Types of weddings by years of marriage. What to give for wedding anniversaries to loved ones and friends

Vika Dee July 28, 2018

Birthday is not only for people, but also for families - for them it is a wedding. Wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember everything that preceded it: acquaintance, the birth of love, understanding that this is exactly “your” person with whom you can create a strong, friendly family.

It is unlikely that even experienced couples will be able to list what are the names of wedding anniversaries by years of marriage from 1 to 100 years, most know only silver (25 years) and gold (50 years) weddings.

Few people know that the day on which the marriage is registered is considered to be its very first anniversary, which is called green, which is reflected in such wedding accessories as the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere - they certainly must be green.

Groom's green boutonniere

Every new married couple is interested in what age what wedding is. But so that the next wedding anniversary does not become just an occasion for a banal party, you need to know what the dates of weddings by year mean, what significance is embedded in them by tradition. We offer you a calendar of wedding dates in Russia by year, so that every married couple celebrates this significant anniversary for the family with a full understanding of what kind of wedding it is and what its symbolic meaning is.

Wedding dates by year, their names and meaning

The table below shows which wedding anniversaries are available. If we consider the gradation of weddings by years, then one cannot fail to note the ingenuity of those who came up with names for them.

The first ten dates have rather modest names, but the farther, the more common are the names of precious stones, symbolizing the value of marriage who has withstood the storms of life.

Year Name of the wedding
Calico (gauze)
Cast iron
Copper (woolen)
Pewter (pink)
Steel (coral)
Lace (lily of the valley)
Tin (pink) - the name coincides with the 10th anniversary
mahogany wedding
Solar (coffee)
Copper (the name coincides with the 7th anniversary; sometimes you can find the car option, but this is clearly a modern addition)
Coral (linen, linen)
bone china
Willow (verb)
52 Topaz - a type of wedding after 52 years of marriage
53 Uranium - 53 years of marriage
54 Zeus' wedding - 54 years together
56 What type of wedding at 56? In Russia, it is not customary to celebrate it, and therefore there is no name.
57 Aluminum. What does the marriage age of 57 mean? The fact that the spouses managed to maintain their union even for more than half a century of living together.
58 The date of 58 years from the date of the wedding is usually not celebrated and does not have a name.
59 The date of 59 years from the date of the wedding is usually not celebrated and does not have a name.
Diamond (platinum)
61 A rich wedding - 61 years of family life.
62 Aquamarine wedding - 62 years of family life.
63 Mercury (like 38 years old)
64 Cheerful
66 Neon - 66 years of family life.
67 magical
68 Romashkova - 68 years of family life.
69 It is not marked and has no name.
grateful (grateful)
Crown, or second diamond
76-79 They are not marked and do not have a name.
81-84 They are not marked and do not have a name.
85 Vinnaya - 85 years of family life.
86-89 They are not marked and do not have a name.
90 Granite is 90 years of family life.
91-94 They are not marked and do not have a name.
95 Ruby (diamond) - 95 years of family life.
96-98 They are not marked and do not have a name.
99 99 years of married life is a fantastic period leading up to the 100th wedding anniversary.

A very interesting phenomenon incomplete anniversaries, although it is difficult to explain the history of their origin.

So, after 6.5 years, a zinc wedding is celebrated; after 12.5 years - nickel, after 37.5 years - aluminum, after 67.5 years - stone

If we compare the names and wedding anniversaries accepted in Russia in English, German, French, we can notice some differences, although the names of the main dates (5, 10, 20, 25, 50 years) are the same. However, in many names, national specificity is manifested: for example, flax is the symbol of the 4th anniversary in our country as the most common raw material for linen in the old days, and in England- linen, but silk; in England the symbol of the 70th anniversary is platinum, but we have grace, etc.

Silk as a symbol of an anniversary in England

List of wedding anniversaries by month

A wedding is such a significant event for newlyweds that it never erased from memory, and they want to feel again and again, as then. Well, they have a great opportunity to celebrate their mini wedding anniversaries.

The very first, or rather, (green) - this is the very day of marriage.

The week after it is popularly called honey - how can you not remember European honeymoon tradition when the newlyweds go on their honeymoon!

In contrast to the designation of wedding anniversaries by year, no names have been invented for the first 12 months of family life, so that newlyweds can celebrate a green wedding on the date when the marriage took place. Why such an anniversary is called green is quite understandable: a young family is like a green sprout, which will grow stronger, grow and give new shoots. That is why a green plant in a pot will be a wonderful symbolic gift.

green plant for wedding anniversary

Green is a symbol of freshness (feelings), youth (family), as well as inexperience. However, the latter has already lost its relevance in our time: often, before officially registering a marriage, a couple lives together for quite a long time, runs a common household, so she already has experience of living in a family, albeit without a stamp in her passport. And this is very good - there will be less disappointment, because the newlyweds managed to properly study each other, and this will help to avoid unpleasant surprises.

There are no rules about monthly anniversaries.

To gather friends for a party with watching a wedding video or to arrange a romantic evening for two - this is decided by the newlyweds themselves. By the way, they will be called that only until the first real wedding anniversary - calico. You can spend an anniversary in an unusual way with the help of small interesting details: order a pizza in the shape of a heart!

What does wedding anniversary mean?

In the old days, the wedding was played after the wedding in the temple, that is, they were virtually identical. Nowadays marriage is secular ceremony, but more and more couples want to seal their relationship with the bonds of church marriage. It is far from always possible to combine the registration of marriage in the registry office and the wedding in the church on the same day. Perhaps this is for the best, because the church ceremony requires a completely different mood, and the wedding fuss makes it difficult to achieve it.

