The child fell into the school yard. In the Tyumen region, a child died while returning from a lesson

According to the Tyumen portal, paving stones collapsed under the feet of the deceased boy, the child fell into a deep hole and choked.

“An ambulance was called at 12:05 p.m., but, unfortunately, they managed to get the child much later and already pronounced dead,” Alexandra Malygina, spokeswoman for the Tyumen Region Health Department, told

According to eyewitnesses, the boy, having fallen into the sewer, died from choking. The failure was almost 3 m deep. Rescuers searched for the schoolboy's body for more than an hour.

“The pit where the child fell into appeared right in the paving stones, in the school yard. The boy could not be found for about 1.5 hours. At the moment when he fell underground, several more children were running nearby. And then they began to shout: "Fell, fell!". The teacher was also there. Everyone ran to the failure, they thought that they would immediately help. But they could not find the child, the hole is deep. Then the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an ambulance and other services arrived: the police, investigators, prosecutors, ”an eyewitness to the incident, a resident of the village, told the portal. Vikulovo.

Now the school has been evacuated, the territory of the failure is fenced off. Investigators, representatives of the Main Directorate of Construction of the Tyumen Region are working at the scene of the incident.

Specialists examine the scene and organize the necessary emergency and recovery work.

In addition, the regional department of education reported that in the near future their specialists will begin mass inspections of all educational institutions in the region. They will check everything for safety: from the territories of schools, kindergartens and colleges to the condition of buildings.

Upon the death of a child, a criminal case was initiated under the article "causing death by negligence." The investigation is ongoing.

On September 13, mourning was declared on the territory of the Vikulovsky district. Now psychologists are working with the parents of the deceased child.

The press service of the government reported that this family will be provided with material support from the regional budget.

Recall that in July in Krasnoyarsk, a 3-year-old child choked, who fell into a well with sewage. The kid ran across the grassy area, fell into an open manhole filled with water and drowned.

And in 2015 on the street. Alekseev, a woman with a baby carriage fell into a pit with hot water.

The carriage miraculously remained on the road, and passers-by got the woman.

Then the former head of the Soviet district, Yuri Yegorov, assured that there was no hot water in the pit, and advised journalists to dive there to check it out.

An eight-year-old boy died after falling into the ground on the territory of a school in the district center of Vikulovo, Tyumen region. According to media reports, a student of school No. 2 in the village of Vikulovo fell into the ground around one in the afternoon.

Residents of the area believe that the paving stones under the boy could have been washed away by spring flood waters. Others write that sewage waters became the cause of the collapse.

A message about the death of a child in Vikulovo appeared on the official telegram channel of the press service of the governor "News of the Tyumen Region". According to official data, a sinkhole occurred on the territory of school No. 2.

“Children walked around the school grounds, returning from the lesson around the world. At some point, the asphalt under the boy collapsed, and the child fell into the ground. There was no water in the pit,” said Olga Frolova, spokeswoman for the Tyumen Region Governor.

The man who was nearby jumped after the child, but could not climb into the hole formed in the ground and managed to get out with difficulty. The hole in the ground was so narrow that firefighters had to be called in to remove the child's body, one eyewitness said.

As a result of an organized search, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations found an eight-year-old boy. When the rescuers got the child out of the pit, he was already dead.

Pit and dead boy at Vikulovskaya school | Photo: / VKontakte

In connection with the tragedy, the head of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev held an emergency meeting. The school was evacuated, the place of the failure was fenced off. Investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia are working at the scene.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda-Tyumen Investigative Committee of the Tyumen Region stated that a criminal case had been initiated into the death of the boy under Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence).

To assist the district authorities, a group of specialists from the Main Directorate for Construction of the Tyumen Region left for Vikulovo. They have to examine the place of emergency and organize emergency recovery work.

Vladimir Yakushev expressed condolences to the family of the deceased boy.

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The school was evacuated, the place of the failure was fenced off. Investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia are working at the scene.

An eight-year-old boy died after falling underground on the territory of a school in the district center of Vikulovo, Tyumen region. The press service of the Tyumen governor has already called in connection with the incident Wednesday, September 13, "a black day."

According to a URA.RU source, a student of school No. 2 in the village of Vikulovo fell into the ground around one in the afternoon. According to one of the local residents, the children went to the lesson in the school yard, and the boy fell through the ground. The man who was nearby jumped after the child, but could not climb into the hole formed in the ground and managed to get out with difficulty. The hole in the ground was so narrow that firefighters had to be called in to remove the child's body, one eyewitness said. The cause of the tragedy, local residents believe the erosion of the sewer.

