Congratulations on the last call to the graduates. Congratulations on the last call - with graduation

A bright sunny morning, an abundance of flowers and balloons, laughter, tears and a sea of ​​excitement - all these are the main signs of one of the most solemn school holidayslast call. It is on this May day that the bell will ring for all future graduates, with its trills announcing the end school lessons and heralding imminent exams and a luxurious graduation party. Leaving behind all sad and sad thoughts, graduates of grades 9 and 11 will celebrate, have fun, enjoy the last carefree moments and accept official congratulations with the last call 2018 from the school administration, class teacher, the first teacher, parents. At some point, the graduates themselves will congratulate the subject teachers and their other mentors, express their unreal gratitude to them and wish good students next year. And if the guys can’t make a speech on their own, our selection will help them. the best poems and congratulations in prose.

Congratulations in prose on the last call to graduates of grade 11 from the administration

At the solemn line on the occasion of the Last Bell, the school administration is the first to congratulate the graduates. Turning to the children, the director and head teachers wish them easy exams, express their confidence in their success, recommend not to be afraid of the difficulties of adult life and boldly overcome them. Congratulations in prose on the Last Call to Grade 11 graduates from the administration are always filled not only with school memories and learning moments, but also filled with touching concern for the future of their wards, right choice profession, personal aspirations of all young men and women leaving the schoolyard. Perhaps, for some of the 11th grade graduates, the administration’s prosaic congratulations at the Last Bell will seem too boring or overly serious, but the bulk of high school students will find something important for themselves in the wishes and carry the director’s instructions through their whole lives.

A collection of the best prose congratulations to graduates of grade 11 from the school administration

end of school year, end of school big event in your life. You grow up, go out in independent life. Now you are approaching a responsible, stressful time - you have to take final exams, show what you have learned, what knowledge you have received. During these years, teachers have done everything they could for you - they taught, cared for you, passed on moral and life experience. We hope that each of you will choose a worthy future path. We believe that no matter what area you work in, you will not let down the staff of your schools, and we will still be proud of your successes. You can always count on support former teachers and educators, senior comrades and friends.
I would like to address the parents of graduates today. Together with your already adult children, you are going through a busy time. All this time you have given them your attention and care, accompanied them to school, lived by the same interests, and now you are helping to determine their future fate, who they will become, how to live and work.

For a thousand graduates of secondary schools, the last bell will ring today - a symbol of the end of a carefree and happy childhood. Ahead is the anxious time of exams, a new unknown stage - adulthood. You are young, full of strength, energy, big plans for the future. I sincerely wish that all your dreams come true. You have to take a very important step - to decide which profession to choose. And I really hope that your choice will be correct. Let the knowledge gained at school help you achieve your goals, help you choose your life path. Never rest on your laurels. Strive to be the best! Be successful!

Dear graduates! Here comes your last call. You have exams ahead of you and the beginning of a new, independent life.
The big one ended milestone your life path. I sincerely congratulate you, your teachers and parents on this holiday. I am sure that each graduate will be able to realize the knowledge and skills accumulated over the years of study, and will find his own path that will lead him to the intended goal. And let the first test on your new path - the final exams - be a serious test that will only strengthen your strength and give you confidence. Always achieve your goals!

Official congratulations on the last call from the class teacher

The last call is a touching moment not only for graduates and parents, but also for the class teacher who accompanied the children during the long and very difficult years of study. Over the past 11 classes, schoolchildren have found real friends, learned a lot about the larger and not always safe world around them, received basic system knowledge that makes it possible to continue their development at the university. The past years have become a kind of personal capital for boys and girls, the starting point for new global achievements. A caring and wise class teacher, who will certainly hasten to officially congratulate his graduates on the Last Bell, was an assistant and support throughout the entire training. Perhaps with beautiful verses, or maybe with touching parting words in prose. Official congratulations on the Last Call from the class teacher will in any case be sincere and sincere.

A selection of official congratulations from the class teacher to graduates of grade 11 on the last bell

The last call is wonderful holiday for each student, and the upcoming final exams - good opportunity evaluate the knowledge that you have received over the past school years. We, your teachers, tried very hard to help you on thorny path to knowledge and now we look at your achievements with pride and joy. We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on your graduation. We wish you to successfully pass all the exams and have an unforgettable graduation party. May all your expectations come true, friends and family will always be a reliable stronghold, and the knowledge gained will help you find yourself in a difficult, but such an interesting adult life.

The last call means the approach of another step on the path to knowledge and farewell to the school. Despite the fact that final exams are still ahead, their expectation cannot lessen the touching excitement and anticipation of the future prom and the onset of adult student life. We are your teachers, we tried to make your school life interesting and rich, tried to convey the knowledge that will help you grow and develop in the future. We are sure that you will be able to cope with any trials that life will put before you and the school will be an excellent springboard for this. Congratulations!

Today, we are slowly getting used to the fact that our dear students will soon leave school and go on a further journey through the land of knowledge outside of its walls. I, as a class teacher, want to say on behalf of all teachers and on my own behalf how proud we are of your achievements and successes. All the knowledge that we tried to convey to you, you have absorbed and are ready to apply at the final exams. I am sure that you will successfully cope with this test and will not let your teachers and parents down. I want to wish you great achievements in your future professional path and, of course, great happiness.

Touching congratulations on the last call from the first teacher

In just a few days, the last bell will sound for the schoolchildren of the country, which will finally send some students to summer holidays, and others will sum up a long-term marathon control works, extracurricular activities, homework. In any case, the last call is bright, emotional and spiritual holiday, which will hear the most touching congratulations from the director, head teachers, parents and, of course, the first teacher. The one who first took shy kids under her wing, gave her basic knowledge, and then handed it over to other teachers. Touching congratulations on the last call from the first teacher always create a special atmosphere on holiday line, immerse in memories, renew in memory the most bright moments lived behind the school bench.

A collection of touching congratulations on the last call from the first teacher

Oh, how fresh the memories are -
The first call, a swarm of peanuts.
And the first homework
Above them tears in three streams sometimes ...

You have grown. Everyone, the doors are closing.
Last call. And rush forward
you life train. Let dreams come true!
Let the guys, you are always lucky

In studies, in friendship, in new endeavors,
In love, of course. Well, graduates
You have baggage - acquired knowledge,
And you already without a parental hand

Carry it, multiply it diligently,
Without making greasy blots.
We will definitely help you with advice.
Let everything work out! We believe in you!

More recently, hiding behind bouquets,
You entered the first class with excitement.
And now parting advice
The native school accompanies you.

Left childhood in the school corridors
The bells stopped, the noise and din subsided,
And only memories in conversations
They sound quiet everywhere, here and there.

And there is something to remember: ups and downs,
And, laughter and tears, friendship and love;
How the head "cracked" from teaching,
And the enamel of the teeth was “erased on granite”.

You grew up, got stronger, matured,
Ready to move mountains on the way!
Your day has come! You've all been waiting for it.
Doubt away! Cheer up, good luck!

May good luck accompany you in everything,
And the cherished dream will come true
And even to an unsolvable task
There is always a solution!

It's sad if you fell overboard
And there is no lifeline nearby.
Sad ... Our ship will return to port,
And we will continue to live without each other.
Out of place here are beautiful words,
But parting is worse than a tsunami!
I give you islands as a keepsake,
Barely visible in the sea mist.
And this lonely moon
A lighthouse burning with a little hope
I give you a noisy wave,
And the farewell call of snow-white seagulls.
It is pleasant for us to breathe earthly air,
And only vague anxiety torments.
And someone will get back on the road,
But they have a different path.

Sincere congratulations from parents to graduates on the last bell at school

At the solemn line of the Last Call, it is most difficult for parents to restrain their emotions. Very soon, wiser and matured daughters and sons will begin a new adult life, and in fact, quite recently they were still kids. Looking at the open and cheerful faces of graduates at the Last Bell at school, parents so want to support them with sincere congratulations. After all, it is prescribed not only by raging emotions, but also long tradition: moms and dads at the school graduation celebration thank teachers and give best wishes to my children.

Examples of suitable sincere congratulations from parents to graduates with the last bell at school, see the next section.

Examples of sincere congratulations from parents to graduates of 11 classes

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, spreading their wings, and rush into free flight. We, parents and teachers, are watching with delight and sadness how you fly out of the doors of your native school, and with it, in part, out of parental home. WITH today you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours. And the way your life will be depends largely on the decisions you make in the very near future. Try to think everything over clearly and balancedly, do not be led by other people's desires and fantasies, believe in yourself and your goals, the main thing is to set them and they will certainly be achieved! Believe in a bright future - it is waiting for you outside the school!

Our dear children are future graduates! Today is the last call, which means that one of the most important and memorable stages of your life is left behind. Final exams and farewell to the school are coming soon. We remember how we brought you to the first class, how enthusiastic and touching you were. Then your path to knowledge began, and now, one of its stages is coming to an end. We want to tell you that we are very proud of you, your achievements and knowledge. We are sure that you will easily overcome all the exams and have a great graduation party. May your future be bright and sunny, like a fine summer day, and the further path to knowledge be easy and exciting. We love you!

So the holiday has come, anticipating farewell to the school. You are our beloved children, you have overcome many trials: the first lessons, control and sleepless nights on the way to knowledge. We, parents, tried, as far as possible, to facilitate your journey along the path to knowledge, we worried about you and tried to support you. And today, on the day of the Last Bell, we want to say how proud we are of you, how we rejoice in your successes and achievements. The bell rings loudly, which means that there is no reason to be sad, because not only exams and graduation parties are ahead of you, but also an exciting student life, which will become a new life stage. We are sure that you will successfully cope with all the trials and will always remember with warmth and gratitude the friendly school walls and those who have invested in you not only knowledge, but also their souls - your teachers and us parents. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts and no fluff!

Beautiful congratulations in verse on the Last call to graduates of grade 9

On the last days of May, ninth-graders will also gather for a solemn line. During the official part of the event, the most beautiful congratulations in verse on the Last Call to graduates of grade 9 will be heard from class teachers and parents, from the headmaster and subject teachers, from classmates and first-graders. Of course, all speakers will remind well-dressed boys and girls that the school taught them not only the basics of mathematics, biology and literature, but also the ability to make friends, respect elders, appreciate help and overcome difficulties. Standing on the ruler, some ninth-graders will already be potential students, while others will have to continue their education in home school. And yet, all graduates of the 9th grade are worthy beautiful congratulations in poems on the Last Bell, because each of them overcame many difficult trials and overcame their own laziness and tomfoolery on the way to knowledge.

A selection of beautiful congratulatory poems for the last call to graduates of grade 9

You are now called graduates,
What a pity to leave you today!
You have grown up, there is nothing to add here,
Congratulate everyone on graduation!

And I want to wish you so much:
May the path be bright, the road be easy!
Let this holiday be a marvelous school
evening -
Will give warmth and joy of meeting!

Here it is open for you new world,
Do not be shy, afraid, embarrassed.
Adventures await you, delight, now you are the commander,
In a crazy stream of happiness.
You have become older, wiser and more beautiful,
And your school years will be remembered forever.
From now on, life will not be the same as before,
Smiles and happiness to you, love and joy always.

Most recently, you laughed at the desk,
Fooled around and had fun, played and joked.
The time has come to take a step forward, to meet were,
Which fate brings to your world.
Don't be afraid to be stronger, don't be afraid of bitter tears
Without any doubt, go bolder.
You are young, strong, have not yet departed from dreams,
Good luck to you, strength and spirit, be more fun.

Original congratulations to the class teacher on the Last call from graduates

Traditionally, the celebration of the Last Bell begins on school yard. Graduation students come to the May celebration with colorful flowers, scarlet ribbons, in full dress. Guys are usually dressed up in white shirts and ironed trousers, inventive girls show off school uniform Soviet times. First-graders often perform in the program, but it is the eleventh-graders who own the main number of the holiday. Thus, graduates originally congratulate their class teacher, subject teachers, moms and dads on the Last Call. As a thank you to the mentor, a beautiful lyrical song, a small choreographic production or a simple theatrical sketch can be prepared. But even ordinary poems, like congratulations to the class teacher on the Last call from graduates, are not a bad idea!

A collection of original congratulations to the class teacher from graduates on the last call

Thank you for your kindness
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth,
For everything we've been taught
And that they were always in a hurry to see us!

You always tried to understand us
Forgiveness for stupidity and pranks,
Shared with us: joy and trouble,
And taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we got, exactly, into your class.
We wish you: mental fun,
You always have a great mood!

You spared no time for us
Sharing sorrow and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright class,
Forgive all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

You are the most precious teacher for us,
After all, we fled to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And shattered our differences.

Saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing for us,
After all, so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are a leader by calling!

Best congratulations in verse on the Last call to teachers from graduates

Alumni from each progressive country spend Last Call differently:

  • In Georgia on prom guys put on jeans and T-shirts to donate the saved money to charity;
  • In Norway, graduates choose outfits that symbolize their future profession, and also get rid of everything reminiscent of school (briefcases, stationery, etc.);
  • In America, there is no concept of "ruler", but still the farewell party is celebrated on a special scale;
  • And in Italy, they don’t know about the Last Bell at all, local graduates are more to the liking of the symbolic party “100 days before the final exams”.

Despite the diversity and multiplicity of foreign traditions, with Russian holiday None of the last call can be compared in sincerity and emotionality. Literally everything on it is as touching as possible, especially the best congratulations in verse on the Last Call to teachers from graduates.

Examples of the best congratulations to teachers from graduates on the last call

Whether your expectations were justified, we do not know:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
On our holiday cheerful - Last call!
And please forgive all sins
What we have accumulated by the last day:
And control with a load of wrong decisions,
And the answers are indistinct, and chatter,
But you know one thing: we will remember the school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers
And your work will resonate in our affairs.

Teacher, school teacher!
You, worry about us,
Rush invisibly into space,
Go to the taiga to search
To the desert along the unsteady dunes,
On the sea foamy road…
We are your eternal youth,
Hope, joy, anxiety.
You still have no peace,
Dedicate your whole life to children.
Thank you for such a heart
Higher than the stars and deeper than the seas!

What a proud calling
Giving education to others
Give away a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
After all, it is difficult to explain to us,
Sometimes very boring
Repeat the same
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They've always been so right.
We would like to wish
So that you do not know troubles
Health, happiness for a hundred years!

Poetic congratulations on the last call to subject teachers

A teacher is a respected and very difficult profession, combining unrealistic endurance, great responsibility, willpower, competence and the ability to always find mutual language with every student. On the glorious holiday of the end of the school year, one should not forget about the contribution of specialized teachers to the development and education of each student. The best way thank the subject teachers at the last call - give them beautiful poetic congratulations on the most good wishes. You can read a couple of universal poems to the entire teaching staff at once, or you can mark each specialized teacher separately. The main thing is that poetic congratulations on the Last Call to subject teachers should be sincere and not offensive.

A selection of congratulations in verse to subject teachers from graduates on the last call

Russian language and literature teacher

The last call is not only a farewell to the school. Despite the fact that exams and graduation are ahead of us, today's holiday serves great occasion to thank our beloved teachers, as well as refresh all the knowledge that, thanks to their professionalism and sensitivity, will help to pass the most important school test and become a springboard in new life. One of these teachers is undoubtedly a teacher of the Russian language and literature. Thank you so much for teaching us how to love native language be proud of its beauty and wide variety. You helped us to feel the depth of immortal works and get real pleasure from them. deep meaning and vitality. You have taught us to express our thoughts correctly and to navigate freely in the literary world. Thank you very much, because without this knowledge we now simply cannot imagine our lives.

