What to give a cool last call. Goodbye school: original gifts for the perfect graduation

How often can we thank our teachers for what we have them and for what they have done for us? Best of all - every day! Of course, on holidays there is a special reason for this, it is a pity that the holidays are in academic year not so much. The most beloved and popular of all school holidays was and still is last call. This is a special day on which you can and should wish your favorite teachers to have a good rest in the summer in order to return to classes with renewed vigor, professional and creative ideas.

Gifts for the last call to teachers - what should they be in order to really please and be remembered? To whom exactly should such gifts be given - to all teachers, to one class teacher, or only to the most beloved teachers? Here everything is decided by the general opinion of schoolchildren and their parents, as well as the budget that needs to be met.

Sweet gifts

Presentations of this kind may be the same for all teachers in the class or slightly different. Sometimes you need to show imagination, but the result is worth it.

  • Candy bouquets are becoming more and more popular. Such a bouquet will not lose its appearance and will not wither, and subsequently will allow you to arrange a tea party for everyone. In addition, you can make such bouquets yourself or choose to make an original figure out of sweets - a school bell, a globe or a ball.
  • Chocolate figures in a gift box. If you choose the original design of such a "chocolate", an amazing impression is guaranteed. Such a gift will appeal not only to teachers, but also to men, the main thing is to choose the right one. appearance gift.
  • Cake to order. You can also invite all the teachers for tea with an original, custom-made cake with an academic theme. Teachers enjoy spending time in informal setting and chat with students and their parents before the long break.

Thematic gifts

Here you will have to rack your brains properly in order to pick up something different for each teacher. The gift may be related to the subject being taught or some hobby of the teacher that the students know for sure.

    • Flowers. If the teacher is an avid florist, an exotic potted plant will do. Such a gift will also be appreciated by a biology teacher or someone who has a lot of flowers in his office. If you do not know which plant is suitable for such an occasion, it is better to give preference to unpretentious and often flowering plants or dwarf trees.
    • Soccer ball. Favorite physical teacher will certainly not refuse to get a free golf lesson, good soccer ball or boxing gloves. Better yet, a barbell and a set of dumbbells to boot.

  • Map or globe. A geography teacher can be given a picture of an ancient map, a large globe, a colorful photo collage, or a monopoly game that lists all kinds of minerals. Last option is suitable only for young and humorous teachers..
  • Dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias. Another versatile, but still great option, suitable for teachers teaching any subject.
  • Umbrella. For a music teacher - an umbrella with the image of notes, musical keys and other musical signs, a colorful music notebook or an interesting souvenir instrument - a tambourine or spoons

Gifts with a twist

There are things that seem to be simple in appearance, but still special, and therefore worthy of becoming gifts for the last call.

What is better not to give?

Many teachers accumulate literally piles of gifts "for show", which then actually have nowhere to go. So the “black list” of gifts will also come in handy:

  • standard mugs, tea/coffee pairs;
  • paintings and figurines from the category of consumer goods;
  • books about which it is not known exactly what they will like.

In general, down with everything ordinary and unoriginal!

By the way, you can make such an original basket of sweets as a gift for teachers. Let's watch the video.

Sometimes you have to rack your brains to come up with truly memorable gifts. But the joy of our beloved teachers, their pleasure and gratitude are worth our many efforts. Especially if, at the same time, we do not forget about simple, but such words necessary for our teachers - student and parental “thank you”.

For many, the second half of June is associated with the hot summer season and the sweet anticipation of a vacation. But schoolchildren will have a joyful and a little sad event - farewell to the school. Each graduate is waiting for studying at a university and a sea of ​​​​opportunities to make their childhood dreams come true. But before - prom. A solemn and beautiful event that will become a transitional moment from the country of childhood to adult, independent life.

On graduation party graduates are filled with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, it is the joy and pride associated with obtaining a certificate, on the other hand, a slight sadness from parting with school friends and strict teachers who managed to become family and love their pupils like second parents.