The message about the death of a child in Vikulovo appeared in the official telegram channel of the press service of the governor "News of the Tyumen Region". According to official data, a collapse of the soil occurred on the territory of school No. 2. As a result of an organized search, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations found the body of an eight-year-old boy.

In connection with the tragedy, the head of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev held an emergency meeting. The school was evacuated, the place of the failure was fenced off. Investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia are working at the scene. To assist the district authorities, a group of specialists from the Main Directorate for Construction of the Tyumen Region left for Vikulovo. They have to examine the place of emergency and organize emergency recovery work.

There is mourning in Vikulovo today - a small village in the Tyumen region mourns the 7-year-old Serezha (name changed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation - ed.). On September 13, a sinkhole occurred right in the schoolyard. A second-grader playing with friends fell into the pit. They got the dead Seryozha an hour later. Details of the tragedy that thundered throughout the country in the material.


It is hard for parents to talk about Serezha's death - he was the only and long-awaited child in the family. They still cannot believe that their son is no more. They can't say anything about their child yet.

All Vikulovo cries, everyone loved Seryozha, he was a long-awaited child in the family, - Anna, the boy's aunt, tells Komsomolskaya Pravda.

He remembers: Seryozha was a sympathetic and hardworking boy. He loved to pick berries and go fishing with his grandfather, he took care of his younger cousins. In October, the child was supposed to be 8 years old.

He was kind, obedient. I even liked to wash. Never offended girls. At school, he was said to be a capable, responsible, promising student. I grabbed everything on the fly. I dreamed of a gold medal, - says Anna.


On that ill-fated day, September 13, the child was returning from a lesson around the world. With a company of children, he walked through the school yard. At some point, Serezha stepped on a sagging section of paving stones and the ground collapsed.

The school driver rushed to pull the boy out of the failure. By jumping into the hole, the man risked his own life, but he could not get the second grader. Rescuers, who were immediately called to the place of emergency, searched for the child for more than an hour. Found. But it was too late - the boy died.

On the fact of the death of Serezha, a criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence).

Today in the UK in the Tyumen region stated: the child drowned.

Whose death was caused by drowning, says a press release posted on the website of the Investigative Committee.

The stingy lines of the official document further emphasize the circumstances of the tragedy.

At the initial stage of the preliminary investigation, it was established that on the indicated day in the daytime there was a collapse of the concrete floor of the sewer tank located under the ground on the adjacent territory of the school, as a result of which a student of the school born in 2009 fell into the tank, the investigators write.

The place is still cordoned off by the police.

Investigative actions are going on day and night, the investigation team is on its feet for the second day, - said the press secretary of the RF Investigative Committee for the Tyumen region Anastasia Lepekhina - we are establishing the circumstances of the tragedy.

Flowers, toys... People are lost: everyone has children who go to the village school Photo: Dmitry Terentiev

A group of specialists from the Main Directorate of Construction of the Tyumen Region arrived at the site of the emergency - they inspect the site of the emergency and organize the necessary emergency and restoration work. In all schools and kindergartens of the region surveys of adjacent territories are carried out.


Mourning has been declared on the territory of the Vikulovsky municipality. Near the school there is a memorial stone. People bring flowers and toys. A cute little white boy looks from the photo. Holding back emotions is impossible.

“We are all in shock, because here everyone knows each other. All of our children go to this school." The area is in mourning. People are upset and sympathetic. Psychologists work with Serezha's parents, - says the head of the district, Alexander Krivolapov. The day before, he promptly informed the governor of the region about the tragedy in the village. Now in the Tyumen region, all schools and kindergartens are being additionally examined. This is the receipt of the head of the region Vladimir Yakushev. Psychologists meanwhile, as they can try to help the relatives of the deceased child.

In such situations, people seem to fall into darkness, says Tatyana Gavrilina, head of the psychological service of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital. - When a loss occurs, a person goes through a series of emotional stages. First, fear and rejection, then emotions of anger, aggression towards oneself and others, and then devastation. Parents who have lost children are especially acute in this state, and often experience a sense of loss of the meaning of life.

Both adults and children are shocked. School class canceled Photo: Dmitry Terentiev

When asked how to help, the psychologist answers - you can not leave a person alone with pain. To get rid of the emotion of loss, you need to speak out and cry. This is a long process, the pain does not go away in one day, it persists, but dulls.

Seryozha's funeral will most likely be tomorrow. The organization was taken over by the municipality. The regional government decided to provide assistance to the family. Only the boy will not be returned.


Until all the necessary measures are taken, and the experts do not give a final conclusion on safety, we do not start the educational process, - says Vladimir Yakushev. He asked the district authorities to ensure maximum security for those people who will inspect the school.

At the time of the survey by specialists of the territory and the building of the school, the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are on duty around the clock.