightly larger than the length of a safety pin. Holes are made in the fabric for a pin, and the pin is glued to the flower.

To make the flower neat, you need to master some techniques for making flowers, at least their basics:

  • twisting by hand, a similar technique is used to make flowers using satin ribbons;
  • classical technique;
  • ganutel - the use of wire, fishing line or thread to form petals of the desired design;
  • a heat treatment method that also allows you to give the workpiece the desired shape.

The last two techniques listed above are the most common.

When using the classical technique, the petals are first starched with a special composition. Further, by means of a specialized bulb, petals of the required design are made. They are made using a cardboard template.

Heat treatment began to be carried out with the advent of viscose and polyester, since synthetics melt under the influence of high temperature, changing their shape. Due to this property, the petals easily take the desired shape.

Do-it-yourself chiffon and organza flowers: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Necessary tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • organza or chiffon of various bright colors;
  • lighter or candle;
  • a piece of felt;
  • accessories (beads, glass beads, rhinestones);
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • needle with thread;
  • glue gun;
  • brooch clasp, such as a safety pin.

Stages of work

The fabric is smoothed with an iron, after which circles of various diameters are cut out of it. After that, the edges of all the circles are singeed with a lighter or a candle, after which the circles are folded into a flower and carefully stitched. The center of the flower is decorated with decorative fittings, such as beads. On the back, a pin is sewn or glued to attach the brooch. It turned out a luxurious bright flower.

Secrets of harmonious color combinations

You can apply the principle of complementary combination, that is, using the Itten circle, determine two contrasting colors and use them in the composition.

Also, using the Itten circle, you can make a triad of colors by inscribing a regular equilateral triangle in the circle, the corners of which will indicate the desired colors.

A similar combination - from two to five similar shades are taken, located close to each other on the Itten circle, a non-contrasting, calm color composition is obtained. The scheme works with both muted tones and bright hues.

You can use a separate-complementary combination of colors, in which one color will be the main one, and two additional ones. The contrast of the scheme will be somewhat less than with a complementary combination.

There are more complex compositions and combination schemes, however, for a basic level, the information provided is more than enough.

Where can I use organza flowers

You can use the resulting artistic masterpieces as brooches, artificial bouquets, panel decorations, bracelets, decorative rings, hair clips, and even earrings. In a word, the range of application is limited only by your own imagination.

Successful additions when creating organza flowers: beads, beads and lace

Decorative accessories can greatly help in creativity - with its help you can imitate dew on the petals, pistils, stamens, decorate the center of the bud and the edges of the petals, make a beautiful fringe of lace. There are many interesting videos and photos on the Internet of examples of the successful use of decorative fittings.

Do you have a free evening and some scraps of satin, chiffon, linen, jeans or organza? We invite you to learn how to make flowers from fabric with your own hands! Following our master classes, you will master the art of flower making, which will give you the opportunity to:

  • Beautifully wrapping gifts;
  • Update interior items, say, lampshades, curtains or pillow covers;
  • Transform clothes, bags, shoes;
  • Make accessories for interior decoration, such as artificial flowers, wreaths, ;
  • Making hair ornaments (hairpins, headbands, etc.);
  • Making jewelry: brooches, rings, earrings, necklaces;
  • Decorate the table setting and decorate any holidays, such as birthdays and even weddings;
  • Make presentations for teachers and educators of the child;
  • Make exclusive gifts for loved ones;
  • Design diaries, covers, albums and notebooks.

In addition to step-by-step instructions for beginners, here you will find a selection of photos for inspiration, as well as helpful videos.

Master class 1. Simple fabric roses in country style

If you like, or rustic, then this master class is for you. Below are examples of work that you can do by mastering the technique of twisting fabric roses.

You will need:

  • Textile;
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue gun.

How to make a fabric rose:

Step 1. Cut the fabric into ribbons. To create one rose, you will need one strip 50-70 cm long and about 3-5 cm wide. However, you can choose other sizes if you want to make the rose larger or smaller than in this project.

Step 2. Fold your strip in half and put a 1.5 cm line of glue on its tip (see right photo above).

Step 3. Start rolling the strip into a roll in a few turns.

Step 4. When the roll becomes dense and strong enough, proceed to the formation of the first "petals": fold the ribbon obliquely to the outside as shown in the upper photo on the right and wrap the center of the rose.

