I miss my girlfriend a short poem. Poems of the beloved "I miss

I miss you so much, dear!
Would like to see you now.
And I'm dreaming darling
Stay with you for at least an hour.

I remember your eyes
Your sweet smile.
Oh god how I miss...
And how I love you!

I miss you so much baby
And I look forward to seeing you
When you have your head
Lay on my shoulders.

I miss you so much my angel
I want to hug you
And the warmth of your lips
Favorite enjoy.

Like days, seconds go by
An hour lasts longer than a century
Because my miracle
You are not with me now.

Hurry to meet you
And hug and kiss!
And while you're not with me,
All that's left to do is get bored...

My good, dear,
I miss you again.
I protect love for you
You excite my blood!

Your eyes are enchanting
Open your soul to love.
They gave me so much affection
You just live nearby.

I remember you with a smile
You are my most beautiful flower!
We love you - I know it
But without you I'm lonely.

Minutes stretch and melt before our eyes,
Such a strange, you know, state!
But it's not just about the clock:
Tell me who invented the distance?

I miss your eyes, dear,
And hands, and lips of your touches!
I want to hug you so soon
At least a little, a few moments!

I know we'll see you soon
In the meantime, in the soul of sadness, longing,
I am sincere and I will not hide my feelings,
And I'm waiting for a call, if not a meeting!

You're far away, it's so sad
I want to see you soon!
My soul is so cold and empty
And only next to you it will become warmer!

I want to touch your lips
And tirelessly, sweetly kiss,
I want to smile with all my heart,
And never let go again!

My dear, I miss
Because I need you by my side!
I remember your dear image:
You are so beautiful and gentle!

I can't find a place for myself
All thoughts are only about you!
I want to be together with you again
You are a ray of sunshine in my destiny!

Days, hours, minutes go by...
And for me - like a year.
I miss you, how I miss you
Dear, my dear.

Your eyes, smile, hands
I see everywhere I go.
Darling, when I'm next to you -
Only then everything will be fine.

I miss, how I miss
These feelings cannot be expressed in words.
I rush to you and clearly understand
That without you I can't breathe.

No rest, I miss you
I draw an image of you in my mind.
Happy moment where I meet you
I'm living this dream in anticipation.

Now you are not next to me
So lonely, not enough warmth
The melancholy is solid, the gray world
With you, on the contrary, he is amazingly handsome.

I dream with trepidation in my soul
About your tenderness and beauty.
We'd rather meet
I will throw the world at your feet!

You're not with me and I'm so sad
Words cannot describe everything!
My soul is insanely empty
I want to hug you soon!

My dear, my sun
Let you not be near now
Your ray of love will touch me
After all, you shine on me every hour!

My dear, beloved, tender. You are for me like the most beautiful flower roses. I can always admire you! Every day you blossom, become more beautiful and more beautiful! Your eyes, when they look at me, as if like two bright stars that illuminate everything around. You are dear, for me the most valuable treasure, which is dearer to me than my own life. I love you dear and will do everything for your happiness! And even if someone dares to offend my little girl, I will punish the offender! I miss you every minute when you are not by my side. So try not to disappear for a long time! Because I need you so much!

More than anything in the world, I miss you dear. I miss you always and everywhere! I want time to fit into our situation a little and give you and me a chance to be together longer. I want you to be happy with me, and I will do everything for this. As long as you feel completely comfortable with me. I will always take care of you. And know that no matter what happens, I will always be there, I will always protect you from everything that happens! I will always love you. So darling, know that I always miss you even when I sleep! And my heart belongs to you alone!

What torments me most in the world is the anticipation of our meeting. When my heart is waiting for you, it seems to me that one minute is an eternity, that one second is the longest moment. And when there are only a few seconds of our meeting, my heart is pounding so that you can hear it at a great distance! After all, there is no person closer to me than you, there is no greater feeling on earth than mine for you! And now I confess to you that I, like a little boy, sit and wait for you, not thinking about anything else! I always miss you and always look forward to our meeting. I want to tell you that you are the one for me. The woman for whom I will do everything, because you are the ideal for me. Thank you for being in my life.