Algebra and geometry teacher

One of the most important disciplines for every student is algebra and geometry. Thanks to them, we learn not only to perform various operations with numbers, to navigate in the construction geometric shapes and their corners, but we also begin to better understand the space around us, learn to think logically and increase our IQ. Today, under the farewell bell of the last bell, we are beginning to fully realize the invaluable work that you have invested in us, our dear teacher, the importance of the knowledge gained and huge role exact sciences in the life of every person who strives to achieve success in this life. Thank you for your patience, kindness and sincere love to the subject. We will try to please you at the upcoming final exams and promise not to lose the knowledge gained from you in the upcoming new life.

teacher in English

The modern world is hard to imagine without constant communication and interaction different peoples. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the English language, which helps people different nationalities communicate fully. This became possible for us thanks to the high professionalism of our respected English teacher. The last bell, which precedes the farewell to the school, gives us a great opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our teacher. You helped us expand the horizons of communication, knowledge and increase the level of cultural enrichment. Thank you very much for your invaluable work and the desire to pass on your vast knowledge. We are confident that we will pass the final exams with honors, largely thanks to your high professionalism.

Chemistry teacher

Today's holiday, the Last Bell, gives us a great opportunity to thank the teacher who helped us master one of the most important items, revealing the essence of things - chemistry. Thank you very much for revealing to us the amazing secrets of the structure. various substances and their compounds, for unforgettable experiments during which we were able to feel like magicians, for helping us understand how a small test tube can fit the whole world from molecules and atoms. We are immensely grateful to you for your patience, great love for the discipline taught and incredible professionalism. On the eve of the upcoming final exams, we want to promise you to show the maximum of our knowledge and try very hard not to let you down.

Physics teacher

The last bell has come, which means that soon we will have not only exams, but also a graduation party, symbolizing parting with the school and our beloved teachers, so today we want to express our deep gratitude to our dear teachers and, in particular, the teacher of physics. It is thanks to the invaluable knowledge that you have put into our heads that we know why we stand firmly on our feet, we understand that the creation of electricity is no less an exciting process than the birth of a new life and that atomic energy was created not to destroy people, but to serve the benefit of man. These and other discoveries have become some of the most amazing in our lives. The knowledge that you were able to convey to us will help not only to successfully pass the examination tests, but also simplify the solution of the tasks that life will set before us.

Geography teacher

Our beloved parents, when they brought us to the first grade, showed us how to navigate at school, but our dear geography teacher helped us master the geography of a huge planet called the Earth. Thank you for opening before us not only various cities and countries, but also the mysterious depth of the oceans and the vast breadth of the continents. There is no place on our planet to which we would not make an imaginary journey under your sensitive guidance. We will try very hard to please you with our results in the upcoming exams and carry through life all the invaluable knowledge that we have received thanks to you.

The holiday of the long-awaited Last Bell has been celebrated in the schools of the former Union since the 1970s. Many traditions have since changed or disappeared altogether, but official congratulations in poetry and prose to graduates of grades 9 and 11 still sound, and will forever remain an integral part of the celebration. At the same time, congratulations on the Last Bell 2018 are heard not only from the lips of the school administration, the first teacher, class teacher, parents and subject teachers, but the graduates themselves are not averse to giving beautiful wishes to all teachers, leaders, mothers and fathers.

Already the first lessons at school have long been forgotten,
And who today intends to remember them,
The last bell rang, the doors are open,
So run to meet the summer of your freedom!
I wish you my summer
With interest, with pleasure, with a smile on his face,
So that you know neither boredom, nor laziness, nor sadness,
But, so that you remember that there is still study waiting for you at the end!

A crowd of frantic guys is running,
It's like they broke out of prison
No, they're just celebrating
Day of the last call with pleasure.
You, my love, I wish this day
So that you can have fun without loss,
You are all the knowledge received within the walls of the school,
Use it in everyday life!

I look, dear, you completely hung your nose,
In the classroom on the door hook
You have the last call, why are you not happy?
From the fact that your youth hangs by a thread?
Do not be sad - all friends will remain with you,
Your happy days will not run away,
So enjoy this summer to the fullest
Be cheerful, light, energetic and cool!

Last time the bell has rung for you.
He congratulated you on the holiday of graduation,
But can this day be called a holiday,
If everyone is sad and hardly crying?!?
Don't be afraid, dear, of the last call,
Everything will continue to develop normally,
So spend your holiday fun
Loudly, in a friendly and informal setting.

Well, the hot season has finally arrived.
It's time for holidays, summer, fun to meet,
Come with you today until the morning
We will wander, and rock to the music!
The last call sounded to us like a signal,
Well, everything, now you can forget about school for a long time,
Well, who, tell me, of us did not wait for this day,
And it has come - it means summer holidays to be !!!

I congratulate you on the last call,
I wish you a happy journey into adulthood,
So that nothing knocks you off this very path,
And I want to go through it with you!
Let's let go of all the sad emotions today,
Let there be a little sadness in this holiday,
But we won't get a second chance to have fun
And with classmates, within the walls of the school, merge!