Step 5. Continue to form the petals in the same order: fold the ribbon on the bias to the outside - wrap the blank - fold the ribbon on the bias to the outside - wrap the blank - etc. There should be approximately 3-5 bends of the tape per row of petals. From time to time, layers of fabric need to be fixed with hot glue. As a result, you should get a rose like in these photos.

Experiment with the number of folds of the flower and the density of the fabric to achieve a more casual or, conversely, neater look for your flower.

Step 6. Once the rose has reached the desired diameter, lower the remaining ribbon tail down and glue it to the base.

In this project, the back side of the craft was covered with the remaining tail of the fabric.

Step 8. Make the number of flowers you need in different sizes - small, medium and large.

This video presents a master class on how to make roses from denim with your own hands.

Master class 2. Artificial flowers made of satin fabric or organza

Looking at these flowers made of satin fabric, it seems that they were created by a real master of flower making, but in fact, even a beginner can make the same realistic peonies / roses.

You will need:

  • Candle;
  • Satin, silk, chiffon or organza in 100% polyester. For the manufacture of peonies, white and pink matter (all shades) is suitable;
  • Scissors;
  • Yellow floss threads (for stamens);
  • Needle.


Step 1. Cut out 5 circles from the fabric: 4 circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm and 1 circle with a diameter of about 5-8 cm. You can cut it roughly and by eye, any inaccuracies and irregularities do not matter.

Step 2. Light a candle and start processing the first round blank: carefully bring its edge close to the flame and start rotating around its axis so that all the edges of the circle are melted and twisted. Be careful, keep a glass of water ready, and most importantly - do not bring the workpiece too close to the fire. Keep in mind that if you overdo it, the edges will turn black, which is not always desirable. However, sometimes it is the blackened edges that give homemade flowers realism or originality. Repeat this process with all remaining circles.

Step 3. Now, using scissors, make 4 cuts on each blank as shown in the diagram and photo below. The main thing here is to leave the center of the circle intact.

Step 4. Back to working with the candle again. This time, we melt the sections we just made by pushing the sections apart with both hands. Repeat the procedure with all five petals.

Step 5. Set 2 large and 1 smallest blanks aside. We will return to them, but for now let's take care of the 2 remaining blanks, that is, the middle layers of the peony petals. They need to be cut again according to the following scheme.

As a result, the petals will be twice as many.

Step 6 Scorch new cuts with a candle and set the blanks aside.

Step 7. It's time to make the peony stamens in the form of a small pompom from yellow floss threads. For this:

  • Wrap a whole thread of floss tightly around your index and middle fingers folded together. You should have about 8 turns.
  • Now tightly tie the middle of the resulting skein with the same yellow thread (between two fingers).
  • Cut two loops, straighten the threads and trim the pom-pom if necessary.

Step 8. We proceed to the "assembly" of the flower. Stack two large blanks on top of each other, which have only 4 petals, then put two blanks with 8 petals on top of them and, finally, complete the bud with the smallest blank with 4 petals.

Step 9. Hooray, the flower is almost ready! It remains only to sew a yellow pompom to its center, at the same time sewing all 5 layers of petals together.

If desired, glue / sew the necessary accessories to the back of the bud, for example, a pin, to make a brooch out of a flower.

By changing the shape, color, size of the petals, their number and the principle of gluing, you can make not only peonies and roses, but also poppies (pictured), ranunculus, lilies and tulips.

And here is an example of flowers made from organza.

Master class 3. A flower from frills in 5 minutes

You do not have hot glue, but do you have a needle and thread? Or did you suddenly need to make fabric flowers as quickly as possible? Then we hasten to introduce you to the technique of making flowers from frills.

You will need:

  • Textile;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread to match the fabric;
  • Iron (optional).

Step 1. Cut the fabric into strips about 30 cm long and about 7-8 cm wide. You can choose other sizes to make the flowers smaller or larger.

Step 2. Fold the strip in half lengthwise and iron the fold.

Step 3. Baste the workpiece with wide stitches at the bottom as shown in the photo below.

Step 4 Gather the workpiece into an accordion by slowly pulling the thread. Do not pull the thread too hard to avoid breaking it.

Step 5. Close the circle by connecting the two ends of the tape and making a few stitches (tie a knot on the back).

Step 6. Glue/sew beads, rhinestones or buttons into the center of the flower. Ready!