Darling, once I imagined life without you. I imagined what would have happened to me if you had not appeared in my life. After all, you, like an asterisk, burst into my life, illuminating everything with your bright light and warmth. And you know, I realized that my life would be worthless and meaningless. That happiness would disappear in an instant. That such things as the sun, stars, night, flowers would cease to please me. After all, you taught me to enjoy such little things. Taught me to be stronger. And at the same time admire everything around, without missing anything interesting. You are what I call a miracle in my life. You came and brought a fairy tale with you. I miss you.

Darling, I miss you always, I miss you everywhere. You are the one that once captivated my heart, and now you are its mistress. You took my heart with you forever. So I am wholly and completely, belong only to you. I always miss you. And from separation, my heart always hurts. After all, the most important thing for me is that you would be next to me. To give me the light of your beloved eyes. She didn't deprive me of her tender touches. And so that I can always admire your unearthly beauty. So, beloved, know that you are the owner of my heart, which is with you, feels very comfortable and calm. You are the one that is given to life, only once, and then not to everyone.

I feel so good with you, so simple and easy. The sun, my star, I am very glad that from now on, you are a part of my life. That you came into my life and brought with you a lot of joy and happiness! What now, you and I are one, part each other. We are like one mechanism that will not work without one of the details. I always miss you dear. And I know that you miss me. Spending time with you is for me heavenly pleasure. Is the most great time. And I thank the Lord for sending you to me. Because now, you are my life. I miss you baby.

Honey, I've already started talking to the chair and having breakfast with the kettle. If you don't call me, I will serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner. 426

Strange things are going on in my head - I constantly think about you... 627

They asked me if I miss you. I did not answer, but simply closed my eyes, smiled and walked away ... And then I whispered: "crazy" ... 404 (1)

I lie in bed and miss you, I want you so dear. I want to hug, kiss, I want to hug you. 500

I don't live, I exist.
And I can live only then
When I kiss you
When you hug me! 263

Days pass, nights pass. I can't hear the sound of your steps. I miss you so much, when will we see you again? 155 - sms miss you

I remember the taste of your lips, I remember the warmth of your hands, My heart yearns for you, Moans, cries from parting. 223

Without you, everything is so boring that I'm even bored to breathe! 209 (1)

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I love you, I can't live without you, I don't want to live without you! 173

When can I kiss you, look into your wonderful eyes? Kisses, hugs, waiting for a meeting. You are my biggest joy! 166

Empty days, empty nights. Empty life, empty eyes. Empty heart and soul, when everything is there, but you are not! 186 (1)

I will wait for you. Eternity is not a term. 142

Your face will light up with a smile not in vain, because I will say that I miss you very much! 90

I would love to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you sweetly! 194

When you get bored sometimes
And grief worries you
You remember that there is a heart in the world,
Who loves you! 92

I think to turn life into a fairy tale, we just need to meet! 82 (1)

Your name whispers the music of the rain
Your name drops the sky with drops ...
And only the sky, only the rain understands
How my heart misses you! 105

How hard it is when you're not around, How lacking your warmth. All the days of separation turned out to be hell, But know that I will still wait for you. 123

Night without you is not night, Day without you is not day. Hurry come back to me, I live without you like a shadow. 74

I want to be with you just "Now", "Tomorrow" and "Always". 128

I want to be close to you and embrace your happiness! Kiss and miss you! I hope that soon I will hug and press you to my chest! 94

I miss this night so much, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to mind - to meet you as soon as possible! 80

Have you ever been separated from your dear people. If yes, then you can understand how terrible it all is. Because, being far away, you begin to understand and appreciate all the people who were with you before. And if you have a girlfriend, then you must definitely make sure that being far away from her, you can do something nice so that she does not feel lonely. And for this you can use messages in your own words - I miss my girlfriend. You can do this to show her how much you love her. Try to write in your own words something pleasant and sincere. Because only then will your girlfriend be able to understand and realize to the very end that you love her very much and miss her. Tell your loved ones that you love them, and then everything will be fine with you.