And in order for everyone to have a good memory of the school, there is a wonderful tradition of giving memorable gifts to graduates and their teachers. Presents can be budget or expensive, but, most importantly, they must be pleasant, desirable and given from the heart.

This article has collected many interesting ideas that will answer the question: “What to give teachers and schoolchildren for graduation in grade 11?”.

Graduate - friend, comrade and brother

Saying goodbye to school is like saying goodbye to a single life. Not only new opportunities, but also new responsibility awaits graduates beyond its threshold. Therefore, many celebrate the last call not only at the school ball, but also at home, in the company of friends and relatives. Those invited in this case should prepare an interesting gift for the hero of the occasion.

Even in the era of computers and virtual storage media, a beautiful, informative, richly designed book will become great present which will keep the memory of the school for a long time. Can be given fiction and encyclopedias. But the best thing is to present exclusive book about the life of an outstanding historical figure, motivating a graduate to pursue his dream, no matter what.

Useful and unusual souvenir by graduation day piggy bank original design. In the new adulthood, former schoolchildren will have to enter universities and manage the budget themselves. Everyone will have to reconsider their attitude to money and learn how to save. That's what this gift is for.

But parties are today, and tomorrow a graduate is a real student. Therefore, you can give him everything that is useful for further study. It can be a set of good fountain pens or notebook backpack.

practical and the right gift become computer and electronic gadgets, such as portable speakers, prom flash drives, mice, all kinds of USB accessories. Big Advantage of such gifts is also that today they can be chosen in the most non-trivial design, suitable for a specific event.

Makes a great budget gift mug with thematic inscription or a stylish engraved keychain. Such souvenirs, despite their low cost, demonstrate the attention of the donor and his respect for important event in the life of the recipient.

Gifts for the soul, too, has not been canceled. Especially when their practicality does not suffer from this. Stylish accessories in the form of original umbrellas, wallets, iPhone cases will definitely please the graduate.

Presentations to graduates from the class teacher

Gifts from the school administration are right and important. But in the life of every graduate there is a special person - classroom teacher. For for long years he educated and taught, advised and praised, encouraged and punished, helped his students grow up smart, healthy and happy. And now it's time to let them go into adulthood.

To leave a good memory in the hearts of pupils, the teacher can also prepare gifts for them - special and touching things, the value of which should not be determined in terms of money.

A great idea is to present to all students a small notebook. In the books, everyone will write a wish to a classmate, as well as their address and phone number. Such a gift will be indispensable when it comes time to organize a reunion of graduates.

Everyone in the class can be presented with an inexpensive little thing, complete with an engraving, as a keepsake. The inscription must be individual, concerning specific child. For example, “Distinguished at the Olympics”, “Main dreamer of the class”, “First beauty 11-B” or “Best athlete”. The basis for such special gift can serve as pens or key rings.

A touching gift will be the parting speech of the class teacher to his matured pupils. After all, before his eyes, schoolchildren fell in love and experienced their first disappointment, won competitions and worried about their failures. The teacher so often gave them wise advice, which even now cannot resist wishing the graduates all the best. Farewell speech can be made in writing in beautiful postcard self made and give to each student.

If a teacher is creative and for him work is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, then he can give children his creativity. Let it be short rhyme own essay about each student. In the printing house you can order a brochure, where they will all be printed. Many years will pass, and the pupils will still be pleased to read nice words about myself and school friends.

Commemorative certificates, in which the teacher described in detail all the merits and skills of each student, will be preserved for life, recalling the good school years and the first achievements.

Thematic souvenirs, such as an owl figurine or a puzzle in the form of a globe, will also become nice gifts from the class teacher to the grown-up children.

When a former student is a beloved child

Graduation is exactly the event that should be remembered. Therefore, I really want to ask parents not to pay off the child with money, but to give their attention, expressed in good gift. Moreover, it is much easier for dad and mom to find out what their child dreams of and present him with something that will brighten up the excitement before the entrance exams to the university.