This method can be changed slightly if you want to make a more layered flower with raw cuts, such as linen or jeans. Cut out a wide and long strip of fabric, baste it in the middle from beginning to end, fold it into an accordion, roll one edge of the strip into a roll, and then begin to fold the tape around it. Periodically, layers of fabric need to be fixed with glue or stitches. Below in the photo slider is a master class in pictures on making a flower from flax (scroll the photo to the right).

If you have a large length of fabric, you can make a flower with a large diameter, for example, to decorate a pillow cover. To pick up such a long ribbon, the easiest way is to use a sewing machine.

To make such large flowers, you will need strips of fabric 2.5-3 m long

These potted flowers are made from old cotton t-shirts.

Master class 4. Volumetric pom-pom flower

This master class is good in cases where you need a fabric flower to be voluminous and lush.

You will need:

  • Any soft fabric of the desired color;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Scissors;
  • Felt.


Step 1. Cut out about 20-30 circles with a diameter of about 4 cm from the fabric. All these circles will become petals in the future. You can cut blanks by eye, the correctness of the shape does not matter.

  • To cut several circles at once, simply fold the fabric 3-4 times.

Step 2. Now cut out a circle with a diameter of about 4 cm from the felt. This circle will become the base of your flower.

Step 3 Take one of your petal circles and fold it into a bag like the photo below.

Step 4. Glue your blank with the tip to the center of the felt base.

Step 5. Continue gluing your paper bags one by one to the felt base until it is completely covered with petals. Voila! The flower is ready!

If you wish, you can make the flower not lush, but flat and supplement it with beaded stamens. To do this, the petals need to be folded as follows: we bend the circle in half, then we bend the right and left parts of the resulting semicircle to its center to make a quarter. Next, you just have to glue the petals in a circle on a felt base, and then sew / glue beads into the center.

And a few more ideas that you can implement by following our master class.

And finally, we offer you to watch another video tutorial on how to make fabric flowers with your own hands.

Organza is an attractive weightless material, and the flowers from it are especially fragile, feminine and realistic. In this master class, examples of creating colors of different complexity are given, which you can use to enrich jewelry, accessories, clothes, and so on.

simple flower

To create this flower you need:

  • circle patterns, the diameter of which will vary slightly,
  • organza of the desired color,
  • candle,
  • glue gun or needle and thread
  • additional decorative material (beads or beads).

First, create templates. You can circle glasses with a neck of different diameters on cardboard and draw a six-leaf with large, barely marked petals.

After that, fold the fabric several times, circle one of the patterns and cut it out.

You should have five or six large circles, five or four medium ones and four or three smallest ones.

After cutting, carefully singe the edges of the circles above the candle.

After that, start collecting the flower. It can be sewn or glued.

First, glue all the large ones in one place in the middle, then the middle ones on top of them and add the small circles last.

Decorate the middle of the workpiece with beads or beads.

The finished flower can be planted on a hairpin, elastic band or used for other decorative purposes.

Terry flower

To make such a flower you will need:

  • organza or veil;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • candle and matches;
  • felt;
  • brooch pin;
  • decorative beads;
  • needle and thread;
  • thick cardboard;
  • universal glue.

First you need to make 3 paper templates in the form of circles of different diameters: 8 cm, 9 cm and 10 cm.

Then cut 4 blanks of each diameter from the organza. For convenience, you can fold a piece of organza in four and cut out a circle.

Fold each resulting circle in half and cut the folds with scissors without reaching the center of 1 cm.

Holding the uncut tip of the workpiece with tweezers, round the corners. It should turn out as in the photo.

Unfold the blank and singe each petal over the flame of a candle, while bending the rest of the petals.

Spread the petals and singe the edges between them.

Do this with all the blanks and proceed with the assembly.

For a comfortable assembly, thread the needle and stick it with the eye into the cardboard.

Starting with a larger one, string all the petals one by one on the needle, straightening them.

When all the petals are collected, pull out the needle and sew the middle of the flower several times, decorating it with beads. The flower is ready.

To make a brooch out of it, cut a circle out of felt slightly larger than the size of the pin. And make small slits in it to insert a pin.

Using all-purpose glue, glue the felt with a pin to the base of the flower. A wonderful flower brooch is ready!

peonies flowers

To create flowers you will need:

  • any organza;
  • patterns of flowers and petals;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • disappearing marker or chalk;
  • a needle bed or a piece of foam rubber;
  • beads, rhinestones;
  • scissors;
  • candle and matches.