A characteristic sign of our time has become the wedding in the church of couples who have been married for more than a decade

Marriage is one of Christian sacraments, during which grace descends on the bride and groom, and their family life, as it were, is filled with a new, divine meaning.

wedding accessories

It should be recalled that only married couples whose marriage is registered in the registry office are crowned. There are many restrictions: Both newlyweds and their witnesses must be baptized; you can't get married on the days of church holidays, during Great Lent, as well as on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There are a number of mandatory conditions, in particular, the wedding dress should not be with bare shoulders and a deep neckline (therefore, brides are advised to cover their shoulders with a scarf), etc.

List of wedding anniversaries by year

Wedding anniversaries are a great occasion to look back on the path we have traveled together, remember all the good things what happened in family life, and draw a line under everything that overshadowed it. It is extremely rare for couples to meet each year for 20-30-40 or more years celebrating the corresponding wedding anniversary. Most celebrate mainly round wedding dates or the most significant ones.

Living together

The table shows the names of wedding anniversaries according to the years lived together. The following are most often noted:

  1. 5 years - a wooden wedding, which is considered the first real anniversary of a young family who managed to overcome all crises initial period. The family resembles a strong and reliable wooden hut, so it is better to choose all gifts for this date from wood, for example, kitchen utensils (chopping boards, coasters, etc.), decor items (photo frames, caskets, figurines, etc.), furniture ( table, stool) or a tree in a pot.
  2. 10 years - tin (pink) wedding. The combination of symbols seems a little strange, but if you think about it, they characterize the two sides of marriage. In the old days, many household items, comfortable and durable, were made from tin, and this is family life over the past 10 years. settled and strengthened. Pink is a romantic color; he recalls that love in family life has not gone anywhere, it has simply changed and manifests itself differently. The 10th anniversary will help you remember romantic love again.
  3. 15 years - glass wedding- has a deep symbolism. On the one hand, glass is very durable, try to cut something on it - nothing will work, except with a diamond. On the other hand, glass breaks very easily, and it is often impossible to glue the fragments together. Good analogy with family life.
  4. 20 years - porcelain wedding; porcelain, although it seems fragile, has great strength, and its beauty is admired.
  5. 25 years - a silver wedding is perhaps the most famous anniversary. It is no coincidence that its symbol is silver, a noble precious metal. All the metals that symbolized previous anniversaries served as evidence of the strength of the union, but only silver symbolizes its precious properties.
  6. 30 years - pearl wedding. After the silver anniversary, they are usually celebrated every 5 or even 10 years. Pearls with their delicate tints remind of all shades of feelings that once united a couple in love.
  7. 35 years - coral(linen, linen) wedding,
  8. 40 years - ruby,
  9. 45 – sapphire wedding- all these anniversaries can be celebrated at the request of the spouses and their loved ones, but the real culmination will be
  10. 50 years - golden wedding- the most important anniversary in family life. If married couple She lived half a century, which means that everything worked out for her. Noble gold symbolizes not only and not so much material wealth as the value of family ties, when spouses feel like a single whole, and their relationship has stood the test of time.
  11. 60 years - diamond(platinum) wedding, which combined the symbols of the most durable gem and the most expensive precious metal, so it does not require explanation why they appear in the title of the 60th wedding anniversary.
  12. 70 years - fertile(grateful) wedding. Spouses who have lived together for a period of a whole human life have something to thank fate for, because grace has descended on them.
  13. 75 years - crown, or the second diamond wedding,
  14. 80 years - oak,
  15. 90 years - granite wedding- all these dates emphasize the strength of marriage.
  16. 100 years - red wedding. A completely unique anniversary, which is probably celebrated only by a few. Since ancient times, red has meant a holiday, joy, fun; it also symbolized wisdom, love, vitality, that is, everything that accompanied the life of a married couple for a century.

This is what the transcript of wedding anniversaries looks like. She forces one more time think about the value family ties and the need to strengthen them, as well as help you when choosing a gift if you were invited to a wedding anniversary.

wedding anniversary gift

Which wedding dates are celebrated and which are not celebrated?

Whether to celebrate marriage anniversaries or not, each couple decides for themselves, but you should remember the example for children: such impressive anniversaries as the silver or gold wedding of parents, become important events and in their lives.

Using the classification of weddings by year, you can decide on the style of celebrating an anniversary.

Usually its name is a key moment for organizing and decorating the celebration, and it gives guests a hint, what kind of gifts best suit this date.

Celebration of wedding anniversaries - buffet

Most common wedding celebrations by year happens at intervals 5-10 years, but there are anniversaries that are generally not customary to celebrate. These are 16, 17, 28, 32, 33, 36, 41-43, 51-54, 56-59, 61-64, 66-69, 71-74, 76-79, 81-84, 86-89, 91 -94, 96-98 years from the date of marriage. It is difficult to say why it happened so, but such is the tradition. However, there are still so many worthy wedding anniversaries that there is where to roam!

A wedding is the most exciting event in our life, it is magical and unforgettable, beautiful and insanely romantic ... It cannot be otherwise, because two loving hearts will unite into one these days, and all the upcoming moments of happiness, joyful moments, hopes and worries of the newlyweds are already will be divided by two. Weddings are almost always celebrated magnificently, and this celebration, for almost all peoples of the world, is a tradition. Champagne, the kidnapping and ransom of the bride, cheerful cries: “Bitter!” - each of us is familiar with this and has long become attributes of any new wedding.

But not everyone knows that weddings are not only new. Family Day can be celebrated every year, and the husband and wife, who have even a very large marital experience behind them, on this significant day again become newlyweds, inspired by their love. Each such wedding has its own traditions of celebration and its name, their essence is focused on the number of years that the spouses have lived together. Of course, these anniversaries are celebrated if the husband and wife were able to create a fairly strong family union and build harmonious relationships. And if a bad life together, then after 5 years what kind of wedding can be marked with great pleasure and fun? Such a celebration will come out very tense and dull and will bring nothing but regrets about the mistake made then.