If the child was delirious with a tablet, laptop or new phone - it's time make his dreams come true. To do this, you do not need to consult with sellers or shovel the Internet in search of information about the latest innovations in the world of electronics. It is better to take your son or daughter by the hand and take them to the store. They probably already know the model of the desired gadget, and where it is sold. As a gift you can choose stylish accessory, which will not only enhance the impression of the main gift, but also help to keep its performance and visual appeal longer.

Expensive presents on such a day are more relevant than ever. It is important for girls to give Jewelry , boys - watch, as a symbol of moving forward and constant progress, or luxurious gift sets.

Together with a ticket to new life» it would be nice to give the graduate a real ticket to the resort so that he has a good rest before starting his studies at the university. A brand new suitcase, and, and sets for comfortable travel will come in handy for travel.

Gifts for graduates from the school

School administration - it just sounds menacing. In fact, the directors and their deputies are ordinary teachers who are also sad to part with their pupils. Therefore, if the school has the opportunity to allocate a small amount of funds for souvenirs to graduates, then the following gizmos would be appropriate:

  • notebooks, notebooks And ;
  • desktop accessories;
  • pen sets;
  • T-shirts and mugs with thematic inscriptions;
  • stationery in original performance.

An interesting gift would be a film about the life of the class or a video with congratulations from all teachers. A mini-movie can be recorded on beautiful gift flash drives and solemnly hand them over to the graduates. And with a cryptex flash drive, you can turn this action into an exciting quest, after setting each individual code according to a pre-prepared prompt.

Original a table clock with an alarm clock and a photo frame will be a special, caring present from the school. After all, soon graduates will become students and will get up early to study. A ringing alarm clock will not let them oversleep, and a photo from the prom, inserted into a frame, will not let them forget about a fun school time.

graduation gifts for teacher

When graduating from school, graduates want to make a special memorable gift to the class teacher and the most adored teachers. After all, they invested in their upbringing not only their strength, but also their whole soul. Therefore, long before graduation, schoolchildren and their parents jointly decide what to present to teachers. Gifts in this case can be completely different, and the choice depends on the specialty of the teacher, his hobbies and character.

1) Classic Presents

  • Flowers in pots were, are and will be an indispensable decoration of school offices, teachers' and principals'. Therefore, each teacher, head teacher and director of the school can safely give beautiful potted plants.
  • Stationery- Always topical gifts for educators. Stylish diaries and prestigious pens in cases will look spectacular as a present for teachers.
  • Panel on the wall with the image of a symbol of knowledge - an owl, will be a good present for the director. In addition, the school administration can be given status souvenirs to decorate the office.
  • You can also give teachers original sets sweets, chocolate souvenirs, fondue sets and gift editions of books.

2) Individual gifts

  • Russian language and literature teacher- and elite deluxe editions.
  • Physics- a set of pens on a magnetic stand.
  • Historian- desktop souvenir "Eternal calendar".
  • Labor teacher- hand-made vase, decorated using decoupage technique.
  • Geography teacher the original piggy bank in the form of a globe or with the image of a world map on the dial will do.
  • Fizruk you can give a new stopwatch, a pen stand in the form of a sneaker or a souvenir ball.
  • Math teacher like a solid diary, sweet scores, status in a case.

Do not forget about gifts-emotions. The teachers are only strict at school. And after work they ordinary people who want to have fun and relax. Therefore, you can pay them a karaoke evening as a gift, order a buffet table in a bowling club or a billiard room. A good solution is to give tickets for a theatrical performance, a concert known to them musical group, Soccer game.