Templates for petals must first be cut out of cardboard. The form of the template can be absolutely any. We suggest that you draw several cinquefoils of different diameters, as well as several individual heart-shaped petals.

Attach the finished templates to the fabric and circle with a marker. If you need several identical petals, then fold the fabric in several layers. Secure each piece with pins and cut out. There is no need to do this perfectly evenly, since in the future the edges will be burned, and on a living peony all the leaves are different and a little torn.

Once all the blanks are cut out, proceed to firing. Carefully pass each petal over the candle flame. They should melt a little and wrap up. Some large petals can be slightly incised to create a ragged effect.

Now lay out all the blanks by size. Insert a needle with a thread with an eye down into a piece of foam rubber or into something soft and successively string five-petal blanks onto the needle from largest to smallest. The number of layers can be arbitrary, for example, 4 large, 3 smaller, 3 even smaller and 4 very small. The middle of the flower can be decorated with petals of a different color, beads or small single petals.

To form a flower from heart-shaped blanks, 5-8 petals of each size are required. Collect them on a needle in a circle, stringing one at a time for the sharp part, starting with the largest elements. Each subsequent petal is laid on the previous overlap.

After the flower is collected, it is carefully sewn with a few stitches in the center, be sure to capture all the petals. If desired, the middle can be decorated with beautiful beads or beads. And on the reverse side, sew on a safety pin or a special fastener.

rolled up rose

To create such roses, you should prepare:

  • any organza and satin ribbon;
  • soldering iron with a sharp rod (100 W);
  • glass;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun.

First you need to make 3 patterns of petals of different sizes. For their manufacture, it is better to choose a material that is not susceptible to the thermal effects of a soldering iron. For this, tin or thick cardboard is perfect. In this case, I used an empty bottle of hairspray, it can be easily straightened and cut. To avoid injury, it is better to sand the edges.

You will need a small glass, we will cut out the petals on it with a soldering iron. After work, adhering organza residues can be easily removed when they cool.

To form one rose, it is necessary to cut out 10 petals with a soldering iron: 3 large, 3 medium and 4 small. It is better to cut them on an oblique.

Fold each petal in half lengthwise, inside out, sew along the edge with a basting thread in tone and pull off.

Twist the rose petals sequentially, securing with threads or a glue gun.

Start from the middle - roll a small petal into a tube, and fasten the rest around it in ascending order.

A rose with petals of different shades will look quite interesting. You can also play with the texture of the fabric.

Volumetric rose

To make a voluminous rose, prepare:

  • organza ribbon - 2 meters;
  • paper;
  • a candle and matches;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors.

Cut out three petal templates from paper: large, medium and small. Large and medium petals will need 15 pieces, small - 12 pieces.

Fold the ribbon the appropriate number of times and cut out the required number of petals.

Burn the edges of each petal by carefully passing it over the candle flame.

Take three small petals and fold them into a fan.

To make a flower, we need:



Candle and lighter or matches

Brooch pin

decorative beads

Needle with thread

Shoe box cardboard lid

And a great desire to create

To begin with, we make paper templates, 3 circles of different diameters. I suggest diameter 10cm, 9cm and 8cm.

We cut blanks from organza into 4 pieces of each diameter. For convenience, fold the organza 4 times and cut out a circle.

We fold each circle 2 times, cut the folds without reaching the end of 1 cm.

Hold the uncut tip and round off the corners. Here's what should happen:

The blanks are ready for further processing. Burn the petals over the candle.

Spreading the petals, singe between the petals.

Scorched petals are ready to be assembled.

For ease of assembly, I propose to make the following device (The idea is not mine, I saw it on the Internet. Thanks to the author.) Thread a needle and insert it with an eye into a cardboard box.

We string the petals on the needle, starting with the largest. In the process, we straighten, giving a beautiful shape.

When all the petals are strung, we pull out the needle, stitch it several times and fix it.

We decorate the middle with beads. The flower is ready. If you want to make a brooch, then continue!

From felt cut out a circle, slightly larger than the size of the pin. We make small slits to insert a pin.

Glue the pin to the flower with glue. Our brooch is ready!

What will be your flower depends only on your imagination! Good luck and creative inspiration to you!

You can see my other work here: