Wishing you peace in the new year. Beautiful wishes for the new year in verse

As Russian folk wisdom says: “The less we remember about the holiday, the better we celebrated it!”. I wish you a “bad memory” for the New Year. Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year

Let the fight of New Year's chimes
Send a stream of happiness
A kind and fabulous Santa
Good luck bag!

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Wish for the New Year

On this New Year's Eve, when the president says his congratulations, when the chimes strike and the numbers on the TV screen change, you will make a wish. It will be the best, most cherished desire. So, let it come true!

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Christmas wish

There is very little left before the holiday, and this exciting fuss around you is growing more and more every minute. But let's just close our eyes and remember our childhood... Do you remember how you wrote a letter to Santa Claus asking for some gift? And my mother checked the mistakes in the letter. It's not good if Santa Claus has to deal with grammatical errors. And then under the Christmas tree with trepidation you were waiting for him ... Christmas is a holiday that brings us back to childhood. And the expectation of a holiday sometimes gives us happiness more than even the celebration itself. Not the last role here is played by a careful selection of gifts for relatives and loved ones. After all, giving is happiness! And what should be the gifts for Christmas? The same as the holiday itself: kind, selected with love. And the more love you put into your gift, the more joy you will see in the eyes of loved ones. Is this not happiness? Traditional gifts - symbols of Christmas are all kinds of angels, stars, Christmas wreaths with candles, in Catholic countries - santons, figures of the newborn Christ, manger, Mary, Joseph. And finally, just Christmas cards. Candles are one of the best gifts for Christmas. They are very diverse: large and small, gel and wax, in the form of New Year and Christmas figurines. In general, for every taste and color. At Christmas, candles are set in the center of the wreath, remembering the crown placed on the head of Jesus. They are lit by everyone; holy evening. In general, you can “Christmas”, make any gift Christmas with the appropriate design. Decorate the package or the gift itself with Christmas angels, stars, Christmas decorations, especially in red, gold, green Christmas colors. Such decorations can be made by yourself, for example, cut out on a stencil and pasted over with foil. You can work as Santa Claus and present a gift in a striped white and red stocking with a charming patch on the heel. The stocking can be very simply sewn by yourself from a striped patch or knitted.

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Happy New Year wishes to a businessman

Wish you next year
Good luck with any of your trades!
May God send not just food,
And the truffles pour into the plates!

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Happy New Year wishes for men

May the New Year not be too strict with you
And fulfills all cherished dreams!
I wish you that always from a hundred roads,
You found one - yours, without delay!

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Wish for the new year

Happy New Year Congratulations!
And we wish everyone together
To happiness and luck,
You've been stuck to for good.
To joy and fun,
In this bright new year,
Removed all nonsense
And saved you from adversity!

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Happy new year

I wish the new year only the best wishes,
More affection and worries - less boredom and suffering.
And let the good old Santa Claus do not skimp on gifts.
Then all this new year we will have fun together!

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Mystery for the New Year

A new year is coming to us.
He will bring something for everyone.
Guess my friends
What you can't live without
And that everyone is looking forward to.
What does the year bring?
Laughter, joy, smiles,
Another life, without mistakes,
Without misfortune and trouble
Bring us a new year.
You can simply answer "happiness" or any other word with the same meaning.

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New Year wishes for teachers

We congratulate you today
On New Year's day and hour.
We so hope that we will
That's just like you!

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Happy new year

Let everything that pleases and warms
In the new year will remain
And only good and positive,
It will appear in our hearts!
So Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May they be with you forever
Love of relatives, friends participation,
And peace for years to come!

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New Year's games toast wishes