I miss you dear and send you this message. May my feelings and prayers protect you. Only you are dear to me in the whole wide world. No one can separate us from you. Come back dear as soon as possible, I'm waiting for you, I love you and I believe that we will be together all our lives.

You are my dear little man now far from me, but I continue to wait for you. So long are the minutes of our parting. When you're next to me the whole world just freezes. My heart only rejoices with happiness. My dear, I miss you so much and love you. When we see each other, I will be the most happy man on the entire planet.

I keep thinking why can't lovers for a long time be apart. This is all because their hearts are together and it is difficult for them to beat apart. I miss you very much and love you very much my affectionate bunny. Let's see you soon and be happy.

More than once I told myself that in separation people check their feelings. But in fact, it's such a pain to be away from you. It is difficult to bear minutes of emptiness. Come soon, and we can fill this void with our love. I miss, love and wait for you my ray of light.

How long do the moments of separation last? When we are together, time flies almost imperceptibly, but when there is a distance between us, as luck would have it, it seems to freeze. The clock stops and absolutely does not want to bring the minute of the meeting closer. I miss you so much my tender girl. I love you and look forward to our meeting.

Previously, people could be separated for a long time and wait for their soulmate for years. Today, when I realized that I love you very much, the expectation becomes simply unbearable. Dear, I'm waiting, I can't wait until I see you again, hug you and try not to let you go anywhere.

Everything in the world is not so simple and sometimes we have to part. How difficult it is for two hearts in love to experience the hours of separation. My dear, let's try to make sure that there are as few of these moments between us as possible. Missing you so painfully, love. I will count the hours and minutes to our new meeting.

Dear, how I missed you, but it's worth waiting a bit, and we'll be together again. I will hug you again, and kiss you, holding you tightly to me. May this separation teach you and me to appreciate our relationship with you and make them stronger and more durable.

In separation, people begin to understand what kind of relationship they have, this test of distance gives a lot to couples. We didn't escape it either. Let fate send us these moments of separation, we simply must overcome them. My dear kitten, come back soon, and we will try never to part. I miss you and love you my sweet kitten.

May our separation not be so languid, for this I will from time to time send you letters filled with warmth and love. No distance can become an obstacle to our love. It may be difficult to be far from you, but I am warmed by the thought that you will return soon, and we will be there again. It is even pleasant to miss you, only you are loved, know that I love you.

My tender kitten, when we met, I was simply stunned by such happiness. Now I know for sure. What exactly do you need me. I am immensely grateful to fate for sending me such a wonderful creature as you. I miss you when you are not near me and I can't find a place for myself. Let's always be there. It is very important for me.

Sometimes fate separates us, and we curse her for such an action. But if you think about it, it is only at a distance that we understand how much we love each other. This is exactly what happened to us, my dear, now I can say for sure that I love you very much and miss you. There's nothing harder than living without you for another day

How simple it is for people who do not love each other so much. I was not lucky, I fell head over heels in love with you. Closing my eyes, I imagine your eyes and smile, and from this my heart becomes so joyful. I miss, love and wait for you my most tender girl. I would rather hug you and snuggle up to you, my love, it's so hard for me without you.

Whatever you say, but any separation between us is just torment. I don't know about you, but I just can't find a place for myself. That you're not around. I count every minute that brings me closer to you. How I want to see you and hug you. Dear, I miss you so much and I can’t take a full breath. Come back soon and I will try never to let you go from me again.

Dear and dear little man, we a large number of time already meeting with you, but I still can't get used to it. Every breakup is very hard for me. And now, when you are far away, it seems to me that I do not live, but simply exist. So I can love you, probably only I. I miss you and look forward to your return, my brightest little man.