Expensive present to the class teacher

For all the years spent with students and their parents, the class teacher managed to become one of them. good friend and native person. A dear heart The teacher would like to present the same gift. Therefore, it would be absolutely appropriate to decide on the choice of an expensive present for your beloved teacher. These things include:

  • Jewelry. Great general gift from the whole class. For women, it is advisable to choose pendants, brooches, chains or earrings. It is better not to give rings and bracelets, as there are big risk do not guess with the size. Watches, clips, cufflinks are suitable for a gift for a man.
  • Expensive accessories. a good present there will be a status leather briefcase, a leather folder for papers, a solid case for glasses, branded, a watch box with automatic winding.
  • Appliances. The class teacher not only good teacher, she's also someone's mom and wife, with very little time left to treat her family to treats due to her job. And a slow cooker, a bread machine or a food processor will become her first assistants in this matter. You can give a good coffee maker to a male teacher.
  • Sets of dishes. Luxurious services, tea pairs and sets of dishes made of porcelain or crystal will definitely please the teacher. A man can be presented with an expensive or exquisite caviar.

Pleasant surprises from parents at the prom

The organization of the prom falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents, so it is in their power to make the holiday a success and forever be remembered by both students and teachers.

Nice gifts from parents can be:

  • Flower arrangements. Graduates are more suitable bouquets of wild flowers. The teaching staff can be presented with classic bouquets of roses, alstroemerias, orchids, gladiolus or peonies.
  • Delicious surprises. Now in pastry shops they make a wide variety of souvenirs to order, striking in their originality. These can be chocolate globes, medals or books, sweet postcards and candy bouquets.

Not less than spectacular solution will order a cake for the whole class. Confectioners who masterfully work with mastic and other edible materials make real masterpieces, fulfilling any wishes of customers.

The cake can be ordered as:

  • stacks of colorful textbooks;
  • open diary, cool magazine or primer;
  • school album with photos;
  • wise owl.

Giving each student and teacher flower seedlings for the school garden is a new and unusual idea. To do this, a place in the garden or a flower bed in front of the school can be beautifully decorated with ribbons and balls. And then, against the background of new flowers, take a picture with the whole class as a keepsake.

After the graduation ball, parents can organize an interesting excursion for the students and the class teacher, a trip to the camp site, a boat trip or a studio photo session. Such gifts-emotions are remembered for a lifetime and stand out against the background of traditional goodies and flowers.

The choice and purchase of gifts should be done long before the last call, so as not to pay a triple price for urgency and not to “buy out” in a hurry a thing “without a soul”. And after the graduation ball, you must not forget about your class teacher, strict director and other teachers. After all, any gift will be worthless if, in a few years, their pupils indifferently pass by at a meeting.

And right now, it is best to contact the managers of the online store site and learn from them even more secrets about modern gifts to graduation party!

Traditionally, at the graduation party, the school administration and parents not only congratulate the graduates, but also give them gifts. For 11th graders, this is the last school ceremony, adult life is ahead of them. There is another significant figure in the fate of the child - the class teacher. This is a man who taught and educated, loved and scolded, punished and encouraged his wards for 10 years. He also wants to give something memorable about school years to your pets. But what? The question is quite important and the value of the gift is not measured in this case in terms of money.

We offer 13 cool ideas that you can give your favorite students to graduates of grade 11 from the class teacher:

On graduation teachers pronounce farewell speeches, admonish their graduates, including the head of the class.

He knows the characteristics of all students, he observed the growing up of each, remembers their mistakes, achievements, funny cases. You can prepare one general speech for the whole class or beautifully arrange a written individual version for each student, where to turn to him with wishes.

Why not a gift for a long memory?

2. A poem for each graduate

Ideally, if the teacher writes poetry. In this case, everyone can be presented with a personal teacher's parting word in poetic form, enclosed in a beautiful folder and printed in a printing house on special paper.

3. Class history in photos

A nice gift can be a small photo album, which contains photos from the life of the entire class for ten years of study. Let each album contain different pictures, the most interesting and funny, related to a particular student.

Such a presentation should be taken care of in advance. It is necessary to collect material every year, then it will turn out interesting and really unforgettable. After all, how many memorable or funny moments schoolchildren simply forget, but they remain in the photographs.