My dear, you have the last lesson today,
And soon the last bell will ring for the whole school.
And from this moment you are no longer a student,
A real adult, independent man.
I wish you to have fun today, forgetting everything,
May your heart rejoice at this holiday,
Today everything is possible, but also know the measure
And the rules of decency, if possible, observe!

Our bell is ringing, it is the last one,
Our dads and moms came to support us,
And we want to get out of school faster,
To hang out together cheerfully and noisily.
Take each other by the hand,
And ran away from this boredom
And you, dear, just take my hand,
Let's light the cities of this fire today!

You will have a friendly company today,
Your whole class will have fun
And maybe someone will be unaware,
That you have a holiday today - the last call.
I congratulate you with this, my dear,
AND have a nice evening I wish you
Remember that you are an adult and responsible now,
The familiar school door has opened to the future!

The carefree period of youth has expired today,
And sadly the last bell rang for you,
The years of school left behind, behind,
The life of adults with you is ahead of us.
My beloved, I congratulate you on this holiday,
And I wish you to find yourself soon,
I wish that our feelings with you always lived,
And so that love is still pure!

The signal for a new life was a call to you,
And adult life prepares its lesson for us,
Here it is impossible to write off and suggest,
But, only in your hands will your fate be!
With the last call, my love, congratulations,
Blue sky, clear thoughts, good luck,
May your dream always lead you to victory,
And may life be motherly kind to you!

Honey, it's so funny, you recently solved puzzles,
And on this day you are a full-fledged, adult graduate,
May good luck always be with you in life,
Let it be only with the fives of your fate diary.
Last call, it's a holiday, congratulations!
And the brightest, the most better road Wish,
May all your plans come true without fail,
And in general, everything in life will be excellent!

With victory, friends! The long-awaited moment of fate!
Blooming, elegant, June sometimes,
He came pleasant, cheerful, desired
Your joyful holiday your graduation day!
Bolder on the road! To your rainbow distances
Fly on the wings of a beautiful destiny
Let you be bypassed by sadness
And a lot of good things are ahead!
I wish you happiness, success, health,
Smiles of welcoming relatives and friends,
May it be a wonderful, bright road
To the world of bright discoveries and bold ideas!

Short congratulations on the last call

Let the exam in assignments
There will be no difficult obstacles.
Your wishes will come true
You will be happy with the university!

Where will you go on your journey
Technical school or institute,
Remember school days
Everyone has one!

Original congratulations on the last call to classmates

Let the last call not press on a tear!
We will remember the summer evening, the further path!
We are waiting for some victories, we are adults already!
We are not afraid of troubles and depression in the soul!
The school hardened us, gave us all the knowledge!
And for so many years gave us a lot of warmth!
We congratulate each other, we are waiting for another dawn!
We wish teachers health and long life!

Comic congratulations on the last call

The last bell rings -
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
He is much more victorious
What was yesterday!
Understandably, expect
Exams more...
They melt in the heat
Life is coming!
May there be a lot of happiness
And farta ahead!
Let the side of bad weather
Bypass you on the way!

Congratulation-wishes on the last call

School "Thank you" and "Thank you"
Write goodbye
On the board, but no mistakes
And with all my heart!
Let the last sound with might and main
The happiest call ever!
And the summer path lies already
To the crossroads of three roads:
Choose your job
Or college, or get married!
Show your mind or care
Ile with diligence work!

SMS congratulations on the last call, with Graduation

Remember school friendship
Always keep her
And school life is cool
You remember all the days!
Let the joy never end
Though childhood is behind!
And let everything work out
What do you want ahead!

A touching poem on the last call

School uniform, white bows,
Here is the last call.
It seems only yesterday and by the hand
We were escorted to the first lesson.

Time has gone fast, fast
Finished school this year.
Sadness and joy, a fixed gaze
Only forward, and bypassing melancholy.

Teachers are almost like family to us,
I'm sorry if I offended you.
Your hard work is now appreciated,
We have a good stock of knowledge.

Thank you for your kindness and care
Your kindness and kindness
She helped us, she was an example.
Thank you dear teachers.

Original Graduation Poem from a Graduate

Everything was familiar to us here.
Mom led by the hand.
Noisy yard and breaks.
There were broken knees.

And now it has become different.
I didn't recognize the dresses.
All the girlfriends that happened
Entertained in class.

The school shines with beauty.
Today is a new day for us.
We leave penates
Where did they teach us guys.

Diaries, pencil cases, pens
Not needed now. Fizruchka,
We wish the champions
Grow new, healthy ones.

I talk and almost cry.
School means a lot.
We don't say goodbye, dear.
School, you are the only one.

We were raised, thank you all.
Let's leave, but it's beautiful.
Goodbye, let's say school.
We'll be back. Be healthy!

Poems for the school prom

Now the bell will ring for others.
And it's time for us to say goodbye.
I'll tell you a beautiful poem about the school.
And we will go to our ball to gather.

We will remember this day forever.
He is the best in our young life.
We were not too lazy to study.
Although the path to success was not at all close.

The parents are now standing around.
And cry, and laugh, and sigh.
But with us next to the teacher is our best friend
They are like second mothers to all of us.