There is so much I want to tell you my dear. But as you know, I'm not very eloquent, so I'll be brief. I miss you so much and want to see you again. Be kind and let's see you. You are like air to me. I know this may sound silly, but I just can't live without you. My dear, call or write to me.

My dear girl. How I love you. Probably no one on the whole planet has experienced such strong feelings. When I close my eyes, your image appears before me. I miss you so much that it's impossible to put into words. How I want to smell your body, watch you laugh and see your beautiful eyes. Beloved love, miss and wait for you.

As in love, everything is not simple. Sometimes fate throws us such surprises, from which the blood just freezes. I understand that things don't always go smoothly for you and me, but I also think that when things go smoothly for people, they soon get bored. Therefore, let it be, as it will be, my dear, you know that I love you and miss you very much when you are not around.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this gift of fate in your face. I feel very good next to you. When we are together, I have such peace that it cannot be compared with anything. My beloved bunny, how I missed you, I so want to press my cheek against your cheek and just silently kiss your face. I love you my dear and miss you so much.

In separation, you begin to understand a lot about your relationship. Until recently, I was a completely independent young man, but after you broke into my life, everything around me changed. You mean a lot to me now. With my heart, I understand that I love you very much and miss you very much when we are not around. I wish you felt exactly the same way.

My dear kitty, you like it when I call you that. My dear kitten, I miss you and want to see you soon. Let's meet and talk. Even if we have some disagreements, but all this is such a trifle compared to our feelings. I love you very much and miss you very much.

Time flies by unnoticed yesterday, it would seem that we met, but today I again can not wait for our new meeting. How long time goes by until these minutes. My little and tender little man, I miss you and love you so much, you can’t even imagine it for a minute.

I am writing these lines to you and I wonder if you can understand me. You know that I love you very much. When you are near, I forget about everything in the world, and just enjoy these minutes spent with you. You mean a lot to me. My dear girl, I so want to never part with you. But fate throws surprises at us. It's okay, we'll get through this together.

I want to tell you a lot. But as always I do not find the right ones and the right words. My dear, just be by my side so that I don’t have to suffer and miss you. We are so different, but still we are connected by a common feeling is love. I feel very good with you and I want this to never go away. Love you very very much.

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we sometimes do not notice a lot of things. When we first met, I felt like I've known you all my life. I was not deceived by intuition, and I understand what value you have in my life. So love, as I do, probably no one can. I love you my dear, I miss you very much and look forward to our meeting.

My cat, I miss you so much, let's see you soon. I am sending you this SMS with the hope that you will answer me. There comes a time in our relationship when separation is least needed. Let's not part with you and just love each other. I miss you dear and love you very much.

My beloved, how difficult it is for me to be separated between us. At first I thought that everything was much easier and would not hurt so much. Now that you are far away it becomes simply unbearable without you. Come back soon and I'll shower you with kisses. We should try never to be separated, at least not yet. I love you, I miss you, and I miss you dearly.

As everything is not easy in our life, when we met, you conquered me with your beauty. I liked and still like everything about you. Your smile makes me crazy. I love you so much that I even get scared myself. I miss you when you're not around, and I'm tormented by impatience. Honey, let's see you soon.

Everything passes by, many people do not even meet each other in this world. You and I were lucky, and fate brought us together. Now we are a couple and from this such warmth spreads in the soul. I miss my little bunny and really want to see you soon. I love you, I wait and hope for reciprocity. I kiss you when we meet.

In love there is no one side, as a rule, people love mutually. Something similar happens in our relationship with you. But for some reason it seems to me that I still love you more. You are like air to me, I do not want to live without your presence. My dear, I miss you and love you very much. Let everyone envy my feelings.

My beloved girl, you know very well how I feel about you. All my feelings I prove and show you daily. But I began to understand. That I can't bear to be apart from you. Beloved, we need to try never to part and always be there. I love you very much my most tender.