4. Video clip about school life

A disc with a video about the life of the school and the class will really an interesting gift for a graduate. It can be made in the form of a video collage - from the first call to the prom. Everyone will be delighted with such a movie in the style of “what we were and what we have become”.

It can be viewed at subsequent meetings and supplemented with other series if desired.

However, this gift requires professional help and preliminary preparation - filming, collecting material, editing.

5. The first school dictation, composition, control

Thrifty teachers keep old notebooks for a long time with control work. On the eve of the graduation, you can empty the "pantries" and present to your own, now former students, the first fruits of their knowledge for memory.

This is a wonderful gift for the memory of school days.

Can be in last time the whole class to go on a field trip. Every city has attractions.

Why wouldn't the class teacher give his graduates a farewell sightseeing tour of the city.

And you can take a boat along the coast (if the city is located on the coast of the sea or river).

7. Country picnic

Also, a great opportunity to gather a class in full force is a trip out of town or to a park for the purpose of behavior. fun event with song contests by the fire, a light lunch with barbecue, salads and other goodies.

In this case, the teacher takes care of all organizational and preparatory activities and gives his former students a holiday, the memory of which will surely remain for a long time.

If there is still photo and video shooting, then they can be supplemented with photo and video albums of the class.

8. Commemorative alarm clock

Giving students an alarm clock, not necessarily expensive, but bright and even cool, is a gift with meaning. So to speak, so as not to oversleep your future.

After all, everyone still has to learn in others educational institutions, and early rises will continue for at least five years.

Such a present will wake you up right time, cheer up and remind you of the donor.

9. A pen from a class teacher

Giving a pen to students can be regarded as a gift for a future student. After all, despite the computerization of the learning process, the pen has been and remains an attribute of a real student.

In this case, it is not the price of the gift that matters, but its value.

It is possible that not all students will continue their education, someone will start labor activity. Therefore, the diary will become a symbol of real adult life. You can make a commemorative inscription on the cover: “Implement your plans”, “Plan and act”, and so on.

It would be nice to first explain to the children the meaning of this gift. For example, the fact that without well-thought-out actions it is impossible to get the expected result for the past day, month, year and beyond.

It is also a gift with meaning. Especially if the graduate leaves for another city, where he will enter the university or work.

In any case, he will have to manage his own budget.

So he should learn to accumulate funds for life and spend them economically.

12. Funny little things

In stores you can find a lot of funny trinkets with different themes. Suppose original bookmarks for books - for girls in glamorous style with the image of lipsticks and keys, for boys with swords and guns.

Thinking in advance, you can give cups or T-shirts with playful inscriptions.

For example, "The first beauty of the class", "The best mathematician of the school." The inscription should be thoughtful and reflect the individuality of the student. As a rule, it is made to order.

In the life of each of us, very special events happen that happen only once, in youth this is: first love and, of course, a school prom. And all the participants of the ball: graduates, parents and teachers want everything to go perfectly. I would like the script of the evening and, entertainment- with a bang, the menu - to everyone's taste, outfits and hairstyles - were a success, I want everyone to leave the holiday touched and satisfied with the impressions and gifts received. How do you make sure you enjoy the holiday? How to choose, for example,?

We are talking about real gifts, and not about formal, hastily bought and according to a template. In many ways, graduation gifts for teachers, is determined by the traditions of the school, the well-being of the majority of parents (after all, the material burden of the entire event falls on them), the established relationships and the personality of the teacher himself.

1. Preliminary preparation for choosing a gift for teachers.

Before sending the initiative group to the store, it is recommended to do some preparatory work:

Arrange a survey among graduates, preferably anonymous (so the guys will be freer in their statements), about what gift and to whom they would like to give;

Conduct "reconnaissance" work to determine the scope of interests and tastes of each teacher;

From practical gifts- the most popular today are:

1. Household appliances (chosen to the taste of the teacher) or gift Certificate for its purchase (so that the teacher himself can choose the right one);

2. Gift certificates for a beauty salon, for a one-day resort, for the purchase of goods in a cosmetic, perfume or jewelry store;

3. For male teachers, an annual subscription to the bath is suitable (if the teacher is truly passionate about this). Give a fan a ticket for a match of the sport he enjoys. It is more appropriate for a fisherman, tourist or hunter to present something from the appropriate equipment (or, again, a gift certificate for its purchase;

4. A voucher for a weekly vacation in a sanatorium or a rest home or tickets for the whole teacher's family for a one-day cruise on a ship.