New Year's games, toasts and wishes should exactly match the theme. THAT is, of course, to be New Year's.
New Year's games are selected taking into account the company in which they are planned to be held.
If this is a corporate New Year's event, then games on the New Year theme can be from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or related to New Year's elements.
For example:
The game "Elections of the Snow Maiden" (for leadership)
The choice of the Snow Maiden of the season
golden pens
The host announces that Santa Claus gives gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most expensive thing, that is, a man. For each participant, assistants are invited - men who will play the role of "gifts", and rolls of toilet paper are handed over, which will be the packaging material. At the command of the leading participant of the competition, they begin to “pack gifts” with toilet paper at their discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the whole action, after which the best “packages” are selected by general voting. The winners receive prizes and move on to a new stage of the competition.
Dance while you're young...
Participants, at the command of the leader, must dance three dances to the soundtrack: lambada, rock and roll and Russian dance. The phonogram is prepared in advance and all the contestants dance at the same time. The best dancers are awarded prizes and move on to the next stage.
Affectionate granddaughter
The named Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Each compliment must contain “winter” words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on. The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and the honorary title of the Snow Maiden.
Game "Dress up the Christmas tree" (team)
All those wishing to participate in the competition are divided into two teams. They are given two sheets of drawing paper with Christmas trees painted on them. “Decorations” are laid out on the table: drawings cut out of paper along the contour of objects with glued pieces of adhesive tape, so that it would be convenient to stick on the Christmas tree. As drawings, you can make both Christmas toys and any other items: dishes, clothes and shoes, etc. Blindfolded players select decorations by touch and "hang" them on the Christmas tree. The team that is the first to hang more “correct” decorations on the Christmas tree wins.
If this is a children's holiday, then the games are selected according to the age of the children.
For example:
Each child is given a "snowflake", that is, a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The smartest one wins.
"Catch the snow!"
The game is played by two teams. One child from each team has an empty bag in his hands, which he holds wide open. Each team has several paper snowballs. On a signal, everyone starts throwing snowballs into the bag, the partners also help, trying to catch them. The team with the most snowballs in the bag wins.
And so, in accordance with the company, you choose New Year's games. You can also adapt an ordinary game to a New Year's theme - take New Year's instead of the usual paraphernalia, give the characters New Year's names, and come up with a new New Year's name for the competition.
New Year's toasts and wishes.
New Year's toasts - toasts in which you talk about the New Year, wish something and be sure to drink for it.
For example toast:
Let's drink so that in the New Year everyone is wise and kind, fair and cheerful, there are more kind words and good health with a margin!
I would like to draw attention to the word "NEW". The New Year is a promise of a new one, which means that we will wait for the sun to shine more joyfully, and the wife will be new - it seems like she’s not her own, and she’s somehow not like that, and the alternative is new, prettier. I drink to a renewed life! To the New Year!
New Year's wishes are precisely the wishes for the New Year or for the New Year, this is what you wish someone in the New Year. Wishes differ depending on who you want to address it to (you need to choose the right wish). for example, a serious, more official one is suitable for a colleague; friend - comic with a joke; wife or beloved (beloved) with a romantic and lyrical bias; relatives and comic and beautiful ...
For example:
(joking to friends) I wish in the New Year chervonets poods, piles of bottles, a lot of fornication and a hundred friends!
(to a colleague, acquaintances) I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun ringing like ice
Smiles bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January! ...
The choice of New Year's games, toasts and wishes still depends more on who the wish is addressed to, in which circle of guests the game will be played or the toast will be read. And so on all your right :)

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sms happy new year

May this New Year be
The happiest in life!

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
And I sincerely wish you
To this New Year
Saved you the hassle!

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Poem - New Year's greetings and wishes

Happy New Year
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Love life!
And mutually!
And always hurry home.
If everything is fine at home
If there is someone to hug,
So there is some meaning
Live, work and walk!

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Happy New Year wishes to your loved ones, your soulmate. Of course, wishing your loved ones to wish is very pleasant and interesting. But still, it is worth considering your wishes in advance. The theme is clear - New Year. But your wishes can be very different depending on how much you know each other. At what stage is your relationship.
Wishes for the New Year can be poems, prose, messages, notes, postcards, SMS, toasts, etc.
If you have a playful relationship (candy-bouquet period). You can write something affectionate jokingly. For example:
My kitty. I wish you in the New Year that the bowl of milk is always full, that you always purr with pleasure and that we are always there. Kiss on the nose! Your pussy.
If you have been dating for a long time, then the wishes can be romantic - comic and, of course, it would not be superfluous to mention in them your feelings and emotions that were raging when you met.
Let me wish you a New Year: how to kiss me for the first time, how to feel the fire of love for the first time, how to stand under the window with a bunch of flowers for the first time and call me quietly in the evening twilight, how to invite me on a date for the first time and how to confess your love to me for the first time. And I, in turn, will answer you with my love. Happy New Year, my love! ... like the first time
For example, your relationship is elevated and serious. Then the wish for the New Year may sound like this:
My dear friend, my friend of the heart!
Sometimes angry and funny
Sometimes cheerful and carefree,
But, in general, sweet and dear.
I want to say my words
To make you feel today
All the power of devoted love.
So Happy New Year, my love!
So Happy New Year, my dear!
Saved from troubles and sorrows
Love pure and earthly.
If your soulmate is your spouse, then of course you can reflect both the family hearth and your intimate tenderness in your wishes.
New Year's Eve this night
let the frost knock on the glass.
I give you today
All the warmth of your soul.
For you to be healthy
Wouldn't hurt anymore
I want a good word
To warm you up this night.
Let the evil blizzard subside
It will take trouble with it.
So that you live singing
In the coming year.
And remember. What a wish can be and none. The first wish can be romantic, and dedicated to a personal partner. The second is already humorous, and then there may be wishes in the form of comic SMS (it will be like a game). And remember that when wishing loved ones, always talk about your feelings.