How difficult it is for us people, it would seem that we just started dating and now fate threw us separation. But I think that only in this way can we test our feelings. As I understand. I was the first to give up and realized how difficult it is for me without you. Let me be the first to confess my love, but still I will do it, I love you my baby and miss you very much.

You can endlessly thank fate for our meeting with you. We are with you, and from this it is good and calm at heart. My dear little man, I want to tell you that I love you very much and miss you if you are not around. My love for you is so strong that I am ready to move mountains in order to be near you.

I am writing these stocks to you and I understand that I have no one closer and dearer than you. Not much time has passed since we met, but even during this period I realized how much I attached to you and what I feel towards you. Beloved, let's always be together, and our love will only become stronger. I miss you, I love you and of course I'm waiting for you baby.

Whatever you say, but in separation a person understands a lot and sees a lot from a completely different angle. Until recently, I would have given anything to sit somewhere with friends. Now in my thoughts there is no place for them, you have occupied all this space. I love you so much and miss you that I myself do not understand what is happening to me.

Wishes for my girlfriend miss you:

I am alone when you are far away.
It's not easy for me without you, my dear.
I so want you to be near
So that, as always, so gently hugged.
I miss you, my dear
But we'll see you soon, I know.

Darling, I miss you very much, -
I want to see and hug!
Kiss and for a very long time, -
Love you, don't let go!

I've been thinking all day today
And I can't find peace
I miss you very, very much
My beautiful angel.

I live for you every day.
Only the thought: "You are with me."
I close my eyes
I see you before me!
I can't sleep at night
I want to return the day
To hug you again.
Give all tenderness to you.

What I want most right now is
To make my dream come true.
She came and gently hugged
She whispered softly:
I miss you!

I miss you so dear
I want to write to you
That I've been dreaming all day
Hug-kiss you!

If you knew how much I miss you
And how dearly I love you.
I'm texting again
And I catch myself thinking.
Though you are far away and not with me,
My heart is beating wildly in my chest.
I remember our meetings again
And I whisper, you just wait for me.

Darling I miss you so much
And I'm always looking forward to our meeting!
I don't forget about you
Because I love it so much!

You know I miss.
It's very hard for me without you
No one will warm my heart
So missing your warmth.

You are sitting alone, bored.
You remember me.
Know that I'm sad too
I am texting you.
You read it soon -
It will immediately become more fun.

I can not see you
I am very sad without you.
Without you, everything is boring, gray,
And my heart is empty...

Separation is pain, in separation eternity
One minute without you.
I want to give all my tenderness
To you, my love.

But the cities separated us
In worldly cares, vanity
I want to scream - my strength has run out
I love, miss you.

You can't convey all feelings in SMS,
How I miss you, dear.
I will repeat again and again to everyone:
She is not you, she is completely different.

Darling, I miss you
And imagine how I hug
You are so strong, passionate, hot,
And I don't need anything else.

Soon we will be with you
We'll be side by side night and day.
In the meantime, I'm sending you a text message
About how cute I really miss.

I miss you so much
I don't want to drink, eat, sleep.
My love, I'm so sorry
That I can't kiss you.

Darling, how far are you
And I'm lonely here and it's not easy,
How I'm tired of being bored
I dream to hug you quickly.

You haven't written to me in such a long time,
Maybe she lost her cell phone?
I do not believe that you are with another
What has become you do not love.

Throwing off the veil of pride,
I am writing to you, and again into the distance.
I will send my sms
Hear my sorrow and pain.

Heart breaks into pieces
Because you are far away from me!
Write a sms
My soul will calm down.
Please do not forget me!

They drag on like years
All the days that I spent without you.
Do you remember how nature bloomed
When did chance bring us together?
I miss you so much.
It is unbearable to be in an empty apartment.
I am texting you:
"You are not better in the whole world"