Wedding Anniversary Celebration

But ... Let's not talk about sad things. It’s better to talk about what wedding anniversaries are in happy family unions. Such important anniversaries from 1 to 100 years of marriage are celebrated. Wedding anniversaries are celebrated very magnificently and solemnly after the thirty years of marriage, since for those who have lived so many years side by side, one of the most significant moments of life is the first wedding.

Wedding anniversaries have different names. Silver and pearl, gold, copper and glass, leather and wood, chintz and paper weddings - there are no other names! Each such name of the wedding anniversary symbolizes something, and each of them means a lot ... For example, a glass wedding is celebrated after fifteen years of marriage, it got its name as a warning that glass can be extraordinarily beautiful, but its easy to break. Therefore, in order to save the family, spouses must become very restrained and attentive to each other.

But a silver wedding is celebrated after twenty-five years lived together - this is already love and devotion, which are time-tested. After all, silver is a precious, strong metal that has incredible life-giving powers.
A very prosaic name for the wedding anniversary, which is celebrated after thirty-five years of marriage, is “linen wedding”. But such a name is also quite justified. Over the years, the family has already become one common organism, which is woven like a sheet of many threads - these are spouses, children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren.

Wedding anniversaries that are celebrated after this date have no less significant names. Noble and red, stone and iron, ruby ​​and diamond... Each of these weddings means a certain stage of married life, and each of them, for love, which is time-tested, is a special hymn.

On the wedding anniversary, congratulations are very diverse, but, first of all, they are focused on the type of wedding anniversary. For example, at a calico wedding, which, from the day the family was created, is celebrated a year later, items made of chintz and linen are presented as gifts to anniversaries. On a paper wedding anniversary, after two years of married life, they give spouses souvenirs made of glass and paper. On a copper wedding, which is celebrated after seven years of marriage, they give products that are made of copper, since the family is considered strong, like copper.

A silver wedding means gifts made of silver, and for a pearl wedding, after thirty years lived together, pearl jewelry. On a golden wedding anniversary, of course, they give gold. And for a diamond ... It is advisable to give, of course, diamonds, but many of the guests cannot afford such a gift. Therefore, the diamond, golden jubilees and anniversaries that are celebrated after them do not need any special symbolism of gifts. And to give already aged, but, as before, happy newlyweds, you need something that can bring them joy.

For all wedding anniversaries, you can give cards. It’s good that today there are a lot of them for sale, and you can always choose a rather original postcard that will best suit the solemn moment. Of course, the inscriptions in these holiday cards should also be suitable and cheerful, very friendly and certainly focused on the peculiarity of the wedding anniversary. And then such a card will become a bright, memorable gift for the spouses, which they keep all their lives.

In other words, in order to congratulate the anniversaries with dignity, it is not enough to know what wedding anniversary they will celebrate. In order not to miss and not to give, for example, linen towels for a glass wedding anniversary, it is necessary, when choosing a gift, to find out what exactly is presented for such an anniversary. Our tip will serve as a source of such useful information that you can familiarize yourself with, and then, fully armed, boldly go to such a romantic, such an unforgettable holiday.

What are the names of weddings by year

  • Wedding 0 years - Green wedding
  • Wedding 1 year - Print wedding
  • Wedding 2 years - Paper wedding
  • Wedding 3 years - Leather wedding
  • Wedding 4 years - Linen (wax) wedding
  • Wedding 5 years - Wooden wedding
  • Wedding 6 years - Cast iron (rowan, cypress) wedding
  • Wedding 7 years - Copper wedding
  • Wedding 8 years - Tin (poppy) wedding
  • Wedding 9 years - Faience wedding
  • Wedding 10 years - Pink (amber, pewter) wedding
  • Wedding 11 years - Steel wedding
  • Wedding 12 years - Nickel (silk) wedding
  • Wedding 13 years - Lace (woolen) wedding
  • Wedding 14 years - Agate wedding
  • Wedding 15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding
  • Wedding 16 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 17 years - Tin wedding
  • Wedding 18 years - Turquoise wedding
  • Wedding 19 years - Krypton wedding
  • Wedding 20 years - Porcelain wedding
  • Wedding 21 - Opal Wedding
  • Wedding 22 years - Bronze wedding
  • Wedding 23 years - Beryl wedding
  • Wedding 24 years - Satin wedding
  • Wedding 25 years - Silver wedding
  • Wedding 26 years - Jade wedding
  • Wedding 27 years - Mahogany wedding
  • Wedding 28 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 29 years - Velvet wedding
  • Wedding 30 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 31 - Swarthy wedding
  • Wedding 32 and 33 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 34 years - Amber wedding
  • Wedding 35 years - Linen (coral) wedding
  • Wedding 36 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 37 years - Muslin wedding
  • Wedding 38 years - Mercury wedding
  • Wedding 39 years - Crepe wedding
  • Wedding 40 years - Ruby wedding
  • Wedding 41 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 42 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 43 years - Flannel wedding
  • Wedding 44 years - Topaz wedding
  • Wedding 45 years - Sapphire (scarlet) wedding
  • Wedding 46 years - Lavender wedding
  • Wedding 47 years - Cashmere wedding
  • Wedding 48 years - Amethyst wedding
  • Wedding 49 years - Cedar wedding
  • Wedding 50 years - Golden wedding
  • Wedding 55 years - Emerald wedding
  • Wedding 60 years - Diamond (platinum) wedding
  • Wedding 65 years - Iron wedding
  • Wedding 70 years - Gracious wedding
  • Wedding 75 years - Crown (last, alabaster) wedding
  • Wedding 80 years - Oak wedding
  • Wedding 100 years - Red wedding

Wedding day is the happiest day of life for many. Or one of those, because the birth of a joint child is a much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and it is better to come up with even modern educated minds beyond the power. Indeed, in the old days, people felt nature much better and, identifying each person with it, found those truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year also determine the gifts that are usually given to spouses.