AND From expensive gifts to the class teacher, you can stop at the following:

1. Wristwatch in a gold case and on a leather strap;

2. For men, cufflinks or a tie clip made of semi-precious stones, gold or silver;

3. Ladies teachers can choose a decent bracelet, brooch or chain with a pendant made of gold or silver, or again a certificate with a certain amount, so that the class teacher herself chooses something to her liking;

4. Quite worthy gift For modern teacher- is it a good cell phone, mini-ipad or iPhone;

5. It is appropriate to present the teacher with a leather-bound diary and an expensive pen with a silver-plated or even gilded case;

6. Great option- desktop writing device or office organizer made of semi-precious gemstone.

When making a gift, all teachers should not skimp on elegant baskets, boxes and bouquets, including fantasy ones - from balloons, photos of graduates or chocolates. Little things decide everything. ( home appliances, books and Wall Clock can be put into gift basket decorated with flowers and fruits. Jewelry - in handmade cases).

When choosing a graduation gift for teachers, remember that the greatest value is the presentation: sincere words wishes and gratitude, said when donating, the originality of the idea, attention and warmth, the general atmosphere of the holiday. Commemorative gift it differs from the usual, which evokes pleasant memories and emotions!

Often, carried away by such holidays as February 23, March 8, birthday and others, Teacher's Day, and along with it and others professional holidays is given very little importance. Actually this is wrong.

It is the duty of every self-respecting person to congratulate a representative of the teaching profession, because once this person helped to gain basic knowledge, helped to grow and develop as individuals. In fact, there can be quite a lot of reasons to congratulate a teacher. The main gift, of course, will receive the principal of the school, which corresponds to his status. It remains only to think about what to give the principal of the school. Among the proposed options, only the best ones are presented, those that will really be relevant, accepted correctly and, most importantly, will be useful and interesting.

Gifts for decoration of school premises

The headmaster is a person who stands at the head of a large school building. His task is to keep it in order, seeks to transform and make it even better. When choosing a gift for the main teacher, it is worth remembering that, as a rule, his thoughts are about the school and, therefore, it would be appropriate to give the following things:

  • rest room furniture soft chairs and sofas, ottomans);
  • tapestries to decorate school walls;
  • flowers and plants;
  • a large forged flower stand (which can take its rightful place in the hall or on any of the floors);
  • new school boards;
  • interactive whiteboards;
  • sports equipment for full-fledged physical education (balls, skis, etc.);
  • classroom equipment (computers, study guides, thematic literature, portraits of prominent scientists in each specific field).

A real, born headmaster will gladly accept such gifts for his school, no matter what holiday: February 23, March 8, birthday, Teacher's Day or even New Year. However, it is better to give such gifts together, by combining the efforts of all parents.

Original gifts

Original gifts include the following:

  • big musical postcard congratulations;
  • a bouquet of chocolates;
  • a set of elite tea (black, green, hibiscus or mixed);
  • elite grade of coffee;
  • fruit basket;
  • a large bar of chocolate in a gift wrap (“Happy Birthday, my favorite teacher and the best director”);
  • cookie box (decorated with flowers or some other beautiful picture, and, perhaps, a masterpiece of one of the most famous artists);
  • a jar of jam ("Birthday");
  • healing balm;
  • marzipan rose;
  • handmade chocolate;
  • candied fruit;
  • sweet assortment of sweets.

original and interesting idea it looks like a bespoke cake. Creamy, tiered, perfect for upcoming holiday in addition, the director himself will not have to think about refreshments for his work team.