It's time to say - "Bye. Farewell"
Native school - it's sad to leave.
But we'll be back. So know.
In the meantime, we swear this verbally!

Original poems for Prom from a graduate (graduate)

The last bell rang
Exams passed and
Another one is over
Our last academic year.

And proudly say "Graduate!"
Director and teachers.
Graduation is here tonight
All my school family.

The words are solemn
From the stage of a small native.
"Look ahead, always dream" -
School advice is expensive.

I will remember with a smile
I have my training days.
I promise not to be sad
You too, school, don't be sad.

The years spent at school gradually open the world to the child. After spending 9 or 11 years at the desk, the student is already becoming a person, ready for a new, adult life. If in primary school the first teachers are increasingly conducting classes with children in game form, then later, gradually, schoolchildren are drawn into a serious, deep learning process. Already in the fifth grade, the children have subject teachers and favorite teachers. By the end of their studies at school, boys and girls, accepting congratulations on the last call from their parents and class teacher, realize to the end how long their path to the future was, how grateful they are to teachers for the gigantic work, knowledge given to them, patience. Of course, the Last Bell takes place in a solemn atmosphere, however, some of the formality of the holiday is “diluted” by the performances of graduates with remade songs, touching poems, sketches about school life.

Touching congratulations from parents on the Last call 2017

When preparing congratulations to graduates for the Last Bell, the teacher can discuss and choose a holiday scenario with the parents of schoolchildren. If desired, students can also join the preparation holiday events. Each of the students can offer their own version of performances - a dance, a song, a skit. graduation classes can present small concerts to teachers and moms and dads who came to the celebration. During the solemn part of the event, parents read congratulations in verse and prose to students who have graduated from school.

Examples of congratulations on the last call from parents

Last call to Russian schools calls at the end of May. At this time, studies are already over, but graduates are waiting for exams. Dressed in school dresses and aprons, schoolgirls stand next to their classmates in strict, "adult" costumes. They accept congratulations from parents who came to the holiday to support their sons and daughters entering adulthood.

Our dear children
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life path.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you do not meet troubles at all.

We also wish, dear, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw you away regret
And believe in your bright dreams!

Thanks to all the teachers who put in so much effort to ensure that our children finish school with such excellent results! Only we parents can understand how hard it was for you with our children. God bless you and thanks again!

How quickly you grew up
Our children are dear,
Didn't have time to look back
And you already have "graduation"
Roads open up
adult life in front of you
Lots of paths ahead
Make your choice yourself!
Just remember we're here
And we will help you, as before,
In a word, deed, a warm look,
After all, our love is boundless!

Original congratulations to subject teachers on the Last call 2017

Teaching is the most versatile of professions. Brilliant subject teachers teach in Russian schools, explaining to schoolchildren the basics of physics, chemistry, biology, patiently telling them the rules of spelling, teaching children algebra, geometry ... Of course, each of the graduates had and has his favorite subject. Schoolchildren who say goodbye to their native “penates” dedicate their congratulations to teachers who bring real knowledge to children.

Examples of congratulations on the last call to subject teachers

Every teacher who patiently explains his subject to schoolchildren seeks to convey to the child the deepest possible knowledge of the science he teaches. Very often, teachers help lagging students to "catch up" with the class, staying with them after class, doing it completely disinterestedly. It is to such wonderful subjects that graduates dedicate their congratulations on the Last Bell. It can be poems, songs, prose, small skits.

Poems for an English teacher

We read Byron in the original, And we watch an interview with the Queen, After all, we know English perfectly, Without leaving our homeland.

Our teacher, you are a teacher from God, We wish you happiness and love, And may the road be feasible for you, And only good luck awaits you ahead.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Biology is the science of the living and the world where we live. All living things in the world are akin to us: We are not alone in the world.

Isn't this a revelation for us? Thank you, congratulations! We will cherish this knowledge, To live in harmony with the world!

thank you geography

A long time ago, the ancestors considered: three whales worth the earth. All because the ancestors rarely traveled to foreign lands!

They didn’t want to open the textbook, They didn’t get into the Internet, They didn’t look on the map of the country, As if they didn’t exist!

Now we have an atlas of the world in front of us We wiped it to the holes, And thanks to geography, For opening the whole world to us

Congratulations to the graduate children from the class teacher on the solemn Last bell

The class teacher is a person who knows about the life of his students sometimes more than their parents. It is these teachers who have leadership abilities; they are able to rally the guys, organize any event with them. Congratulating their classmate on the last bell, schoolchildren thank him not only for the transferred knowledge in his subject, but also for the responsibility taken at one time for every girl and boy. In turn, the teacher gives parting words to almost grown-up children who are setting off for a new life.

Examples of congratulations on the last call - Poems to graduates from the class teacher

Congratulating graduates on the Last Bell, the class teacher can dedicate poems written to the whole class to them or wish them a good journey along the Road of Life. Examples of such original congratulations You can find former schoolchildren here.