But what is it for? After all, a modern person is used to celebrating only anniversaries without attaching importance to intermediate ones. Previously, people believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly observed them. Perhaps, or perhaps some higher power kept the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by years and they did not need special reminders.

It is worth explaining to a modern person why exactly the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we'll do. So, the name of the wedding:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like greenery, with which in the old days any beginning was compared, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if many flowers with greenery are presented on this day.

1 year is a chintz wedding. This material was valued for its lightness and thinness, but at the same time, it was quite everyday and inexpensive. So the family has not yet grown stronger, but the romance of the first months of marriage is already beginning to fade, and everyday life takes its place. This day is very important, because. right now they open a bottle of champagne, which was tied on the table of the newlyweds on their wedding day with another bottle. By the way, the second is opened for the birth of the first child in marriage. Gifts must be calico.

2nd anniversary - Paper. Naturally, a fragile union that can withstand ups and downs only in a dense lump. On this date, the spouses should write each other a message on colorful paper or a postcard with a declaration of love. The second name for weddings, which was invented for this anniversary, is glass, but is rarely used, because. there is another anniversary with the same name. Also associated with the fragility of the material. Spouses should exchange glass figurines representing love. Gifts made of glass or paper (wine glasses, decanters, wallpaper, paintings, etc.)

3 years after the big day comes the Leather Wedding. Spouses by this moment should already feel great about each other. Therefore, the comparison of ancestors was with the skin. Gifts, respectively, from the skin.

4 years after marriage - Linen or rope. On this day, a married couple was tied with ropes hand and foot on nearby chairs. If they were unable to get out, then their union is strong and long. Gifts: linen items or weaving.

5 years. Wooden date. First anniversary date. Usually, the first child appeared on this anniversary. Therefore, it received its name from the eternal symbol of fertility, flowering and new life. The fact of the birth of a baby has always cemented the union and the spouses grew roots to each other. Also, by this time, his own house and furniture in it should have appeared. Gifts made from wood.

6 years lived in harmony - Cast-iron wedding. This metal has always been valued for its heat-resistant properties, but was very brittle when struck. So is the family. In order to strengthen the union, on this day it was necessary to carefully clean the house and pay special attention to all cast-iron objects. Guests were not always invited.

6.5 years. Zinc Union. During this period, disagreements often arose. Therefore, just as galvanized dishes are sometimes rubbed to a shine, so relationships should be polished with love and attention from one to the other. The date was always celebrated to show the guests that everything is wonderful with them. Gifts are usually from galvanized items.

7 years after marriage. Copper wedding. Copper is a valuable metal, but not a noble one. Therefore, the spouses have all the valuable dates ahead. It is better if one of the guests gives a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - a copper horseshoe.

8 years lived together. Tin date. By this time, it is full of warmth and durability, just like the durable metal tin. Tin gifts will be the most suitable option.

9 years of married life is called a Romashkova or faience wedding. Since ancient times, chamomile has been considered a flower that knows about true love. Also, faience has always been personified with a prosperous union. It is better if you celebrate this day in nature. And if the weather does not allow, then the house must have a bouquet of daisies.

10 years together is called the Pink or Tin Anniversary. The second anniversary date was celebrated necessarily with those who were present at the wedding. Scarlet roses were considered the constant flower of passion, and tin was compared with spouses who are able to adapt to each other by this time. Gifts of red, scarlet or pink flowers meant a wish for love and passion, and from tin - compliance and mutual understanding.

11 year marriage. Steel wedding. The union is already undergoing a hardening process, after which only death can separate.

After 12.5 years, it is customary to celebrate the Nickel wedding. More often it is celebrated in the 12th year of marriage.

13 years from the date of the wedding - Lace or lily of the valley. Since ancient times, this number was considered unlucky, but the name is a hint of romance and beauty at any time and in any trouble.

14 years of marriage. Agate wedding. A precious stone, although not very expensive.

15 years of married life - Relations by this time should be transparent and even.

If they lived together for 18 years. Turquoise wedding. Usually, in this year of married life, the first child becomes an adult and a new stage of life begins for the family.

20 years together. porcelain wedding. Warm and cozy, home union.

21 years after marriage. Opal date. A beautiful stone that represents a soft and strong relationship.

22-year-old date -- Bronze wedding. A "prize" anniversary that precedes more noble dates. Valuable and strong relationships.

23 years old. Beryl Anniversary.

24 years after the wedding day, the Atlas season is celebrated. A soft and gentle relationship, but not noble or hardened enough. Although, satin was highly valued for its beauty and softness. It was holiday stuff.

25th Anniversary Silver Anniversary. Noble relationship.

26 years after marriage Jade date.

The 27-year union is called the Mahogany Wedding. The nobility and value of such a union.

29 years - Velvet date. Very valuable material in ancient times. Even brocade could not displace velvet from the wardrobe of noble people.

30 years after marriage - Pearl. The union created over the years bit by bit. Long-term relationships, which in the end turn out to be a real treasure.

31 years lived in love - Swarthy wedding. An anniversary that shows all the work done on the strength of this married family.

34th anniversary of Amber. Also a valuable natural stone that shows both the time frame and the beauty of love.

35 years. Coral or linen anniversary date. Linen things have always been strong and solid. Coral is the personification of the eternal.

37 years after marriage Muslin date.

37.5 years is the Aluminum Union. More popular than the previous one and celebrated six months earlier.

38 years from the date of the wedding Mercury wedding. Soft and flowing, but indestructible.

39 happy years in marriage - Crepe date.