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Happy New Year

I wish you a Happy New Year
All the joys in the world
good health, love
And you and your children!

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Happy New Year

Let the New Year, under the beat of the clock
Happiness, joy will bring you ...
And tears, grief and trouble
Leave in the outgoing year!

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sms new year wishes for beloved man

I wish you new impressions, emotions and events in the New Year that you can share with old true friends! Happy New Year!

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Sms wishes for a beloved man

New Year is the time of new plans and fresh ideas! I wish next year there will be more fateful accidents!

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Happy New Year!

Another year of your life is coming! Promise to be a good boy? Will you mind? Will you quit smoking? Will you do sports? For what? No promises, just enjoy life in the New Year!

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Sms New Year's wish to sister!

I wish the New Year's fairy tale come true! Love and boundless happiness in the New Year!

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sms new year wishes to a friend

I wish that in the New Year all your plans come true and nothing interferes with the course of events! Good luck and good luck!

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sms new year wishes

They say that money is not the most important thing in life. I wish that in the New Year there will be more of this "non-main garbage"!

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Sms wish Happy New Year to the boss!

I wish you more strength, energy and health in the New Year! May what you wished come true and be pleasantly surprised by what you never dreamed of!

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Happy New Year Wishes for Women!

I wish that in the New Year children will please with success, your man will surround you with care and love, and you will be the happiest! Why only in the New Year?... Let it always be so!

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Happy New Year!

We are waiting for the New Year like children. We hide gifts under the Christmas tree, make wishes under the chiming clock and believe in Santa Claus. I wish that in the New Year he does not disappoint you and makes the most desired gift!

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Sms Happy New Year!

I wish in the New Year less reality and more fairy tales!

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Wish - Happy New Year

May every chiming clock
Will bring good luck!
Wishes come true
Let this new year!

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I wish you happiness, joy
Happy New Year.
May your destiny shine
It fills with happiness like a bowl.


Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Laughter, joke, no worries
Celebrate this New Year.


May the New Year that you celebrate
Have a happy year in your life!
And all the good things you dream about
It will happen, it will happen, it will happen!


Let there be a good New Year
Give happiness and luck
Bring love and joy
And all wishes come true!


May the New Year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness
Let the stars light up on time
May all your wishes come true!


Let him knock on the window
Happy New Year at midnight
All dreams will come true
Happiness, joy will bring!


Happy New Year!
Let the fun
Will make a housewarming in the souls,
And snowflakes at this hour
Kiss you for us!


Let the New Year be a fairy tale
Will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
He will bring you a gift with him!


Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!


I wish next year
Do not know worries, do not measure money,
Love, hope and believe!


Congratulations on the best
An ancient holiday cheerful,
The most tender and melodious
Snow-white new year!


Let the trumpets play louder for you today
And the lights illuminate your holiday brighter!
May a new, cheerful and joyful year
You will bring new happiness with you!


And I send you a sunny hello,
Much happiness, I wish you success
In the coming new year!


I wish you endless joy
I wish you the most faithful love,
I wish you strength, lots of health,
Happy New Year to you, my love!


Happy New Year my dear friend
May he be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that was passionately dreamed of,
It has become an amazing fate.


May the New Year with new happiness,
To the clink of glasses, he will enter the house,
And along with the smell of spruce
Health, happiness will bring!


Let everything bad sink into eternity
With the last breath of December!
And everything beautiful, alive
Coming to you in the morning of January!