The last time I stand before you,
How much I want to say.
I have loved you over the years
And I don't want to lose.
We have traveled a difficult path -
Resentment, tears and success,
But we always remained friends
And I love you all for it.
Maybe I didn't get much
Failed to explain to you
But, believe me, I really wanted
Teach you to think and love.
The stars will fade at dawn
Dew shines in the thick grass,
I am no longer responsible for you
But why is the tear running?
But why does it hurt so much in the chest?
And so the head is spinning?
Or maybe that's enough, that's enough?
Is it time to change profession?
But the voice of a cute first-grader
Made me forget everything.
But how without this cheburashka
At least one day to live?
And forgive me for everything
I was sharp sometimes
But you love our school
How we have always loved you.
I want your dreams to come true.
I want to see you happy.
I want to smile now.
Farewell, eleventh grade!

How I remember that day today
How we met for the first time.
You were so small
And they stood next to their mothers.

The years have gone by very quickly.
You have become completely different -
A series of problems awaits you
And another life, because they have matured.

Over the years, everything between us was:
Resentment, pain, victory, defeat.
I remember every happy moment,
After all, I loved you like my family.

I wish you all the implementation plans,
So that all your wishes come true!
And remember, no matter where you go,
Try to make a decision with conscience.

Do not bend before a difficult life,
You always look forward proudly.
Stay yourself forever
How do you stay young for me.

Graduation my class
For me, native
This graduation.
Tears on eyes,
Hide my glasses
I accompany you
Guys, girls.
I want from the bottom of my heart
Wish you happiness
kindness, love,
Get on your feet.
Don't be afraid to live
conquer dreams,
How can I be without you
Hey graduates...

A reworked song to congratulate your beloved teacher on the Last Bell

Often graduates congratulate teachers on the last call with a cheerful reworked song. As a rule, the melody of such a congratulation remains unchanged, and the verses are dedicated to teachers, funny incidents that take place in the lessons and breaks, and extracurricular life. Sometimes, when preparing a scenario for a farewell holiday with a school, the organizers of the event use ready-made lyrics. Some of them you will find here.

Examples of converted songs for the Last Call - Congratulations to the teacher

When preparing congratulations to teachers, students can prepare a cool reworked song for each of the subject teachers for the Last Bell. Separate musical scenes can be devoted to the "basic" subjects - "physics", "mathematics", "writer", "biologist". Guys can write the lyrics themselves or find them here.

(to the motive of the song "Chunga-Changa")

How we live together, have fun,
We learn notes, we sing songs.
Our school is our dear home,
And we can't live without school.

Our school is amazing
It's so fun for everyone
It's so great for all the people
Let it be so?
(Repeat chorus twice.)

Every student knows
That without a school, the world grows dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time.

Let the teacher be very strict with us,
I'll try to learn my lesson.
I will not be silent at the blackboard,
Give me a five star rating!

Once upon a time there was a teacher
To the tune of the song "A Million Scarlet Roses".

Once upon a time there was a teacher, he knew a lot in life,
But for the good he had a pointer and chalk.
He sowed warmth in children, gave knowledge of the world
Even though he had nothing, he loved his work.

Million, million, million scarlet roses
You give him, you give him at least once.
And at least once, and at least once you do not regret
For him, for him kind words love.
Even though he was sometimes strict: he could instruct deuces,
Who was late for the lesson, could not let him on the threshold.
I could call my parents, if the child was grumpy,
But he solved all problems cheerfully, as if jokingly.

For me, you are not more beautiful
To the melody of the song "You are not more beautiful" by Y. Antonov.

For me, you are not more beautiful
But I catch your eye in vain:
Like a vision, elusive
Between desks you pass by.

And I repeat again and again:
“You, not physics… You, not physics…
You are only my love!
I'm just a green boy for you.
And not in you, but in love with an object.
And in my eyes everything is hazy,
I love you, Mary Ivana.

But I believe that the day will come
And in your eyes the ice will melt.
I will receive a certificate or a certificate,
And love is on the mend.

Congratulations to parents on the line in honor of the last bell in grade 11

Waiting for the day of the last call, the most active parents schoolchildren prepare teachers and graduates congratulations. For each teacher, the end of the academic year becomes a kind of self-assessment of their own work done. Seeing the support and gratitude of the fathers and mothers of the children, the teachers understand that their work was not in vain. A new generation of boys and girls has grown up, perhaps future great scientists, mathematicians, doctors.

Examples of congratulations on the last call in the 11th grade of parents

As a rule, in each of the 11 classes, the preparation of congratulations to teachers and graduates on the Last Bell is done by parental committee, as well as those wishing to take part in the event of mom and dad. The most creative parents can prepare a fun flash mob for the whole school or even dance in front of all the classes gathered on the line. You can watch a video of original congratulations on the occasion of graduation here.

And dads and moms, thank you very much
We are all talking to you now
For help, support, for your participation,
Your work is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
Accompanied with love and patience
On that long school trip.

We hope in life big, unknown
Give us advice again
After all, even though the last call has already sounded,
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be a lot of pride
For all achievements later.
Today, just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
In the whole world we can not find.

You have always helped us in everything
And sleepless nights did not sleep.
We were taught, raised, treated,
Surrounded by their care.

On this day, together with us, you also
Our feelings are ready to share.
We spend our school years
We will never forget them!

9 and 11 years of schooling flew by quickly, and now new graduates are receiving congratulations on the Last Calls themselves congratulating teachers on the end of the difficult path they have traveled together. You can congratulate subject teachers and the class teacher both in verse and prose, funny scene, remade song. Dads and moms who want to sincerely thank the teachers for their noble work can prepare skits, dances for classes or organize a modern flash mob.