40 Year Relationship -- Ruby Anniversary. A noble stone is a noble and honorable union.

44 years of marital consent is called the Topaz date.

At 45, the Sapphire or scarlet anniversary is celebrated.

46 years from the date of the wedding is called - Lavender wedding.

47 years after marriage, it's the Cashmere Anniversary.

48 years from the date of the wedding - Amethyst date.

If you have lived 49 years together, then the wedding anniversary is Cedar.

50-year milestone -- Golden jubilee date. A noble union and very honorable at all times.

55 years of marriage is commonly referred to as the Emerald Wedding.

60 years together - Platinum or diamond wedding. Strong metal, and valuable stone.

At the age of 65, the Iron Date is celebrated. A strong, hardened union.

At 67.5 - Stone anniversary. Like a mountain that only time can destroy.

70 years in love - A grateful and fertile date. Gratitude for the years spent together, for children and grandchildren. Blessed, because everything is there and only the happiness of relatives is needed.

After 75 years, it is worth celebrating the Crown wedding. The crown was associated with power and honor.

80 years is called the Oak Union. There was no tree stronger than oak. But it is warm and eternal.

100 years is not only a century together, but also a Red Anniversary Wedding. A date that was celebrated by one Ageev family. These centenarians lived together for more than a century and called the centenary union Red. Indeed, before the red color was considered beautiful, elegant, festive and a sign of noble persons.

Wedding anniversaries are celebrated every 5 years. Despite this, many celebrate them in a modest family society, because the older the family, the more relatives: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

But whatever the name of the wedding, may eternal love reign in your family. We wish you mutual understanding and together survive the century from the date of marriage!

print wedding- 1 year

There are many wedding anniversaries. And one of them is a print wedding. A chintz wedding is considered a year of marriage. Such an anniversary is also called a cotton or gauze wedding. This anniversary was given such a name as a sign that in a year the marriage is not yet strong enough and is similar to gauze or chintz.

paper wedding- 2 years

Two years of marriage together are already behind us, which means that the anniversary has come, namely the paper wedding. A marriage that lasted 2 years is called a paper wedding because such a short period does not yet mean a strong union, it is subject to change and can break as quickly as paper.

leather wedding- 3 years

Several steps have already been taken in married life, the relationship has become strong. Such conclusions can be drawn about the anniversary of three years of marriage, the name of which is “leather wedding”. She marks 3 years of marriage. As for the name, it speaks for itself. Leather is a durable material. This means that the relationship is already more or less solid.

linen wedding- 4 years

A linen wedding is 4 years of marriage. Also, 4 years is also called a rope wedding. This is not considered an anniversary in the classical sense, but has the status of an anniversary. For 4 years, the husband and wife have already become accustomed and are like intertwining ropes or flax fibers. It's not so easy to separate them.

wooden wedding- 5 years

A wooden wedding or the fifth anniversary of marriage is a small anniversary for spouses. We can say that this is the first anniversary of marriage, which must be celebrated. If the previous anniversaries leading up to the wooden wedding were the first steps in living together, then this is reliable evidence of the strength of family ties. Even the name of the anniversary speaks for itself.

cast iron wedding- 6 years

The sixth anniversary suggests that it is time to strengthen your home. This is the first anniversary after the fifth anniversary, and this suggests that the first crises may appear in marriage. Therefore, this anniversary was called the “cast-iron wedding”. In fact, cast iron is not the strongest material, but on the contrary, it is very fragile and can crack at any time.


Zinc wedding- 6.5 years

Each of the wedding anniversaries is a new stage in the development of family relations, which has its own characteristics. Each anniversary and each anniversary is marked by one or another material that could most accurately describe family life at this stage. Life in marriage, this short period of time is called a zinc wedding.

copper wedding- 7 years

The marriage, which lasted 7 years, was called the "copper wedding". It is not for nothing that such a metal as copper was chosen for the name. It should be noted that copper is not only a durable metal, but also valuable. This suggests that a seven-year marriage is not only durable, but also of considerable value to its participants.

Tin wedding- 8 years

Eight years of marriage is already a long period of time. The symbol of this anniversary is tin, hence the name “tin wedding”. On the eighth anniversary of marriage, or on a tin wedding, the life of the spouses must finally settle down, they must completely get used to each other, raise children and move on.

faience wedding- 9 years

Nine years of marriage has been called "faience wedding". Why is this, because faience is a very fragile material? The explanation is simple. It is believed that for nine years of marriage there are some critical moments that should be experienced, so marriage can easily crack like faience. There is also an opinion that for 9 years of marriage, spouses live in abundance.

Tin wedding- 10 years

Tin wedding - a decade of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is tin, which in turn is a symbol of flexibility. This suggests that the spouses have “grown” to each other and adjusted to the characteristics of each other, they seem to bend under each other. So, we can say that their marriage has become flexible. Also, this anniversary is also called the pink wedding.

steel wedding- 11 years

Eleven years of marriage is called a steel wedding. The relationship is already fully established and has become hard as steel. Steel, the symbol of a steel wedding, is a very beautiful and mirror metal. Family life should be the same for 11 years of marriage: strong and mirror-clean. At this point, the family should already have two children and their own home.

nickel wedding- 12 years

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.


nickel wedding- 12.5 years

Nickel wedding is the anniversary of 12.5 years of marriage. Since the anniversary is not round, it is celebrated in the family circle. Guests are required to donate nickel-plated crockery and kitchen utensils. Only in this case, the dishes are presented unpolished in order for the spouses to do it on their own.