Happy New Year, I congratulate you
New Year's greetings to you.
I wish you much happiness
In the upcoming New Year.


On New Year's Eve sparkle with snow
The wishes of each of us
So let hopes and dreams
All will be corrected immediately!


May the New Year bring you health!
May the New Year bring you happiness!
And leave all the good
And all the bad will take away!


Again on the threshold of the New Year,
May happiness await you in life!
Just worth the effort
Dreams will turn into reality.


When the hands of the clock converge at 12,
Earth will meet the New Year.
Let me smile warmly
Happy New Year to you!


Let on New Year's Eve
Wishes are made -
And every day, and all year
Let them come true.


It strikes 12 on the clock.
The New Year is already at the door.
He brought joy to your home,
Jokes, laughter, glasses clinking.


I want jokes, so much laughter
Enough for a year ahead.
To make it fun not only
Under the Christmas tree!


So that your affairs are in harmony with the dream,
So that the heart preserves great desires,
I want to wish this New Year!
So that everything that was planned was accomplished!


Congratulations, Happy New Year to you!
We wish you much happiness at this finest hour,
Strength, vigor, health and cheerful eyes,
New Year's adventures and other pranks!

Happy new year greetings in your own words

New Year is on the way! We are all looking forward to the holiday. On the eve of the celebration, I would like to wish you to feel all the joy from the magic of New Year's Eve. Let it turn into a fairy tale for you, and all adults, together with the children, will rush to open New Year's gifts under the sound of New Year's chimes.

I hasten to say the warmest words in this new year! May your life be colorful, your home be hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! The coming year ... (whom) is considered a year of good luck, luck and a favorable influence on all aspects of life.

Happy New Year! Let the mood be bright, like the lights on a Christmas tree, thoughts - clean and light, like the first snow, and the mood be playful, like champagne bubbles! I would like to wish that New Year's Eve brings a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Meet the New Year with a smile!

I wish you to celebrate the New Year in the circle of loved ones and relatives. And then 365 days to observe their happy smiles and rejoice with them. After all, the best gift is the happiness of loved ones!

Just a little bit of time left before the New Year. Champagne is already sparkling in glasses and everyone wants to realize their innermost dreams and aspirations in the coming year. So let's make not one but a whole dozen wishes to the chiming clock - one for each beat of the Kremlin's tower clock, and firmly believe that they will all come true, because it simply cannot be otherwise!

I wish you a wonderful Monday, a wonderful Tuesday, an exciting Wednesday, a sunny Thursday, a fabulous Friday, a gorgeous Saturday and a romantic Sunday. And let it be so every week in the New Year! Happy holiday!

Hello! It's Santa Claus that worries me. I brought you gifts, but I stopped in five more places in front of you, they treated me everywhere, it was somehow inconvenient to refuse ... In general, I can’t go any further. The Snow Maiden also lies in the firewood. So sorry, Happy New Year!

The world celebrates the New Year in different ways, but I prefer this holiday with my family to everything in the world. And first of all, I want to wish happiness to each of the people close to me who have gathered today at the same table. May the coming year pass cloudlessly, remain in memory as the year of fulfillment of cherished desires - and end again with our warm meeting!

I personally want to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing bother you, let everything that you do be done to you, let all the people with whom you communicate cause only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful thing that happened to you - there was a black streak of your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - white. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if not, then hope! Happy New Year!

May all be well with the one who reads this New Year's wish! Let dreams come true, and all undertakings bear fruit, so that the heart is warm and the soul rejoices at the wonderful moments that lie ahead. May the most cherished dreams come true with such ease and simplicity, as if they have always been with you!

Every New Year is a renewal and a chance to make everything better than before. May all plans, all desires and all dreams come true in the 20th year! I wish you perseverance, faith in yourself and the strength to do everything that is planned!

Congratulations on a magical, fantastic holiday, Happy New Year! May all failures, tears, all unfulfilled hopes remain in the past year. And the New Year will bring exciting meetings, welcome gifts, success and happiness. And at the moment when the clinking of glasses merges with the chimes, your smallest, but most intimate desire will come true.

Let the champagne sparkle
Let the tinsel sparkle.
Happy New Year.
Happiness, joy, kindness!

Happy winter holiday!
Let the lights shine in your eyes
Let only goodness live in the heart,
And in the house - comfort and warmth.