Alternatively, you can also give the children a choice of gift and, for example, invite them to draw a large congratulatory poster with signatures and wishes. Made by the hands of the students themselves, the poster will surely please the director of a woman or a man and will become a worthy decoration of the interior of the office. This also includes a homemade photo collage made up of favorite school photos(for example, from various olympiads, competitions, etc.). Skillfully executed, such work will become a kind of real pride of the school, which will be especially pleased for the director.

Universal gifts

“Universal” gifts are things and objects that are always useful in the teaching profession, regardless of the holiday. These will include:

  • a set of printed paper;
  • stationery (pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, etc.);
  • notepad for writing down important points;
  • planning;
  • organizer in leather cover;
  • diary;
  • pointer;
  • markers for interactive whiteboards;
  • chalk stock;
  • folder for storing paper and documentation.

Of the technical devices in the director's office, it is always useful:

  • powerful printer (capable of printing large volumes of sheets);
  • scanner;
  • DVD player;
  • powerful laptop;
  • projector (for displaying images from a computer on a large screen);
  • flash drive with a large amount of memory.

Also, for the needs of the school, a camera and a video camera will always come in handy to capture the most important points school life(competitions, days of "health", olympiads, etc.).

Hobby and leisure gifts

A director is a person who must be erudite and educated, have many hobbies and hobbies. On any of the holidays, whether it be February 23, March 8 or Birthday, he will be pleased to receive an item in which he is really interested. If there is a desire to choose a gift specifically for the director himself, to please only him alone on his holiday, then there is simply no better option. Much in this case will depend on the director's hobbies, inclinations and tastes. Among options Gifts can be:

If the director is male:

  • wood carving set;
  • set of tools;
  • collectible stamp (or any other new copy of the collection);
  • camera;
  • new gadget (smartphone, tablet, laptop);
  • gadget accessory;
  • a book on a favorite/taught subject.

If the director is a woman:

  • a gift certificate to a large hypermarket with a large assortment of all kinds of goods;
  • needlework kit;
  • leather bag/folder;
  • wallet;
  • flower vase (in which you can immediately put beautiful bouquet).

business gifts

Among this group of products the best options it could be considered:

  • set: rollerball + mirror;
  • souvenir globe;
  • a book disguised as a safe;
  • wine bar;
  • box for storing important things;
  • flip calendar;
  • leather case for glasses;
  • paperweight "Thank you";
  • a set of books;
  • subscription to a popular science magazine;
  • decorative magnifying glass on a stand;
  • metal figurine;
  • leather roomy briefcase;
  • handmade business business notepad;
  • a small safe with a lock;
  • smart watch;
  • set (leather portmant + neckerchief);
  • a set of pens "Parker";
  • a pencil case in a simple style for storing writing materials;
  • wall clock with a large dial for the director's office or school foyer;
  • desktop device with clock, calendar and notepad.

Another useful option a "business" gift for a male director - cufflinks. In addition, to maintain the image will be appropriate:

  • tie;
  • tie storage case;
  • leather shoe care kit;
  • leather belt.

souvenir gifts

Souvenir gifts - a kind of those objects and things that are very beautiful, give positive emotions but at the same time they are not obligated to anything. Among them may be:

  • name mug;
  • decorative plate with the image of the school and the school site;
  • Order of the "Best Director";
  • red rose made of porcelain;
  • tea pair;
  • figurine "Oscar";
  • pen - "cactus";
  • medal "For the beauty of thoughts";
  • personalized postcard;
  • rollerball pen "Snow";
  • clock "Magister" on a wooden stand;
  • traveler's globe
  • photo clock "Best teacher";
  • lunch box (for the "right" snack without interruption from work);
  • a large poster with the inscription "Thank you";
  • name notebook;
  • Frame;
  • standard name pencil.

Whatever gift is chosen, the director will always be pleased with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and my sincere congratulations from students and their parents.