Lace wedding- 13 years

A lace wedding is the thirteenth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of a lace wedding is lace, which indicates that the 13th year of married life should be especially valued for marriage, because it is as thin as lace. A lace wedding is also called a lily of the valley. Therefore, guests should give not only lace, but also white flowers.

agate wedding- 14 years

If the marriage has lasted for 14 years, then he is not afraid of anything. Joint life in marriage, which lasted 14 years, is called an agate wedding. Agate is a symbol of well-being, health and prosperity. The marriage that existed before the agate wedding can be called prosperous and strong. Such a marriage is not afraid of any obstacles.

crystal wedding- 15 years

Crystal wedding comes on the 15th year of marriage. Crystal, which symbolizes this anniversary, is a very strong material, and besides, it is still sonorous and clear. The same can be noted about married life at the age of 15: the relationship of the spouses is strong and clean, time-tested.

Topaz wedding- 16 years

A topaz wedding is a kind of anniversary of living together, celebrated 16 years after legal marriage. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses have already learned to be one, but at the same time, romantic relationships are still fresh between them and the former passion has not faded away. Topaz is a semi-precious stone that symbolizes the transition from soft to strong.

pink wedding- 17 years

In the entire history of family life, the newlyweds will celebrate two Pink weddings. The first, also called tin, exactly 10 years from the date of marriage. And the spouses celebrate the second beautiful and tender Pink wedding according to folk traditions 17 years after the creation of the family.

Turquoise wedding- 18 years

A turquoise wedding is the eighteenth anniversary of marriage. By this time, the crisis situations, if there were any in the family, are over, and dawn is coming. The children have matured enough, which means that the problems have become much less. Turquoise is a symbol of happiness and victory. Relationships of spouses for a turquoise wedding should sparkle with new light.

pomegranate wedding- 19 years

Having lived in love and harmony for 19 years, the couple celebrate the Pomegranate wedding, named after the stone, symbolizing fertility and abundance. Over the years, the spouses should already have many children and the house is a full bowl. With all this, the husband and wife remain tender to each other and retain the romantic mood that accompanied them at the beginning of family life.

porcelain wedding- 20 years

A porcelain wedding is the 20th anniversary of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is porcelain, which is a thin, light and elegant material. Another characteristic of porcelain is its fragility. Therefore, a twenty-year marriage should be taken seriously, because if the spouses are not careful, it can break.

Opal wedding- 21 years old

The spouses celebrate the opal wedding exactly 21 years after marriage. Interestingly, according to popular belief, opal is considered a stone that causes a repulsive feeling towards the person who gave it. However, it is from this mineral that spouses should present products to each other as a gift.

bronze wedding- 22

The bronze wedding is celebrated 22 years after the wedding. With its name, this anniversary symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships and the beginning of a stage towards a new development of the family. It is believed that by this time the husband and wife should be able to easily adapt to each other, while remaining one.

Beryl wedding- 23 years old

Few people know that after 23 years from the date of marriage, it is customary to celebrate the Beryl wedding. Beryl is considered a stone of peace of mind, the keeper of the hearth, a symbol of love, prosperity and prosperity. Beryl is found in nature in various colors and shades. The term of 23 years is one of the turning points in family life.

satin wedding- 24 years

A married couple celebrates a satin wedding exactly 24 years after the wedding. Satin is a light and smooth fabric, and this is exactly what family relationships should be like after such a long period of living together. It is believed that all the difficulties are already behind, the children have grown up, life is arranged - all that remains is to enjoy what has been achieved and maintain the fire of love for later life.

silver wedding- 25 years

A silver wedding is a whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

jade wedding- 26 years

Exactly one year after the high-profile Silver Jubilee, the couple celebrate the Jade Wedding. The name of the anniversary was not accidental. Jade is known for its strength, which is difficult to break both physically and chemically.

mahogany wedding- 27 years

The people call the 27th anniversary of family life the Mahogany Wedding, symbolizing nobility, wisdom, endurance, strength and strength of relationships. This anniversary is usually celebrated in a narrow circle, surrounded by children and grandchildren. To please each other, spouses can exchange symbolic gifts.

nickel wedding- 28 years

Exactly 28 years after the wedding, couples celebrate the Nickel wedding. There is a belief that with its name this anniversary reminds spouses with experience that life needs to be filled with radiance even after many years of marriage.

Velvet wedding- 29 years

According to folk traditions, a velvet wedding is usually celebrated on the 29th anniversary of marriage. The unusual name symbolizes the warmth, tenderness and softness of the relationship between husband and wife. Spouses are recommended to celebrate a luxurious wedding in a restaurant. A woman should wear a velor dress, and a husband can confine himself to a velvet bow tie.

pearl wedding- 30 years

Pearl wedding - thirty years of marriage. Pearls are a symbol of chastity, love, purity and fertility. Therefore, it is assumed that for 30 years of marriage, spouses should already have grandchildren. Relatives, friends, children and grandchildren can be invited guests for the wedding anniversary.

Dark (sunny) wedding- 31 year

A swarthy (or sunny) wedding is celebrated by a married couple 31 years after the marriage. The name of the anniversary symbolizes warmth and light in a relationship. Of course, for such a solid period of time, the spouses have already become close people to each other and no minor troubles can prevent them from building their family happiness further.

Stone (strawberry) wedding- 33 years

The symbolic anniversary of family life - 33 years, is called the Stone Wedding. The name speaks for itself - by this time the relationship should become strong and reliable. Interestingly, the same anniversary is called the Strawberry Wedding, probably for the reason that the husband and wife are intertwined with each other, like strawberry bushes.

Amber wedding- 34 years

After 34 years from the date of the creation of the family, the couple celebrate the Amber wedding. The anniversary got its warm name for a reason. It is known that amber, before becoming a beautiful stone, goes a long and tedious way, transforming from a viscous resin into a valuable mineral. So the relationship between husband and wife in 34 years turns from soft to strong.

Linen (coral) wedding- 35 years

A linen wedding is a thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. This anniversary is also called the coral wedding. The canvas symbolizes strength. As for the coral, it is a plant that tends to grow rapidly and form coral reefs. Therefore, for a coral wedding, the newlyweds should already have a huge family, with many grandchildren.