Make a wish now
You are your treasure.
On the night of magical, good fairy tales
Let it come true.

I wish you a miracle in the New Year!
I wish you happiness in the New Year!
And let every minute
The holiday fills with a fairy tale!

The magic moment is coming
Adds happiness to life
The New Year will be bright
Let inspiration come!

Happy New Year, with a new fairy tale,
Let all problems go away
Happiness will quietly penetrate the house,
After all, he is so much expected.

snowy new year,
Bright and joyful days
Funny jokes, round dance
Among relatives and friends!

May the soul always sing
Let the body not get tired
The mood will be cheerful!
Happy New Year!

The main holiday is the New Year!
Let him be without worries!
May he bring happiness
And the worries of the old year
Let him take it with you!

Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness, joy.
May health be strong
Purse - for money tenacious!

May the New Year bring you hope
Let there be wonderful moments in it,
Let everything be better than it was before
Everywhere - good luck, and amazing achievements!

We love this holiday since childhood,
We look forward to it every time.
Let it be warmed with good
This New Year is for you!

New Year is the time of wishes
The time of the best hopes and ideas.
Congratulations! Good luck, dreams,
And miracles, and fun undertakings!

The New Year is already knocking on the door.
May he bring you happiness.
The main thing is that we all believe in a miracle,
And then it will happen.

The holiday shines with colorful lights,
Let all the best happen to you
May the New Year bring happiness to the house,
Give instant health and goodness!

Let the magic happen on New Year's Eve
To make all your wishes come true.
And may your life be beautiful:
Full of joy, love, warmth and happiness.

Only happy changes
In the coming year!
Let dreams come true
Let them bloom with lush color!

Magic night
Wishes will be fulfilled
Soul warmth
And fill with happiness.

In our country, the New Year is the most favorite holiday, so I want to congratulate as many friends, relatives and close people as possible.

Usually congratulations sound a few hours before the chiming clock, when there is very little time left. In this regard, it is better to prepare wishes for the New Year 2018 short in advance.

In fact, it is very difficult to fit in a couple of sentences everything that you want to convey to loved ones, so we have made for our readers a capacious selection of wishes that may come in handy depending on the circumstances.

Wishes in your own words

Sometimes simple words spoken from the heart can touch much more than the most beautiful and pompous phrases in poetry. Feel free to tell your loved ones everything you feel about them, especially on New Year's Eve.

After all, this is a holiday when we all need attention, warmth and sincere words from friends and relatives. To cheer you up a little, we offer you several options for such congratulations in prose:

Let the mood be bright, like the lights on a Christmas tree, thoughts - clean and light, like the first snow, and the mood be playful, like champagne bubbles! And may this wonderful holiday bring with it a charge of optimism for the whole year ahead! Greet him with a smile and positive!

*** May loved ones and relatives always be healthy and happy, and luck and love will always be with you! I hope next year is exactly what you envisioned it to be! Enter the New Year with new desires and dreams!

*** I wish you chic Mondays, fabulous Tuesdays, wonderful Wednesdays, sunny Thursdays, beautiful Fridays, exciting Saturdays and the most romantic Sundays in the New Year! Happy holiday!

*** May your life in the New Year be as bright as a clear sunny day, as full as a glass of champagne, as carefree as the daughter of an oligarch. And may your eyes always shine with joy, positive, optimism!

*** I want to wish you health, happiness, joy and always big salaries! Let everything be new in the new year, but let friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Just like you are with us!

*** May the next year be better than the previous one - happier, brighter, more cheerful, serene. Health to you, prosperity, smiles of friends, Good luck, emotions and bright ideas.

*** May only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future. I wish you in the New Year - if you stumble, then about money, if you fall - then into your arms, if you cry - then from happiness!

*** May the New Year be successful for you in every way: on the personal front, at work, in the family, with friends. Good health and be happy! Happy New Year!

*** Happy Holidays to you! Let all doors open, desires come true, plans come true, dreams come true. Let happiness, like a magical snowflake, fall on your palm and never melt!

Congratulations for colleagues

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to say a toast in the presence of a large number of people. Some people are shy and cannot find the right words, especially if the proposal comes spontaneously.

Situations like this happen very often in corporate events. We will try to help you and offer several options for wishes to colleagues:

Let's raise our glasses and once again wave the burning sparklers over our festive table. I want to wish each of you absolutely the same as a year ago. After all, this is what allowed us to remain the same close-knit and professional team. Let's develop and keep the course only in front.