Saying goodbye to school
Here it has come in your life.
Last call this morning
He announced it loudly.

I wish you high rises
Bright discoveries and victories.
So as not to be forgotten in a new life
You are ten glorious school years.

Health, children, I wish you.
Be friends, love, always dream.
Let the wings give inspiration.
Good luck, don't be discouraged. ©

The last time the bell rings
Wet eyes.
I want you to be a team
Always stick together.

Remember school years
I wish you guys.
Happy to be always
Boys and girls.

Let you only be lucky in life,
All the best will happen.
It's only a pity that this school waltz
It won't happen again. ©

Today is a difficult holiday
You hurry to school.
The bell will announce the end
Academic years funny.

You will dutifully hand over your textbooks
And hide all the notebooks.
Those days were happy
Rich and sweet.

I wish you new victories
great achievements,
Go ahead to your dream
Without fear and doubt. ©

Today you will dance
Farewell school waltz
But you will remember for a long time
Your friendliest class.

After all, they gave a lot of glorious
you school years,
But do not forget the main -
Always be honest

Go easy, confident
On my way
To be true to your dreams
To find happiness! ©

greeting card

You've been waiting for this day for a long time
With hope, anticipation,
Now tears and sadness
You won't get back the moments.

Your last call is ringing,
Say goodbye to school.
Good luck and good luck,
Lucky happy days.

Let the heart keep warm
that you were given.
Let it come true, guys, everything
What you have been dreaming about for a long time. ©

Today we say goodbye to school
We have become older and smarter.
May good things not be forgotten
And we will remember all our friends.

Here comes the last bell
And sadness cannot be hidden in our eyes.
We will remember you school
Don't forget about us too!

Thank you, our relatives,
What they raised, taught us!
We won't forget these walls
They protected us.

Tomorrow will be first-graders
And again laughter, always flowers
And children who want knowledge
And bring light joy.

We wish our school
Let her graduates
Will be successful, not otherwise
And they are always lucky on the road.


Today, dear granddaughter,
I congratulate you, child.
Let there be a new rise high.

Be happy and believe in luck
Find trusted friends.
Love, of course, how else?
Go ahead and don't be shy.

I wish new discoveries
Good luck, peace, glorious years.
Live, my light, do not lose heart,
After all, this is the whole secret of happiness. ©


My grandson, beloved, kind boy,
It's time to say goodbye to childhood.
The bell will give a sign today,
Leave the schoolyard.

All doors are open to you
Choose your cherished path.
Just take with you honor and conscience
Don't forget about your new world.

I wish you to be healthy
So that the forces were to win.
Always set goals
And stubbornly achieve them. ©


My favorite girlfriend
Your last call is ringing.
Abandoned toys for a long time,
The final lesson awaits you.

I congratulate you today
I want to always be like this
Radiant, kind, winged,
Serious, bold, daring.

Let everything be as you dream.
Hope, believe and set goals.
You open the door to happiness
Be smart, don't guess. ©


I want to hug you my brother
On your important and happy day.
Last time to school today
Come on, dear brother.

And there's so much more to come
Life is to be known.
Let the fire of passion in the heart
It always burns so hot.

Let high aspirations
They just give inspiration.
And optimism and faith in happiness
They give confidence. ©

Cool voice congratulations on the last call


You have become independent
Your last call is ringing.
Today you are again in white bows
You're on your way to an important lesson.

I wish you grace
Let your life be bright.
Be successful, perky, bright,
You are my pride and love.

Let only those people be near
That in a difficult moment they will not let you down.
And I will always pray
May your work be fruitful. ©

"To parents"

Parents, don't cry dear
Today the school accompanies us
That's how we got really big,
And our friendly class flies into life.

Today we are "the best" in this world,
We are leaving the pranks of the pores.
Have given birth, do not cry, your children,
Worthy of you: beautiful and smart.

All nine years we had something new,
And there was something important for us.
Parents, do not cry, maybe soon
You will take your grandchildren to first grade.

"To the teacher"

The first teacher is extraordinary,
The most beloved and priceless!
He gives us the path to life
Knowledge brings good.

And on the day of the last call
We want to say to him:
"Thank you for raising
Goodness, they taught striving,

May your strength and labors
Will always be rewarded!
Love, energy and beauty,
May your cherished dreams come true!

Beautiful poems for the last call

On this warm spring day
The last bell will ring
Only school years
Will always be remembered.

Don't forget how we were friends
You were in a hurry to class.
Mischievous, fun class,
You dance the school waltz.

Let joy shine in your eyes
So that there is no sadness
And, according to all dreams,
Conquer the peaks for you! ©

Today, on this spring day,
You came to school with flowers.
The bell rings, it's time to say goodbye
You are happy and a little sad.

I wish from the bottom of my heart guys
You significant big victories.
Do not forget in adult life
Your happy school years.

Let what you thought
Hurry to come true
Let perseverance help you
Dream to fulfill your. ©

Congratulations on the last call
May he open the doors in happiness,
And give light outside the window,
To believe in the best.

May all dreams come true
Achieving higher goals
Only good dreams
Everything will be as they wanted.