Muslin wedding- 37 years

Muslin wedding comes to the newlyweds exactly after 37 years of marriage. Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production of which in ancient times required a lot of time, effort and patience. For such a long period of time, a husband and wife must create a strong and high-quality family in which love, respect and mutual understanding reign. It is not necessary to lavishly celebrate this interim date.


aluminum wedding- 37.5 years

Oddly enough, but the non-circular date of 37.5 years of family life also has its own name. On this day, an aluminum wedding is celebrated, named after a strong but flexible metal. Having lived such a solid period, the spouses must learn to put up with each other's minor shortcomings, respect the dignity and be able to find a way out of any situation with the inherent ease of aluminum.

Spouses have the opportunity to celebrate a mercury wedding, having lived together for 38 years. It is known that mercury is a liquid metal that can easily change its shape. So spouses with solid experience are given a chance to take a fresh look at their relationship and start a life dedicated to each other. This intermediate anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Crepe wedding- 39 years

A crepe wedding is not an anniversary, but an important anniversary in the life of a family. This anniversary owes its name to a durable material, the threads of which are tightly intertwined with each other. So it is in the family - in the 39th year of their life together, the husband and wife are a single canvas, which is very difficult to break.

ruby wedding- 40 years

A ruby ​​wedding is considered 40 years of marriage. The symbol of a ruby ​​wedding is a ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this jubilee symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood.

Mother-of-pearl wedding- 42 years

According to folk customs, after 42 years from the date of marriage, the mother-of-pearl wedding is celebrated in the family. Superstitious people have always attributed magical qualities to mother-of-pearl, it is believed that it is able to strengthen relations between husband and wife and bring happiness to the house. According to tradition, on the 42nd anniversary of marriage, a loving husband should present his wife with a necklace of 42 pearls.

flannel wedding- 43 years

Having lived in marital status for 43 years, the couple celebrate the Flannel wedding. The people called this anniversary so in honor of the soft and warm fabric that can protect and keep warm in cold weather. Following folk traditions, the spouses should give each other flannel products. It can be pajamas, nightgowns, shirts, bathrobes.

Topaz wedding- 44 years old

44 years after marriage, the couple will celebrate a topaz wedding - an anniversary named after the purest gem, known not only for its transparency and beauty, but also for its strength. It is believed that family relations by this time should be strong and transparent, without offense, quarrels and intrigues.

Sapphire wedding- 45 years

A sapphire wedding marks forty-five years of marriage. The couple has proven their love and devotion over time. The symbol of this anniversary is sapphire, which is a stone of love that protects from evil. Like this stone, spouses should protect and protect each other. Sapphire is also a stone of renewal and kindness. Relations with him will become as if new, fresh.

lavender wedding- 46 years old

A lavender wedding is celebrated by spouses who have lived together for 46 years. At this age, there is no longer passion and fuss, but there is calmness, mutual understanding, respect and tenderness. The lavender anniversary does not have to be celebrated magnificently, it is enough to invite your beloved children and grandchildren to the house. There should be a blue tablecloth and blue dishes on the table.

cashmere wedding- 47 years old

Exactly 47 years from the date of registration of a legal marriage, the husband and wife will celebrate the Cashmere wedding. The anniversary got its name for a reason - warm and pleasant to the touch natural cashmere is unique in that it does not cause allergies. Similarly, spouses who have lived together for many years cannot annoy each other.

amethyst wedding- 48 years old

An amethyst wedding is celebrated by spouses who managed to live together for 48 years. Amethyst symbolizes the transparency and purity of relationships, without which it is difficult to live such a long period of time. Over the years, husband and wife have learned to support each other and become real halves of a single whole.

Cedar wedding- 49 years old

Exactly one year before the Golden Jubilee, the husband and wife celebrate the Cedar Wedding. Having lived in love and harmony for 49 years, the couple demonstrate to others their ability to adapt to each other and solve complex problems together. The anniversary got its name from the hardy and noble cedar - a tree that lives for several hundred years.

golden wedding- 50 years

The golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is one of the most valuable and expensive metals - gold. Gold represents something that has been achieved through hard work. A fifty-year marriage is a great value that has been formed over the years through hard work. People who have lived together for half a century have proved mutual love, respect, trust and devotion.

A wedding is one of the most exciting events in our life, a magical and unforgettable event, beautiful and extremely romantic ... It cannot be otherwise, because two loving hearts are united these days into a single whole, and all the upcoming joys, hopes, worries and moments of happiness are young Husband and wife will already be divided in half. Weddings are lavishly celebrated almost always, and this celebration is traditional for almost all peoples of the world. Champagne, the kidnapping of the bride and her ransom, cheerful cries: “Bitter!” - all this is familiar to each of us and has long become the attributes of each new wedding.

However, not every one of us knows that weddings are not only new. The day of the creation of a family union can be celebrated annually, and the husband and wife, who already have even a very solid marital experience behind them, on this day again become newlyweds inspired by their love. Each such wedding has its own name and its own traditions of celebration, the essence of which is focused on the number of years the spouses have lived together. Of course, these anniversaries are celebrated if the husband and wife managed to build harmonious relations and created a fairly strong family. With a bad life together after 5 years, what kind of wedding can be celebrated with fun and great pleasure? Such a holiday will come out tense and dull and will not bring anything but the bitterness of regrets about a mistake that was once made.

How wedding anniversaries are celebrated

But ... Let's not talk about sad things. It’s better to talk about what wedding anniversaries are in happy families. Such anniversaries are celebrated from 1 to 100 years of married life. Wedding anniversaries are celebrated especially magnificently and solemnly after thirty years of marriage, because for those who have lived side by side for so many years, the first wedding becomes one of the most significant moments of life.