*** Another year has passed. He was full of various impressions, successes and yet sorrows. Let's draw conclusions from it and unacceptable mistakes in the New Year. Dear colleagues, let's drink to our career growth, family blessings and the health of our loved ones!

*** Dear colleagues, we are all waiting for something. Someone is waiting for a promotion, someone for a salary increase, someone for a vacation. I wish that in the coming year, all our expectations come true, and not only in terms of work, but also in personal matters. Happy New Year!

*** Let's have a drink so that Santa Claus will prepare a wonderful gift for our friendly team - a year of stability and prosperity. So that salaries grow faster than prices in stores, and work brings pleasure. Happy New Year, colleagues.

*** They say that happy is not the one who has all the best, but the one who is able to get the best of what he has! May our dear colleagues have more opportunities to get happiness in the New Year!

Warm words in verse

There are people for whom it costs nothing to write a poem. They are real lucky and can easily congratulate anyone on the New Year. However, it is worth noting that most people do not have such a talent, but they want to congratulate their loved ones beautifully and sublimely.

We bring to your attention a few topical poems that will be appropriate when meeting the year of the Dog, that is, 2018:

All the best to you, the best, Good luck in everything and a happy occasion. Let your worries be pleasant, Work brings good feelings. Let the New Year not bring grief, But only a great mood for you!

*** Happy New Year with a new happiness! Let bad weather bypass you, Laughter in an assertive stream Let it fill your whole house, Happiness jumps with it in addition, Luck will attach to them, And wealth at the same time Will fly through the window!

*** May your wishes come true! Everything bad will be forgotten! Love will come with hope, With unbridled passion! Let happiness be eternal, Health - endless, Dreams are all real, Ideas - only brilliant, Charge - only long, vigorous! Always! And happy New Year!

*** Happy New Year, with new happiness, With new joy, love. May the year bring you good luck, Laughter, smiles and health. Warms the heart with tenderness, fills the soul with kindness. Let the New Year be generous, The brightest, the best.

*** New Year's mayhem He managed to enter every house, And people, Christmas trees, Decorations, needles mixed up. Tangerines and firecrackers, And sweets, and outfits... Happy New Year! With a new step Into life with the taste of chocolate, Into life with a stream of beauty, Where dreams come true.

*** Under the chimes this time May all your wishes come true. Let the year go without trouble. More sweet victories! Let the year be filled with fun, Warmth, comfort, mood!

Funny and children's SMS Happy New Year

Laughter is part of our life. It warms our hearts, helps us overcome difficulties, and keeps many of us from falling into depression. Funny SMS Happy New Year is the best fit for the New Year holidays, because this holiday is filled with good mood and fun from beginning to end.

Funny SMS among teenagers has long become the norm. Why don't we send congratulations with jokes to our closest friends.

Funny for adults

Be in the New Year a Snow Maiden, a Beauty, not a fool. In a beautiful white coat. Cheeky, funny, bold!

When the clock strikes twelve, You don't have to hold out for long - Don't fall into Olivier's face, Be cheerful and well done!

Let Santa Claus - a burgundy nose, Good luck, money will give you a cart, The Snow Maiden secretly drinks cognac all year long. Well, the boss, a true friend, Will provide a thousand services!

Happy New Year! Do not be naughty, If you drink, have a snack. In the morning, let the heat of the girl Bring a hangover.

I wish you not to part with your loved ones, to meet with friends more often! Just get married with happiness, Admire the wondrous Nature, Communicate with everyone with joy, And achieve the necessary goals, Adversity, not be afraid of mistakes, Live with optimism and laugh!

Cool for kids

Happy New Year! Let the frost Do not pinch the blue nose. And in the face of a gray-haired grandfather Will bring a lot of gifts!

Santa Claus - he's just a grandfather, In a fur coat, dressed in felt boots. If you dance with him, You can give a hundred gifts.

Let Santa Claus bring you a bunch of gifts today: Candies - a bag, toys - a hundred, Enough for a whole year.

Let this New Year be both white and fluffy, Sweet-sweet, like toffee, But useful, like compote!

A trio of hares dashingly jumps, In a sledge - a good Santa Claus! Happiness is lucky for us, good luck And a whole load of fun!