Wedding anniversaries have all sorts of names. Chintz and paper, leather and wood, copper and glass, gold, silver and pearl weddings - what is there! Each name of the wedding anniversary is symbolic, and each of these names means a lot ... For example, the glass wedding, which is celebrated fifteen years after the marriage, got its name as a warning that glass can be extraordinarily beautiful, but it breaks easily. Therefore, spouses, in order to save the family, need to become especially restrained and attentive.

But the silver wedding, celebrated twenty-five years after the first wedding, is already time-tested love and devotion. After all, silver is a precious, strong metal with life-giving powers.

A very prosaic name for the anniversary, which is celebrated after thirty-five years of family life, is “linen wedding”. However, it is also quite justified. During this period, the family becomes already a single organism, woven, as in a canvas, from many threads - spouses, children, grandchildren, and sometimes great-grandchildren.

Wedding anniversaries, which are celebrated after this period, are named no less meaningfully. Ruby and diamond, stone and iron, noble and red… Each of these anniversaries means a certain stage of married life, and each of them is a kind of hymn to time-tested love.

What to give for wedding anniversaries

On wedding anniversaries, congratulations are different, and they are focused primarily on the appearance of the anniversary. For example, at a chintz wedding, which is celebrated a year after the wedding, anniversaries are presented with items made of chintz and linen as gifts. For a paper wedding, two years after marriage, gifts to spouses must be made of glass and paper. On a copper wedding, celebrated seven years after the marriage, things made of copper are given, the family is considered strong, like copper.

A silver wedding as gifts means silver items, and for a pearl wedding, thirty years after the wedding, pearl jewelry. Gold is given for a golden wedding. And for a diamond one... It is desirable to give, of course, diamonds, but not every guest can afford such gifts. Therefore, diamond, gold weddings and weddings that are celebrated after them do not require any special symbolism of gifts. And to present already fairly aged, but still happy newlyweds, you can do everything that brings joy to the anniversaries.

You can give cards for all wedding anniversaries. Fortunately, today there are a great many of them on sale, and, if desired, you can always choose a very original postcard that best suits the solemn moment. Of course, the inscriptions in these postcards should also be suitable: cheerful, very friendly and certainly focused on the peculiarity of the anniversary. And then the card will become a bright, memorable surprise for the anniversaries, which they keep all their lives. For example, you can write such a beautiful congratulation:

Where is the elixir for happiness, to know!

How can you live with more love?

Today is the wedding anniversary

Happy Anniversary!

Through boredom, timeless years,

Through storms and tribulations

The couple took it...

For that - not an edge, not a part,

And full of living happiness

We wish, truly - everything!

How young and fresh you both are -

Advice and love to you - from the heart!!!

In other words, in order to adequately congratulate the anniversaries, it is not enough to know which wedding anniversary will be celebrated. In order not to get into trouble and not to give, for example, linen towels for a glass wedding, it is advisable, when choosing a gift, to get an idea of ​​​​what exactly is presented for this anniversary. The source of such information will be our hint, which you can read, and then, fully armed, boldly go to such a romantic, such an unforgettable celebration.

What are the weddings by year

  • Wedding 0 years - Green wedding
  • Wedding 1 year - Print wedding
  • Wedding 2 years - Paper wedding
  • Wedding 3 years - Leather wedding
  • Wedding 4 years - Linen (wax) wedding
  • Wedding 5 years - Wooden wedding
  • Wedding 6 years - Cast iron (rowan, cypress) wedding
  • Wedding 7 years - Copper wedding
  • Wedding 8 years - Tin (poppy) wedding
  • Wedding 9 years - Faience wedding
  • Wedding 10 years - Pink (amber, pewter) wedding
  • Wedding 11 years - Steel wedding
  • Wedding 12 years - Nickel (silk) wedding
  • Wedding 13 years - Lace (woolen) wedding
  • Wedding 14 years - Agate wedding
  • Wedding 15 years - Glass (crystal) wedding
  • Wedding 16 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 17 years - Tin wedding
  • Wedding 18 years - Turquoise wedding
  • Wedding 19 years - Krypton wedding
  • Wedding 20 years - Porcelain wedding
  • Wedding 21 - Opal Wedding
  • Wedding 22 years - Bronze wedding
  • Wedding 23 years - Beryl wedding
  • Wedding 24 years - Satin wedding
  • Wedding 25 years - Silver wedding
  • Wedding 26 years - Jade wedding
  • Wedding 27 years - Mahogany wedding
  • Wedding 28 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 29 years - Velvet wedding
  • Wedding 30 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 31 - Swarthy wedding
  • Wedding 32 and 33 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 34 years - Amber wedding
  • Wedding 35 years - Linen (coral) wedding
  • Wedding 36 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 37 years - Muslin wedding
  • Wedding 38 years - Mercury wedding
  • Wedding 39 years - Crepe wedding
  • Wedding 40 years - Ruby wedding
  • Wedding 41 years - Not celebrated
  • Wedding 42 years - Pearl wedding
  • Wedding 43 years - Flannel wedding
  • Wedding 44 years - Topaz wedding
  • Wedding 45 years - Sapphire (scarlet) wedding
  • Wedding 46 years - Lavender wedding
  • Wedding 47 years - Cashmere wedding
  • Wedding 48 years - Amethyst wedding
  • Wedding 49 years - Cedar wedding
  • Wedding 50 years - Golden wedding
  • Wedding 55 years - Emerald wedding
  • Wedding 60 years - Diamond (platinum) wedding
  • Wedding 65 years - Iron wedding
  • Wedding 70 years - Gracious wedding
  • Wedding 75 years - Crown (last, alabaster) wedding
  • Wedding 80 years - Oak wedding
  • Wedding 100 years - Red wedding